Today, I gave a presentation (?) on safety lectures in the company.
(Omitted hereafter.)
More details will be released soon...I hope.
Today, I gave a presentation (?) on safety lectures in the company.
(Omitted hereafter.)
More details will be released soon...I hope.
(Continuation from yesterday)
To you, thinking about suicide(Part 2)
Checklist for the coming September 6th (Friday).
- Complete disposal of so-called "Ero Books” or "BL Books”, self-made poems, moe pictures, and lyrics
If they are paper-based something, burn them completely.
However, recently, bonfires etc. are in violation of the law even if they are in the home, so it is troublesome to be notified.
It is necessary to burn little by little in an unpopular place.
I think that it is better to prepare kerosene, considering that it must be completely ashed.
The problem is digital data.
Basically all passwords of contents stored on the PC are broken easily.
Even after deletion, most contents can be recovered (there is special software that makes recovery impossible).
Whether it is suicide or not, the police handle the seizure of evidence.
The media loves this kind of content.
Especially today's teenage suicide is their favorite food.
Of course, this is a privacy violation, but privacy violations do not apply to dead humans.
Therefore, it is necessary to destroy PCs and smartphones completely.
However, information can be obtained from a part of the memory, and the data will not disappear if it is submerged.
It is safe to throw away where it is difficult to find.
I recommend "discarding in the sea on a harbor cruise”.
There are still 5 days, so hurry up and book a train or cruise now.
By the way, the card will reveal your identity, so please make a reservation in cash.
Be careful not to write your real name in the crew list.
In addition, "discarding in the sea by harbor cruise" is a criminal act. So you should not be witnessed by people around you. Also, ordinary people can arrest you, so please be careful not to secure your personality.
- Deleting SNS entries
The police can issue a disclosure order to the provider, so it can be easily examined.
Even anonymous SNS can identify individuals relatively easily from the location information of the smartphone.
Moreover, if there is a history on your computer or smartphone, you can identify it with a single shot.
It is certain to request removal from the provider, but this is particularly troublesome (I have done it on the website of the neighborhood association).
First, you must verify your identity, but if you have not registered an anonymous SNS with your real name, there is no way to show that you are.
Even if the identity can be proved, if the provider refuses to delete it, you must order the court and proceed with the proceedings.
And even if the deletion is successful, the cache will remain, so it will take some time for it to disappear (it may take about a year). Well, basically you have to give up.
I think there is a way of thinking that "why do I have to think something because I will die anyway soon" (at least I can understand)
However, it may not be said that "pain" is irrelevant.
Therefore, you consider the following considerations.
- Examination of suicide method
Do not jump into the train. Even if it is "you don't care for it", you can't die immediately.
It also fails with a high probability.
In addition, wrist cuts are not recommended because the pain time is long.
The method of using briquettes also suggests long-term pain because vomit remains around the body. (Though you don't know, it's the same painful state of hangover)
I recommend hanging on the neck (the death penalty method officially adopted by Japanese law). However this will result in defecation due to muscle relaxation, so if possible, complete fasting is recommended today.
If water is not consumed, survival for 5 days is not guaranteed. Please give up "urinate".
Moreover, it has been reported that a considerable amount of distress occurs in amateur hanged suicides.
If possible, it is desirable to use the long drop method (dropped from a sufficiently high point), which is adopted by the Japanese capital punishment system.
Since it would be difficult to implement the long drop method at home, I think it is relatively certain to use a school gymnasium.
If the rope knots are loose, the worst is tibial damage, and you will have to stay alive with the half-body attached. Please make your preparations carefully.
I think it would be difficult to clear the above checklist in five days on a scheduled basis, however I say "do your best".
However, delaying this case and schedule will not have a significant effect, so you may study it, and do it slowly.
Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.
"A New Theory of Action for Engineers Who Are Not Loved by Money(6)"
Is there "faith as a strategy" for surviving in old age?
In the last part of this column as a reader's review, I asked for a substitute.
