
すっげー忙しくて、苦しくて、時間がないのですが、今度の学会用プレゼン資料用に、こんな絵を作っていました ―― フリー素材をかき集めて、2時間もかけて。

I've been busy, struggling, and I don't have much time, but I was making this picture for a presentation material for an upcoming conference -- two hours of scouring free materials.


It is a typical 'escape from reality.'



Aaahhhh, all kinds of trouble, I hate it!


I've been staring at my computer for over 12 hours daily this summer vacation, but the program doesn't work as I want.


I wish tomorrow would never come.


I feel the same way as many children on August 31.






―― 快適な閉空間での食事をする為の、積極的なトイレでの食事の利用


I discussed this with my oldest daughter, who has only done one trial.


Listen to this story,

―― 娘に負けた

"My daughter beat me."


I was gutted.



Based on the fieldwork, my daughter identified the following issues.


(1) Convenience store lunches, for example, tend to make a lot of noise, and there is a high risk of being recognized by others." Therefore, light meals (e.g., sweet bread) are limited to those that do not make a "noise."


Cause of people coming and going, I don't feel very comfortable.


I asked about 'resistance to hygiene,' she said she wasn't too concerned.


Well, I am waiting for the publication of future studies on quantitative comparisons in this area.



As a joke, I did an article and literature search using "lunch in the toilet" in Japanese as a keyword,

―― ヒット数、59件

"Number of hits, 59."



I wasn't sure how to say these Japanese words in English, so I searched for them using the following search key.

"food in the toilet" | "food in toilet" | "lunch in the toilet" | "lunch in toilet"

―― ヒット数、60件

"Number of hits, 60"


Yeah, it's okay.


"Food in the toilet" is international and becoming increasingly global.



Like many other children, my daughters get into all kinds of trouble.


(For example, the story on this page.)


However, I seldom receive stories of trouble.



The Ebata family seems to have its troubleshooting workflow system.

(Step 1) 娘(たち) → 嫁さんへのインシデントの相談

(Step 1) Daughter(s) → Wife to discuss the incident

(Step 2) 娘(たち)嫁さんによる、その問題に対する重大度の評価

(Step 2) Assessment of the severity of the problem by the daughter(s) and wife


And so far, the case seems to be generally cleared up, but very rarely,

(Step 3)父親(私)への、問題解決への依頼

(Step 3) Request the father (me) to solve the problem


occurs, it seems to be the case.


This is the reason why it is "unreachable."


江端:「なんで? 私の問題への対応と解決は、確実で早いよ」

Ebata: "Why not? My response and solution to their problem is sure and fast."


Wife: "Yes. So far, I've seen 'the first missile fired, usually within two hours of consulting.'"


Ebata: "Well..."


Wife: "Because your solution is to launch a tactical nuke into an infantry battle."



Yeah, that may be true.


My solution is often to 'blow up the entire conflict zone,' including allies.


For example,

- 部活が問題なら、その部を廃部に追い込む。

- If club activities are the problem, the club will be discontinued.

- 学校が問題なら、校長を退任させるか、可能なら学校を廃校に追い込む

- If the school is the problem, get the principal out of office or, if possible, close the school.

- 当事者間の事前協議をすっとばして、いきなり法的手続を開始する

- Skipping the prior consultation between the parties and starting legal proceedings out of the blue


In other words, "to eliminate the cause of the problem at its root.



So, when my wife makes a "request" to me, she will also attach a "compromise" to it.


For example, 'I don't mind sacrificing a couple of people, but it doesn't have to drive us to abolition.


My wife (civilian officer) directs the strategy, and I (military officer) plan and execute the tactics.


This is the "Ebata Family Civilian Control."

―― 教師と紛争を起して、トラブルを法廷に持ち込んでみませんか

―― あなたは、その宿題と、うまくうけば、その教師も、ほぼ確実に「潰す」ことができます。



I, right now, am manually correcting a 1,296,984 line file.


