

I was watching the anime "Yuru Camp" and remembered how I borrowed my mother's moped to travel alone from Nagoya to Kyoto when I was in high school.


At the time, my high school forbade me from getting a moped license, but of course, I ignored them.


I was helping my parents with work at their factory using a moped, so naturally "my parents approved".



I would like to remind teenagers that school rules are a "duty of effort" to begin with.


"Duty of effort" refers to things that are not legally obligatory and are not subject to penalties for violation, but are stipulated as things that should be done and should be endeavored to be done.


Japanese citizens are obligated to obey the law, and if they act in violation of the law, they will be penalized accordingly.


In other words, we are not obligated to follow anything other than the law.


Therefore, you are not obligated to follow any school rules that do not comply with the law.


However, in the case of an organization such as a school, the private rules (=school rules) that are deemed necessary for the operation of the organization depend on the discretion of the organization's management.


However, if the rules are unreasonable, then the school rules are considered more "illegal".


In this case, if you fight it in court, you can win.


It is possible to have school rules changed or withdrawn.


さて、ここで「原付免許の取得禁止」が、合理的であれるか、不合理的であるか ―― というのは、今回はスコープ外とします。

Now, whether "banning the acquisition of moped licenses" is reasonable or unreasonable is outside the scope of this article.

That means,


(1) It is necessary for the school to show that it has established such rules (i.e., school regulations) to ensure the safety of its students.


(2) Students, on the other hand, understand the school's position and it's okay to break school rules at your own risk.



However, if you are found out, for example, if the school has a rule that "breaking the rules = expulsion", you will be expelled (unless you fight it in court).


Let's put it simply in a nutshell.


If you have an accident, you have to take the risk of being expelled immediately.


I kept the fact that I had a moped license a secret for a long time, and when it came to driving a moped, I tried to be as safe as possible. After all, if I had an accident, I would be expelled from school immediately.


Schools don't bother to investigate the fact that not all of their students are licensed.


It costs a hell of a lot of money, and with the personal information issue, it's out of the question immediately.


What the school needs is "appearances and mensuration."


Hence, school rules should be "broken in silence, without telling anyone.


You can show off your individuality in places that have nothing to do with school, such as your hair and clothes.


If you are not allowed to work part-time, you just have to be very careful and work without being detected.


Well, I say, 'If you can't do that level of planning (or if you don't have that level of intelligence), then don't do it.


But that's beside the point.



Now I can't believe my youthful indiscretion in climbing the Suzuka Pass on a moped.


I think it was also raining. I remember it was very cold.


The anime "Yuru Camp" also makes me feel like I'm freezing just watching it.


"I don't know how I could have done that. I can say with certainty that I would never be able to do that now.



I think the engine of "youthful indiscretion" is very important.


The operating period of this engine is shorter than you think.


It seems to me that it is very important to "act when you feel like it, without thinking too much".

校則が理由で何もできなかった ―― などという言い訳は、他人には勿論、自分にすら通用しません。

Excuses such as "I couldn't do anything because of school rules" are not acceptable to others, or even to yourself.



(Continuation from yesterday)


Ebata: "I think this 'unrequited love' has far more power than ordinary love'."


Daughter: "What do you mean?"


Ebata: "Even if you don't see it, you can sense it just by approaching it. By discomfort."


Daughter: "It's true, I get urticaria just from their presence.


Ebata: "In my case, I can only detect that they have 'arrived on the same floor'."



Ebata: "In my case, once I've decided that I hate them, there's no way I'm going to change my mind later. How about you."


Wife: "I agree it. I think that it is a rare case of disappearing the the feeling.


Ebata: "Therefore, I think it's quite important to live a life in which you don't create 'hate' as much as possible. Besides, it is quite difficult.


Wife: "But 'hate' is inevitable in the working world."


Ebata: "In my case, when I was young, I was angry at someone all the time, I think. Especially my boss."


Wife: "So do I."

江端:「しかし、最近は、この『嫌い』の数が減ってきているような気がする ―― だから心配している」

Ebata: "But lately, the number of these 'hate' seems to be decreasing -- so I'm worried."


Wife: "Why?"


Ebata: "This is just a hypothesis, but I think the total amount of 'hate' in life is constant.


Wife: "And?"

