

Tokyo is a city that is vulnerable to snow, especially in the South Tama area,

『南多摩地区積雪量 = 東京23区積雪量 X 10 』

"Snowfall in South Tama area = Snowfall in Tokyo 23 wards X 10"


This is a solid rule of thumb.


To put it simply, "if there is 3cm of snow in the city center, the area around our house will get 30cm of snow.


So when I left my house, I had to go out through the snow, fully equipped with boots and cold weather gear, and as a result, I would be conspicuous at Shinjuku Station, which was the fate of residents in the Tama area.



However, this reversal seems to have occurred with regard to yesterday afternoon's snowfall.


Yesterday's snowfall and today's icy roads have caused many traffic disasters in the 23 wards of Tokyo.


The Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway has been congested for more than several hours, traffic accidents have been frequent, many pedestrians have fallen, and many people seem to have been injured.


All day today, the news programs have been reporting on the chaos in the city center.


In contrast, there is not much snow in the South Tama area, and although there is some snow damage and freezing, the situation is not as dire as in the city center.


This is a really rare case.



The Tama area is not well known not only among Tokyo residents but also throughout Japan.


The name "Tokyo Metropolitan Government" in poor taste makes the explanation cumbersome and uncomfortable.


Many people have never heard of the name of the nearest station, or even the name of the train line.



As a resident of the South Tama area, I, who have had a lot of bad experiences with snowfall,


watched the current video of 'the city center is in chaos' and said, "I am truly sorry for their loss" with sitting on a chair in the living room, a cup of coffee in hand,


In particular, I would like to express my sincere regret for the video clips of Shinjuku and Shibuya.


『今の都心は、薄らと雪景色の風景です』『キレイですね~』などとニュースのレポータが中継している時に ――

While the news reporter was reporting on the snow scene in the city center, saying "It's beautiful",


People in the city center don't know that we are out of breath with wading through deep snow to open up a trail.



Lately, I've been concerned that my junior daughter, who just started college, but my senior daughter, who just started working, is losing her rhythm of life.


Specifically, (1) I don't see them eating, (2) I don't know when they wake up and go to bed, and (3) they seem to be sick a lot.

もちろん『女の子なんだから』―― などと言うビジョンは、私には1mmもありません。

Of course, I don't have the vision to say, "They are girls".


I just want to say, "Hey! Don't bring the coronavirus into our house!"

まあ、どんなに注意していても、感染する時は感染すると、腹を括ってはいますが ―― 感染しない方がいいに決っています。

Well, no matter how careful we are, when you get infected, we get infected. However, it's always better not to get infected, of course.



I've been thinking about the above, however,

―― 私も社会人になりたての頃は、同じようなもんだったかなぁ

I wonder if I was the same way when I first started working.



Well, compared to this story, my senior daughter might be better off.



I have written about "self-aware words".



I think it's true that these terms 'make the listener feel uncomfortable,' but the words we come to use in our office, come up in our daily lives.



At the end of last year, I had gone back to my parents' home to support my mother's hospital transfer.


The thing that I had been praying for a month, "Please don't come," came that day.

―― 数年に一度と言われている寒波と降雪

"Cold wave and snowfall said to be once in several years"


The day before, I kept checking the landscape of the garden late into the night, but on the day of the event, it was completely covered with snow.


My mother's transportation would be done by a care cab, but I had rented a car the day before to handle the huge amount of paperwork and moving the hospital supplies both at the source hospital and destination hospital.


I had brought general-purpose tire chains, but I am someone who knows how scary it is to drive in the snow (I almost killed my oldest daughter once).


The moment I saw the snow, I decided to change my plan from Plan A to Plan B (travel by train).


The snowfall had messed up the train schedule, but we managed to make it in time.



At the hospital where I was transferred, I was discussing with a nurse about the delivery of items for my mother's transfer.


Ebata: "As for the delivery, I'm going to think of a 'strategy' to see if I can bring it in by car today or have my sister bring it in later."


Nurse: "'Strategy'..."


She giggled, and I felt very embarrassed.


私は軍人ではありませんが、民間の研究所でも(多分普通の会社でも)『戦略』というのは普通に口頭で使われる用語ですが ――

I'm not a military man, but even in civilian laboratories (and probably in ordinary companies) "strategy" is a term that is commonly used verbally.


