
―― お金持ちの家の娘は美人である

"The daughter of a rich family is beautiful"


I told her that it was an interesting hypothesis, but she insisted that it was not a hypothesis but a fact.



Ebata: "No, it's an established fact that the standard of beauty has continued to change throughout history. We are going to use pictures of female courtesans from the Heian period as a case study."


Junior daughter(JD): "The causal relationship between beautiful and rich can respond to changes in value over time (robustness)."


Ebata: "I'm not sure."


JD:"A rich man can have a beautiful woman of his time as a companion"


Ebata: "I agree."


JD: "A baby girl who is born from a mother will be born with a face shaped like the mother, right?"


Ebata: "It's parent and child."

次女:「つまり、お金持ちの子どもは、美人になるよね ―― その時代に適合した美人に」

JD: "I mean, the children of rich people will be beautiful -- beautiful in their own time."



I see. People with economic power have the ability to collect things of value that are relevant to the times, so they are able to choose beautiful women according to the times.

一方、美人側は、「選ばれる能力」があるので、経済力 + α の価値のある伴侶を、逆指名することができます。

The beautiful woman, on the other hand, has the ability to be chosen, so she can nominate a man with economic power and plus alpha value.


And it is quite possible for the beautiful women to have a "handsome" element in their plus alpha.


In this way, the system of 'continued production of beautiful women based on economic power' is completed.

もちろん、顔の造形というのは、運が左右するものでもあるので、必ずしも、『お金持ちの家の娘は美人』成りたつ訳ではないでしょうが ―― それでも、

Of course, the shape of a person's face is also influenced by luck, so it's not always true that the daughter of a rich family is beautiful, however,


The advantage of a beautiful woman being in a position to choose someone with economic power is unassailable.

つまり、時間t→∞ において『美人は、金持ちに収束する』と言えますし、『時代の価値観の変動に、追従可能である』とも言えます。

In other words, at time t → ∞, we can say that "beautiful women converge with rich people" and that "it is possible to follow the changes in values of the times".



As a result of the above discussion, I would like to endorse my daughter's theory that the daughter of a rich family is beautiful.



For a long time, I thought that Inuyama Castle and Inaba Castle were the same thing.


―― 清洲城"様"などと、日本の城に"様"付けで、呼ばせるなよなぁ

I was so embarrassed to think that I was being "laughed out of the room" by the tourists around me, when I was explaining the history of Inuyama Castle to my family in a pompous manner.


I thought there was something strange about it.

―― 難攻不落の稲葉城に、なぜ、5分の徒歩で登れるんだ? と。

"How is it possible to climb the impregnable Inaba Castle in five minutes on foot?"


So, when I got home, I looked it up on Google Maps and found that Inaba Castle was located at the Kinkasan ropeway.


Next time, I will try to visit Inaba Castle.



This time, in the castle town of Inuyama Castle, I visited the "Inuyama Karakuri" museum (which I think also serves as "storage"), and was overwhelmed by the magnificent floats, but on the other hand

―― こういう「山車を練り出す祭」って、どうやって維持しているんだろう

"I wonder how these "festivals with parading floats" are maintained"



Well, to put it bluntly, in a nutshell, what is the "business model & cash flow of the festival"?


I understand that festivals have effects such as community recovery, creation of a sense of community, local production for local consumption, and tourism resources.


The economic impact of the festival in Japan is estimated to be 1.4 trillion yen (although I think this is a bit exaggerated).



But if I were asked to push a float, I think I would either take a furlough, make a business trip, or go on a trip and run away.


In the first place, I don't have any attachment to the festival.


To be honest, I'd rather not be an organizer/implementer than a spectator.



When I was talking about this to my wife, she said, "Isn't it impossible to understand the festival as a business model?"


According to my wife, in Fukuoka, it is officially allowed to take a day off from school to prepare for the festival (I don't know about that now).


