

Lately, the food (bread, rice balls, and lunch boxes) that my junior daughter brings back from her part-time job has become my meal (lunch) as I continue to work alone at home.

―― もう気分は、被介護人

"I'm already in the mood to be a  care-receiver"


I can make a light meal if it's simple.


Ebata: "And what happens to the lunches that you don't bring back?"

次女:「ん? 普通に廃棄でしょ?」

Daughter:"The lunch will be discarded"


That's what made up my mind.



I just can't get over the whole "throwing away food" thing.


Recently, there has been a boom in food loss, and I am trying to skip the process of peeling vegetables.


I mean, to begin with, "vegetable skins" are essentially "delicious".


My latest craze is to shove potatoes and carrots into curry without peeling them, and to use up all the leeks and spinach except for the sticky parts.


I eat apples whole because the skin part is delicious, and recently, my senior daughter taught me that biting into a whole pear is a good idea.


The food is both easy to cook and delicious.

皮付き野菜、皮付き果物、是非お試し下さい ―― そもそも、「皮を向いて食べる」などという風習は、ごく最近(数百年間程度)の、ちょっとした「意識高い系」のトレンドです。

Vegetables with skins, fruits with skins, please try them -- to begin with, the custom of "eating with the skin on" is a very recent (a few hundred years or so) and somewhat "conscious" trend.


Let's end such frivolous customs in this century.



I had a thought while watching the opening ceremony speech of the Paralympics.

―― 演説者の横に、キッチンタイマーの大型版を用意する、というのはどうでしょうか。

"How about setting up a large version of a kitchen timer next to the speaker?"


Or better yet, have them available all over Japan.


Especially the principal of an elementary or middle school with no presentation skills.


With this large kitchen timer, the students will be 'prepared'.


They can then objectively ascertain the intelligence and skills of their school's principal.


Alternatively, they could adopt the method of academic conferences.


The presentation time at most conferences is 15 minutes "including discussion" (10 minutes for the preliminary bell; 12 minutes for the final bell; 15 minutes for the closing bell).


So, for those children who are having trouble finding a topic for their free research during the summer vacation, I will provide the story.


"Why are the principal's stories so long and boring?



I once tried to get a rough idea of the scale of the number of people with persons with disabilities/employees in Japan.


I also compared the number of people with persons with physical disabilities in the 65+/under age groups.


In short,

―― 人間、いずれは、全員が障がい者になる

"Humans, eventually, will all be disabled"


I was startled that I noticed the natural fact.


Ebata: "The Paralympics is, in essence, a stage that concerns all of us".


When I was muttering to myself while watching the opening ceremony of the Paralympics, my wife said to me


Wife: "No, I don't think so. I don't think it's possible to watch those amazing performances of the Paralympic athletes as a scene from our lives."



In a moment, I was convinced.



I believe there is much to be learned from the best seller of the millennium, the Buddhist scriptures, the Koran, and the New Testament.


For example, in the Gospel of John, chapter 8, verses 3-11, we can read a scene where Jesus and the scribes confront each other over a woman caught in adultery.


In the Old Testament law, adultery was punishable by death by stoning.


When asked for his judgment, Jesus said





"All right, but let those among you who have never sinned throw stones at this woman"



These are profound words.



Today, under the separation of powers and the guarantee of freedom of speech, the government or local government (e.g., Tokyo Metropolitan Government), which is in charge of implementing policies, has been criticized by the public and prefectural residents for its measures against the COVID-19 infection.


Asked to make a decision in the midst of the COVID-19 disaster, Ebata, who is an engineer, said





"All right, but let those among you who have never gone out unnecessarily throw stones at the government or the Tokyo Metropolitan Government"



―― いやいや、そうじゃない

"No, no, no way!"


Governments and local governments have the responsibility to include behavioral change in their citizens and residents.


Any "criticism" of the executive branch is worthy of its own criticism (and need not be accompanied by an alternative).


Besides, if we regard John 8:3-11 as absolute justice, it would be a denial of the "rule of law".



Having said that, if it were up to me,


To "street drinkers" and "taverns that host late-night drinking parties",


I think I have the right to throw "pumice stones" or "ping pong balls" at them.



Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.


踊るバズワード ~Behind the Buzzword(14)STEM教育(2)



Dancing Buzzword - Behind the Buzzword (14) STEM education(2)

The epitome of programming education in the "homemade Raspberry Pi class"



My senior daughter graduated from a women's university in Japan last year, and she once said something interesting.

