

The torch relay for the Tokyo Olympics has begun.


Some people say that the decision to hold the Olympics in the midst of the Corona disaster is the same as the Japanese government's decision in the past to enter the Pacific War.


However, with regard to the Pacific War, there is a strong aspect of public opinion that "led to the war.


Therefore, I feel uncomfortable with this logic.



"Considering all the hard work these athletes have put in, the Olympics should be held."


However, I personally do not share this view.


If my daughter is an Olympic athlete, I might go so far as to appeal directly to the IOC commissioners (or even kidnap, imprison, or blackmail her).


However, I do not know any athletes who would compete in the Olympics.


And I'm not the kind of person who is capable of sympathizing with a stranger's situation.


For me, the details of my job for the next term, my second daughter's tuition, the repayment of my loan, and the results of my physical examination are much more serious issues.

それに、生まれついての運動音痴でもありますので、スポーツ一般に興味がありません ―― 特定のスポーツについては、(理不尽な理由で)嫌悪しているくらいです。

I am so uncoordinated naturally, so I'm not interested in sports in general -- I even have an aversion (for irrational reasons) to certain sports.



In conclusion, I support the holding of the Olympic Games for one reason only: I would like to "see" the Olympics held in this situation (corona disaster).


I think it is unimaginably difficult to organize this Olympics.


Even though I can't empathize with the athletes, I can offer my heartfelt sympathy, support, and cheers to the people in charge of organizing the event.


And regardless of its success or failure, I believe that this Olympics will become a new Olympic model, the "Tokyo Model".


I don't think it's a problem if the Olympics are smaller than Japan's national games, or if they are held on a smaller scale, or if there are no spectators, or if the number of participating countries is in the single digits.


In the future, I would like to see the competitions held in different countries using a real-time network, so that competitions that require individual or team competition can be cancelled.


I'm not saying that we should go back to the ancient Olympics and make it "one event," but frankly, I think we should be prepared to go that far.


Well, I know it's not that easy to talk about this event since there are various commercial interests involved.



In the first place, I believe that global pandemics similar to this Corona will occur again and again in the future.


Now that I've studied the mutant virus, I have a feeling that 'that's exactly what's going to happen every four years or so.

ならば、今回の『東京モデル』は、これからのオリンピックやその他の大型イベントに対する、大きなユースケースになるはずです ―― その成否に関係なく。

If so, then the "Tokyo Model" should be a great use case for the Olympics and other major events in the future -- regardless of their success or failure.


If the Olympics are forced to go ahead, 10,000 people a day will be infected, which will not only cause a collapse of medical care, but also an exodus from the medical field, and many people who do not need to die may die.


Some of them may be me and my family.


As a result, I may regret re-reading the contents of this diary.

ですが ―― そうでないかもしれない。

But -- or maybe not.


After all, we can't know until we try.



Then I'll prioritize my current feeling of "I want to see it".

成功することだけが「成果」ではない ―― 私は、それを良く知っています。

Success is not the only "achievement" -- I know that very well.



I don't remember if I was in elementary school or junior high school, but I once accidentally boarded a bullet train and was transported to Tokyo.


A friend who was with me at the time called my parents to inform them of the sequence of events.


When my mother received the phone call, she said to my friend, "I'm sorry.

―― あの子なら、何をしても帰ってくるよ

"He'll come back, no matter what"


これを、「全幅の信頼」と呼ぶのか「完全な放任」と呼ぶのか ―― 分かりませんが、

I don't know whether to call this "total trust" or "total abandonment.


I don't believe that there was no love, even for me.



It seems that the administration interface of the provider of my kobore.net site has been renewed.


So I took a look at the access status of the kobore.net site, and was surprised.


The first step is to access the site.


Only about 4% of the total number of accesses were from the top page of kobore.net. This means that the daily access count should be about 25 times higher than the actual access counter.


The 34% of direct access to the blog was expected, but what surprised me was that "5%" of the access was to the English version of the blog.


I've been updating the English version of the site out of sheer inertia, thinking that no one would be reading it, but this was a number that I couldn't ignore.



So, let's see where they're coming from.


As far as I can tell, from the top, it's Japan, Germany, Europe (a category), Czech Republic, Ukraine, Russia, and the United States.

アクセス場所の不明が全体の67%もあるので、アテにできる順位ではありませんが、まあ、なんというか ―― 80年前の枢軸国(イタリアがいないけど) ―― に思いを馳せていました。

This is not a reliable ranking, as 67% of the total number of access locations are unknown, however, what can I say -- I was thinking about the Axis Powers (without Italy, though) 80 years ago.


