

Believe it or not, there were no TV program recording devices in the past.


In other words, TV broadcasts were only available for real-time, one-shot viewing, and moreover, "one TV per family" was the norm.


So what happened was,

―― チャンネル争いで殺人事件が起こりました

"Channel disputes led to murders"


Many were within families (especially among teenages).



With video recorders, HDD recorders, and smartphones, the concept of "channel disputes" has disappeared, but at the same time, the culture of "sharing content with family members" has also disappeared.


In my case, watching the NHK news every morning or evening and watching NHK's historical dramas are habits I inherited from my father and mother.


Unfortunately, however, this custom is likely to disappear in my generation.


Well, to begin with, family meals disappeared after our second daughter graduated from high school.


Now I don't know what my children are doing or where they are doing it.



I believe that a family is a loosely autonomous decentralized system that can rally for one purpose or disperse for another, so "this" is fine.


Children must jump on the current family as a springboard to create another new autonomous decentralized system (family).


And I, as a component of the present last system, must live and die in solitude, alone, after separating from my partner.


I believe that only those who are prepared to do so are qualified to be called "parents".




家族を絶対的な価値と考える「統一教会」とか、家族至上主義を唱えていた「故元首相」とか、現在の家族の態様と乖離している「サザエさん」などは ――

The "Unification Church," which considers the family as an absolute value, the "late former prime minister," who advocated family supremacy, and "Sazae-san," which is out of touch with the current family style


are not accepted by me ABSOLUTELY.



I continue to the yesterday's diary of

『NHKのドキュメンタリー 『エラー 失敗の法則 「人災 ハリケーン カトリーナ」』を見ました』

I watched the NHK documentary "Error: The Law of Failure - Man-made Disaster Hurricane Katrina".





What I found interesting about this program was the room of the five talk guests who participated remotely.

# ちなみに、『リモート参加されている方がパソコンに向かっている映像が映し出されている』ということは、

# Incidentally, I was thinking that the fact that "the images of the remote participants are being projected on a computer" means that

# その5人の方の部屋のそれぞれに、『最低1人、カメラを携えた番組スタッフが、録画の為にオフィスや研究室や御自宅に訪問している』ということだよなぁ、

# "at least one staff member with a camera is visiting the office, laboratory, or home of each of the five participants to record the program"

# てなことを考えていたのですが ―― まあ、それはさておき。

# -- well, let's leave that aside.



In the room for those five guest talkers,


(1) Surrounded by beautiful and stylish interior design.


(2) Only one laptop computer is being used.


(3) A large number of books are neatly categorized and displayed on the shelves.


I thought that "the above (1), (2), and (3) are, impossible and extraordinary".

―― 研究者の居所って、"こう"じゃない

These are not the researchers' places of residence.




For example, in my room,


(A) the bed couch is leaning against a bookcase,


(B) On the couch, a pile of nightgowns curled up like cow dung,


(c) Various documents are piled up in a mess on the desk.


(D) USB cables are coming out of the electrical outlets in a mess, and there are five or six devices or tablets connected to the end of the cables.


(e) Numerous notes are pasted on the wall in a messy manner.



This is the truth of the researcher's place and I am proud to be one of them.



But if I invite the film crew into my room now, I also think


"My enraged wife could kill me"



NHKのドキュメンタリー 『エラー 失敗の法則 「人災 ハリケーン カトリーナ」』を見ました。

I watched the NHK documentary "Error: The Law of Failure - Man-made Disaster Hurricane Katrina".

組織のセクショナリズムが、現場の被災者を殺す ―― の、実例の一つです。

This is one example of how sectionalism in an organization can kill victims in the field.

この番組を見ていて、私が衝撃を受けたのは、前 豊岡市長の、中貝宗治さんの発言

What struck me while watching this program was a comment made by Muneharu Nakagai-san, the former mayor of Toyooka City.


'For what it's worth, the counterbalance to sectionalism is regular drinking party'




As you know, I am one of those who detest the "problem solving by drinking approach".

