

In some countries outside Japan, people who do not have a certificate of vaccination against the new coronas are restricted from entering stores and gyms, and are not allowed to work.


In principle, I agree with this direction.


From the perspective of dire malice, I'd like to see the dark side of the operation: purging those who don't/can't get vaccinated.


However, if implemented, this will undoubtedly cause insidious social division.



―― 社会的に公認されたイジメ

"Socially sanctioned bullying."


Something like that will occur.


The current trend in our country is to 'persecute minorities who don't get vaccinated' because those who do get vaccinated are the majority.


The national policy of our country is to crush outstanding individuality.


I am also "aware" that I am standing on the side of the "crushers".


By the way, it is not "awareness" but "fact" that I am "standing on the side of the beaten down".


Anyway, I think it is a reasonable decision that the government is limiting the issuance of vaccine passports (new corona vaccination certificates) only to travelers.



So, I just had an idea,


How about putting the title "vaccinated against new coronas" on your business card?


Of course, those who do not want to include such information do not have to, and those who have not been vaccinated can fraudulently claim to have been vaccinated.


All you have to do is show this business card to the owner of an izakaya and say that you can eat and drink at the restaurant.


そんなことして効果があるのか? と思われるかもしれません。

You may be wondering, "How can that be effective?"

多分、効果はあると思うんですよ ―― 『もの凄く、酒がまずくなる』という効果が。

I think it probably has an effect -- the effect of "making the drink taste really bad".


(1) If a cluster occurs, you'll get a follow-up investigation.


(2) If they do a follow-up survey, they'll find that they talk about business cards.


(3) Then you'll be asked if you've been vaccinated, right?


(4) Then, they ask you to submit a document that you've been vaccinated (you can get this after two vaccinations).


(5) If you can't submit it, the "awkwardness" among coworkers, friends, loves, will be unbearable.


Just by thinking about all this, a normal person would not be able to drink 'good sake'.


This is

―― 社会的に"非"公認されたイジメ

"Unsocially sanctioned bullying"


However, I think it is still better as long as it is not legislated or institutionalized.



Well, this is a necessary condition for "the vaccinated to become the majority".


Those who refuse to be vaccinated need to increase their ranks ASAP.


That's why I've said it again and again.

『何をグズグズしているのだ。早く江端を抱き込め』―― と。

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and get Ebata"



I was woken up by a phone call this morning.


It was a call from a contractor of high-pressure cleaning of drainpipes, asking if he could visit us in an hour.



A few weeks ago, the drainage in the upstairs hand-washing area was clogged with a strange smell.

私、配管を解体して詰っているものを除去する程度のことは、DIYでやってしまいます ―― 実際に、これまで、全部、私が直してきました。

I'm a DIYer when it comes to dismantling plumbing and removing clogs -- in fact, I've done it all before.


However, this time, even after removing all the debris from the pipes, the water did not continue to flow.

つまり、外部に露出している配管ではなくて、家の中の排水管が詰っているということで ―― こうなると、もう私には手が出せません。

In other words, the drainage pipes inside the house are clogged, not the exposed pipes outside -- this is something I can't do anything about.



Again I was trying to deal with this myself by purchasing such a device.


However, I, at my parents' house, once messed with a drain pipe and made things worse as a result.


And then, "thanks to all the things I've done," the toilet at my parents' house became unusable.


At that time, I had a drainage company come and remove some of the roots in the pipe.


And later, I cut down with a chainsaw the pine tree that my father had cherished before he died.


Well, let's not get into that.


Once I had a contractor come and try to solve the problem with the above mentioned equipment, but it still didn't work, so we had to do high pressure washing.


Under my wife's general policy, "If we're going to do this, we should clean everything in the house," the first simultaneous plumbing cleaning was held after the construction of the Ebata house.

二人の作業員方の作業を見せて頂いたのですが ―― もう「楽しく」て

I enjoyed watching the operation of the two workers.


I watched the operation, stretching and leaning back so as not to disturb the workers.


In my image, it was "like watching a parade at Disneyland in a crowded place.


And for the first time, I found out that the (unnoticed) halls installed in the entrance, garden and parking lot were the pathways for sewage (there were about 10 of them).


The workers operated as "easy for me to watch the work".


