

""What do you think, is there any possibility of a future where only COVID-19 related patent rights are opened on a special international basis, and a COVID-19 joint front is developed?"


In the column, I thought that the possibility of

Trips 第31条の「強制実施権」、または、特許法93条の「公共の利益のための通常実施権の設定の裁定」

Trips Article 31, "Compulsory License" or Article 93 of the Patent Law, "Ruling on the Establishment of a Non-exclusive License in the Public Interest.

の可能性が、ついに出てきたか、と思いましたが ――

is coming finally.


However, the "temporary abandonment" of the new coronavirus patent in the recent news seems to be different from the "license" story above.


Today, I would like to talk a little bit about "abandonment of patent rights".



It may not seem strange to many people, but the phrase in the news, "temporary abandonment of patent rights," is a strange term.

―― そもそも、特許権の「『一時』放棄」って何?

"What is a "'temporary' abandonment" of patent rights, anyway?"


I believe that this "temporary abandonment" is a misnomer because once a patent right is abandoned, it cannot be regained.


However, patent rights are also effective in each country based on the territorial principle (meaning that they are effective only within the territory and territorial waters of the country).


Therefore, "abandonment of patent rights" can be done on a country-by-country basis.


For example, it is possible to " abandon patent rights only to poor countries."

可能ですが ―― 製薬の製造工場や装置を持たない貧困国で、特許権が放棄されたところで、どうしようもありません。

It is possible -- but there is nothing that can be done when patent rights are abandoned in poor countries that do not have pharmaceutical manufacturing plants or equipment.


This is because the country does not have the means to produce the vaccine.



Anyway, I don't really understand this "abandonment of patent rights for the Corona vaccine".


I'll have to look it up again and come back.


(To be continued)


今期のアニメ「ODD TAXI」は、めちゃくちゃ勉強になるコンテンツです。

This season's anime, "ODD TAXI," is a tremendously educational content.


(1) The value of "being able to create messages that get buzz on social networking sites"


(2) The system of "paying endlessly (in the order of millions of yen) to obtain rare items in online games"



In particular, "infinite billing" in (2) above is the subject of my writing in this column.

―― ゲーム内の仮想不動産(土地)を15万円で購入する

"To purchase virtual real estate (land) in the net game for 150,000 yen"


I was finally able to understand the process of creating the value.


To be honest, I felt a chill run down my spine.



As for (1) above, "buzz value," I was quite surprised to learn that it has become a parameter recognized by society, affecting not only the desire for self-approval, but also job hunting and marriage activities.


When I told that story to my junior daughter. she said


"Well, some things are parameters, but not all"



このように、私が知らないことを、メディア(アニメ等)で仕入れて、それを家族(次女等)の意見で補正する ――

In this way, I get what I don't know from the media (anime, etc.) and then correct it with the opinions of my family (my second daughter, etc.), which is so called,


"Ebata Family Fact Checking System"


is supporting the quality of my columns



I have many scary memories, and this is one of those stories.



I think it was around the time I started college.


Friend: "Like you said, I'm trying to think a lot about social issues right now.


Ebata: "Oh. What kind?


Friend: "No, I was walking around town and I got solicited. What can I say, I'm attending a meeting about those issues"


Ebata: "What...?"

友人:「神さま?、っていうか、そういうことを信じるところから、始めることが必要・・・? って感じのビデオを見てさ、少し分かってきたような気がするんだ」

Friend: "God? I saw a video that said, "I need to start believing in God, or something like that. I think I come to understand what you said"



There is a saying "I was turning white"


At that moment, I experienced those words for the first time in my life.

―― 私か? 私のなのか? 彼を、こんな風にしてしまった"きっかけ"を作ったのは

Is that me? Who made him what he is ? It is me ?



After that,


"What I want to say is not that, but that you should read newspapers, read books, listen to the opinions of people who agree and disagree with you, and finally think for yourself..."


I kept trying to persuade him.


Anyway, in case you don't know what I'm talking about right now, but, can you please stop going to those meetings again?


If you're going to that meeting, I'll never see you again.


"Right here, right now, you can accept me or not"


I pressed him to be prepared.


He seemed to understand only that 'Ebata was talking about something very honest and serious.


