

1. 40歳から44歳の人の人数を数えろ
=COUNTIFS($B$1:$B$498, ">=45",$B$1:$B$498, "<50" )

=AVERAGEIFS($J$1:$J$498, $B$1:$B$498, ">=55",$B$1:$B$498, "<60" )




This program is based on the following page

This program solves the XOR problem using MLP with one hidden layer.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//num of units
#define NUM_INPUT 2
//#define NUM_HIDDEN 20
#define NUM_HIDDEN 2

double sigmoid(double x) {
    return 1/(1+exp(-x));

//derivative of sigmoid function
double d_sigmoid(double x) {
    double a = 0.1;
    return a*x*(1-x);

int main(void) {
//train data
    double train_x[4][NUM_INPUT+1] = {{0, 0, -1},{0, 1, -1},{1, 0, -1},{1, 1, -1}};
    double d[4] = {0, 1, 1, 0};
    double w[NUM_HIDDEN+1][NUM_INPUT+1];
    double v[NUM_HIDDEN+1];
    double y[4][NUM_HIDDEN+1];
    double z[4];
    double eta = 0.1;
    int epoch = 1000000;
    int i, j, k, l;
    double tmp = 0;

//update weights using rand()
    for(l=0; l<NUM_HIDDEN+1; l++) {
        for(i=0; i<NUM_INPUT+1; i++) {
            w[l][i] = ((double)rand() / ((double)RAND_MAX + 1));
    for(i=0; i<NUM_HIDDEN+1; i++) {
        v[i] = ((double)rand() / ((double)RAND_MAX + 1));

    for(k=0; k<epoch; k++) {
        for(j=0; j<4; j++) {
            for(l=0; l<NUM_HIDDEN; l++) {
                for(i=0; i<NUM_INPUT+1; i++) {
                    tmp += train_x[j][i] * w[l][i];
                y[j][l] = sigmoid(tmp);
                tmp = 0;
            y[j][NUM_HIDDEN] = -1;
            for(i=0; i<NUM_HIDDEN+1; i++) {
                tmp += y[j][i] * v[i];
            z[j] = sigmoid(tmp);
            tmp = 0;

            for(i=0; i<NUM_HIDDEN+1; i++) {
                v[i] = v[i] - eta * y[j][i] * d_sigmoid(z[j]) * (z[j] - d[j]);

            for(l=0; l<NUM_INPUT+1; l++) {
                for(i=0; i<NUM_HIDDEN+1; i++) {
                    w[i][l] = w[i][l] - eta * train_x[j][l] * d_sigmoid(y[j][i]) * d_sigmoid(z[j]) * (z[j] - d[j]) * v[i];

        //print detail
        for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
            printf("%f ", z[i]);

    for(j=0; j<4; j++) {
        for(l=0; l<NUM_HIDDEN; l++) {
            for(i=0; i<NUM_INPUT+1; i++) {
                tmp += train_x[j][i] * w[l][i];
            y[j][l] = sigmoid(tmp);
            tmp = 0;
        y[j][NUM_HIDDEN] = -1;
        for(i=0; i<NUM_HIDDEN+1; i++) {
            tmp += y[j][i] * v[i];
        z[j] = sigmoid(tmp);
        tmp = 0;

//print result
    for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
        printf("%f ", z[i]);

    for(i=0; i<NUM_INPUT+1; i++) {
        for(l=0; l<NUM_HIDDEN+1; l++) {
		  printf("w[%d][%d]:%f\n", i, l, w[i][l]);

    for(i=0; i<NUM_HIDDEN+1; i++) {
	  printf("v[%d]:%f\n",i, v[i]);

    return 0;

Save this program as a name "mlp.c", compile ">gcc mlp.c" and execute ">./a.exe"


Golang 文字列を数値に変換する方法で、文字列→実数なら、これが一番てっとり早そう

dest_lat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(row[2], 64)




I hope you could understand the min-max method of Fuzzy reasoning, using the following Go programming list.

package main

import (

func max_2(a, b float64) float64 {
	if a > b {
		return a
	} else {
		return b

func min_2(a, b float64) float64 {
	if a > b {
		return b
	} else {
		return a

type condition_MF3 struct { // Base class for condition_MF3
	center  float64
	width   float64
	express string

func new_condition_MF3(_center, _width float64, _express string) *condition_MF3 {
	c3 := new(condition_MF3)
	c3.center = _center
	c3.width = _width
	c3.express = _express
	return c3