I have been doing this all week, and I am going crazy.


I am depressed to find out that my map information, which I spent all three days working on, was completely unusable.


However, engineers who have always avoided human relationships and made a living only from this kind of "muddy work" do not know any other way to live.



Recently, I have been consulting with "chatGPT" almost 100% of the time.


I am getting help from chatGPT with a poor question.

- Golangで文字列を整数にするコード書いて

- Write code in Golang to turn strings into integers.

- Golangのコマンド引数のコードの書き方を教えて

- Tell me how to write code for command arguments in Golang.

- Golangでも文字列から"("と")"を取り除くコードを作って

- In Golang, create code to remove "(" and ")" from a string.



Such as,

『ふざけるな! その程度のこと、自分で調べろ!!』

'Don't be silly! You'll have to find out that much on your own!'


And now I am not afraid to talk to the generative AI about how I have been yelled at by my seniors and yelled at by my juniors.


ロシアは酷い国だ、中国は酷い国だ、韓国は酷い国だ、北朝鮮は酷い国だ ―― と、ニュースを見るたびに、私たちは思います。

Russia is a terrible country; China is a terrible country; South Korea is a terrible country; North Korea is a terrible country -- every time we watch the news.


But to the same extent that we think, the people of foreign countries must believe that Japan is a terrible country.


There is no such thing as "only Japan is a clean country.


I wonder if someone could do a "special "Japan is a terrible country" news program of overseas.

視聴率は取れないだろうし、炎上の嵐になることは確実なのですが ―― でも、見たい。

I know they won't get any ratings, and it's sure to be a firestorm -- but I'd like to watch it.



When I talked to my wife about this,


'Do we have to worry about public opinion outside the country?'


She said.


Japanese people living in Japan should be okay with that, as long as we think 'only Japan is a clean country.'

―― 実に清々しい

"How bracing!"


I was moved to her.



In the month following the defeat in the Pacific War, Prime Minister Toshihiko Higashi Kuuni launched a new concept called "100 Million Repentance.

『日本をこんな悲劇に追い込んだのは、一体誰?』という、敗戦後に登場してくる国民感情、そしてGHQへのイクスキューズ(いい訳)を、戦後の新しい首相は、総括しなければならなかったのです ―― 気の毒なことに。

The new postwar prime minister had to sum up the public sentiment that emerged after the defeat and the ire of GHQ: "Who the hell drove Japan into this tragedy? " Sorry to hear that.


First, in the usual sense, they are the military, which lost the war and has continued to cover it up, and the media, which cooperated with the army.


However, from the viewpoint of the authority of command over the military, the responsibility for the war naturally falls on "the Emperor."


But this wasn't good for our country.


Even under the current Constitution, His Majesty the Emperor is the highest "root certification authority" in our country, and the entire certification system, including the certification authority, is structured as the "Emperor System.


Moreover, under the old constitution (the Constitution of the Empire of Japan), the emperor hold was not only "Japan's greatest credit system" but also a spiritual pillar for many people.


Interestingly, the victorious United States of America, which decided that the occupation policy would be impossible without the Εmperor, scrambled to protect the Εmperor and the Εmperor's nature (Tokyo Trials).



In a nutshell, "100 million repentance" is a hyper-distributed treatment of war responsibility to the entire nation.


This would be the antithesis of the hyper-centralized treatment of war responsibility, the Εmperor's war responsibility.


This may have been an attempt to create public opinion that the responsibility for the war should be "super-distributed" before GHQ took action against the Emperor System.


If that is the case (and I am sure it is), it is a perfect strategy.



I would have yelled at the "100 Million Penitents" in the past, "Screw you! But not so much these days.


Okay, it may have been the government and the military that started the war, but the media incited the outbreak of war, and the Japanese people danced to it.

現時点の研究から、当時の政府や軍部の多くの人間が『米国と戦争? 正気か?』と考えていたことは、分かっています。


From the current research, many people in the government and military at the time were thinking, "War with the U.S.? Are you insane?"



