

(Continuation from yesterday)


However, I could not find the cause of the failure in any way.


"I was able to confirm that the TR-10RDX was transmitting an FM carrier wave, but the audio was not riding the wave.


So I changed cables, sound sources, and various experiments, but I couldn't identify the cause of the problem.


I decided to dispose of the "TR-10RDX" and began to look into purchasing a replacement machine.


However, the TR-10RDX has already been discontinued. The "TR-10RDX" was exchanged at Yahoo! Auctions for a higher price than the list price.


Domestically, I couldn't find a similar product, and I also tried my hand at mail order in China, but I was hesitant when I saw the "one month delivery time" sign. -----


To begin with, our house has a wireless WiFi signal in every corner of the house.


The fact that I can't use this is also very uncomfortable.


I wondered if it was possible to make an audio transmission device that uses a smartphone as a receiver, and I thought about designing a Raspi.


However, when I thought about the cost of designing a Raspi and developing an app for my phone, I couldn't do it because it was ridiculous.


Besides, I rejected this idea because it seemed certain that there would be a time lag between the image display and the audio.


もう、これは、FMを諦めて、信号ケーブルを床下に直接配線するしかないかな(以前やったことがある) と思っていました。

I thought I should give up FM transmission and wire the signal cable directly under the floor (I have done it before).


At that time, I found the second "TR-10RDX" that had been set up in my room.


I thought "Okay, I solved the problem", and I installed the second machine. However I confirmed that the exact same problem of the first machine occurred.


"The probability of two identical devices failing with exactly the same symptoms is so small in the real world as to be considered zero"


This is the usual way of systems studies.


After thoroughly inspecting the area around the device, it was discovered that there was a problem with the signal cable connections.


(However, I have also done follow-up testing with three signal cables, and to be honest, I can't explain this phenomenon, but I decided to forget about it.)


Anyway, I was be able to get it back in working order before.


This saved me from discarding the "TR-10RDX", which has a premium value.



Speaking of which, during this process, I asked my wife how much she could budget to rebuild this system.


She said one word, "I'll leave it up to you" and she threw it to me.


Well, I'm a cheapskate, and I'm the type of person who delights in making my own products cheaply.


It's all DIY, from the installation of the LAN to the cupboards, bookcases and bike garage.



Anyway, my wife's attitude of 'not speaking out about anything she cannot understand' is refreshing and beautiful.


When you're angry at they guy who cannot make anything, but feels like they are doing their job by meddling in my creations, even more so, I confirms my deep respect for my wife.



There is a partition between the living room and the kitchen in our house.


The large window in the wall is designed to pass food through, so it is difficult to have a conversation between the living room and the kitchen.


The distance from the TV at the back of the living room to the kitchen sink is about 5 meters, so when I'm cooking in the kitchen or washing up, I can see the TV, but not hear the audio.


In the kitchen, in order to hear the sound of the TV, I have to be in a maximum volume situation, but of course, this is too loud in the living room and can be a nuisance to the neighbors.


So, we use an FM transmitter to broadcast the TV sound to the FM radio.

----- 我が家では、非常にコスパなFMトランスミッタTR-10RDXを、10年以上も愛用しています。

In our house, we have been using the very affordable FM transmitter TR-10RDX for more than 10 years.


In the meantime, several FM radios kept breaking down.


It was not a good idea to operate the radio with wet hands in a watering hole like a sink.


I recently purchased "Bountiful Harvest Radio" as my fourth generation radio.


It is "hard to break" and "No stereo sound source is required. The monaural sound source is enough".


Although I can't use AC power and have to use batteries, I can move the radio easily anywhere (such as on the table in the living room) and it has become convenient.


Even with batteries, it seems to last a light six months or more.



I don't like, or rather "hate", sitting on the couch and watching TV.


Because it feels like I waste my resources.


For me, I enjoy watching N-Spe (NHK special) the most while cooking and washing dishes.


Thus, I was enjoying comfortable cooking and washing work while watching TV with "TR-10RDX" and "Harvest Radio".



However, the other day, my wife told me that she couldn't hear any sound from the radio.


I stopped all the work and started to take immediate measures.


For me, the "no TV sound from the radio" was as important an incident as the "Internet" or "Ebata family LAN" communication failure.


(To be continued)

彡貴重品 FMワイヤレスマイク内蔵型 FMトランスミッター Telstar TR ...



