

For the first time in decades, I received an invitation to a wedding and reception (except for the initial return postcard requesting my attendance). Still, it seems that all subsequent information is now done online.


I would have been invited to these events more often (maybe once every few years?). If I had been invited, I would have felt comfortable. However, due to the gap of decades, I had no idea that this kind of situation existed.


This system is a win-win for both event management and participants.


I'm envious of them.



I tried to do the same thing for our wedding via email and email web (my website), but I could not get it to work.


At that time, cell phones, let alone smartphones, were not widespread; email was only used by those with a PC, and even fewer people had PCs.



However, the scary thing about such a system is that if you miss even one instruction from this system, you can easily be eliminated from the event.


For example, missing a notice from school or work may cause a student to miss a due date for a document or report and fail to earn credits or stay in school, or fail to prepare for an event at all and find out about it on the day of the event and ruining it.


Before the system was implemented, fail-safes worked, such as an administrator calling me directly on the phone to warn me, but now there are no such things.


Now, I have to be vigilant and jittery to ensure I don't miss any communication from the system.


Still, it is good when a close friend acts as that safety net, but it is a matter of life and death for a lonely person like me with no friends.


Of course, the system also gives warnings, but warnings from the system are easy to miss.


Because we cannot distinguish between what is urgent enough to "get a call direct."



Nevertheless, returning the "win-win system for event management and participants" to the previous analog system would be impossible.


If so, what comes next,

―― 相互に会話でき、緊急性や重要性を音声に込めることのできるAIの開発

"The development of AI that can talk to each other and put urgency and importance into voice."


That might be coming.


The image is something like this?


Ebata: "So, what do you mean?"

音声AI:「あと2日以内に授業料を納付しないと、退学になります! 振り込みしなくていいから、とにかく現金もって窓口に来て!!」

Voice AI: "If you don't pay the tuition fee within the next two days, you will be expelled from the school! You don't have to transfer the money. Just come to the counter with the cash!


It's a conversational (threat) AI that urges us to take action, shouting。


Yes, this system seems applicable in a wide range of fields.

音声AI:「だからぁ! 津波警報が発令されてヤバいんだってば! 死にたくなければ、直ぐに逃げろ!! 40秒で支度しな!!」

Voice AI: "That's why it is a tsunami warning, and you're in trouble! If you don't want to die, get out now! You have 40 seconds to get ready!


Thus, we will need an AI to call and threaten us.


This AI is especially true in a situation like our country's current one, where the "Nankai Trough Warning" has been issued.




I was pleased to find that my coding goal for the day was to be able to divert a test program I had created long ago.


I had some free time, so I was coding another experimental system.


My sister calls me a "craftsman's way of life," my second daughter calls me a "reserve army for death from overwork," and my wife calls me a "happy life.


I would normally be fine with a "mediocre life."


But this is not only my fault but the world's too.


If you'd instead go to the movie theater, Amapura or Netflix are better (and you can watch movies while you work), and if you want to watch sports, TV is the best way to get the best angle on the players; it has commentary.


I know the importance of taking action.



My twenties, wandering the world, taught me that the government of another country and its people are different and that a wrong choice can easily lead to a deadly scene. my thirties, experiencing both heaven and hell in a foreign multinational team


Since my 40s, I have come to realize that "giving up" can also be an "optimal strategy," and now I am fixed on a way of life in which I "run away from troublesome things as much as possible.


I am now a senior citizen consuming assets (savings) from past "actions" with blogs, essays, and coding.


―― あの若いころの、無駄に高いフットワーク(しかも命中率は恐しく低い)は、一体何だったのだろう?

-- What was that high footwork in his youth (with a low hit rate)?


I sometimes think about this.


The footwork has many meanings, and it makes sense to think that one of them would have been 'the engine of "love" and "marriage."'


Today, the rate of nonmarriage is increasing at a faster rate than I expected ten years ago. However, if you think logically about "love" and "marriage," choosing nonmarriage is the optimal strategy.


It is difficult to make the irrational behavioral choice of "love" or "marriage" unless you are young when kinetic energy is wasted.


