

So far, I have been saying that "programming is not difficult. At least it's easier than English".


Until now, my wife has been saying that "English is not easy, but at least it is better than programming".



My senior daughter recently had to volunteer to do some web design, and has come to say,


"I don't know anything about programming, but web design is easy."




In a similar story, a president of a company who'd never touched a computer before, reluctantly started using a remote conferencing system. They has come to say,


"Remote work is easy"

と言い始めているそうです ―― 図々しくも。






(1) One day, people will suddenly say that what they can do is easy, and


(2) Assume that "others should be able to do it too" and start forcing others to do it.


「勉強しているのに頭が悪い人」 ―― という記事の題目を見ただけで、ムカついています。

Just looking at the title of the article -- "People who study hard but are dumb" -- makes me angry.


そもそも「頭が悪い」って、どういうことだろう ―― と自分の日記を見直してみると、私も、山のように「頭が悪い」という言葉を使っていました。

I wondered what it meant to be "dumb" in the first place -- and reviewed my diary. I also had used the word "dumb" many times.


In my case, I seem to be uniformly calling people 'dumb', who 'believe that anti-social activities with thinking as cool', 'repeat idealistic and irrational claims', or 'force patriotism on others'


My use of "dumb" seems to be explained in a manner of speaking as "a person who is unable to communicate properly," irrespective of whether or not they have studied.


比して、「勉強しているのに頭が悪い人」 というフレーズで使われている「頭が悪い」は、「成果が出せない」と言う意味で使われているようです。

In contrast, "dumb" in the phrase "people who study hard but are dumb" seems to be used to mean "unable to produce results.


If that's what they mean, then "people who study hard but are dumb" is exactly what I am.

だから、私は、ムカついている ―― ようです。

So I guess that the phrase has made me angry.



I'm really, really, really one of "people who study hard but are dumb".


Especially in English, law, and work, I've probably been studying for an astonishing amount of time, but I haven't really seen any "results" (grades, money, status).


After a long period of time, I finally admitted (or gave up) that I was dumb even though I was studying hard.


In other words, I gave up "studying as a means to an end".


じゃあ、どうしたか、というと ―― 格好つけて言うのであれば、

So, if you're asking me what I did... -- If I may be so bold as to say, I changed my policy of


"Enjoy the study itself"



To put it simply, it's a switch to studying without the concept of "results".


Unlike examinations or qualifications, it is a study where the direction (bias) of the study and the time spent on the study are determined solely by my "discretion".



In the same way that "those who are not loved by English will never be loved no matter what they do.


If you're not smart enough to study, you're not going to be smart enough until you die.

無駄な努力は止めませんか? ―― 私は、止めましたよ。

Why don't you stop wasting your efforts? -- I have stopped it.



I'm sure that those who study hard and are smart can see a wonderful world that I cannot.


In comparison, "I, who study hard but am dumb," cannot see things from a bird's eye view, and hence I keep writing columns where I keep running into problems in society and keep complaining about them.


Or, on the weekend, I painstakingly put a crappy IT system on a $5,000 on-board computer, or on a $500/month cloud server, and I can feel happy with that little piece of success.

こんな、「勉強しているのに頭が悪い私」の見苦しい日々は、私の死ぬその日まで続くでしょうが ――

Though these not-so-beautiful days of "I study hard but I'm dumb" will continue until the day I die,


I'm fine with that.


本日、Zoom Webinerを使った学会発表を終えてきました。

Today, I finished my conference presentation using Zoom Webiner.

―― 心底、疲れた

"I'm really, really tired"


I made 44 presentation materials, 3 video clips with English titles.


In addition, how many people I've involved and how much time I've wasted, to approve a demo system for an external presentation and to get it through the firewall.


I spent GW writing a lot of English, and I spent the last two weekends practicing my presentation.



And today, I have been speaking bullshit English for 25 minutes straight.


During the question and answer session, I answered loudly and confidently with answers that, in hindsight, were way off the mark.


(Well, this is what the IETF taught me)


でね、プレゼンテーション画面に、翻訳エンジンの画面を表示してしまって ―― 聴講者に『ズルしていること』が、全部バレました。

So, I displayed the translation engine screen on the presentation screen, and The audience found out that I was cheating.


All of my presentations are being recorded and will be shown in video clips throughout the conference period.



Well, but this is good.