After the work was done, I asked a lot of questions.


To be honest, I was surprised to see a compressor (like this one) installed in the minivan, but it wasn't powered by our house, nor was it drawing water from our water supply.



I asked a lot of questions and found out the following.

(1)洗浄に使った水 : ミニバンの中にタンクで持参 200リットル程度

(1) Water used for cleaning: About 200 liters brought in a tank in the minivan.


(2) Power source for compressors for high-pressure cleaning: Gasoline

(3)高圧コンプレッサーの水圧:150kgf/cm^2 (1平方メートルの板の上に、自動車1500台が乗るくらいの圧力)

(3) Water pressure of high-pressure compressor: 150 kgf/cm^2 (pressure equivalent to 1,500 automobiles riding on a 1 square meter board)


(4) The water pressure nozzle, which performs the backward injection, automatically moves forward in the pipe and easily climbs from the first floor to the second floor (running up to the 10th floor of an apartment building, for example).



I can only speak for myself , however, "the blood of a downtown factory owner's son" rushed to my mind.



(Continuation from yesterday)


However, there seems to have been a problem with the way I did my research.


I have asked the nursing home various questions via e-mail and other means in the process leading up to this hospitalization.


The approach to the question was what we call the "engineering approach".


We asked questions in the form of (1) background, (2) purpose, (3) summary of questions, and (4) details of questions, but apparently this form of questioning "frightened" the people in the field.


My sister told me that it was like an internal search for the culprit: "Who made me (Ebata) write this kind of questionnaire report?" It seemed to be like an internal search for the culprit.


When my sister heard about the situation...


"My brother is a strange one"


She had a hard time reassuring the people in the field by saying so.

「あいつは、コラムニストで、研究員で ―― 自分の親(の介護とか死とか)を題材として連載をしている、そういうヤツなんです」

"He's a columnist, a researcher, and he's writing a series of articles about care and death of our parents.


She had a lot of work to do to put out the fire.



Ebata: "I was simply stating the questions I wanted to ask, without emotion, objectively, and as clearly as possible..."


Daughter: "Your report is 'scary' enough on its own for the average person."


Ebata: "Then I guess that I should be illogical, come up with whatever I can think of, and deliberately I make it hard to read."


Wife: "Well, try adding a 'heart mark' or a 'character' to the report, that might soften the impression.

江端:「うん、それは無理だ。そんな文章を書いたら衝動的に自殺してしまうと思う ―― 少なくとも、この人生で達成可能とは思えない」

Ebata: "Yeah, I can't do that. I think I'd kill myself on impulse if I wrote that sentence -- at least, I don't think it's achievable in this life."



I don't know if it's true or not, but there are people who say things like, "If you get vaccinated against the new coronavirus, you will die within five years.


There may be medical information and statistical data to support this idea.


With the utmost courtesy, I will humbly ask you to teach me, so can someone please tell me why?

きちんと理由が知りたいのです ―― 私、エンジニアですから。

I want to know exactly the reason -- because I'm an engineer.

因みに、私、現場のお医者さんに教えて頂きながら、自力で、この程度の内容の勉強をしてきましたので ――

Incidentally, I've been studying this level of content on my own, with the help of doctors in the field, so...


If you can give me the reason, I would appreciate it if you could provide the reason that is on the same level as mine.



By the way, I also make my living from data analysis, so if you can provide me with proper data, I can do the calculations for you.


"I would appreciate it if you could send me an email with a story to convince me that I will be dead in five years, or infertile, or whatever.


Upon request, I will disclose the full text on my website.


I've written more than 100 pages of columns on vaccines.

―― ワクチンは危険である

"The vaccines are dangerous"


If I change my opinions, it will have an impact within a certain people.



I have already told you that my mother, who is currently in a nursing home, was hospitalized in an emergency the day after her first vaccination.


After the first hospitalization, my mother had to go to the emergency room again.


Well, looking at all these issues, I think many people will assume that it is an adverse reaction caused by the vaccination.


However, in order to write this column, I have been reading a lot about anaphylaxis from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.


At least, I came to think that "it's not a symptom of anaphylaxis," with talking at least two doctors and one head nurse.


