

(Continuation from yesterday)


Actually, apart from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's programming education, tThis is the fact of

―― 富裕層の中でも、特に先見の明のある保護者によって、密かに(という訳でもないだろうが)、プライベートなプログラミング教育が始められている

"Private programming education has been secretly (or not so secretly) initiated by some particularly farsighted parents among the wealthy.


まず、現在は、地域の小学校などを起点とした小さなコミュニティとして、プラットフォームは ―― ここ大変重要ですが、

First of all, as a small community, starting with local elementary schools, they are currently using

"Windowsとか、Scratchという話ではなく、「Raspberry Pi(ラズパイ)とロボット」を教材として使っている"

"Raspberry Pi and robots" as teaching materials, rather than Windows or Scratch as platforms.



What shocked me was this "robot" (a very simple so-called "model kit robot").


Traditional computer education has been "closed" to the PC.


However, the point is that private programming education teaches the link between the PC and the real world by using "robots".



The robot will not start moving even a millimeter unless they give it the right instructions using a program.


It is useless to yell at a robot to think and move on its own.

そして、ロボットが動かない場合、その原因は、100%そのプログラムの製作者が悪い ――

And "if the robot doesn't work, the cause is 100% the fault of the creator of the program"


I believe that the essence of this "STEM education" is not only programming, but also clearing up the idea of the "junction point of responsibility".


And I'm thinking that this idea of "responsibility juncture" is (probably) one of the essential elements of management.

実際、現在の巨大ITプラットフォーであるGAFA(Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon)の創立者は、全員、プログラマー出身者です。

In fact, the founders of GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon), the current giant IT platform, all came from a programmer background.

そして、「富裕層の中でも、特に先見の明のある保護者」は、気がついてきているのです ――

And the "wealthy, especially the farsighted parents" are starting to take notice.


Computer education is "a worthwhile investment.


(To be continued)



In stories about "another world", one of the most prominent occupations before being reincarnated into another world a "programmer".


Most of the time, this noun is preceded by "black company's".


There's a reason why "programmers" are linked to "black companies.


(1) The population of programmers is overwhelmingly small.


(2) Many people who are not programmers are the clients who order the programs.


(3) That the client essentially (hopelessly) doesn't understand what a program is.


This is because these three requirements are aligned.



In addition, recently, programming languages are becoming more and more "complex" while claiming to be "simple".


There is no doubt about this.


It seems to me that program designers are relieving their frustration with existing programming languages by creating new ones.


That's fine, but it's annoying as hell for the users (developers) of the program.



Of course, there are some that really aim to be "simple programming languages".


However, instead of being "simple", the functions that can be achieved are also "simple", and in addition, the performance (processing speed and resource utilization) often deteriorates.


However, I don't want to complain about a new programming language.



I have been quite critical of the MEXT's programming education, but recently I have come to understand that there is another way to think about it.


I told you a little bit about it before.


"STEM Education"


seems to be able to either "critically widen the gap" in our country or, conversely, "fundamentally solve the problem of inequality.


(To be continued)


本日、地上波で放送されている、映画「Fukushima 50」の冒頭15分だけ見て、仕事(コーディング)に戻りました。

Today, I watched the first 15 minutes of the movie "Fukushima 50" on terrestrial TV, and went back to work (coding).


I've recorded a video and will watch it later.

ちなみに、私は「NHKスペシャル 原発メルトダウン 危機の88時間」の方を、お勧めしたいです。

By the way, I would like to recommend "NHK Special: 88 Hours of Nuclear Meltdown Crisis.


I think it wins about "accuracy of content".



As it happened, I was vaguely reading my own blog from back then (10 years ago).


Ultraman is not coming.


Is it really "unexpected"?


Suspicious of SPEEDI


Level 7


Different layer


I reread them and concluded that 'no corrections are needed'.



By the way, I also wrote this.

■映画「Fukushima 50」を見た結果が、「13デイズ」と同じようなことになったら、どうしよう?

What if the result of watching the movie "Fukushima 50" is the same as "13 Days"?


By the way, in the above blog, I'm referring to


"Countdown Meltdown"

本当にお勧めです。ぜひ御一読を ―― 多分、映画より「怖い」です。

is really good. Please read it -- it's probably more "scary" than the movie.




事故の全体像を把握されたい方には、こちらもお勧めです ―― 思った以上に「読めます」

If you'd like to get a complete picture of the accident, this is also a good report to start -- it's more "readable" than you might think.



Today, the tenth anniversary of 3.11, I was one minute late for the silent prayer.


I relied on the town announcement (because I thought an alarm would be tasteless), but I only heard the announcement at the end of the prayer


Ten years ago, when the earthquake hit at 14:46, I was really scared.


Even I, who was in Yokohama, felt like I was going to die in my office.

