


My (Ebata's) civil rights had not yet been suspended.


It appears that the voting form was delivered to the postbox this morning.

―― そうか・・・、ついに私も公民権を停止されたのか・・・


I want everyone to experience the joy of receiving a ballot.


ちなみに、私は、自由民権運動発祥の地の居住民です ―― だから、どうだという訳でもありませんが。

Incidentally, I am a resident of the birthplace of the Freedom and People's Rights Movement - so it's not like it means anything.





I was going to go out with my wife to vote early, but I was surprised when she told me, “We haven't received the voting form yet.”

―― そうか・・・、ついに私も公民権を停止されたのか・・・

"I see... So I've finally had my civil rights suspended..."


'I've been repeatedly criticizing the election on my blog recently, so maybe I've caught the attention of the powers that be,' I thought, but it was strange that my wife hadn't received it.

もしかしたら、「公民権停止に、身内の連座制も導入されたのか? いつ法律が改正された?」とか、かなり真剣に考えていました。

I was thinking quite seriously, “Did they also introduce a system of guilt by association for suspending civil rights? When was the law amended?”




My wife checked the city hall website and said, “The voting forms are supposed to start being sent out on the 20th, so I think they'll arrive tomorrow,” which made me feel more at ease.


Even so, it's quite a frightening thing to be unable to go to the polling station even though early voting has already started.


I realized that not receiving or not sending a ballot could be considered national-level bullying or ostracism.



However, you can't blame the people at the city hall or other administrative offices for this.


The period between the public announcement and the voting is too short.


The prime minister (or the ruling party) who decides the election date is to blame for this.


This is 'an election that was announced later and held earlier than the US presidential election, for which the date of the vote has been decided four years in advance.'


I am keenly aware of the differences between the voting systems in Japan and the United States.


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As I wrote in “Only Mr. Ebata can be a guard in an extermination camp”,


Junior: “In a nutshell, it's not me. It's my superior's orders. It's a classic example of a person who stops thinking and says their superior made the decision, not them. Morality can be easily blown away by shifting responsibility and organizational hierarchies. It's tough to resist this. As you know.”


Ebata: “I remember hearing something like that. I remember hearing that Adolf Eichmann said that the 'acts of genocide in the extermination camps were ‘administrative procedures based on domestic law’'.”




When I heard on the news that “the main suspect in the robbery and murder case committed by a part-time worker was receiving instructions throughout the crime via smartphone,” I remembered this story about Eichmann.

―― 私たちが培ってきた「良心」は、簡単に「命令」に負ける

"The “conscience” we have cultivated can easily be defeated by “orders.”


The above is also consistent with my own experience.


I was and am working while destroying my body and mind.


The person giving the order may think, “This is not something you should do even if it goes against your conscience,” but that is irrelevant to the person receiving it.

上司は上司であるだけで「暴力装置」であり、シニアはシニアであるだけで「時間強奪装置」です ―― そして、上司もシニアも、この自覚が絶無です。

The boss is a “violent device” just because he is the boss, and the senior staff are “time-exploiting devices” just because they are the senior staff - and both the boss and the senior staff are entirely unaware of this.


Leaving that aside.



We, humans, are such simple, weak creatures that we can easily commit the greatest of crimes, “robbery and murder,” on simple “orders.”


Of course, I am no exception to this.

これについては、アイヒマンの主張をベースに行われた、1960年代にアメリカの心理学者スタンレー・ミルグラム(Stanley Milgram)が行った「ミルグラム実験(Milgram Experiment)」でググって下さい。

For more information on this, please search for “Milgram Experiment” on Google, conducted by American psychologist Stanley Milgram in the 1960s based on Eichmann's claims.


This experiment is one of the important studies in social psychology and is often cited in discussions of obedience to authority and moral dilemmas.



Anyway, you should stay away from things like that (things that have the potential to receive orders to kill or injure people).


So let's say, “Stay away from dark work” and “If you smell dark work, run away as fast as you can.”

あなたも、私も、簡単に「殺人者」になってしまいます ―― 本当に、びっくりするほど「簡単」に、です。

You and I could quickly become “murderers” - it would be really, surprisingly “easy.”



Even if you and I have no money and have to die of starvation, if we can go on thinking, 'I didn't kill anyone with my own hands,' I think that would be a life worth being proud of.

