

Since I stopped drinking alcohol, I feel better.


For the past two or three years, the human dog has basically been all green.

体重も「(軽く表示させる為の)体重計の乗り方の工夫」などもあって、目標体重 + 1kg以内を、なんとか維持し続けております。

I've managed to keep my weight within 1kg of my target weight, thanks in part to my ingenuity in using the scale (to make it display a lighter weight).



The problem is the "lack of exercise" under telecommuting.


I carry my iPad with me and try to walk around the town while reading, but I tend to skip it when my daily work gets busy.


Today, I thought, 'This is too much trouble,' and I watched recorded TV program, whose title is

―― はたらく細胞 BLACK

"Working Cells BLACK"




Okay, I'm going to walk around the town now.



Here, I wrote about a story that developed into a big problem in the summer of 2015 when the prefectural governor of Kagoshima Prefecture said, 'High school girls should be taught the names of flowers and grasses rather than trigonometric functions'.


In addition,

こちらの「リカレント教育【前編】 三角関数不要論と個性の壊し方」というコラムでは、

In this column, "Recurrent Education [Part 1]: Trigonometric Functions Unnecessary and How to Destroy Individuality," I raised the following issues.

■古典は必要か → 使う場面ないじゃんか?

Do we need the 'classics' → Why don't we use them?

■歴史は必要か → 昔の話を持ちだしてどうする?

Do we need 'history' → When do we use the story?

■英語は必要か → (江端試算では)4%の日本人しか使っていないぞ?

Do we need 'English' → (Ebata's estimate) only 4% of Japanese use it?

■現国は必要か → 文庫本が読める程度の漢字を知っていればいいんじゃないの?

Do we need to study 'Japanese'? → It's enough if we know enough kanji to read a paperback book.

■体育は必要か → 日常生活で、走ったり跳んだり泳いだりする必要性はあるか?

Do we need 'physical' → Do we need to run, jump, or swim in daily life?

■理科は必要か → リトマス試験紙が何色になるかが、そんなに重要か?

Do we need 'science' → Is it really that important what color the litmus test paper turns?


I argued that if we look at it this way, wewill come to the conclusion that "in the end, all schooling will be rejected.



So, when we talk about the "military coup d'etat incident" that is currently occurring in Myanmar.


"Yeah, that's roughly the same as the 2.26 incident"


When I replied that way,


"Oh, I see"


Will the people who answer this way become the majority? or,

「はあ? 何それ?」

"What? What's that?"


Will the people who answer this way become the majority?


At the end of the day, this is what makes the difference, I believe.



It was Mao Zedong who said, "It is easier to rule if the intellectual level of the people is kept low.


I believe that 'if the intellectual level of the people is kept low, infectious diseases will destroy the country.



"Mao Zedong? Huh? Who is that? The people answered....(Omitted below)



Patent rights expire 20 years after filing. And the cost of maintaining a patent becomes more and more expensive as it approaches expiration.


Therefore, if we do not plan to exercise our patent rights, I may have to go through a procedure called "abandonment".


Lately, I've been getting inquiries about this "abandonment" procedure, frequently.


Well, it is natural if I am the lead inventor, but I get inquiries even when I am not.


Today, I received an inquiry about a decision to "abandon" a patent that I was not a co-inventor on.


However, the decision to abandon a patent is quite a daunting one.


Even if some other company exercises the patented technology after the abandonment, we will not be able to collect the patent fee.


This is because we can never be sure that we will not miss out on hundreds of millions of dollars after the abandonment.



However, in the world of technology, it is almost a different world today than it was 20 years ago.


It is hopelessly unlikely that a patent can be enforced.


In addition, I can't love patent of others.


When judging the value of someone else's patented invention, there is no "love" in it.


There is only "money (calculation)".



So, lately, I've been a

―― 特許権の死刑執行人

"Death Penalty Executioners of patent right"



Well, it's a piece of cake compared to the Justice Minister's signature on the death penalty order.



(Continuation from yesterday)


Junior Daughter: "I'm more 'Corona literate' than most of my classmates because I'm thoroughly informed about Dad's new Corona.


Ebata: "But you go out with your friends quite often, don't you?


JD: "Well, it's my last month of high school.


E: "So, on a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your corona literacy in comparison to your classmates?


JD: "I think it's a nine."


All the family members who heard my junior daughter's story were surprised.


I have a fair amount of faith in my second daughter's ability to analyze situations, so I can qualify this value as "true".


If that's the case,

―― ティーンエイジャの、コロナリテラシーは、私たちの想像を絶するほど『低い』

"Teenagers' corona literacy is 'low' beyond our imagination"


This possibility is 'high'.


