

Today, I'd like to share with you a memo that has been the cause of a lot of confusion between my family and my sister over the past few days.


"Funeral services after my death and notes regarding them"



My family will be the ones who will be running around after my death, so I guess it's inevitable that my will is secondary.


Incidentally, my children told me, "After all, you can't walk any other path than 'normal' either.



私の遺体なんぞででよろしければ、先生の大学に全部差し上げますが、要ります? ―― コラム執筆の御礼としては、甚しく「粗品」とは思いますが。

Regarding yesterday's email, I received an email last night from the doctor in charge of the donation.


So, I just called the university hospital.


The following is a summary of the main points of the Q&A session with the person who responded.


Q: 移植は無制限にO.K. で 献体はN.G.という取り扱いは可能ですか? (嫁さんの要望)

Q: Is it possible to have "unlimited transplants" and "no donation"? (My wife's request).

→ 無理。原則として「移植」と「献体」は両立しないと考えて頂いた方が良いです(角膜移植のみの場合などの例外もある)。

-> Impossible. As a general rule, it is better to think that "transplant" and "donation" are incompatible (there are exceptions such as in the case of corneal transplants only).

Q: 献体するにはどうればいいのですか

Q: How can I donate my body?

→ 今年度分の予約は終了しましたので、4月1日以降に連絡を下さい。

-> Reservations for this year have been closed, so please contact us after April 1.

Q: 私の献体は可能ですか

Q: Is it possible for me to donate my body?

→ (住所を聞かれて)管轄内ですので可能です。

-> (When asked for the address) It's within our jurisdiction, so it's possible.

Q: 私の献体の条件は何ですか

Q: What are the requirements for my donation?

→ (1)コロナ等のウイルス感染による死、(2)梅毒、結核等の感染症による死、(3)自死 でないこと、となります。

-> There is no problem as long as the following items are not included. (1) Death due to viral infections such as corona, (2) Death due to infectious diseases such as syphilis and tuberculosis, (3) Suicide

Q: 献体の「使われ方」をインタビューまたは見学したいのですが、どうすれば良いですか?

Q: I would like to interview or observe the "use" of a donated body.

→ 本大学での対応は難しいので、全国ネットワークの「篤志会」にコンタクトされることをお勧めします。

-> Since it is difficult for our university to respond to this request, we recommend that you contact the national network of "benevolent societies".



I did my own research on "What should I do if I want an organ transplant only?" like my wife.


Basically, this page contains everything you need to know.


In particular, the "organ transplant explanation video" is excellent.


What we can do now is pretty simple.


If you want to donate your organs, do it "now, immediately".


(1) Fill in your address, name, and other information on your driver's license, My Number Card, or Organ Donation Intention Card (I got this at the checkout counter of a convenience store).



(私もこれから全部記入しますが ・・・ちなみに、マイナンバーカードのカード記入欄は、『どんな極細のペンなら記載できるんだ!』という位に小さい(怒)。これでは、『行政は「臓器移植をさせたくない」と考えている』ようにすら見えます)

(By the way, the field for filling out the card on the My Number Card is so small that it looks like "What kind of ultra-fine pen can you use to fill it out? This makes it look like the government doesn't want people to have organ transplants.)


(2) Repeatedly tell family, friends, and hospitals, "These are in my wallet, so be sure to contact the administration after my death.


After that,


(3) Live each day healthy enough to be able to reuse my organs, and pray that someone else will reuse them.



The important thing is...

―― 自分から積極的に動いてアピールしないと、あなたの臓器(一説には、総額1000万円相当)が、燃やされて(火葬)て灰になってしまう

"If you don't actively promote yourself, your organs (worth a total of 10 million yen, according to one story) will be burned (cremated) to ashes."


which is an absolute true.

『意思を示しておけば、善意の誰かが何とかしてくれる』というのは ―― はっきりいって、「幻想」で「甘えた考え方」です。

The idea that "if I show my intentions, someone with good intentions will take care of it" is -- quite frankly -- an illusion and a naïve way of thinking.


Of course, this is a story for those who wish to donate their organs for transplantation.



By the way, if it's "donation" versus "organ donation," I prefer the latter.


And Ebata, an engineer who considers human organs as "devices" or "parts", from the bottom of his heart,

『お願い! 誰か私(の臓器)を貰って!!』

"Please! Somebody take my organs!"


I want to shout that.