It was also fortunate that he hadn't been attending many meetings yet, so the subject never came up with us again.



I believe that the idea that "all means and ideas that try to solve the world's problems at once are somehow wrong" is "not wrong".

先日、EE Times Japanに寄稿したエッセイをカウントしたら、少なくとも、ここ8年間で、139あることが分かりました。

The other day, I counted the essays I have contributed to EE Times Japan and found out that I have contributed at least 139 essays in the last 8 years.


If there was only one way or idea that could solve the problem, then my 139 columns would have been unnecessary.


"るろうに剣心 the final"を見に行ってきました。

I went to see "Rurouni Kenshin the final".


It was a very enjoyable movie.


However, in a discussion with my senior daughter after watching the movie,

―― 今の私は、いわゆる「原作厨」という醜悪な存在になりかけている

I am now on the verge of becoming what is called an "original kitchen", an abomination.


I'd like to refrain from giving my impressions.



It's been a while since I've watched a movie, but what impressed me the most was

映画 『地獄の花園』の予告編でした。

This was the trailer for the movie "Hell's Garden".

私、好きなんですよ ―― 「下妻物語」のノリが。

I like the "Shimotsuma Monogatari" style.


ちなみに、「実写版 るろうに剣心」を見たのが、ロンドンからの帰国のフライトで、「下妻物語」を見たのが、シンガポールからの帰国のフライトでした。

Incidentally, I saw "Live-action Rurouni Kenshin" on the flight back from London and "Shimotsuma Monogatari" on the flight back from Singapore.


It seems that the start of my boom often begins with airplanes.



I heard that a drama called "Ricocatu" (Divorce Activity) is very interesting.


I can hear my senior daughter laughing hysterically downstairs.


I heard that they looked very much like my wife and I right after our marriage.


If it's that interesting, I'll watch it.


It seems that my family members are not deleting the recordings so that I can watch them.


Aside from that.



I heard that one of the characters in the film is a member of the Air Self-Defense Force...


Daughter: "So, this army guy...


Ebata: "the Self-Defense Forces guy, right?"


Daughter: "The soldier was doing ..."


Ebata: "Yeah, what about that 'Self-Defense Force member'?


この言葉に敏感に反応する人がいたら、高い確率で ――

A person who is sensitive to this word, might be


"thinking about the issue of Article 9 of the Constitution"


with high probability.



I am a "fast" writer in English. I think I'm one of the 1,000 fastest writers in Japan.


The reason why it's "fast" is because I ignore everything about English from the beginning.


For more details, you can read about it here.


Aside from that.


最近、そういう「デタラメ英語 = 江端英語 = エバンゲリッシュ」が通用しない英語を書く必要に迫られており、しかたなく、その世界におけるルールを調べて(×勉強)しています。

Lately, I've been forced to write English where such "bullshit English = Ebata English = Evangelish" doesn't work, and I've been forced to look up ("not study") the rules in that world.


I went to a huge bookstore 20 minutes away by car.


So I bought the following book.


I thought it was kind of a "catchy" headline, but after reading the first 20 pages, I decided to buy it.


I liked the phrase, "No matter how much content there is, speed is essential.


There are a lot of people in this world who think there is value in 'rewriting' reports, patent specifications, papers, etc., over and over again, which is quite stressful for me.


Because my policy is, "once I've completed 80% of a work, it's more fun to get on with the next work"

『"仕方なく"読む』『無味乾燥でストレートに伝える』 ―― まさに、その通り。

"We have no choice but to read it." "Tasteless and straight to the point"  -- That's exactly.


In other words, I can feel the sense of crisis of the engineers in the development field, 'If you write lazy sentences, (rockets and spaceships will explode, and) your fellows will die,' which is very good.



I've just finished reading about 1/3 of the text and I thought this book is very good.


In particular, the short "bad" and "good" examples, which are no more than one or two lines, are listed in contrast to each other. It is also good.


Also, the explanations are clear, make sense, and are easy to read.



However, I still find English, according to the rules, to be tedious and difficult.


Even if my English is inaccurate and does not concern human life, 'just stringing words together and ignoring the rules' will suffice for me.

『一生使わないままの英語』より、100万倍もマシです ―― 実際に、業務で使っています。その"エバンゲリッシュ"を。

It's a million times better than the "English I'll never use" -- and I actually use that "Evangelish" in my work.



