

Yesterday, after finishing discussing the proposed structure of my March column with my "rude junior," we got to talking about Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


He was acclaimed highly in the following phrase,



"If an appeal to humanity doesn't work for you, I'll appeal to your egoism: the future of Ukrainian citizens is the future of Leaflet."




I love this phrase, too, so I reposted it.


You know that I do not have the qualities to preach "humanitarianism" or "humanity" or "morality" or "public interest" to others.

もし一回でも「人道主義」を口にすれば、その後の人生において、それが自分に纏(まと)わりついてくるに違いない ―― という、変な思い込みもあります。

I have a strange belief that if I say "humanitarianism" even once, it will stick with me for the rest of my life.


That is why the "excuses of 'selfishness'" is the greatest gift for people like me.



So here's my conclusion for today.

―― もし、私の「利己主義」を発動させたいのであれば、私(江端)が無視できないほどの優れたOSSを開発をすべきである

"If you want to invoke my "selfishness", you should develop OSS so good that I (Ebata) cannot ignore it!"


That's it.


At present, my "countries where self-interest might be triggered" are

米国(PostgreSQL,Gun Emacs, C/C++、golang、AWS)、フィンランド(Linux), スイス(u-blox),イギリス(Raspberry Pi)ですね。

USA (PostgreSQL, Gun Emacs, C/C++, golang, AWS), Finland (Linux), Switzerland (u-blox),UK (Raspberry Pi).

この理屈で言えば、私は『日米安保"支持"』 ―― どころか『日米安保"絶賛"』になります。

By this logic, I am not only a "supporter" of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, but also a "praise" of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty.


I know that my support will not be enough to help them, however.

『World Peace Through OSS (OSSによる世界平和)』

"World Peace Through OSS"


I think there are many people (IT engineers) in our country who are moved by the phrase.



Yesterday was our wedding anniversary.


I picked up my wife from work at the station and headed out for dinner.

車を走らせながら、店を選ぶことにしましたが ―― 「マック」「サイゼ」「バーミヤン」はないとしても、「丸亀製麺」「立川マシマシラーメン」には、ちょっと引きつけられました。

As I drove around, I decided to choose a restaurant -- even though there was no "Mac", "Saizeria", or "Bamiyan", I was a bit drawn to "Marugame Seimen" and "Tachikawa Masashi Ramen".


However, as a wedding anniversary, I thought it was out of the question.


The choice was narrowed down to two options: conveyor-belt sushi and Chinese food, but in the end we decided on the latter.


Two of us ate Szechuan hot pot (bright red hot pot) with fried rice.



The Ebata family has no problem with most spicy food, partly due to my influence (I make a lot of very hot curry).


According to my daughter, she complains that she is no longer able to empathize with 'spicy food' when she eats spicy food with her friends.



It was a long time ago, but I wrote a column, whose title was


'Is There Enough Electricity in Japan? --Let's try to verify it by converting it into "the number of maids"'

というコラムで、大停電 ―― ブラックアウト について書きました。

about major power outage -- "blackout".


In my estimation, the blackout in Japan will occur in "mid-summer".

まさか、地震 → 発電所停止 → 寒波 → 真冬のブラックアウト で、その危険がやってくるとは予想もしていませんでした。

I never expected that the danger would come in the form of an earthquake → power plant shutdown → cold wave → midwinter blackout.


The "Power Tight Alert".


ところで、大声では言えませんが ――

By the way, there is something I can't say out loud.


One of the quickest ways to promote electric vehicles (EVs), renewables, and large-scale energy storage systems is to have frequent power outages.


By analogy, an EV is a moving storage battery, so a single-family home may be able to guarantee electricity for a few hours.


In reality, it is not that simple, as a DC to AC conversion device is required, which is expensive and requires installation work.


In countries where power outages were common (such as India in the past), each household was equipped with a battery, which was utilized during power outages.

しかし、上記のコラムにも書いていますが、電力は「社会システムの血液」ですので、これが安定供給されない社会は、不安なインフラを抱えることになります ―― これは、人命に関わることです。

However, as noted in the above column, electricity is the "blood of the social system," and a society without a stable supply of it will have an insecure infrastructure -- this is a matter of human life.



