

I heard a story about an old man at a soapland who, after receiving a service, said, "You can't do this kind of work!" like a moralist, to the lady who provided the service.

この話を聞いた時、私は ―― 下品、愚劣、最低、ありとあらゆる言葉を尽して、このオッサン、死ねばいいのに ―― と思いました。

When I heard this story, I thought -- vulgar, stupid, disgusting with all kinds of words, I hope this old man should die.



On the streets of Shibuya, under a declared state of emergency.


"Yeah, I feel like the whole thing is loosening up"




"I feel like there are more people here than the previous emergency"


People who are interviewed like critics seem to me to be the same as the "old man" mentioned above.


And the TV production personnel who give such interviews and broadcast the same kind of comments every day also look like 'vulgar' guys.



I would be too embarrassed to ever give an interview.


If someone points a microphone at me, I run away as fast as I can.


If I can't get away with it, I make sure to get them to commit to having image and sound processing added (and get them to write a note on the spot).



If I were in the position of an interviewer, I would ask the following questions.


"How do you feel about the fact that your presence here may result in the loss of lives that could have been saved and the cancellation of the Olympics?



If I were to be asked such a question, I would follow my conscience and say, loudly and with my heart on my chest.

―― 知ったことか

"Who cares?"




I've had my fill of street interviews.


I don't want to listen to the "ramblings" of "vulgar old men" who can only talk about the same things.


The news is good enough for me if you just tell me the actual measured data and how the prediction engine works.



In yesterday's diary, I wrote about my boss who wrote the patent specification for me.


That reminded me of this story.


"I want to thank you all for your tremendous efforts. Can I say thank you again?"


However, while this story is a good one in one respect, it also has a frightening implication in another respect.



When I was posted to the U.S., I was an "employee, etc." as described in Article 35 (Employee Invention) of the Patent Law.


At the time, I had no idea what the future held for me as an "employer, etc." (manager).


Even now, I have not been aware of this.


However, I believe this is a major, fatal problem.


This is because working with the mindset that you are an "employee, etc." will result in

―― 法律違反の労働をさせてしまう

"the people around you working in violation of the law"



In fact, I even wrote a column about it myself.



However, this time, I was about to do "this".


On the contrary, I may have already done it, many times.


If you receive a warning from the company's line, you will have to write a letter of apology, and in some cases, you will be subject to punishment under the Labor Law, and in civil cases, you will obviously be found guilty of power harassment.


Let's use a concrete example.


Before the end of the workday on Fridays, You say to your subordinates "Please do this work, and submit it at the start of work on Monday"


In other words, it's all about


It's a sense of naivety, of thinking, "It's not my team's problem.


This is really, really scary, I thought.



"I want to thank you all for your tremendous efforts. Can I say thank you again?"


There is a devilish suggestion in this phrase that makes you break the law, break the rules.


(This is sometimes referred to as the "motivation" scam.)


Let's be really really careful.

強く意識していないと、『自分のチームは、関係ない』は、無意識に発動します ―― 本当に。

If you don't have a strong awareness of it, "It doesn't matter to my team" will be invoked unconsciously -- really.


Anyway, I am a person who


"I'm only this competent" even though I always talk like an great.


I reaffirmed this with desperation.



Now, there must be many bosses in Japan who don't tell you to "work for GW" but implicitly force you to do so.


Such bosses may not be doing it arbitrarily, but may simply be unaware of the "violation" of the law.


At any rate,


I recently read a column by an engineer named Ebata. It was quite interesting. Especially this one.


It may be effective to casually send the URL of this page to your boss, saying with that.


It's a small price to pay if it makes your boss aware that she/he is going to "breaking the law".



There are people in the world who give you reckless orders.


The guy who, will push it by using the convenience of the organization, even if you explain that it is absolutely impossibility or difficulty

―― そんなに大切なことなら、お前が、自分でやればいいだろう

"If it's so important, why don't you, uh, do it yourself?"


