func numGoroutine() {
for {
fmt.Println("======>numGoroutine", runtime.NumGoroutine())
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // 1秒待つ
When I got home, the first thing I did was open my mouth, I said to my wife
Ebata: "I met my grandpa (my father, who died two years ago) on the train today"
Wife:"What was happen ?"
She stopped her chores and looked at me with expectant eyes.
When I was riding the Odakyu train to work after a long time, I was approached by the old man next to me.
"May I interrupt you?"
"Never mind"
"Does this train go to a station called 'Tsurukawa'?"
"Yes, it does"
"Is Tsurukawa the next station?"
"No, It will be the next stop after that."
"Not at the next station, I see."
"Not at the next station. I will let you know, so you don't have to worry."
"Wasn't it the station we just left?"
"No, it is the next station"
"The next station is "Tsurukawa"?"
"Yes, it is"
I tried to speak slowly, relatively loudly, and gently.
"This station?"
"Yes, this is the station."
"Thank you very much."
The old man, then, tried to go out the door, stopped it, and went down through another door.
I was relieved to see the old man get off, but the doors had been open for a while, and he looked like he was about to board the train again.
『車掌! とっととドアを閉じんかい!!』と心の中で叫んでいました。
Conductor! Close the door quickly! I shouted in my mind.
After the door was closed, I was worried while watching the old man standing on the platform without dazed-looking.
Ebata:"So the old man reminds me of my fater in his laster years"
Wife: "Oh, I see."
Ebata: "It's short-term memory impairment; He can't remember what he were talking about a minute ago, and he repeat the same questions over and over in a short period of time."
Wife: "It's a common story."
Ebata:"It is natural that he wanted to check the station he should get off as soon as possible. He is just so anxious"
Wife:"Anyway, it was good to make old man get off the station"
Ebata:"Well, people in the train thought that "Why the man can repeat same things loudly again and again?", however it was a natural reaction for me to had been known the situtaions"
It is right to teach children with the slogan, "Take care of the elderly.
理屈抜きでいいですし、これは、洗脳レベルでも"No Problem"です。
It is good without any logic, and this is "No Problem" even at the brainwashing level.
However, it is difficult for children to understand the various disorders that occur as they age in the background, and it is even more difficult to understand them on a clinical level.
Ebata: "So, I think it's probably seniors in my position who understand 'let's take care of the elderly' in a tangible way."
Wife: "Exactly."
Honestly speaking, I voted the ruling-party in the last Upper House election, and I regret it.
Separation of government and religion is a principle of democracy.
Of couse, I deeply understand that a politician is always a "device" the reflects the will of some organization.
As for religious organizations, I believe that we "decide to separate policics from religion", however we ensure "overwhelming preferetial treatment in the tax exemption system", instead of that.
If I misunderstand it, let you teach me correct answers.
I am surprised to know that a current member of the LDP Diet has publicly state that he asked the Unification Church to help himt gather votes.
In addition, the fact that the media can so easily expose the video clips, means that the clips has not been kept secret.
Is there any difference between "I asked the Unification Church to get votes" and "I asked XXXX, a designated gangster, to get votes"?
I don't know that, so please give me the explaination about that.
It is hard to believe that even the prime minister of a country was involved with the Unification Church.
Shame on you.
