

I thin that someone do or say something about "trigonometric function".


Two years ago, my released column,

「リカレント教育【前編】 三角関数不要論と個性の壊し方」

"Recurrent Education [the former half]: The trigonometric function unnecessary theory and the Destruction of Individuality"


is now ranked in, so I was surprised.

多分、この『三角関数 要/不要』の論争は、これから何度も登場するでしょう。

Probability, this argument of "The trigonometric function unnecessary theory" will often be happened in the future.


However, rather than the above column, in the latter half,


"Recurrent education should be a "guidebook" for survival in the age of career abandonment".


I have argued hard opinions of mine like following,

―― いろいろ言っているけど、要するにお前ら、三角関数が嫌いなだけだろ……!

"You say a lot of things, but the bottom line is that you guys just hate trigonometric functions: ..!"



Please read on if you are interested.



Now I am investigating "loneliness", and reaches a hypothesis in this month column.

―― SNSは、孤独を劇的に悪化させるシステム

"SNS is a system that exacerbates loneliness dramatically"



I have previously described such a diary.

―― 「SNSでの誹謗中傷はやめよう」とは言う人はいても、「SNSを使うのをやめよう」と言う人はいない


Now I get beyond this phrase, and I reach the possibility of


"SNS will give us mental pains, make us impair the body physically, and decrease social functioning"


and come to be anxious about this problems.


I think that I can explain the reason in this month column.



Today is a deadline of monthly column, however, I am in trouble of heavy fatigue and sleepiness.


Repeating 30 min. nap, I keep writing it while tricking the body and the head.



By the way, I had worked for a board member of a neighborhood association three years ago, so I think that I will not have to work as a the board member, however, the work of the group leader has come to me.

「役員」と「班長」は、別モノらしくて ―― 昨日は、町内清掃用のゴミ袋を、班の皆さんの自宅のポストに放り込んでいました。

"A board member" and "a group member" seems to be different work, so I posted garbage bags for town cleanup to each member's mailbox.


So, I am trying to write the column in my fatigue, sleepiness, and cleaning.



However, the task of a group leader is less than that of a board member, so the burden will not be hard.

今や、国内のコロナ禍の対応方法について、国民も慣れてきたとは思うのですが ――

Now I think that we Japanese has understood how to deal with Corona disasters, however,


I hope that "this year town summer festival is going to cancel just to be sure".


However, I would like to express my strong support for the next summer festival.



Three years ago, I remake the website of neighborhood association from the scratch. Today I tried to login the management page of the website, and as a result, I could login the page, easily.


Even it is a website of neighborhood association, the website manager should change the password once a year.



Yesterday, I published the article "I upload a video clip that "Operation verification of a hand-cranked generator" to YouTube".


この動画の中で、『突然レバーが重くなりました』というテロップを入れていますが ―― あれ、ハンパでなく重かったです。

In this video, I put a message of "the lever become heavy". but that was really "heavy".


At the moment that the smartphone change the charge mode, the generator load became heavy suddenly.



As first, I wanted to make the video ranged from start to the charge completion, however I noticed that it is impossible.


I had already enough tired just to turn the lever,


For only one smartphone.


Looking around my room, I find the USB power source has plugged into outlet.



Nowadays, Most of the bicycle light for riding at night are LEDs.


LEDs are miracle device that can get brightness with far less power than ordinally light bulbs.


So, we cannot feel the load of generator by the lights.

かつて、夜間の自転車での発電では、車輪のホイールにダイナモという発電機を付けて、電球を照らしていたのですが ―― 「常に坂道を登っている」ような気分でした。

In the past, we used to generate electricity by bicycle at night with a generator "dynamo" attached to the wheel, and I felt like I was "always going uphill".


Anyway, the pedal of bicycle was heavy, and as result, I was riding without lights. I think it was dangerous.



The hand-cranked generator reminded me a "heavy pedal".


Essentially, making electricity is hard work.


The present society that everyone can use electricity luxury is a paradise, however we forget it easily.



So I want to propose to make a new national holiday "Electricity Thanksgiving Day"


If it is too difficult to establish a new holiday, it would be good to replace or combine with "Labor Thanksgiving Day," "Greenery Day," and "Father's Day",

実施することは「電力ラマダン」―― 24時間の停電の実施です。

for doing "Electricity Ramadan" -- the implementation of a 24-hour power outage.