There is undoubtedly an aspect of 'if you think about it, you lose' that only concerns these two things.


It may be a bad habit of mine to link everything to "love" and "marriage" while writing "love" and "marriage."


Now, let's return to the main subject



In a column by psychiatrist Hideki Wada, they said, "What is important is not 'how long I live,' but 'what do I want to do with my long life?


This column is a good argument but does not apply to me.



I have repeatedly defended young people who "don't know" what they want to do.


『自分のやりたいことが分からない』という方は、多分、ご自分のことを「不幸な人間」と思っているかもしれませんが ―― 『意外に、それは最高の人生なのかもしれないですよ』ということを、お伝えしたくて。


However, I realized I had not considered older people who "don't know" what they want to do.


To put it more bluntly, older people who "don't have anything they want to do" do not know how to live the rest of their lives.


This proposition involves a rather scary problem.


Young people who "don't know what they want to do" can become a value-producing device for the labor force even if they don't know what they want to do.


In contrast, older people who "don't have anything they want to do" are less likely to be in labor.


However, I have shown the logic that 'cared older people" become a valuable asset (asset) that supports Japan's GDP.


So, in the future, I will say, 'I will be a caretaker with dignity and contribute to our country's economy,' so that side is taken care of.



The problem is myself. I have to solve this.


In other words, how to position "I, an elderly person who does not know what I want to do" and "I, an elderly person who does not have what I want to do" in my mind (x society).


I believe that "I am an elderly person who does not know what I want to do" and "I am an elderly person who does not have what I want to do"; therefore, I need to find the "X" part by myself, which is the significance of "X."


However, this is a very tough proposition.


Because I have to find this proposition under the constraining conditions, my strength and ability are declining, and my performance and footwork continue to degenerate.


In addition, I also have the troublesome attribute of being a misanthrope.

そんなものは見つけられなかった ―― そういうオチになる公算は高いのですが、まあ、がんばってみます。

I couldn't find such a thing -- that's the most likely outcome, but I'll try my best.



In the afternoon, my wife asked, "Can you ride me to the station?" Since I had no meetings in the afternoon, I took my wife to the station in my car.


Ebata: "So, where are you going today?"


Wife: "Today, I'm going to Shinjuku to see 'Tanuki Koji.'"

―― ん?

-- What?


The database in my head does not include a comedian named "Tanuki Koji."


It may be a new comedian, but I have never heard of my wife "guessing" a comedian.


First, it is unusual for a wife to go to "Lumine the Yoshimoto."



Ebata: "Well, what kind of person is 'Tanuki Koji'?"


Wife: "No. Koji Tamaki."


It seems it was a concert by Koji Tamaki. That makes sense, then.



I am in the midst of an ongoing process of significant aging in all parts of my body.


Vision and hearing, in particular, are experiencing problems daily.

大学での受講では、結構な苦労を強いられています ―― 声の小さい発表とか、文字の小さい発表資料とか、加えて、それが英語だったりすれば、もう大変です。

I've had a lot of trouble taking courses at the university -- presentations with low voices and small print, plus if it's in English, it's a lot of work.


Eventually, I will be too afraid to ask back for fear of sounding annoying.


Thus, a new comedian named "Tanuki Koji" was born only in my mind.

親の介護フェーズが終わった(死亡した)時から、自分が、被介護対象者になっていく ―― を実感しています。



I am building virtual cameras in C (x Go language) for a system that requires 100 to 1000 cameras.


These virtual cameras display and transfer a given image file over the network.

この程度のプログラム、どっかのGitHubにでも落ちているだろうとと思って探してみたのですが ―― あるにはあるのですが ―― コードの規模がでかいし、環境の設定も面倒くさそうでした。

I tried to find a program like this on GitHub somewhere, but the code was too big, and the environment was too complicated to set up.


So, I ended up making my own in collaboration with ChatGPT.

―― こういうプログラムを組める人間は、もちろん、沢山いるだろうけど、世間一般では少数だろうな

-- I'm sure plenty of people can code programs like this, of course, but I'm sure there are a few in the public.


I think that.


I am trying to say, "Does 'I' who can set up such a program have market value or not?




