

Today, with the permission of the general manager, I made a business trip outside the company for a long time.


Due to the partner company's request, "I'd like to have a technical meeting at least once, using a whiteboard," I agreed with them.


Remote conferencing tools (e.g. apps) are being refined every day, and we are getting used to them.


I think it's a good thing.



When I went on this business trip, I realized once again. There was a lot to prepare for the meeting, which was only an hour long.


- get dressed in business casual.


- put the necessary materials into the computer, print out some more backups, and


- check the train times and weather.


- prevent heat stroke, and stop walking and take a taxi.


- wait for a train in the direct sun.


- keep worrying about my mask and social distances on the train


- three-hour round trip.


So far, more than five hours in total.


If this is a remote meeting, the preparation time is less than 15 minutes.



As I've said before, there is no "definition of productivity" available for all people and events at this time.


For example, this five hours includes the profits of the taxi and train companies.


Have the last five hours benefited me? If you ask me, the answer is clearly "No."


In my work, it's enough to have an environment where I can create documentation and develop programs.

―― 現時点で、もっとも整備された仕事の環境は、私の部屋

"at the moment, the most organized work environment is my room"



However, we've been using the computer and air conditioner a lot this summer, so the Ebata family's electricity bill is going to be amazing.


(To be continued)


国家間の戦争が、経済を大きく回す ―― そんなことは、今時、子どもだって知っています。

"War between nations turns the economy around in a big way" -- even children know that nowadays.


I even took a refresher course in the anime.


It's called "Mao Yu Maou Brave". In recent anime, the original author studies really well, so their works help me.


What this anime tells us, is the fact is that the war economy is in good shape at the beginning and during it, but if it is stopped without any measures (leading to peace), there will be a terrible recession that can destroy the nation.


For example, even in Japanese history, you can easily find the case.

例えば ―― 天下平定後の豊臣秀吉が、不可思議とも思える侵略戦争「文禄・慶長の役」を試みたのは、戦場がなくなった日本国における、戦闘員(武士)による、大量失業対策であった ―― ということは周知の事実です。

For example-- that is a well-known fact. The reason why Toyotomi Hideyoshi attempted the mysterious war of invasion, "The War of 1592", after the pacification of the country, was as a countermeasure against mass unemployment for the combatants (samurai) in Japan, which had lost its battlefield.



It's too obvious, but I'm not going to talk about it because it's immodest.


The first of these is the phrase "War between nations turns the economy around in a big way".



It seems that there is a problem when somebody talks about the things that are taught in the anime.


Moreover, he seems to have caused public "discomfort" by using the term "corona disaster" this time.

『いい大人が、そんな「中二病」発言なんかして、みっともないことだな』 ―― と、ニュースを見ていたら、どこぞの市の教育長でした。

It's disgraceful for a grown man to make such a 'junior high' comment. I was watching the news and I knew he was the superintendent of education in some city.


"I see". I was somewhat convinced.



I'm not trying to defend this school superintendent at all, however,




In the summer of 2015, the governor of Kagoshima Prefecture got into big trouble when he said, 'High school girls should be taught the names of flowers and grasses rather than trigonometric functions'.


I am furious with this phrase.


And every time a similar incident (tongue-in-cheek incident) occurs in the future, I will try to cite this page so that it will not be forgotten by the public.



If you're going to create a "tongue-in-cheek" problem, you should do it so thoroughly and violently that there's no excuse for it.


For example,


A cult-like religious group made up of a crazy guru and the ignorant followers who follow him.


You should use phrases with this level of malice and hatred.


私は、自分の娘たちに、若いころの恋愛話を―― 客観的に、他人事のように ―― ペラペラとしゃべっています。

I talk to my daughters about my youthful romance objectively, like other's love affairs.


After that, my daughters also tell me the ongoing story (although the disclosure may be limited, of course).



Recently, as a fummy story that my daughter got

―― 運命の赤い糸は、自分を中心として1024本ほど同時に繋っていて、そのいずれも確定状態にはない

"The 1024 red threads of destiny are connected at the same time, centering on you, and none of them are in a confirmed state"


That was the so-called "quantum love theory" based on my recent study of "quantum theory".



After hearing the story, she was laughing loudly.


Though I don't know what happened to her, I told my daughter, "Well, do your best."



Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

踊るバズワード ~Behind the Buzzword(5)量子コンピュータ(5):

量子もつれ ~アインシュタインも「不気味」と言い放った怪現象

Dancing Buzzword-Behind the Buzzword (5) Quantum Computer (5)

Quantum entanglement - the phenomenon that even Einstein called "uncanny"



Compared to the creepiness of quantum behavior, there's nothing in the horror of ghosts and the stories (really).

