

I have no desire to "basically understand others". I have given up from the beginning.


Although "give up" is often used in a negative sense, I believe it is important to "give up" for a diverse and symbiotic society.

上記につきましては、私の「江端さんのひとりごと 「壁」」をご一読頂ければ幸いです。

I would appreciate it if you could read my article "Mr.Ebata's Small Talk "Wall"" for more information on the above.



The motive of the perpetrators of the recent terrorist attack on the incumbent prime minister seems to be slowly coming to light, however, to be honest, the followig is my impression.

―― 1mmも理解できん

"I don't understand him at all"



For a long time now, I have been asking myself, 'What could have led to such a thought and such an action against the perpetrators of terrorist attacks?"



At the top of the list is the "Tel Aviv Airport Shooting" by the JRA.



Recently, social networking sites have become small groups, cults and terrorists.


Please read page 2 of this column.



So now, terrorism in our country has gone through small group terrorism by social networking cults and has now reached the unit of individual terrorism.


And it is almost certain that the cause of such individual terrorism is 'loneliness and isolation'.

特に今回のテロ事件の動機は、『リアルな社会で、他者とコミュニケーションができていれば、あっと言う間に飛散してしまうような稚拙で幼稚な動機』 ―― であるように見えます(もう少し見てからまとめたいです)。

In particular, the motive for this terrorist attack appears to be 'a poor and childish motive that would fly away in a flash if we were in a real society and able to communicate with others' -- (I'd like to summarize after seeing a few more).


I have also discussed the negative aspects of loneliness



It has been a long time coming, so I will summarize.


(1) "I don't understand others."


(2) "I don't understand the thinking of terrorists at all, so to speak."


(3) "Many of the thoughts of individual terrorists are so poorly thought out that they can be broken only by a degree of communication."


(4) "Hence, 'loneliness' appears to be the primary factor generating the individual tet list."


'Loneliness' is bad in its own right, not to mention bad in that if left unchecked, we could become victims of terrorism.


では、その『孤独』問題は、誰が引き起こしているのか ―― もちろん、その本人です。

So who is causing the "loneliness" problem - the person oneself, of course.


However, if we dismiss this as a 'personal problem', then 'personal terrorism' will continue.


That is not desirable for us.


Loneliness may need to be crushed, even if it oversteps the person's privacy.



One idea I have now arrived at is the introduction of that "Tonari Gumi" system during the Pacific War.

―― 営業時間外酒類提供をしている店舗の密告制度の導入


I'm a little regretful that I've got at this unpleasant idea.


I am on the side of the "solitary", and I am on the side of resistance to that policy.



My wife is returning home for a week to care for my mother-in-law.


So, naturally, I am doing the housework that my wife usually does for me.



By the way, when I go on overseas business trips, I also minimize my luggage based on three sets of underwear as my standard of clothing, and only carry-on luggage.


Because I am afraid of lost baggage.


When traveling abroad, washing my underwear is extremely easy.


Plunge my underwear into the bathtub and take a bath together with my underwear.

でもって、下着を石鹸で洗います ―― そんでもって、下着で、体を洗っています。

And then I wash my underwear with soap -- and then I wash my body with my underwear.


If you ask whichi is dirtier, my underwear or me, it is my body, so this is a reasonable win-win.


Then, wring out the underwear and hang them in the bathtub or room to dry. That's all.


After two days of drying, the underwear will be dry.


Hence, three sets of underwear are sufficient.


This is "SDG-style laundry" that can be done in the shortest amount of time without using extra water.



In addition to the above,

- 腐りそうになった食材は、すべてカレーに突っ込んで食べ切る

- All ingredients that are about to go bad are plunged into the curry and eaten up.

- 三角コーナーの生ゴミは、冷凍庫に凍らせておき、纏めてゴミの日に出す

- Freeze food scraps in the freezer and put them out on garbage day.


Various types of expertise, such as above.


These were acquired during six years of student boarding and lodging.