I once wrote a column about how to build a system with Raspi(Raspberry PI), and I remember being quite surprised when I was dis-disparaged on Twitter as


'The snarky guys, bragging about his technical skills.'



A system of this level can be built by a researcher in my laboratory in one day if they have experience with Raspi and in two weeks even if they have no experience with Raspi (true).


I only wrote the building instructions in my column to "make it easier" for those who have trouble starting up from scratch, but I found it surprising that it was seen as "snarky guys."

まあ、いずれにしても、この件について、私は語るべき言葉がありません ―― それとも『嫌味を書いて申し訳ありませんでした』とでも書いて、謝罪すればいいのかな?

Well, in any case, I have no words to say on the matter -- or should I write 'I'm sorry for writing sarcasm' and apologize?

私は、音楽の作曲もできないし、楽器の演奏もできないし、歌だって上手く歌えません。スポーツは全般に運動音痴ではありませんが、そういうことができる人を、『自分の技能を自慢している、嫌味な奴』とは思うことはありません ―― 興味がないことはあっても。

I can't compose music, play an instrument, or even sing well. I'm not generally athletically inclined, but I don't think of people who can do those things as 'snarky guys, bragging about their skills' -- even if I'm not interested in them.

「そういう人は、自分の回りが『嫌味や奴』であふれていて、ずいぶん世の中が生きにくいのだろうな』とは思います ―― 『気の毒に』ではなく『ざまあみろ』と思っていますが。

I believe that such people must have a tough time living in the world because they are surrounded by "snarky guys. I don't feel sorry for them, but rather, "Suck it up."


で、最初の話に戻るのですが、「こういうプログラムを組める『私』には、市場価値があるのか、それとも、ないのか」ですが ――

So, back to my original question, "Is there a market value for 'me' to be able to put together a program like this?"


The market value of this matter has changed significantly with the advent of generated APIs (ChatGPT, etc.).


I see two possible futures for this.


(1) Since the program is automatically generated, "I" who can set up such a program no longer has a market value.


(2) "I" who can point out the mistakes and instruct the correction to the program created by the generating AI will further increase its market value.


I don't know which way this (1)(2) will go (I don't know).


Either way, I cannot change that trend, so I must watch it.



Another concern is "programming education" incorporated into the compulsory education process.


(1) Programming education is no longer necessary because the generative AI automatically generates programs for you.


(2) Programming education is also necessary to develop human resources capable of pointing out errors in programs created by generative AI and instructing them to correct them.


Now, in which direction will the world fall?


I plan to observe this direction closely for the rest of my life.


ドキュメント72時間SP フランス・パリ 街角のマンガ喫茶で』を視聴しました。

I watched " Document 72 Hours SP: Paris, France - At a Manga Cafe on a Street Corner ".


It was fun.


I am glad that anime and comics I know are also popular overseas.


I also like derivative works.

―― ゴーダマシッダールタさん没後、2500年オーダの時間をかけて創作され続けた膨大な物量の「同人誌」


I am grateful for the efforts of all those who are editing, translating, and promoting the content, not to mention the original authors who are creating them.


It is "the above people" who can be proud of their achievements, though not "Japan.


Aside from that.



When we asked ChatGPT to estimate the total market size of manga and anime in Japan, or the total market size of Japanese manga and anime overseas excluding Japan, using Fermi estimation, they came up with 6 trillion yen for the domestic market and 4.6 trillion yen for the overseas market.


On the other hand, when we asked for an estimate based on historical data rather than Fermi's estimation, we came up with a market size of 3.6937 trillion yen in Japan and about 1.46 trillion yen overseas.


When I asked for a rough estimate of the total market size of Korean dramas in Korea or the total market size of Korean dramas overseas, excluding Korea, based on historical data rather than Fermi estimates, I got 9,571.5 billion yen (most of it) and 1,674.0 billion yen, respectively.


The market size of the Japanese domestic manga and anime market and the Korean drama market are close (slightly more substantial in Japan?).



I think I heard long ago that the government invested in the budget for drama content in Korea.