(Continuation from yesterday)

「孫子の兵法」でいうところの「敵を知る」ということは ――

In Sun Tzu's Art of War, "knowing the enemy" means...


Learn about viruses, identify their general properties, and understand the properties specific to COVID-19.


Understand the mechanism of infection and tackle the mathematical theories of experts


Examine the process of making a vaccine



Of course, each person has his or her own background, but I don't think the above efforts, whatever their background, will prevent them from "knowing their enemy".


I am an amateur in infectious diseases, pharmacy, and many other things, but I am studying hard as an amateur.


And even if it's my own understanding, I'm going to disclose it to others and hopefully that will help someone else if they're lucky enough to do so.


At least, I think I'm more serious about practicing "Sun Tzu's Art of War" than the writer of this blog.



If he/she have time to criticize the people and the government, looking from the top.


The essence of "Sun Tzu's teachings are that even if they're not good at it, even if they're out of your field, they study this disaster head-on, even for a millimeter or a second, and strive to help others, aren't it?


I think that.


Well, if they're saying, "the experts should be in charge of the technicalities" or "the politicians should be in charge of the politics", well, it's not up to me to say.


But I'm not going to participate in that.



I've read the book "Sun Tzu's Art of War" several times in several translations and commentaries.

―― つまり原文は読んでいない、ということです。

"I mean, I haven't read the original text."


My motto is that I'm willing to make the effort to cut corners.


Aside from that.


Sun Tzu's Art of War is a book with a lot to learn, but I've never thought of applying it to my work or my life.




Because this book, thoroughly "management perspective".


The book treats our underlings as "tools" all the way through, and even the love they show for that "tool" is one of your winning strategies. I am uncomfortable with the ideas.


In particular, the phrase "put the soldiers in a corner and let them use their strength to the best of his ability" pisses me off.


「孫子の兵法」を引用して、新型コロナ対策を論じているブログとか見ると、笑ってしまいます ―― 大爆笑です。

When I see a blog or something like that, quoting "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and discussing new corona countermeasures, I laugh -- it's a huge laugh.


"If you know your enemies and allies well, you'll have little to worry about breaking into any battle"


He quotes this phrase and talks about how the people and the government should be, arrogantly.


I think that "he is really happy".


(To be continued)



With the lifting of the state of emergency, customers seem to be returning to the downtown area at night, too


However, along with this, there are signs that the number of people infected with the new coronavirus is increasing.



I am not a "representative of male public opinion" separately.


"Do men really want to play in the downtown at night?"

と、家族が私に問うてくるのですが ―― 私に尋ねるな、と言いたい。

My family questions me, however I want to tell them not to ask me.


I do not qualify as a "representative of the male public opinion" on this subject.


「JIN -仁」―― これが、我が国、屈指の名作テレビドラマであることに、異義を唱える人は少ないでしょう。

Many people would agree that "JIN" is one of Japan's greatest TV dramas.


The basic concept that runs through this series can be summed up in this phrase.


"God only gives us trials that we can overcome"


It is no exaggeration to say that this is a moving drama that shows the insatiable potential of human technology and depicts the potential of human beings and human love.



Based on the background, with reasonable potential and commitment to technology, a trivial human being, almost nothing love, I, Ebata, would like to say a few words.


NOT "God only gives us trials that we can overcome"

「神なら、私に試練を与えるな」―― と。

BUT "If you're God, don't give me a trial"


I've had a lukewarm life, I had no ambitions and I just want to live my life easily.


"JIN" should just be a "person of admiration" for me.



I've been building Docker for PostgreSQL and finally realized how easy it is.


It can be summed up in one word: "I can get away with environmental pollution.


For example, a different version of the PostgreSQL server cannot be installed on a single PC.


Of course, I can do it. In most cases, troublesome configuration conflicts occur, causing problems for both servers.


If I keep both PostgreSQL servers in Docker and only start up the one I need when I need it, I won't have this problem.


Well, to be honest, Docker itself can run weirdly on host OSes (especially Windows), so I can't say that it's "great" with all my hands, as people say....



Docker is, in short,

―― 別々のマンションに囲っておき、気が向いた時だけに尋ねることができる愛人

"a mistress you can keep enclosed in a separate condo and ask only when you feel like it"


I can sum it up in one word.

―― しかも、その愛人とマンションのコストが、恐しく安い

"What's more, the cost of the condo with the mistress is frighteningly cheap."