Ebata: "If you were asked whether you wanted the Tokyo Olympics to be held or not, based on your feelings alone, what would you say?"


Wife: "To be held"


Ebata: "It's all for the athletes, isn't it"


Wife: "Yes."


Ebata: "I don't care for 'athletes'"


Wife: "..."


Ebata: "I'd rather see the 'system' of the Olympics being implemented in this desperate situation.



If you're confused by the term "system",


"Tournament Management/Operational Methods"


"Deployment of resources (personnel, equipment, weapons)"


"Governance for Overseas Athletes"


"Respond to emergency incidents (not only coronary infections, but also common illnesses and accidents during competitions)"


"How to (moderately) suppress civil society groups that advocate absolute blocking of the Olympics.


(Radical) Countering terrorists who are willing to use weapons and bombs.


Just thinking about it for ten seconds, a mountain of mind-numbing tasks came to my mind, and I'm feeling depressed even at this very moment.



Yes, that's right.


In the modern Olympics, "Olympics" and "terrorism" are like a standard set menu.


(Let you search for "Munich Olympics.")

私(たち?)、この問題を、スコンと忘れているような気がします ―― まあ、警備を担当する、警察関係の皆さんは、そんなことないとは思いますが。

I (we?) seem to have forgotten about this issue. Well, I don't think that's true for the police who are in charge of security.


Anyway, the threat of terrorism is not lowered just because of the "corona disaster".


If I were a terrorist, I would definitely target the Olympics, where it is difficult to set up a security system.


オリンピック大会運営にかかわる皆さんの『胃の痛さ』を想像するに ――

I can only imagine the "stomachache" of those involved in the management of the Olympic.


I feel quite guilty about myself for saying what I want from a comfortable position.



Exactly one year ago, on April 26th, 2020,

―― 現実世界で、「オーバーシュート」が本当に発生したら、日本の主要都市は1ヶ月で機能麻痺、2ヶ月を待たずに路上に死体が放置され始める

If the "overshoot" really occurs in the real world, major cities in Japan will be paralyzed in one month, and corpses will be left on the street within two months.


I wrote that.


The fact that we have managed to survive "this" for the past year is the result of the government's declaration of a state of emergency and various other measures.


The reason why I can say that is because I calculated on my computer what would happen if we did not take any action.



The Prime Minister has apologized for declaring a state of emergency for the third time, but I don't understand the meaning of this apology.


I have never thought of the prime minister as responsible for anything, not even for a moment.

責任の所在を問われれば、それは、間違いなく、私達国民の責任です ―― その是非はどうあれ。

When it comes to the question of responsibility, it is up to us whether one likes it or not


Because the response to this infection control is simple and clear.


However, there is a reason why that simple, obvious thing cannot be done.


We are living on a platform that includes the "reasons why we can't".


We can't blame ourselves for being the building blocks of the platform.


(I think we should unconditionally condemn those who are drinking and partying at this time.)


So, 'Whatever the pros and cons, the responsibility for this situation is on us'


That's all I need to know.



In the past week, "dead bodies on the street" has become a reality in our country.


Osaka and Tokyo are in pretty bad shape.


In India, this is a reality. Patients are dying while waiting in hospital queues, and there are fights for "oxygen cylinders".


Although it is not in the news, I have heard that small countries in Africa have already surpassed that state.


この状況下での東京オリンピック ―― これ以上もないくらい、最悪の組み合わせと言えます。

Under these circumstances, the Tokyo Olympics could not be a worse combination.


However, as I said before, I still want to see the "Tokyo Model" even in this situation.



With the "Tokyo Model", "dead bodies on the street" may become a reality.

その死体は、私自身(なら、どうでもいいが)、嫁さん、または娘たち、かもしれません ―― そして、私は、多分、死ぬほど後悔することになるだろう、と、分かっています。

The corpse could be myself (I don't really care), my wife, or my daughters -- and I know I'll probably regret it to death.


Maybe I'm out of my mind.