ちなみに、これは、終活(人生の終わりのための活動)の一環ですが ―― なんか『婚活』とか『就活』に似ているなぁ、と思いました。

Incidentally, this is a part of the "life after life" (activities for the end of life) -- I thought it was somewhat similar to "marriage hunting" or "job hunting.



(Step.1) https://www.jotnw.or.jp/faq/?category=001001にアクセス





はっきりいって、ネット登録→IDカードの発行が圧倒的にラクかな と思います。




I have recently sent the following email to university institutions



XXXXX Research / Transplantation Department




Please forgive my rudeness in sending you this email so suddenly.


I am Tomoichi Ebata.


I would like to donate all my organs and body to your university after my death.


I would like to happy to discuss the procedure in detail.


I would appreciate it if you could contact me when you are free.


If you are a different contact person, please let us know the proper person.


I would like to thank you for your time.


Tomoichi Ebata



The following is a personal letter to Dr. Shibata

私の遺体なんぞででよろしければ、先生の大学に全部差し上げますが、要ります? ―― コラム執筆の御礼としては、甚しく「粗品」とは思いますが。

If you'd like my death body, I can give it all to your university, if you'd like. -- I am afraid that it would be a very "little gift" for thanking you for writing the column.


My concern is that it may not be 'fresh' to transport it to your university (if you can use it for the transplant).



Today, I finally feel like I'm on the road to recovery from the "strained back" I reported about the other day.


If you've ever experienced it, you may know that a "strained back" is a serious painful condition.


Can't we do something about calling that case of severe pain "strained back"?


In Europe, it is also known as the "witch's blow," but even this is not enough.

ぎっくり腰の正式名称(総称)は「急性腰痛症」だそうですが ―― まだ、納得できません。

I've heard that the official name (general term) for a strained back is "acute back pain syndrome" -- but I'm still not convinced.

関節捻挫・筋肉損傷・筋膜性炎症 ―― という深刻な複合的な病症が、「急性腰痛症」、いわんや「ぎっくり腰」などという、侮蔑的な称呼でいいのか? と思います。

Can a serious complex disease of joint sprains, muscle injuries, and myofascial inflammation be called "acute low back pain" or even "strained back" in a derogatory way?



Why is it such a derogatory name? I thought,


(1) Incredibly severe pain that forces a complete cessation of daily activities, and


(2) The appearance of the person is so 'unseemly' that it is ridiculed by others.


(3) Basically, there is no effective remedy or treatment (only poultice).


(4) In principle, complete rest for a long period of time (from a few days to two weeks) will heal the body.


I think it is a combination of items that are extremely difficult to evaluate: "severe pain," "unseemly" "no cure method," and "healing".



The first step in the fight against "strained back" is to find a posture that does not cause pain.


For example, let's say you have found a posture in which you feel no pain, sitting deeply in a chair in your study (called state A) and standing up with your back straight (called state B).


However, a slight deviation from this state (e.g., state B with the upper body bent forward at a slight angle of about 2 degrees) is enough to cause severe pain.


In order to maintain this state, I cling to the things around me (desk, bookcase, shelves), which requires me to support my entire body with my arms.


But I don't have that kind of muscle power.


Eventually, I will be in state B', which is out of state B, and I will be screaming in extreme pain.


The speed at which I move my body will be about 0.2m/second, and the average travel time from the study to the living room table will be about 3 to 5 minutes (usually about 5 seconds).


In the toilet, arm strength is important as I go through the transition state from state A to state B.

それと合わせて、可能な限り痛みの少ない、状態Aから状態Bへの遷移ベクトルの模索が続きます ――

In the toilet, arm strength is important as I go through the transition state from state A to state B.

トライ & エラー with 悲鳴の日常です。

It is a daily routine of trial and error with screams.



I took a thorough sleep strategy this weekend.


After getting a good night's sleep, I finally took a method of forcing sleep by throwing in a stabilizer (x sleeping pills).


Thanks in part to these efforts, the operational range of states A and B began to expand, the pattern of transition vectors increased, and the number of "screams" decreased.


At this rate, I expect to be healed by the middle of this week.


And when I'm healed, I'll probably forget about this.


So now, I am keeping this as a record in my diary.


それにしても、今回は、身体の動かない私に、湿布を張ってくれる伴侶(嫁さん)がいなかったら ―― と考えるだけで、ゾッとします。

This time, however, I was horrified just thinking about what I would have done if I hadn't had a companion (wife) to put poultices on my immobile body.


