
ここに記載しているように、EE Times Japanで記載して頂いているリンク先が、全て変わることになりました。

As noted here, all links to EE Times Japan has changed.


(I know that they will be redirected for a few years, so it doesn't seem to matter right now)

当然ですが、私の日記やらその他のコンテンツは、EE Times Japanの記事へのリンクが、(誇張ではなく)山ほどあります。

Of course, my diary and other contents have a lot of (not exaggerated) links to EE Times Japan articles.


In particular, there are a huge number of links in the kobore.net diary, and I have to deal with this.


And now I'm...

―― 自分のWebサイトのハッキング

"Hacking my own web site"




I'm in the process of hacking into WordPress, but it's not working.


"Where is the main body of content? !" I am shouting, with staring at the console screen and tapping at the keyboard.

====== 追記 ========


このプラグインをインストールしたら、一瞬で変換ができました ―― 便利です。


私は日記やコラムを執筆する時に、自分の台詞の中に、自分の心の声含める時に、 "――" を、よく使います。

I often use "--" when I am writing a diary or a column, when I want to include the voice of my heart in my dialogue.


An example is

『SNSで発信しているメッセージの内容 ―― 上品か下品か、知性的か痴性的か、話題や言葉の品格や品性 ―― が、どうであれ、』

"Regardless of the content of the messages they send on social networking sites -- whether they are classy or vulgar, intelligent or lascivious, dignified or decent in topic or language --



I could say that it is like using relative pronouns in English, but from the perspective of technical writing, it is not a recommended way of writing.



In the works of Ishin Nishio, famous for the Bakemonogatari series, there is a distinctive way of writing.


This is a method of omitting closing parentheses in the main character's lines, as opposed to opening parentheses.


"For you, the destruction of this world is just another route.


"Saving the world is just my selfish request, so you don't need to listen to it at all.


"But, Araragi-kun, you should save the girl in front of you.


(I think this is how it was used.)



I'm sure 99% of the programmers in the world will probably agree with me, and I think this style of omitting parentheses to be quite stressful.


It is "Nest error".


Many computer languages use parentheses such as "{","}" to define their processing units.


If the parentheses are not paired, the computer will say that it cannot process them, resulting in a compilation error.

  for (int i = 0; i < PQntuples(res); i++) {
	for (int j = 0; j < nFields; j++) {
	  printf("%-15s", PQgetvalue(res, i, j));


In the above list, the number of "{" does not correspond to the number of "}", resulting in an error.


So, I may have a hell of a time finding it, or I may make a mistake in nesting, and your program may behave like a mess.


Statements with unclosed nests are hard to watch for me.



Of course, the writing style of Nishio Ishin-sensei is a complete content, including the way he expresses himself, so this is "good".

―― ですが



As a programmer,


"For you, the destruction of this world is just another route.


"Saving the world is just my selfish request, so you don't need to listen to it at all.

「でも阿良々木君、目の前の女の子は救った方が良い」」」 ← この3つの括弧を書き込みたくて、仕方がないのです。

"But, Araragi-kun, you should save the girl in front of you"""

I can't help but want to write these three parentheses.



I am a supporter of the Tokyo Olympics/Paralympics, which are only 32 days away.


The reason for supporting the event in the midst of this corona disaster is, as I have already mentioned, to establish the "Tokyo Model" that will be used all over the world for the next 100 years.


In my view, the "Tokyo model" is to hold the event without an audience.


This is because the "Tokyo model" will operate in a way that is decidedly different from traditional modern Olympics/Paralympics events.

それ故、その「差分データ」が大きな「財産」になります。そしてそれは ―― 人類に残せる財産となるはずです。

Therefore, the "differential data" will become a great "asset". And it will be an asset that can be left to mankind.



Our country (Japan) has continued to provide the world with very valuable and important negative data.


In recent years,

- 史上最悪のレベル7における原発事故の事故/事故後対策(住民避難、廃炉、住民帰還(しかも、廃炉と同時進行の))

- Accident and post-accident measures (evacuation, decommissioning, and return of residents (and simultaneous decommissioning)) for the worst Level 7 nuclear power plant accident in history.

- バブル経済破綻後の、10年以上にも及ぶ国内不況と、それに対する各種の財政対策

- After the collapse of the bubble economy, the domestic recession lasted for more than 10 years and various fiscal measures were taken to cope with it.