それゆえ ―― 東京オリンピックの「東京モデル」の強行によって、殺される人がいたら、私は、死ぬまでの人生を『人殺し』と呼ばれ続ける覚悟があります。

Therefore -- if anyone is killed by the forced implementation of the "Tokyo model" of the Tokyo Olympics, I am prepared to be called a "murderer" for the rest of my life until I die.



Live-action adaptations of popular anime usually fail.

それでも、私は、コンテンツの二次創作を否定してはならない ―― と、言い続けてきました。

Nevertheless, I have continued to say that we should not deny the secondary creation of content.



それこそが、「実写版 るろうに剣心」のような傑作が生まれてくるために必要不可欠なことだからです。

Because that is what is essential for a masterpiece like "Live-action Rurouni Kenshin" to be born.


ところで ――

That aside...

私たちから見れば、「新型コロナウイルス SARS-CoV-2」は、人類に敵対する、最強にして最悪の憎むべき敵ではあります。

From human point of view, the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, is the strongest, worst and most hateful enemy against humanity.


However, from the point of view of the virus, it is literally just a desperate survival strategy, wanting to survive at all costs.


If human's primitive strategy (no contact) is 100% enforced, this infection (COVID-19) can be 100% exterminated.




In fact, I believe that our country has so far managed to push COVID-19 to the brink of extinction.


On the other hand, the COVID-19 continues to make an unyielding effort to spread and infect us without missing a single moment of our carelessness (drinking parties, banquet)

一方、人間たちも、なにふり構わず、COVID-19たちとの殲滅戦争を展開しています ―― 国家レベルの体制で。

But the humans too are waging the war of annihilation against COVID-19, with no regard for the economic sacrifice -- on a national level.


So, in order to survive, COVID-19 continues to marry (or more accurately, "cross" and "mutate") to create stronger and more survivable "children".


And most of these "children" fail and die.


The number of failures is not in the hundreds of millions, but in the trillions and even the millions.

そして、その気の遠くなるような失敗の連続の果てに生まれてきた、奇跡の子ども ―― それこそが、

And the miraculous child that was born at the end of such a dizzying series of failures -- that is


"mutant strain".


何がいいたいか ――

What I'm trying to say--

―― 『変異株』とは、COVID-19世界における『実写版 るろうに剣心』である

"Mutant strain" is the same as "Live-action Rurouni Kenshin" in the COVID-19 world.



Both of them have one thing in common: they can't be born without making a series of mind-boggling mistakes.



Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.


踊るバズワード ~Behind the Buzzword(12)ブロックチェーン(6):



Dancing Buzzword - Behind the Buzzword (12) Blockchain(6)

The madness of "burning Banksy's painting and turning it into NFT.



I have always declared the following.


(1) "I don't want a grave.


(2) "No funeral necessary.


(3) "There are no restrictions on the removal of my body parts (eyes, ears, nose, brain, and everything else) as long as it is for the purpose of transplantation to another person.



(By the way, since I don't intend to be of any use to medical students, I have also declared that "the use of my body parts for academic purposes is absolutely prohibited.)


However, I have set myself the task of "Completely completing the pre-processing of these things by myself before I die.

―― 自分の望み通りにしたいなら、自分自身で汗をかかねらばならぬ

"If I want to get what I want, I have to sweat it out myself"


Whether it's a will or not, such things are a given.


To tell you the truth, I'm thinking about my own dead body, "It would be easier if I could take it out as garbage on Monday"


I don't think it's possible, though, because it would be a legal crime called "abandonment of a corpse".


―― "NFT"は墓標のようなもの

"NFT" is like a tombstone.


I think that.


So called link tag of "spirit".


The grave is important for those who believe in the "spirit"


I don't think we should deny that feeling.

でも ―― 知っていますか?

However, do you know this?


The duration of most cemeteries is, at most, 50 years.


After that, the land is reclaimed or cleared and converted to residential land.


Your house or apartment may be built on top of the remains.


I don't think that should be a surprise.


Logically speaking, if the graves of people over 100 years old (excluding celebrities and tourist attractions) are still there, there should be no more land left in Japan.


Some of you may say, "No, it's not!


Then, please read my diary here.


It must be a coincidence that the beginning of this column starts with "Paris".



"I believe that NFTs are only valuable as long as the person who remembers them (while they are still alive).


Well, that must be "value" too.


It is up to each individual to decide what they consider to be "value".