In the comic "Howl of a Local Girl," the citizens of Hamamatsu are frequently portrayed as working together to celebrate the festival (although I don't know about the substance).

今は、コロナ禍の中ですので、祭の自粛が続いています。特に「はだか祭」などは、論外でしょうが ―― それでも、

We are currently in the midst of the Corona disaster, so there is a lot of self-restraint on festivals. In particular, the "Hadaka Festival" is out of the question, however,


To be honest, I was astonished at the system that was able to mobilize so many participants for the "Hadaka Festival.



As a researcher on the theme of "using human psychology (the negative side) as a power source for social systems," the "human-driven engine" called "festivals" is an interesting subject of study for me.


And research is something that we understand by practicing it ourselves.


As an individual, I definitely don't want to participate in the "Hadaka Festival," for example, but as a researcher, I do want to figure out the source of its energy.

まあ、参加させて貰えるとも思えませんが ―― 「怪我するだけだから、止めてくれ」と言われるのがオチです。

Well, I don't even think they'll let me participate -- they'll just say, "Don't do it, you'll get hurt.



After visiting my mother's 49th day memorial service and the pension office (where I got into a bit of trouble), I'm currently on my way home with my family using the expressway.


With the expansion of the expressway, it is now possible to drive directly to the interchange near my parents' house, making it much easier to travel by car.


In addition,


My senior daughter is "listening" to the movie Crayon Shin-chan while navigating with Google Maps on her iPhone, and,


My wife is watching NetFlix movies on (my) iPad, and


I'm sitting in the passenger seat with my laptop open writing this diary.



Recently, I've been using the bullet train to get to my parents' house, but with all the preparation I've done, I thought it would be quite comfortable to travel by car.


With the expressway reaching the interchange near my parents' house, the travel time has improved considerably.


今回、オートクルーズ(但し、前の車に追尾して速度制御するだけ)を起動したのですが、もの凄い睡魔に襲われて、PAに入って ―― 10分仮眠しました。

This time, I activated Auto-Cruise (but it only tracks and controls the speed of the car in front of you), but I was so overcome with sleepiness that I took a 10-minute nap in the PA.


"Aren't you supposed to be driving for me?" I asked.

―― PAからの出入りや、追い越しのタイミングを、指示してくれないと困る

"I need you to tell me when to enter/exit the PA and when to pass."


Thay said to me.


They say it's okay to take a break from driving, but not to sleep.



Today, I went sightseeing around Nagoya with my family.


I went to Inuyama Castle, which I have always wanted to visit.


We ate and drank in Inuyama Castle Town and climbed up to the castle tower.


It was cold and freezing, though.


So, after that, I called Kiyosu Castle to ask about their business hours.


Ebata: "Hello?"


Person in charge: "Yes."


Ebata: "Well, Hello?"


Person in charge: "Yes."


I said to the person in charge, who only said, "Yes," was not helped.


Ebata: "Are you Mr.Kiyosu cassle?"


Person in charge: "Yes. Yes."


Ebata: "Then, please tell me today's business hours."



You know what? If you are in charge of a public institution or a historical site, they have to tell them what they are.

―― 清洲城"様"などと、日本の城に"様"付けで、呼ばせるなよなぁ

"Don't make me call 'Mr. Kiyosu Castle'"


When I was just complaining,


My family laughed hysterically at me.



Today, we had a monk come to my parents' house to conduct the 49th day of my mother's life at home, and held a Buddhist memorial service with only a few people.


After the memorial service, we heard a story from him about a person who died in Corona.


- The last meeting with the deceased in protective gear.


- Only the body is transported to the crematorium (no relatives allowed to accompany).


- Funeral service with only the returned remains.



I knew these stories, but hearing them in "words" instead of "letters" had quite an impact on me.


もっとお伺いしたいことはあったのですが ―― 例えば、

There were more questions I wanted to ask you, like...


Is the number of funerals decreasing due to the Corona disaster?


Will the simplification of funeral services affect the revenue of temples?