Now, when someone asks me what the point of marriage is, I can proudly answer, "To get a poultice on my lower back.


But at the same time


- This pain will become a part of my daily life as my body ages.



- Entering the nursing care phase where even the spouse is no longer able to help me,


I was afraid to think about the above.


It is only when I am assured of healing that I am able to endure this intense pain.



I am sure that this "strained back" was caused by the sudden death of my mother and the various responses that accompanied it.


I believe this is a message to me from my mother, who has been through the hell of caregiving for over a decade.

思うに ―― これは『魔女の一撃』というよりは、『母の一撃』だな、と私は確信しています。

I think -- I am convinced that this is more of a "mother's blow" than a "witch's blow".




(Continuation from yesterday)


The person who sent us the email was a mother of four children who lives in Tokyo and works in the restaurant business.


It was a long email with a very polite message, so I read it over several times with great enthusiasm.


- She has been infected with COVID-19 twice before (but with mild disease).


- Her father passed away from pneumonia with COVID-19.


In addition,


- She has read all the columns that Dr. Shibata and I have co-authored.


- She was afraid of getting the vaccine and is still hesitant to get it.


- Now, she is deeply concerned about whether or not to vaccinate your child.


The above is her situation at the present.



If you only read the above explanation, many people will be tempted to ask, "Why? "


Although I cannot disclose her e-mail, I can tell you that it contains information about her medical conditions, the aftereffects of her coronary infection, and the results of her diagnosis at various medical institutions. In short,

―― 自分の体調や病症に関する精緻な自己分析結果

"The results of an elaborate self-analysis of her physical condition and illnesses"


were described in the mail.


After all this self-analysis, I came to realize for the first time that there is a fear of vaccination that she still cannot shake.


私は、以前、こんな日記を書きました ―― が、

―― ワクチン接種率を上げるためには「恐怖の払拭」が必要だ

I once wrote this diary -- however,


I realized that I didn't understand the 'real fear' of this issue.

―― それほどまでに怖いもの(ワクチン接種)を、一体、世界誰が「勧める」ことができるというのだ?

"Who in the world can "recommend" something so scary (vaccination)?"


I thought it from the bottom of my heart.



For our society, it is not enough to bring in theories that suit us and criticize others who act differently from us.

ですから、提案したいと思います ―― これからは、正直に『自分の"怖い"』を語り合いましょう。

So I'd like to propose something -- let's talk about our "fears" honestly.


And instead of understanding the "fear" with logic, try to understand the "fear" with "itself".



- I (Ebata) am afraid of corona infection & disease.


- I have no chronic illnesses and is in good health, but I am already old and entering an age where the mortality rate is high enough.


- Therefore, I hope everyone will take precautions against infection and get vaccinated.


- Please help me not to get a corona infection.

―― という私の『怖い』と

the above my "scary", and


- I (the reader) am afraid of coronary vaccination.


- I've already been infected, I'm suffering from brain fog, and my family has been killed.


- Still, I am afraid that the possibility of losing my children's precious future to an unknown vaccine is not "zero".


- I really don't know what to do. Please, everyone, help me.

―― という読者の方の『怖い』は、

the above her "scary"


should be treated as the same thing.



Let's end the phase where you can use logic to push your opponent over the edge.

「怖い」を「怖い」と言えて、その「怖い」を心で理解して、受け入れられる社会を作っていくこと ――

To create a society where people can say "I'm afraid" to each other, understand "I'm afraid" with all their hearts, and accept them.


This is the mission of our "Wise Corona Age".



"Why do we have to repeat the curfew so many times?"


The answer is,


"COVID-19 has a staggeringly high infection rate compared to existing flu strains, and a punishingly high mortality rate".




What happens when we 'completely' ignore the government's request for self-restraint?

―― 『道ばたに、死体が転がっている』という日常がやってくる

"The daily life of "dead bodies lying on the street" is coming."


政府も、このビジョンを、ちゃんと国民に示してもいい頃と思うんですけどね ―― 批判は受けるでしょうが、事実ですから。

I think it's about time that the government show this vision to the people properly -- it will be criticized, but it's true.


In short, I believe that the countermeasure against the new coronavirus infection is to maintain a life where we don't have to see "dead bodies lying on the street".


In other words, it is a measure to ensure "an environment where people can die while receiving treatment in a hospital.