// Class for the membership function (3 mountains) of the former case
func (c3 *condition_MF3) func_X(_x float64) float64 {
		// x,y denote coordinates on the membership function
	x := _x
	y := 0.0 // The value of y is always greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1

	if c3.express == "LESS" {
		if x <= c3.center-c3.width {
			y = 1.0
		} else if x <= c3.center {
			y = -1.0 / c3.width * (x - c3.center)
		} else {
			y = 0.0
	} else if c3.express == "COMMON" {
		if x <= c3.center-c3.width {
			y = 0.0
		} else if x <= c3.center {
			y = 1.0/c3.width*(x-c3.center) + 1.0
		} else if x <= c3.center+c3.width {
			y = -1.0/c3.width*(x-c3.center) + 1.0
		} else {
			y = 0.0
	} else if c3.express == "MORE" {
		if x <= c3.center {
			y = 0.0
		} else if x <= c3.center+c3.width {
			y = 1.0 / c3.width * (x - c3.center)
		} else {
			y = 1.0
	} else {
		fmt.Println("MF3: wrong expression")
	return y

type condition_MF5 struct { // Base class for condition_MF5
	center  float64
	width   float64
	express string

func new_condition_MF5(_center, _width float64, _express string) *condition_MF5 {
	c5 := new(condition_MF5)
	c5.center = _center
	c5.width = _width
	c5.express = _express
	return c5

func (c5 *condition_MF5) func_X(_x float64) float64 {
	// Class for the former membership function (5 mountains)
	// x,y are the coordinates on the membership function

	x := _x
	y := 0.0 // The value of y is always greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1

	if c5.express == "LESSLESS" {
		if x <= c5.center-2.0*c5.width {
			y = 1.0
		} else if x <= c5.center-c5.width {
			y = -1.0/c5.width*(x-(c5.center-2.0*c5.width)) + 1.0
		} else {
			y = 0.0
	} else if c5.express == "LESS" {
		if x <= c5.center-2.0*c5.width {
			y = 0.0
		} else if x <= c5.center-c5.width {
			y = 1.0/c5.width*(x-(c5.center-c5.width)) + 1.0
		} else if x <= c5.center {
			y = -1.0/c5.width*(x-(c5.center-c5.width)) + 1.0
		} else {
			y = 0.0
	} else if c5.express == "COMMON" {
		if x <= c5.center-c5.width {
			y = 0.0
		} else if x <= c5.center {
			y = 1.0/c5.width*(x-c5.center) + 1.0
		} else if x <= c5.center+c5.width {
			y = -1.0/c5.width*(x-c5.center) + 1.0
		} else {
			y = 0.0
	} else if c5.express == "MORE" {
		if x <= c5.center {
			y = 0.0
		} else if x <= c5.center+c5.width {
			y = 1.0/c5.width*(x-(c5.center+c5.width)) + 1.0
		} else if x <= c5.center+2.0*c5.width {
			y = -1.0/c5.width*(x-(c5.center+c5.width)) + 1.0
		} else {
			y = 0.0
	} else if c5.express == "MOREMORE" {
		if x <= c5.center+c5.width {
			y = 0.0
		} else if x <= c5.center+2.0*c5.width {
			y = 1.0/c5.width*(x-(c5.center+2.0*c5.width)) + 1.0
		} else {
			y = 1.0
	} else {
		fmt.Println("MF5 func_X(): wrong expression")

	return y


type action_MF5 struct { // Base class for action_MF5
	center  float64
	width   float64
	express string
	x       float64
	y       float64

type action_MF3 struct { // Base class for action_MF3
	center  float64
	width   float64
	express string
	x       float64
	y       float64

func new_action_MF5(_center, _width float64, _express string) *action_MF5 {
	a5 := new(action_MF5)
	a5.center = _center
	a5.width = _width
	a5.express = _express

	if a5.express == "LESSLESS" {
		a5.x = a5.center - 2.0*a5.width
	} else if a5.express == "LESS" {
		a5.x = a5.center - a5.width
	} else if a5.express == "COMMON" {
		a5.x = a5.center
	} else if a5.express == "MORE" {
		a5.x = a5.center + a5.width
	} else if a5.express == "MOREMORE" {
		a5.x = a5.center + 2.0*a5.width
	} else {
		fmt.Println("new_action_MF5: wrong scale expression")