私は、娘たちの素行について嫁さんと話をする時に、『なんやかんやいっても、彼女らは、"人殺し"だけはしていないんだから』と擁護することがありますが ――

When I talk with my wife about the behavior of our daughters, I sometimes defend them by saying, “No matter what, they haven't killed anyone.”  However, 


My wife says that I have too low an ambition.



The House of Representatives election in my district,

―― だめだ。誰にも投票したいと思えない

"I can't do it. I can't bring myself to vote for anyone."



I used the checklist I made last night to check the “back-alley money lawmakers” and “Unification Church lawmakers.”



When I looked at the NHK candidate questionnaire, I removed people who responded with “No response” or other silly responses.


I looked up each candidate's claims on the web, but there was a lot of 'stupid' content.

■AI技術による政治改革、おおいに結構。で、そのAIプラットフォームはどこにあるんですか? まさか、『当選したらこれを作る』とか寝惚けたこと言っているんじゃないですよね。そんなもん、稼働中の生成AIに、入力テキストをラッピングすれだけのものであれば、数日もあれば作れますよね? できないんですか? できないのに"AI"うんぬん語っているんですか?

Political reform through AI technology is excellent. So, where is this AI platform? You're not saying something silly like, “I'll make this if I get elected,” right? If it's just wrapping the input text around a running generative AI, you can make it in a few days, right? Can't you? Are you talking about “AI” when you can't?


Can you win votes these days by promising to improve the infrastructure of trains and roads? This isn't the Showa era. Instead, I wonder if the reason why the idea of “IT infrastructure that can be done locally, without relying on the central government” hasn't come up is because the candidate is hopeless with IT or whether it's because the voters in his constituency are hopeless with IT (or maybe it's both)?

■相変わらず数値で語る候補者がいません ―― まあ、数字を語ると有権者が逃げる、というのも事実なのですが

There are still no candidates who talk about figures. Well, it's true that voters run away


I have two children, but I don't care what happens to young people. I'm also expecting a lot of 'young people's disinterest in elections' this time. I'm going to finish my life by devouring my children's future.

政治に興味のない方、特に、若い世代の方は、今日も"Stay Home"で、投票はボイコットしましょう。



I have included “white votes” in my scope for the first time this time.

―― 私は、政治に関わる強い意思がある。それゆえ投票はしたい。だが、信任に値する候補者が『私の選挙区』にはおらず、信任に値する政党もない

"I have a strong desire to be involved in politics. That's why I want to vote. However, there are no candidates in 'my constituency' who deserve my vote, and there are no political parties that deserve my vote either."


While a blank ballot is considered a valid vote, it does not indicate support for a particular candidate or political party. Still, it is regarded as a form of expression of one's political will.


If there are a lot of blank votes, it reflects the voters' dissatisfaction with the election or the fact that they don't have a candidate they support, so it's 'significant.'

白票が全投票の50%を越える選挙区が出たら ―― これほど痛快な「政治批判」はないと思いませんか?

If there is an electoral district where the number of blank votes exceeds 50% of the total votes cast, don't you think that would be the most satisfying form of “political criticism”?



The other day, I was talking with my eldest daughter, who had come home for a visit, about various topics (such as the essential significance of same-sex marriage being inheritance (x sex)).


Since we were talking about taxes and the government, I said

―― 日本国政府とは、"でっかいAmazon"のことだ

"The Japanese government is like a huge Amazon.”


My eldest daughter was deeply moved.

―― 我が国最大のサービスプラットフォーマであるはずの日本国政府が、Amazonに負けている


No, it would be normal to think like this.


A public servant is like an “employee of a huge Amazon” - in other words, a “public servant.”


The term “public servant” expresses the sense of responsibility that those in positions of power should work for the benefit of society as a whole rather than for their own gain.


In that sense, everyone from career bureaucrats to local government employees are all “slaves who serve the consumers that are the citizens”.



Amazon also says that “the customer comes first” these days, but there have been cases where delivery charges have increased and service quality has gradually declined.


It may also be similar to the government.


Eldest daughter: “I see, so if we were consumers, taxes would be like a ‘subscription purchase.’”


Me: “That's right. However, with the government, you can't cancel a ‘subscription purchase’, and returns don't work either. Moreover, sometimes you get products you don't even want.”


Eldest daughter: “I see, so the Japanese government is a ‘subscription’ service with unclear objectives.”