江端:「『嫌い』を感じられなくなってきている、ということは ―― 本格的に『嫌われる』側にフェーズ移行した、と考えるべきだと思う」

Ebata: "If I can't feel 'hate' anymore, then I think I am now "being hated by others" phase in earnest.


Wife: "?"


Ebata: "In other words, the people who are 'hated' are hopelessly 'unaware' of it."



- Being lectured by a newcomer is "the best entertainment" for an older person.

■なんたって、社会というヒエラルヒーにおいて、新人や若手は社会人として弱い立場にあり、そのような自分より社会的に弱い立場にいる者に対して、上から目線で持論を一方的に述べる ―― こんな愉快なイベントを、年配であるこの私が見逃すわけがない。

- After all, in the hierarchy of society, newcomers and young people are in a weaker position as members of society, and old persons can unilaterally express their opinions from a superior perspective. How could I, an older person, miss such a delightful event?


This kind of situation is often invoked at "drinking parties" and the like.


In particular, a boss who wants to talk about the hardships of his or her youth is the worst of the worst.


However, this "worst of the worst" is difficult to self-identify. The higher the position, the more difficult it becomes.


Since no one can stop them, they will continue to self-amplify the ridiculous misperception that they are saying "good things".


Thus, the boss is completed as the 'being hated' one.


私、断酒してから、かれこれ3年になりますが ――

I've been sober for almost three years now, and...


The above is an objective report from a sober, post-sobriety person who has been observing the "unseemliness of the boss" at drinking parties.

ちなみに、上司であるかどうかに関係なく、酒が入るだけで、恐しく『最低』になる人間を見続けてきました ―― 本当に背筋が凍るような場面もありました。

Incidentally, I've seen people, regardless of whether they were my boss or not, turn into horrible 'jerks' just by drinking -- there were some truly spine-chilling moments.


Therefore, the best choice is to "not attend" drinking parties.


However, this is not possible in the working world.


The best way for a boss to behave at a drinking party is to not talk, shut up, and only pay.



Yesterday, I went out for a rare family dinner.


Recently, my daughters have not been able to spend any time with me, however, last night, by some miraculous chance, we were all together, so I decided to eat out immediately.


One of last night's stories was "Unrequited Love for a Person I Hate".


Ebata: "Why can't I get this passionate feeling of 'I hate you' across?"


My family looked at me strangely and gave me a witty comment.


Wife: "Dad, you usually tell people those things verbally, don't you?"


Ebata: "Don't talk about me like I'm a psychopath. I'm just a normal, defensive-minded, small-minded businessman."


When my family heard this, they looked at me like, "Damn".

いやいや、本当 ―― コラムの中で書いていることを、日常的に語っていたら、社会的に死にます。

To tell you the truth, if I talked about what I write in my columns on a daily basis, I would die socially.

サラリーマンの生存戦略とは、『内心を隠し、上司に阿(おもね)て、部下に無難に接する』 ―― この一言に付きます。

The survival strategy for business persons is to hide their inner secrets, defer to their superiors, and play it safe with their subordinates.


Well, that's beside the point.



Ebata: "When I made a plan of ski events..."


Wife: "Have you ever organized a ski event?"


Ebata: "After we got married, we would go skiing and play tennis with my colleagues at the institute for a few years.


Wife: "Oh, I see. I had a feeling you'd been the character you are now from the moment we met."


Ebata: "When I was a student and even after I became an adult, a guy who was 'I don't want to go with just this guy,' appeared, and for some reason, he would get involved in my ski projects.


Daughter: "Why don't you just not talk to him?"


Ebata: "Of course, not. I didn't say anything to them. Even when he blatantly said in front of me, 'I want to go with you,' I just smiled and left."


Daughter: "Why were he coming in?"


Ebata: "One of the participants was even letting him join on their own."


Daughter: "Why don't you just say no?"

江端:「『俺、あいつ嫌いだから断ってくれ』って、言えるか? 無理だろう?」

Ebata: "Can you say, 'I don't like that guy, so please turn him down ?& You can't, can you?"


Daughter: "I don't know if it's anyone else, but I think Dad can tell them."

江端:「言えるか! パパの交友関係は、その時点で破綻だ」

Ebata: "No way! My friendships would be broken at that time"


Daughter: "You don't have any friendships to begin with, do you?"

