
「Numbers 天才数学者の事件ファイル シーズン2、エピソード16」のラストで、FBIに勤める息子と、引退した建築家の父親が、こんな会話をするシーンが出てきます。

At the end of "Numbers: The Case Files of a Mathematical Genius, Season 2, Episode 16, "there is a scene where a son who works for the FBI and his father who is a retired architect have this conversation.


Son: "You extremis"


Father: "Government dog"


After exchanging a few words, they grinned at each other.

―― あー、いいなぁ、こういう会話、憧れるなぁ

"Oh, I like it. I admire this kind of conversation"


I watched it with thinking that.



If my daughters became police or self-defense officers, this is the kind of conversation I wanted to have with them.


Daughter: "Convert to conservatism"


Me: "This police spy"

といって、お互いに、ウイスキータンブラーを鳴らす ――

And then they clink their whiskey tumblers at each other --


Unfortunately, I think the chances is not coming in the future.



Daughter: "I was surprised to see that when I searched for 'suicide by jumping into a train,' your column came up as the third one on the top page"


I remembered her telling me that, so I gave it a try.


It's really coming out.


According to the editorial staff, the PV count of this column goes up every time whenever "a suicide by jumping into a train" happened.


Maybe today, the PV count is still going up.



What I did was a computer simulation, using simple equations of motion.


After all, it is just a "jumping" experiment in a computer.


If there is such a need for this column, I think it would be a good idea if the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism or a consortium of railroad companies conducted a demonstration experiment using animal carcasses (or meat lumps of similar composition) and disclosed the data.


It would also be necessary to set up about 20 high-speed cameras on the side of the tracks, shooting at frames of 1/100 to 1/1000 of a second, to record the reality of the suicide by jumping into the train.


Of course, those images would be shocking and could cause PTSD.


I believe that the method of disclosure must be handled with great care and caution.



After my death, I have given permission for my body to be "utilized (transplanted)" way only.


However, as the person who wrote this column, I think I need to ask them to seriously consider using my death body as a demonstration of "jumping suicide".


This is a serious matter for me.



"You were laughing hysterically in your room around three o'clock this morning. So I woke up. What were you watching?" My wife asked me.

Amazonプライムで、映画「三島由紀夫vs東大全共闘 50年目の真実」を見ていました。

I was watching the movie "Yukio Mishima vs. the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto: 50 Years of Truth" on Amazon Prime.


Well, it was really fun.



This movie was released in April last year, but due to the declaration of a state of emergency against the new corona infection, all the movie theaters in the Tokyo metropolitan area stopped showing it.


I was wondering if I go to see a movie theater in a rural area, but I understood that "Tokyo residents" were "uninvited guests" in Japan at that time.


This time, it was available on Amazon Prime, and I jumped right on it.



Well, it was one of the most exciting documentary films I've seen in a long time.


I found Yukio Mishima to be a very fascinating person, and I liked his humor and witty way of telling stories very much.


I was also impressed by the logical and calm response of the representative of the Zenkyouto of University of Tokyo (well, there was also someone who didn't).


Also, the comments from the people and experts involved at the time, inserted in the middle of the video of the discussion, were a great help in understanding the content of the discussion.


で、所感なのですが ――

So, my impression was,


I think I understood most of what Yukio Mishima was arguing, but I could only understand about half of what the representative of the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto was saying.


The terms used were "difficult". Rather, I couldn't understand them.


The biggest problem was that we could not objectify (what they call "things") what the representatives of the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto were saying.



I listened to both of their arguments while creating a UML (Unified Modeling Language) class diagram in my mind.

三島由紀夫氏の話は、現実世界のオブジェクトの態様 ―― 有体物があり、有体物(事物)には名前があり、名前は有体物の機能を説明するものであり、有体物には存続時間がある ―― という、オブジェクト指向プログラミングにおける、当たり前の世界の姿をベースとしていました。

Yukio Mishima's talk was based on the natural state of the world -- there are objects, objects (things) have names, names describe the function of objects, objects have a duration -- in object-oriented programming, based on real-world objects.