政府の機能は、Amazonやサブスクと対比して語るのが、一番分かりやすいと思うですけど、いかがでしょうか > 文部科学省のキャリア&ノンキャリアの皆様

I think it's easiest to understand the functions of the government by comparing them to Amazon and subscription services, but what do you think? > All career and non-career employees of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology


我が家のインフラは、水、電気、ガス、インターネット そして、 Amazon.com です。

The infrastructure in our house is water, electricity, gas, the internet, and Amazon.com.

(個人としては、ここに、AWS、OpenAI(ChatGPT)、GitHub Copilotが加わりますが)

(As an individual, AWS, OpenAI (ChatGPT), and GitHub Copilot are added here.)


Yesterday, when my wife asked me to replace the shower head because it had deteriorated, I first searched my past purchase history on Amazon.


And, well, while I was doing that, I was surprised at the number of items the Ebata family had purchased from Amazon.



I examined whether the tax on the profits from purchasing goods on Amazon goes to the Japanese government. The summary is as follows.


(1) Consumption tax on purchases made on Amazon is based on consumption in Japan, so it is paid to the Japanese government by Japanese tax


(2) However, the corporate tax on Amazon's profits will vary depending on where Amazon is based and in which country it reports its earnings.

(3)たとえば、Amazon Japan(日本法人)が運営する場合、その利益に対して日本の法人税が課されますが、Amazon本社(米国法人)の場合は、米国や他国での利益報告に基づき、米国の税制に従って課税される

(3) if Amazon Japan (a Japanese corporation) operates the site, it will be subject to Japanese corporate tax on its profits. Still, if Amazon's headquarters (a US corporation) operates the site, it will be taxed by US tax law based on profit reports in the US and other countries.


(4) Although the exact amount has not been made public, the corporate tax paid to the Japanese government by companies like Amazon from sales made in Japan is probably underestimated. This is because Amazon has a system to record most of its profits in countries with low tax rates. For example, they are thinking of transferring profits to their US headquarters and other countries to minimize taxation in Japan.


Since I had no information, I asked ChatGPT to do a Fermi estimation. The following is a summary of that.

■日本での総売上: 約 2.5兆円

Total sales in Japan: about 2.5 trillion yen.

■推定される日本での課税対象利益: 500億円

Estimated taxable income in Japan: 50 billion yen

■日本政府に支払う推定法人税: 150億円

Estimated corporate tax paid to the Japanese government: 15 billion yen

で、Amazonが利益の80%を低税率国に移転していると仮定した場合、もし日本で全利益が課税されたとすれば、支払うべき法人税は 750億円(2500億円の30%)だった可能性があり、Amazonが節税によって 600億円 程度の税額を回避していると推定できます。

So, if we assume that Amazon is transferring 80% of its profits to countries with low tax rates and that all profits were taxed in Japan, the corporate tax that would have to be paid would have been 75 billion yen (30% of 250 billion yen). Thus, we can estimate that Amazon is avoiding a tax amount of around 60 billion yen through tax avoidance.


―― うーん、内需や納税に貢献していないなぁ。Amazon、あまり使いたくないなぁ

"I don't think I'm contributing to domestic demand or tax revenue. I don't want to use Amazon."


I think so.


I don't want to use it, but Amazon is too convenient, isn't it? In particular, the high level of tolerance for returns is very appealing.


I've had to replace the memory on my PC four times. I don't think this is possible with Japanese platformers.



I remember being surprised when I saw this “return culture” during my two years in the US. There were piles (really, “piles”) of Christmas presents bought at Toys “R” Us piled up in front of the Toys “R” Us store after December 25th.


I'm not saying the government should create an alternative platform to Amazon (Japazon). Still, I would be happy to switch from Amazon if they could create a platform (and product lineup) that is on par with Amazon and guarantees the possibility of returns.

なぜなら、我が国最大のサービスプラットフォーマ日本国政府(*) ―― 名付けて"Japazon(ジャパゾン)" (江端命名) ―― とのサービスメニューは、膨大だからです。



I have written about the NetFlex movie “Three-Bodies” before.

『「三体」というSFが凄い』という評判を聞いて、以前、図書館から借りて読んだことがあるのですが ―― さっぱり分かりませんでした。


I feel a little embarrassed to admit my ignorance, but I didn't know there was such a thing as the “Three-Body Problem.”


The three-body problem is a situation in celestial mechanics where three bodies (astronomical objects) exert gravitational forces on each other while moving, and a general formula cannot express the motion of these bodies.


When I read it, I thought, “That's not true!”