"The Reality of International Conference Presentations for Engineers Who Don't Love English"


It should be that, I think.



My junior daughter called me from downstairs, so I poked my head out of my room to see what she was going on.


"Right now, your temperature is 37.6 degrees"


"Oh, that has come. Is there anything else?"


"No, it's just that when I thought it was hot today, it was my body that was heated"


"Turn on the air conditioner and go back to sleep"


The day before yesterday, she had a vaccination at the university, and she seems to have had an adverse reaction within the expected range.


For my wife and I, it was just a matter of 'aching arms', but my teenage daughter seems to have been experiencing the phenomenon of 'fever' since the first session, as I had obtained beforehand.


This information was basically the same as what was announced in advance on NHK news, etc., so I didn't panic.



However, this issue panicked me.


My mother, who is in a nursing home, was hospitalized in an emergency immediately after the first round of vaccinations.


This is a bit complicated (and probably useful information), so I'll talk more about it later, but in conclusion


(1) The hospital's diagnosis that adverse reactions such as "anaphylaxis" were not the cause, and the doctor's opinion of "No one can deny that vaccination may have been a trigger"

(2) 母の退院後の、医師、施設の担当者、ケアマネージャーのそれぞれへの、私(江端)によるインタビュー

(2) Interviews by me (Ebata) with doctors, facility staff, and care managers after my mother was discharged from the hospital.

(3) メリット、デメリットの全てを書き出したレポート(メモ)を使った姉との協議

(3) Discussion with my sister using the report (memo) that I wrote down all the advantages and disadvantages.


Based on the above, I made a last-minute decision and gave the "go" for my mother's second vaccination.

無論、私の判断が、(父と同様に)『母を(も)殺す決断を下すこと』になるかもしれませんが ――

Of course, my decision may end up killing my mother as well as my father.


I will ask my mother to give up the 'bad luck of having such a son.



I believe that many people are confused about the new Corona vaccination.

私は、(シバタ医師から頂いた情報から)自分にできる最大限の調査と勉強を行ったという自負がありますが、それでも ――

I am proud to say that I did the best research and study I could (from the information Dr. Shibata gave me), but still--


At least, I know that the fear of giving someone's life (parents, etc.) except just for my life, is a terrible thing.

だが、それでも、私たちは、自分の命と、他人の命の為に、決断しなければならない ―― 今は、そういう時なのです。

But still, we have to make decisions for our own lives and the lives of others. Now is the time.



The fourth state of emergency has been declared by the Corona disaster in the Tokyo metropolitan area, and restaurants are being asked to close and stop serving alcoholic beverages.


And the minister in charge of economic revitalization caused a stir when he said that financial institutions will be asked to work with restaurants that refuse to stop serving alcoholic beverages or do not respond to requests to close.


As soon as I heard this, I knew in my gut that this would be impossible.


I thought it was too much to ask, not only legally, but also as a request from the government (public office).



As an image,


"Old men on the board of the neighborhood association pressuring local stores to donate money for the summer festival"




"A group of old ladies who want to dance on the podium at Bon Odori without asking and set up the schedule without permission."


It's a way of extending that kind of behavior, I thought.


しかし、この発想 ―― 嫌いじゃない。

But this idea -- I don't hate it.


If I were him, I'd plan something even more outrageous.

―― 営業時間外酒類提供をしている店舗の密告制度の導入

"Introduce a tip-off system for stores that serve alcohol after hours"


People who find such stores and report them will receive a few hundred yen in electronic money (bitcoin, etc.).


As for the informant's personal information, for example, if it is just a bitcoin ID number, it is impossible to trace it back to the informant (which is why bitcoin is a good method for money laundering).



How about the introduction of such a system similar to the "Tonari Gumi(mutual-aid system)" system during the Pacific War?


The song "Tonari Gumi" contains the lyrics "help you, help me", but in reality, it also had the function of making residents monitor each other (jump to Youtube).


People who would speak out about Japan's defeat in the war were tipped off and taken to the police.


This kind of snitching was called 'stabbing'.


This kind of behavior is a common phenomenon in national emergencies, both in ancient and modern times.


In other words, "the people limit their own private rights, and in the end, they tighten their own necks.