リモコン コード RM-A633 江端家の場合
マニュアルはここ → B5A-0123-00
1. 不明単語
TH1 | TH2 | TH3 |
asscss | 評価する | access his performance, 環境アセスメント |
precedent | 先例 | |
per-su-asive | 説得力のある | |
diabetes | 糖尿病 | |
immediate | 早急に | |
tuition | 授業料 | |
starvation | 飢餓 | |
fraud | 詐欺 | |
valve | バルブ | |
address | 頼る | |
permanent employees | 正規雇用者 | |
inventory | 在庫 | |
audit | 監査 | |
(コ) 収益効率、情報ストレージ、保証書 | profit effiency, infomation storage, warranty certificate | certificate((動)は「証明書を与える」) |
prospect | 見込み | |
utmost | 最高のもの(名) |
2. 自動詞
TH1 | TH2 |
content to | ~に同意する |
offer to | ~を提供する |
3. 連語
TH1 | TH2 |
without so much as doing | ~さえしないで |
remind 人 to do | 人に~を思い出させる |
find+目的語+補語 | e.g. find her decision honorable(×honor) |
appreciate ~ing | (他) ということに感謝する × appreciate to |
be accustomed to ~ing | ということに慣れている |
beside you | = with you |
resent ~ing | ~に腹を立てる ○ resent being treated、 ×resent to be treated |
beside oneself | 我を忘れて |
4. まぎらわし系
TH1 | TH2 |
それは、理解可能で 包括的な 契約だった | It was an comprehensible and comprehensive agreement (形)理解できる、(形)包括的な |
応用性(名) の観点から、応用性のある(形) 申し込み(名) に 応募している(現分) | From the viewpoint of applicability, I am applying for an applicable application |
その1つの分析、または複数の分析を行っている者は、1人のまたは複数の分析者である | The analysis or analyses, is/are an analyst or analysts |
私は彼の満足のいく 満足に、満足いく程度には満足した | I satisfied his satisfactory satisfaction satisfactorily. |
私が開始して 初期化することは、最初の グループ加入である | What I initiate and initialize is an initial initiation. |
それと同程度の方法は、強制的で、有能で、競争力のあるものになるだろう | The comparable way will be compulsory, competent and competitive |
私はその強調を強調する | I emphasize that emphasis. |
以前は 比較的安全だったが、今は、個々に 慎重に 行え | Formerly, it was safe relatively, but do it individually, meticulously. |
一つの多様性、あるいは多様な 多様性という観点から、事業を多角化している | We diversify our business in terms of one diversity or diverse diversities. |
契約は隔離され、観察され、強化され 忠実に守られ ました | The contract has been secluded, observed , consolidated , and ad headed. |
同盟の回答者は、関与の喜びを示した | The respondent of alliance showed a delightful of the involvement. |
5. others
TH1 | TH2 |
省略できる関係代名詞は? | 目的格のみ(×主格、×所有格) |
whoseの先行詞は「人」だけか? | 「モノ」もO.K. We scarp any can whose current market is too low. |
as ~ asの間に入るもの3つ、入らないもの2つは | (形)(副)の両方と、(形)の原型+ 名詞 |
as ~ asの間に入らないもの2つは | possibleとsame |
the same ~ as, the same ~ thatに入るものは | 名詞 × creative, ○ creativity |
最上級the most ~の代わりにできるものは | my, his Magic computer's でも可 |
",which"と",that" | ",which"はOKだが",that"はNG |
as ~ as XXXXX に来るものは | 単数ならthat, 複数ならthose |
分詞構文のイデオム6つ | JCIAのCG judging from, considering, including, according to, concerning, give |
physicalの2つの意味 | (形)身体的な、物理的な、(名)健康診断 |
without/expect, by/until, beside, besides | ~なしで/除いて、までに/まで、~の横に/~に加えて |
名詞の前にXXXXを選ばない | almost → × almost book, ○ almost all books, most books ←→ most of the books |
"meanwhile", please contact | Now+------+future |
"of the"を使えるもの/使えないもの | (1)使えるもの most of the~、 most~、 (2)使えないもの a lot of, a mount of, a mount of, hundred of, thousand of, of+数値を使わない言葉 |
否定後 + 名詞 で選べるもの | "no"のみ × nothing, × none |
none | 人や物に使える |
no one | 人に使えるが、物には使えない |
"not"と"any"の前後関係について | 必ず"not"の先 |
複合名詞の最初の名詞はXXXXX | 単数形 ○ ten thousand pieces, ○ heating system, ○ three-year-old boy (例外)sales department, customers declaration(関税申請), telecommincations industry |
"独力で"の2つの言い方 | by oneself / on one's won |
closely と nearby の違い | "密着して(副)"と"近くの(形)" |