I couldn't believe that a differential equation could not express the interaction of no more than three bodies.


And I thought that if a differential equation could express it, then the general formula should also be able to be obtained.


It looks like this.



My prediction was correct: "Differential equations can express the three-body problem.”


However, although it was confident that the three-body problem could be expressed using differential equations, a general analytical solution (a solution in closed form) cannot be derived due to nonlinearity, chaotic behavior, and the complexity of the motion.


From there on, calculations must be done using a computer, such as the Lunghe-Kutta method.


(I still remember how, when I was a student and complained that 'non-linear equations can't be solved,' the late Professor Todaka scolded me, saying, 'There are tons of different approaches, like the finite difference method!').



I picked up my wife from the station today, and on the way there, I estimated the distance and speed of the car coming from the right and the car from the left at the three-way junction.


To time my entry into the intersection.


Then, an old lady on a bicycle appeared from the sidewalk on the left, and my estimate was instantly destroyed.


Because I didn't know how the old lady on the bike would move.


Depending on the strength of my gaze, the old lady could have changed speed or even stopped.

# 私の目付きの悪さには定評があります。

# I have a reputation for having an evil face.


―― なるほど、三体問題は難しい

"I see, the Three-Body Problem is difficult."


I realized that.


Yeah, that's not it.



If you have received the new coronavirus vaccine and currently meet any of the following conditions, please get in touch with me.


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Incidentally, I want to “seriously” do a proper “verification.”


You may not believe me, but I don't intend to tease or make fun of you.


There were quite a few mistakes I made, and I made many mistakes and kept correcting them repeatedly, and that is how I got to where I am today.


And, as I've said many times, 'engineering is a job where you make many mistakes.'




When I was a teenager, I was one of those people who was genuinely scared by the book “Nostradamus's Great Prophecies.”


After that, I read a book that studied the mechanisms of how to create books like “Nostradamus's Great Prophecy,” and I remember being deeply convinced.


Recently, the words “conspiracy theory,” “fake news,” and “fake images” have been appearing a lot, but I think that there is, in principle, no way to judge whether or not something is a conspiracy.


I think the only way to determine this is to wait long enough.


And now, I feel that enough time has passed to verify whether the “magnets,” “microchips,” and “rewriting of genetic information” mentioned at the beginning of the story happened.


So, right now, I'm seriously thinking about verifying this story.



The fact that the only means available is “time passing” is a rather sad story.


I don't have any way of detecting “conspiracy theories,” “fake news,” or “fake images,” but I use “logic,” “data,” and “systems theory” as a way of dealing with this other than “time passing.”


However, this method is only usable by trained engineers, so it is not very versatile. Also, it is not an absolute method.


For example, one thing that was utterly swallowed, despite being fully armed with logic in terms of “logic,” “data,” and “systems theory,” was the “nuclear power plant safety myth.”


However, the above was also due to preconceptions, and perhaps if we had pursued it more rigorously, like a computer, with cold-hearted logic, data, and systems theory, we might have been able to avoid this.



Using logic, data, and systems theory, we can eliminate some (but not all) of the conspiracy theories that abound in the world.


Conspiracy theories have specific characteristics, as follows.

1. 証拠が乏しく、主観に依存している

1. There is little evidence, and it relies on subjective opinions.


Conspiracy theories are often based on speculation and rumors and lack clear evidence. However, conspiracy theories rarely provide proof and tend to interpret facts conveniently, making it difficult to conduct objective analysis.

2. 仮説自体が検証不可能

2. Not testable hypothesis 


Hypotheses must be disproved in scientific verification. However, hypotheses cannot be verified in conspiracy theories, and even if they are disproved, the theory is forcibly modified.

3. データの選び方に偏りがある

3. Bias in the way data is selected.


Conspiracy theorists tend only to use data that supports their claims. However, engineers and researchers must treat all data fairly and reach balanced conclusions.

4. 相関関係と因果関係の混同

4. Confusing correlation and causation


When a correlation between A and B is found, conspiracy theorists tend to misinterpret it as a causal relationship, saying that A caused B. However, even if there is a correlation, it does not necessarily indicate cause and effect. This fundamental misunderstanding makes the logic of conspiracy theories ambiguous. (My university supervisor has given me guidance on this many times.)

5. 感情がロジックを曇らせる

5. Emotions cloud logic


Conspiracy theories have a strong emotional appeal and often provoke emotional responses rather than rational ones. When emotions take precedence, rational thinking based on data and facts is put on the back burner.