インフルエンザウイルスと、新型コロナウイルスは"同じ"だという人が『まだ』いるようですが ―― まあ、"同じ"でもいいです。

There are still people who think that the influenza virus and the new coronavirus are "the same" -- well, "the same" is O.K.


The bottom line is that


(1) "Do we want to maintain an environment where people can die while receiving treatment in hospitals?"


(2) "Do we accept dying at home or outdoors if people could no longer be accommodated in a hospital?"


That's the only difference, in my opinion.


If I were to die the same way, I want to


(A) bet on the possibility that I'll be able to stay, and


(B) pass away as comfortably as possible while receiving oxygen inhalation and pain relief treatment.


『どうせ死ぬなら、どっちでも同じことだ』という人は ―― 政府の「自粛要請」や「ワクチン接種要請」を無視してもいいと思います。

People who say, "If I'm going to die anyway, it doesn't really matter..." can ignore the government's request for self-restraint and vaccination.


However, in such a case, I think the "reasonable course of action" is to choose "refrain from medical treatment," "home treatment," and "death at home (death by neglect)" as a set menu.


―― というのが、私の従来のスタンスでした。

The above has always been my stance.



However, I was quite shocked to read an email I received from a reader the other day.


(To be continued)



I am currently working on revisions for a paper I am writing, after receiving an internal review. I'm crazy with

―― 2年以上の前に作ったシミュレータのコードレビュー

"Code review of a simulator I built more than two years ago"



However, since it was a simulation program that I created from scratch, I was able to catch up in just a day or two.


Whether it is a program or a prototype, this is where the "strength of homebrew" lies.


Anyway, I'm impressed that I was able to compile and execute.


Here's the program.


Lately, it's been a product of my habit of "tossing any trivial program onto my blog".


I have realized that any record can be useful to me if I am willing to say, "I don't mean to be useful to others".



However, I've been struggling all afternoon today because 'the report doesn't match two years ago'.

―― なんで、バスに乗車すると、到着時刻が遅くなるんだ?

"Why does taking the bus delay the arrival time?"


I was looking at the simulation log and scratching my head, but then I realized that I had misplaced the speed of the bus to the speed of walking, and I was relieved to have successfully obtained the simulation results for my original purpose.



Well, since yesterday afternoon, my lower back has suddenly started to hurt, and the coefficient of operation for daily life has dropped below 0.1.

『ギクッ』とは来なかったのですが ―― 姿勢を動かすと、激痛が走る、というもので、症状は、あきらかに「ぎっくり腰」の症状です。

I didn't feel any pain, but when I moved my posture, I felt a lot of pain, and the symptoms were clearly those of a "slipped back".


From my mother's funeral to here, I've been working as hard as I can as usual, and I've been completely fine.


If I do say so myself, my mental state is (surprisingly) normal.


However, the physical seems to be on the verge of breaking down on its own.


『母の呪い』を受けているのかな、と疑っています ―― 葬儀の後、さんざん母の思い出で爆笑してきたので。

I wonder if I'm under the "mother's curse" -- because I've been laughing a lot at the memory of my mother, after the funeral.

うん、思い返すと、私の母ならやりそうです ―― 私と同様に。

Yeah, thinking back, I think my mother would do that -- just like me.



(Continuation from yesterday)


That's beside the point.



If they are to follow this kind of terrorist destruction strategy.


People who really believe in the existence of a distorted notion of a "winning side" (which cannot be defined or quantified), and,


Even teenagers who are struggling academically...


The police will have to crack down on and monitor them as well.


It is the embodiment of the world of the anime "PSYCHO-PASS.


And in that world...

―― 私(江端)は、24時間いつでも、犯罪係数"300"越え

"I, Ebata, have a crime coefficient of over 300, 24 hours, 7 days a week"


I guess it is.



I thought about it again, and found one of my past experiences that can approach the psychology of terrorists in Odakyu, Keio, and the University of Tokyo entrance examination hall.


"A near-death experience in New Delhi, India"


I crawled my way to the New Delhi International Airport. And as I gazed out the window of my flight to Kathmandu, Nepal, at the scenery below, I thought.


"I want to sterilize this entire city with the heat of a nuclear explosion.


I remember being shaken by the fact that I had thought about it even for a moment.


