

I am truly upset about the automated check-in system for airline tickets of one airline (let's call it Company A).


■When I access the web mileage system, it says, "No ticketing."


■I installed the app on my phone, and it says, "No ticketing,"


■When I got a check-in follow-up 24 hours ago with the attached URL, the same thing as above repeatedly,


I tried calling them, but they never connected, and when I called late last night, they refused to return my call.



What if I cannot arrive at a given time due to a sudden family member's misfortune or a traffic delay?


Do I "lose money" without being able to contact you?



This morning, I went to the check-in counter, which was full of automated check-in machines, and no one was there.

自動チェックイン装置に入れたら、何もなかったかのようにさっくりチェックインできましたが ―― これはこれで、腹が立つ。

When I put the ticket information in the automatic check-in device, I was able to check in quickly and efficiently as if nothing had happened -- which, by the way, pisses me off.



I don't need such a service if you can't run a web-based system properly.


I don't doubt you have a quota to reduce labor costs, but I hope you realize you are causing so much pain to your customers.

―― と、ここで私が叫んでいても、ちゃんと対応しないだろうから、この全文を、後程A社にメールで送りつけます。

-- and since they won't be able to respond even if I'm here yelling, I'll email this full text to Company A later.



Lately, every one of the PCs I use has been breaking down, and my laptop keeps malfunctioning.


I have to attend a conference this weekend, and the thought of my PC freezing up the day before or during my presentation is maddening and frightening.

そこで、次女のPCを貸して貰うことになったのですが ―― 昨晩、それも壊しかけました。

I was asked to borrow my second daughter's, and I nearly broke that last night, too.

不要なプロセスが山のように動いていて、動作が遅いので、その幾つかを停止させたら ―― パスワードを受けつけなくなりました。

Many unnecessary processes were running, and the PC was overloaded, so I stopped some of them—and they stopped accepting passwords.


The machine is the fourth Windows PC to have problems since the holidays.


This time, as before, I had to work with the screaming.


If her network password were to be disabled, it could spread to another PC belonging to the second daughter, causing enormous damage to the preparation of her graduation thesis.


From one end of the line, I happened to hit one of the other passwords as I was typing in the other passwords, which helped this time.


But I am a bad guy when I rely on such coincidences.



In the world,


'Han' of God': someone with exceptional skills and abilities who produces miraculous results in their field.


'Green hand': someone good at growing plants and can make any plant grow healthy.


I heard the persons like above, however in my case,


'Devil hand,' 'Destruction hand,' 'Death hand,' 'Curse hand.'


I think I can describe myself as the above.

自分の首さえも、締める" 手" です。

It is a hand that even tightens my neck.



I suspect that the cause of this is the 'Microsoft curse.'

Window10 Antimalware Service Executableの優先度を下げる (マイクロソフト社ってバカなの?)


Please let me know if anyone knows of any religious shrines in the country that celebrate Microsoft Co.


I now dedicate the amount the shrine orders.



Amazon offers 64 episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist.


My wife is now watching the animation on the TV in the living room all the time.

上手く "嵌った" ように見えます。

It looks like it 'fits' well.


Well, I don't know yet.



One of the criteria distinguishing children from adults is the understanding that 


'what you think is good for you is not necessarily good for others.'



It is tough to deal with what are known as subcultures.


(1) No interest in or dislike the content at all in the first place


(2) No opportunity to come into contact with its content.


Two things are complicated to determine.



The above is true not only for subcultures but also for all fields.


People tend to impose their assumptions on others.



For example, I consider English, mathematics, and law' useful weapons,' but I have entirely given up on trying to get others to understand this.


'It's all I can do to hope that I can meet them at the right time.

―― 英語でも数学でも読書でも、それが必要となった時点で、自分でちゃんと考えて苦労しろ



However, there are cases where 'pushing' can work well.


So it is distressing.


For example, I gave up on the 'junior high school entrance exam' early after seeing my daughters' academic performance. Still, my wife did not give up and patiently continued studying with her daughters.


I confirmed that she would have passed if my wife had applied to secondary school with me.


I think my daughters gained all the vested interests they could subsequently gain through the success of these secondary school exams.


Anyway, I believe that my wife's stance at this time (running with the children) was an excellent model of success.


In some cases, the state imposes this on children.



'Compulsory education' is, after all, an 'imposition.'


It is also true that this 'imposition' maintains a certain level of education and a minimum level of well-being for the population.


