

Today, I came to a nearby clinic to get some stabilizers, but I was fed up with the "long-talk old woman".


She was talking at the reception desk of the clinic about how she couldn't get an appointment to get the Corona vaccine.


I was listening to the conversation in the waiting room, and I almost lost my temper.


"Tell me the conclusion first!" I was almost to lecture the old woman.



What I thought was great and admirable was the lady at the reception desk who kept listening to the old woman's conversation without interrupting.


From now on, I think we will need people who can handle this kind of "non-logical talk" well.


This is because we (myself included) are not very good at talking logically or describing things logically.


Logical talk and logical writing are such difficult skills that they should be the subject of training (for a price) on their own.


It is usually "violence" to force this on everyone.


I am well aware of this, but I also think that 'repeating four times what can be explained in 30 seconds and talking for more than five minutes' is also 'violence'.



Well, in the not-too-distant future, I will be "that" too.


Logical or not, we have only two choices at the end of our lives: (1) die without dementia, or (2) die with dementia.


And now there is an "overwhelming" chance that it will be (2).


(Furthermore, there is a greater than 50% chance that we will die of cancer).


When I can't speak well and people around me are cursing me, "Speak your conclusion first!". I can imagine that this is absolutely painful for me.


But on the other hand...

―― どうせ、いずれ自分が罵しられることになるなら、今、他人を罵しっておいた方がおトクかな

"If I'm going to be abused sooner or later, it's better to abuse others now"


I also think about the despicable matter.


『保護者がラディカル(過激)だと、子どもはコンサバ(保守的)になる』 ―― という仮説を考えています。

I have a hypothesis: "If parents are radical, children will be conservative.


I am a weekend engineer and writer who does not listen to (or refer to) other people's opinions (people who are said to be authorities),


even when it comes to so-called "social issues that are hard to talk about," such as aging and euthanasia (death with dignity), and I use the data and programs I have collected to go into them.


To be frank, my family treats me as a problem child.


"We don't care if you're a target of terrorism, but please don't let that happen to us"


They are really frank.


In particular, when I mentioned the "emperor system," they warned me, "It's really bad!"



I once told a junior colleague that I wanted to write about the Chuukaku-ha (*1), Kakumaru-ha (*2), and the Japanese Red Army, and he said, "Mr. Ebata. Your family is a hostage! I was strongly opposed to the idea"


(*1)National Committee of the Revolutionary Communist League


(*2)Revolutionary Marxist Faction of the Japanese Revolutionary Communist League


Recently, when I mumbled about wanting to write about "North Korea," I was met with fierce opposition from my daughters.

うん、これは分かる ―― 間違いなく、巻き添え喰らうのは、娘たちだから。

Yeah, I know what this is -- it's definitely my daughters who are going to be the collateral damage.




"If parents are radical, children will be conservative"


I believe that this hypothesis is quite correct.



As a corollary to that hypothesis, there is an example,


"If the guardian (my father: deceased) is the owner of a factory in town, the child (me) becomes in a typical business person"


―― 中小企業の経営者は、毎日を地獄の中で生きている

"Small business owners live in hell every day"


This is an undeniable fact that I have witnessed firsthand.


先日、BS1スペシャル「潜入10年 北朝鮮・武器ビジネスの闇」を、嫁さんと二人で見ていました。

The other day, my wife and I were watching the BS1 special "10 Years of Infiltration: The Dark Side of North Korea's Arms Business.


It was scarier than those novels and movies.


I realize that my daughters' concerns are quite correct.



A two-page spread advertisement by Takarajimasha (publisher) appeared in the morning editions of three national newspapers on May 11.


The content is based on photos of children's military training during the war.


"No vaccine. No drugs. We're supposed to fight with bamboo bullets? Politics will kill us."


With this statement, the publisher criticized the government's measures against the new coronavirus.



At this time, I have not researched or subscribed to any of their publications, so I cannot comment on them.


So, I will now start researching and subscribing.


I do not watch online news or social networking sites. I eliminate all comments that are not accompanied by data and evidence.