In contrast, the representative of the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto seemed to argue that it is negative (counter-revolutionary?) to give a name to a changing tangible object (thing) and limit its function. It seemed to me that they were arguing that such a stance is negative (counter-revolutionary?), and that it even hampers the approach to finding a new meaning for open zones.

# たぶん、上記の理解で当っていると思うんだけど、間違っているかなぁ?

# I think I'm probably right in my understanding of the above, but I wonder if I'm wrong?


As it turns out, according to a representative of the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto, I thought,

―― 私(江端)は、東大キャンパスの開放区を、オブジェクトモデルでプログラミングすることはできそうにないな

"I (Ebata) don't think I can program the open area of the University of Tokyo campus with an object model"



This means that (at least for me) "I cannot design an open zone" according to the specifications required by the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto.


On the other hand, I thought that Yukio Mishima's world view could be programmed using the object model.


Perhaps the Zenkyoto people at the time might ask me to criticize myself, saying, "Approaching a revolutionary worldview from an engineering perspective is itself a counterrevolution!"



And so, if you are a publisher who would like to write a book whose title is

『三島由紀夫 vs 東大全共闘 with オブジェクト指向プログラミング』

"Yukio Mishima vs Todai Zenkyoto with Object-Oriented Programming"


Please contact me.


Well, I think it's definitely "no".



A few years ago,


"Running away is a shame, but useful"


the comedy-drama of the title was a big hit.



I'm currently brainstorming several times on various inventions, but to be honest, I'm out of ideas and dizzy.


"Criticism is necessary, but it makes me angry"


I'm wondering if anyone would like to make a drama about IT researchers.


「同性婚できないのは憲法違反」札幌地裁が日本初の判断 ―― このニュースが流れた時、私の取った行動は、裁判所の判例DBの検索をすることでした。

"Sapporo District Court rules for the first time in Japan that same-sex marriage is against the Constitution". When this news came out, my first action was to search the court's case database.


Because I want to read the sentence without foresight.


As I've said before, the text of the ruling is interesting in itself, without any lofty motives such as "primary information is important"


If you look at the information in the media, it will be "spoiled" and less interesting.


Unfortunately, at that time, the sentence was not yet reflected in the DB.



So, even though I'm a little late, I've just read the judgment and I'm laughing... not burst laughing,


もっとも,同性愛を精神疾患の1つとし,禁止すべきものとする知見は, 昭和55年頃までは通用していたものであり,それは教育の領域においても広く示されていた。

However, the knowledge that homosexuality is one of the mental disorders and should be prohibited was accepted until around 1980, and it was also widely shown in the field of education.


One of the reasons why the majority of people in the relatively older age group of 60 years old and above have a negative opinion about same-sex marriage is that such knowledge was accepted and as a result, negative opinions and values about same-sex marriage have been formed among the people.


In light of this history, the fact that there are not a few citizens who have such negative opinions and values is a circumstance that the legislature can take into consideration when exercising its discretionary power.


江端(の悪意の)意訳 ↓

Ebata's (malicious) translation ↓

(1) 同性婚を、じじい達やばばあ達は、到底理解しないだろう

(1) Old guys and old ladies will never understand same-sex marriage.

(2) とは言え、票田を考えると、国会議員は、じじい達やばばあ達の存在を無視できないだろう。

(2) Nevertheless, given their voting power, Diet members will not be able to ignore the presence of the old guys and old ladies

(3) 上記(1)(2)を考えると、『同性婚を認める』という方向に立法府が動かんのは、まあ理解してやらんといかんだろう

(3) Considering (1) and (2) above, we have to understand that the legislature is not moving in the direction of 'recognizing same-sex marriage.

# まあ、一応、私も「じじい達」の範疇に入っているという自覚はあります。

# Well, I am aware that I am in the category of the "old guys".



However, the only difference between heterosexuals and homosexuals is the difference in sexual orientation, which cannot be chosen or changed by a person's will, and there should be no difference in the legal benefits that can be enjoyed by persons of any sexual orientation.