But it's hard for a salaried worker to say that.



However, in my long career as an engineer, there has only been one boss, who said


"Ebata-kun. Since you seemed to be very busy right now, I wrote a patent specification for your invention with you as the first inventor. Can I apply for a patent?"



I still think that I would be 'willing to die' for him.

―― 0さん、お元気でいらっしゃいますか?

"Mr. 0, how are you doing?"



(Continuation from yesterday)


By the way, I have a morbid aversion to "crowding" now, but when I was young, I drank, made noise, and crowded as much as anyone else.


Especially when I was a teenager, being isolated from the "crowd" had the same impact as a "death sentence".


So, what we call "bullying" generally manifests itself in the form of "isolation from the crowd".

『殺さないリアルタイムの死刑執行』―― こんなに、楽しい残酷な見せ物は、そうそうないでしょう。

"Live of Real Time Executions" - there are not many shows that are as entertaining and cruel as this one.


Bullying does not create a voluntary deterrent because the perpetrator can be instantly turned into the victim.


Well, let's not talk about that today.



My current 'escape from the crowd(*)' is quite thorough.


(*) Of course, this is a parody of Erich Fromm's "Escape from Freedom".


I can't remember exactly how I came to be in this state.

時期的には、「コラムの連載を始めた頃」という気がしますが ―― もう一度、よく考えてみます。

In terms of time, I think it was "around the time I started writing the column" -- I'll think it over again.



Anyway, I think it is quite difficult to tell young people not to crowd together or not to drink.

それらの行為の「楽しい」の中には、『群れからの隔離 = 村八分』に対する潜在的な恐怖があるからです。

This is because within the "fun" of these actions lies a latent fear of "isolation from the crowd = ostracism".

多分、その『村八分』の恐怖は、新型コロナ感染の恐怖より、圧倒的に大きくて、具体的なものなのだろう ―― と、私は推測しています。

I suspect that the fear of the "ostracism" is far greater and more concrete than the fear of a new corona infection.



I saw the news of the third emergency declaration and the images of people gathering in the park to drink soju and beer at the same time, thinking,

―― そんなに飲みたいものなのかなぁ

"I wonder if they want to drink so much"




I have refused to drink now, but,


I am the one who has been exposed to these abominations.


So I think he understands the "fun of drinking".


時々自問するのですが ――

Sometimes I ask myself.


"At the time, I wondered if I would have done such a foolish thing even if I had been in a 'lethal infectious disease and the state was issuing a state of emergency"

―― と。


I'd like to think that I would not have done such a foolish thing even back then.


However, I also think, "I can't say for sure that I didn't do it.



I know from experience that alcohol, even in very small amounts, can destroy normal judgment with relative ease.


- Against a "lethal infection" that must be fought with the full force of reason.


- Alcohol can easily activate our instincts.


- Therefore, it is undeniable that alcohol is one of the greatest enemies of this disaster.


Others say that telecommuting is increasing the number of alcoholics.


(To be continued)



I find some interesting discoveries when I read advertising emails.


"What you need to advance your career is English."


"What you need to advance your career is math."


These two are the standard.

In additon,


"What you need to advance your career is programming."


"What you need to advance your career is philosophy."


"What you need to advance your career is world history."


"What you need to advance your career is classic."


"What you need to advance your career is statistics."


"What you need to advance your career is psychology."


In additon,


"What you need to advance your career is The Art of War by Sun Tzu."


"What you need to advance your career is The nine habits"


"What you need to advance your career is mindset"


They teach me a lot.



Let me summarize, they said,


"What you need to advance carrier is, What you need to advance carrier,



―― 人間は、その人間の立ち位置からでしか語れないのだから、まともに信じて実践したら、ただのバカ

"People can only speak from where they stand. So if you believe and practice it properly, you're a fool"


might be true.