What do you think about Japanese people's lack of interest in funerals?




However, as expected, I was hesitant to listen to those stories (even from me).



There is a news report about a student at Waseda University who lost credits for watching multiple online classes at the same time.


I'm sure there are a lot of opinions on this issue, but first of all, if they were notified of this (prohibition of watching multiple online classes at the same time) in advance, this is a natural punishment (However, I have not been able to confirm this at this time).


On the other hand, I found this issue to be a very interesting thesis.


I would like to discuss two points below.


第1に、―― 私自身が、リモート業務で、こういうことやっているから

First, I'm doing this kind of thing myself, in remote operations.


Depending on the importance of the meeting, the relation about me , and the nature of your work, there are some things that can be done in parallel and some things that cannot.


For example, I don't (and can't) work in parallel on meetings that are related to my budget and business, because I would be 'choking myself' if I missed them.


However, during other meetings, if it's just simple data processing, I usually do parallel processing.


To put it bluntly, it's about as "fast" as data processing can get.


第2に、―― 現実に、複数のオンライン授業を同時視聴できる能力のある人(特に若い人)がいるから

Secondly -- in reality, there are people (especially young people) who have the ability to watch multiple online classes simultaneously.


This is my daughter's story. I was reprimanding her for studying math and English while watching videos on YouTube (NOT listening to music).

―― 娘は、そういうことが、本当に『できるんです』。

"My daughter can really 'do' those things."


From what I have observed, she does not seem to be losing performance, in fact, she even seems to have the advantage of being able to maintain her performance for a long time.


After that, I stopped interfering in the way my daughters studied.



What I'm trying to say is, with my observation,


"With the times and the environment (YouTube, PCs, smartphones, corona disasters), brain function is changing dramatically."


might be true.


However, I don't know if it can be applied to all young people.


This is something I hope to see in future research and experiments in the field of brain science.



I think there are also two reasons for the rule against simultaneous viewing


(1)A problem in the attitude of those who study.


This is a reason that makes sense.


If you say that this is a "principle of the mode of communication between the teacher and the taught," you are right.


However, I think this issue would be grossly unfair if they don't also discuss the attitude of those who 'teach' academics, and whether they are able to provide classes with content that attracts students.


In fact, I think the "boringness" of the content (presentation) of Japanese teachers' classes could be a social problem (it was in my day).


(2) A problem of degradation of performance in acquiring studies


As I mentioned above, my (limited) observations have raised doubts about this.


I believe that proper research and study will be necessary in the future.


By underestimating students' abilities (performance), we may be destroying the potential of future students.



I think the root of this problem is "previous performance/experience" and "unpleasantness".


However, as mentioned above, the direction of human ability changes with time and environment.


In that case, I believe it is necessary to "bend by force" the "previous achievements/experiences" and "unpleasantness" as well.






I'm going home this weekend for forty-ninth day after a mother's death, so today I'm going with my wife to vote for the mayor and city council members on the day before the election.


However, I hadn't received the election pamphlet, so I walked to the civic center to get it (although I was disappointed to find out later that it was included in that day's morning paper).


However, it was really boring, and I had to re-read the campaign literature three times.

- 小さな字を大量に記載する候補は『低能』と決めつけて却下

- Candidates who describe a large amount of small print are dismissed as 'little brain'.

- 今どき「なくすな! 学校」とか『寝惚けたこと』を主張している政党の候補は全部却下

- I reject all candidates from certain political parties that claim to be "against school closures!"

- 見出しに「無駄使い」だの「福祉」だの「いじめ」だの、抽象的な言葉のみで、具体的な施策を書いていない候補も却下

- Candidates who use only abstract words such as "wasteful spending," "welfare," and "bullying" in their headlines and do not write any concrete measures are also rejected.

- 自分のプロフィールで、紙面の1/3を占めるような候補も却下

- I reject candidates who take up 1/3 of the paper in their own profile.