	a5.y = 0.0

	return a5

func new_action_MF3(_center, _width float64, _express string) *action_MF3 {
	a3 := new(action_MF3)
	a3.center = _center
	a3.width = _width
	a3.express = _express

	if a3.express == "LESS" {
		a3.x = a3.center - a3.width
	} else if a3.express == "COMMON" {
		a3.x = a3.center
	} else if a3.express == "MORE" {
		a3.x = a3.center + a3.width
	} else {
		fmt.Println("new_action_MF3: wrong scale expression")

	a3.y = 0.0

	return a3

// The latter membership function (5 mountains) class
func (a5 *action_MF5) func_Y() float64 {
	return a5.y

// The latter membership function (3 mountains) class
func (a3 *action_MF3) func_Y() float64 {
	return a3.y

func (a5 *action_MF5) func_Max(b float64) {
	a5.y = max_2(b, a5.y)

func (a3 *action_MF3) func_Max(b float64) {
	a3.y = max_2(b, a3.y)

func (a5 *action_MF5) func_X() float64 {
	return a5.x

func (a3 *action_MF3) func_X() float64 {
	return a3.x

func fuzzy_reasoning(temp, humi float64) float64 {

	// Temperature(former)
	Temp_Less := new_condition_MF3(20, 10, "LESS")
	Temp_Common := new_condition_MF3(20, 10, "COMMON")
	Temp_More := new_condition_MF3(20, 10, "MORE")

	// Humidity(former)
	Humi_Less := new_condition_MF3(50, 20, "LESS")
	Humi_Common := new_condition_MF3(50, 20, "COMMON")
	Humi_More := new_condition_MF3(50, 20, "MORE")

	// Switch(前件部)
	Switch_Less := new_action_MF3(0,1,"LESS")
	Switch_Common := new_action_MF3(0,1,"COMMON")
	Switch_More := new_action_MF3(0,1,"MORE")

	// [Rule 01] 
	Rule01 := min_2(Temp_More.func_X(temp), Humi_More.func_X(humi))
	Switch_Less.func_Max(Rule01) // the latters values are overwritten if the value is large enough.
	fmt.Println("Rule01", Rule01)

	// [Rule 02] 
	Rule02 := min_2(Temp_Common.func_X(temp), Humi_More.func_X(humi))
	Switch_Common.func_Max(Rule02) // the latters values are overwritten if the value is large enough.
	fmt.Println("Rule02", Rule02)

	// [Rule 03] 
	Rule03 := min_2(Temp_More.func_X(temp), Humi_Common.func_X(humi))
	Switch_Less.func_Max(Rule03) // the latters values are overwritten if the value is large enough.
	fmt.Println("Rule03", Rule03)

	// [Rule 04] 
	Rule04 := min_2(Temp_Less.func_X(temp), Humi_Less.func_X(humi))
	Switch_More.func_Max(Rule04) // the latters values are overwritten if the value is large enough.
	fmt.Println("Rule04", Rule04)

	// Reasoning calculations
	numerator :=
			Switch_Less.func_X()*Switch_Less.func_Y() +
			Switch_Common.func_X()*Switch_Common.func_Y() +

	denominator :=
			Switch_Less.func_Y() +
			Switch_Common.func_Y() +

	reasoning := numerator / denominator

	return reasoning


func main(){

	 fmt.Println(fuzzy_reasoning(27.0, 67.0))


A社 CSVファイルパース用テストコード (用事が終わったら消すこと)

package main

import (

func main() {

	file, err := os.Open("tracking_data.csv") 
	if err != nil {
	defer file.Close()

	r := csv.NewReader(file)
	rows, err := r.ReadAll() // csvを一度に全て読み込む
	if err != nil {

	lat := [10000]string{}
	lng := [10000]string{}
	speed := [10000]string{}

	// [][]stringなのでループする
	for j, v := range rows {

		if j == 0 {
			continue // CSVのヘッダー行を無視

		// v[3]をバラバラに分解する
		// v3 := regexp.MustCompile("[() ,]").Split(v[3], -1)
		v3 := regexp.MustCompile("}, {").Split(v[3], -1)

		for i, s := range v3 { // i: 数
			//fmt.Printf("%s\n", s)
			v31 := strings.Replace(s, "\"lat\": ", "", -1)
			v32 := strings.Replace(v31, "\"lng\": ", "", -1)
			v33 := strings.Replace(v32, "[{", "", -1)
			v34 := strings.Replace(v33, "}]", "", -1)

			v35 := regexp.MustCompile(",").Split(v34, -1)

			for k, s5 := range v35 {

				//f64, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(s5, 64)
				//fmt.Println("string", i, s5)
				if k == 0 {
					lat[i] = s5
				} else {
					lng[i] = s5