It may seem that the only way to achieve carbon neutrality is to 'restart nuclear power plants.


However, as you know, our country has had a lot of bad experiences with nuclear accidents.


In addition, it is said that another 200 years will be needed to complete the decommissioning of nuclear power plants.


In general, our country and nuclear energy, be it nuclear power or atomic bombs, are thoroughly incompatible.



As an ambitious idea, I will propose

―― 計画的ブラックアウト

"Planned blackout"


『EVと分散蓄電池 + 自然エネルギーで、社会インフラを支える国家』というビジョンは、多分、世界を驚かすと思いますが、どうでしょうか?

I think the vision of "a nation that supports social infrastructure with EVs and distributed storage batteries + natural energy" will probably surprise the world.



By the way, when I was about 20 years old, most of the people who were doing research on "solar power" were called 'idiots' who were wasting their research money on unrealistic research.

これは本当です ―― なにしろ、大学時代に私が所属していたゼミの話ですから。

This was true -- anyway, this is the story of my laboratory in college.



I was quite surprised when I was told about the "principle of national treatment" among the three conditions of the Paris Convention.


Furthermore, I was astonished when I learned about the "most-favored-nation treatment" under GATT (I learned it from the TRIP article).


Most-favored-nation treatment is "the granting by one party to a treaty of commerce and navigation or commercial agreement of treatment no less favorable than that of a third country which gives the most favorable treatment to the other party in matters of commerce, customs, navigation, etc." -- but


To put this in a meta-expression without fear of misunderstanding, it is O.K. to understand it like this: "If you sell rice to a foreign country, you must sell it at the same price as the country that sells the lowest price.


Moreover, the rule is very open: "We don't care whether the country selling at the lowest price is a member of the WTO or not.


Needless to say, modern international trade has been supported by this "most-favored-nation treatment.

この「最恵国待遇」による国際貿易は、「World Peace through Trade(貿易を通じての世界平和)」の理念の一つであり、ニューヨークのマンハッタンに"The World Trade Center"が設立趣旨と聞いたことがあります。

This "MFN" international trade is one of the principles of "World Peace through Trade," and I have heard that "The World Trade Center" was established in Manhattan, New York.


Well, it was later doomed to collapse in the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States.



I'm trying very hard right now to remember what it used to be like.

―― 「最恵国待遇の『撤回』」って、どの条文を適用するんだっけ?

"Which article applies to "the 'withdrawal' of MFN treatment"?"


I am doing a lot of research on this.


Of course, this refers to the "withdrawal of MFN treatment" of Russia by the G7 countries, but I don't recall studying such a case.


So, after a long time, I opened the "Six Laws of Intellectual Property" and read through them, but I still could not find such a "sanction clause".


Then the last article of the TRIPS Agreement,


第七十三条 安全保障のための例外

Article 73 Exceptions for Security


Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as providing for any of the following

(B) 加盟国が自国の安全保障上の重大な利益の保護のために必要と認める次のいずれかの措置をとることを妨げること。(iii)戦時その他の国際関係の緊急時にとる措置

(B) Preventing a Member State from taking any of the following measures that it deems necessary for the protection of its vital security interests (iii) Measures taken in time of war or other emergency of international relations

(C) 加盟国が国際の平和及び安全の維持のため国際連合憲章に基づく義務に従って措置をとることを妨げること。

(C) preventing Member States from taking measures in accordance with their obligations under the Charter of the United Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security



I wonder if the G7 countries apply the above article.


In other words, it could be interpreted as 'It is not a provision that must be observed until (1) Japan is in a state of war, (2) Japan is disadvantaged, or (C) Japan is in violation of the Charter of the United Nations.


I see, hence the (strange) phrase 'withdrawal of "MFN treatment"'.


But there doesn't seem to be any provision for "expulsion" from the WTO in TRIP, only "withdrawal" from GATT Article 31 here.


In any case, it seems to me that "withdrawal of MFN treatment" is about as powerful as "nuclear missiles on trade".



