

Recently, I received emails from readers.


Often it's a polite email, and I'm happy to receive it (often fan letters).


However, some of the people who argue with the content of my column are "rude".



As long as you are giving me an opinion (rebuttal), I would like you to at least observe the "principle of burden of proof (*1-4)".






In particular, 'I do not agree with Mr. Ebata's opinion of XXX. Please look into XXX.' A few lines of the e-mail infuriated me.


I will say it again and again.


"Why should I (Ebata) sweat to make an argument that I (Ebata) disagree with?"



If you are going to refute my (Ebata's) argument, then


(1) You formulate a hypothesis (a counterargument to Ebata's argument) on your own, and


(2) You investigate on your own, and


(3) You identify the source on your own, and


(4) You collect, analyze, and analyze the data on your own.


(5) You develop an argument on your own to the effect that your hypothesis (refutation of Ebata's argument) is adopted (not rejected), and


(6) You describe all of the above (1)-(5) in your own words


I would judge that the "Burden of Proof Principle" has been met, with all of this process being described in the email.


At least the last one, 'describe in your own words', is absolute.



I spend an enormous amount of time, head and money (my own money) when I write my columns, and I have the cooperation of many people.


I demand the same level of cost (load) for those who attempt to give me an opinion (rebuttal).


In terms of quantity, it's like, "At the very least, it's not going to be less than 50 lines of mail.


Other people who contact you using an e-mail address not listed in the column are out of line.



Please observe this level of civility, however formal it may be.


I have neither the will nor the time to communicate with someone who suddenly calls me 'unlearned'.



I was fortunate to receive a best paper award at an international conference this year.


I am so lucky that even now I wonder, 'Were I being cheated?


To be honest, I even thought that the paper would not even be accepted, let alone win the best paper award.


This is because I wrote this paper in the same style of the columns I usually write.


つまり、怒りや、不満や、後悔や、そして現場で立て続けに発生する不具合、文句、クレームなどを ―― 、赤裸々に 、しかし、論文の体裁を越えない範囲で ―― 書き殴ったものだからです。

In other words, it is a bare-bones description of anger, frustration, regret, problems, complaints, and claims that keep cropping up in the field, without going beyond the style of a thesis statement.


In a nutshell, the paper was like a "list of minefields for field trials," and was the culmination of a protest against "those who talk about 'field trials' so casually".


In hindsight, I think,

―― そこがウケたのかな?

"Was that what they liked about it?"



The paper reviewer may have been someone who had seen 'hell' in a field trial.


If they are such persons, it is possible that they may have "emotionally accepted (adopted) the paper before examining the content carefully".


If I were a reviewer, I would do so(I assure you).


Therefore, if you are a researcher, I recommend that you try to write a paper that puts emotion not only front but also all.



If possible, I strongly recommend writing in a language other than Japanese.


I know from experience that there will be fewer claims from various parts of the domestic.



I am a late night person, but I am also a late morning person.


Most of the time when I wake up, there is no one in the house.



The other day, the reading light in my wife's bed was left on for three days in a row.


On days when the reading light was off, the closet light was left on.

これ、何かの示唆? 暗喩? 暗号?

Is this an indication of something? A metaphor? A code?

―― 何か、マズいことしたっけ?

"Did I do something wrong?"


I was getting blue cold.


I pretended to be casual and asked my wife about it, and she said, 'I just kept forgetting to turn it off.



By the way, I believe this, don't I?



With regard to the former U.S. President, President Trump, the Japanese media has been reporting the following news day after day.

―― 明日にでもトランプ大統領が罷免・弾劾される

"President Trump will be removed from office and impeached tomorrow"



After all, he has not been removed from office, impeached, or prosecuted by the judiciary (Though I don't know about the civil trial).

つまり、日本のマスコミが流していたニュースは、ことごとく、的を外していた ―― というよりは、

In other words, the news that the Japanese press was spreading was, at every turn, missing the point -- or rather,


"They kept on releasing news that was popular with the Japanese"



Because President Trump was not well-received by the Japanese people (including myself).


Incidentally, I don't know of any story of the media 'self-criticism' of the content or results of these news items.