- 公約を10も20も書いてくるような候補も却下

- Candidates who write 10 or 20 pledges are also rejected.


They were "disastrous campaign gazettes" that enforced all the prohibitions on presentation that I had been told 'never to do' in my first five years of technical writing training.


In the end, I chose the candidate (and only one) who had listed specific numbers, in millions of yen.

ここに、グラフ等の記載があれば、江端の心証は最高だったと思うのですが ―― そういう候補は一人もいませんでした。

I think Ebata's mind would have been at its best if there were some graphs or other information here -- none of the candidates were like that.




Ebata: "Isn't it popular to have a candidate who specifically mentions numbers?"


Wife: "Yes. On the contrary, it's even 'bad impression'."


In other words, it seems that an election strategy that is liked by me is an election strategy that is avoided by the majority.



My wife said that she would vote for the candidate of my choice.


I thought to myself, "No, no, no, that's not it", however, city council elections are not like national elections, information about the candidates is not available.


There may be a way to "believe in the ideas of those who vote".





My second daughter is a member of a Butoh(dancing) club at university.


Just practicing in the park, they get complaints from nearby residents.


As we talked about this, another stories were appeared.


"They get complaints that junior high and high school students spread out all over the sidewalk on their way to school, interfering with walking"


"They get complaints about junior high and high school students piling up at the convenience store near the station"




Ebata: "Yes, of course there is the 'it's annoying' part, but that's not the essential reason"


Daughter: "What's that?"


Ebata: "The fact that the 'winners' who have the special privilege of being young are 'enjoying themselves' is unpleasant in itself. Well, that's for sure. I can't help but understand that feeling.


Daughter: "That's unreasonable."

江端:「もちろん理不尽だ。究極の理不尽といってもいいだろう。しかし『若くなく』『楽しいことがなく』そして、今後もそのような予定が1mmもない者たちにとって ―― お前たちは憎悪の対象だ」

Ebata: "Of course it's unreasonable. The ultimate in unreasonableness, I suppose. But for those of us who are not young, who have never had any fun, and who never plan to have any in the future -- You are an abomination"


Daughter: "..."


Ebata: "So I want you to be careful. There are a surprising number of people who can't recognize unreasonableness and can't control their actions with reason. And it's not just in Odakyu and Keio."



I was about to suggest to my second daughter, "Why don't you dance like you're not having fun, like you're lethargic? --- But, I stopped it.


私は、前回の大統領選挙の時に『カリフォルニアとテキサスが独立するかも』てなことを書いて、予定通り、予測を外しましたが ――

I wrote something like "California and Texas may become independent" during the last presidential election, and as planned, I missed my prediction.

―― 有無を言わせないほどの圧倒的多数で、勝敗が決して欲しい

しかし、『議事堂襲撃を扇動する大統領』の登場で、方向性は、かなり当っていたと自負しております ―― もっとも私の予想の斜め上をいくものでしたが。

However, with the appearance of the "President instigating the attack on the Capitol", I am proud to say that the direction was quite correct -- although it was more diagonal than I had expected.

それでも、私の「エンジニアリングアプローチ」の視点から見れば ―― 私は、自分がとても「不公平な人間である」と感じてしまうのです。


This time, while watching the NHK news, I whispered to my wife,


I wonder if we can take advantage of Russia's invasion of Ukraine to retake the Northern Territories."



Google Mapのおかげで、最近は、世界地図も見やすくなりました。

Thanks to Google Maps, the world map has become easier to read these days.


I was looking at a map while reading an article about Russia's annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014, and I thought to myself, "I see".


The Crimean peninsula is located north of the center of the Black Sea, and by controlling this peninsula, not only Ukraine, but also Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Georgia, which face the Black Sea, can be stared down (in fact, it seems to be working).


In addition, Russia seems to have seized Ukraine's military equipment in the Crimea Peninsula.


On the other hand, if Ukraine joins NATO, Russia will have no buffer area. Moreover, the distance between Kiev and Moscow is also quite close (750km).