In comparison, I have heard that in Japan, animation producers are "left with the same low status as third-world workers who make them forced to buy cheap cacao and coffee beans or make cheap clothes.

上記の話はウラを取っていませんので、私が、誤解していたら大変申し訳ありませんが ――

I have not checked the above story as a fact check, and I am very sorry if I have misinterpreted it, but--


"The Japanese state does not protect manga and anime content, which have a market as large as Korean dramas."


Am I correct in my understanding that this is the case?

なにしろ、私は、アニメのエンドロールに「提供: 日本国文化庁」とか入っているのを見たことありませんし。

After all, I have never seen "courtesy of the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan" in the end roll of an anime.


(I look forward to hearing from anyone who can enlighten me on this area. I will humbly accept your lecture.)


とは言え、『コンテンツ文化に、国家が関わってくるとロクなことにならない』というのも、また事実ですので ―― 『国策として、何もしない』というのは、それはそれで悪くない、とも思うこともあります。

However, it is also a fact that "when the state gets involved in content culture, it can lead to bad things," - so I sometimes think that "doing nothing as a matter of national policy" is not such a bad idea.


Unlike traditional arts, I think it is important to "not owe a debt to the government" when it comes to subculture.


However, I will probably be despondent if this is left unchecked and the Japanese subculture is left to decline.


However, I believe that "it" will happen someday if the terrible situation of animation producers in the field continues.



So, after Japan, which country will be most dominant in manga and anime, if any?


China (mainland) is the most right-wing, but as long as they have a one-party communist dictatorship, they will be fine. The power will be hostile to the freedom of expression of the subculture.


North America (United States of America) is a "justice first" country, so there is no need to worry here either.


Korea has been prosperous in dramas, so this country must be strong.


Also, Taiwan seems to be strong (semiconductors are strong).


The Muslim world seems to be an excellent place to exclude. If you bring in a Japanese subculture, you may get flogged (I'm prejudiced. I have several Muslim schoolmates).


I don't have any evidence, but I have a feeling that 'some of the smaller European countries will suddenly be standing up.



Incidentally, if we replace the "Japanese manga and content" part with the "automobile industry," ChatGPT responded 57 trillion yen and 33 trillion yen, respectively.


Although I think it is nonsense to compare hardware and software, I realized that the market scale is very different.



Recently, a system running Microsoft's operating system crashed, forcing many systems worldwide to shut down for a few hours to a few days.


As far as I know from the news, many McDonald's restaurants in Japan have been forced to close, and airlines have also had to cancel flights one after another.


Initially, I suspected a cyber attack, but the target of the attack seemed "strange" to me.


If they were going to carry out a terrorist attack, they would have done it in the direction of "poisoning a manufacturing plant" or "crashing a plane," not in the direction of fast food or airline counters.


A company or state will not break down by bringing down the system of counters, cash registers, etc.


If you are going to commit terrorism, you should aim to kill a thousand people.



As it turned out, the incident was not a terrorist attack but a Windows system failure caused by a problem with CrowdStrike's software update.


I researched whether CrowdStrike or Microsoft was at fault, and it seems that CrowdStrike was the main culprit (Microsoft was the "collateral damage").


It appears that CrowdStrike's software update contained a bug that caused the update to glitch on Microsoft's Windows system, causing widespread system failures.



However, one company was wholly spared from this worldwide system failure caused by Windows OS.


Southwest Airlines. (Incidentally, American, Delta, and United Airlines were affected.)


Other UPS and FedEx also escaped damage.


And the reasons are significant.

―― Windows 3.1という非常に古いオペレーティングシステムを使用していたため

-- Because they were using an ancient operating system, Windows 3.1


Other countries that were largely unaffected were Russia and Iran, which cannot access the services of U.S. high-tech companies due to international sanctions, and airlines and banks within China, which appear to have been largely unaffected by their IT self-sufficiency policies.


Windows3.1(1993年) -- あれは、ボコボコ落ちまくっていたそれ以前のWindowsと比較して、安定して使えて、私も好きだったOSの一つです。

Windows 3.1 (1993)—That was one of my favorite OSs because it was more stable and usable than the earlier Windows, which fell apart at the seams.