- 世界で最先端である少子高齢化の進行と、(効果の有無はどうあれ)それに対する対策

- The world's most advanced aging society with a declining birthrate and measures to deal with it (whether effective or not).


A little further back,

- 高度経済成長期における経済最優先対策によって引き起された公害事件と、その被害、裁判記録、損害の算定

- Pollution incidents triggered by economic priority measures during the period of rapid economic growth, their damage, court records, and calculation of damages.


Going back even further.

- 民間人の殺害を目的とした原爆被害の実体

- The reality of atomic bomb damage aimed at killing civilians.

- 戦後の復興

- Postwar Reconstruction



Japan is a "negative data advanced country" that has provided the world with a vast amount of valuable data.


And governments in many countries could have implemented various policies based on the Japanese use case (in fact, "Japan's Bubble" has become a bible for monetary policy around the world).

無論、こんなこと、避けれるものであれば、避けたかった ―― 多くの人が苦しみ、現在も苦しみ続けて、そして死んでいった(殺されていった)。

Of course, we would have avoided this if we could have -- many people have suffered, continue to suffer, and have died (or been killed).


But if it has happened, the findings should be put to good use.


東京五輪の開催によって、コロナの第5波がくるのは、確実 ―― というか、誰が考えたって『確定した未来』です。

With the Tokyo Olympics/Paralympics, the fifth wave of Corona is sure to come -- or rather, it's a "definite future.


Then the negative aspects that will be generated by hosting the Tokyo Olympics/Paralympics should be recorded with the highest possible accuracy.

このような一か八かをかけた国際的イベントを実施するのであれば、そのイベントを、可能な限り非日常的態様 ―― 無観客開催で ―― 実施することで、有意な『差分』が観測できるはずです。

If we are going to hold an international event like this, we should hold it in as unusual a manner as possible -- without an audience -- so that we can observe a significant "difference".



This can be shown to large-scale events around the world in response to pandemics that are likely to occur several times over the next 100 years, whose name is


"Tokyo Model"




The open window facing the children's room on the second floor does not have eaves, which makes it easy for rain to fall in.


So, my wife asked me if I could make an eave.

しかし ――



- I don't want to make a hole in the exterior wall.


- I have no expertise in steel pipe processing.


- Lumber has durability issues.


- Plastic tin is cheap looking.


I've been thinking about it all weekend, and then I had a moment of realization.

―― 軒下を作ることは目的ではない。手段だ

"Building an eave is not an end. It's a means to an end"



So I'm currently ordering parts from Amazon to handle this.


I will inform you of the results later.



I know enough about Unit 731, the research institute of the Imperial Japanese Army, My Lai Massacre, Les Khmers rougesm, Ethnic Cleansing" in the Bosnian Conflict, and could give you an overview.


Among them, I did a lot of research, especially about Auschwitz in Nazi Germany.


I also have known about the "Sonderkommando" who were forced to be part of the Nazi genocide despite being Jewish.

という訳で、もう滅多なことでは、驚かないつもりでしたが、NHKスペシャル「アウシュビッツ 死者たちの告白」を見て衝撃を受けました。

I thought I would never be surprised by anything, but I was shocked when I saw the NHK special "Auschwitz: Confessions of the Dead".

―― 1943年の段階で、連合国の政府は、アウシュビッツの大量虐殺を知っていた

"As early as 1943, the Allied governments knew about the genocide at Auschwitz"


To tell you the truth, I did not know the fact.


"If we move to stop the genocide, Germany could switch to a policy of driving Jews to other countries rather than exterminating them"


"If we were to actively accept Jews, people's frustration would be directed at the government"


In other words, 'the world has abandoned the Jews.



Of course, it was a shock, but more than that, I was shocked by the fact that Polish agents had infiltrated the Auschwitz camp.

ポーランドの亡命政府と諜報員たち イメージ図


The phrase "life-threatening mission" is often used, but I wondered if there were people who could carry out intelligence activities in an extermination camp.


When I learned of this, I vowed once again, "I have never, and will never, do anything that goes against the power of the state.


If the state power gets serious, it really shouldn't be a big deal to erase me.


By the way, my family has told me, "If it comes to that, run away on your own (don't rely on us)"


『私達は世界中から見捨てられた』 ―― この事実だけで、イスラエルとしては十分なのでしょう。

The fact that "we had been abandoned by the world" is enough for Israel.