However, I will be very, very careful from now on, .


If I had said something like "strategy," I would have died of embarrassment.



After the three New Year's days, today is the first day of work.


Today in the Ebata household, I'm the only one who works from home.


Except for a trip back home to support my mother's transfer to the hospital at the end of the year, the extent of my travel during this vacation season was


(1) Walking to and from a super public bath located 15 minutes away (only once)


(2) New Year's visit to a nearby shrine with my wife.

(3)運動不足解消用の町内歩行(4.5km) with watching ダウンロードしたNetFlixの映画 on iPad (毎日)

(3) Walking around town (4.5km) with watching downloaded NetFlix movies on my iPad (daily) to get rid of lack of exercise.


This was a perfect example of local behavior.

でも、なんか「暇していた」という感じではなかったです ―― ずっと、パソコンの前で、論文とプログラム(Golang)と格闘していましたので。

But I didn't feel like I was "bored" -- I was in front of the computer all the time, struggling with papers and programs (Golang).



I am planning to start a new series this month.


The theme is "A New Theory of Action for 'Engineers Who are not be Loved by Money'".


I look forward to working with you again this year.



One of the best movies starring Sylvester Stallone is called "Rambo".


This is a battle-action film about a Vietnam War veteran who is unreasonably discriminated against in his home country, battles with sheriffs and pursued by the National Guard, and finally strikes back.


As a film dealing with a very serious social issue in the United States, it was quite a hit in Japan at the time.


In this series, there is "Rambo 3: The Angry in Afghan".


It was about Rambo supporting the Mujahideen (meaning "those who carry out jihad"), a resistance group against the Soviet Union (now Russia) that was invading Afghanistan at the time, and challenging them to fight against the Soviet army.


In the film, the line "A country with patriotic guerrillas cannot be conquered. We experienced it in Vietnam" appears in the film.


At the end of the film, there is a message that says, "This film is dedicated to all Afghan warriors


To sum it up quite roughly, the movie "Rambo 3" can be described as "a movie in which Rambo, an American citizen, supports the Taliban in Afghanistan.

今調べたところ、Amazon Primeでも、この映画を視聴できます。

I just checked, and you can also watch this movie on Amazon Prime.


Apparently, I am the only one who has a twisted perspective that links Rambo to the Taliban.



Meanwhile, in the real world as well, Soviet troops have withdrawn from Afghanistan.


However, the resulting conflict between the Mujahideen led to a civil war and the rise of the Taliban.


The U.S. government is a country that has repeatedly had its security threatened by nations that it has previously supported militarily.


Whether it is the Vietnam War or the Gulf War, there is no shortage of cases where the U.S. has been attacked by its own troops because of the huge amount of weapons it has given to that country.


In that sense, Japan has been fortunate to have avoided this kind of situation because of its slow political decision-making (especially regarding the Self-Defense Forces).

―― 日本は、先進国の中で、唯一、イスラム原理主義者によるテロを国内で実施されていない国じゃないかな?

"Isn't Japan the only developed country that hasn't had a domestic terrorist attack carried out by Islamic fundamentalists?"


So, I did some research.


U.S.A. -> (naturally) yes, France -> yes, U.K. -> yes, Germany -> yes, Italy -> yes, Italy -> yes, Canada -> yes (last June)(*)

(*)出典:国際テロリズム要覧2021 | 公安調査庁、その他

(*)Source: International Terrorism Handbook 2021 | Public Security Intelligence Agency, etc.



However, I am afraid that my 30-minute research on the Internet above will be spread as "fact", so if I have misunderstood or misrepresented anything, please point it out to me by e-mail.



My wife once scolded me for saying that the Ako Roshi incident (Chushingura) was like a "riot of local samurai.


Since then, I have tried to refrain from saying such expressions even if they come to my mind.


Last night, I was watching NHK's 2004 Taiga Drama "Shinsengumi! Special" (compilation), which was aired on NHK in 2004. and I thought,

―― 「新撰組」というのは、江戸幕府原理主義者によるタリバンのようなものだよな

""Shinsengumi" is like the Taliban of Edo Shogunate fundamentalists."



In the first place, it is more vicious than the Taliban in that it is an organization that carries out killings based only on the judgment of a private department without the approval of the authority (Edo Shogunate).