And well, now I am escaping reality because I cannot identify the conditions under which a bug in the program occurs.

# 今、特定および修正完了しました。午前3時です。

# Now identified and corrected. It is 3:00 AM.


2年ぶりに、スキー場に行ってきたのですが ―― 散々な目に合いました。

For the first time in two years, I went to a ski resort -- and I had a bad experience.


I had no choice but to do the first one or two "falls" and "off the board," but I had to continue to course-close that condition.


Above all, I was shocked by the fact that "it is no longer possible to ski down slopes of 2 to 3 km in length all at once.


I have skied down the slopes of Whistler Blackcomb (Canada), with a height difference of 1,600 meters, in one fell swoop, and I have even taken a helicopter downhill from the summit.


That is the regular intermediate course as well as the expert course. How miserable I am.


Usually by the afternoon, the feeling of being on skis disappears and a heightened sense of togetherness emerges, but this time, I ended the entire day feeling exhausted.


After pulling off the slopes, my strength to take off my ski boots or unbutton my clothes disappeared, and I could not move at all.


I am honestly shocked.



Although the food at the ski resort is improving, I still don't think the quality is worth the price.


So this time, I bought some pastries at a convenience store and nibbled on them at the lodge on the slope.


This time, I skied from 9:30 to 16:00, with the exception of two breaks, so I may have been overworked, but I still estimated it to be enough for calorie counting purposes.



This was similar to the symptoms I had when I was in junior high school, when I had no money, and on a whim, did a 100 km round-the-peninsula bicycle ride, and was completely immobilized.

―― ハンガーノック?

"Hunger knock?"


Hunger knock is a phenomenon in which a person continues to exercise without feeling hungry, even if he or she is not hungry, resulting in an extremely low blood sugar state and using up all the energy to move the body.


I have been working from home recently and have been running low on food and drinking water. Not to mention the lack of exercise.


If I has not exercised for two years and has been exercising for about five hours straight, a hunger knock is quite possible.



On the highway on the way back, I had a sleeping spell that felt completely dangerous and I had to flee to a nearby PA.


And as soon as I stopped the automobile, I passed out (that was not the level of "napping").


After that, I had no appetite, but I implemented a forced intake of ice cream and other foods for my return home.



In general, there is a single word that describes all of these phenomena.


"I'm getting old"



It's inevitable that I "get old."


However, a decline in muscle strength and endurance will reduce one's range of motion (range of action).


I want to maintain a body that can go anywhere in the world at a moment's notice until just before I die.




Oh, by the way, I am working hard on indoor pull-ups.


The other day, I was able to achieve four consecutive Ebata-style pull-ups(*).


(*)Using a bar set up on the roof of Ebata's room, a cheater's pull-ups are considered "one time" just by hitting your head against the ceiling.


By the way, I couldn't even do "once" today.


I have muscle aches all over my body and it is very difficult to get downstairs.



On Friday, I knew of the "three-day weekend" and then decided that if I missed it, I would not have another chance this fiscal year.


So, over the past two days, I have been frantically writing a column manuscript and have just submitted it to the editorial office.


I'm going to bed now (10pm) with a bump of sleeping pills.

"Happy Skiing day of the year!!"


- I can arrive within 3 hours from your home.


- There are some extreme slopes (expert courses).


- Even in March, the snow quality is relatively good


Considering the above conditions, it is inevitably "Kawaba Ski Resort".


Thinking back, I have not been to any other ski resort but this one for the last 10 years.


Before I could change my mind, I also just purchased a ski pass online.



So, I am completely off tomorrow, once a year.


I am going to a "ski camp" of only one person.



I have been watching "TV Tokyo BIZ" since before the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


I like this program.


This is because the commentator appears to have studied and researched the subject with great care.


I do not believe that commentators need necessarily be "experts".


Rather, I find it more useful to have a hypothesis (a humble hypothesis) derived from it by a person outside the field, using up-to-date news sources and quantitative figures (including history).


専門家、論者、有識者といわれる皆さん ―― 『うるさい』

To all the so-called experts, commentators, and pundits -- "Shut up.


Please don't bring your "sad" or "terrible" or "righteous" or whatever into me.