Indeed, for me, the most compatible foreigner I have ever worked with has been a German.



Well, so far, so good.


What I don't agree with is "What keywords did you use to reach kobore.net?


What do you mean, "how to make a bomb"?


"Well, I know ... It's this page."

私のブログは、テロリスト、またはテロリスト予備軍に真っ先に検索されている訳ですよ ―― 釈然としませんが。

My blog is one of the first to be searched for by terrorists or potential terrorists -- I don't get it.


Well, actually, there was a time when it was designated as a "harmful site".


I believe that people are probably only judging the title and not reading the content.



Our senior daughter is now locked onto "Evangelion".


She seems to have started with a movie that is currently being shown.

『最終回からアニメにはまる父親の血脈』という訳でもないのでしょうが ―― こういう入り方も良いものです。

It may not be "Her father's bloodline that got me into anime after the last episode", but it's good to get into it this way.



As I have mentioned, I am one of those people who could never get into "Evangelion".


If you ask me who is more unhappy, those who can't get into it or those who can't get into it, it goes without saying that it is the latter.

ですから、これからは、家族の中に「解説者」ができることで、私も興味を持てるようになるかもしれないなー、などと、と思っていたところ ――

So I was thinking that from now on, I might be able to have a "commentator" in the family, so that I can be interested in it, and so on.


I found the article astonishing.



This time, I'd like to introduce you to the science fiction movie "Sayonara Jupiter," released in 1984 (Showa 59), which suddenly drew attention when the movie's insert song "VOYAGER - Tombstone without a Date" sung by Eumin was used in "Shin Evangelion the Movie," which is currently being released to rave reviews.



What the...?


You said "VOYAGER - Tombstone Without a Date" didn't you?

22世紀のエンジニアを描いたSF最高峰の「小説 さよならジュピター」

"Novel Goodbye Jupiter", the best science fiction about an engineer in the 22nd century

その原作を台無しにしてしまった「映画 さよならジュピター」

The movie "Goodbye Jupiter" ruined the original story.

そして、その映画の中で誕生した、「名曲 VOYAGER~日付のない墓標」が「シンエヴァンゲリオン劇場版」で使われいる・・だと。

The song "VOYAGER - Tombstone without a Date" was created in the movie and is used in Shin Evangelion the Movie.



Anything related to "Goodbye Jupiter" is my field.


Something has now started to move in me, which had stopped with the 1995 terrestrial "Operation Yakima" and the "MAGI system takeover".



Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.





Let's turn the world by "Number"(66) : Extra edition

The 7 True Stories the Doctor Wants to Tell You Before You Get the Corona Vaccine







Let's turn the world by "Number"(67) : Extra edition

Appendix: The 9 supplementary points that the doctor wants to tell you more about



This time, it is in two pieces.

シバタ先生との原稿の交換をしている最中に ―― それは、もう、雪山の山頂から転がり落ちる雪ダルマのように ―― 膨大に膨れ上がる原稿を、呆然と眺めていました。

While I was exchanging manuscripts with Dr. Shibata, I was looking at the vastly expanding manuscript in a daze, like a snowball rolling down from the top of a snow mountain.

『これは収拾がつかないな』と思ったので、付録分は、私のWebサイトに回して、本文からリンクを張ろう」 ―― という予定だったのですが、

I thought, "This is getting out of hand," so I was going to put the appendix on my website and link to it from the text.

―― いえ、全て、EE Times Japanにて、掲載させて頂きます

"Don't worry. everything will be published in EE Times Japan!"


Ms. M, who is in charge of the project, showed us her chivalry at the very last moment.


When I read Ms. M's e-mail, I brought both fists to my mouth and almost shouted, "Generous!"




I think it is fair to say that this "Shibata Report (latter half)" is "the most detailed column on the new coronavirus in Japan" at present, excluding medical technical books and papers.


"But, Ms. M. you may not be able to expect PV (page views) with such a huge and advanced content"


In response to my concern, Ms. M said


"Please don't worry about the PV. We believe that the social significance of publishing Dr. Shibata's content is greater than the PV"



Editors of lousy sites trying to use catchy titles to generate PV with poor content!


Watch out!

この高い志(こころざし)を有する、MさんとEE Times Japan編集部の心意気に、平伏するがいい!!

The spirit of Ms. M and the EE Times Japan editorial staff, who have such high aspirations, should make you bow down!



In fact, I guess I am "blessed".