I think with my own mind, calculate with my own computer, and speak only with my own words.





The price of a "two-page spread" corporate ad is

朝日新聞: 7971 万円

Asahi Shimbun: \79,710,000

読売新聞: 9582万円

Yomiuri Shimbun: \95,820,000

毎日新聞: 5184万円

Mainichi Shimbun: \51,840,000


Total: \227,370,000




For example, let's hypothesize that this ad is a strategy to make a book about Corona a best seller.

著者、出版社、取次、書店(+ 印刷会社、運送会社)をステークホルダと考えて、

Considering authors, publishers, distributors, bookstores (plus printing companies and shipping companies) as stakeholders.

著者(10%):出版社(60%):取次(10%):書店(20%) となっているらしいです。

The distribution is apparently author (10%):publisher (60%):distributor (10%):bookstore (20%).


So, if a book of Corona-related books costs 800 yen, the publisher's profit is 480 yen.


So, in an attempt to recoup this advertising cost,

2億2千737万円 ÷ 480円 = 47万3688冊

227.37 million yen ÷ 480 yen = 473,688 books


Hmm, even if it doesn't reach the million-seller mark (one million books), it will still be enough to pay for itself.

―― さて、この一件、果たしてペイするかな?

"Now, will this investment pay off?"


I continue to observe with great interest.



This season, my top choice of TV anime is "Super Cub".


The catch phrase is already awesome.

―― 親はいない。お金もない。友達も趣味も、将来の目標もない

"I have no parents. No money. No friends, no hobbies, no future goals"


Has the anime ever been about motorcycles animation of high school girls with such a surprised concept?



When I was a student who failed the entrance exam, I used to deliver newspapers with a Super Cub to pay for (part of) my exams.


So, I know more about Super Cub than most people do.


That bike is a "treasure" created by our country's engineers.


Anyway, it's got a lot of horsepower, it won't break down, it gets great gas mileage, it's weatherproof, it won't break down over long distances, and above all, it's cool.

その後、CB50, DT125, TRD250と乗り継いで、結婚後にバイクを引退しましたが ―― スーパーカブに次いで、DT125の機動力は凄かった。

After that, I rode a CB50, DT125, TRD250, and retired from motorcycles after I got married -- after the Super Cub, the DT125's mobility was amazing.


I was able to climb up the stone stairs as normal by the DT125


Well, I was a rider of a medium-sized off-road motorcycle.



Surprisingly, my eldest daughter inherited this attribute of my rider.

私は、高校生の時に、50ccバイクで、名古屋から京都旅行に出かけていきましたが ―― 長女から『50ccのバイクで箱根を攻めた』と聞いた時は、流石に青冷めました。

When I was a high school student, I took a trip to Kyoto from Nagoya on a 50cc motorcycle, but when my eldest daughter told me that she had attacked Hakone on a 50cc motorcycle, I was very cold.


So when my eldest daughter told me about getting a medium-sized motorcycle license, I agreed with her.


I even stood up in my daughter's defense, telling my wife who disagreed, "As long as she obey traffic laws and drive correctly, a medium-sized motorcycle is safer than a moped.



I showed my oldest daughter the animation TV series "Super Cub, we agreed with

―― このアニメにこそ、ライダーの原点がある

"The origin of the Rider is in this anime."



And those codependent lowlifes who can only satisfy their need for self-approval by modifying their motorcycles to make explosive noises and riding in groups on week basis, is


"An abominable enemy of our riders, and a spiteful piece of trash"


We also agreed that.


It doesn't matter what kind of trouble they have, what kind of darkness they have in their hearts.



The new coronavirus is an unknown infectious disease for which conventional wisdom does not apply.


Cholera, dysentery, and influenza could be easily contained with the measures taken over the past year.


However, this new coronavirus is a pathogen with "unexpected" infectivity and lethality with a question of "What the hell kind of devil manufactured this?"


So, if I were to talk only about this issue, I would say, "Is the government's response really that bad?


If I were a politician, I'm not sure I could take any other measures.