I don't know why so many people don't use this expression to talk about Docker.



It may be because my character is questioned.


However, it's a metaphor that even a " noble person " like me can come up with.



We have a 1G optical network in our house.


I have never had any bandwidth issues, but recently I have been experiencing frequent network malfunctions.

まあ、私が会社のリモート会議をして、嫁さんがAmazon PRIMEを見て、次女がリモート授業を受けて、長女が企業面接をやっている ――

Well, I'm doing corporate remote meetings, my wife is watching Amazon PRIME, my second daughter is taking remote classes, and my senior daughter is doing corporate interviews --


I think that if such a situation is to occur at the same time, there would be throughput problems.



On the other hand, it seems that my (Ebata's) policy of "I don't trust radio" is working well here.


After all, our house is based on the 100M Ethernet network that I installed when I built our house. There are also other Ethernet lines on the exterior walls and in the soil of the garden.


In the company interview, my senior daughter seems to have a wired LAN connection to her laptop.


WiFi is prone to fluctuating communication quality.


It's no joke if she lose her communication link during the company interview.


それにしても、『我が家のリビングで、就職面接が行なわれる時代がやって来ようとは』 ―― 誰が予想できたでしょうか。

By the way, who would have guessed that the era of job interviews in our living room would be coming ?


It's a future that no one could have predicted, engineers, investors, consultants, venture presidents, politicians, artificial intelligence (or something I'm not sure).


I'll note this confirmatively, because fortune tellers and religious cults may say "I predicted it" with a thick face.


スーツ姿でバッチリと決めた娘が、リビングで、自分のノートPCを使って面接している様は ――

My daughter, looking great in her suit, is interviewing in the living room on her notePC.


Of course, the whole family won't be in the living room during the interview


It's an amazing, extraordinary feeling.



It seems that someone has been driven to suicide again by the slander on social media.


I hate to say it now, but this is not the first time, and the same incidents are happening all over the world.


Every time an incident like this occurs, it makes me wonder.

―― 「SNSでの誹謗中傷はやめよう」とは言う人はいても、「SNSを使うのをやめよう」と言う人はいない

"There are people who say, "Let's stop slandering people on SNS," but there are no people who say, "Let's stop using SNS."


It's very, very strange.



This story, to me, looks a lot like "gun control".


In our country, personal "possession" of a gun is subject to criminal penalties.


Japanese law does not recognize the non-"lethal" effects of a gun (e.g., "self-defense") as an individual right.


However, in our country, that "gun control" has had a tremendous effect.


After all, we don't have any gun murders in this country with the exception of "an antisocial group that seeks to achieve its own private ends through violence or threats"


There have been cases where this anti-social group has used guns on civilians, but the perpetrators, of course, the organization has also been destroyed. The head of the organization has also been guilty of association. They had to live their miserable life, and are reaping the rewards.


Of course, I'm not inclined to pity them at all.



I don't want to say that SNS should be regulated by law.


The public opinion formed by social networking has its problems, but I believe that it also has an effective side.


However, for victims of "slander on SNS," If we show real genuine remorse, sympathy and condolence as an "action",

「SNSをやめる」こと ―― それだけだと思うのです。

"To quit SNS" - I think that's it


To be honest, the effect on society of one person quitting SNS will be negligible.


Still, we can at least tell ourselves that "I am the only one who has acted"



People who go around shouting, "Stop slandering people on SNS!


I feel "vulgar" like

―― 銃をぶっぱなし続けながら「銃を規制すべきだ」と叫んでいる人間

"the person who keeps blasting guns and shouting "we should control guns!""




Anyway, if there is anyone who has decided to quit SNS because of this incident, please let me know.


I would like to take my time and talk to you.


私は、自動車のタイヤ交換(ノーマルタイヤ / スノータイヤ)を自分でやっています。

I have been doing my own car tire changes (stock tires / snow tires).


I'm posting the video on YouTube as a note for myself (note: audio is available).


The purchase of the necessary equipment is sufficient for the cost of one tire change at a car dealership, which is very cost-effective.


More than that, changing a tire is "fun".


Well, maybe the reason why I feel happy is that I only do it twice a year (it's hard work if I do it as a job).


I think if it's fun, it should be shared with everyone.


However, when I tried to teach my wife how to change a tire, she politely refused.



"You said that... what are you going to do after I'm dead!"


After I said, the family members except me said


"We are going to go to the dealership as normal"