Therefore, it may be a good idea to consider that "news that is popular with the Japanese people may continue to be broadcast on a priority basis" with regard to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


In particular, we should pay special attention to the "Ukrainian military superiority" story.


This is because the news is "popular" among us Japanese.



I try not to make too many political statements because I don't like to be embarrassed later.


When I decide to make a political statement, I set my own criteria so that I do not later blame others (e.g., Internet news, etc.) for my decision.



My own criteria are, for example, self-interest or a comparison of where the news source originates.



I watched "BS World Documentary 'The Queen and the Coup'".


It was so much fun.


The conspiracy, in which the U.S. government, without telling the British government, "used the name of Elizabeth II to discourage the then King Pahlavi from fleeing the country," was carefully explained.


I thought it was 'more interesting than the movie' because it was full of stories about bribes and spreading disinformation (now called this fake news) in order to defeat political opponents.



Stories of state overthrow by U.S. intelligence that I can quickly recall include Guatemala, Cuba, Chile, and Nicaragua.

ベトナムの軍事侵攻で派手に転けてから、米国は表立っては、軍事侵攻はやらず(思い出したようにやっていますが(例 湾岸戦争、イラク戦争))、基本的には、インテリジェンスで、近隣国家に、ちょっかいをかけ続けています。

Since its spectacular military invasion of Vietnam, the U.S. has not overtly launched military invasions (although it does so when it remembers (e.g., the Gulf War and Iraq War)), but has basically continued to meddle with neighboring countries through intelligence.


Even Russia would have intelligence of considerable size and capability, and would be one of the best in the world at cyber intrusion.


So I think,

―― 何やってんだ?

"What is Russia doing?"


インテリジェンスでもサイバー攻撃もやらずに、いきなり他国に武力で流れ込んだのだとしたら ―― もう文句のつけようのないほどの『バカ』だと思います。

If they suddenly flowed into another country by force of arms without doing any intelligence or cyber attacks -- I think they are now unquestionably 'stupid'.


Maybe they tried, but it didn't work out, I think.


『1940年のヨーロッパの戦争映画』のような酷い風景や人々の境遇を、2022年の現在に再現する―― その前世代的なアプローチに、私は、心底うんざりして、腹を立てています。

I am truly disgusted and offended by the pre-generational approach of recreating the terrible landscapes and conditions of people in the present day, in 2022, as in "European war movies of 1940."


As that "rude junior" said...

―― 『宇宙戦争』とまでは言わないまでも、『サイバー戦争』くらいのことが、できんかったのか

"Couldn't they have done something more like "cyber warfare", if not "space warfare"?"


I do agree with him.



I have long thought that Tsurukawa, Machida City, Tokyo, where I used to live,

―― クリミア半島に似ている

"resembles the Crimea Peninsula".



地図を見比べてみると ――

Comparing the maps,


"Kodomo no kuni" and "Sebastopol"


"Midoriyama Futsal Park" and "Eftparia"


I feel they apply.


Well, Tsurukawa has no sea (Black Sea).


Not only the Tsurukawa district, but the entire Tama area seemed to have a very "unnatural topography" for an administrative district of Tokyo.



So, I did some digging, I found the following line.


"On April 1, 1893, the three Tama areas (Nishitama, Kita-Tama, and Minamitama) were transferred from Kanagawa Prefecture to Tokyo Prefecture in order to secure a water source and control water quality for Tamagawa Josui, Tokyo Prefecture's water supply"


However, I thought 'Isn't that logic a bit of a stretch? (absolutely impossible for Tsurukawa area)" So I looked further and found it.


"It is believed that this was a measure to weaken the influence of the Liberal Party by transferring the three Tama areas (Nishitama, Minamitama, and Kitatama), which had been the center of the Liberal Civil Rights Movement, from Kanagawa Prefecture to Tokyo Prefecture."


See? I knew it!


And, it seems that


"At the time, the Liberal Party members of the prefectural assembly strongly opposed the transfer to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government"



さらに調べてみたのですが ――

I looked into it further--

三多摩自由民権運動の最高指導者である、石坂昌孝(1841-1907)は、第1回衆議院議員総選挙(神奈川県小選挙区 神奈川3区)初当選しております。

Ishizaka Masataka (1841-1907), the supreme leader of the Mittama Liberal Civil Rights Movement, was first elected to the House of Representatives in the first general election (Kanagawa Prefecture primary election, Kanagawa Ward 3).