However, I believe that most young people are taking proper measures to prevent infection.


I believe they are really more serious than the lowly old men who are talking loudly in restaurants.


However, there is no sense of "shadow of death" there at all.



At this time, there have been zero deaths from the new coronavirus in young people under the age of 16, and they are not eligible for vaccination.


I think it's quite absurd to ask people to share their consciousness with "elderly people who live with the fear of death".


The situation would have been different if the virus had "equal mortality in all generations" and "concentrated on children.

いわゆるスペイン風邪のように「乳幼児を直撃」「若者から重症化」という特性を持っていたのであれば ――

If, like the so-called Spanish flu, it would have been the characteristics of "hitting infants directly" and "severe disease in young people" --


I don't think the word "loosening" would have been used in the declaration of the state of emergency this time.


緊急事態宣言 ―― というからには、戒厳令がセットメニューでなければならないと思うのです。

When it comes to declaring a state of emergency, I think "martial law" should be on the menu.


If "martial law" were to be declared, of course there would have to be Self-Defense Forces personnel with tanks and small arms at the scramble intersections of Shinjuku and Shibuya, standing on their heads and glaring at the citizens on the street.

自衛隊 ―― となると、治安出動となりますが、

The Self-Defense Forces -- that would mean mobilizing security forces, however,


In Japan, there has never been a "security mobilization" actually issued.


In order for this to be triggered, it would have to be at a level where Otemachi is on fire or the SDF base is under missile attack.


This is not a card that the Cabinet can easily play.

―― 感染症ごときで、治安出動できるか

"I don't know if I can mobilize security for an infectious disease"


I think that.



When people on the street talk about "loosening up" in interviews, I feel somewhat uncomfortable.


In the first place, I think the people at the TV station are interviewing the wrong people, and I think the people being interviewed are nonsense.


For me, I would run away immediately if this kind of interview approached me.


If I don't run away and answer...

『うん! 私は、緩んでいます。だから、ここにいるんですよ。あなたも、下らない質問をしないで下さいね!!』

"Yes! I'm loose. That's why I'm here. You don't have to ask me any lame questions either!


I will respond as such. And I'm ready to appear in the evening news footage, have my name and address exposed, and go to the flames.


I mean, if they're going to interview someone, it's me, I think, who spends more than 15 hours a day doing simulations and coding on my PC at home.


In my family, I am the only one who can comment that things are loosening up or that things are not loosening up.


(To be continued)


E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?



sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install





I don't have any knowledge about how to make confectioneries, but I do know that they require more precise control than normal processed foods.


What is especially important is the amount of material, which they says should be measured precisely in grams.


Also, the slightest change in temperature or time can completely change the taste of the finished pastry.

さまざまなお菓子の中でも、「マカロン」は、超絶難しい ―― という話を、次女から聞かさました。

My junior daughter told me that among the various sweets, "macarons" are extremely difficult to make.


From what I've heard, there are lightly more than 10 parameters that affect the taste of macarons, and it seems that these parameters are not independent variables.

「独立変数ではない」とは、変数どうしが影響し合うということで、つまるところ、最適解が線形に求められない、ということで ――

The term "not independent variables" means that the variables influence each other, and in short, the optimal solution cannot be obtained linearly.


This means that the amount of ingredients, mixing ratio, combustion temperature, heat release time, outside temperature and humidity, and other factors that make macarons perfect are not easily determined.

―― マカロンの作り方は、数学で言うところのNP困難問題と同じである

"Making macaroons is like an NP-hard problem in mathematics"


(That's my interpretation) my junior daughter talked about it that way.


"And yet, that guy who insists on homemade macaroons for Valentine's Day is an idiot?"


She was cursing her boyfriend all the time.



Yes, now I understand my second daughter's indignation.


Ebata: "You are absolutely right. Those who don't understand the difficulty of the task, and who comfortably make demands of others, deserve the ultimate punishment.


Ebata: "I'm also thinking, 'Is that guy stupid enough to think that adding human psychological states to an NP-hard Dial-A-Ride problem, and then solving it in real time, is 'easy'? That's what I'm thinking!


The two of us, father and daughter, continued to scream in anger at the unreasonableness of the world.



It seems that the graduation ceremony of my eldest daughter's university will be held without being cancelled, but there seemed to be various restrictions due to the Corona measures.


Aside from the obvious "no parent/guardian allowed to attend," I had other questions, so I contacted the university.


Since I couldn't get through on the phone, I contacted them by email and received the following response.