―― 『女性の社会的な立ち位置や、将来の女性の生き方に関する考え方』について強く意識したカリキュラムになっていて、そして、「ほんのわずかだけど、窮屈(きゅうくつ)だと感じることもあった」

"The curriculum was strongly focused on women's place in society and how women should think about their future lives," and "however, there were times when I felt cramped, but only slightly."



I responded, "Well, I think it's natural for women's universities to have such a curriculum, since they should play a central role in such studies."


However, if there is an atmosphere in which it is considered a "mission" to create such a society, I thought to myself, "That may indeed feel constricting.



Now, this story connects to


I responded, "Well, I think it's natural for women's universities to have such a curriculum, since they should play a central role in such studies."


何十年か前の「女性に学歴は不要だ」という考え方は ―― もちろん、今の常識からは『ナンセンスの極み』以前に ―― 今や、子ども(特に女性)の生存権を脅かす『テロリズム』とも言えます。

The idea of "women don't need education" some decades ago can now be called "terrorism" that threatens the right to life of children (especially women) -- Of course, from today's common sense, it is 'extreme of nonsense'.


In contrast, the story I presented on "How to Create a 'Computer-Hard Girl'" is in a rather delicate position.


This is because no parent or guardian wants to interfere with a "girl who wants to learn about computers" (well, there are some parents who are that inept, but they are rare cases).


However, parents do not have the means to find girls who want to learn computers, and even if they did, they do not know how to teach computers.


Therefore, there is no spontaneous emergence of "children who want to study computers.


That' s because we probably won't get a chance to learn about computers in our lifetime (unless we have a "programming education").


About math, physics, chemistry, and biology, we don't have such opportunities, but about English, to my chagrin, we has many chances.


For example, "Radio XXXX English Conversation Textbooks" sell like hotcakes only in January and April every year.



By the way, the environment for programming education in the Ebata family is perfect.


We have plenty of computers (20 if you count Raspy), we have IT engineers who are fluent in 5 computer languages, and can handle anything from the cloud to the edge.


There is only one problem.


―― 娘が「プログラミングを教えてくれ」と言い出さないこと

"My daughters don't ask me to teach programming."




Well, that's a good thing, I guess.


I don't want to create an atmosphere in my house where programming is considered a "mission".



I am currently considering making a book on a subject, and I may have to do something similar to Latex (Re:View, etc.) again.


I was hooked on Latex right after I joined the company, and I used Latex templates to create every single conference paper, research report, and other things.

しかし、その後、MicrosoftのWordで、会社が(というか"世界が")侵略され、私はLatexを断念して、Word, PowerPointで自分の世界を変更しました。

But then Microsoft Word invaded the company (or rather, "the world"), and I gave up Latex and changed my world with Word, PowerPoint.

で、実際のところ、会社の業務は全て、Microsoft Officeで、そして、EE Times Japan編集部への入稿も全てWordとPowerPointで行っています。

And, in fact, all of my company's work is done in Microsoft Office, and all of my submissions to the EE Times Japan editorial office are done in Word and PowerPoint.



―― もう一度、転向しろってか?

"Will the world expect me the turnabout again?"


No, I can't do that.


I believe that the world has been under the control of the Microsoft Empire, and that it is probably the first century of the "1000 year kingdom", which is much more credible than the German Third Reich at the moment.



However, "Markdown notation" is easy to use, and in github, it is a required format.


I think I'll probably love writing in Latex format as well.


In both cases, the description of the samples is beautiful and very clean.


だが、もう私も歳です ―― ここで、再度の転向をするのは、あまりにキツい。

But I'm too old now -- it's too hard to make another turn here.


I'd like to spend my last days with existing Word style files.


So, I am currently scouring the sea of the net in search of a Word style file that I can be satisfied with.



(Continuation from yesterday)


One of the hardest things about Kaoru Takamura and Ryotaro Shiba's novels is that they have so many characters.


Of course, I'm well aware that the writers are working on characterization to avoid this problem.

あだ名を付けたり、特徴的な振舞いをさせたり、台詞の言い回しを変えたり ―― ですが、私の小さい頭のキャパでは、登場人物全員を覚えることはできないのです。

Give them nicknames, make them behave in a distinctive way, change the way they say lines of dialogue, etc., however, with my small brain capacity, I can't remember all the characters.


To be honest, I'd like to see three people chasing the killer and three suspects.

司馬遼太郎さんの、あの「竜馬が行く」については、小説の中で動かない人物すら登場してくるくらいの勢いで ―― 正直、内容の方は忘れてしまいました。

As for Ryotaro Shiba's "Ryoma Goes", he was so powerful that even the characters who did not move in the novel appeared -- honestly, I forgot about the contents.