そして、私たちが屋外に避難した頃 ―― 、地震発生から31分後。

And when we evacuated outdoors - 31 minutes after the earthquake,

私たちがワイワイガヤガヤと会話していた、まさにその時に、2万人近い人々を殺害する津波が到達していたことに ―― 今でも、「後ろめたい気持ち」が拭えません。

At the very moment when we were having a lively conversation, the tsunami had reached the area killing nearly 20,000 people. Even now, I can't shake the feeling of guilt.

あの日の夜、私は会社の倉庫でラジオを聞きながら、夜が明けるのを待っていたのですが ―― その時でさえ、ラジオから流れてくるニュースは、『行方不明者、数十人』でした。

That night, I was in the warehouse of my office, listening to the radio and waiting for the night to end. Even then, the news coming over the radio was 'dozens of people missing'.

ニュースは憶測のデータを流してはなりませんので、仕方がないことだとは思いますし ―― 誤った情報で、無関係の人々を集団殺害したという、関東大震災の教訓を思い出さえば、これが正しいことは分かっているのですが。

The news should not be filled with speculative data, so I think it is inevitable and we have to remember the lessons of the Great Kanto Earthquake, where misinformation led to the mass murder of innocent people. So we know this is correct, however,

―― 全体像が把握できない災害というのは、本当に怖い

"It's really scary to have a disaster where we can't grasp the whole picture"


I realized that.


But of course, the biggest fear in my life is the "reactor containment explosion".


I remember that I, my own family alone (abandoning others), was the first to try to escape.


However, I still don't have a shred of "guilt" about this.


I will continue to start rescue operations for others, "after" I have escaped to complete safety.



By the way, today's NHK special broadcast on the earthquake was amazing all day long.


It's been a while since I've seen "NHK's Seriousness".



I have been talking a lot about the "pain" of the new corona infection in my column, but it is just "hearsay".


That's why I'd like you to check out this YouTube video about the "pain".


"This is what happened when I got infected! ~From the experience of the new corona infection to the aftereffects, I will "explain" it - (March 2, 2021)"



I am a person who is so vulnerable to pain that even when I'm in bed with a (normal) cold, I easily feel like I want to die.


Watching this made me think, "I'm probably going to try to kill myself at least 10 times during my COVID-19 struggle.



By the way, I really understand what this news station staff is saying, "I don't want people to call, email, or call me on line when I'm in the hospital with an infected patient.


In this sense, I would like to crush the ridiculous practice of "sympathy calls" immediately after the disaster in the affected areas.

江端家では、家族の誰かが、地震や災害の直後に電話しようとすると ―― 私が止めます。

In the Ebata family, if a family member tries to call a relative or friend right after an earthquake or disaster -- I stop them.


"Don't consume precious communication resources in the disaster area just for "sympathy". Their first priority is rescue communications"


"Don't bother the people in the disaster area just to make yourself feel safe.


That's what I tell my family.



Junior daughter:iPhone and other iOS users


Senior daughter:Android user who bought ChromoBook at her own expense


Wife:who buys the exact same model as her daughters and throws in the whole setup.


Ebata:All-rounder who is not in a position to express a preference for the platform due to his duties.



Thus, when it comes to IT platforms, the Ebata family has become a microcosm of the world.



Lately, I wake up in the morning with a cold feeling.


We know the reason for this. It is the loss of muscle mass due to lack of exercise.


But at this time of year, if I say something like "it's cold," it's natural for my family to start buzzing, and they push thermometers at me.


I'm pretty sure it's not 'the common cold or the flu or another scary something, however,

―― 体温を測って見せるのは、自分の為ではなくて、回りの人間の安心の為

"Taking my temperature is not for my own sake, but for the peace of mind of those around me"


I knew this, so I obeyed what my family told me.



I've taken my temperature twice.


It proved that my body temperature was not high enough.


The first measurement was 34.2 degrees and the second was 33.9 degrees.



The thermometer malfunction has been confirmed.


I'll change the thermometer and take another measurement later today.


BS1スペシャル「全貌 二・二六事件~最高機密文章で迫る~」(再放送)を見ました。

I watched the BS1 Special "2.26 Incident - Approaching with Top Secret Documents" (rebroadcast).

私、Nスペは、「キューバ危機・戦慄の記録 十月の悪夢」を超える作品はないだろうと思っていたのですが、これも凄い作品でした。

I thought that N-Spe would never be able to surpass "The Cuban Missile Crisis: A Shuddering Record, Nightmare in October", but this was another great work.

珍しく、私以外の家族も、真剣に見ていました ―― 映画とは異なった迫力と恐怖がありました。

Unusually, my other family members were also watching the program seriously. There was a different kind of power and fear than in the movies.