新撰組は、幕府の解散命令に抵抗した者が徒党を組み、会津藩主・松平容保の私財で運営された私的な傭兵部隊(民間軍事会社:PMC(private military company)です。

The Shinsengumi was a private military company (PMC) that was formed by those who resisted the Shogunate's order to disband the group and was funded by the private fortune of the Aizu domain lord, Matsudaira Yoho.


In that same sense,

―― 「るろうに剣心」も、薩摩、長州藩がやとったPMCの一員であり、稀有な能力を有するテロリスト

""Rurouni Kenshin" is also a member of the PMC taken over by the Satsuma and Choshu clans, a terrorist with rare abilities."



しかしながら ――



If I mention the above interpretation of "Shinsengumi", my wife will stop talking to me.


If I mention the above interpretation of "Rurouni Kenshin", my senior daughter will not be able to talk to me.


This is a sure thing. Hence, I won't say anything they don't want to hear



The New Year's card software that I have been using since 2001 was discontinued about 10 years ago, and there is no successor software or company.


I had been using the software deceitfully, but I felt that I was in danger, so last year, I built a New Year's card addressing system that linked Word and Excel.


The problem is.

―― その使い方を忘れてしまって、現時点で、年賀状が発送できていないこと

"I forgot how to use it, so I haven't been able to send out any New Year's cards yet"



This is a very dumb thing to say at the beginning of the New Year, but please accept my apologies.



By the way, my wife continues to use the old New Year's card software.


She doesn't seem to be interested in learning new software at all.


However, she throws all the printing, etc. to me.



Last year, I ordered 1 yellowtail and 1kg of boiled crab.


The year before last, I bought 1kg of yellowtail and ate yellowtail sashimi all through the New Year, which was unexpectedly popular with my family.


One yellowtail is more than three times as much as last year, which is indeed too much. I don't think we will be able to eat it all in the three days of the New Year, but I'm not too worried because yellowtail has many uses.



I'm learning how to process fish by watching YouTube.


Or rather, 'cooking while watching a video' is becoming the norm these days.


Thanks to this, I rarely make mistakes in cooking.


In terms of cooking, services that stick to "recipes" have become sluggish, and have been mostly established as "video services".


It may no longer be necessary for cooking to be "handed down from parent to child" (so-called "mother's cooking").


For home cooking, "Download from the Cloud" will not cause any problems.



I don't think there is anyone who cares about "mother's taste" nowadays, but if there is someone who wants to, he or she should ask for help and pass on the technique by himself or herself.


It has nothing to do with women or men, age, married or unmarried.

『利益を受けたい者が、汗をかく』―― それだけのことです。

"People who want to benefit will sweat" - that's all there is to it.



I subscribe to "NHK Plus" so I can watch NHK programs on my computer (free of charge if you pay the subscription fee).


NHK Special "What's Happening in the Taiwan Strait: The U.S.-China "New Cold War" and Japan" can be viewed until January 2.


If you are interested, please watch.


―― もの凄く面白く、そして、怖かった

"It was so interesting and scary"


The simulation of the Japanese government's response to a possible Taiwanese emergency was very realistic.

ところで、「シミュレーション」というと、多くの人は、コンピュータシミュレーションをイメージすると思いますし、実際にWikiでも、そのように記載されていますが ―― これは正しくありません。

By the way, when we say "simulation", most people think it is computer simulation, and in fact, that is how it is described in the Wiki -- but this is not correct.


Simulation is "an attempt to recreate a hypothetical situation and respond to it in a way that has not been done in reality".


The simulation in this program was "Taiwan Emergency".


People with experience in security-related legislation, former senior officers of the Self-Defense Forces, and current members of the Diet played the roles of the Prime Minister, Defense Minister, and Chief Cabinet Secretary.


The former top official of the Self-Defense Forces has prepared several hypothetical scenarios of a Taiwanese contingency, which were delivered to the situation in real time, and the cabinet members discussed and made decisions on the spot.


There are (as I understand it) two conditions for this simulation


(1) While adhering to the principle of "diplomacy for peaceful resolution through dialogue," invoke the right of self-defense in the event of an emergency.


(2) However, the use of force and other actions (evacuation of residents) must be carried out in accordance with existing laws.