江端:「それは、『今のパパ』だ! 昔は、テニス部のキャプテンという、リア充の中のリア充だったんだ。『サービスを打てないテニス部キャプテン』って ・・・ 思い出したら、腹が立ってきたな」

Ebata: "That's 'me' now! I used to be the head of the tennis club, the realest of the real, and they used to call me 'the head of the tennis club who can't hit a service. I am starting to piss me off when I remember.


Wife: "And?"

江端:「どんな恋愛にも負けないくらいの熱い想いで、『お前が嫌いだオーラ』を発していたんだけど、どうして、この想いが伝わらないんだろう ―― と」

Ebata: "I was emitting an aura of 'I hate you' with a passion that rivaled that of any other relationship, but I wondered why this feeling was not being conveyed.


Wife: "I see."


Ebata: "This made me angry at the insensitivity of the person receiving the aura of 'I hate you', but at the same time I was convinced that I myself was not receiving the aura of 'I hate you'."


Wife: "And?"


Ebata: "I ended up in a place called 'Skiing Alone'. When I think about it, I feel like that was the starting point of my 'history of being alone'..."



(1) I like skiing in the first place.


(2) I like skiing with the person I like better than (1).


(3) Skiing with someone I don't like is more uncomfortable than (1) and (2).


The only optimal solution that satisfies the above (1) to (3) is 'skiing alone'.


(To be continued)



Recently, I've been seeing other people's e-books because of my own background in releasing e-books.

―― 私が困っていることに関して、的確にヒットする本が多いな

"So many books that hit exactly the right spot regarding what I'm having trouble with"


I'm impressed.


It is natural to think about it, but a general book cannot be published unless a certain number of publications can be expected.


There is no way that content in a niche technical field can be sold in a normal way.


However, in the case of e-books, there are basically no intermediate costs (editing, binding, shipping, bookstore shelves, returns).


The cost for this is also low.



For an engineer like me, the contents of general books are often not enough.


For example, the GTFS data format and how to retrieve the data, or how to set up AWS IAM, are out of scope even for data engineers and cloud engineers.


My writings on Bayolinks, PostGIS, etc., are probably a mystery to many engineers.


If your goal is to make money in the first place, this kind of publication is completely absurd.



I don't know about other fields of e-books, but when it comes to the technology field, it seems to be driven by different theories than the normal market principles for books.


(1) Write down my findings when I forget them, regardless of profit, and


(2) By being aware of the fact that "others will read it," I will be able to structure my sentences properly, and


(3) It's good if I can recoup some of the cost of the time I spent writing.


like the above.



Well, sometimes I think the books are a bit difficult to read because they don't have a professional editor in them.


However, as an engineer, I believe that they can read between the lines, even if it is difficult to read.



I think it is very important for people in the society to be given "two names".


When I send an email after a long time, I don't feel comfortable saying or being told something like "I've heard of you for some time"


I remember you. I do remember you, but when I want to tell you how I remember you, if I can use your "two names," it will be much smoother from there.



In my case, it's mostly "Mr. Ebata from saury and mackerel," but I think it would be difficult for someone younger than me to say this to me.


That is why I am often referred to as "Mr. Ebata of patents" within the company.


The Internet is littered with "Mr. Ebata, unloved by the English language.


"There is also "Mr. Ebata who jumped in (committed suicide).


本当は、「XXXXX技術の江端さん」という二つ名こそが、エンジニアとしても誉れだと思うのですが ――

In fact, I think that the two names of "Mr. Ebata of XXXX Technology" are honorable for an engineer.


When I ask myself what is the world class technology that can differentiate me from others, I think


It all comes back to "How to tell the difference between saury and mackerel".


I think the first "two names" are still correct.



Just the fact that my home network stops working is enough to make my 'heart skip a beat'.


This is because a network failure will cause a complete shutdown of the business, and there will be no way to notify others.


And today, it happened.

江端家ネットワークが繋がらなくなった件 Aterm ATERM-BA73A9


Nowadays, I can't imagine my life (work, entertainment, etc.) without the Internet, so it's very scary when I encounter such accident.


This time, I'm glad I only had to "reboot," but "rebooting" has a pretty high probability of "failing."


If the reboot fails, all functions, even those that were partially working, will be stopped.


Therefore, it takes courage to press the "Reboot" button.