However, he was elected for his third and fourth terms in Tokyo's 13th ward.


In other words,


"The government was trying to cut off the opposition (Liberal Party) by forcing them to change their constituencies"


This seems to have been the purpose behind the transfer of the Tama area to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.



In any case, if there is a "strangely shaped administrative district," whether it is a state or a municipality, it is a good idea to suspect "political strife (or war) in the past" first.



I am disappointed in the reality that "even in the age of the Internet, information control by the state is possible.

30年くらい前、私は、"World Peace on the Internet(インターネットによる世界平和)"という理念を持っていました。

About 30 years ago, I had a philosophy called "World Peace on the Internet.


However, instead of world peace, I am witnessing the "daily use of slander and libel through the abuse of anonymity" and "the use of political parties as tools to incite the people" through e-mail, bulletin boards, and social networking services.


This was the first setback.

そして、今、"World Citizen on the Internet(インターネットによる世界市民)"という理念が、見事に壊されています。

And now the "World Citizen on the Internet" philosophy is being spectacularly destroyed.


The second setback, to rave reviews, is underway.



I used to do research on telecommunication networks, so I know the following


Information does not come from the cloud; rather, it is more like the image of a "water pipe."



Every country has something like an IPX, a "main valve" through which domestic and international information is routed.


I knew that we could easily create a "state of information seclusion" as long as a power controls IPX.

―― まあ、そういうことをする政府が出てくるとは思えないけどね

"Well, any government do not that"


I thought I was being carefree, but I really was carefree.



For example, the Chinese government has perfected a brilliant "information control system" on that vast continent.


In fact, when I was in Guangzhou, China on a business trip during the Senkaku Islands issue, I was severely affected by this system.


I once had a hotel security come to my room because I couldn't access a Japanese site (my web management system), and I said, 'It's a communication problem, I need you to look at it.

パソコンを覗き込んだ彼の表情 ―― 苦笑いするような顔 ―― を見て、一瞬に状況を察しました。

I looked at his expression as he looked into the computer -- a bitter smile on his face -- and instantly knew what was going on.


The Russian government also seems to have achieved a block on the inflow of information from abroad.


I believe that considerable high technology, human resources, and costs are involved.

ITエンジニアとしては、そのタスクに対して敬意を払えるレベルです ―― その是非はさておき。

As an IT engineer, I have a level of respect for that task --- leaving aside the pros and cons of this.



If I have a third setback, it is "falsification of history".

現在、戦争当事国であるロシアが、国民の支持を得るために情報統制するのは、まあ、ある意味当然と言えます ―― その是非はさておき。

Now that the Russian government is a party to the war, it is, in a sense, natural for the Russian government to control information in order to gain public support -- the pros and cons aside.


The problem is postwar.


Today, even at the civilian level, information about the war is accumulating.

これが戦後に公開されれば、普通に考えれば、現政権は倒れます ―― 倒れるはずです。

If this is made public after the war, the current government would normally fall -- I think.



Incidentally, "historical falsification" is an important task of state power.


Japan also has a "Nihon Shoki" (Chronicles of Japan), a "great book of historical falsification" that is the foundation of our country today.



The problem is that this "falsification of history" is achieved through IT.


This is what is called "Tiananmen Square Incident" search is not available.


If this is the case, then it is also going to be quite possible that the search cannot be done for "invasion of Ukraine".


After all, 'information is destined to be controlled by the state.'

"World Citizen on the Internet(インターネットによる世界市民)"

"World Citizen on the Internet"


is nothing more than "Ebata's bedtime story," which will be confirmed in due course, after all.



So, if our country were to become a party to a war, would the Japanese government also control IPX?


I am negative on this hypothesis.


It seems to me that information from abroad does not spread well in Japan.


This is because our country has a strong firewall of "Japanese citizens who are not loved by English".



