
あの、元首相殺害事件以降、「統一教会」 ―― 今は『世界平和統一家庭連合』と改称しているようですが ―― が話題に出ています。

Since the murder of the former prime minister, the "Unification Church", which now seems to have changed the name to "Family Federation for World Peace and Unification", has been in the news.


Checking the church by the Google map, I found the three churches --- I looked pale. After rechecking, I found that there was one church around my house.


However, I could not feel a relief.



When I started my college life, I was thoroughly told by the university authorities, circle activities and teachers was,


"If you are approached by a strange solicitor, don't say a word, just run away"



You can find many information using a search engine, so I don't have to explain about it. In my case, my friend was about to victims against the cult religions.

―― 私か? 私のなのか? 彼を、こんな風にしてしまった"きっかけ"を作ったのは


When my two daughters started their college life, I was on the highest lever of alert.


I told them again and again "if you are solicited or are about to be taken to somewhere, call me immediately at any cost"


At that time, "Unification Church" is recognized as "brainwashing cult organization" that was more scared than Left-wing extremists


(Incidentally, I was the head of a self-governing dormitory, so the Unification Church might say "You don't say that", But I was a lazy head who had never tried the organizing, moreover I hated people in the dormitory.)




Even if my daughters were taken in by a right/left-wing organization, I had a plan to go a hideout, argue and recapture them by force.


I had an estimation that I got to confirm my win (on the spot) as a crime case, if I received violence.



However, frustratingly there is no winning strategy against cult groups basically.


This is because brainwashed people cannot be unbrainwashed by logic.


On the contrary, I am confident that even I would be easily brainwashed if I were kidnapped by the cult.


Above all, I know well that the robustness of my brain is surpurisely low.


This is clear that the fact that I could not make normal decisions during my diet.

ともあれ『一度、拉致されたら、終わり』 ―― これが「統一教会」に対する、当時の認識でした。

"Once kidnapped, that's the end". This was my understanding of the Unification Church at the time.


Incidentally, the content is well depicted in the anime "Golden Time" episode 3, "Night Escape" (jump to YouTube, which is also available on Amazon Prime).






When I went down to the living room to get a drink, my wife and daughter watch the TV drama.


"I will make a place where all children can study equally by IT"


In the drama, an actress, who seemed to play a main character, was speaking such a line.



When I am about to say my comment with scornful smile,

―― 何も言わずに、とっとと自分の部屋に戻れ

"Say nothing and go back to your room soon"


I felt the pressure like that form them, so I went back to my room with a cup.


BS世界のドキュメンタリー 「インポッシブル・プロジェクト インスタントフィルムを復活させた男」

"BS World Documentary "The Impossible Project: The Man Who Revived Instant Film"


I watched the program.

「楽しかった」―― というか「嬉しかった」。

I enjoyed it, rather I feel happy.



I am self-conscious that I have spent half my life on the cutting edge of digital tech.


(It is a bit of exaggeration, but in general, I don't think it's wrong)


Therefore, I know that we should not say that "digital is superiors to analog at any case"


That's aside.



Recently many companies are trying t make "co-creation space" to "enhance creativity".


I could not find the reports that show the effectiveness of "creativity" from objective viewpoint using numbers, however, some people seem to like to work in these fashionable space.

一方、私といえば ―― 「ビビッドな色彩の壁」「奇妙な形の(不安定な)椅子」「多くの仲間」「コーヒーの香り」の中で、特許ネタを捻り出せたことがありません ―― というか、

On the other hand, speaking of me, I have never been able to think of a patent story among the "vividly colored walls," "oddly shaped (unstable) chairs," "many friends," and "the smell of coffee.


Rather, they are always "obstacles" for my patent work.


In my case, my creativities go to the peak when I am alone in the "dark", "cold", "small" room, facing a whiteboard.


I don't think that there are many people who have applied more than 100 patent applications( including "divided" or "priority by Paris treaty") to the patent office, like me.