The ongoing "desperate" tag-team match between the government and us in the corona disaster might be going,


in the future,


"People at that time were all fools who used infectious diseases as an excuse to be manipulated by the government (state power)"

と軽蔑される可能性は ―― 残念ですけど ―― かなり高いです。

The possibility of us being disrespected like this are -- I'm sorry to say -- quite high.



I think it's probably true for many players that "having an audience improves their motivation.


However, I don't really understand this "fact" as I have been athletically illiterate all my life, thoroughly avoided team play, and only played individual sports such as tennis and skiing.


For example, during a tennis match, when I'm thinking about how to hit a service shot, if people are cheering loudly for me, I comt to think that

―― うるさい! 集中できないから、静かにしていろ!!

"Shut up! I can't concentrate, so keep it down!"



When I saw a TV broadcast of a sumo tournament without an audience, I was so impressed by the tranquility of the battle that I thought, "Sumo is such a beautiful sport.

相手の投手のヤジる野球の試合と、選手をヤジろうものなら大問題となる剣道の試合 ―― 同じスポーツなのに、これを「文化の違い」の一言で纏めていいのだろうか、と思っています。

A baseball game where they yell at the opposing pitcher, and a Kendo game where they can get in big trouble if they try to yell at a player -- Can we just call these "cultural difference" ?


Of course, I hate any sport where it is "normal" to have players (not spectators) yelling at opposing players during a game.


Furthermore, the words "away" and "home" are already not "beautiful" in sports competitions.



Therefore, I would like to affirm "no audience" not reluctantly, but logically and positively.


I believe that there is a beauty in sports events that are held without spectators that we do not yet know.


まあ、私の見解に、賛同者が"少ない"、というか、"いない"のは ―― よく分かっています。

Well, I am well aware that there are "few" or even "no" people who agree with my opinion.



In a certain anime, there is a famous line,


Well, first of all, could you please define "friend" to range from where to where?



And, well, so far, I think it's in the category of normal teenager's "philosophy".

―― というか、これくらいのことを考えないティーンがいたら、『そいつは人間じゃないだろう』とすら思います。

I mean, if there is a teen who doesn't think about this much, I even think, 'She/He's probably not human being.



What surprised me was when I knew that there was a system to define and register "friends".


For example,

―― Facebookの「友達申請」

"Friend request" on Facebook


I remember the shivers that went down my spine when I heard those words.


I was stunned to find out that, unbeknownst to me, the "friend" system had become a "contract" system consisting of requests and approvals.



To think about marriage, it is also a contractual system, consisting of mutual application between two parties and approval by the state.


With that in mind, I thought that the "friend request" form of social networking sites would be a good idea.


Then I thought that if it is a "best friend", which is a rank above "friend", it could be approved by the state or even do blockchain authentication by a private service company.


それも、私がSNSをやっていない理由の一つです ―― ぶっちゃけ「気持ち悪い」です。

That's also one of the reasons I don't do social networking -- it's "weird" to be honest.


The words "friend request" is bad.

せめて「ピア(×ペア)申請」とか、「エントリー」とか、「名前登録」とか ―― その程度なら、私は「気持ち悪い」とは思わなかったと思います。

If it had been at least something like "peer (x pair) application", "entry", "name registration" -- I don't think I would have felt "weird" about it.



This is the first time I've purchased wireless earphones. I've been using them for a while now.


It's called a bone conduction type, and it doesn't block your ears.


The sound quality is not that great, but I often walk in town while reading books or tablets, so being able to hear is a big advantage.


My tablet has had a cheap SIM (500 yen/month).

Amazon Primeで映画を見るには、通信容量が貧弱ですが、音声だけなら十分です。

The communication capacity is poor for watching movies on Amazon Prime, but it is sufficient for audio only.


Also, I have no problem using the tablet as a car navigation system, which is why I use it when I drive around my parents' house.


Aside from that.


Amazon Primeのメニューに「美少年探偵団」というアニメがありましたが、タイトルを見ただけでした。

There was an anime called "Bishonen Tanteidan(Beautiful Boy Detective Agency)" in the Amazon Prime menu, but I only saw the title.

ところが、西尾維新先生の著作であることを知るや否や、私はいきなり方針転換して、Amazon Primeで"一気見" ―― ならぬ、"一気聞き"をしてしまいました。

However, as soon as I found out that it was written by Ishin Nishio, I suddenly changed my mind and watched it in one sitting - or rather, listened to it in one sitting - on Amazon Prime.