My wife and I have one unspoken rule for anyone (regardless of gender) who wishes to marry our daughter.


The first is "to have a proven track record of establishing a one-person household".

自立して生活もできんような生活無能力者に、娘を渡せない ―― と思っていたのですが、最近、驚愕の事実を知りました。

We thought, "we can't give my daughter to a person who is incapable of living independently," but recently I learned a startling fact.


I learned that there was a guy (man) who lived alone for years but could not cook a single meal for himself.

彼は『鳥と豚と牛の肉の違いも分からん』と無邪気に語っていましたが ―― はっきりいって、それ『マザコン』や『ロリコン』以上にヤバい。

He innocently said, "I don't even know the difference between chicken, pork, and beef meat" -- clearly, that's worse than "mother's boy " or "pedophile".



To be honest, I thought, 'This is a horrible coming out.



I have offered several views of my own on the recent rise in the rate of nonmarriage.

―― 『結婚の価値、良さ、メリット』を、若者に対して言語化できない、私(たち)の無能

そして、今だに『結婚というシステムを前提とした出産』などという、タルいことを言い続けていれば ―― 『ゼロエミッション』は、二酸化酸素より先に、人口の方で、簡単に実現されてしまうでしょう。

―― 課題先進国(少子化、非婚化、高齢化)である我が国を、世界中が見守っています。


However, I keenly felt that the 'lack of life skills' mentioned above was alson one of the major factors.


―― プレゼンを見れば、モテるヤツかどうかは、一発で分かる

"I can tell if you are popular or not by your presentation"


My assertion has been further confirmed by watching a student's presentation recently.


- 暗記もせずに、しゃべるセリフを用紙に印刷してきて、それを読み上げているだけ

- They don't even memorize their phrases, just print out and read them out loud.

- 投影された資料の記載を、そのまま読んでいるだけ

- Thye are just reading the description of the projected papers as it is.

- 資料に図面がない

- No drawings in the papers.

- 説明にめりはりがない

- Explanation lacks verisimilitude.


In short, they are not making their case to their listeners, and they are not making any effort to help them understand.

そんなヤツ、モテる訳がない ―― と、思う。

I don't think such a guy would be popular.



I have told this story to my daughter before, and she criticized me a lot, so I will stop here.

長女:「さっきから、パパの偉そうな物言いに、本気でムカムカしていたからさぁ。いやーすっきりした! ありがとう、! これで、気分よく眠れるわぁ」


(創元SF文庫「銀河英雄伝説」7巻 284Pより)

"Conspiracies and terrorism cannot, after all, reverse the course of history. But they can stall it."(From "The Legend of the Galactic Heroes," Sogen SF Bunko, vol. 7, p. 284)


Admiral Yang may be right in the long run.


In the short time we are alive, however, this may not appear to be the case.



First, at least our state, by law, does not tolerate violence in any form.

(法によって定められた組織 ―― 暴力装置(警察、自衛隊) ―― によって、詳細かつ厳格にコントロールされた暴力を除きます)

(except for violence that is detailed and strictly controlled by an organization defined by law -- a violent apparatus (police, Self-Defense Forces))


In our country, which is governed by the rule of law, terrorism of any kind will not be tolerated.



However, terrorism can bring the issue to the forefront.


The "terrorist murder of the former prime minister" and the "Unification Association" are typical examples.


This "Unification Association" issue had been inactive for 40 years since I first learned about it, but the terrorist attack was the catalyst that set it all in motion.

そして、多分、今回がラストチャンスです ―― 最近、この問題に対する世間の注目度が落ちてきているようで、私はとても心配しています。

And maybe this is the last time -- I am very concerned that public attention to this issue seems to be waning lately.


I am shocked that this "Unification Association issue" was not (seemingly) an issue in the current local elections.


Aside from that.



Recently, another terrorist attack targeted the incumbent prime minister.


The motive for the crime is not yet clear.


However, at least in one respect, the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks have achieved their goal: He has been able to impose their point of view on society.