最前線のリアルタイム情報を分かりやすい内容で提供して頂けるコントリビュータと、社会的責任を自負する編集社との間で、ゲートウェイをさせて貰える立ち位置にいることを ――

Being in a position where I can act as a gateway between contributors who can provide front-line, real-time information with easy-to-understand content, and editors who take pride in their social responsibility.


For that, I am truly grateful from the bottom of my heart.



Oh, I also thank to my wonderful "rude junior colleague" who reviews my columns from unexpected perspectives.


I just remembered that I was scolded for forgetting to give an acknowledgement before.



(Continuation from yesterday)

そうだ、この機会に、「私の心を"折り"に来た方々」も纏めておきたい ―― 私が、忘れないように。

Well, I would like to take this opportunity to summarize the people who came to "break" my heart -- before I forget.

■東京高検の 黒川弘務 検事長 → 外出自粛や「3密」回避の要請に反して賭博(マージャン)行為

Tokyo High Public Prosecutor's Office Chief Prosecutor Hiromu Kurokawa → Gambled against requests to refrain from going out and avoid "three secrets".

■菅義偉首相 → 4人以上の会食制限要請をしつつ、8人での会食を実施

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga → While requesting to limit the number of diners to four or more, he held a dinner with eight people.

■自民党の二階俊博幹事長 → 同上

Toshihiro Nikai, Secretary General of the LDP → Same as above

■橋本聖子五輪担当相 → 6人での会食を実施

Minister of State for the Olympic Games Seiko Hashimoto → Dinner with six people

■自民党の石破茂元幹事長 → 大人数で「ふぐ会食」を実施

Shigeru Ishiba, former secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), holds a fugu dinner for a large group of people.

■山崎拓元自民党副総裁 → 同上

Takumoto Yamazaki, Vice President of the LDP → Same as above

■公明党の 遠山清彦 衆院議員 → 緊急事態宣言下2021年1月22日、深夜まで東京・銀座のクラブに滞在

Kiyohiko Toyama, a member of the House of Representatives from the New Komeito Party, stayed at a club in Ginza, Tokyo until midnight on January 22, 2021, under a declared state of emergency.

■自民党の 松本純 元国家公安委員長 → 深夜に銀座のクラブを訪ねていた

Jun Matsumoto, former National Public Safety Commissioner of the Liberal Democratic Party, visited a club in Ginza late at night.

■自民党の 大塚高司 衆院議院運営委員会理事 → 深夜に銀座のクラブを訪ねていた

Director of the House of Representatives Steering Committee, Takashi Otsuka of the Liberal Democratic Party → He was visiting a club in Ginza late at night.

■自民党の 田野瀬太道 文部科学副大臣 → 深夜に銀座のクラブを訪ねていた

Vice Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Taido Tanose of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) → visited a club in Ginza late at night.


I did a little research and found a lot more.

■飯泉嘉門 徳島県知事 → 県議ら46人で会食

Kamon Iizumi, Governor of Tokushima Prefecture → Dinner with 46 members of the prefectural assembly

■埼玉県議会の自民党議員団 → 埼玉県議会の自民党県議団約30人が、12月18日の夜、さいたま市内のホテルで打ち上げ

The LDP members of the Saitama Prefectural Assembly → About 30 members of the LDP members of the Saitama Prefectural Assembly were launched at a hotel in Saitama City on the night of December 18.

■愛知県西尾市の自民党会派「市民クラブ」に所属する市議14人 → 12月18日に市議の経営する旅館で12月議会の打ち上げと称し、女性コンパニオン3人を呼んで大々的に宴会をしていました。

Fourteen city councilors belonging to the "Citizen's Club," a faction of the LDP in Nishio City, Aichi Prefecture → On December 18, they invited three female companions to a large banquet at an inn run by the city councilor, calling it the launch of the December assembly.


I'm going to stop now because it's getting tedious, but the bottom line is that these people are also "badasses" who are afraid of being the only one absent.


Let me explain it a little more carefully.


"If you're the only one who's absent because of Corona, you're afraid of being treated like a slacker, so you attend.

という感じですかね ――

like this one.


私、冒頭の「東京高検の 黒川弘務 検事長」が、世間からの批判がどうあれ、自責と自罰の念から、自殺をしてしまうのではないかと、かなり心配していました。

I was quite worried that the chief prosecutor of the Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office, Hiromu Kurokawa, would commit suicide out of remorse and self-punishment, regardless of the criticism from the public.


The Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office is an organization of justice that exposes the darkness of state power, and the chief prosecutor is the head of the organization of justice, directing and supervising the staff of the District Public Prosecutors Office and the District Public Prosecutors Office.


After all, what my generation remembers is the Lockheed case.


The Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office Special Investigation Department, under the jurisdiction of the Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office, was our hero.

この職位の人が、「コロナ渦での賭けマージャン」をすることは―― 顔の見えない国民や、法律の規定うんぬんはどうあれ、組織や自分の部下に対して、顔向けができない恥辱の行為のはずです(よね?)。

For a person in this position to play "betting mah-jongg in the Corona vortex" should be a disgrace to the faceless public, to the organization and to one's own subordinates, regardless of what the law says (right?). It's a shame that you can't face the organization or your subordinates.


And many Japanese have tried to apologize to their organizations and families for such "shame" by committing suicide.


So I was really worried about it.

故に、この件については一切触れませんでしたが ―― どうやら、杞憂だったようです。

That's why I didn't mention any of this -- apparently, my fears were unfounded.


I was relieved.


『腹掻き切って、国民に詫びて見せろ』―― てな、時代錯誤的なバカげたことを書いてみてもよかったかな、とか、今なら思っています。

Now I wonder if it would have been better to write something anachronistic like, "Cut your belly open and show your apologies to the people.



It's been a year since I received that shocking email from my "Dr. Shibata of the Run-Over".


I was eating lunch at the lodge of a ski resort for a one-day solo skiing trip when I read that e-mail.


I was so engrossed in reading that I didn't even notice that I dropped a side dish from my spoon.


For me, that e-mail was the turning point in my involvement with the "new Corona".



I feel like I'm being overwhelmed by the daily news, and the whole picture is getting blurry. So, here is a monthly summary of the major developments related to the new Corona.

2019/12 中国武漢で原因不明の肺炎患者の発生

2019/12 Outbreak of pneumonia patients with unknown cause in Wuhan, China



2020/02 ダイヤモンド・プリンセス号事件、小中高休校要請

2020/02 Diamond Princess incident, request to close elementary, junior high and high schools

2020/03 WHOパンデミック宣言、マスク騒動

2020/03 WHO Pandemic Declaration, Mask Riots

2020/04 緊急事態宣言発令

2020/04 Emergency Declaration Order

2020/05 緊急事態宣言延長→解除

2020/05 Emergency declaration extended→released

2020/06 移動自粛要請解除、新規感染者100人越え(国内(×東京都))

2020/06 Request for voluntary restraint on movement lifted, over 100 newly infected (Japan (not only Tokyo))

2020/07 「Go Toトラベル」キャンペーン開始、新規感染者1000人越え(国内(×東京都))

2020/07 "Go To Travel" campaign started, more than 1,000 newly infected people (domestic (not only Tokyo))





2020/10 「Go Toトラベル」東京を追加

2020/10 "Go To Travel" Tokyo added.

2020/11 "Go To"札幌・大阪停止、東京都、飲食店時短要請再開

2020/11 "Go To" Sapporo and Osaka suspended; Tokyo Metropolitan Government resumes request for shorter hours at restaurants.

2020/12 医療体制が逼迫、ファイザーワクチン申請、変異株国内発見

2020/12 Healthcare system strained, Pfizer vaccine application filed, mutant strain found in Japan

2021/01 緊急事態宣言再発令、「Go Toトラベル」全面停止

2021/01 Recurrence of emergency declaration, complete suspension of "Go To Travel".

2021/02 緊急事態宣言延長、ワクチン接種開始

2021/02 Emergency declaration extended, vaccination started

2021/03 緊急事態宣言解除

2021/03 Emergency declaration lifted



Looking at it this way, we can see that there was no significant movement in January and August-September of 2020.


And it is clear that the "carelessness" of January is being paid for in April and May, and the "loose estimates" of August and September are being paid for in November and December.


However, the government's response is generally reasonable from my point of view as a system engineer.


Preventing the annihilation of a system while switching it on and off is the basis of control systems, from home air conditioners to industrial robots to traffic control systems.


And a nation is a huge system made up of system elements called "citizens".



The maximum number of people vaccinated (1st dose) from Feb. 17 to today is 70,000/day.


Assuming that this number can be increased to "triple" (200,000 people per day), the number of days required to complete the first round of vaccination for 126 million people would be 630 days, 21 months, or 1 year and 9 months.

