

Since I'm self-designating a "patent (application) mass production machine," the speed of writing it is fast (Regardless of whether the content is good or bad).


I am proud that the speed of writing diaries and serial columns is so fast(Regardless of whether the content is good or bad).


However, when this becomes a "paper," it is too slow. Desperately slow.


The reason is clear: "I have never written a paper before."


The reason "why I have not written a paper" is, for example, "I had no chance," or I ran away from the task," however in a nutshell,

―― 面倒くさい



Until now, I have submitted papers for conference presentations (conference papers) several times (although they were just a few times).


Conditions for acceptance/rejection judgment of conference papers are loose (some do not judge); after submission, the mission is over if you present at the presentation place.


The acceptance/rejection judgment of conference papers is loose (in some cases, they are not judged); after submission, after you present at the presentation place, the mission will be over.

しかし、論文 ―― いわゆるジャーナルに掲載されるものとなれば、そういう軽いノリでの提出ができないのです。

However, about the "paper" that is posted in a thesis - a so-called journal, we cannot submit it with an easygoing feeling.


(To be continued)


ガラスの仮面に出てくる「大都芸能」は、大丈夫なんだろうか ――

"Daito-Performing Arts Co." in a comic "Mask of glass" is O.K. isn't it?


I am worried about unnecessary.


First of all, scenes of overseas expansion do not come out.


No appearance of entering idle business.


He seems not to be interested in the Internet content business at all.


As the case may be, the president sticks to a stage play which is unlikely to be popular, "Red Milky Woman".


To begin with, will "entertainment production" go well now ?


『"紅天女"なんぞに、どれだけのコストと時間をかけているんだ?』と ――

"How much money and time are you spending on "Red Milky Woman"? "


Why do shareholders get angry ?


If I were a shareholder, I would make a motion to dismiss "Masumi Hayami".



Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

"Over the AI(14) ---- beyond a reach of our imagination of AI"

Artificial intelligence coming to bay ---- Rare technology that has advanced due to giving up "perfect"



This story is a typical example of the following.

"Don't make me laugh!" in my diary.



In fact,


The person who has never tried coding AI technology,


writes books about AI technology, makes the materials of the AI functions,


and speaks about the future of AI service.

―― エラそうに

"with an arrogant attitude."


えー? 違います、違います。

Well? No, no. No way.


It is not about you.


It is about me, isn't it? of course.



(Continuation from yesterday)


Then, I will teach the strategy.


- First of all, please let us know that homework is objectively impossible during the summer holidays. Specifically, it is sufficient to calculate the execution time in hours per day.


- Please make a consent form for such agreement, with a minimum of 10 people, possibly 100 persons order.


- If there is parental consent, it will be better. However that is not important. You should not send the consent paper to not the teacher. but "principal" and "city or provincial board of education", directly,


If you do so far,

―― あなたは、その宿題と、うまくうけば、その教師も、ほぼ確実に「潰す」ことができます。

"You can almost "crush" the homework and, the teacher at the same time hopefully"



The important thing is not to bring in "direct confrontation with teacher" or "cooperation with parents".


The purpose of this strategy is to use the "principal", "board of education" and "mass communication" to make things flame up.


No problem.


What you "teenagers" should to is start burning fire. On the other hand, turning off the fire is a job of "adult".


Of course, you are not subject to legal responsibilities such as claims for civil damages, as well as criminal punishment.



Now, it's a few days left, but now it's time to do it now


It is still in time for it.


Let's calmly balance the "effort to complete homework" and "effort to deflate the fire" and start the game.



From the end of the Bon event, I am afraid a black stain called "homework for summer vacation" becomes spread out your mind.


Dear you, of the teenager who looks pale with looking at the whole amount of homework.


Why do not you prove that you cannot complete homework during a summer vacation, and

―― 教師と紛争を起して、トラブルを法廷に持ち込んでみませんか

"would you try to conflict with your teacher and cause a lawsuit



Quite a few low-teachers can not quantitatively calculate a casual amount of homework.


In fact,


- A teacher named "Miyamoto" of junior high school teacher without creative ingenuity, who had writing of an enormous amount of kanji, which can not be done unless it took six hours a day, 30 days a day,


- teachers named "Shizuka," who do not know anything other than the world history of high school, made us translate the original book of words,


I still "hate" them even now.


When I was a serious teenager and working on this homework seriously, I could not do anything to play during summer vacation.