サブカルチャーと義務教育を同じフェーズで論じるのは、滅茶苦茶だと、私も思うのですが ――

I also think it's a mess to discuss subcultures and compulsory education in the same phase--


Well, sharing specific content with others can be 'abusive.'


However, there are cases where educating a child who does not like to study cannot be ruled out as 'abuse.'


I still do not know what the boundaries are.



Episode 64 of Fullmetal Alchemist(Hagaren) is available now on Amazon.com.


Hagaren, I can watch it again and again.

「鋼の錬金術師」「銀の匙」「百姓貴族」―― これを、同じ作者様が創作されている、というのが凄いと思います。

Fullmetal Alchemist", "Silver Spoon," and "Peasant Aristocrats." Amazingly, the same author created these.


They are all excellent pieces of work.


I am working on simulations and conference presentation materials while running Hagaren on the back end.


When I don't look at the screen and only listen to the audio, Detective Conan energetically goes about his evil business (Envy).


Incidentally, in this anime, 'the protagonist is set up as being morbidly concerned about his short stature.'



We are a family of four with a 1:3 ratio of men and women.


So, I can hear as much as I want about what type of man a woman likes.


Among them, one of the true feelings that struck me was


"Men shorter than you are not eligible for love without questions."


The three women were unanimous in their opinion.


Of course, I asked why, and the answer was.


"We can't explain it logically."


It was a very logical answer.



No matter what your preferences are, it's up to them. That's not for me to argue with.

とは言え、滅多なことで、意見の一致を見ないこの3人が、全員一致でこの意見に達したということは、「女性のマジョリティな思考形態」なのかもしれない ―― と、私は少なからず衝撃を受けています。

These three women, who had not seen the same consensus, reached this opinion unanimously. I think it's the "female majority thought form" -- I am shocked.


These three women have different opinions about the "physique" of men.


They range from well-muscled and muscular to slender and skinny.


Not to mention their facial preferences.


However, regarding "height," they are all in agreement.


I don't know.


Why is an attribute parameter such as "height" so dominant?



Second daughter: "What do you think of a woman taller than you?


Ebata: "I don't care about her height at all. On the contrary, it's almost as if it might be welcome.


Second daughter: "I think you are more of a singularity.


Ebata: "I don't know, I've never had that conversation with a stranger. However, I don't understand why "high and low" is the highest sensitivity parameter, rather than "beauty and ugliness" or "weight and loss."


Second daughter: "Why do you care when we walk together on a date?


Ebata: "I don't care about it. By the way, are we all on the same opinions?"


Everyone in the family, except me, nodded their heads.



There is a 'career wish list,' whether in junior high school, high school, or university.


Of course, there are similar things in the working world. That's what 'quotas' are, for example.


What those things exist is for 'verbalization.'


Even if we contain nothing within you, we fix them by being written or verbalized.


They say, 'You can change the content of your career wish list later,' and indeed, you can, but in practice, we don't seem to change the contents.



The trap in the 'career wish list' has restrictions.

志望大学、志望学部、志望学科 ―― というフォーマットに、

We cannot state the following in a format that says 'university of choice', 'faculty of choice' or 'department of choice'.


'be big' or 'have a popular career' or 'live a life of fun'


Anyway, we have to write and submit whatever is appropriate.


And the 'appropriate things' will determine the direction of our future.


The essence of the 'career wish list' is 'self-brainwashing.'

―― この研究には価値があります。その機会を与えてくれたのは会社です


私たちの人生の変換点となる、劇的な出会いも、衝撃的な事件も、予期せぬ出来事も ―― 滅多にありません。

There are rarely dramatic encounters, shocking incidents, or unexpected events - the transformative points of our lives.

滅多にないことだから、それを言いふらしたい人がいるのです ―― あるいは、彼らは、自分の人生を、そんな風に演出したいのかもしれません。

Some people want to talk about it because it happens so rarely -- or maybe they want to stage their lives in such a way that it is.


We don't need to hear what others tell us about 'turning points.' seriously. 



After all, our lives are going by accumulating this level of 'appropriate things.'


However, our lives are full of troubles, whether they are 'appropriate' or not.



For work and pleasure, I have several large numbers.


The general account is over 100 trillion yen; the particular account is four times that amount; total domestic electricity consumption is 100 billion KW/year; road accident fatalities are 5000/year; domestic suicides are 20 000/year, and much more.