Yesterday, after finishing discussing the proposed structure of my March column with my "rude junior," we got to talking about Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


He was acclaimed highly in the following phrase,



"If an appeal to humanity doesn't work for you, I'll appeal to your egoism: the future of Ukrainian citizens is the future of Leaflet."




I love this phrase, too, so I reposted it.


You know that I do not have the qualities to preach "humanitarianism" or "humanity" or "morality" or "public interest" to others.

もし一回でも「人道主義」を口にすれば、その後の人生において、それが自分に纏(まと)わりついてくるに違いない ―― という、変な思い込みもあります。

I have a strange belief that if I say "humanitarianism" even once, it will stick with me for the rest of my life.


That is why the "excuses of 'selfishness'" is the greatest gift for people like me.



So here's my conclusion for today.

―― もし、私の「利己主義」を発動させたいのであれば、私(江端)が無視できないほどの優れたOSSを開発をすべきである

"If you want to invoke my "selfishness", you should develop OSS so good that I (Ebata) cannot ignore it!"


That's it.


At present, my "countries where self-interest might be triggered" are

米国(PostgreSQL,Gun Emacs, C/C++、golang、AWS)、フィンランド(Linux), スイス(u-blox),イギリス(Raspberry Pi)ですね。

USA (PostgreSQL, Gun Emacs, C/C++, golang, AWS), Finland (Linux), Switzerland (u-blox),UK (Raspberry Pi).

この理屈で言えば、私は『日米安保"支持"』 ―― どころか『日米安保"絶賛"』になります。

By this logic, I am not only a "supporter" of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, but also a "praise" of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty.


I know that my support will not be enough to help them, however.

『World Peace Through OSS (OSSによる世界平和)』

"World Peace Through OSS"


I think there are many people (IT engineers) in our country who are moved by the phrase.



Yesterday was our wedding anniversary.


I picked up my wife from work at the station and headed out for dinner.

車を走らせながら、店を選ぶことにしましたが ―― 「マック」「サイゼ」「バーミヤン」はないとしても、「丸亀製麺」「立川マシマシラーメン」には、ちょっと引きつけられました。

As I drove around, I decided to choose a restaurant -- even though there was no "Mac", "Saizeria", or "Bamiyan", I was a bit drawn to "Marugame Seimen" and "Tachikawa Masashi Ramen".


However, as a wedding anniversary, I thought it was out of the question.


The choice was narrowed down to two options: conveyor-belt sushi and Chinese food, but in the end we decided on the latter.


Two of us ate Szechuan hot pot (bright red hot pot) with fried rice.



The Ebata family has no problem with most spicy food, partly due to my influence (I make a lot of very hot curry).


According to my daughter, she complains that she is no longer able to empathize with 'spicy food' when she eats spicy food with her friends.



It was a long time ago, but I wrote a column, whose title was


'Is There Enough Electricity in Japan? --Let's try to verify it by converting it into "the number of maids"'

というコラムで、大停電 ―― ブラックアウト について書きました。

about major power outage -- "blackout".


In my estimation, the blackout in Japan will occur in "mid-summer".

まさか、地震 → 発電所停止 → 寒波 → 真冬のブラックアウト で、その危険がやってくるとは予想もしていませんでした。

I never expected that the danger would come in the form of an earthquake → power plant shutdown → cold wave → midwinter blackout.


The "Power Tight Alert".


ところで、大声では言えませんが ――

By the way, there is something I can't say out loud.


One of the quickest ways to promote electric vehicles (EVs), renewables, and large-scale energy storage systems is to have frequent power outages.


By analogy, an EV is a moving storage battery, so a single-family home may be able to guarantee electricity for a few hours.


In reality, it is not that simple, as a DC to AC conversion device is required, which is expensive and requires installation work.


In countries where power outages were common (such as India in the past), each household was equipped with a battery, which was utilized during power outages.

しかし、上記のコラムにも書いていますが、電力は「社会システムの血液」ですので、これが安定供給されない社会は、不安なインフラを抱えることになります ―― これは、人命に関わることです。

However, as noted in the above column, electricity is the "blood of the social system," and a society without a stable supply of it will have an insecure infrastructure -- this is a matter of human life.