(To be continued)



Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

"Over the AI(13) ---- beyond a reach of our imagination of AI"

Artificial intelligence remains weak ---- "How to make "strong AI" with fear of death



There is a famous "how to get on in the world"

―― 政治、宗教、野球、恋愛については、人と議論してはならない

"Don't discuss politics, religion, baseball and love affair to others"


I have kept this phrase absolutely.


(Sometimes I write about these issues, however, I never discuss them)


さて、実は、今回のコラムは、EE Times Japan編集部の担当者のMさんより、以下の文章について、削除を依頼されました。

In fact, at this time, Ms.M who is working on my columns at the EE times Japan office, asked me to delete the following lines.


I could agree with her, because I think that her judgement was really right.


The best thing to do is that "we don't talk about "religion"".


Both Ms.M and I know well, so we can come to compromise about this issue easily,



Now that I've taken the trouble to make the writing, so I want to attempts to revive.


like the following(I omitted the English version).

============= ここから =============



江端:「さらに腹が立つのが、イスラム教のジハード(聖戦)という概念だ。イスラム教の教義の為の戦争で、 ―― イスラム原理主義者の一部のカルトたちは「自爆テロ」も「ジハード」であると言い張っているんだけど ―― 死んだら、手続、裁判一切不要で、天国(*1)(*2)直行便が確定するんだ」

(*1)コーラン0節から24節の江端的解釈→『至福の楽園の中に住み、永遠の若さを保ち、24時間、飲み放題食い放題サービスを受けながら、美しい美女たちを自分の回りにはべらせ続けられる』(https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/天国 (イスラーム))



江端:「こんな理不尽(で下品)な話があると思うか? もしパパが、そんな馬鹿げたテロの巻き添えで殺されたら、パパは、たった一人でも、その「天国」なるところに報復テロを仕掛けにいくぞ(*3)」

(*3)こういう俗物で下品な天国のイメージで、カルト化した信者(特に若人)の自爆テロへの心理的しきい値を下げさせていることは事実のようです。しかし、本来、イスラム教とは、、唯一神のもとでの人間の完全フラットな平等と自由と、世界平和を説く宗教で ―― そして、イスラム教徒のほとんどは、そういう方々です。


============= ここまで =============



(Continuation from yesterday)


In that sense, it can be said that criticizing the "age of odor" is unfair discrimination.


Nonetheless, if the subject of "age-old smell" neglects efforts to prevent the stink, they should be criticized.



On the other hand, I think that it can not be included in the category of "age-old smell," which occurs only in the summer and gives me body blowing and loss of memory—it is a burning stink.


Because it occurs only in "summer".


Of course, I think that the level will change significantly depending on the constitution, climate, how to work (outside sales and physical labor), and the time of that labor.


However, I do not think that it must be accepted unconditionally.


That "burning stink" is as good as I can say "violence," and it gives strange pain to others.



The troublesomeness of this problem, is


"Stink that we can not recognize and be aware of on your own will scatter with" zero badness."



Because of this body stink problem, I am apprehensive about being in charge of "safety and health committee members" at the company.


Once I took the questionnaire from the company about the problem of chemical odor at the office, I looked pale. Because many e-mails that responded to the word "strange smell" came to me.

■ 隣の席の人の体臭が物凄く凄くて、仕事にならない。

- The body stink of the person next to me is terrible, so I don't work.

■ その人間が通り過ぎるだけで、煙草の臭いが物凄く凄くて辛い。

- Just the person passing in the office, and the smell of tobacco is terrible and painful.

■ 在席中に、平気で放屁する人がいて、その臭いが物凄くて嘔吐しそうになる

- There is a person who is flat with flavor, and its smell is terrible, and I am likely to vomit

そのメールには『江端さん! お願いだから助けて!!』という、悲痛な声がありました(まあ、私も含まれていたかもしれませんが)。

In that mail, there was a sorrowful voice called "Ebata-san! Please help me, please !!"


Sorry, but I cannot open the after-story because of privacy and company compliance.

いずれにしても、「事態を炎上させることで、その事態の収拾を測る」ことを得意とする、自称「マッチポンプ型リゾルバー 江端」をもってしても、この問題に手を出すことができず、私は任期を終えました。

In any case, even I, self-called "Matchpump type resolver "Ebata"" who is good at "measuring the collection of the situation by making the situation flame up", could not handle this problem, and I had finished my term.


(To be continued)



(Continuation from yesterday)


Of course, it is not pleasant for me; however, I think,

―― どんな上司の叱責よりも、必要なチェッカー

"She is a necessary checker than any boss's reproof."