This is evident in last month's ferocious Israeli retaliatory strike against Hamas, which effectively controls the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

単純に死者数を見ても"10倍返し"ですが、2014年での紛争では、死者数比率 パレスチナ:イスラエル = 1221人:56人で、"20倍以上返し"です。

Simply looking at the number of deaths, it is a "tenfold return. In the 2014 conflict, the death toll ratio was Palestine : Israel = 1221:56, a "return of more than 20 times".

# この比較自体が、非人道的でナンセンスという批判は、甘んじて受けるつもりです。

# I'm going to indulge the criticism that this comparison itself is inhumane and nonsense.


今さらながら、ですが ――

After all this time


I wonder if Israel thinks that 'the world has and will continue to abandon us again and again.



Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.


踊るバズワード ~Behind the Buzzword(13)STEM教育(1)



Dancing Buzzword - Behind the Buzzword (12) STEM education(1)

Programming Education Shatter "Fear of AI" and "Illusion of the PC"?



I once wrote a column about the results of a simple simulation of population estimation in Japan, and I received a comment that said, "I don't believe in computer simulation results".


I had no idea what this guy was talking about, but a few days later, I noticed that

―― あ、この人は、コンピュータのシミュレーションの結果を『当たる』とか『当たらない』という風に使うものだと思っているんだ

"Oh, she thinks that the results of a computer simulation are used as 'hit' or 'not hit'"


ちなみに、コンピュータでシミュレーションしている人(研究者等)は ―― 『絶対に』と断言してみせますが ―― 自分のそのシミュレーション結果の未来になることを『絶対に』信じていません。

By the way, persons (researchers, etc.) who can computer simulations, never believe that the result of their simulation results are future. I will assure that.


It's obvious.


This is because the unknown uncertainties of the future and their values are not known at this time.


This is because there is no way to run a simulation without setting up a hypothesis, such as, "What will happen if the same daily conditions continue for the next 100 days?"


If you can enter a value 100 days into the future in a simulator, then you don't need to do the simulation in the first place.



As I said in this column, this is not an exaggeration or trivialization, but in the truest sense of the word, what the computer is doing is

―― 電卓のキーを押しているだけ

"just pressing the keys on the calculator"



The only difference is that it is super high volume and super fast.

だから、『コンピュータによるシミュレーション結果は信じない』というフレーズは、私にとっては「電卓で"3 + 5 = 8"になることを信じない」というくらい、理解不能だったのです。

So the phrase "I don't believe in computer simulation results" was as incomprehensible to me as "I don't believe that 3 + 5 = 8" on a calculator".



However, we know that the results of computer simulations can be delivered to some extent for an unknown future (even if uncertain future events exist).

全く見えない未来よりは、マシ ―― コンピュータとか、プログラムは、本来そういうものなのです。

It's better than a future you can't see at all. That's what computers and programs are all about.

シミュレーションの結果を「信じる」とか「信じない」とかいう言葉が登場してくる ―― それくらい、私たちの多くは、コンピュータや、プログラムを、理解していないのです。

Words like "believe" and "don't believe" appear in the simulation results. That's how little most of us understand computers and programs.


Because who says 'I believe in calculators' or 'I don't believe in calculators'?



In this sense, I have high hopes for compulsory "programming education".


The computer is not a "future prediction machine", but a single bug in the program can produce totally messed up values.


A computer is not a "magic box".


You can see this immediately by writing your own simulation program.


If you experience programming in the Scratch language, even a child should be able to understand it.


Not to mention.

―― こんなもの(プログラム)で、人間の知性を越えるようなものが作れるはずがない

"There's no way that something like this (a program) can be made to surpass human intelligence"



という訳で ――



I will continue to say


"If you can make something like that, go ahead and make it"




"Show me what you've actually made, and then show me your smug face"




Lately, I've been unable to say "I'm not feeling well" easily.


Probably because it would be a big deal.


However, I've been stuck at work lately, which has caused me to have insomnia, and it's true that I'm not feeling well.


In the past, when this happened, I would report to my supervisor or leader, saying, "I'm sick at work, insomnia, slight fever, and not feeling well.


I once sent a text message to the office saying, "I couldn't walk straight when I woke up this morning, so I'm taking the morning off today".


I just reported it correctly.