Dividing this by 365 days is tedious, so if you divide it roughly in your head by 400 days, I will immediately see in my mind that 12 people are involved in road accidents every day, and 50 people commit suicide every day.



Recently, however, I have been surprised to come across figures I did not even know existed.

■孤独死 6万8千人/年

- 68,000 lonely deaths/year


I used to say that the time will come when we will measure local communities in units of ‘lone death “detection” rates’ rather than ‘lone death “incidence” rates.’


I wrote the column before; however, I was surprised by its much earlier-than-expected arrival.


- Electricity demand ‘reversal’ estimates


Ten years ago, I hypothesized that ‘Japan's electricity consumption strongly correlated with Japan's population 16 years ago’.


I was going to verify this properly with figures, but I know this trend was ‘qualitatively right.’


However, a few days ago, the Government announced the possibility of a reversal of this forecast.


The reason is ‘increased power consumption in data centers’ due to the ‘use of generated AI such as ChatGPT.’


Here is a quote from the news.

(出展: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20240515/k10014449481000.html)

私は、生成AIによる電力量について、詳細な計算をしていませんが ―― 『直感的に、十分にこれはありえる数値』と思っています。

I haven't done detailed calculations on the amount of power generated by the generative AI - ‘intuitively, I think this is a figure well within the realm of possibility.’



I destroyed one of my PCs last week after about 10 hours of repeated simulations.


I presume that the cause is thermal runaway and HDD overload.


When we simulated with around 20,000 agents, there was a strange noise from the PC that we had never heard before.


‘I can tell from the sound and temperature that the PC suffers considerably.’


The computational complexity of generative AI is not comparable to this simulation calculation.


It is difficult to explain,


(1) ChatGPT requires tens of thousands of times more calculations than Excel to give you one answer.


(2) ChatGPT requires hundreds of millions to trillions of times more computational power than Excel to learn a single event.


I don't think we are far off the mark in understanding that this is the case.


Well, this assumption is based on my experience building very small-scale learning algorithms.




In any case,

―― 生成AIの登場が、これまでの私の仮説を、次から次へとひっくり返しに来ているなぁ

"The emergence of generative AI is turning my previous hypotheses upside down, one after the other."


I realize the above.


However, my retirement predictions remain as ‘dark’ and ‘gloomy’ as ever.



There is a concept known as the 'Fair World Hypothesis.'


In summary, the idea is that 'all justice is ultimately rewarded, and all sin is ultimately punished.'


Above is the so-called 'karmic retribution' or 'self-inflicted retribution.'


Well, this idea in itself is good.


If we don't think that way, it will be hard for people to live, and society will be unstable.



I think the significance of studying history lies in understanding that this 'just world hypothesis' is 'wrong.'


The world is not fair at all.


Rich people are always more prosperous, and beautiful men are better off than those who are not. The best people are more likely to lead stable and happy lives. There is no need to calculate statistics.


Of course, some people fall in life, but the odds are no different from the average person.


In the first place, the concept of 'justice' has an entirely different meaning depending on the direction in which it is viewed, and the same applies to 'punishment' for it.


Those who oppressed the people and slaughtered hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of people have gone unpunished in their lifetimes.


(It would be enough to introduce Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, and so on.)


No matter how much criticism is leveled at them after their death, massacred people do not come back to life, and dead rulers are not 'punished,' no matter how much future generations criticize them.


'The world is not fair' is a natural phenomenon, as commonplace as 'the apple falling to the ground.'



However, the problem with the Fair World Hypothesis is not such a trivial one.


- You get bullied because you behave in a way that makes you a bully. So it's only fair you get bullied.


- You got hurt because you acted up daily. So it is fair that you got hurt.


- You were molested because you were immoral in the way you dressed. So, it is fair that you were molested.


- You were a victim of a sexual crime because you joined an entertainment company or something like that. So, it's fair to say that you were a victim of sexual exploitation.


These cases are how I have seen the Fair World Hypothesis used (use cases) in my life.


なぜ、被害者を攻撃するのか? ―― そうしないと、怖くてやっていけないから。

Why do they attack victims? -- Because if we don't, we are too scared to live.


We are so weak that we cannot face the reality of an apparently 'unjust world' where 'evil people prosper, and misfortune befalls good people.'


If you accept such an idea, you must admit that misfortune can happen to you, even if you have done nothing wrong.