These realities make me (Ebata) feel foolish for just repeating my assertions on my blog.


And I think that there are quite a few people who think like I do, besides me.


A person who think that "I just can make a flame on SNS. Even if I demonstrate in the streets, it won't make the news. I don't have the charisma, logic, or oratory skills to get enough supporters to make the news", come to think

―― 結局のところ、要人テロが一番てっとり早い

"After all, terrorism of dignitaries is the fastest way"


I think it is, well, normal to think that.



I had a senior colleague once tell me, 'In principle, there is no way to prevent suicide bombers.

―― 政治、宗教、野球、恋愛については、人と議論してはならない


Unfortunately, I can't think of a solution to this.



I have continued to observe Japan (in the second half of its high economic growth period) and its subsequent decline.


In particular, the sharp rise in prices around the oil crisis (1973) made me realize, even as a child, that something terrible was happening.




Still, it does not go beyond the level of 'somehow I had a sense of it that way.



I am now 'really feeling' the high prices.

- トーストのパンが小さい

- Toast bread is small.

- ほうれんそうの値段の乱高下が激しい

- The price of spinach is wildly fluctuating.

- 長ネギ、玉ネギが手に入らないことが多い

- Onions and leeks are often unavailable

- 最近、『鶏モモ』ではなく『ささみ』ばかりを食べている

- Lately, I have been eating only "white meat" instead of "chicken thighs".



Therefore I would like to advocate a new diet.

―― インフレダイエット

"Inflation diet"


I am proud to say that this is probably the first "diet" in the world that is linked to the global economy.





We live in a world that must recognize diversity, but it is difficult for individuals to understand diversity, and even more difficult for society to recognize it.


Minorities will need a persistent, long-term (quarter century to century order) struggle against public incomprehension.


However, there is a quick way for individuals (x society) to recognize diversity.


It is to be a minority party.



I was sitting on the aisle side of a three-seat seat on the Shinkansen bullet train on my way home from a business trip.


A burly-looking man about my age, seated by the window, was looking intently at several snapshots.


When I stood up to use the restroom, I happened to see that picture.


It was a picture of the man and a teen-like girl dressed in an idol costume, smiling together.


If only the girls weren't wearing idol costumes, they were clearly parent and child.

『新幹線に乗って、アイドルを追っかけるおっさん』というのは、もはや珍しい存在ではありません ―― アニメとか小説の中では。

The "old man on a bullet train, chasing after idols" is no longer an uncommon existence -- in anime and novels in my mind.

しかし、現実に生身の人間を見ると、ちょっとビックリというかビビってしまう ―― これは、私の人間としての器の小ささと言えましょう。

However, when I see a live person in real life, I am a bit surprised or scared -- this is my small human capacity, I guess you could say.


If I could see a middle-aged to early-aged man looking at snapshots of himself with his idols once a month, I would not "put off" as often.


But it will take a long time from now, I thought.



And I thought that,


In order to understand this diversity, I have to enter the "idol chase" myself.


So, in a nutshell, I have it on my to-do list for life, but at this point, it is about at the bottom of that list.




Recently, I have been in trouble about this problem.

repeated read on failed websocket connection (一応解決)


Last Friday midnight(early Saturday morning to be precise), I completed the code that "should be worked" I expected and went to bed.


If I would try to execute the program, I should have started debugging for all night, and I confirmed that I was convinced that I would get sick.


Therefore, I was very happy that I confirmed the program worked well with just two modifications.

このプログラムを、AWS(正確には、廉価版AWSであるAmazon Lightsail)にアップして稼動実験を続けていました。

I uploaded this program to AWS (correctly, Amazon Lightsail, a low-cost version of AWS) and continued the test run.


Anyway, I could confirm that this program is working as a server, I am going to ask my workers and students to do the test run.



The reason I am trying to make the server, is not for work but for my interest.