If doing this Ramadan ranged to the level of social infrastructure, our society will be serious damaged. So as the fist step, we will start this at the level of in-house power outage.


Alternatively, we could limit the areas of power outages and implement planned power outages.


It is also good to do that without the announcement, include a gambling element


Facilities such as hospitals will have the opportunity to check that their own power generation equipment is operating properly, and factories can test their work flow assuming a power outage.


I also think it will be a boost for the SDGs.



In order to start "Electricity Thanksgiving Day" and "Electricity Ramadan," I would like to first recommend the purchase of a "hand-cranked generator" and its operational experimentation.


私、今でこそDocker使っていますけど ―― あれ、「理解できない」が正解です。

Now I use Docker everyday, however, it is "beyond our mind". That is correct.

私の場合、Dockerfileとか、docker-compose.yml を100回くらい書き直して、docker-compose up -d に200回くらい失敗して、ようやく、ぼんやりと理解できてきました。

In my case, I think I finally figure out to understand Docker with rewriting "Dockerfile" or "docker-compose.yml" at 100 times and, failing "docker-compose up -d" at 100 times.

『本を読むだけで、理解した気になりたい』という気持ちは、凄くよく分かりますけど ―― 無理です。

I understand your "Wanna to feel the understanding just by reading a book" well, however it is impossible.

そして大抵の技術は、『Hello Worldアプローチ』を取らなけば、理解に至ることは無理なのですが ―― Dockerについては、『絶対に無理』と断言できます。

I think that it is difficult to reach the understanding about almost technologies, except for using "Hello World Approach", and as for Docker, I can say "absolutely not"



What can I say, that feeling of another dimension.


PCs are build up in PC, and the PC can move and execute on another PC or AWS(Cloud) --- weirdness


Starting to build a container, unknow packages are gathers and installed automatically ---- sense of extraordinary


As I say, the feeling is "Several raspberry PIs whose purposes are different, are screwed into a PC forcedly.


This screwed tech. paradigm makes me light vomiting.



No matter that they are, I hate any book whose title is "Easy XXXX"

「かんたんDocker」と書かれている本については ―― 焚書しても良い、と思っています。

Especially the book whose title includes "Easy Docker" will be allowed to be "book-burning".



Since this fiscal year, I has been thrown in the world where everyone users Microsoft Teams.

―― なるほど、メールなどというのは、もう存在しないんだな

"I see, Even a mail doesn't exist here"


I could understand the newly reality.


Both a tele-communication and a chat communication continues parallelly, and new material are throwing in the communication from members based on the topic of the communications.


In addition, "no telephone there".


As soon as a short message of "Shall we talk?" comes to me, the talk starts to watch the display of PC.

はっきり言って『ここ2ヶ月、本当に辛かった』ですが ―― Teamsが使えなければ、社内で『孤独死』していたと思います。マジです。

To tell you the truth, "It was too hard for two months". however, If I had not been able to use "Teams", I would have "died alone" in my company. Seriously.


That aside.



Today, since I had to suspend the tele-meeting to go to work, I was walking and hearing the meeting by earphone an iPhone. And the topic came to change to my charge(intellectual property).


I hear the others talks of "What Ebata-san worry about is...", "What Ebata-san want to talk...." and I could know the situation of the shucked meeting.


I tried to chat from iPhone, however, I could not catch up with the speed of talking, so I was very annoyed.

これから私はさらに高齢者になって、自分の意見をマトモに言うこともできない状況になると思いますが ―― 本日、図らずも、その片鱗に触れることになりました。

Now I think I will be older, and I will not able to be talk my opinion by myself eventually. Today, with no intention, I could get a part of it.


Today, I could feel the new real fear of "getting older".


―― 仕事が忙しくて、仕事ができない

"I cannot work because I am busy for work".


I believe that many people had experiments of this feeling, as business persons.


This means that "I cannot do the work that I want to do, because I am busy for the work I don't want to do"


The English word "labor" as a mean of "working" seems to be "pain".


In other words, it seems that "to begin with, labor is pain, so we cannot reward is the price of the pain"


My wife once told me that "'fun work' is a contradiction".



I have works that I don't want to do, on the other hand , I also have the work that I want to do. So I might be lucky.