―― 陸軍の青年将校のクーデターの発生から鎮圧までを、海軍のネットワークがリアルタイムで把握し続けていた

The Navy's network kept track of the coup d'etat of the army's young officers in real time, from its inception to its suppression.


This is based on a recently discovered document.


私、父が、海軍兵学校の学生だった(在学中に終戦)ので、「陸軍 vs 海軍」については、かなり生々しい話を聞いています。

My father was a student at the Naval Academy (the war ended while he was still in school), so I have heard some very vivid stories about the Army vs. the Navy.


Well, that's aside.

この番組では、「青年将校が占拠している国会議事堂を、戦艦からの遠方射撃(射程40km)で直接攻撃する」という計画があり、すでに東京湾に戦艦長門が東京湾に配備されていた、という話を聞いて ―― 正直、青さめました。

In this program, I heard that there was a plan to "directly attack the Diet building occupied by young officers with distant fire (40km range) from a battleship", and that the battleship Nagato had already been deployed in Tokyo Bay -- to be honest, I was pale.


This is not the era of pinpoint missile attacks using lasers.

―― 千代田区、全滅

"Chiyoda Ward, annihilation"


I thought so too.


それより、私が一番驚いたのは、反乱軍(に、自動的に組込まれてしまった)当時の陸軍兵 ―― 御歳103歳のインタビューの対応でした。

What surprised me the most was the interview with a 103 year old army soldier who was automatically included in the rebel army.

うそだろ? この理路整然としたしゃべり方、当時の詳細な記憶の証言、どう見たって103歳の御老人のものではない。

No way, right? The way he speaks so clearly, the details of his memories of that time, they don't seem to belong to a 103-year-old man.


He looked youthful enough to pass for "65 years old".

―― 旧日本軍か? 陸軍か? それとも軍隊か? 軍隊に所属すれば、アンチエイジングの効果を得られるのか?

Is it "Old Japanese Army" ? Would I get the anti-aging benefits if I joined the military?


I wondered if there was such a thing as "recruiting senior members of the Self-Defense Forces.



Since I stopped drinking alcohol, I feel better.


For the past two or three years, the human dog has basically been all green.

体重も「(軽く表示させる為の)体重計の乗り方の工夫」などもあって、目標体重 + 1kg以内を、なんとか維持し続けております。

I've managed to keep my weight within 1kg of my target weight, thanks in part to my ingenuity in using the scale (to make it display a lighter weight).



The problem is the "lack of exercise" under telecommuting.


I carry my iPad with me and try to walk around the town while reading, but I tend to skip it when my daily work gets busy.


Today, I thought, 'This is too much trouble,' and I watched recorded TV program, whose title is

―― はたらく細胞 BLACK

"Working Cells BLACK"




Okay, I'm going to walk around the town now.



Here, I wrote about a story that developed into a big problem in the summer of 2015 when the prefectural governor of Kagoshima Prefecture said, 'High school girls should be taught the names of flowers and grasses rather than trigonometric functions'.


In addition,

こちらの「リカレント教育【前編】 三角関数不要論と個性の壊し方」というコラムでは、

In this column, "Recurrent Education [Part 1]: Trigonometric Functions Unnecessary and How to Destroy Individuality," I raised the following issues.

■古典は必要か → 使う場面ないじゃんか?

Do we need the 'classics' → Why don't we use them?

■歴史は必要か → 昔の話を持ちだしてどうする?

Do we need 'history' → When do we use the story?

■英語は必要か → (江端試算では)4%の日本人しか使っていないぞ?

Do we need 'English' → (Ebata's estimate) only 4% of Japanese use it?

■現国は必要か → 文庫本が読める程度の漢字を知っていればいいんじゃないの?

Do we need to study 'Japanese'? → It's enough if we know enough kanji to read a paperback book.

■体育は必要か → 日常生活で、走ったり跳んだり泳いだりする必要性はあるか?

Do we need 'physical' → Do we need to run, jump, or swim in daily life?

■理科は必要か → リトマス試験紙が何色になるかが、そんなに重要か?

Do we need 'science' → Is it really that important what color the litmus test paper turns?


I argued that if we look at it this way, wewill come to the conclusion that "in the end, all schooling will be rejected.



So, when we talk about the "military coup d'etat incident" that is currently occurring in Myanmar.


"Yeah, that's roughly the same as the 2.26 incident"


When I replied that way,


"Oh, I see"


Will the people who answer this way become the majority? or,

「はあ? 何それ?」

"What? What's that?"


Will the people who answer this way become the majority?


At the end of the day, this is what makes the difference, I believe.



It was Mao Zedong who said, "It is easier to rule if the intellectual level of the people is kept low.


I believe that 'if the intellectual level of the people is kept low, infectious diseases will destroy the country.



"Mao Zedong? Huh? Who is that? The people answered....(Omitted below)