At least, our prime minister is,


(1)not the kind of moron who gets infected right before a presidential election,


(2)not the dictator who is ridiculed by the world for saying things like, "There are no infected people in our country"


(3)not the president who says things like "it's just a cold" and "we're all going to die", like a small-brain animal,


(4)not the president who has ever said, "We have conquered this through prayer," or come up with some crazy theory like, "We don't have coronary infections in our country" because they didn't do PCR testing.


Yeah, when I pick up on it like this, I can clearly see that "politicians with intelligence problems" can be a terrible menace to the people.



Of course, it is true that these politicians and bureaucrats in our country are enraging me(us) and disappointing me (us).


However, I think it is not a good idea to equate their actions with the government's response to the new coronavirus.


Because this new coronavirus is akin to an "all-out attack on humanity by unknown extraterrestrial life forms".


Against such an unknown enemy, there is no way to formulate the "right strategy" from the beginning.


As I wrote here, the vaccines for the new coronaviruses (especially the mRNA vaccine) were made by incredible luck.


『「問題が発生する前に、その問題を提起できた者」のみが批判が許される』とは言いませんが ――

I'm not saying that only "'those who can raise the issue before it arises' are allowed to criticize"


Only with regard to this new coronavirus countermeasure, I think we should give some thought to whether or not we can make the same kind of criticism of the previous problems.


ところで ――

By the way,


The representative of the Rikken Democratic Party, Yukio Edano, made a statement that "the worst is the governor of Osaka" (please Google the content to find out).


So, if I may be so bold, I would like to make a suggestion to the Governor of Osaka Prefecture, Hirofumi Yoshimura.


Why don't you make a comment like the following?


"Yes, it is. Osaka may be in a kind of 'meltdown' right now"


"I wish the corona was something that could be predicted by something like the System for Prediction of Effects of Radiation Emergency (SPEEDI)"


"If a politician or chief cabinet secretary does not tell the people about such life-threatening matters as soon as possible, he or she should at least commit suicide by cutting his or her stomach"


先日の日記で「映画 るろうに剣心 the final」で、私は、あまりオーバーリアクション的な高評価ができない、と書きました。

In my diary the other day, I wrote that I could not give a very over-reactionary high evaluation to the movie "Rurouni Kenshin the final".

(例えば、この話に『薫の死体』が出てこないって、ありえる? とか・・・、うん、やめます)

(For example, is it possible that "Kaoru's corpse" doesn't appear in this story? Or..., yeah, I'll stop it)


Today, I found out the main reason for this and would like to report it to you.

―― 10年前の「るろうに剣心 追憶編」を見た時の衝撃が、もの凄すぎたから

"Because the shock I felt when I saw 'Rurouni Kenshin: Reminiscence version' 10 years ago was too much"


In my mind, the Tomoe version was already locked in this "Reminiscence" version, and my head and body could not deviate even a millimeter from this version.



Incidentally, now, when I have to get into the "zone" to write a paper or patent, I start my dive with this music (link to YouTube).


My family seems to stay away from me when this music is coming from my room.


As for me, I hope this song will be used in the movie.


いや、まだ、来月に「映画 るろうに剣心 the beginning」がある。

No,way. the movie "Rurouni Kenshin the beginning" is coming next month.


I am sure that the world of this "Reminiscence" will appear in the last movie of this series.



The other day, I got asked for my Gmail password, and then a page popped up that asked for all sorts of personal information.

―― これ、変だぞ

"This is weird"


I immediately terminated the process, but the password had already been entered.


I could change my password, but now more than one or two machines have tied to my Gmail.


I thought my password had been stolen by this my mistake.


However, if my Google account is hijacked, I will be severely damaged.



So, this time, I hurriedly decided to add two-step verification to my Google login.


Two-step verification may sound like an ostentatious name, but in essence, it is a system that "Whenever my account is accessed from a new device (PC or smartphone), I can know the fact by voice or message of my home phone (smartphone).


This, psychologically, is quite reassuring.


If there's a login from other's device, the information comes to my phone. So I can immediately know the unauthorized access has occurred.