シナリオの第1段は、「台湾で独立派の総統が誕生 → 中国軍による強襲揚陸訓練が開始 + 陸戦部隊も海岸部に結集」というものでした。

The first stage of the scenario was that an independent president would be born in Taiwan → Chinese forces would begin assault and landing drills + land troops would be assembled in the coastal areas.


Now, at this stage, what can the Japanese nation do?


If China attacks the U.S. military, Japan will be able to enter a combat situation through the "right of collective self-defense".

さて、ここで問題となるのは、どの時点で「集団的自衛権」の発動条件が整うのか? です。

Now, the question is, at what point do the conditions for triggering "collective self-defense" come into play?

米軍が戦闘準備に入った時? 米軍が攻撃を受けた時? 米軍が反撃を開始した時? 米軍が自衛隊に要請をしてきた時? と ―― 考えてみれば当然なのですが、これらの発動時間にはタイムラグがあります。

When the U.S. military prepares for battle? When U.S. forces are under attack? When the U.S. military launches a counterattack? When the US forces request the SDF? It is natural to think that there is a time lag between these activation times.


So, the SDF has a plausible argument that since time is needed to move the SDF, joint operations with the U.S. military will be meaningless unless it is clear at what stage the right of collective self-defense can be activated.



As an amateur like me, I apt to think

―― 中国軍による軍事演習が開始された時点で、自衛隊を動かせばいいじゃん?

"Why don't they just move the Self-Defense Forces when the military exercises by the Chinese military start?"


しかし、自衛隊は法律に元づかないと動かすことができない組織なのです ―― いや、シビリアンコントロール下にある、法治国家は、すべてそういう運用がされていますけどね。

But the Self-Defense Forces is an organization that can only operate under the law -- well, all law-abiding nations under civilian control operate that way, though.


The SDF is tasked with the defense of our country.


From a legal standpoint, the correct stance is to say, 'I don't care what happens to Taiwan.


Because Taiwan is not a military ally of Japan.

『米軍』が絡んできて、そこで始めて『集団的自衛権』が発動するのだから、米軍が何もされていない段階では、自衛隊は、1mmも動けない、が、正論です ―― が、

Since the right of collective self-defense is activated only when "U.S. forces" are involved, the SDF cannot move even a millimeter when U.S. forces are not doing anything, however,


The real feeling on the ground is that the right of collective self-defense is meaningless.


And this case is also consistent with our common sense in our daily lives.


For example, in a company, if you are working on a project and you don't start working on it until it is approved by the executives, the project will not work.


The normal way of operating a project is to prepare the project until it is just about ready to move, and then wait for approval when it is ready.


This is not to say that the Diet was incompetent.


The use cases of the right of procedural self-defense were discussed in the "Korean Peninsula Emergency" and "Blockade of the Strait of Hormuz".


The "Taiwan contingency" was not in the scope at that time.


シナリオの第2段は、「中国軍による与那国島周辺の海上封鎖 + 台湾本土への攻撃開始」でした。

The second stage of the scenario was the "blockade of the sea around Yonaguni Island by the Chinese military + launch of an attack on the Taiwanese mainland.


At this stage, joint operations with the U.S. military will become possible, and of course, the Chinese military will also be able to attack the Japanese mainland.


The SDF will not be able to fulfill its mission of self-defense if it does not have a complete interception system in place against an attack from the Chinese military on the Japanese mainland.


Furthermore, they found out that there is "no law" to support the SDF in evacuating residents in response to such a military attack, even though the law must be applied to evacuate residents.

―― 災害救助法に元づいて避難させればいいじゃん?

"Why don't they just evacuate them based on the Disaster Relief Act?"


And, like me, some people in ministerial roles thought that this was an unreasonable interpretation of the law.


It was very impressive to see a person playing the role of a cabinet minister, opening a collection of legal texts and discussing them.


I was watching the program, muttering, "I know that feeling".





I wrote here that I have no idea about the current approach to "programmatic thinking (tekishiko-) education" in programming education.


Perhaps one of the ways to do this is through education using simulations like this one, I think.


However, I also think that this "simulation education" will be difficult to create the subject matter and the method (human or computer) to judge the situation.



I have repeatedly urged my daughter to go get the "cervical cancer vaccine".



However, she has refused to go, saying she was busy.