アルコールの力がなければ、マネージメントもできず、自発的な組織連携もできない ――


However, if I am said


"What is at stake is 'human life'"


I don't think this is the time to be so critical of the pros and cons of the approach.


「飲み会による問題解決アプローチ」以外の、キラーアプローチはないのか? とモンモンと考えています。

Is there any killer approach other than the "problem-solving by drinking party approach?" I'm thinking.


今週末は、終日コーディングをしていました ―― 仕事が山ほどたまっていまして。

This weekend, I was coding all day long -- because I had a lot of work.


So, just a few minutes ago, I finally completed a program to create 100 tourists and 100 local agents in a city in Japan.


Of course, I knew that I could "make it," but when it came to actually making it, I had to remember a lot of things, and it took longer than expected.



So, relieved, I went down to the living room and found my wife watching a TV program she had recorded.

私は、その番組を20秒ほど見て、書斎に直帰しました ―― せっかくテレビを見ている嫁さんに、いらんことを言いそうになったからです。

I watched the program for about 20 seconds and went straight back to the study -- because I was about to say something unwanted to my wife who was watching TV.


The drama seems to be based on a "game production site," but the setting of the program development site was too "improbable".


- The program development site (x system operation site) that allows cyber-attacks to go unchecked can only be thought of as a "bunch of idiots," and


- It's common sense to double or triple backups, and to keep them in the cloud, and


- I've never heard such a startling interpretation of a program as a "data blueprint"!


However, it is not mature to poke a lot of questions about them.

―― 考証が甘いとか、そういう話じゃないんだ。これは、ドラマの視聴者に分かりやすくする為に、敢えて、こういうベタな設定をしているんだ

"I'm not talking about the lack of archaeological evidence or anything like that. This is just a goofy setup that I'm daring to use in order to make it easier for drama viewers to understand"


I believe that this is a good idea.


However, this also indicates, conversely, that this is the level of "knowledge of program development" among the general public.



Frankly, I was horrified.

私は、コラムで偉そうに、内政や外交や軍事について、論じていますが ―― 基本的に、私は素人です。

I discuss domestic politics, foreign policy, and military affairs in my columns in a pompous manner -- basically, I'm an amateur.


There is no way I can compete with the knowledge and expertise of bureaucrats, politicians, and civil servants (Self Defense Force members and firefighters) who are involved in domestic, diplomatic, and military affairs in real time.

でも、私のコラムに対して『ド素人! 引っ込んでいろ!!』というようなコメントを、私は一度も受けたことはありません。

But in response to my column, I have never received such a comment, like "Amateur!" or "Stay out of it!"



Actually, I might have discussed domestic policy, foreign policy, and military things, despite having only this TV drama level of knowledge.


And from the people at the front field,

―― まあ、しょせん、素人の言うことだからね

"Well, after all, he(Ebata) is just an amateur isn't he?"

という、生暖かい目で見逃されて続けていたのかもしれない ―― そう考えると、心底、怖くなってきたのです。

I was afraid that I might have continued to be overlooked by the warm-hearted eyes. When I thought about it, I became truly frightened.


"Your (Ebata's) opinion doesn't move the world even one millimeter"


Just the thought of someone saying that to me is so embarrassing that I want to roll around on the floor.



Which country declared war on a country that relies on them for 90% of its energy (oil)?


The answer is "Japan".


In 1941, Japan launched a war against the United States.


The ratio of national power at that time was 50 (U.S.):1 (Japan).



What I'm trying to say is,


'War, however irrational it may be, begins when it begins.'


and, in many cases


A war cannot be stopped until one side or the other is in a state of what might be called devastation."


This was a historical fact.


For more on this, please read "Japan's Decision to Start War with Four "Ifs" and One "Might"" here.



I don't know about other cases, but it seems that when it comes to wars between nations, a lesson of history is that 'lessons of history are useless'.



There are many things I do not understand about the relationship between Russia and Japan regarding this Russian invasion of Ukraine.


I am not familiar with the energy issues between Russia and our country.