And it is a fact that public opinion supported the few who started the war.



After the war, we have treated the teaching, "If you can't win the war, don't start it, you idiot," as if it were a golden rule.


And as August 15 approaches, NHK's special program comes to air "Japan, the Stupid Country that Tried to Fight an Unwinnable War.


Of course, this is right and good.


At all times, the historical review is essential.


I hope this kind of documentary program will continue yearly without interruption.



On the other hand, I feel that the fundamental distrust of the government (power) among us Japanese began at this time.


The government has deceived us quite often before and after the war.


And, the media is.


Of course, I (Ebata) am too.



However, a 'government of complete honesty and integrity' is also a problem.


The government's essential job is to deceive the public and foreign countries by lying and bluffing.


Nevertheless, as long as I live in this country, a government that is not a war party is essential.

例えば ――

For example--


(1) We don't provide arms to allies or countries that share the same values, though,


(2) When our country is fighting a defensive war, we want our allies and countries that share our values to provide us with weapons.


So that we can continue to be unreasonable and selfish.


Even if countries keep sighing at us and saying, 'Japan, you are so annoying,' we want the government to keep up the excellent work so that we can keep doing it.


The concept is "sneaky is good."



I am a self-proclaimed "supporter of all creators," although I am not identified as an "otaku.


I want to participate in the Comic Market, if possible.


However, I am confident that I will die of heat stroke during the waiting time (6 hours?) to enter the summer Comic Market.



In response, I was once asked, 'Why don't you join us as an exhibitor?' I have received a proposal to do so.


However, I feel that it is disrespectful to the high level of awareness of the people participating in Comiket, and above all, I am not comfortable participating in an event that "barters my life" in light of my physical fitness.



So, I have a suggestion,

―― コミケに「高齢者枠」とか「VIP(政治家枠)」という"ファストチケット"制度を導入するのはどうでしょうか

"How about introducing a "fast-ticket" system at Comiket, such as a "senior citizen quota" or "VIP (politician) quota"?"


I think it is probably a good thing in many ways for older people to participate in Comiket out of curiosity.


I think it is a rare opportunity to see the understanding of creativity, the high level of the content field in our country, and the seriousness of the younger generation.


As for VIPs (politicians), I think it is a "yes" strategy to put Comiket in summits and international conferences for foreign dignitaries while excluding hopelessly dim-witted elderly politicians from the beginning.



Diplomatically, if we can make people think, "Japanese youth are scary," then we win.



I have been working remotely from home for the past three years or so and have noticed something.


"Many neighborhood broadcasts of requests to search for wandering(*) older adults."



I say "many," but it's only about once a week.



Incidentally, according to the data, the number of missing persons among these wandering elderly is 17,565 per year (in 2022).


"Missing" means "still unaccounted for," so I think they are deceased (if my interpretation is incorrect, please point it out).


I have in my mind the number of 5,000 traffic fatalities per year and 20,000 suicides per year, so this number of missing persons is significant.


In terms of one day, 48 persons/day.

日本の国土面積は、378,000 km2 で、携帯電話のカーバー率からざっくり、この1/3のエリアに人が住んでいるとして、124,000 km2

The total land area of Japan is 378,000 km2, and based on the cell phone coverage rate, we can roughly assume that 1/3 of this area is inhabited, which is 124,000 km2.

町内放送のカバーエリア、高齢者の1日の最大移動距離を10kmとして、私の主観でざっくり314km2 (半径10km)として、400エリアに分類できると仮定すると、町内放送の発生率は8.3日に1回となります。

Assuming that the coverage area of the town broadcasts and the maximum daily travel distance of older people is 10 km, roughly 314 km2 (10 km radius), which is my subjective estimate, and assuming that the area can be classified into 400 regions, the incidence of the town broadcasts is once every 8.3 days.