(To be continued)



(Continuation from yesterday)

私、『昔、俺はワルかったんだ』と言うことを飲み会で公言する低能 ―― を、絶対に許さないことにしています。

I will never forgive a low-brain who says "I used to be a badass" at a drinking party.


I'm thinking, "Why do they want to pretend it didn't happen"


Do they think there is a statute of limitations?


As I have said in the past, "If you are being bullied and are going through a difficult time, be sure to keep detailed records (date, time, content).


I understand that you are having a hard time even keeping records like that, but please keep records with all your strength.

支離滅裂で、めちゃちゃで、読みとるのも困難な内容でいいのです ―― むしろ「そっちのほうが良い」まであります。

It's okay if the content is incoherent, messy, and difficult to read -- in fact, it's even "better.



Why does the low-brain who says "I used to be a badass", allow to live a normal life ? We must not tolerate such unreasonableness.


We will destroy their completed peaceful life with our own hands.


We should also be aware that we are also perpetrators (whether consciously or unconsciously), and be prepared to be "retaliated against" by someone someday.


やられたら、やりかえす ―― これは、人として当然の権利であり、

If someone does something to you, you have the right to do something back.

やったら、やりかえされる ―― これは、人としての当然の義務です。

If you do something, it will be done back to you -- this is your natural duty as a human being.



In the past few days, I have been dismissed from the Tokyo Olympics project just a few days before the event, citing past perpetrators of bullying and gaffes.


By the way, I don't want to defend the "perpetrators" in the slightest, but I do feel that this is a terrible inconvenience for the project team and for the Japanese nation.



I once wrote about how almost 100% of perpetrators are completely unaware that they are perpetrators.


I also wrote that the easiest way to avoid becoming a perpetrator of power harassment is to avoid being in a position of power.

これは、悪意の有無に係わらず、普通に生きて行動していること自体が、加害者としての行動になってしまう、ということです ―― 問題の深刻さの度合もありますが

This means that living and acting normally, with or without malice, might be itself a perpetrator's behavior -- depending, of course, on the severity of the problem.



As I watched the above news, I wondered idly, 'There will come a day when I will be criticized as a perpetrator and dragged down from whatever I am.


Whenever I write a column or other piece, I try to be very careful, but I'm sure I'm not perfect.


Above all, we cannot compete with the "attack from the future, when values will change.


In such a case, I would "apologize" and "step down" at the level of lightning speed after being convinced.


However, I also believe that I will never make a fake apology or retire just to escape the flames.



The second conference paper of the year, which I wrote while holed up at home during the Golden Week vacations, and posted after GW


The other day, I was informed by the secretariat of the society that it had been adopted.

しかし、査読者の評価に『英文が拙い』との記載を見つけた瞬間 ―― 私はキレました。

However, the moment I found "poor English" in the reviewer's evaluation -- I lost my temper.

『うっせいわ!それならそれで結構だ! 嗤って"Reject"しやがれ!!』って叫んでいました。

"Shut up! That's fine. Reject my paper with scornful laugh" I shouted.



And now, I've made up this parody.



Huh? Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!!


I'm more "corporate animal" than you expect.


You can not understand it, if you are just a simple mediocre "native"


Ah, it suits you well


That unremarkable "academism"


Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!!


"Posting" is just a "work", so there's no problem.



And then the holidays begin again, which will be spent revising papers (and writing columns).



Yesterday, I took a break from work and vaccinated against the new coronavirus (second time).


I heard that the vaccine will not be effective for a long time (2 weeks?). In addition, although the vaccination reduces the probability of illness and seriousness, it is not perfect.

なにより ―― 私が、ウイルスの運び屋(キャリア)にならないという保証はありません。

Above all -- there is no guarantee that I will not become a carrier of the virus.


One research report even states that 'carriers of the mutant strain (delta strain) are completers of the vaccination'.



Of course, everyone has the right to refuse vaccination.


In fact, "side effects" do occur after vaccination.

私も、紹介されていた副反応(の中でも、もっとも軽いもの)が発現しています ―― が、まあ、そりゃそうだろうな、と思っています。

I'm also experiencing the mildest of the side effects that were mentioned -- but I guess that's to be expected.


I think it's a bit too much to ask for 'no damage, just do something' when the body is in the process of producing antibodies to fight the worst virus in human history.



I believe that this virus will continue to mutate to "attack unvaccinated humans directly" in the future.


