―― という話を、娘たちに語っていた時、長女は、ソファーに転がりながら、明らかに不愉快な表情をし、次女は、私に語り始めました。
When telling the story to the girls, the senior daughter(SD) rolled on the sofa with unpleasant expression apparently, and the junior daughter(JD) began to speak to me.
JD:"Daddy, is not that a bit too hight for a student?"
Ebata:"I do not think so, because the purpose of presenting is to" tell others about my thoughts as accurately as possible"
JD:"Well, that's right, but ..."
Ebata: "If they just read what you have written in the presentation materials, we don't have to gather at the conference venue. If we read the material, that is enough"
Ebata: "I think that presentation is like a "one-theatrical performance". It's a place and time to explain my idea to others with laughter and emotions in a few hours."
JD: "Well, I understand it. The other day, when I have to hear the presentation of university professor with reading paper and small voice, he really annoyed me.
Ebata: "Well, I guess so."
JD:"I decided not to go the college faculty at least"
江端:「だから、演出以前に、セリフもろくに言えない『一人芝居』なんて ―― はっきりいって『聴講者に苦痛だけを与える暴力』だと思っている」
Ebata: "Therefore, I think that "one-theatrical performance" is "violence that gives audience a pain only", if the performer can not be briefly spoken before the performance"
JD: "I see, I understood the claim of you ... By the way, did you have a presentation in English at the International Conference" when you were a student? "
JD:"What did you say? Did you make a splendid "one-theatrical performance" when you were a college student because you are criticizing them ?
Ebata: "No, I had just attended a domestic conference with Japanese only. As a student, I launched a research team,and there was no connection to the international conference at all.
JD:"Let me change the question. "Dad, if you had even the conditions, could you have achieved the ideal presentation at the international conference?"
Ebata: "Well, it was impossible for me, my English proficiency at the college, was more devastating than now ..."
JD: And another question. "Dad, if you had even the conditions, could you have entered an international conference?"
Ebata: "No way. Well it was impossible. I think that there was absolutely no idea of presentation in English at that time. "
JD:"Well, Do the students, you criticize, have "more high intelligence with spirits that you at the time ?"
Ebata: "Well... I admit. they are more competent and spiritual than me at the time, ."
At that time, the SD suddenly raised a shout!
長女:「よっしゃー!! 良く言った、<次女>!! ああ、すっきりしたぁーーーー!」
SD:"Good job! !!. Oh, I feel better!!"
長女:「さっきから、パパの偉そうな物言いに、本気でムカムカしていたからさぁ。いやーすっきりした! ありがとう、<次女>! これで、気分よく眠れるわぁ」
SD:"From a little while ago, I was seriously screaming about what you looked like to be great. Well I was cleared! Thank you, !! I will feel comfortable sleeping. "
While saying that, the SD passed by in front of me and disappeared in her room on the second floor.