さすがに3つの案件の同時並列処理は無理 ―― と、泣き言を言いながら、今、本当に泣きそうです。
I'm whining that “it's impossible to handle three projects simultaneously,” and I'm about to cry.
Empirically, thinking that “there are many people in worse situations” is a bad idea in a situation like this.
I don't care about other people.
The fact that I am in pain is sufficient.
Speaking of which, on this year's New Year's card, under the photo of my eldest daughter's wedding, I remember I wrote the following comment
'I became depressed last year.'
It was only after I had posted the New Year's card in the post that I realized that it could be read as if I had become depressed because of my eldest daughter's marriage.
However, it is always work that makes me depressed.
Many are programs that don't work and systems that become stop.
There are some jobs that I can't ask someone to do.