For example, the projects called "Sakhalin 1" and "Sakhalin 2."


Japan, in its role as the standard-bearer of the Western liberal camp in Asia, is imposing an unprecedented level of economic sanctions against Russia.


So, it would make sense for Russia to "completely stop energy exports to Japan" in retaliation (if they completely disregard contracts, illegal acts under international law, international conventions, etc.).


Even the U.S. oil export ban on Japan in 1941 was a complete breach of contract on the private level. However, there is no way that a private energy company can compete with the power of the state.


To begin with, I am not even sure what is going on right now with the withdrawal of WIPO's MFN status to Russia.




I am looking forward to receiving an e-mail from anyone who can provide a simple explanation of this situation to Ebata.


If the stories I receive catch Ebata's heart, I would like to immediately adopt them in our column.


Of course, we will keep the source of the story confidential.




I am currently taking a classroom lecture at a university, and after all this time, I realize that 'studying was so much fun'.

『はあ? 今頃、何言ってんだ?』という声が聞こえてきそうです。

I can almost hear you saying 'Huh? What are you talking about now?'


However, after working as a researcher for a long time, I have been taking in the necessary knowledge and using whatever tools (calculation methods and techniques) are available to me on a daily basis.


"Systematic study" is given "in a systematic way"


I realize how wonderful (or rather, how beautiful) it is to be able to do this.

―― この素晴しさや、美しさを、現役の大学生に実感して貰うのは、難しいだろうなぁ・・・

"It will be difficult for current college students to appreciate the beauty and splendor of this place..."


I thought that.


Of course, there are still some current college students who can understand "it", but is it "senior people's assumption" that makes me think so?


問題は、講義が"英語"で行われていることです ――当然「英語に愛されないエンジニア」である私には、その内容は理解できません。

The problem is that the lectures are given in "English" - of course, as an "engineer who does not love English", I cannot understand the content at all.


Then, it is no longer a matter of giving up on understanding English and countering the lecture content with thorough preparation.


And now I am using "YouTube".


The lectures on "YouTube" are also in English, but I am trying to listen to whatever I can, and write about it, until I somehow "feel like I understand it".


I use the lecture offered by one of the universities in India.


The examples with real-life numbers are practical and really helpful.

講義のビデオを途中で止めて、戻して、印刷して ―― その大学講座を使い倒しています。

I stop the lecture video in the middle of a lecture, put it back, print it out -- I am running them out.

これだけ潤沢な講座が、YouTubeに溢れているのは、間違いなく『リモート講義』であり ―― 「これも、コロナ禍のおかげだろうな」と思っています。

It is definitely the "remote lectures" that have flooded YouTube with such an abundance of courses -- "I think this is also thanks to the Corona disaster.



As a senior academic, I'm thinking, 'Don't we need real classroom learning anymore?' I think.



I once watched "Shouten" on TV in the sauna of a public bathhouse and was astonished at how "boring" it was.


In particular, the use of the lower part of the story is "vulgar". Moreover it was 'dirty'.

「古い」、「時代外れ」、コンプライアンス的にも『もう扱えないネタ』を平気で使って、それに気がついてもいない ――

They are not afraid to use "old," "out of date," and "out of compliance" material, and they don't even realize it.


I could not bear to look and left the sauna room.


Perhaps this day's broadcast just happened to be such a bad turn of events.


Nevertheless, even if this is "old", it should match my age.


When I thought about it that way, it occurred to me that this might not be because of the "Shouten", but rather my problem as a receptive person.



The same goes for "Sazae-san."


I stopped watching them altogether and didn't want my children to see them.


I thought it would not be good from an educational standpoint.


At the very least, I don't want to make that family the norm in my family.



There was certainly a time when the Sazae-san style of family structure worked extremely well.


There is no doubt that it is the "Sazae-san-like family attitude" that has led to the threatened growth rate of "10% real economic growth rate, achieved for 19 consecutive years.