―― 本当に、これまで「再起動」を押して、何十台のシステムをクラッシュしてきたことか(遠い目)

-- Really, I can't tell you how many dozens of systems I've crashed by pressing "reboot" (distant memory).



Once you have successfully "rebooted," it is important to print out all of your configuration information soon.


This is because it is a sign of a full-blown failure.


It is unfortunate that I have to admit this, but it is the information printed on "paper" that comes into play at the last minute.


This is because digital data cannot be retrieved when the system dies.



I have now uploaded hard copies of the configuration information for my home router to the cloud from one end to the other.


In my case, I often forget where my "paper" is, so I let them escape to the cloud for now, and find peace of mind.


However, even the cloud goes down when it goes down, right?



For electricity, water, gas, water leaks, clogged pipes, etc., there are places (maintenance services) to cry to, but I wonder if there are places to cry to for this kind of home network.


私が知らないだけならいいんですが ―― ネットワークが丸1日停止すれば、簡単に私(の仕事)を殺せます。

I hope I just don't know -- if the network goes down for a whole day, it could easily kill me (and my work).



I think I've written about this before.

―― リアルな数字で本気で計算していると、政府・与党支持になってくる

"If you're serious about calculating realistic numbers, you'll be supporting the government and ruling party"


is true.


Since I started this series, I have often thought, "Look at the numbers before you say anything!"


But this is totally "conservative thought".


Ebata's "turnaround" has been mentioned many times in the past, but it seems to be further strengthened since he has been struggling with numbers in government documents in Excel.



However, there is no change in my feeling of "disappointed with the left-wing forces" and "disgusted with the right-wing forces", so I am thinking that I need a new concept, like.

―― 数値保守 とか、計算保守 とか

"Numerical conservative, or computational conservative".


However, I also know that even if I start a new party with this argument, I will not be able to get the will of the people.


Because numbers and mathematics are the "virtual enemies" of our people, overtaking English.


STEM教育というのは、政府(文部科学省)が仕掛けた、体制支持の為の「思想教育」である、という考え方も ・・・

There is also the idea that STEM education is an "ideological education" set up by the government (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) to support the current system...


Well, this is a bit "tough" even as a hypothesis.



I wrote about "soldiers respect poor but fast speed" before, but it seems to have been different from the content.



The meaning of "poor but fast speed" here does not seem to be "just go fast, even if it's poorly done.


The correct meaning, in a nutshell, seems to be ...

―― 短期間で勝てる場合"のみ"戦え。それ意外の(長期間になる可能性があったり、勝てる見込が不明である)場合は戦うな

"Fight "only" if you can win in a short time. Otherwise (if it's likely to be a long time or you don't know if you can win), don't fight"




However, this is very difficult.


Research and development (R&D) is fatally time-consuming and costly, and researchers who fail to develop new weapons (new technologies) may have their raison d'etre questioned.


If I can develop a "winning technology" in a short period, I will have no trouble.


In other words, when it comes to R&D, if I think of "soldiers respect poor but fast speed" as Sun Tzu interpreted it, it becomes synonymous with "I do nothing/can't do anything".



Anyway, it is not good to leave misunderstandings, so I will correct the contents of my previous diary.


I take down "soldiers respect poor but fast speed",


"There's nothing Ebata can do about it, except to be 'too quick'."


I'd like to change it to that.



The other day, as a project of the section, we were divided into several groups and tried to have a free discussion (no theme).


So, since there was a young guy (in his 20s) in the group, I asked him about "matching apps".


There are two main questions.


(1) Do you have any resistance to using a matching app?


(2) Is it possible to openly disclose the fact that you got married through the matching app?



At any rate, I am a person who has only heard about dating sites, which have caused many problems, and I have no plans to use matching apps in the future.


In other words, I am a person who is certain that I will not be able to experience matching apps in a real way.



Well, the answers were : (1) no, and (2) not publicly.


This answer, while seemingly contradictory, makes a lot of sense to me.


This is what the "e-mail" of a science student on a college campus in the late 1980s looked like.


From the view of the history of e-mail, it will probably be a few more years before the use of "matching apps" can be spoken of publicly.



The only thing I can say is that even if "matching apps" become a normal communication infrastructure, the situation will continue to be that 'people who can't fall in love or get married will always be unable to do so.