Therefore, the effectiveness of the "Co-Creation Space" may vary greatly from person to person, or I may be an exceptionally "weird guy".


Well, if a company insist that "dark, cold, small, sepia-colored laboratory" is a "co-creation space", the company's image will be in ruin. So I think that I have to understand the background of the company.



Recently, I have opened about a DIY whiteboard.

自作ホワイトボード ―― 完結編


The most useful item in my research engineer's life, has been "whiteboard"


It is not PC, smartphone, printer, and scanner. Moreover, even my competent colleagues cannot exceed "whiteboard"


"Whiteboard" is a common tool to share knowledges in brain storming, however in my case, it is a tool to "fight me".


In short, some of analog are the strongest tools for me still now.



(Though I have already voted before), tomorrow July 10 is the day to vote for the House of Councillors.


I would like you to remained you of the following incidents, before you go to vote.


- List of politicians who were having banquets during the government's restrict request in the corona disaster (only those picked up by Ebata).

『腹掻き切って、国民に詫びて見せろ』―― てな、時代錯誤的なバカげたことを書いてみてもよかったかな、とか、今なら思っています。


- List of politicians from organizations that used/not used the online system for political fund balance reports



The following is not about politician, but there was also incident in which 23 employees of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare had dinner together at a restaurant in Ginza, Tokyo.




The other day, the British Prime Minister was finally forced to resign during the party in the government restraint.


Both our country's foreign and domestic policy are important for us , but we also have to remained the anger at that time.


I strongly recommend to check the qualifications and behaviors of candidate you will vote beforehand.


We have to teach the candidates who will the election that "if you make us angry we become furious enemies against you".



When I was in a waiting room at a bank for changing my notification seal, I knew ""sniper attack on the former prime minister during his speech".(The case was later confirmed as a "murder").


I felt that I could not control myself because of my furious rage, and I decided not to touch any news, especially SNS until NHK news from seven o'clock.

このような大事件の後は、誤報やデマが飛び回り、そのような情報に振り回されることがあり ――

After such a major tragedy, I was anxious that I am going to be incontrollable by false news and demagogues.


Above all, I was sure that I could not keep a normal state of mind right now (so I didn't know what I will write out).



I live to feel I am so happy that I can write what I am thinking and feeling freely in my daily life.

こういう権利を獲得するまでに、多くの先人が闘ってきてくれたことに、本当に感謝しており ――

I deeply thank many predecessors who have fought to win these rights, and


I deeply despise those who would throw away the act (exercising the right to vote) from my bottom of my heart.




I don't think that election is just a system to elect candidates.


Elections are


- the biggest interview with all Japanese public


- the most important event to measure the persona of named "JAPAN"


- the physical examination of JAPAN


I think so.

今回のテロ事件によって、この計測値は大きく変動するかもしれませんが ―― それでも、その計測結果が、今後の私たちの総意として取り扱われていくことになります。

The measure values might be changed dynamically by this terrorist attack, however, the result of measure is going to be treated as "our will".



I (selfishly) believe that "voting in elections" is (also) "protesting terrorism against freedom of speech".

『我が国のテロへの抗議の意思を、"投票率"という"数値"で見せてもらおうではないか』 ――

Show me our country's willingness to protest terrorism in the "numerical" form of "voter turnout"


Now I am thinking so.



I have already published my policy about election in Japan since the previous election, as follow.

政治に興味のない方、特に、若い世代の方は、今日も"Stay Home"で、投票はボイコットしましょう。


This time too, I ask you the cooperation about my activities.



According to my estimation, if we keep current state of Japan, our country's finance will be just barely maintained until my death.

ここで、若い人たちが、自分達の未来を真剣に考え出すと ―― これから年金生活に入る私が、非常に困るのです。

If the youth come to think their future seriously, I, who am about to start pension life, am in great trouble.