		//fmt.Println(lat[0], lng[0], lat[19], lng[19])

		// v[4]をバラバラに分解する
		v41 := strings.Replace(v[4], "[", "", -1)
		v42 := strings.Replace(v41, "]", "", -1)
		v43 := regexp.MustCompile(",").Split(v42, -1)

		for k4, s4 := range v43 {
			speed[k4] = s4

			fmt.Println(k4, ",", lat[k4], ",", lng[k4], ",", speed[k4])







その他: 年齢を乱数を使って適当に作成しているコードも入っている

// ~/yamaguchi/src_try1/others/main61.go

// Usage: go run main61.go 20220518weekday.csv new_20220518weekday.csv

package main

import (

	_ "github.com/lib/pq"

func main() {

	file, err := os.Open("yamaguchi_area.csv")
	if err != nil {
	defer file.Close()

	r := csv.NewReader(file)
	rows, err := r.ReadAll() // csvを一度に全て読み込む
	if err != nil {

	str := "SELECT ST_Covers(st_geomfromtext('POLYGON(("

	// 行ごとに
	for i, row := range rows {
		if i == 0 {
			continue // CSVのヘッダー行を無視

		str += row[1] + " " + row[2] + ", " // rowのままで取り出せば、文字列になっている

	str1 := str[:len(str)-2] + "))'),st_geomfromtext('LINESTRING(" // 上記の最後の", "を削除して、文字列を追加

	dbMap, err := sql.Open("postgres",
		"user=postgres password=password host= port=15432 dbname=yama_db sslmode=disable")
	log.Println("------------------ map db open ------------------")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("OpenError: ", err)
	defer dbMap.Close()


	//file2, err2 := os.Open("20220518weekday.csv")
	file2, err2 := os.Open(os.Args[1]) // 第1パラメータ
	if err2 != nil {
	defer file2.Close()

	r2 := csv.NewReader(file2)
	rows2, err2 := r2.ReadAll() // csvを一度に全て読み込む
	if err != nil {

	file3, err3 := os.Create(os.Args[2]) // 第2パラメータ
	if err3 != nil {

	w := csv.NewWriter(file3)

	var id int

	for _, row := range rows2 {
		//if i == 0 {
		//	continue // CSVのヘッダー行を無視

		str2 := str1 + row[0] + " " + row[1] + ", " + row[2] + " " + row[3]

		str2 += ")'))"


		rows1, err := dbMap.Query(str2)
		if err != nil {
		defer rows1.Close()

		//var dt string
		var dt bool

		for rows1.Next() {
			if err := rows1.Scan(&dt); err != nil {
			// fmt.Println(dt)
			if dt {

				//if err := rows.Scan(&id, &age, &type1, &departure_name, &departure_number, &departure_lat, &departure_lng, &arrival_name, &arrival_number, &arrival_lat, &arrival_lng); err != nil {
				//	fmt.Println(err)
				// 上記のSQLのフォームと同じ形でcsvファイルを作る

				var age int

				fmt.Println("row[4]:", row[4])

				// id_str := strconv.Itoa(id) // idを文字列に
				if row[4] == "10-15" {
					age = 10 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "15-29" {
					age = 15 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "20-24" {
					age = 20 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "25-29" {
					age = 25 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "30-34" {
					age = 30 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "35-39" {
					age = 35 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "40-44" {
					age = 40 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "44-49" {		
					age = 45 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "50-54" {
					age = 50 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "55-59" {
					age = 55 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "60-64" {
					age = 60 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "65-69" {
					age = 65 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "70-74" {
					age = 70 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "75-80" {
					age = 75 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "80-84" {
					age = 80 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "85-89" {
					age = 85 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "90-94" {
					age = 90 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else if row[4] == "95-99" {
					age = 95 + rand.Intn(5)
				} else {
					age = 15 + rand.Intn(65) // 15箸キ79までの乱数

				type1 := "resident"
				departure_name := ""
				_row1, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(row[1], 64)
				_row0, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(row[0], 64)