いわゆる、西尾作品は、 ―― もちろん映像とともに見るのが一番良いのですが ―― ストリーそのものが十分に面白いので、音声だけでも十分に楽しめます。

The so-called Nishio's works are best viewed together with the images, of course, but the audio alone is enjoyable enough.


Walking with my tablet in audio mode thrown in my backpack and listening to the audio through my bone conduction earphones is safe, stress-free, and helps me get my exercise.



I wonder how many people can enjoy video content with only audio.


I sincerely hope that NHK will consider offering the NHK Special as a "free audio-only" service.



(Continuation from yesterday)

―― それでは、「ワクチン接種を終えていない方は、入店を御遠慮下さい」はどうかな?

"How about "Please do not enter the store if you have not been vaccinated"?"


I thought about this, and I expect that this, as well as the mask, will be allowed to refuse entry.


At present, 11% of people in Japan do not want to be vaccinated (NHK survey).

のこりの89%の人は、リスクを覚悟した上でワクチン接種に踏み切った/踏み切る予定の人達で ―― そして、ここが重要ですが ―― 「ワクチン接種をした/する人が多数派」になるという事実です。

The remaining 89% are those who have taken or will take the risk of getting vaccinated. And here's the important point is that the fact that the majority of people who have been vaccinated or will be vaccinated.


And the court's use of "in the current situation and socially accepted wisdom" is based on the majority opinion of the people.


Let us think,



(1) The large number of people who were vaccinated knowing the risks,


(2) having to get the risk from the small number of people who do not get vaccinated for fear of the risk,


Do you think that the large number of people will "laugh and forgive" the small number of people?



They can't do that.


They will say "that's too selfish!" And I will agree with them.


Even I had some painful adverse reactions after the vaccination (though I only had arm pain on the day of and the next day).



It is 100% up to the individual to choose not to vaccinate.

ただ、それによる不利益 ―― おそらく差別的とも思える取扱いをされること ―― は、諦めて頂くしかないと思います。

However, I think you have to give up the disadvantage of being treated in a discriminatory manner.



An administrative will provide proof of vaccination for those who have received the corona vaccine.


This means that from now on, not only at concerts, plays, and sports games, but also at stores, people without vaccination certificates will be denied entry.


Now, this "refusal to enter" is always mentioned in the history of the world in combination with the issue of discrimination.

超有名なのは、もちろん、『アフリカ系アメリカ人公民権運動』から今も続く、いわゆる黒人差別問題ですが、日本でも、差別問題は、もう挙げるのがうんざりするほどあります ――

The most famous is, of course, the so-called discrimination against blacks, which has been going on since the African-American Civil Rights Movement, but even in Japan, there are so many discrimination issues that I am sick of mentioning them.


So, I won't talk about it this time.



Now, as "Please refrain from entering the store if you are not wearing a mask" changes to "Please refrain from entering the store if you have not been vaccinated", the question is purely "Is this discrimination?"


I did some research and found out that, in principle, it does not fall under the category of "discrimination".


The article on which this is based is Article 521, "Freedom of Contract," of the Civil Code.

1. 何人も、法令に特別の定めがある場合を除き、契約をするかどうかを自由に決定することができる。

1. any person is free to decide whether or not to make a contract, except as otherwise provided by law.

2. 契約の当事者は、法令の制限内において、契約の内容を自由に決定することができる。

2. The parties to a contract are free to determine the content of the contract within the limitations of the law.


For those who still try to enter the store, it is possible to report them to the police for trespassing and failure to leave as stipulated in Article 130 of the Penal Code.


However, the reasons must be logical, objective, and above all, legal.


You cannot refuse to enter a store because you have a disability or because you are of a different nationality, and if you do, you will be penalized by another law to the contrary.



At present, there is no case in Japan where a dispute over "If you do not wear a mask, please refrain from entering the store" has been brought to court, so naturally there is no precedent yet.


In our country, the trend seems to be that such refusal of entry is acceptable under the current circumstances and socially accepted norms.


If you think this is discrimination, you can "try it out and fight it in court.




"It is socially acceptable to deny entry to a person who refuses to take precautions (wearing a mask) against the spread of a legally contagious disease that can lead to death"


With the content of this ruling, I feel that the case will be concluded.


(To be continued)