■ 大学構内に入ることもダメ

- We can't even enter the university campus.

■ 大学の門前での記念撮影もダメ

- Taking a picture in front of the university gate is also not allowed.


In other words, "the complete exclusion of non-graduates from the graduation ceremony.


(I reviewed the Evite Notification web site today and found that information about the above two has been added.)



I think it's a good decision".


I even consider the decision to hold the graduation ceremony in the first place as "a great degree".



I would like to express my sincere gratitude to those who are in a position to take charge of organizing the event at this time of the year.


The least I can do is to minimize their hardships as much as possible.



After writing my last column (the first half of the Shibata Report), I think I have a rough idea of what I know about the new coronary vaccine.


And I, as an IT engineer, am looking forward to the day when the digitally designed vaccine is put into my body (the day of vaccination).


"Huh-uh. My body! Be fooled by the computer-designed 'digital coronavirus'"


I can't stop the excitement just thinking about it (*)


When I mentioned this to my family, they just brushed it off, saying, "There are many people in the world who think in different ways.


デジタルウイスル(mRNA)(*)を体内に注入して、アナログウイルス(SARS-CoV-2)を駆逐する ――

"Digital virus (mRNA)(*) is injected into the body to eradicate the analog virus (SARS-CoV-2)"


(*) Of course, this expression is just a metaphor.

こんなSFのような話が、今、世界で、人類全員に施されようとしている ―― これは、凄いことです。

This kind of science fiction story is now being given to all human beings in the world -- this is a great thing.


Of course, we can say that "we were lucky this time" or "it was a good match with SARS-CoV-2," but this technology should be able to be deployed to other viral infections.


Digital viruses can be used to treat most cancers, not to mention viral infections such as this one.


What's more,


"Can homosexuals have children? Basic Knowledge for Verification - iPS and ES Cells"


This technology should also be able to be applied to iPS cells, as described in this column.


Since mRNA can also produce proteins with information that is not described in our DNA, it should not be necessary to limit its purpose to "antibody production.

これからは、「IT(Information Technology) x GT(Genetic technology) という時代が本格化する」という予感がビンビンしています。

I have a strong feeling that the era of IT (Information Technology) x GT (Genetic technology) will be in full swing from now on.



Well, at the same time, we can foresee the movement of that resistance.


Test tube babies" and "cloned cows" are now common knowledge.


By the way, I haven't heard of any groups (Vatican, etc.) protesting about this mRNA, saying that the vaccine design approach is against God's teachings.

彼らは、「iPS細胞」が登場する前、「ES細胞」にすら抗議していたハズですが ―― ES細胞は「胎児の細胞を使う」という点がひっかっかったのだから、今回のケースとは違うかもしれません。

They were even protesting against "ES cells" before the advent of "iPS cells". However, ES cells were stuck on the point of "using fetal cells", which may be different from this case.


今回、もしバチカンが「mRNAワクチン」を叩くような方向で動けば、私たちが「バチカンを世界から破門する」という事態になるかもしれません ――

This time, if the Vatican moves in the direction of slamming the "mRNA vaccine", we may end up "excommunicating the Vatican from the world" -- a situation that would be very difficult to avoid.


That's something I'd like to see, though.



Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.




Let's turn the world by "Number"(65) : Extra edition

A doctor writes to an engineer about how a fake coronavirus will save humanity


シバタ先生からのレポートを受けとってから、シバタ先生とEE Times JapanのMさんを巻き込みつつの、突貫作業でした。

After receiving the report from Dr. Shibata, it was a rush job involving him and Ms. M from EE Times Japan.


"It's now or never!" I've been immersed in the work, feeling rushed.


Well, this column can be summed up with this phrase on the last page.


Ebata: "Well, to be honest, it was such a huge shock that it instantly wiped out "artificial intelligence," "quantum computers," and other technologies of that level. I'm convinced that it's an innovation worthy of a Nobel Prize 10 years in advance, and a milestone in the history of science.


We are going to survive the worst disaster in human history (COVID-19), this time with the strongest good luck in human history (mRNA vaccine).


最終稿をEE Times Japanにメールで送付し終えて、リビングに降りて、インスタントコーヒーを飲んでいました。

After finishing emailing the final draft to EE Times Japan, I went down to the living room and had a cup of instant coffee.

I began to speak to my family.


"This is something I got from a junior colleague of mine..."



"Whatever his qualifications, nobody could deny that the former president of the United States is a 'top-notch gambler'"


Upon hearing this, all the family members seemed to be deeply convinced.