I hope the youth and middle generations are not interested in politics, as much as possible.



In comparison with the above, the elders should go to vote at all cost.


We have to save the candidate and the parties who are moderate, conservative and want to keep the current status, and crash new ambitious challenges.


Keep our vested interests and get away with pushing negative legacy on the next generation.

忘れてはなりません ―― 私たち高齢者は、我が国の最大の票田なのです。

In addition, never forget that we, the elders, are the biggest vote field in Japan.


However, we should never relax our guard with saying "even if we leave us alone, we will win".


Making the younger and working generations as a footstool , we have to ensure that our safe and secure retirement is solid.


The vote day is July 10th, the next Sunday. Don't miss it.



There are some Ebata's columns about election. If you are interested, go ahead.



I think that "handshake" from the candidate on election campaign might be effective.


Previously I went to interview to a cartoonist

濃厚な時間を過ごさせて頂いた記憶があります ―― たぶん 、「握手」よりも、強い「何か」だったと思います。

I remember that we could spend an intense time, which was stronger than "handshake".


I heard that He is running for the House of Councillors, and I hope him to win the election.


自分の恥を晒すようで、正直恥しいのですが ――

To be honest, I am shamed to open my ignorance, however, this time I know the following.


(1) In proportional district voting, it is common to write the name of the political party, but you can "write the name of the individual".


(2) and 'writing in the individual's name' will push that person to the top of the proportional district list


Because, at the House of Councillors election, they use "non-binding list system", which means "the order of the proportional list is not decided in advance"


In short, writing "individual name" not "party name", increase the person's change of being elected.


Even in proportional district voting, we can vote the person directly.


Though It was very shameful for me, I have not known the method just now.



I know the cartoonist has dealt with copyright problems seriously, and brought me amazing ideas to us for a long time.


Therefore, today I will go to vote on the day before the deadline and write,


―― とまあ、候補者の考え方や戦略を読み取る上で、選挙公報は、それなりに、楽しい読み物です。

(1) the name of the candidates who have not excluded by me for Electoral district elections


(2) the name of cartoonist for proportional district elections




It seems that the second season of the anime "Welcome to the Meritocracy Classroom" has started.


「ようこそ縁故主義の教室へ」―― 族長が率いる一族のクラス。始終他のクラスと抗争していそう。

"Welcome to the Edenic Classroom" families led by a chief, seems to be in constant conflict with other classes.

「ようこそ血縁主義の教室へ」―― 全員親戚のクラス。気が滅入る。

"Welcome to the kinship classroom", all classes of relatives. Depressing.

「ようこそカルト主義の教室へ」―― 全員が目がすわっている狂信者のクラス。怖い。

"Welcome to the Cultism Classroom" fanatics who all have crazy eyes. Scary.

「ようこそ人格主義の教室へ」―― 全員が人格者のクラス。息苦しそう。

"Welcome to the personalism classroom", everyone is a person of integrity. It's suffocating.


Coming to think of it, we could agree that


"Welcome to the classroom of deviation supremacy", like prep schools are wholesomeness.



(Continuation from yesterday)


This time, what attract me is the party whose name is "Get the U.S. bases in Okinawa Pref. to Tokyo".


This is good policy, if we can ignore the geographic problem.


Adding "Get nuclear power plants in Japan to Tokyo", it will be almost full score.



In this election, "the new coronavirus disaster" seems to be out of scope. (I tried use a search engine just to be sure)


I am not sure why no one who has a policy of "anti-vaccine" candidate.


Even if they think the disaster become peak out, they can say about "compensation to harmful side effects of vaccines". So I wonder that they have not done any activity.


I think that they decided that it was not a contentious issue because of the effectiveness of "with corona" methods.


I estimate that most of the candidate could not blame for the government about the "with corona" method.


According to the defense spending, some candidates show that in the headline.