				departure_number, departure_lng, departure_lat := fixPosition(dbMap, _row1, _row0) // row[1], row[0]の順番に注意

				arrival_name := ""
				_row3, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(row[3], 64)
				_row2, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(row[2], 64)
				arrival_number, arrival_lng, arrival_lat := fixPosition(dbMap, _row3, _row2) // row[3], row[2]の順番に注意

				output := []string{fmt.Sprint(id), fmt.Sprint(age), type1, departure_name, fmt.Sprint(departure_number), fmt.Sprint(departure_lat), fmt.Sprint(departure_lng), arrival_name, fmt.Sprint(arrival_number), fmt.Sprint(arrival_lat), fmt.Sprint(arrival_lng)}

				//output := []string{row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4]}
				fmt.Println("output:", output)

				if err = w.Write(output); err != nil {

				id++ // idの加算

		err = rows1.Err()
		if err != nil {

		defer w.Flush()

		if err := w.Error(); err != nil {


// 指定した座標に近いDB上の座標を取得
func fixPosition(db *sql.DB, _x1, _y1 float64) (int, float64, float64) {

	// Scan用の仮変数
	var source int
	var longitude float64
	var latitude float64
	var dist float64

	upperLimitMeter := 1500.0 // 近傍ノードの上限を1500 mに設定
	str := fmt.Sprintf(
		// 修正前: ways (道) の中から最近傍を取得
		// "SELECT source, x1 AS longitude, y1 AS latitude, ST_Distance('SRID=4326;POINT(%v %v)'::GEOGRAPHY, the_geom) AS dist FROM ways WHERE ST_DWithin(the_geom, ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT(%v %v)'), %.1f) ORDER BY dist LIMIT 1",
		// 修正後: ways_vertices_pgr (点座標) の中から最近傍を取得
		"SELECT id AS source, lon AS longitude, lat AS latitude, ST_Distance('SRID=4326;POINT(%v %v)'::GEOGRAPHY, the_geom) AS dist FROM ways_vertices_pgr WHERE ST_DWithin(the_geom, ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT(%v %v)'), %.1f) ORDER BY dist LIMIT 1",
		_x1, _y1, _x1, _y1, upperLimitMeter,

	rows, err := db.Query(str)
	if err != nil {
	defer rows.Close()

	foundGoodMapNode := false

	for rows.Next() {
		foundGoodMapNode = true
		if err := rows.Scan(&source, &longitude, &latitude, &dist); err != nil {
		//fmt.Println(source, longitude, latitude, dist)

	if !foundGoodMapNode {
		log.Println("Warning: in func fixPosition: Good Map Node not found for query point (",
			_x1, ",", _y1, ")")

	return source, longitude, latitude



fmt.Sprint(x)  xは、整数でも実数でも可




I frequently upload short programs on my blog because I don't know how to use the API even after reading the manual.


I have no idea what I'm doing by reading these manuals, and the sample programs are out of sync with what I want to do.


So, as shown in the following



In reality, I try to keep a small code that I have written and worked with.


Whether it is useful to others is secondary.


If I had to give a name to this method, it might be called "concrete example-based".


Aside from that.


イベントの招待状などで、『平服にてご参加下さい』という文言が入っていることがありますが ――

In invitations to events, you may see the phrase, "Please attend in plain clothes.


If you ask me, this is hospitality at its worst.


In other words, he/she is simply saying, 'Please don't wear formal wear,' and you are forced to judge the level of casual wear. This is an extremely irresponsible request.

ゲスト(招待客)は、カジュアルのレベルを間違えて、会場で恥しい思いをするかもしれません ―― しかし、そういう配慮をするホスト(主催者)には、滅多にお目にかかることができません。

Guests (invitees) may be embarrassed at the venue because of the wrong level of casualness -- but I rarely see a host (organizer) who takes such considerations into account.



I recently sent out information about the event laying their ashes to rest for my father and mother.

江端一夫・瑤子 納骨供養のご案内(公開版)


In it, I have defined the dress code precisely in the following sentence.


I hope you will consider stopping by in plain clothes if it is convenient for you.


I (Tomoichi) will wear jeans, sneakers and prayer beads.


In this way, the host can reduce the burden on the guests by providing them with a specific dress code for themselves.


It is "concrete example-based".



In the future, I will email the URL of this blog to hosts who do not provide specific examples of "plain clothes".