小田急、京王、東大入試会場で、殺傷事件を起こした奴等は、私があの街に抱いた憎悪と同じ憎悪を抱えていたのだろうか ―― と考えています。

I wonder if the guys who killed and injured people in Odakyu, Keio, and the University of Tokyo entrance exams had the same hatred that I had for that city.

私には、『あの街に殺されかけた』という、言語化できる「憎悪」がありました ―― もちろん、それは、理不尽で、不合理で、差別主義的で、レイシストの謗り(そしり)を受けるほど、滅茶苦茶な理屈である、と自覚しています。

I had a verbal "hatred" that said, "That city almost killed me. Of course, I am aware that this is an unreasonable, irrational, racist, and racist theory that is so outrageous that I have been accused of being a racist.


However, when I have to talk about them, 'Did they have the same level of anger, hatred, and vengeance as I did?' is going to be my standard for their condemnation.


Well, but they should be "condemned" for sure.


Because they carried out a terrorist act, but I refrained from launching a nuclear missile.



I think I have a passing understanding of cults and far-right and far-left terrorism.


I also know (from experience) the process by which personal anger can be justified within oneself and transformed into a murderous intent directed at a specific person.


In particular, the quantification and forgetting of anger emotions has been numerically modeled and incorporated into simulations under the (self-serving) name of the "Ebata Model".


After all, even now, I can give you three "real names" of people I want to kill.



However, I have no understanding of the recent indiscriminate killings at Odakyu, Keio, and the University of Tokyo entrance exams.

―― 殺害対象が『誰でもいい』って、どういうこと? そんでもって『捕まって死刑になりたい』って、どういうこと?

"What do they mean when they say they don't care who they kill? And what do they mean, "I want to be caught and sentenced to death"?"


I can't understand them.


In a word, it's not rational.


Of course, there are plenty of irrational negative emotions in the world (resentment, jealousy, vindictiveness, hatred, desperation, destructive impulses, etc.).


However, they are emotions that are shared in our society and also understandable from our own experiences.


And against terrorism and criminal acts caused by religion, ideology, or personal feelings as mentioned above, we can not only rely on the state security forces (such as criminal police (*1) or public security police (*2)), but also take some "preventive measures" by ourselves.


(*1) Basically, they investigate after an incident occurs.


(*2) Even before an incident occurs, they will continue to investigate organizations and individuals that may threaten the security of the nation.


But I can't think of any countermeasures that can be taken against terrorists who say, "I don't care who I will kill" or "I want to be caught and executed".



The persecution of Muslims as "reserve terrorists" by the United States, whose national policy is freedom of religion, is still ongoing.


Of course, this is out of line humanely (and probably legally), but I think the government of a security state would 'do this level of violence'.


In the case of Japan, through the efforts of the government and the police (infiltration as spies and intelligent counter-terrorism operations), they have succeeded in forming a national consensus (brainwashing?) that violent acts are unconditionally "evil, and the far left, far right and cults have been destroyed by them one after another.


(*) In this sense, I think the "Aum Shinrikyo case" is one of those cases that failed to be destroyed.


As a side note, I believe that in Japan, the concept that violence is unconditionally "bad" has been realized not through religion or ideology, but through "air", which is a characteristic that no other country has.


(To be continued)



My eldest daughter majors in psychology at college.


Psychology is considered a liberal arts, but it is a science that is more science than science.


Psychology must deal with data collection, statistical calculations, and significance tests based on it daily. There seems to be a need for more practical fieldwork than poor science.



The other day, the eldest daughter came to my room and asked for it.


"Dad, do you know "game theory"?"


Game theory is a great way to quantify and formulate the human mind. However, I did not know that a psychology student had to learn the field.

Ebata: "I know, I'm writing a column in game theory. Didn't you know?"


SD: "I didn't know."


Well, even my family can't help reading their father's articles.

江端:「とりあえず、"江端智一" & "ゲーム理論"でググってみろ」

Ebata: "Anyway, try to google with "Tomoichi Ebata" & "Game Theory"


I said to her.



After that, she showed me a resume on game theory distributed by the university. However, I thought, "Who can understand it by this resume?"

「囚人のジレンマ」は、ゲーム理論の概念の説明に過ぎませんし ―― なにより、つまらん。

The "prisoner's dilemma" is just an explanation of the concept of game theory. Above all, it is boring.


At the very least, the teacher should teach a "practical marriage strategy" using the Gale-Shapley algorithm; I was thinking about it.