何が凄いって、Windows 3.1には、標準でTCP/IP通信プロトコルスタックが実装されていなかったのです。Windows 3.1自体は主にグラフィカルユーザーインターフェースの提供に焦点を当てており、ネットワーキング機能は非常に限定的でした。

It is impressive that Windows 3.1 did not implement a standard TCP/IP communication protocol stack; Windows 3.1 focused primarily on providing a graphical user interface and had minimal networking capabilities.


In other words (believe it or not), Windows 3.1 was incapable of "network communication" as it was.

私たちは、ネットワーク使うために、Microsoft TCP/IP-32やら、 Trumpet WinsockやPC-NFSなどのソフトウェアを自力で組込む必要があったのです(NetBEUIやIPX/SPXプロトコルはあったのですが、そんなもん、知らんですよね)。

We had to integrate Microsoft TCP/IP-32, Trumpet Winsock, PC-NFS, and other software to use the network (NetBEUI and IPX/SPX protocols were available, but you didn't know about them, did you? ).


At that time, computers were an "elite tool" available only to us professionals.


It was a good time.




Aside from that.



Southwest Airlines continues to use Windows 3.1, which is excellent.

ここまで古いOSでは、サイバー攻撃すらできない ―― インターネット側からの攻撃は勿論、内通者によるシステム破壊も難しいのではないか、と、思います。

With an OS this old, even a cyber attack is not possible -- not to mention an attack from the Internet side, it would be difficult for an insider to destroy the system too, I think.


More than that, I am really more interested in how they secured the hardware in 1993.

仮想化? でも、Dockerコンテナしても、ここ10年くらいの技術ですよね。いやいや、それ以上に、ホストOSに最新のWindowsOS使っていたら、ゲストOSをWindows3.1としても意味ないよね。

Virtualization? However, that technology has been around for the last decade, even with Docker containers. No, no, no. More than that, if you use the latest Windows OS for the host OS, it doesn't make sense to use Windows 3.1 for the guest OS.


まあ、私もITエンジニア端くれですので、このようなレガシーOS戦略を取っている組織については、色々と知っています ―― 守秘義務があって話すことはできませんが。

I'm also an IT engineer on the fringe, so I know a lot about organizations with legacy OS strategies like this—although I can't discuss it due to confidentiality obligations.


If you have the steel will to "do all the OS maintenance on your own, without leaving it to Microsoft," a legacy OS strategy may not be the wrong choice.


(I am guessing that Southwest Airlines is getting all the source code for Windows 3.1 from Microsoft.)


In any case,


Southwest Airlines' policy of "not jumping into new things" and "providing the minimum necessary service for the next 100 years


It reminded me of the spirit of traditional Japanese sweets shops, kimono shops, and traditional crafts in the ancient capital (Kyoto).


先程、私のホームページをEdgeのブラウザで見たのですが ―― 「広告」がうっとうしくて腹が立ってきました。

I just viewed my home page in the Edge browser, and the "ads" annoyed me.


I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm trying my best to post a daily diary, but the page's content looks 'ruined' (frankly, it seems 'stupid').


I was also displeased with the content of the ads that appeared.

『私に、女性用の下着とか水着を出してくるな! 頭の悪いターゲティング広告だな!』と、腹を立てていました。

'Don't offer me women's underwear or swimwear! You're a stupid targeted ad!' I was angry.



I do not manage the advertisements on my homepage, as I have entrusted them to my provider (I forgot which provider). I have no intention of controlling it in the future, as it is too much of a hassle.

皆さんの方で、広告をブロックするアドインで対応して下さい ―― 私の広告収入は、月額300円程度(本当)なので、皆さんは、安心して広告のブロックやっちゃって下さい。

I earn about 300 yen/month from ads (actual), so please feel free to block ads.


(Income is decreasing daily.)

私は、Google Chromeに、広告をブロックするアドイン(uBlock Origin)を入れているので、私の環境からは、私のWebサイトの広告は全く見えないのです ―― "It's cool" です。

I have an add-in (uBlock Origin) in Google Chrome that blocks ads, so from my environment, I can't see any ads on my website -- "it's cool."