Nevertheless, homosexuals are not provided with the legal means to enjoy even some of the legal effects of marriage.


江端(の悪意の)意訳 ↓

Ebata's (malicious) translation ↓

(1) でもね、異性愛者と同性愛者の違いは、つまるところ「性的指向の差異」だけで、本人達に責任はないよね?

(1) But, the only difference between heterosexuals and homosexuals is "difference in sexual orientation", and they are not responsible for it, right?

(2) これを結婚という制度の利益受益者として、"1"か"0"の2つしかないように扱うって、どうよ?

(2) Isn't it strange that we treat this as a beneficiary of the institution of marriage, as if there are only two choices, "1" or "0"?



In addition to these circumstances, and in light of the fact that there was no judicial decision on the constitutionality of the lack of a system for same-sex marriage, it must be said that it was not easy for the Diet to immediately recognize that this provision was in violation of Article 14, Section 1 of the Constitution.


江端(の悪意の)意訳 ↓

Ebata's (malicious) translation ↓


(1) I think it's a bit pitiful for the Diet to unilaterally assume that 'the Diet is at fault' under such circumstances.



As described above, the Court finds that there is no reason for any of the plaintiffs' claims.


江端(の悪意の)意訳 ↓

Ebata's (malicious) translation ↓


(1) Therefore, the plaintiff's claim for damages under the State Redress Law is dismissed.


―― あれ? この裁判、原告の敗訴?

"Huh? The plaintiff lost this case?"


We might be able to read it as above.


However, a (final) judgment takes effect from the entire text of the judgment.


In this judgment, this part of the judgment is very important.



The refusal to provide homosexuals with the legal means to enjoy even some of the legal effects of marriage is beyond the discretion of the legislature, and to that extent violates Article 14, Section 1 (equality under the law) of the Constitution.



It is important to note that the Sapporo District Court declared that the above state of affairs, where there are only two options, "1" or "0," is a violation of the Constitution.



I think that this ruling has not been finalized yet.


Even if the court decision is finalized with this content, if the government continues to fail to enforce the law on same-sex marriage and the system, the "negligence of the Diet" will be recognized, and every lawsuit after it is finalized will result in a decision subject to the State Compensation Law.


If this is the case, the plaintiff can decide that it would be better to let the judgment stand without filing an appeal.


On the other hand, the defendant that won the case, the "State," should not be able to appeal to the higher court.


However, in this ruling, the Sapporo District Court did not find any violation of Article 13 (respect (dignity) of the individual, the right to pursue happiness and public welfare) and Article 24 (freedom to form family relationships and equality between men and women) of the Constitution.


I haven't been able to follow up on how this trial is going to go (I'm working on it).


I will let you know when I know more.



My senior daughter, who had even referred to the main character of the anime "Super Cub" as "my little sister," until the other day, is saying now,


"She's not so pretty"



Ebata: "Why?"


Daughter: "A beginner should not be so familiar with motorcycles. She need to make more mistakes and grow as a rider"


Well, I think it's good to have various ways of viewing and opinions.



I also used to use an off-road bike to get to college.


I have never looked for "coolness" in a motorcycle.


What I was looking for in a motorcycle was portability and fuel efficiency, and the major issues were "cold protection" and "snow damage".


The city I lived in, which was located in the extreme north of Kyoto at the time, was a serious issue. When it snowed, the buses also stopped running.

降雪した日に、高熱を出して下宿で倒れた時は、本当に危なかったです ―― 私の命。

My life was really in danger when I collapsed in my lodge with a high fever on the day of the snowfall.

朦朧とした意識で、みぞれ雪がレインコートを抜けて体の中に入ってくる状況で、両足を付きながら125CCのバイクを動かして、クリニックに行った私は ―― 本当に偉かった、と思う。

In a dazed state, with snow falling through my raincoat and into my body, I rode my 125cc motorcycle with both feet to the. I was really great.


Anyway, I did whatever I could to protect myself from the cold.