今の、この私に、正面向って警告できる人間を思い受かべてみたのですが ―― もう部長クラスでも無理なんじゃないかな ―― とすら思います。

I tried to think about who could warn me in front of my face; I was afraid that "It seems impossible for the director class anymore."


Still, the second daughter said,


"When I go to school by train, there is an unimaginable stink, old man. I know well how you are better."




I wrote it before,

"In the first place, humans are not manufactured on the premise that they survive 40 to 50 years and over."



Human life expectancy was 40 years old 200 years ago (not 200 million years ago, 200 years).


We can live with our age "due to advanced medical development," such as the eradication of pathogens and the development of silver bullets for viral diseases (influenza), etc. (previously, there was no method).


Why human beings over the age of 40 are alive, is

腐敗が完了していて良いはずの肉体に、強制的に体液(血液とかリンパ液とか)を循環させることで、その腐敗の進行を遅らせている ――

"To our body that should be corrupted soon, the forcibly circulating bodily fluid (blood or lymph) make it slow the progress of corruption."


This is the correct answer.


So, the smell that occurs after over 40 years should be called "rotten smell" rather than "age-old smell."


(To be continued)



The problem of "smell" gets worse when it comes to summer.


Especially for a young man and a fat older man,

―― 全身に、「米酢」をぶちまけたのか ?

"Did you take a shower of "rice vinegar"?"


I wonder how they can produce the violent smell.


It has a destructive power beyond of the feeling of "disgust".



The other day,

(Step 1)若いニーチャンの横を通り過ぎたとき、その背中から発せられる臭さに、レバーにボディーブローを一発喰らったかのような衝撃を受け、思わず足がもつれ、、

(Step 1) when I passed by a young man, I received a shock as if I had a body blow of the lever, and unintentionally, my legs tangled because of the smell emitted from his back,

(Step 2)さらに、その2秒後に、3メートル先の太ったのオッサンの横を通り過ぎた時に、(本当に、どこからその異臭を製造しているのか不明なまま)「クッ(サー)!」と大声が出そうになるのをかろうじて抑えつつ、2秒ほど記憶がなくなりました(本当)。

Furthermore, two seconds later, when I passed by the fat man 3 meters away (indeed, I didn't know where the stink was produced), I nearly shouted, "He stinks!" After that, I lost my memory for about 2 seconds (it is true).


They are already at the installation level on any battlefield, as they are limited standard weapons.



In the Ebata's, I have devices of "Human intelligence (× artificial intelligence) smell checker" of 19 years old (eldest daughter) and 15 years old (second daughter), that work well with unreserved words.


Especially for the second daughter,


- When we are riding a car together, she opens the car window ostentatiously,


- When she passed in front of my room, she mimics "stink".


She is checking my smell with a bitter interface.


(To be continued)



About ten years ago, I was moved to the book titled "God Fire." The author is Takamura Kaoru-san, and I strongly recommend the book to my wife.


She said, "I accepted your recommendation without complaining, and I could not have any emotion about this book," I was shocked to hear her comment.

―― 自分が良いと思うものが、他人が良いと思うとは限らない

"Things that I think are good are not always good for others."


That is a typical "rite of passage" for teenagers; however, I thought

―― 自分が「熱狂的に良い」と思うものであれば、それは客観的に「良い」ものも含んでいて、自分の想いの1/100くらいは伝わるんじゃないないかな

"Things that I think are good fanatically may include some objective good things. So, the hundredth part of my illusion will get the point across to others."


This hypothesis of mine was broken all to pieces at the moment,



Now, my junior daughter has a homework assignment on a "book report" for "space creation," the author of which is Mr.Simon Lehna Singh.


It is a book of scientific documents that depicts the battle of scientists who clarify the creation of the universe.


I read all the books of Mr.Simon Lehna Singh.


When I went to Bali on my family trip, I became infatuated with the book, whose title was "Decryption," and I could not remember Bali's itinerary.


So, of course, I understand the wonderfulness of this "space creation" as well.


I think I can probably become a good friend with the teacher of "junior daughter," who submitted this assignment book.



However, I am quite doubtful

―― この教諭と私が「熱狂的に良い」と思うこの本への想いの1/100でも、次女にも伝わるか

"whether 1/100 of this book's value will also be transmitted to the second daughter, even if both this teacher and I feel that this book is 'enthusiastic good'"



I think that the books of Mr.Simon Lehna Singh will choose a person.