I seem to have a lot of hits, but as for me, it seems that "PV has nothing to do with earnings" (the following is the latest data available today).

お金を稼ぐことは大変難しいです。 お金を稼ぐ気力あっても難しいです。お金を稼ぐ気力がなければ絶望的です。

Making money is very difficult. It isn't easy, even if you have the will to make money. It is hopeless if you don't have the energy to make money.


If I disregard the law, IT-related scams and attacks seem the easiest way to make money.



When I was a rookie, my supervisor taught me a lesson.


'If you're going to commit a crime with IT, if you only get one shot at it, you're sure to win. If you get a taste of it and repeat it repeatedly, you'll end up getting your foot in the door."


Now that I think about it, I realize it was 'pretty sound advice.

そういえば、「江端 = サイバー攻撃者」というイメージをもっている人がいるように思えます。



When my daughter was in high school, she brought her friend home, and the friend said


"Your dad is so cool."


I heard this story from my daughter, who was back home the other day (I think the event was more than ten years ago).


Unfortunately, I am not naive enough to take such stories seriously and believe them with glee.


The reason for this is apparent if you simulate it, too.


As a line from a friend of my daughter's friend who brought her home,


"Your dad is XXXXXXXXXX, isn't he?"


The reason is apparent if you pick up the words that apply to the "XXXXXX" part of the sentence.



"Your dad is funny.


"Your dad seems kind."


"Your dad is very dependable.


"Your dad is easy to talk to."


I have had conversations with my daughter and her friends that lasted less than 30 seconds. Hence, the phrase would not come up. (Most of the time, I'm busy, so I presume that's probably the extent of it).



Of course, there is also the "bad" direction.


"Your dad is so picky."


"Your dad is so strict."


"Your dad is old-fashioned."


"Your dad is self-centered.


"Your dad is overbearing."


The clincher is,


"Your dad is so lame.


Unfortunately, a 30-second conversation would not be able to make this assessment either. And it would take great courage to spout these lines, even if it were high school socializing.



And, well, if you think of it this way, it's a process of elimination,


"Your dad is so cool.


It is the only line the friend could say.


In other words, this is nothing more than a social pleasantry or an unimportant line about the "topic of the weather" in a conversation.



From my heart, I envy those who can be happy in cabaret or clubs, conversing with hosts and hostesses.

そこに愛はない ―― それが分かっていながら、その「愛のような何か」を楽しむことができる

There is no love there -- you know that, but you can still enjoy that "something like love."


I think this is a great talent.


As one of those who did not have such a gift, I would like to say to such people, "Please cherish your "happiness-making device" and live your life" (I am serious).


まあ、その一方で ――

Well, on the other hand--


My second daughter was watching the news about the murder,


"Why would a 50-plus-year-old man spend all his money on a 20-year-old girl and expect to have a serious relationship?


I also think it's fair to ask.


The "happiness machine" does not operate correctly without a reasonable level of reason, social conventions, and correct self-evaluation.



I heard "Birthday," a children's goods specialty store operated by Shimamura, has been criticized for designing a new product launched on July 29, leading to the announcement that it will stop selling it.


Among the cute clothes, socks, and fashion accessories designed with words that looked like the children wrote, such as "Papa mama always thank you," "Kukutta (socks)," and "Mama is good," were descriptions such as "Papa doesn't take care of me at all," "Papa always sleeps," and "Papa always comes home late."


I will not comment on this matter.


But if asked, I can write comments supporting or criticizing this product in reasonable and logical sentences.

なんか、こう書くと、私、かっこよく見えないですか? ―― 見えないか。

When I write this, don't I look cool? -- No way.



Unfortunately, there is, in fact, an origin story to this story.

ジャーナリストの立花 隆(たちばな たかし)さんは、成田闘争(*)の現場で取材を行っている際に、取材対象者からどちらの側の意見を求めているのかを尋ねられた際の回答として「どちらの側のコメントが必要ですか」と返答したことで知られています。

Journalist Takashi Tachibana is known to have responded to an interviewee asking which side of the Narita struggle(*) he wanted to hear from by saying, "Whose side do you want comments?