ただ、その態様は、今の時代には良くない ―― というか『害悪』とさえ思えます。

However, the attitude is not good for the current era -- or even "harmful"

私の中では、このような価値観を強固に主張していた個人の一人が『故 安倍元首相』であり、それを強固に主張し続けている宗教団体が『旧称 統一教会』です。

In my mind, one of the individuals who firmly asserted these values was the "late former Prime Minister Abe" and the religious group that continues to firmly assert them is the "former name of Unification Church".


Of course, Japan has "freedom of thought and conscience (Article 19 of the Constitution)" and "freedom of religion (Article 20)," and any way of thinking should be free.

常識外れの献金をさせて、個人やその家族を破滅に追いやって、なお『宗教法人』を名乗り、その利権を最大限利用する ―― てなことをしない限りは、ですが。

As long as it is an individual or a corporation that does not make unorthodox donations, ruin individuals and their families, and still call itself a "religious corporation" and make maximum use of its interests.


I digress a bit.


「笑点」に笑えず、「サザエさん」に嫌悪感を感じる ――

Not laughing at "Shouten" and feeling disgusted by "Sazae-san" --


I sometimes wonder if these receptors of mine might be making me unhappy with myself.



There seems to be no end to the damage caused by investment fraud.


Ebata: "A fairly effective means of preventing investment fraud is the 'equi-proportional series,' which you should have learned in high school."


Daughter: "I don't remember that."


Ebata: "'Exponential function' would be fine."


(I just realized that probability, expected value, and standard deviation are more valid for investment fraud.)


Wife: "I don't think most people realize that it's 'tied to an investment scam.'"

江端:「うん。だから数学の授業で『投資セミナーの例題を使って、等比級数と指数関数を教えれば、一石二鳥だ』と、昔から、ずっと言い続けているんだけど ―― 文部科学省って、バカなの?」

Ebata: "Yes. That's why I've been saying for a long, long time, 'If you use the examples from the investment seminar to teach equi-proportional series and exponential functions, you kill two birds with one stone' in math class--is the MEXT stupid?"



My whole family shouted "You're right!"



Well, I know I am not proper to talk about this, as I have been a victim of fraud before.


持ち歩ける軽量のデスクトップPCが欲しい ―― てなことを、以前書きました。

I have written before about wanting a lightweight desktop PC that I can carry around with me.



I bought it.


It was a really, really painful expense, but I was afraid to use a free-address computer for security reasons, and I was determined to make it an unavoidable expense in order to do "serious coding" with a free-address from now on.


Having said that, if I was going to spend money, I wanted it to be something other than PC.


If I count Raspberry Pi as a PC, then I have almost 10 PCs in our house.



A PC is a "raw product" and will be useless after three years.


For example, in yesterday's seminar, the laptop I brought as a backup for my iPad was completely useless, and I almost ruined the presentation I had prepared.


But of course, if I keep using the old OS and apps, I can use them for even 100 years.


But if I install Office, Teams, VSCode, R, Docker, SAI, and so on, my PC will naturally become unusable.


―― ノートPCのエディタで文章が書ければ、それだけで良い

"As long as I can write in my laptop's editor, that's all that matters"


In this world, I would not have to manage 10 computers.

その文章に図や表を入れたいだの、計算をしたいだの、シミュレーションをしたいだの、100万のオブジェクトを使いたいだの、 ――

I want to put figures and tables in that text, I want to do calculations, I want to do simulations, I want to use a million objects, I want to--


That's what I want, and that's why the PC 'rots' every year.



The latest article on "New Behavioral Theory for 'Engineers Not Loved by Money'" has been published.


■Latest Articles


Thinking about the "new capitalism" from an engineer's viewpoint


In this issue, I would like to think about "new capitalism".


The trigger was my wife's comment, "I wonder what new capitalism is". As I researched this question, it became clear that it would be hopelessly difficult to implement the "2022 version of the income doubling plan".


今回からは、EE Times Japan編集部から提供されているメールを流用させて頂こうかと思います。

From this time on, I would like to use (copy and paste) the e-mail provided by the EE Times Japan editorial office.