Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.
踊るバズワード ~Behind the Buzzword(14)STEM教育(2)
Dancing Buzzword - Behind the Buzzword (14) STEM education(2)
The epitome of programming education in the "homemade Raspberry Pi class"

My senior daughter graduated from a women's university in Japan last year, and she once said something interesting.
―― 『女性の社会的な立ち位置や、将来の女性の生き方に関する考え方』について強く意識したカリキュラムになっていて、そして、「ほんのわずかだけど、窮屈(きゅうくつ)だと感じることもあった」
"The curriculum was strongly focused on women's place in society and how women should think about their future lives," and "however, there were times when I felt cramped, but only slightly."
I responded, "Well, I think it's natural for women's universities to have such a curriculum, since they should play a central role in such studies."
However, if there is an atmosphere in which it is considered a "mission" to create such a society, I thought to myself, "That may indeed feel constricting.
Now, this story connects to
I responded, "Well, I think it's natural for women's universities to have such a curriculum, since they should play a central role in such studies."
何十年か前の「女性に学歴は不要だ」という考え方は ―― もちろん、今の常識からは『ナンセンスの極み』以前に ―― 今や、子ども(特に女性)の生存権を脅かす『テロリズム』とも言えます。
The idea of "women don't need education" some decades ago can now be called "terrorism" that threatens the right to life of children (especially women) -- Of course, from today's common sense, it is 'extreme of nonsense'.
In contrast, the story I presented on "How to Create a 'Computer-Hard Girl'" is in a rather delicate position.
This is because no parent or guardian wants to interfere with a "girl who wants to learn about computers" (well, there are some parents who are that inept, but they are rare cases).
However, parents do not have the means to find girls who want to learn computers, and even if they did, they do not know how to teach computers.
Therefore, there is no spontaneous emergence of "children who want to study computers.
That' s because we probably won't get a chance to learn about computers in our lifetime (unless we have a "programming education").
About math, physics, chemistry, and biology, we don't have such opportunities, but about English, to my chagrin, we has many chances.
For example, "Radio XXXX English Conversation Textbooks" sell like hotcakes only in January and April every year.
By the way, the environment for programming education in the Ebata family is perfect.
We have plenty of computers (20 if you count Raspy), we have IT engineers who are fluent in 5 computer languages, and can handle anything from the cloud to the edge.
There is only one problem.
―― 娘が「プログラミングを教えてくれ」と言い出さないこと
"My daughters don't ask me to teach programming."
Well, that's a good thing, I guess.
I don't want to create an atmosphere in my house where programming is considered a "mission".