Matching is the provision of a "place" and the "exchange of value" there.


A match is made when there is a common understanding that "your value" and "the other person's value" are the same to be able to be exchanged.


In that sense, I guess.

―― 「愛」をマッチングすることは、絶望的に難しい

"Matching "love" is hopelessly difficult"



―― 「シグナル」を点灯させることは、絶望的に難しい

"Getting the "signal" to light up is hopelessly difficult"


I remembered that.



"I don't know what I'm studying English or math for!"


To the children who shouted,


"Needless to say, "To become an adult who can have the options of a fulfilling love life and a happy married life." absolutely"


I think it is admirable for an adult to be able to say something like this outright.



I think I know a lot about communism, more than the average Japanese person.


In terms of standard deviation, I think I'm at about 2σ (deviation 70), not quite 3σ (deviation 80).


I was the son of a factory manager of a town factory.


From the communists' point of view, they must be "enemies of the people who must be overthrown," I thought. So I listened to the students in the dormitory (autonomous dormitory) talking about the so-called "revolution" with a sense of "Damn.

というか、大学に入学できている経済力がある時点で、『学寮にいる奴等、全員、人民の敵だろう』と思っていましたし、そもそも、全員、資本主義の歯車となるべく、就職活動していました ―― 活動家になった人はいませんでした。

Or rather, I thought, "Everyone in the dormitory is an enemy of the people," when they had the financial ability to enter university. In the first place, they were looking for a job to make us cogs in the capitalist society -- not activists.


マルクス主義、レーニン、スターリン、毛沢東、トロツキー、ポルポト、大粛清、文革、日本赤軍、全共闘、中核、革マル、内ゲバ、よど号ハイジャック、テルアビブ空港乱射、あさま山荘 ――

Marxism, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Trotsky, Pol Pot, the Great Purge, the Cultural Revolution, the Japanese Red Army, the All-Communist Party, the Core Faction, the Leather Marxists, the Civil War, the Yodo hijacking, the Tel Aviv airport shooting, Asama Sanso...


I know that it is too violent to mix these things up. Anyway, I don't have to say "What is that? Is it good?" because I have enough input in my brain about them.

そして、日本共産党が、暴力革命路線を放棄、中国や旧ソ連の共産党を批判し、さらには、学生たちを「左翼暴力集団」と決めつけた経緯も知っていますが ――

Of course, I know how the JCP abandoned the violent revolutionary line, criticized the communist parties of China and the former Soviet Union, and even branded the students as "leftist violent groups".


However, I don't know what will happen after that, if they can seize power.


The Communist Party, by its very nature, is not supposed to follow any other path than a one-party dictatorship. (As far as I have learned) democratic elections are a negation of communism.


This is not "wrong". It's just the way it is.


If I were to use an analogy, it would be like criticizing me (Ebata) by saying, "It's shameful that Ebata is Ebata.


Or, it is the same as the tautology that says, 'It is because it is against the teachings of Islam,' in response to the question, 'Why is it wrong to go against Islam?


That's why I prefer to think in terms of logic and numbers rather than ideology.


Because it's "easy" absolutely.



I think the name "Communist Party" has a great impact, or rather, a preconceived notion of it.

日本たばこ → JT, 日本電信電話株式会社 → NTT, 日本国有鉄道(国鉄) → JR のように、英語の略号で、「共産党」という言霊の持つネガティブイメージを払拭すべきだと思うんですよ。

I think they should use English abbreviations like Japan Tobacco → JT, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation → NTT, Japan National Railways (JNR) → JR to dispel the negative image of the word "Communist Party".

Japanese Communist Party → JC なんて良いと思うんですが、どうでしょうか。

How about "Japanese Communist Party → JC" ?


The event of electoral cooperation with the Constitutional Democratic Party made me say "Umm". So I think this is a good opportunity to change the name of the party.

どうせなら、Constitutional Democratic Party → CDPですので、『CDP + JC 連合』と言い切ってしまえば、もう、何が何だか分からなくなります。

In any case, if they use Constitutional Democratic Party → CDP and say "CDP + JC Coalition", we won't know what's what anymore.


I think this will finally make the opposing structure to the LDP look like what it is.


I think it's fine just during the campaign.


I know that the name of the party is an "important brand" to the party members, just like the "store name" of a liquor store or a candy store.