Any virus is struggling to survive.


Therefore, it is natural for them to target the generation of people who do not have antibodies to the virus.


For example, if the vaccination rate for teens and 20-somethings is low, it should mutate to make teens and 20-somethings more susceptible to infection.


In addition, the higher the vaccination rate in the country, the more poisonous (highly infectious and deadly) it will become in order to overcome the difficulties.


例えば ――

For example --


The Spanish flu killed the most people in the healthy young age group of 15-35 years old, while most of the elderly over 65 years old survive.


Also, in the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003, the incidence rate was highest among 20-29 year olds.


Thus, the "virus that is sure to kill the younger generation" has definitely existed in the past.



It is the new coronavirus of "today" that "infects young people but does not cause serious illness or death."


As for the new coronavirus of "tomorrow", no one knows.

もし、新型コロナウイルスが、スペイン風邪や、SARSのように変異したら ――

If the new coronavirus mutates into something like the Spanish flu or SARS,


"Elderly people (who have completed vaccination) rush to the hospital with young people (not vaccinated) who are sick."


The spectacle like a tale may appear.



(Continuation from yesterday)


On the other hand, I believe that the role of politicians and government officials is like the following,



"The bureaucratic mindset is always to avoid adventure in choice, to balance choice, and to develop while keeping the current balance sheet at zero. They are, in other words, the most adaptable race in the organization"


"I know that much......." Dr. Tadokoro nodded, surprisingly easily. "I know that some aspects of this world, where conflicts of interest are so fiercely intertwined, would be a mess if all government officials were to exercise their creativity"



I also know that it is the one described here.


To put it bluntly, it is also the job of politicians to assume the expected number of deaths and still make a decision on 'how many deaths can be tolerated' by forcing the Tokyo Olympics to go ahead'.


In other words,

―― 『安全・安心な五輪』とは、『何人までなら殺してもいいか』

"Safe and Secure Olympics" means "How many deaths will we tolerate?"



I do not support the decisions of the government or the administration.


I know well that" "Safety and Security" is "Safety based on killing people"


I've written about it here, so if you are interested, please read it.



The following is a phrase that appears in the novel "The Sinking of Japan".



"Most of the members of the committee only wanted to know the conclusions and were almost bothered to listen to the process of the phenomenon, and were not interested in understanding it. It's a habit of politicians to want to divide things into right and left, black and white"


"Some of the committee members are academics"


"Scholars who are very good at making 'political decisions'"

「君は……」委員の顔がこわばり、額に青筋があらわれてぴくぴく動いた。「君はなんだ? いったい……」

"You are ......." The Commissioner's face scrunched up, and a blue streak appeared on his forehead, twitching. "What are you ?"



I, for a long time, thought that this is what academics standing next to politicians look like.

最近の例では、あの状況下で『メルトダウン』の一言が言えなかった学者たち ―― です。

A recent example is the academics who could not say the word "meltdown" under the circumstances.


(In fact, the government (the Prime Minister and the Chief Cabinet Secretary at the time) removed the official who mentioned the possibility of a "meltdown.)





When I saw the chairman of the government's subcommittee on countermeasures against the new coronavirus (hereinafter referred to as the chairman) directly criticizing the government and the IOC for holding the Tokyo Olympics as a spectator event, I sincerely thought that he was amazing.

会長の判断が正しいか、政府の判断が正しいかは、東京五輪の後でないと判断できませんが ―― 少なくとも、これまで4回(5回?)の感染拡大の予想を、全部当ててきた ―― と私は思っています。

Whether the Chairman's decision is correct or not, or whether the government's decision is correct or not, will not be known until after the Tokyo Olympics, but I believe that at least four (or five?) of the predictions of the spread of the disease have been correct perfectly by the government's subcommittee.


I happened to watch the recording of NHK's special on the prediction of the number of coronary infections two weeks later, and I was not only impressed but also horrified by the high accuracy of the simulation prediction.


In any case, the experts' simulations are supposed to be done by adding various situations (vaccination status, etc.).

―― この東京五輪のイベントに関して『だけ』は、予測が外れる

"Only when it comes to this Tokyo Olympics event, their predictions will be wrong"


I find it very difficult to imagine such a thing.


(To be continued)