Some people who have been with me since the launch of my website, may think that "it is him".
As usual, he gave me a keen review. Enjoy it.
That's aside.
In this column, a cult group "Ebata-ism" will be featured.
Even if you feel a sense of "deja vu" with the content, it is your illusion.
「江端教」は、先週金曜日に、EE Times Japan編集部から前半全面削除の提案を受けたのち、週末に、江端が頭を抱えながら捻り出した、100%江端オリジナルの新しいカルト宗教です。
Ebata-ism" is a new cult religion that I had major renovated over the last weekend, after receiving a proposal from the EE Times Japan editorial board last Friday to delete the first half in its entirety.
―― 決して、深く勘繰ってはなりません
"Never, ever, be too deeply in the dark"
That makes everyone unhappy, including you, me, and the editorial staff.
After this TV carrying experience, I have been skeptical of the Bible's content.
Jesus of Nazareth is said to have walked the 1.6 km to the Hill of Golgotha carrying a cross weighing 70 kg to 90 kg.
I can't believe it.
My wife and I had severe pain in our lower back just trying to move a 75 kg plasma display by 30 cm.
I can't tell you how much money and time my wife and I spent getting this TV upstairs and further up the wardrobe.
There is no biblical account of Jesus being a heavyweight macho man, and even if he was, there is no way he could carry a cross with no handles.
The speed at which a cross weighing 70 kg to 90 kg can be moved (shifted over the ground) is limited to 2 meters per hour.
If so, the arrival time at Golgotha Hill is 800 hours.
Even if he worked 24 hours a day, sleepless nights, it would take 33 days to complete the project.
Before the third day has passed, overwork is a certainty.
Well, it is the day before the last day of summer vacation.
Everyone who is having trouble with their summer free research.
Ask your father or mother to buy 70 kg worth of lumber at a DIY store, and then modify it into a cruciform shape and do an experiment to see how much you can actually carry!
It will probably be a big hit at your school.
TV stations might come to cover the event.
I basically fix commodities when they are broken.
I purchased a 3980-yen radio-controlled watch 20 years ago and have replaced the battery three times and the band four times myself. (Recently, the seconds LCD has become invisible).
The shaft hole required to replace the band is missing, so I used instant adhesive to force it to stick.
I have also repaired holes in bags and trousers with wood glue and continue to use them.
I often read manuals and disassemble and fix computers, refrigerators, washing machines, and even motorcycles.
However, I do not consider this a "virtue" or anything like that.
I have never thought about the "mottainai spirit" even for a millimeter.
そして、「貧乏くさい」という訳でもないと思います ―― 日常品を買う程度のお金は持っているつもりです。
And I don't think I'm "poor" -- I think I have enough money to buy commodities.
Frankly speaking, "bother" is good fit for me.
I feel to bother to purchase something new and accustom it.
Basically, I like repair.
When I successfully fix it, I feel "I won", however, I don't expect others to understand this feeling either.
My wife seems to have given up on me like that.
Today, my wife and I went to Omote-Sando to watch my junior daughter's club activitiy.
I enjoyed it very much.
I was moved to look at the secretariat's ability and know-how to move a group of several hundred to a thousand level dancers on-schedule.
The dancers moved the giant speakers using trucks while watching the movements of the dancers' group, and I was amazed at the way the distance between the speakers was kept so that the sound did not interfere with each other, as well as the control of the directivity of the speakers.
もちろん、踊りそのものは大変楽しかったのですが ―― 高知県からやってきたあるグループの踊りの、精緻さ、そのシンクロ率じの高さ、それを含めた『舞踊芸術』に感銘を受けました。
Of course, the dancing itself was a lot of fun, but I was impressed by the precision and synchronization of one group from Kochi Prefecture, and the "art of dance" it included.
The vigorous dancing of the students was not bad, but I realized that it was not as good as the dancing of the mature team, which seemed to have more experience in the event.
In any case, had it not been for my junior daughter's participation in the Circle event, I would have remained completely uninvolved with the event.