It may seem that the only way to achieve carbon neutrality is to 'restart nuclear power plants.


However, as you know, our country has had a lot of bad experiences with nuclear accidents.


In addition, it is said that another 200 years will be needed to complete the decommissioning of nuclear power plants.


In general, our country and nuclear energy, be it nuclear power or atomic bombs, are thoroughly incompatible.



As an ambitious idea, I will propose

―― 計画的ブラックアウト

"Planned blackout"


『EVと分散蓄電池 + 自然エネルギーで、社会インフラを支える国家』というビジョンは、多分、世界を驚かすと思いますが、どうでしょうか?

I think the vision of "a nation that supports social infrastructure with EVs and distributed storage batteries + natural energy" will probably surprise the world.



By the way, when I was about 20 years old, most of the people who were doing research on "solar power" were called 'idiots' who were wasting their research money on unrealistic research.

これは本当です ―― なにしろ、大学時代に私が所属していたゼミの話ですから。

This was true -- anyway, this is the story of my laboratory in college.



I was quite surprised when I was told about the "principle of national treatment" among the three conditions of the Paris Convention.


Furthermore, I was astonished when I learned about the "most-favored-nation treatment" under GATT (I learned it from the TRIP article).


Most-favored-nation treatment is "the granting by one party to a treaty of commerce and navigation or commercial agreement of treatment no less favorable than that of a third country which gives the most favorable treatment to the other party in matters of commerce, customs, navigation, etc." -- but


To put this in a meta-expression without fear of misunderstanding, it is O.K. to understand it like this: "If you sell rice to a foreign country, you must sell it at the same price as the country that sells the lowest price.


Moreover, the rule is very open: "We don't care whether the country selling at the lowest price is a member of the WTO or not.


Needless to say, modern international trade has been supported by this "most-favored-nation treatment.

この「最恵国待遇」による国際貿易は、「World Peace through Trade(貿易を通じての世界平和)」の理念の一つであり、ニューヨークのマンハッタンに"The World Trade Center"が設立趣旨と聞いたことがあります。

This "MFN" international trade is one of the principles of "World Peace through Trade," and I have heard that "The World Trade Center" was established in Manhattan, New York.


Well, it was later doomed to collapse in the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States.



I'm trying very hard right now to remember what it used to be like.

―― 「最恵国待遇の『撤回』」って、どの条文を適用するんだっけ?

"Which article applies to "the 'withdrawal' of MFN treatment"?"


I am doing a lot of research on this.


Of course, this refers to the "withdrawal of MFN treatment" of Russia by the G7 countries, but I don't recall studying such a case.


So, after a long time, I opened the "Six Laws of Intellectual Property" and read through them, but I still could not find such a "sanction clause".


Then the last article of the TRIPS Agreement,


第七十三条 安全保障のための例外

Article 73 Exceptions for Security


Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as providing for any of the following

(B) 加盟国が自国の安全保障上の重大な利益の保護のために必要と認める次のいずれかの措置をとることを妨げること。(iii)戦時その他の国際関係の緊急時にとる措置

(B) Preventing a Member State from taking any of the following measures that it deems necessary for the protection of its vital security interests (iii) Measures taken in time of war or other emergency of international relations

(C) 加盟国が国際の平和及び安全の維持のため国際連合憲章に基づく義務に従って措置をとることを妨げること。

(C) preventing Member States from taking measures in accordance with their obligations under the Charter of the United Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security



I wonder if the G7 countries apply the above article.


In other words, it could be interpreted as 'It is not a provision that must be observed until (1) Japan is in a state of war, (2) Japan is disadvantaged, or (C) Japan is in violation of the Charter of the United Nations.


I see, hence the (strange) phrase 'withdrawal of "MFN treatment"'.


But there doesn't seem to be any provision for "expulsion" from the WTO in TRIP, only "withdrawal" from GATT Article 31 here.


In any case, it seems to me that "withdrawal of MFN treatment" is about as powerful as "nuclear missiles on trade".



And well, now I am escaping reality because I cannot identify the conditions under which a bug in the program occurs.

# 今、特定および修正完了しました。午前3時です。

# Now identified and corrected. It is 3:00 AM.