については、今回全部書いてしまったので ―― もう、このネタついては、もうこれ以上記載することがありません。


There are just things I'm curious about. In this "Quantum Tangle" survey, I couldn't find any literature or papers that shouted "I don't know!" "Mysterious!" like my column.


After all, there was only the phrase "a phenomenon like this is called "entanglement"", and there is no essential reaction to this phenomenon. It is an

―― 驚愕




Even the description of an academic paper,


"At present, this "non-locality of quantum" called "quantum entanglement" is a physical phenomenon that can only be considered as "insane" from the viewpoint of classical mechanics based on observations."


I wanted to read the above phrase.


It's as if the authors of papers and books think it's "uncool" to be surprised or dismayed.



I believe that


"The essence of the science is "feelings (startle or awe)""


"The essence of engineering is "failure and repetition"



Therefore, I show my honest feelings in the column, upload the failed cases (programs, etc.) to the blog, and expose them to the world.


I am convinced that they are absolutely necessary for the advancement of science and engineering.



In a "cheap" success example (computer simulation in a convenient setting with limited experimental conditions, etc.), the researchers and engineers who mass-produce papers,


I think I'm much more "helpful" than them even if I keep mass-producin and publishing columns based on misconceptions and a lot of failures.


もちろん、偉大な発見や発明をした人/する人の「役の立ち方」には、遠く及びませんが ――

Of course, it's not far from the "helpfulness" of the person who made/will make the great discoveries and inventions.


However, "cheap" researchers and engineers have "cheap" ways to contribute to humanity.


The "cheap" guy does nothing to imitate the behavior of the greatest discoverer or inventor.


"ちんけ"な研究員&エンジニアは、『一生、見苦しく生きて行く』でいいんです ――

"Cheap" researchers and engineers are good at "living unsightly for the rest of their lives".


Even if no one in the world understand it, I can accept you.



(Continuation from yesterday)


We learn the concept of "imaginary numbers" and "imaginary spaces (complex planes)" in high school mathematics.


Despite the name "imaginary", imaginary space is a space that exists in reality (orthogonal space), but is only in a dead angle (orthogonal) from real space.


As opposed to "Really fulfillment", so-called "RE-life"


the "rent-a-girlfriend/boyfriend" is a new value in the orthogonal space,

―― イマージナリ充実、略して「イマ充」

"Imaginary fulfilling", or so-called "IM-life"


We should recognize it.


If you take it one step further, "love" itself is like a vector in cyclic motion on a plane consisting of a "RE-life" axis and an "IM-life" axis.



In an example of a vector that is stagnant on the "RE-life" axis, there are "love birds".


Unsurprisingly, "love birds" have a frighteningly short life-time, since stagnant vectors have no kinetic energy.


On the other hand, in an example of a vector that is stagnant on the "IM-life" axis, it would be a "rent-a-girlfriend/boyfriend.


This vector is also not in motion, so it is the same in that it disappears when the supply of energy (cash) is no longer available.


Conversely, as long as the supply of energy (cash) continues, it can survive.



It is a narrow, short-sighted and unfair way of thinking to say that "the only energy available to maintain love is love itself".


We use our partner's attributes as an alternative energy for "love", for example,


ideas, culture, hobbies, tastes, and preferences, appearance, age, and even education, status, income, etc.



Not a single person should be able to "publicly" deny this fact.



I thought "Even if it's fictional, it's not quite (for me)" about an anime about "renting a lover". so I haven't watched it.


However, I was interested in the costs and business model.


But when I did some research, I found a lot of sites that introduce "rental girlfriends" and "rental boyfriends".


That kind of site was a real turnoff.



But thinking it again, "rental girlfriend/boyfriend" should be a normal business, and it shouldn't be a surprise to me.


This is the "out-of-store" version of the restaurant business with entertainment.


It can be seen as a win-win resource utilization (exchange of money and time) for the needs of "If I can date, it's good enough".


This is the "cloud of dating" and "resource sharing" that is commonplace in the IT world.


Other benefits include (1) field trials for dates, (2) checklists and debugging before the real date, (3) avoidance of isolation, (4) clothing consultants, etc.


Otherwise, it may be useful as a kind of "mimicry" for people who (a) are in an environment of strong marriage pressure (immediate family, community, organization (company)), (b) are in an environment where there is no understanding of homosexuality, etc., or (c) think that "being alone is bad for their appearance"

―― 知らんけど。

I don't know them well.


(To be continued)



This is my impression after watching episode 8 of "My Youth Romantic Comedy is Wrong,As I Expected -- Final"


Actually, this episode has shocked me the most, so far.



When I was a teenager, I was a student council member and a member of the school festival committee.


In order to get the various projects passed, I was planning many things behind the scenes, using the authority of the student council president and the chairman of the executive committee.