For Ukraine, it would be unbearable if it were to become a second annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, so it is understandable that it would want to join NATO and have NATO act as a deterrent.

まあ、『主権国家の軍事同盟に、他の国がとやかく言えるのか?』という正論はいくらでも言えますが ―― そういうものを踏み躙りまくってきたのが、戦争の歴史です。

Well, you can make a good argument that "how can other countries have any say in the military alliances of sovereign nations? But the history of war has been a history of overriding such things.



Back to the story.

私は、「北方領土奪還計画」を論じられるような資質も能力もないし、ちゃんと勉強もしていないので、語るべきではないと思いますが ――

I don't think I should talk about the "Northern Territories Recapture Plan" because I don't have the qualifications or ability to discuss it, and I haven't studied it properly -- however,


I can't recall any case where a war initiated by Japan has been successfully closed.



The advantage of IT-based digital services is that they are relatively easy to start, even if the scale of the business is small.


After all, the fact that the equipment is an "immaterial program" is a big advantage.


Depending on the nature of the service, a single person can operate the service (one-person operation).



Programs are like free, except for the development and maintenance costs, and computers can be kept quite inexpensive by using a cloud like AWS.


Cyber attacks are a concern.


Although we must be especially careful about the leakage of customer information, a small service system has the advantage of having only a small amount of information to manage.



In such a small-scale IT system, the bottleneck is always "labor cost".


The profit that comes from the services of a small system is like the small change that goes into the money box of a shrine, except on the three New Year's days.


If the minimum wage of 1,041 yen per hour is deducted from this amount, there is no way that service can be established.

無人営業(に近い)ITサービスは、今やほとんど、無料サービスになっていて、広告収入で細々と稼いでいる状況です ―― Web系の市場は期待できないと思います。

Most of the unattended (near-unattended) IT services are now free services, and they are making a small profit from advertising revenue -- I don't think the web-based market is promising.


ワンオペが可能なITサービスができないものかなぁ、と考えています ―― 定年後の起業として。

I'm wondering if it's possible to create an IT service that allows for one-operation -- as a post-retirement start-up.


Internet banks, for example, default to chatting with customers, that is even not perfect one-person operations, though.



This time, when I had a chat conversation with a NetBank, the response speed clearly made me think that I was chatting with several customers at the same time.


Even so, just the fact that there was a link to the conversation gave me a sense of security.


It's much better than a call center that can't be connected forever.



I, am considering a one-operation operation for buses, cabs, and, if possible, trains.


If I work with a computer, I think I can manage the operation of about 1,000 buses and cabs, or manage reservations, with just one operator.


Actually, this was influenced by Marginal Operations by Yuri Shibamura.



The protagonist of this novel looks at a computer equipped with a GIS system and gives instructions via a terminal to 1000 children who move as combatants on the battlefield.

もちろん、小説の話ですので、現実の世界で、そんな戦術オペレーションが可能とは思えませんが ―― それでも『もしかしたら』と考えさせられるものではあります。

Of course, this is a novel, and I don't think such tactical operations are possible in the real world, but it still makes me think, "What if?


Since "battles" do not occur in bus, cab, and train operation management and reservation management, the operational load should be much smaller.


As an operator, my job would be to deal with traffic jams, flat tires, engine trouble, personal injury, etc.


However, on a day when it snows in the city center, it may require a very difficult operating experience.



I also think that if I am going to provide this kind of service, I need to create the entire service system "on our own".


This is because, frankly speaking, when a system failure occurs, the only person who can quickly fix it and resume service is the creator of the system.

と考えれば ―― サービスの運用者が、そのサービスシステムの開発者であれば、小規模ワンオペITサービスは、十分にスコープに入るんじゃないかぁ、と思っているのです。

If I think about it -- if the operator of the service is the developer of the service system, I think that small-scale one-operation IT services are well within the scope.