I am not interested in a single millimeter of your comments laced with your desires (ideals, ideals).


What I look for in a news commentary is "matters explained with figures" and an objective "view" derived from those facts.


It is a normal forecast, normally guided by normal thinking, just as water flows to a lower place.



In "TV Tokyo BIZ," before the war began, the following commentary was given


"Based on objective information, it is common to assume that there will be no invasion of Ukraine.


"Because it is impossible to maintain effective control over the whole of Ukraine in terms of troops and financial resources.


"Still, wars throughout history have generally started with the unexpected. We don't know what will happen this time either."


Right now, that is exactly what the program predicted would happen.


The figures used in "TV Tokyo BIZ" were very rough, about the number and type of personnel and armaments, the area of Ukraine, and the expenses required to continue the war, but they were very clear to me.


To all of you who are called experts, orators, or intellectuals.


If you are going to talk about this war, please first study enough to be able to slur these figures before discussing them.



For example, Ukraine's current population is 44 million.


And just over 2 million people have now fled the country.


In other words, only less than 5% of the population is able to escape.


he majority of the population has not been able to leave the country.


Poland has a population of 40 million, Romania 20 million, Slovakia 5 million, and Moldova less than 3 million.

ここに、ウクライナの人口の半分、2000万人が逃げこむことができるか? ―― できるわけがない。

Can 20 million people, half of Ukraine's population, flee here? -- It can't be done.

そして、国内に残っている4000万人の反ロシア感情(一部、親ロシア派もいる)で一致する国民を、ロシアは実効支配できるか? ―― かなり難しいだろう。

And can Russia effectively control the 40 million people remaining in the country who are united in their anti-Russian (and some pro-Russian) sentiments? -- It will be very difficult.

出典: 北大西洋条約機構(NATO)について(https://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/files/100156880.pdf)


Here's how "TV Tokyo BIZ" describes it (I just spent 5 minutes looking up the numbers above).


Therefore, I keep track of the news regarding the invasion of Ukraine only on "NHK" and "TV Tokyo BIZ".



There is this "invasion of Ukraine" and an invasion that (from my point of view) was carried out for almost the same reasons and under the same conditions.


The "Czech Incident" was a military intervention (1968) by Soviet Union-led (now Russian) Warsaw Pact Organization forces.


You may remember them from "Prague Spring" and "The Brezhnev Doctrine."


(Incidentally, Ebata tends to abuse the term "doctrine," but he is quoting from this (Brezhnev Doctrine).



The "Prague Spring" was the following activities of Czechoslovakia, a socialist state, under the slogan "socialism with a human face" within the socialist system.


(1) Breaking away from one-party rule to the Communist Party


(2) Economic reforms of capitalism, such as the expansion of corporate responsibility and the introduction of market functions


(3) Liberalization of speech and artistic activities


(4) Strengthen economic ties with the West through the introduction of science and technology



The "Czech Incident" was an incident in which Warsaw Pact forces (in effect, Soviet forces) suppressed this activity by force, toppling the current government and establishing a more Soviet (puppet) government.



I, looked up the time between the military intervention and the armed suppression of this "Czech Incident"

―― たったの2日間

It was "Only two days"



At this time, the public did not fight back, and the West effectively tacitly endorsed the "Brezhnev Doctrine.


で、まあ、そういうことを知っている私は ―― 正直に言いますが、

And, well, I know that kind of thing -- I'm going to be honest with you.


I thought, 'This invasion of Ukraine will end in four days, with Russia in control'


In addition, the pattern of the invasion of Afghanistan was assumed: "After that, Russia will be forced to withdraw after 20 years, after being tormented by guerrilla activities in Ukraine" (this is the same as the US Vietnam War).


So now I am really surprised.

―― 20世紀から現在に至るまでの、列強支配のパラダイムやメソッドは、もはや当てはまらなくなっているのかも

"The paradigms and methods of power domination from the 20th century to the present may no longer apply"


I realize that.



So, Ukraine Support, from what I have been able to find out, this is not a scam site or anything like that.


There is also a page in Japanese.