So far, there is no history of unauthorized access.


Even if you use "two-step verification", it's not perfect (I can imagine how to break this verification (in an old-fashioned analog way)).



Of course, there are other methods of two-step verification besides the above, such as using a token system installed on your phone or a card-type token system to authenticate each time you log in.


This is the default method for financial matters (Bitcoin and online banking).


After my "unexpected death," I'm terribly worried about whether my wife and daughter will be able to get through this certification and get my money in order.


I made a manual, but there is a high probability that they will not be able to find it.





In Bitcoin, an estimated 4 to 6 million BTC are in storage due to the loss of private keys (digital sequences).


The current conversion rate would be 24 trillion yen to 36 trillion yen.


With a hot wallet, if your private key in the cloud is stolen, you can easily lose all your money and


Even with a cold wallet, if the local hard disk crashes, you won't be able to get all your money out.


I think Bitcoin is scary in that aspect as well.



I'm not sure if the term "aided dating" still exists, but in essence it means "prostitution".

売春は ―― これ、実は法律の内容が、ちょっと私たちの思っているものと違ったりするのですが ―― 基本的には違法行為ですが、それ以前に、現在においては「インモラル」である、とされています。

Many of us don't really understand what the laws are regarding prostitution, but that's beside the point. Prostitution is basically illegal, but before that, it is considered to be "immoral" nowadays.

売春が、合法で、かつ、インモラルでなかった時代があります ―― というか、人類史においては、その時代の方が圧倒的に長いですが ―― それはさておき。

But there was a time when prostitution was legal and not immoral. To tell you the truth, in the history of mankind, the era is longer.

―― 売春は、売る人間と、買う人間、どちらが悪い?

"In prostitution, which is worse, the person selling or the person buying?"


This theme will always be talked about, but this is decidedly a "buyer" without argument.


This is because supply cannot exist without demand.


There is no market where there are no buyers.



Now, under the third emergency declaration of the new coronavirus infection, various stores have been forced to shut down their operations.

これは、国家や行政の強権発動 ―― とも言えます。

This can be said to be a forceful act of the state or government.


However, if we refrained from going out, there would be no need for such coercive measures.


On the contrary, stores could even use "absolute infection control" as a selling point to aggressively market their operation.

―― 新型コロナウイルスが猛威を奮っている最中、飲酒を共なう営業を続ける店と、飲酒を共なう営業を続ける店に行く客、どっちが悪い?

While the new coronavirus is raging, which is worse, a restaurant that continues to serve alcohol , or a customer who goes to a restaurant that continues to serve alcohol?


This is also not debatable.


It's 100% the customer's fault.



I believe that all stores may be allowed to stay open, and all customers may be allowed to go to these stores without restriction,


with the following one conditions, only.


(1) Always act alone.


That's all.


However, humans are social animals.


We are animals whose survival is guaranteed by being in a herd, which is built into their DNA.


Viruses use this human instinct to herd as a survival strategy.



Now, we are being threatened that


"if we don't refrain from going out, many of us will die without access to medical care"

という脅し ―― 現在の状況は、もはや「脅し」ではなく「現実」ですが ―― に対して、

The current situation is no longer a "threat", but a "reality".


However, we come to take a "So What" attitude.



I believe that by our actions (including myself, of course) for over one years,


"compassion," "mutual aid," and "bonds" are,


if not illusions,


but, can only be activated under limited conditions.


I was able to get the proof of that.



So, from now on, even if a "righteous bastard" appears in front of me, wielding "compassion" and "bonds" and the like, I think that


"I will break it down with this one story"



私は「池上彰のニュース そうだったのか!!」をよく見ます。

I often watch the TV program whose title is "Akira Ikegami's News, Oh I got it!".


The themes in this program are easy to watch, as even I know about 60-70% of each themes


Last night's theme was about the contents of recent high school textbooks. I was looking at it quite seriously.


(This is also related to the theme of my next series).