ただ、私の「やりたい仕事」は、大抵の場合、業務命令によるものではなく、自発的なものであり ―― そして、その多くは、誰にも言わないで、隠れて行う"under the table"の仕事です。

However, the works that I want to do, are not based on works orders from my company, but my will. And in many case, they are "under the table", that I don't tell anyone about the works.

もっとも、"under the table"であっても、いつかは表に出して、会社の利益になることを目論んでいるので、利益相反行為にはなっていない、と信じています。

Even if the works are "under the table", I am going to open about the work and try to contribute my company's profit. Therefore my acts are not "conflict of interest".


In face, many outputs of mine are generated from "under the table".


しかし、これは、『江端が「テーブルの下」に何かを隠すことができるほど贅沢な環境にいるからだ』 ―― と言われれば、これに反論することはできません。

However, if you tell me that "you are in too luxury situation to hide your works under the table", I cannot refute you.


So, I wonder "fun work" ultimately means the same thins as "slacking off" or something like that.



The Ebata family, for its part, intends to take disaster countermeasures, including earthquake.


The following is an article about the measure when it was published in the town newsletter.


Since it is impossible to keep track of the amount of food stocked if it is locked up in a warehouse or in luggage, we have adopted the method of keeping food indoors and continually consuming and replenishing it.


Aside from that.



The other day I told you about my second daughter who was unable to return home due to a power outage.

―― 絶対に私たちを巻き込むなよ


At this time, a real problem has emerged: charging smartphones.


Smartphones are now a lifeline, even if they can be "charged".


If the power goes out, it is just a sheet of metal.

という訳で、次女を駅に迎えに行った日に購入しました ―― 手回し発電機

So I bought one the day I picked up my second daughter at the train station -- a hand-cranked generator.


I think that this is a


"The No. 1 product that people will definitely regret not purchasing after the disaster"



The product has already been shipped, but the arrival date is in June, which indicates that the shipment is from outside of Japan (or so the label makes it clear).


ところで、「今」、この記事を読んで、江端家に助けて貰おうと思っている人がいるかもしれませんが ――

By the way, "now" that some of you may be reading this article and thinking to ask the Ebata family to help you out--

「この記事を読んだ時」に、購入を決意しなかったあなたを、私が助けなければならない理由は「ない」―― で、いいんですよね?

There is "no reason" why I should help you if you didn't decide to buy "when you read this article" -- Is it O.K.?



All PCs of the Ebata have finished to replace old windows OS to Windows10.


Based on the pervious success, I purchased the OS license from the same EC-shopping site.


I could get it for one-tenth of the price of the Amazon.com.


I don't know the reason, however, the license seems to be legitimate. I don't think about it deeply.



This time, the OS seems to work well without telephone authentication.


I am moved that the Windows10 OS works well even on the 32Bit PC.



PCs are said to be very fast obsolete, however, I think that PCs work if we set correct the parameters of OS.


Except for a system engineer who have always tried to withdraw the best performance of the PC, the PC life time is going to be longer.


The reason of an accident that "a new OS cannot work on an old PC" is largely due to the default setting of the OS.


For example, the following are,




Window10 Antimalware Service Executableの優先度を下げる



However, there are few people who can tune the setting of OS


Which is cheaper,


(A)education to make them possible to set the parameters of OS, or


(B)replacing with a high-performance PC


The (B) is absolutely cheap.


As a result, the PCs that are still usable are discarded as trash.


How pity and waste they are, but this is a real story.



The saying of "there is no higher or lower rank in the profession" doesn't mean "You must not have a discrimination based on one's profession.


It means that any profession has their own "unbeliever able and amazing technologies, experiments and results"


It means that there is no profession in the world that can be described with such a trivial term as "high and low.


Aging for long time, and knowing contents of several professions, everybody can understand the fact.


Well some stupid persons have also been, who has not noticed such a simple reality.



When I watch the anime "SPY X FAMILY",

雪ノ下雪乃 → ヨル・フォージャー

Yukino Yukinoshita -> Yol Forger

比企谷八幡 → ロイド・フォージャー

Hachiman Hikiya -> Lloyd Forger


When I watch the anime "BEATLESS",

由比ヶ浜結衣 → レイシア

Yui Yuigahama → Lacia


Like the above, a profession of "voice actor/actress" is a really awesome job, that put the soul on each character.


Among them, Ms.Nao Higashiyama, Ms.Saori Hayami and Mr.Takuya Eguchi are really 'great'.