(*) The Narita Struggle was an incident in which farmers, residents, and activists opposed land expropriation and violently confronted the government and police since the construction plan for the New Tokyo International Airport in Narita City, Chiba Prefecture, in 1966. The opposition included violent clashes, resulting in many arrests and injuries.


Mr. Tachibana was careful not to bias his coverage toward a one-sided viewpoint. He believed that in the Narita struggle, it was important to cover and report both the government's and the opposition's views.


Many people mentioned this episode in Tachibana's books and interviews cited as emblematic of his interview philosophy.



In my case, it is not OK: "Both sides need to be heard and commented on from a neutral standpoint," but the opposite.


Because of his cavalier stance: "I (Ebata) have not heard either side's opinions, and I genuinely believe that 'this kind of talk is of no concern to me.



However, I remember writing somewhere about 'products with comments.'


And then I found this diary.



I wonder if someone tries to make a shirt printed, "I have just come to buy electric parts in Akihabara."


Hi, Maid-san. Please do not close my walking direction.



My company has started a "dress code free" system.

不思議なのは「ドレスコードフリー」に『ドレスコードフリーのルールが詳細に規定されている』ことですが ―― これについて、私はこれ以上言及しません。

What is curious is that 'dress code free' has 'dress code free rules stipulated in detail' -- I will not mention this any further.


I am a businessman (company dog).



Recently, my second daughter seems to be on the verge of finding a job.


During this activity, she told me, 'I have to wear pumps to a job interview,' I drove her to and from the station by car on several occasions.


Naturally, I cooperated with this transportation.


Because I believe that "pumps" are "one of the tools of torture for women" and "a clear symbol of female abuse," and I also believe that "pumps = torture tool" is a common perception of the Ebata family.


However, what makes me laugh is that the interviewing company claims to be "interview dress-free.

「可愛い」「美しい」は"正義"です ―― まあ、私の"正義"ではありませんが。




No matter how loudly companies sing "interview dress code free," it's useless.


Because the interviewee (student) is always vulnerable.


Unsurprisingly, the "dress code free" for students flows in the direction of the safest dress code (suits, ties, suits, pumps).


As a result, students who look like clones and are indistinguishable from each other gather in interview rooms and job fairs.

―― 「ドレスコードフリー」が笑わせる

-- "Dress code free" makes me laugh.


I think that, however, I care about the dress

『顧客の「ドレスコードフリー」を信じた結果、顧客案件を失注した』 ―― などということになったら、悪夢以外の何者でもありません。

It would be nothing short of a nightmare if I lost a client project due to believing in a "dress code free" policy.


My company executives will never say, "You are an idiot for taking a customer's 'dress code free' seriously!" however -- I will be reprimanded for "exactly" that reason.



The solution to this problem is simple. "give specific examples of the dress code.


For example, I declared a "dress code free" when holding a memorial service for my father and mother.

■江端一夫・瑤子 納骨供養のご案内


The important thing here is that the host (organizer) "myself" will be there,


"I (Tomoichi) will be there with jeans, sneakers, and prayer beads."


I disclosed my dress code and hosted the event wearing jeans, sneakers, and prayer beads.



It should be sufficient if the company conducting the job interview discloses the interview, whether by photo, illustration, or video (YouTube).


We do not want a "dress code free."


It is the opposite. We want to make companies disclose the dress code's content visibly.

しかし、たったこれだけのことが、日本の企業にはできない ―― なぜなら、このような開示は、企業イメージに直結し、下手を打てばネットで炎上、就職希望者激減というリスクがあるからです。

However, Japanese companies cannot do this much. Such disclosure is directly related to the company's image, and if done poorly, it risks an Internet firestorm and a sharp drop in job applicants.


As a result, many companies "only" declare their "dress code free" (although a few disclose their photos).



The bottom line is 

―― 『ドレスコードフリー』を真面目にやるつもりがあるなら、『ドレスコードフィックス』をして、それを開示すべきである

"If you are serious about being "dress code free," you should have a "dress code fix" and disclose it."


that is, instead, an ironic conclusion.