The impression of the program, was

―― 池上さん。数学、理系科目全般、プログラミング教育について、1mmも触れてくれなかったなぁ

"Ikegami-san. He didn't touch on math, science subjects in general, or programming education, at all"



I've been trying to think of a topic in Mr. Ikegami's past programs that touched on math and science, however I can't remember.


But that's beside the point.



The main character of my favorite novel/anime said,


"The Magazine of 25 Deviations"


and, disrespected a fashion magazine that his sister was reading.


The protagonist of the story is set up as a character who "hates mathematics," and this line alone gives a clear indication of this tendency.


This is because a "magazine with a deviation 25" is not commercially viable.


This is because "25 deviations" is not only an expression of "low intellectual level," but also an expression of "low probability of occurrence.

50 + 10 x Z = 25, Z = -2.5 σ です。

50 + 10 x Z = 25, Z = -2.5 σ.


If you read this value 0。00621 from the standard normal distribution. the number of buyers of the magazine is 6 out of 1000, at the most optimistic.

雑誌の好みもあるので、それらを考慮すると、おそらく 1000人に1人にもならないでしょう。

In addition, according to the magazine preferences, the radio is probably not even one in a thousand.

1学年が100万人。女生徒はその半数として50万人。その0.1% は、500部です。

A school year has one million students. Half of that is 500,000 female students. 0.1% of that is 500 copies.


Even for junior high school students in grades 1-3, there are 1,500 copies nationwide.


By the way, the number of junior high schools in Japan is about 1,000.


It's clear that a magazine that can't handle an order of 10,000 is not commercially viable.


私のような、データ解析で食っているエンジニアだけでなく、どの分野の人間であっても、この程度の計算ができなければ、商売なんぞできない ――

If you can't calculate like that, you can't do any business, even if you are not an engineer like me.


That's what I want Ikegami-san to talk about.


(By the way, this kind of approach is called "Fermi estimation")



"Your criticism of the ignorance of 'a magazine with about 25 deviations' is a proof of your ignorance"

と、雪ノ下にディスられると思うぞ ―― 比企谷。

Hikigaya, you will be disrespected by Yukinoshita.



(Continuation from yesterday)

ところで ――

By the way--


How much do you think this new corona vaccination costs per dose?


I did a little research and found various prices such as 200 yen, 400 yen, 1600 yen, etc. for the cost of the vaccine itself.


If you take out the R&D and manufacturing costs and just consider the real raw material, it would probably be "free" because RNA is just a nucleic acid.


However, there is not much point in talking about such "costs".


I did a little research and found various prices such as 200 yen, 400 yen, 1600 yen, etc. for the cost of the vaccine itself.


The price of vaccines in Japan is 2,070 yen per dose, which includes the cost of medical interview, vaccination site, labor cost of the medical personnel who administer the vaccine, transportation (at very low temperature), anaphylaxis, and insurance for adverse reactions.


It is slightly cheaper than the flu.


The vaccination for the new coronavirus is fully paid for by the government (with our blood tax).

2回の接種を、1億2600万人にするとして、521,640,000,000円 = 5216.4億円 ―― これは、大金ではありますが、国家予算全体から考えれば、驚くほどの大金ではありません。

If two vaccinations are given to 126 million people, that's 521,640,000,000 yen. A lot of money, but not a surprising amount of money when I consider the entire national budget.

(私は、シバタ先生の、PCRの全国民全数検査のコスト計算 ―― 『全国民PCR検査費用 4320億円/1回のみ (年4回で2兆円弱)』 を、まだ覚えていますので)

(I still remember Dr. Shibata's calculation of the cost of PCR testing for the entire population -- "The cost of PCR testing for the entire population: 432 billion yen per test only (less than 2 trillion yen for four tests per year).


It would probably be more cost-effective for our country to have Pfizer sell us the vaccine.


もちろん、リスクはあります ―― 巨大なリスクです。

Of course, there is a risk -- a huge risk.


To be honest, a nation that is unable to respond quickly to the "mutant strains" that are about to emerge is in serious trouble.


When I think about it, it is still "scary" if we don't have a system for manufacturing vaccines in Japan, even if we have to pay a license fee for the patent rights.