I believe that one of the best things about the so-called "Light novel" genre of books is that the illustrations (often "moe" pictures) help the reader understand the story.


And I believe that a "movie" is what you get when you expel all the words from a novel and make everything into illustrations.


Therefore, it is seldom the case that a movie is more difficult to understand than a novel, but it is also true that there are many people who are furious as a result of a novel being made into a movie.


Well, each person has his or her own "conception of the work," and this is something that cannot be helped.


Anyway, I don't find value in 'reading through long and difficult novels', but if possible, I would like to 'enjoy novels as novels' in my mind.



In my case, I read books by linking people and things that are similar to the people I have met and the things I have seen.


I'm interested in how people other than myself "watch" the characters and the site, in the novel.


とは言え、高村薫さんの小説に対して、『長いよ! もっと簡潔にしてよ!!』などと批評する資格が、私にはありません。

However, in response to Kaoru Takamura's novel, I am not qualified to criticize her novels with saying 'It's too long! Please make it more concise!'


This is because the columns I contribute are always criticized for being too long.



I finished reading "The Mountain of Marks" by Kaoru Takamura.

予想通り ―― きつかった。

As expected -- it was tough.

最後の最後に畳み掛けてくるような展開に加え、嫁さんが、Amazon Primeで「レディジョーカー」を見終った時の感想と同様、

In addition to the style it seems to fold in at the last minute, my wife said, as she did when she finished watching "Lady Joker" on Amazon Prime,

―― どににも、"救い"が見あたらない

"There's no help for it anywhere"


It was a work that followed the high road of Takamura literature.



When I climb a mountain, the mundane thoughts of everyday life fade away in an interesting way, and instead I am stripped of the shroud of work, life, and words to reveal only my life.


As it was condensed, rolled, extracted, and scraped away, it usually took on a bizarre appearance that surprised even me, but the experience was, in a word, out-of-this-world awakening and paralysis.


(The Mountain of Marks, bottom volume)



I am a dropout who gave up mountaineering after only one attempt, the so-called "Yari-Hotaka traverse" (Yari, Karasawa, Kita-Hotaka, Kamikochi route).

しかし、山に登る苦痛で、自分の限界と思われた壁の奥の3つくらい向こう側に達成し、全ての社会的仮面が剥ぎ取られた「素」になった『自分のおぞましさ』に慄然とした ―― あの感じを、今でも良く覚えています。

However, with the pain of climbing a mountain, I achieved about three walls deep beyond what seemed to be my limit, and I was horrified by my own, when all the social masks were removed and I became "myself"-- I still remember that feeling very well.


I remembered that moment when I realized, "So this is what I am when I lose all of my interfaces: reason, intelligence, sociability, civility, courtesy, and everything else."



The only time I can face my 100% blank self right now is "that fleeting moment when I jump into the cliff called the expert course at the ski slope."

―― 思考ゼロの刹那

"a moment of zero thought"


I've never experienced it, but I'm wondering if that's what Zen is all about.


So, as a rule, I ski alone.


(To be continued)



Ever since I read Masanori Yamada's "Faceless Gods" when I was a teenager, the Buddhist cave temple ruins in Bamiyan, Afghanistan have been a place of longing for me.

新婚旅行先に、私が『アフガニスタン』と提案した直後から、嫁さんは私に相談せずに、新婚旅行の計画を独断で進めてしまいましたが ―― いずれ、私は、一人でもあそこに行くのだ、と決めていました。

Immediately after I suggested Afghanistan as a honeymoon destination, my wife went ahead with the honeymoon plans on her own, without consulting me. However I had decided that I would eventually go there by myself.


In March 2001, the Taliban, a fundamentalist Islamic organization, blew up the Grotto Buddha.


Since that time, I've always thought that, and still think that

―― 低能イスラム原理主義者「タリバン」。お前らだけは絶対許さん

"The zero-intelligent Islamic fundamentalist "Taliban". You're the only ones I'll ever forgive."




I believe that Islamic teachings are basically not bad (except for that vile "afterlife harem" and the suppression of women's private rights).


I appreciate both the "horizontal equality idea" before God and the empirical "suffering experience event period" such as Ramadan.

「ラマダン」的なイベントは、我が国でも取り入れられないかな、と思っているくらいです ―― イスラム教とは離れて。

I'm even wondering if a "Ramadan" type event could be adopted in our country -- away from Islam.



If they are an Islamic fundamentalist, the 'ban on alcohol' may be caustic because of their zero-intelligent.

とすれば、その一点において"のみ"、コロナ対策に資しているのかもしれない ―― というのは、希望的観測すぎるでしょうね。

So, it may be that only in that one respect is it effective against corona. However, I think that's too wishful thinking.