I started talking about this because I remembered my daughter saying this to me some years ago.

『北朝鮮に拉致された人は、きっと、その国の人間として、普通に幸せに暮しているよ』―― と。

'I am sure that those who North Korea abducted are living normal and happy lives as people of that country' - she said.


The above is an example of a person with a weak mentality who clings to the 'Fair World Hypothesis.'



I will not go into what I said to my daughter after this.


I did, 'so much so that these statements will never reappear in her life.'

やられたら、やりかえす ―― これは、人として当然の権利であり、やったら、やりかえされる ―― これは、人としての当然の義務です。




I have previously published a column on ChatGPT's answers, which is meh.


So yesterday, after a long time, I asked ChatGPT to tell me about "Tomoichi Ebata."

江端智一さんについての情報は、彼が多様な分野で活動していることがわかります。彼は技術者であり、特に勤務している会社でいくつかの特許に名を連ねています。これには、データ配信制御システムや位置情報送信機などが含まれています 。また、彼はDIYとホームセキュリティシステムの構築にも興味を持っており、介護をテーマにした次世代システムの構築を試みています 。

Information about Tomoichi Ebata shows that he is active in various fields. He is an engineer and is named on several patents, particularly in the company he works for. These include data distribution control systems and location transmitters. He is also interested in DIY and building home security systems and is attempting to build a next-generation system on the subject of care.

さらに、江端さんは自らの学びや経験を共有するためにブログや書籍を執筆していることも示されています。これには、プログラム開発やデータ解析などの技術的な内容が含まれます 。

Furthermore, Ebata indicated that he writes blogs and books to share his learning and experiences. This includes technical content such as program development and data analysis.


The above information suggests that Tomoichi Ebata is using his skills and knowledge to work on diverse projects.


... I think the above is generally correct.


I'm honestly scared of this kind of ‘smart evolution’ of generative AI.


Generative AI can be very useful, but ‘sometimes, I want it to be a colossal moron.’


So, it is a great relief to see ChatGPT introduce ‘non-existent papers’ confidently.

件名: ChatGPTは怖くない ~使い倒してラクをせよ の記事に関してご提言




私が若手の研究員だった時、シニアの研究員からのコメントをどう扱っていたか ――

When I was a junior researcher, how did I handle comments from senior researchers?


Now, again, reviewing this from a bird's eye view,


(1) The opinions of senior researchers who had money (and who held the budget) were listened to desperately (taking notes all over the place


(2) The opinions of senior researchers who did not have money (and did not influence the budget or personnel) were 'pretended to be listened to' and quickly forgotten


I thought the above.



Of course, the 'money' here is not 'salary' or 'benefits' but 'research funding' to continue my research.


Researchers will do whatever it takes to obtain the resources to continue their research.


Why are we so obsessed with our research?


Because we want to continue their research, but we think it is more because we find it tedious to relearn new research from scratch.



Anyway, if you feel 'underestimated by younger people,' I don't think it has much to do with your 'personality,' 'character' or 'behavior.'


You 'do not hold the money (or power).'


So you (and I) do not need to be depressed.



Since the end of GW, I have had various system failures, and we are tired of dealing with them.


I am a typical chicken; therefore, I had dispersed and scattered the backups beforehand, but I still struggled to rebuild the system.


Or rather, 'I am so tired of being pushed around by the system.'


I feel like the 'depression' is coming back again.


In the past, every time I restored the system, I regained our energy, but with my schedule beyond limits, this system failure has left me feeling 'heartbroken.'


Since the end of GW, I have not been able to get out of my depression.



It is necessary to consult a supervisor or the organization in these situations.


In the past, when I was struggling, my supervisor and the organization were beneficial in responding 'on the spot.'


Given this, I have a suggestion.


'Can't you even do that much?'

というフレーズ、または、それに類似したフレーズを、絶対に使わない面談 ―― というのを、組織として明文化して貰えるといいなぁ、と思っています。

It would be nice if organizations could clarify that they will never use the above phrase in interviews.


I want them to realize that the days of these lines inspiring their subordinates are over.



This phrase can quickly kill a person in a weakened state of mind.


It may be possible to kill them physically as well as psychologically.


私、今「部下を自殺に追い込む方法」という本またはコラムを書け、と言われたら ――

If someone asked to write a book or column called 'How to Drive Your Subordinate to Suicide' right now--


I am confident that I can release the first draft within a few days (actual).