Currently, if I were to say that I am not feeling well, I would be the first to suspect a new coronavirus infection.


Well, I think that's right.


Rather, we need a society and a company that works on the premise of suspicion.


If I am suspected of having a new corona infection, I don't mind at all.


If I were to be discriminated against the infection, I'm going to expose the incident to the world with the real names of all the people involved.



The tedious part is probably the follow-up communications and reports that are requested from all sides.


"I can't stand it when I'm sick and have to do more paperwork"



Therefore, my daily reports for the past year have continued to show "Health Status : Good".



I have bought all the comic books at the same time several times.


It's usually a birthday present for my daughters.


"Banana fish"


"The Life of Professor Yanagisawa, Genius"


"Him and Her situation"


And, well, the list goes on and on.


I am not so sure that I like all of those comics that I have purchased.


For example, "Him and Her situation" was well received by my family, except for me.


However, I had seen Anno's anime "Him and Her situation", so I was expecting the positive feeling, and I could not accept the comics.



For the past two years, I've been watching the anime Fruits Basket (2019).


Watching this anime broadcast, I found the new interpretation (creation) of the twelve zodiac stories in this comic so interesting that I am considering buying all the volumes at once.


I did some research and found some great stuff.

―― 全世界累計発行部数3000万部

"30 million copies in circulation worldwide"


I think that this may become a classic work.



Disposing of the materials (sometimes containing personal information) used for column reviews and other documentation is a vexing problem.


In the past, I used to burn these materials in my yard using paint cans, but recently I have stopped, considering the inconvenience to our neighbors.

(調べてみたら「絶対に禁止」という訳でもないようです(廃棄物の処理及び清掃に関する法律 第16条の2第3項))

(I looked it up and it seems that it is not "absolutely prohibited" (Law Concerning Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing, Article 16-2, Paragraph 3))


Well, incineration is a hassle.


So, recently, I have been using the "two trash cans" method of disposal.



It's as simple as this: tear up the documents that have served their purpose as finely as possible on the spot, by hand, and throw what's left in your left hand into the left trash can, and what's left in your right hand into the right trash can.


And the garbage from those garbage cans is put out on separate garbage collection days.


For credit cards, it is necessary to cut the IC chip, name, and card number with scissors multiple times.


(For hard disks, etc., after physical formatting, I remove them from the computer, tread them down with car tires, and then dispose of them in non-combustible garbage.)


Well, even this may be a comfort. In the first place, even if you go through the garbage of the Ebata family, you won't find much confidential information.

という訳で ―― 江端家のガーベージコレクション(*)は、止めておいた方が良いと思います。

I think it's better to stop the garbage collection(*) of the Ebata family.


(*)One of the IT terms.



The other day,

Amazonプライムで、映画「三島由紀夫vs東大全共闘 50年目の真実」を見ていました、という日記を書きました。

I wrote that I was watching the movie "Yukio Mishima vs. the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto: 50 Years of Truth" on Amazon Prime.


So, I'm getting interested in "Mishima literature", but before I watched the movie whose title is

『11.25自決の日 三島由紀夫と若者たち』

"11.25 The Day of Self-Determination: Yukio Mishima and the Youth"



―― 一気に冷めました

"All at once, I felt blank"


I think, "I don't need any extra direction, just the documentary footage and narration".

『実録・連合赤軍 あさま山荘への道程』も同じ監督による作品であることが分かりましたので、見るのをやめることにしました。

I found out that "United Red Army: The Road to Asama-Sanso" was also directed by the same director, so I decided not to watch it.


I know about the Asama-Sanso incident to the extent that every time I go home, I look through the book "United Red Army of Soldiers" that I keep on my parents' bookshelf. That's why I think, "I would be very angry if it was staged in a strange way.


Well, everyone has their own preferences.


It just wasn't right for me.



I need your help.


I have the movie "The Tokyo Trials" on DVD, so if there are any films about Yukio Mishima or the United Red Army that have been edited for documentary footage like "The Tokyo Trials," please let me know.


Also, I would like to ask for the ones in which the All-Academic Congress, the National Committee of the Revolutionary Communist League, the Revolutionary Communist League of Japan, the Revolutionary Marxist Faction, the Revolutionary Workers' Association, etc.


Well, you know, the theme is "internal strife".


I'd like to do some research, and I'd like to get a quick grasp of the general feeling of these exercises from the video.