I am considering various types of assistance from the above mentioned sites.


You can also register as a volunteer here.

"IT Product Management"でエントリー登録しても、『ロシアへのサイバー攻撃に参加してくれ』と言われることはないだろうとは、思っていますけど。

"I don't think if I register for an entry in IT Product Management, I will be asked to 'participate in a cyber attack on Russia'.


I am not sure whether I will be tried under domestic laws.



Ukrainian aid is spreading around the world at a pace I have never seen in my life.


As for the aid,

―― 御託(ごたく)はいいんだよ! 金出せ、コノヤロー!!(泉谷しげるさん風)

"You don't care what someone says! Give me the money, motherfucker! (Shigeru Izumitani style)


I think this stance is totally O.K.

例え、メディアやSNSによる情宣に影響されていたとしても ――

Even if we are influenced by media and social networking propaganda --


There was a video of a child being killed within the borders of a country.


Unless there are images of children being killed on the other country's soil.


I am willing to "stop thinking".


No better reason is needed to support a country where children are being killed.



I want to follow this feeling of mine, but I am concerned about certain (unimportant to others) things.

アフガニスタン、ミャンマー、チベット、ウイグル ―― 私は、何もしてこなかったなぁ、と。

Afghanistan, Myanmar, Tibet, Uyghur -- I have done nothing.


This formidable "guilt" is holding me back from making me move.


If something was about "personal reasons", I'd "fire" easily...




I'm working hard on GIS software right now, and last night I was looking up the prerequisite OSS (leaflet) because I couldn't figure out how to use the API.


That is how I came across this page.


And the phrase written there caught my attention.

"If an appeal to humanity doesn't work for you, I'll appeal to your egoism: the future of Ukrainian citizens is the future of Leaflet."



よくぞ言ってくれた! そう言って欲しかった!!

Well said! I wish you would have said so!!!!


This phrase ignited my "selfishness".


I support Ukraine overwhelmingly and absolutely, not humanely, but only selfishly, "only" to save Leaflet.


Defending Ukraine is synonymous with defending my retirement way of life (GIS software development) to the death.


"I am asking the developers of Leaflet to return to Kiev from their evacuation site and continue to work hard on Leaflet development"


This is sufficient reason for my "support of Ukraine".



Yesterday was the deadline for filing tax returns, but there was a system failure in the e-Tax system (National Tax Electronic Filing and Payment System), which caused a commotion.


Since I finished the submission a week ago, I was O.K.


The cause is unknown, but I believe it is 'probably due to the concentration of load before the deadline'.



Many people may think that a "cyber attack" is a very sophisticated technology, but it is basically just an artificial attempt to do the same thing as the recent system failure of the e-Tax system.


Any server will (basically) go down if you set up a raging access against it.


When I was younger, I used to keep sending a huge number of computer-generated protest e-mails to the servers of spammers (statute of limitations has expired).


The server was then inaccessible.


However, this is an attack that "only brings down the server." In order to "hijack" or "rewrite content," a more advanced technique is required.


A server that has a domain name (a server that is publicly available on the Internet) can be cracked from the moment it is launched.


My server (kobore.net) is no exception.



I have heard that the Russian government's web server was inaccessible.


And I, too, am currently unable to get service on a server that is (presumably) in Russia or Ukraine.


It is certain that our nation's servers are now the target of cyber attacks.


Many people may think, "I don't run servers, so I don't have to worry about it," but there is a possibility that they are being forced to participate in server attacks.


In order to bring down a server system, it is necessary to plant a raging access. For example, if 1,000 PCs can be hijacked, the cyber attack can be launched from 1,000 PCs.

「自分のパソコンを乗っ取られて、自国のインフラシステムを攻撃する兵器」にしない為にも、少なくとも、定期的に"Windows Update"くらいはしておきましょう。

To prevent your computer from being hijacked and used as a weapon to attack your country's infrastructure, you should at least perform "Windows Update" regularly.


よい機会です ―― ここは一つ、「サイバー攻撃教育」を、真面目に検討してみませんか?

This is a good opportunity -- why don't we take a serious look at "cyber attack education"?