まあ、実際に忙しいのは、傍から見ていても明らかですが ―― 私も理系出身で、理系の激務には理解があります。

Well, it's obvious from the side that she is actually busy -- I also have a science background, and I understand the intense workload in the sciences.


However, observing how busy she have been with reports, experiments, and productions since her first year of college, even I feel like I'm losing my mind.

―― 最近の大学(理系)って、みんな、こんな感じなのか?

-- Are all universities (science courses) like this these days?


I think it was in my third year of the seminar (instrumental research) that I really started to work hard.


Well, I can't remember any time during my college years that I can think of as "free time" either.



However, I think

―― 『年間3000人の女性を殺害しているガン』の予防の決め手となるワクチン接種に、『忙しい』が理由になるか?

"Can 'busy' be a reason to vaccinate against a cancer that kills 3,000 women a year?"



To be honest, I'm frustrated with my daughter's lack of awareness, but I can say that I've given her more than enough warnings as a parent, so I won't say anything more.



And while doing that, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has decided to offer the opportunity to get the "cervical cancer vaccine" for free on the 23rd of this month.


The conditions are,


- Only for women aged 16-24 (born between 1997 and 2005)


- Vaccination period is only for 3 years from April 2022.


これで、江端家が負担する5万円がなくなったのですが ―― 私としては、ラッキーとも思っていません。

This eliminates the 50,000 yen that the Ebata family will have to pay -- and as for me, I'm not feeling so lucky.


If my daughter insists that she will be vaccinated by April 2022, I (the Ebata family) will pay the money (50,000 yen) (seriously).


I believe that the risk for 3 months is worth 50,000 yen.



Cervical cancer is caused by sexual intercourse (sex).


It is estimated that more than half of all women who have ever had sex will become infected in their lifetime (50%).


Ten percent of them are infected (5%), and some of them progress to "cervical cancer".


Specifically, the following people are currently considered to be at risk of developing cervical cancer.


- Fecundity


- Smokers


- People taking oral contraceptives (pills)


- Women who have many sexual partners.


- Women with younger age at first sexual intercourse


- Women with weakened immune systems


In an absolute sense, the only people who don't need to get this vaccine are women who have decided to 'not have sex for the rest of their lives'.



The trouble is that the most appropriate age for this "cervical cancer vaccine" is before they start having sexual intercourse, and the current free vaccination period is "6th grade to 1st grade of high school.


This means that parents and teachers have to explain to the girls about "sex" as a prerequisite for vaccination.

学校でも、家庭でも、もっとフランクにSEXの話をすべきだと思います ―― どんなに恥しくても、辛くても、です。

I think we should talk more frankly about sex at school and at home -- no matter how embarrassing or painful it may be.


It is the "lives of the girls" that are being weighed in the balance by the adults who hesitate to do "it".


その国の教育システムの方針で、その国の国是が決まる ―― これは、間違いないと思います(別に、独裁国の専売というわけでもない)。

The policy of a country's education system determines the national policy of that country -- I'm pretty sure this is true (not that it's the exclusive business of dictatorships).


It is natural for countries to have different historical perceptions.


If I was born in Korea, I would argue that Korean history is legitimate, and if I was born in China, I would argue that Chinese history is legitimate.


There is no such thing as "correct history," only "the history that a country claims to have" as many countries as there are countries in the world.


It is only natural from the perspective of national interest that the history that is convenient for the country is adopted.


But that's beside the point.


その国の教育システムの方針で、その国のデジタル化が決まる ―― これも、間違いないと思います。

The policy of a country's education system will determine the digitization of that country -- I am sure of this, too.


As mentioned here, iPad is currently the most used device in the GIGA School Initiative.


So, for the next 10 years or so, I think iPad will be the definitive tablet culture in Japan.


At this point, even I, who have been resisting Linux and Android, need to "get with the times".


So, as a first step, I'm currently typing on the bullet train with my iPad, wireless mouse, and keyboard.


I also brought my familiar Windows laptop, but I can learn a new system for me by being forced to use an inconvenient environment (like on the Shinkansen).


Or rather, if the children who will be active in society in the future use iPads, then it is the fate of seniors to pander to them.


Writing on an unfamiliar iPad can be stressful for me, but that's what "pandering" is.



We, seniors, have no choice but to live with our children.


We have always laughed at seniors who cannot use a computer.


It is our turn to be laughed at.


It's cause and effect.