6. 複雑な問題を単純化しすぎる

6. Over-simplifying complex problems


Conspiracy theories tend to explain complex phenomena simplistically. However, reality is more complicated. Engineers and researchers must consider multiple factors and analyze complex phenomena accurately, and conspiracy theories' simplistic perspective cannot fully capture this complexity.



However, as mentioned above, the only way to determine whether or not something is a conspiracy theory is over time, and even logic, data, and systems theory are not perfect.


The best we can do is to “believe half and doubt half.”


In that sense, I think it's important to train yourself not to listen to other people's opinions.


If I were to 'destroy myself by believing in something,' I could accept that.



A junior asked me to introduce a textbook for a round-robin reading about system theory.

UNIXの概念というと、ファイルであろうが、メッセージであろうが、ソケットであろうが、『結局は「出口」と「入口」だけだろう?』 という、あの哲学に触れた時には、震撼しましたねぇ。「美しい」と思いました。たぶん、哲学とはそういうものなのだろう、と思います。


"Round-robin reading" is a form of collaborative learning mainly carried out at universities and research institutions. It is a style of lecture or seminar in which participants take turns presenting and explaining specific books, papers, or other materials to the other participants.


I'm not against “round-robin reading,” but I always wonder whether spending all your time reading books is a good idea.



If it were me, I would say, “Go and make a home surveillance system using the Raspberry Pi,” and then leave it alone for about three months (it doesn't have to be a “surveillance system” it could be a “database server system,” an “automatic response server,” a “fake Twitter,” or anything else).


They can decide the scale, performance and functions of the system they create themselves, and “reliability is also unimportant”.


The condition for completion is 'being in motion', and the condition for completion is 'showing it to me (Ebata)'.


Just thinking of the technologies required for the above monitoring system, I can think of (1) hardware configuration technology, (2) camera connection technology, (3) storage management technology, (4) OS setup technology, (5) video streaming technology, (6) recording management technology, (7) motion detection technology, (8) image recognition technology, (9) network camera integration technology, (10) network construction technology, (11) security countermeasure technology, (12) notification system linkage technology, (13) cloud linkage technology, (14) home automation integration technology, (15) power supply management technology, and (16) programming technology.


There is much information about this technology (mainly Raspberry Pi) on the internet. I would say, “Instead of reading books, just copy the information from the internet.”


A system that doesn't move is useless. Even if you read 100 textbooks, the system won't move even 1mm.



If they've finished with everyone, I think doing a “round-robin-reading” style would be okay.


This way, their understanding of “systems theory” will be 100 to 1000 times deeper than if they don't go through this process.



Well, this is my way of doing things, and it may be different from other people's, but in my case


'First, I'll make a shoddy system and try running it.


is the fastest way to learn a skill.









I've just finished watching the NHK Special “My Grandfather Saved Jews: The Gaza Attack and the ‘Visas for Life.’”


Mr. Sugihara, a diplomat who saved the lives of many Jews by issuing visas to them at his discretion when Nazi Germany was persecuting them, was subsequently effectively dismissed from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


After that, he seems to have worked as an interpreter and in the trading industry. He seems to have worked at a trading company, using his Russian and foreign language knowledge.


His “visa for life” was never officially recognized during his lifetime (Sugihara died in 1986, but it was not until 2000 that the Japanese government formally recognized his actions).

忠臣蔵も、プロジェクトXも、日本のシンドラーも、つまるところ『コンプライアンス違反』である ―― そして、違法行為が、「正義」になったり「人道」になったりすることはよくあり、逆に「正義」や「人道」が、違法行為であるということもよくある



I'm not saying that there's no point in being evaluated after my death, but even so, I think that

―― 自分の正義と信念の対価は、冷や飯である

"The price of my justice and beliefs is cold rice."



And that's fine.


That's right.



There are plenty of justice and beliefs that pander to the public around.


And on social networking sites, “moralists who criticize and then walk away” are the cheapest and most delicious.




If the price of your sense of justice and conviction is 'cold rice,' simply 'putting up with' cold rice is not enough.


We must 're-train our taste buds' to eat cold rice daily and still think it tastes delicious.


The same things would fit researchers and engineers working on their beliefs.


For more information, please refer to "'Only those who can continue to eat natto rice and fried bean sprouts deliciously every day' can be considered actual AI researchers."


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