Even though it is a bit XXXX | "costly"が正解。"a bit"は副詞("a little"と同じ) で costlyは形容詞。 なお、“a ( little) bit of 〜”で名詞を使える |
"drawback"と"defeat"の違い | 欠点(直らない故障)と欠陥(直る故障) |
"beside"と"besides"の違い | "with" と "in addition/moreover"の違いの理解でいい。 beside the eraser(消しゴムの隣に)、 Besides Wednesday(水曜日に加えて) |
6. 不/可算名詞 組合せ一覧
7. あとで纏めるもの
TH1 | TH2 |
until / across / down / on to | ~まで/横切って/下へ/~の上へ |
call out / draw up / care for / roll in | 呼び出す、作成する、大切に思う、転がり込む |
Golang テストコード (1)適当な座標情報を入力して、近くのOpenStreetMapのnodeに強制的に寄せて、ダイクストラ計算を強行する方法 (ここでは300メートル以内で、もっとも近いノードを見つける、という処理をやっている)
// go get を忘れずに
// go run main5.go
package main
import (
_ ""
func main() {
db, err := sql.Open("postgres",
"user=postgres password=password host=localhost port=15432 dbname=utsu_db sslmode=disable")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("OpenError: ", err)
defer db.Close()
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT source,
x1 as longitude, y1 as latitude, ST_Distance('SRID=4326;POINT(139.9182893339256 36.573831584767085)'::GEOGRAPHY, the_geom) as dist FROM ways WHERE ST_DWithin(the_geom, ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT(139.9182893339256 36.573831584767085)'), 300.0) ORDER BY dist")
if err != nil {
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var source int
var longitude float64
var latitude float64
var dist float64
if err := rows.Scan(&source, &longitude, &latitude, &dist); err != nil {
fmt.Println(source, longitude, latitude, dist)
if err := db.Ping(); err != nil { //データベースが繋っているかの確認(らしい)
log.Fatal("PingError: ", err)
Golang テストコード (1)golangの中でSQL文を作る時に、てっとり早く数値の部分を文字列にする方法 (2)golangの可変長配列の作り方と、面倒くさい場所の値をひっぱり出す方法
// go get を忘れずに
// go run main10.go
package main
import (
_ ""
func transfer_point(origin, destination int) (int, int) {
// utsu_tram_db3をオープン
db, err := sql.Open("postgres", "user=postgres password=password host=localhost port=15432 dbname=utsu_tram_db3 sslmode=disable")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("OpenError: ", err)
defer db.Close()
// node番号 1200 から 12000 までのダイクストラ計算を行う
str := "SELECT seq, node, edge FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost FROM ways'," + fmt.Sprint(origin) + "," + fmt.Sprint(destination) + ", directed:=false)"
rows, err := db.Query(str)
if err != nil {
defer rows.Close()
var seq, node, edge int
var add_node_num = []int{} // 可変長配列
for rows.Next() {
if err := rows.Scan(&seq, &node, &edge); err != nil {
// ルート分離は、0<x<70の値が出てきたら、駅のノードである、とする。
// 何しろ、私が地図を改ざんしたのだから間違いない
// で、その値を全部格納する
if node > 0 && node < 70 {
add_node_num = append(add_node_num, node)
if len(add_node_num) >= 4 { // 見つけることができたら最初から2番目と、最後から2番目の番号(0 < X < 70)を取り出す
first_node := add_node_num[1]
last_node := add_node_num[len(add_node_num)-2]
if (first_node > 0 && first_node < 70) || (last_node > 0 && last_node < 70) {
return first_node, last_node
} else {
log.Fatal("wrong node:", err)
//fmt.Println("first_node:", first_node, "last_node:", last_node)
} else { // 見つけることができなかったら
return -1, -1
//fmt.Println("No node")
return 0, 0 // ダミー用のリターン(ここには来ないはず)
func main() {
fmt.Println(transfer_point(21509, 11215))
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
a := rand.Intn(30000)
b := rand.Intn(30000)
//fmt.Println(sub_main(2200, 2400))
fmt.Println(a, b)
fmt.Println(transfer_point(rand.Intn(a), rand.Intn(b)))