However, I could not find the phrase "day nursery". Fewer "LGBT" and "same-sex marriage."

―― とまあ、候補者の考え方や戦略を読み取る上で、選挙公報は、それなりに、楽しい読み物です。

Anyway, the election PR is enjoyable in order to estimate the thoughts and strategies of each candidates.



The other say, my daughter said to herself, while watching the news of Russia's invasion to Ukraine

―― 結局、『力』が全てなんだよねぇ・・・

"In the end, it's all about 'power'"



When I was the 20's, I had no thought of it.


At least I had the energy to stand up to the adult who talked it like that.

今の若者は、「力の支配のない平和な世界」の理想(夢想)を持つことすら、許されていないのか、と思うと ―― なんだか可哀想に思えてきました。

The youth in the present cannot allow to have a dream of "a peaceful world without restriction by the power". Coming to think of it, I think they are pitiful.



I think I might choose a ruling party for the election for the House of Councilors, however, at this election, "the constitutional change" might be a big issue.


I am aware that I am a funny voter who hope both (1) the nation voting for Constitution to be realized and (2) the amendment to be rejected at the same time.


I believe that the Constitution should be changed more freely, and that it would be good to have an environment where pro and con sides can engage in heated debate.



Today, I received the election PR.


In the previous election, I felt pain that I went to the city hall to get it, and the next day, it were delivered at the next day. So this time, I just waited it.


In the PR, there is no candidate who uses numbers or charts, so they could not get Ebata's seed slot.

(1) 平文だけで選挙広報書いている人 ―― プレゼン能力"0"と判断して除外

(1) The person who use characters only, is no presentation ability.

(2) NHKのスクランブル放送から、NHK存続を前提とした高齢者の支払い免除へと、姑息な主旨変更をしている党も除外

(2) The party which changed their policy from scrambling broadcasts to exempting the elderly from paying.

(3) 父系天皇は、医学的根拠(私から見れば、興味のない根拠ではありますが)から論じている人がいないので、これも除外

(3) No person who argues the reasons for patrilineal emperors on medical grounds (In my opinion, I don't care of it at all).

(4) スパコンについて「世界で2番目ではダメですか」と言った人は、私からの票は絶対に得られない ―― 私は忘れない

(4) The person who said "What is a problem, even if the super-computer performance is the second in the world?" I never forgive her.

(5) 量子コンピュータやmRANについて論じている人は、私よりも理解ができていない(か、表現がなっていない)ので除外

(5) The persons who argue about quantum computers and mRAN is less understandable that me.

(6)最低賃金はバイトにも適用されるので(ちゃんと調べた)、 最低賃金を1500円まで上昇させれば小売商店や個人経営の飲食店はバタバタと潰れていくと思う

(6)Since the minimum wage apply for the albite, small retailers and restaurant will be bankrupt easily if the wage is risen at 1500 yen.


If they hope the wide restriction of Japan to lead to bankrupt, I can consider it (However I think the small retailers should be continued)

(6) 「消費税廃止」は試してみる価値があると思う。だが、具体的な数値を使った机上シミュレーション or コンピュータシミュレーションの結果(コードも合わせて)も公開していないのは、何故だ?

(6) I think that "the consumption tax should be abort" is a good policy. On the other hand, I don't know the reason why they don't open their simulations result on desk or on computer to us.


I am afraid that it is too danger to start the social and field experiments without any simulation.


(If they have the results of the simulation, please let me know. I'll write a whole column on it).

(7) 芸術は守る価値はあると思うが、老後の心配(年金や国防)に比べれば、私には瑣末に過ぎる

(7) I think the arts are worth protecting, but they are too trivial for me compared to the concerns of old age (pensions and national defense).

(8) 『信仰でコロナ感染を防ぐ』とか唄っていたアホな教祖の党の候補者は、論外


(8) The person of the party which the idiot guru who sang about "preventing corona infection through faith" are out of the question.


(To be continued)