I think I've done some "diggint route root" and "behind-the-scenes maneuvering" that didn't go through regular channels if it was to get the project through.


And, well, this character of mine (narrow, shallow, and cowardly) has not been fixed to this day.

ちなみに、私の価値観の根幹は「本物」でもなく「正道」でもなく「完了」です ―― が、まあ、その話はいずれまた。

By the way, my core values are not "real" or "righteous" but "complete" -- but, well, I'll talk about that soon.



After watching this episode 8, about "diggint route root" and "behind-the-scenes maneuvering" I had done when I was a teenager,


At the time, the adults supervising me had

―― 丸見え

"seen them all"


I doubt they had thought


"I know what he (Ebata) is doing, but if we leave him alone, he'll lift the project to that level and get it done."


"If things get really bad, we can destroy the project if we destroy him alone"



Didn't my "diggint route root" and "behind-the-scenes maneuvering" continue to be overlooked?


Didn't I feel good about it, and I was alone in my euphoria at being able to "complete" it?


Now that I think about it, I think there were a few examples of that.



My teenagers may bave been just a


"stupid child who has been dancing on the hands of adults and doesn't even know it"



嫌なことに気が付いてしまったなぁ ―― と、番組の視聴後に思いました。

After watching the episode 8, "I just found something I didn't like".



I like to work alone.


So, writing the column seems to be in my nature.

しかし、現在のコラムの執筆に関しては ――

But as for writing the current column,


It wouldn't be possible without the support of Ms. M. as the editor, Mr. T as the supervisor of quantum computer, and the three so-called "rude junior".


However, with the exception of Mr. M., I am very distressed by the fact that they has cooperated with me free of charge (and have declined to show credit).


So it is hard for me ask them for deadline about supervision and peer review



This time, I sent three follow-up emails in a row to the "rude junior, and the call came back and


His first words are


"Ebata-san, are you harassing me?"



そんな、ボランティアでご協力頂いている恩人に、事もあろうに『嫌がらせ』なんて、そんな不遜な気持ち ――

I don't like the idea of "harassment" for a benefactor who has volunteered to help me. Such irreverence is


"only the half".




Lately, I've been sleep-deprived and I've been trying to take a nap every so often.


The "dry cell" in my body is a very good performing one.


"I'll take a 10-minute nap and run for five hours straight"



This may seem like a good one, but it is the "cause of our bad insomnia".



Yesterday, I set the timer for "10 minutes" and laid down.


I woke up with 8:34 to go.

2分弱しか仮眠が取れていないのに、その割には、体調がスッキリしています ―― 最近、経験したことがないくらい。

I've only been able to take a nap for less than two minutes. However I was feeling better than I'd have experienced in recent years.


I thought it was odd, so I checked my watch.


The timer was set for "10 hours", not "10 minutes".


先日、「NHKスペシャル 東京リボーン (5)「渋谷 迷宮大改造」」を視聴しました。

I watched NHK Special Tokyo Reborn (5) "Shibuya Labyrinth" the other day.


- The night at the end of May. Major works to move the platform 350 meters and correct the track for 500 meters in 54 hours without stopping the station's functioning.


- It took two years to prepare the plan. More than 1,000 construction workers.


- A race against time, with every minute counted. The unexpected continues to happen even after all the preparation.

十何年か前に、私も、似たような案件(「時間」に関してはもっと厳しい条件だったように思う)に関わらせて頂いたことがあり、思わず、そのことを思い出して ――

Some ten years ago, I was involved in a similar case (I think the conditions were more stringent as far as "time" is concerned), and I couldn't help but think back to it -- and,


I was almost in tears.


This is what I call "drama".



Incidentally, I was on a business trip to London during that period. In front of the Metro station,

―― 地下鉄、まるまる2週間停止

"Subway shut down for a full two weeks"


When I witnessed the shutdown of the transportation infrastructure in a very dynamic manner, I realized that there was a way to do it.


It was truly a "Columbus' egg".


渋谷を経由する全ての鉄道(山手線、埼京線、湘南新宿ライン、井の頭線、東横線、田園都市線、銀座線、半蔵門線、副都心線)を、1週間、完全に停止する ――

All railways through Shibuya (Yamanote, Saikyo, Shonan Shinjuku, Inokashira, Toyoko, Denentoshi, Ginza, Hanzomon and Fukutoshin lines) are to be completely shut down for one week.


The centralized construction of the project "will be difficult".


But if the Great Kanto Earthquake strikes, we won't be able to open the entire line in six months, not one week.

都市機能を1週間まるまる止める ―― 今こそ、そういう「豪快な避難訓練」が必要かもしれません。

Stopping the city from functioning for a week -- maybe now is the time for such a "bold evacuation drill".