Even if it were Fermi's estimation, I think this calculation is too crude.


For the most part, not everyone who was broadcasted in town should be missing.



I am impressed that 'neighborhood broadcasts' is pretty awesome.


No matter how widespread the use of smartphones becomes, media that appeal only to the human auditory sense is the most powerful.


It can undoubtedly limit (locally) the number of people involved (collaborators) and is expected to be effective.


In general, digital is convenient, but it still cannot match the power of analog.



(*) In recent years, an increasing number of local governments have changed the term "wandering" to "walking alone," but there is no request from the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare to use this terminology.



Of the 3.1 million people who died in the Pacific War (not including non-combatants),

―― 実に"7割"が、戦死ではなく、病死(マラリアなど)であった

"70%" were not killed in action but died of disease (malaria, etc.).


I was pretty shocked when I learned this.


When I told my wife this story, she was also surprised.


Most Japanese soldiers died because they were not even allowed to fight.



I have been researching the Japanese military during the Pacific War.


And the more I looked into it, the more I came to one certainty.


"If I replaced all the Japanese people of today with all the Japanese people of then, we would do the same thing."





I am not condemning the Japanese as a people.

私は、私を非難しているのです ―― 自己批判ならぬ、自己非難です。

I am blaming myself -- not self-criticism, but self-condemnation.


It is because, at my age, I have come to understand that I, as a mere member of society, who does not have my life in danger, am a person who


"looks to my superiors,"


"makes discoveries,"


"turns a blind eye to unreasonableness and irrationality in the workplace," and


"does not lend a helping hand to those in need.



ましてや、もし自分が、国家が戦争という体制の中で、言論を弾圧し、思想を統制し、力で世論を捻じ伏せるという状況に置かれたら ―― と仮定した場合、

And if I were placed in a situation where the state, in a system of war, suppressed speech, controlled thought, and subdued public opinion by force -


I could be sure that I would be the one to write the "Banzai for the Great Patriotic Party" column.

しかも、性(たち)が悪いことに、「イヤイヤ」でなく、「ノリノリ」で書きそうです ―― 数字を使い倒して。

And, what's worse, I will write "in the groove" instead of "reluctantly" -- using numbers all over the place.



I have said this many times before, and I will repeat it.


I am not a person who stands on the side of justice.


I am a person who stands on the side of my self-preservation.


I don't want you to expect anything from me.



Junior: "Mr. Ebata, can you tolerate this behavior?"


Ebata: "What are you talking about? I'm just a 'company dog.'"


Every year, as August 15 approaches, I recall this exchange with a junior as I watch the NHK special.

NHKスペシャル選 新・ドキュメント太平洋戦争1942大日本帝国の分岐点 後編



In addition to this, this year also brings to mind the Bataan Death March.


I cannot stay outdoors this summer, even for just two minutes.


When I go outdoors, I feel my body burning.

誰か『この夏の昼に、コロナに感染している状態で、水と食料がほとんど与えられず、3日間かけて、83km歩く』という実験してくれないかな ―― まあ、しないでしょうが。

I wonder if someone does the 'walk 83 km over three days, with little water and food, with a corona infection, at noon this summer' experiment -- well, they won't.



I still tell myself, 'Even if I have to die without knowing why, I deserved it on someone else's orders.



In "Chronicle on the Sand" by Yoichi Funado, there is a conversation between an elderly Muslim warrior.


Though I don't have the book with me, so I don't remember exactly,


'Today, I put an egg in it.'


'No need for such hospitality.'


'I want to eat.'


The above scenes like this one appear.


I remember being shocked to learn that eggs are a luxury item in some (combat) areas.


The recent spike in egg prices reminds us of this scene.



In the old days, we could eat eggs whenever and as much as we wanted. We could say that no food did not contain eggs.


Father! Please don't do it! You can't teach that kind of bullshit to a child!


I hope such a time never comes.


江端さんのひとりごと'93 『消えたスキーツアー』