ちなみに、政府は"6倍"と見積っているようです。『高齢者約3600万人の接種を、2カ月と3週間の完了』ということから、3600÷83日= = 43.3万人となるからです。

Incidentally, the government seems to be estimating a six-fold increase. This is because "the vaccination of 36 million elderly people will be completed in 2 months and 3 weeks", which means 3600/83 days = 433,000 people.


In the U.S., it seems to be 2 million people/day, so the pace may be even higher.


年内の、国民の全員(希望者のみ)第1回のワクチン接種は可能かもしれませんが ――

It may be possible to vaccinate the entire population (only those who wish to be vaccinated) with the first vaccine before the end of the year, but--


The only thing we can be sure of is that we won't make it to the Tokyo Olympics.



When and where will the rebound from the "off" of the emergency declaration come?


No one can know this much.



It's not that difficult to create a callback. As long as it's in the same language.

でもね、GOとC++の間で共通するトリガーイベントを作る方法が ―― 今日、一日、世界中を探し回ったんですけど ―― 見つけられないんですよ。

But you know, I can't find a way to make trigger events common between GO and C++ -- I've been looking all over the world today -- and I can't find it.


So, why don't I just use UDP or TCP to listen in? Yeah, well, I understand that. I've actually made a library for it.


But I know, if I do a UDP connection with 10,000 active objects at the same time, I'll run out of socket resources in an instant. In fact, I had a program go down last month because of this.

で、一番いいのが、GOのチャネルを使う方法なんですけど、これを、C++に連携させる方法が ―― ない。

So, the best way to do this is to use the GO channel, but there is no way to link this to C++.


It would be nice to be able to run a GO program with a C++ library linked to the GO library, but yesterday's prototype failed at every step.


Of course, I will use "polling" methods. One second of sampling won't be much of a load.


But that's not 'cool', is it?

プログラムのコールをどう実装しようが、私以外の人は知り得ないことですよ ―― でも、『この私』が納得していないんです。

No one but me can know how to implement the calls in the program -- but 'I' am not convinced.


This is important.



So yesterday, from morning till late at night, I kept trying to figure out how to make this work, and I failed.


I have a draft paper I need to finish today, so I will stop thinking about this issue for now.


It's frustrating, so I'll just leave a note and prepare for the revenge battle later.



I watched the BS World Documentary "Hitler's Children".


In a word, it is a "plan to mass-produce children of a specific race (Aryan race).


This is one of the plans (implemented at the same time as the plan for the extermination of certain ethnic groups) based on the dictator's idea of the "Thousand Year Kingdom of the Third Reich.



A long time ago, I drew an illustration like this one, and in that program, I really saw an image that looked exactly like this illustration, which made me feel mildly nauseous.


Of course, back in 1940, there were no "test tube babies" or "cloning" technology.


Therefore, "Ravensborn" (fountain of life) were established in Germany and France to "produce" children, where reproduction took place between living men and women.



In Japan, the number of births before and during the war is also high.


This was due to the high risk of mortality in terms of sanitation, social infrastructure, and medical technology, as well as the fact that childbirth was encouraged by national policy to "give birth and reproduce" from the perspective of a "wealthy nation with a strong military.


"Have an average of five or more children" (the "average" part is amazing)


"Is this a pipe dream?" of today, was incorporated as a policy, and the Japanese people, who were disciplined, had accomplished this.


And the government at that time imposed preferential treatment for families with many children, and cold treatment for families with no children and single people.



To be honest, I like neither "Ravensborn" (the fountain of life) nor "Give birth, breed.

「国家権力の圧力で、子どもを量産する社会」なんぞを目にするくらいなら ――

I don't want to see a society that mass-produces children under the pressure of state power.


I would rather continue to watch the nation decay with declining birthrates and aging population at the free will of individuals.



Today is my senior daughter's graduation ceremony, but parents were not allowed in the hall, so we took pictures at a nearby park.


The junior daughter took 251 photos of the senior daughter dressed in hakama and her family dressed as of now.


私が、30年前に、20日間、中国大陸を放浪した時の写真は、フイルム6巻、合計 96枚

When I wandered around mainland China for 20 days 30 years ago, I took 6 rolls of film with a total of 96 photos.


The number of picture during the 15 days I was traveling between Nepal and India was almost the same.


In less than an hour, my junior daughter took more photos than I did in 35 days (about 200).



In order to prevent the film from being sensitized by x-ray rays at airport security checks, these films were packed in leaded bags and transported.


In China at that time, I was very careful about where I took photos (near military facilities, etc.) (although this may still be the case).



Nowadays, it seems to be a difficult task to choose the "best shot" to keep in hand from the huge number of photos (especially for my wife).