Today, unusually, I was able to appreciate the fact that I live in a place where I can go to Shibuya and Harajuku "without a previous night's stay".
If you don't allow the customer center to say 'I'll call you later' and gong to 'check it up now', the solution will be reached soon.
Controversy seems to be erupting about the state funeral of former prime ministers, although not on the scale of 'dividing the country in two'.
I think the debate itself is a good thing, but I don't understand the the cost of state funerals.
―― 安倍元首相「国葬」経費 約2億5000万円支出を閣議決定
"Cabinet approves expenditure of about 250 million yen for former Prime Minister Abe's 'state funeral'."
これ本当? めちゃくちゃ安くない?と思いました。
"Really, It's too cheap isn't it?" I thought.
A rich man's house, about the price of one.
Because people at state guest level are coming to the country in large numbers.
仮に100人の国賓の人がやってきたと仮定すると、そのガードに10人が付いたとして、一人あたりの諸経費が1日50万円として、ざっくり、500万 x 100人 = 50億円ですよ。当然、2~3日滞在するとして、これで、もう200億円です。
Let's assume that 100 state guests arrive, and that 10 people are attached to guard them, and that the overheads per person are 500,000 yen per person per day, roughly, 5 million x 100 people = 5 billion yen. Of course, if they stay for two or three days, that's another 20 billion yen.
This time, the number of expected participants is announced to be 6,000.
Naturally, traffic and operational restrictions will be imposed, so local police officers will have to be mobilised and the prestige of the Japanese police force will be put on the line to provide security for dignitaries.
If a key figure is assassinated in the country, there is even a risk of a breakdown of diplomatic relations.
If you put all these together, I think it will easily break the 50 billion mark.
If. If I were to hold my own funeral for 6,000 people, I would need 10,000 yen per person, or 60,000,000 yen, for dinner, entertainment and travel costs.
Even this me.
I am not going to quibble about 'amounts of money'.
However, as an engineer who is in charge of a serial column with figures, I would like to see an overview (items) of the "250 million yen" quotation at the earliest opportunity.
And then I wrote this far and found the phrase 'This does not include the cost of police personnel to guard the area'.
That would be.
We will now amend our request to "Disclosure of the estimate with security cos.
The executive branch will no longer be associated with any religious organisation that has a pending civil case or a final judgment for damages due to psychic or other commercial activities.
I think that the Cabinet should just decide the above.
Or, in the regular or extraordinary session of parliament,
Members of Parliament will no longer associate with any religious organisation that has a civil case pending against it or a final judgment for damages.
I think that all they have to do is to make a resolution like that.
あとは、賛成しなかった議員を"by name"で教えて貰えれば、それで十分です。
It would then be sufficient if they could tell us the councillors who did not vote in favour of the proposal "by name".
These would then have an impact on local authorities and on local councils.
On balance with 'freedom of religion', I think this is the only way to solve this problem without a legislative process."
In the aphorism of Edison, the king of inventors,
'Most people who fail in life are those who didn't realise how close they were to success when they gave up.'
I, having lived for half a century, know what I know.
―― エジソン、バカ
"Edison, you idiot"
「諦めないこと」は大切なことかもしれませんが、「諦めないこと」には、膨大な時間やコスト、そして、回りの人へのインパクト ―― 自分だけでなく、回りの人を不幸にする ―― という負のコストがあります。
'Not giving up' may be important, but 'not giving up' has a negative cost in terms of enormous time, cost and impact on those around you - making not only you but also those around you unhappy.
Especially, one of the impact to me, is "destory my mind, and to the worst, kill myself".
'Getting started' is easy.
However, 'giving it up' is 100 times more difficult and painful than "getting started".
That is the 'curse of sunk costs'.
'Giving up' is harder than 'getting started' and, therefore, more worthwhile.
Stupid Edison didn't seem to realise it. I, however, know that.
I have recently been reading a lot of books on cults
The 'curse of sunk costs' has been found to be a psychological factor in people's inability to leave cults.