There were windshields that could be attached to off-road bikes, but they were too small to be useful for keeping out the cold.



The final form I've arrived at, was

―― スキーウェア、グローブを装着して、バイクに乗る

"Putting on ski clothes, gloves, and getting on the bike"



I parked my bike at the campus, put my ski clothes in a plastic garbage bag, and carried it around the campus.


My character of "not caring about such things at all" supported my life as a motorcycle commuter.



I wrote here about how the root of Bitcoin's value is in exchange for the consumption of large amounts of electricity.


In the last month, I have seen an increase in the number of articles discussing Bitcoin from the perspective of the SDGs.


I've seen 1BTC drop 1 million yen in a day "twice", triggered by a massive sale by the CEO of a certain venture company, and now it seems that 1BTC = 4 million yen.



When I first started writing about Bitcoin, the price was about 1.2 million yen per BTC, so even with twice million yen drops, Bitcoin has continued to rise in value.


On the other hand, China, Europe and the U.S. seem to be moving in the direction of tightening controls on crypto assets (virtual currencies).


Currency control is the cornerstone of a nation's economy, so it's not hard to imagine how an entity like Bitcoin would be depressing to those in power.


―― ビットコインと新型コロナウイスルは似ているなぁ

"Bitcoin and the new coronavirus are very similar"


I think that.


Things that pose a threat to the nation will be eradicated by the nation.


The mRNA vaccine and other products that are "just right" for the new coronavirus are the result of the U.S. "360-degree drug discovery research and development" funded by the national budget.


I, personally, estimated that it would take four years to complete the vaccine, so I can say that the speed of the vaccine far exceeded my expectations.


I was reminded once again of the power of nations, especially the United States.



On the other hand, if Bitcoin also becomes a threat to the nation, I think the nation power will not keep quiet.


In particular, there is a precedent that the nation has already overlooked the credit market and made it 'uncrashable'.


In comparison, the size of the Bitcoin market is small enough in the context of the overall credit market. In other words,

―― 今なら、潰せる

"Now, we can destroy it."


If the power side thinks that way, it's only natural.



Therefore, if I were to consider a survival strategy for Bitcoin, I would use the following information, which can be found here

―― 「小市民(プチブル)的ビットコイン」への回帰

"A Return to the 'Petit Bourgeoisie Bitcoin'"


might be good.


I don't know whether that's possible now or not now.



Since yesterday, I have been receiving mails asking, "Is there any way to die comfortably?"


Basically, it can be dismissed as spam, but in my case, there is a 'reason to be inquired'.


So, I had been planning to share what I know about how to die comfortably.


However, today I received another inquiry from the same e-mail address, but for a different reason: "Is there any way I can die comfortably?"


I have determined that this email is a spam email and have completed my operation.


ちなみに、私、かなり前になりますが、こういうふざけたメールを送り付けてくる人に、メールを止めてくれるように「お願いメール」を送ったことがあります ――

By the way, a long time ago, I sent a "request mail" to the person who sent these joke mails to stop sending mails to me.


I just played a little "cute little prank" (statute of limitations has expired).



Yesterday, I installed the "I made a system that buzzes after three minutes if you leave the lights on in the stairwell"


So, as expected, or rather, as planned,

―― 一番最初にブザーを鳴らしたのは、私でした

"I was the first person to sound the buzzer"



In this installation, as an electrical engineering major, I had a rather dumb accident, "electric shock".


To be honest, I was a little depressed.



I don't know if she passed some kind of exam, but my senior daughter seems to have earned the title of "Technical Advisor" at her workplace.

―― ふーん、そうですか。それは凄いですねえ

"Hmm, I see. That's great"


Of course, I wasn't jealous of my own daughter.


But from now on, if I have any problems at work, I will ask her for advice on anything (just kidding).



I remember, a long time ago, when I passed the "Network Specialist" of the Information Processing Test.


I received my acceptance letter via my company, so my boss knew that.


And for a while after that, my boss called me, saying


"Hey, there, Network Specialist. Come here"