I have fallen into pessimistic forecasting. If it is the Taliban, they will fall into the logic of the lowly terrorists, 'as long as you believe in Allah, you will not be infected'.



I walk late at night with my headlights on, and read papers, paperback books on iPad.


We passed through the main gate of the university on our walking route, and there were three vans and about a dozen university students gathered, looking like they were getting ready to go somewhere.


Well, it was late at night, so they were not noisy, but were not wearing masks either.

―― 気の毒に、これも「同調圧力」なんだろうなぁ。

"I'm sorry for them, but they are in 'peer pressure'"


I thought that.



Here is a part of my column manuscript that will be released this month.



I was in the U.S. for only two years, and I kind of understood it then (and the last presidential election made me realize it again), but not all the people in that country are intelligent, rational, and have high-income jobs like the people in "Radio English conversation".

米国には、場所によっては、「映画 八つ墓村」より閉鎖的なコミュニティがあり、宗教的理由で進化論を否定する人は、まだ半数近く残っています。

In some places in the U.S., there are communities that are more closed than "The Village of the Eight Graves," and nearly half of the population still rejects the theory of evolution for religious reasons.


Furthermore, it is clear that in this day and age, there are a certain number of people (including the nation's top leaders) who have unscientific ideas such as "anyone who wears a mask (to prevent infection) is a chicken (weakling or coward).



Well, regardless of age, gender, or sex, "peer pressure" occurs in a group, no matter how big or small.


People who resist 'peer pressure' are hated by the group as 'airheads'.


And most of us switch our response depending on the situation, not on which is right, but on which is less disadvantageous to us.


When I was young, I remember struggling to fit in with the "mood" and "atmosphere" of the place.

それが無駄だったとも思ってはいません ―― かなり苦しくはありましたが。

I don't think it was a waste of time, either -- although it was quite painful.


だからこそ ―― 『集団に属するか否かを自分で決定できる』今の自分の立ち位置は、とてもラクです。

That's why it's so easy for me to be in a position where I can decide for myself if I belong to a group or not.

少なくとも、自分自身が恐しいリスクを理解していながら、『仲間内でマスクを外して楽しげに会話する』などということを、やらずにすんでいられる ―― という幸せをかみしめています。

At least, I feel happy that I don't have to "take off my mask and have a happy conversation with my friends," even though I understand the horrible risks.



I often see books that include the title "First Class People."


Whenever I see a book like this, the first thing I do is to look for the page with the definition of "first class", but I have never found that definition before.

―― 用語未定義のまま「一流」という言葉を濫用する著者は、「一流」と呼ばれる人なのだろうか?

"Is the author, who abuses the term "first class" without defining the term, a "first class" person?"


I feel such questions, but there is no point in playing with tautologies, so I will not go any further.



I think there are many books in the "First Class" series that refer to "shoes".


Shoes are the first interface that people look at, so people argue that a person with dirty shoes is a low-class human being.


I wondered if that was true.


There is no end to the number of similar arguments that can be made about clothing, appearance, and behavior.

つまり『一流』とは、著者の主観 ―― つまり『偏見』です。真面目に信じていたら、バカ見ます。

In other words, "first class" is the author's subjective view -- in other words, an "prejudice". If you believe it seriously, you are going to make a fool of yourself



To begin with, if you think about it normally, the first interface that people look at is the face.


I think this is probably the absolute truth in all ages.


However, for some reason, there is no book titled "The Face of First Class".


There is no book called "The Face of Dignity" or "The Face of Intelligence.

理由は簡単 ―― そんな本は売れないからです。

The reason is simple -- no one is going to buy such a book.


This is because shoes and clothes can be solved by cost (money), while face is a problem that is difficult (but not impossible) to solve by cost, and is not popular with the public.


Paradoxically, then, "First Class" means "things or events that can be solved by cost.

まあ、これは、ちょっとした「言葉遊び」ですが ―― それでも、『顔』を見る前に、『靴』を見る人がいたら、気持ち悪いと思います。

Well, this is a bit of a "play on words" -- but still, I think it would be weird if someone looked at my "shoes" before looking at my "face".


I'd think, "Is this author shoe fetish?"



I came to work today after a long absence, but my shoes seemed to have a hole in them, and my socks got wet.


It wasn't raining, the road was just wet.


I think the only choice for shoes with holes in them is to throw them away, but I can't help but want to repair them.


This "repair fetish" is a weakness of mine. Sometimes, the cost of repairing is even higher.


Well, I am aware that I am not in the category of "first-class" or "second-class" people.


I'm fine with that.