No one ordered me to do that, it is just that my intuition is telling me "this wil make my work easier in the future"


NHK BS1スペシャル『ウクライナ大統領府 軍事侵攻・緊迫の72時間 完全版』を、嫁さんと3日がかりで見ました。

My wife and I watched the NHK BS1 special "The Ukrainian Presidency: Military Invasion, 72 Hours of Tension, Complete Version" over three days.


The Ebata family's dinner is based on "NHK News 7.


I use the time before and after to watch another program with my wife.


In this case, we divided the program into 3 times.



It's like watching a movie with a lot of great content that I can't believe happened in real life."


I completely agree with my wife's opinions.


The events of the past 72 hours, told in a matter-of-fact manner, astonished me,


There is no excessive staging, no music, no talk of made-up "love" or "justice",

それでも、番組の最後の方は、私も涙を抑えきれませんでした ―― 嫁さんはいわずもがなです。

Still, by the end of the program, I couldn't hold back my tears either -- not to mention my wife's.



Wife: "If Japan is invaded militarily, will you fight too ?"



Ebata: "I think I will fight. In my case, the reason for fighting is not even one percent 'patriotism,' but only 100 percent 'I'm angry.


Wife: "That should be enough."


Ebata: "But in my case, I don't think I can march 2km when equipped with weapons, so I will ask to place me in cyber warfare."

ぶっちゃけ、戦争や権力への反抗心を持たない若者なんて ―― 『そんな若者なら、とっととやめちまえ!』と言いたいくらいです。



I thought this program was produced in the U.S., the U.K., or France, but to my surprise, it was produced by Japan's NHK.


I was kind of happy. I feel like buying lunch for everyone involved in the production.


With NHK News, NHK language programs, NHK News (earthquake bulletins, disaster), and NHK Documents, I am at least aware that I am getting my money's worth for the NHK subscription fee.


As long as NHK continues to provide documentaries of such high quality, I will continue to pay NHK subscription fees as NHK wants



I once thought sincerely and seriously for about a minute about "the last meal of my life."


To my own surprise, an unexpected meal came to mind.

―― 京都等持院駅にある『お好みジャンボ』の『お好み焼き』

"Okonomiyaki" at "Okonomiyaki Jumbo" at Kyoto Tojiin Station




When I was a second-year master's student (the oldest in my lab's seminar), I had taken my bike out to buy okonomiyaki for everyone remaining in the seminar room and had brought back take-out okonomiyaki for about 10 people.


I just searched the route on GoogleMap and it was quite a distance (30 minutes round trip by bike).


I remember that I went there quite often while I was in college.

今の『孤食の江端』からは(私ですら)想像もできないのですが ―― ゼミ生たちと一緒になって、騒ぎながら食べるお好み焼きは、本当に美味しかったのです。

I can't imagine (even I can't) from the "solitary Ebata" of today -- the okonomiyaki was really delicious with getting together with the seminar students and making a lot of noise.



Today, I attended a welcome party for newcomers to the seminar at the university I currently belong, and had pizza in the seminar room with them.

出席者の半分くらいは、国際留学生だったので、この機会に『日本/日本人に対して言いたいこと』を聞き出し回っていました ―― コラムのネタの仕込みも兼ねて。

About half of the attendees were international students, so I took the opportunity to go around asking them what they wanted to say to Japan/Japanese people -- as well as preparing material for my column.


I would like to talk about this later.



Anyway, I watched the party, hoping that they could remember the taste of pizza as the "last meal", like me.



Today is the day of the presentation of the first general seminar of the new semester.


The presentation time is 7 minutes, but I ended up making 46 pages of materials.


I made it with the feel of writing column.


However, I don't have time to fix it, so I will do something about it in the presentation presentation.


In other words, we will do something with "operation".



Sometimes I have needed to release a buggy program without fixing the bug.


In this case, there is a response to the user of the program to "ask not to perform this kind of operation".


This is called "responding with operation".




In my life, "respond with operations" is one of the most used phrases.

"入試"であれ、"仕事"であれ ―― そして"結婚生活"であれ。

Even if it's "entrance exams", "work" or "marriage."