東京オリンピックのテーマソングが聞こえてこない ――

I can't hear the theme song for the Tokyo Olympics--


Even for the Olympics held overseas, the theme songs were played at the top of the sports section of NHK news, annoyingly.


This time, I can't hear this.


Also, there is no news about the local towns that host foreign athletes.


There is no news about the entry of the first group of foreign athletes into Japan (although, of course, I'm sure they will need to go through special entry procedures at the immigration office this time).

そもそも、聖火リレーの様子が、毎日ニュースで流れてこない ―― こんなことって、あるだろうか?

In the first place, the torch relay is not shown on the news every day -- How can this be?



Of course, I can explain.


It is possible that the government is not actively disclosing this information and the media is refraining from doing so because they do not want to create a situation where people will be attracted by the torch relay.


Even If they are "controlling public opinion to keep the torch relay from gaining momentum," this is a form of information control that would surprise even Goebbels.


Nevertheless, if the decision to cancel the Tokyo Olympics has been made in secret, it would be a major problem in terms of international credibility if the talks have not already started through diplomatic channels.



I am one of those people who have no vested interest in the Tokyo Olympics, so I can remain relatively calm, but the Tokyo Olympics is also a huge social experiment field in which companies and universities are all participating.

なのに ―― 私の耳には、何も入ってこない。

However -- nothing is coming into my ears.

また、江端向けの箝口令が敷かれているのだろうか ―― 多分、そうなのだろう。

Also, is there a gag order on Ebata -- maybe so.


I'm "tight-lipped" but "light on sentences".



If I don't change the password of your company's business system every three months, I will not be able to access the system. Therefore, I have to do it.


I also change the passwords of all my private systems at the same time, and the number of passwords is 16 (as of now).


It takes at least two hours to make all the changes, so I try to make sure I have enough time for this.


I have made a memo of all the procedures so that I can shorten my work time, but some systems changes the specifications on its own within three months, which is quite annoying.


In addition, we are also taking a full backup of our website to coincide with this occasion.


If not handled with great care, it could accidentally destroy the system, so it is done with a great deal of caution.


最近、AWS Inspectorという、AWSがクラウド環境のチェックをしてくれるレポートを読むことになりました。

Recently, I've been reading AWS Inspector, a report that AWS gives me to check my cloud environment.


That's what the report is about, in a nutshell, included the information of


"Eighteen different cyber attacks are possible on my site"


ほとんど理解できませんでしたが、通信APIのメソッドについては、うっすらながら理解できて ―― 正直、少し青ざめました。

I could barely understand it, but I did understand the methods of the communication API, albeit vaguely -- to be honest, I was a little pale.



Changing passwords is the most basic of security measures, but it is very effective.


The company is holding the business system hostage and forcing employees to change their passwords, which is, well, good ways.

AmazonとかGoogleも、この「人質作戦」を取ればいいのに ―― と思います。

Amazon and Google should also take this "hostage strategy" -- I think.


However, when I think about the mountain of complaints that will come from customers due to the expiration of passwords, I can understand why they would not want to do that.



It has been learned that five of the participants in a banquet held in Ginza, Tokyo last month by 23 employees of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare have been newly infected with the new coronavirus. This brings the total number of infected banquet participants to 12."(From the news article)


この記事の内容だけでは、その宴会が感染の直接の原因と特定できる「物的証拠」がある訳ではありませんが ―― まあ、「状況証拠」としては十分でしょう。

The content of this article alone does not provide "physical evidence" to identify the banquet as the direct cause of the infection -- well, it's "circumstantial evidence" enough.

―― 新型コロナウイルス感染の主原因は「会食」

"The main cause of new coronavirus infections is "banquet""


That's enough to "confirm" it.



The fact that the subject was an "employee of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare" gave it a whole new level of credibility.


To order restaurants to cease operations is to restrict "private rights", which are the foundation of democracy.


The utmost care should be taken in its operation.


However, it is rare to see such a convincing "endorsement" of "restrictions on private rights".



Recently, I've been recording a lot of re-runs of NHK Special (N-Spec) on BS.


However, I watch the reruns every 10-15 minutes during my lunch, so the recordings keep piling up.

―― トリチウムを含む汚染水のようだなぁ

"Looks like contaminated water with tritium"


My conscience scolded me for even thinking about it for a moment, saying, "Don't be silly!" (It's true).


今日は、2016年に放送された、「廃炉への道 全記録 核燃料デブリ 迫られる決断」を見終えました。

Today, I finished watching "The Complete Record of the Road to Decommissioning, Nuclear Fuel Debris, and the Decision Under Pressure," which was broadcast in 2016.


Can I be clear at this point?

"Fukushima 50"より、ずっと「凄い」と思った。

I thought it was much more "awesome" than "Fukushima 50.


I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and respect for the engineers who continue to fight at the front of the accident site and for their technical capabilities.

「Nスペ」は本当に凄い。私は「Nスペ」の為にNHK受信料を払っています ―― もう少し、受信料が安いと家計が助かるんですが。

N-Spe is really great. I pay NHK's subscription fee for "N-Spe" -- it would help my family budget if the subscription fee was a little lower.



Ebata: "Well, you know, most people can't think of this program as 'great' or 'moving'.


Wife: "Yes, you're right. I don't know if I want to 'spontaneously watch' this show.


It's not unreasonable.

フィールドで働いたことがあり、放射能の脅威を「数値」と「ケタ数」で理解できる資質の両方を兼ね備えるエンジニアは、日本の人口のごく一部であることは ―― 仕方のないことです。

It is inevitable that engineers who have worked in the field and have both the "numbers" and the "digits" to understand the threat of radiation are a small percentage of the Japanese population.



I was shocked when I heard that the debris extraction passage was measured to be "10 Sievert".

というか、テレビ局も番組も、単位合わせて欲しい ―― ここは"ミリシーベルト"で統一して、"1万ミリシーベルト"と言って欲しい。

I'd like to see TV stations and TV programs use the same unit of measurement -- "millisievert" here, and say "10,000 millisieverts".

以下は、私がこれまで何度も引用している、 高村薫さんの 「神の火(下)」の抜粋です。

The following is an excerpt from Kaoru Takamura's "God's Fire (Volume 2)," which I have quoted many times in the past.



"Listen, Sousuke. The kind of radiation that can kill a person is more than 3000 to 4000 millisieverts.


The only way to be exposed to such a huge amount of radiation all at once is to have an accident like Chernobyl, where the core melted and was exposed, or a nuclear bomb.


So I want you to think of it this way.


The permissible radiation dose line for a person to live a healthy life is 5 millisieverts per year.


One x-ray of the stomach is about 4 millisieverts. The radiation emitted from a nuclear power plant is less than 0.05 millisieverts per year.

それよりは確実に多い。人によっては身体に影響が出るかも知れない。危険と いうのはそういう意味だ」

It is definitely more than that. It may affect some people's health. That's what I mean when I say dangerous.



A direct hit from a nuclear bomb is 11,000 millisieverts, which means that the "debris extraction" pathway mentioned in the program continues to spread radiation that can kill humans instantly.


(It may be a little better now, though).



Anyway, regarding the government's decision to release contaminated water containing tritium, a radioactive substance that has been increasing at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, into the ocean,


Whatever the merits of that decision, as far as this case is concerned.


"I am one of the Japanese who is not even a millimeter upset about the release of contaminated water"


I will assure you about this.


ちなみに、私は、原子炉格納容器が爆発した時に(正確に言うと、発電所前の放射能の測定値を聞いた時に) ――

Incidentally, when the reactor containment vessel exploded (or more accurately, when I heard the radiation readings in front of the power plant),


I was a person who had packed my car with all the drinking water and food, and was ready to run away.