

The books "My youth romantic comedy is wrong, as I expected" would be a masterpiece.


I don't "admire" that main character. Please don't misunderstand me.


I wanted to write that kind of work.


Well, I don't know what a "romantic comedy" is, I can't write it well, and honestly I don't want to, however that main character's mindset, values, and worldview is what I wanted to write about

ただ、私が書くと、ベースは「ラブコメ」ではなくて、多分「東南アジア 一人旅」になると思うけど ―― うむ、読む人いるかな?

However, if I were to write it, it wouldn't be based on a "romantic comedy" but probably on a "solo trip to Southeast Asia" -- hmm, I wonder if anyone would read it?



And, well, I hope you've explained it in such detail.

―― うちの父親が、「やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている」が凄い、って言っていた

"My father said that "My youth romantic comedy is wrong, as I expected" was great."


I hope you will hesitate a little to tell your friends in a light-hearted way, my daughter?


I'm a little embarrassed.


With hearing the following,


Network specialist.


Database specialists.


Embedded systems engineer.


Cloud engineer.


AI engineer.


IoT engineer.


AWS engineer.


Virtualization engineers.

―― うるせい!

"Shut up!"


I think.


"If it has to be done, it has to be done". It is an engineer.

どんな技術だって、どこからでも、膨大な資料を(自費で)購入して、Webを読み倒して、誰にでも(嫌なヤツにでも)頭を下げて、そんでもって、何度だってゼロから始める ―― それがエンジニアという職業です。

No matter what the technology, start from anywhere, buy tons of materials (at my own expense), read the Web, bow down to everyone (even the jerks), and then start from scratch again and again -- that's what being an engineer is all about.


It is a world in which there is no 'end', in which I keep moving forward as far as possible in a multi-dimensional space consisting of time, society, and technology.


I have done so until now, and I believe I will continue to do so in the future.



Incidentally, my company is now starting the system called the "Digital Human Resources Certification System".


I'm going to observe my co-workers carefully.



All of my family members, except for me, can't fight the "insect".


When a insect comes into the room, they will make a big fuss and call me (in the worst case, I will be ordered to go home to work).


In case of cockroaches, the day will be a disaster.



I have tried many different methods to get rid of (miss and otherwise kill) insects.


Well, in cheap hotels in Thailand and India, newts, geckos, and palm-sized spiders were sticking to the walls, but at night, I slept normally.


Basically, I want to avoid unnecessary killing anything unless I think it is dangerous or annoying. It is true.

しかし、嫁さんや娘たちは、私に『なんとかして』とだけ言います ―― 『殺害して』とは言いません。

But my wife and daughters only say to me, "Do something" -- not "Kill it".



The assassination team belonging to Japan government is probably just being told by their superiors to 'do something', I think.

命じられている仕事の困難度も、心理的負担も、ずいぶん違うことは分かっていますが ――

I know that the degree of difficulty and psychological burden of the work I am assigned to do is very different, but...


I unilaterally consider them to be "comrades".



When I was a student, I lived in a student dormitory (Gakuryo) that claimed to be self-governing.


The dormitory was such that one of the seniors had a field hockey stick in his room at all times.

『部屋に踏み込まれた時に、武器が必要だから』と、普通に「内ゲバ」を警戒するような会話が、あまり奇異に感じられない ――

Conversations like, "I will need weapons in case someone steps into the room," and the usual warnings about "internal strife," don't seem too strange--


It was a dormitory that persistently retained the residue of the security struggle of the 1970s.


There was a time when someone thought "violence" was not the exclusive domain of violent devices (police, self-defense forces) (with having a distant look).


Well, it's not surprising that rational thinkers (e.g., engineering approach) are excluded in such places.



The other day, just before midnight, the doorbell rang at my house.


I have no idea who would be visiting my house at this hour.


I went downstairs to my room with my SHOULDER TAPPING ROD at the ready. There, my senior daughter, who was unable to enter my house because of the chain key, had just come in after my wife opened the gate for her.


I was momentarily taken aback by the fact that I was not equipped with a weapon in my room.



Ebata: "I have to deploy the weapons in my room."


Wife: "I put my father's golf clubs in the umbrella stand at the entrance."


Ebata: "Then we won't be able to subdue the intruders after they raid our home."


So, I'm currently considering purchasing a wooden sword.

また、武器として使用した場合、侵入者を殺害しかねないので、なかなかに、悩ましいですが ――

Also, if used as a weapon, it could kill the intruder, which is quite annoying.


In fact, in the 70's, these things (crowbars) were cheaper, used by militants in internal fights.


It seems that this device can be used for its intended purpose.



"Marginal Operation" by Yuri Shibamura is interesting.


(If you are interested, please Google it.)

内容(設定や状況や登場人物)が面白いから、面白い、でいいと思います ―― 現実とファンタジーとちょっとだけ未来のテクノロジーがバランスよく登場してくるところも良いです。

I think it's interesting because the content (setting, situation, characters) is interesting -- the balance of reality, fantasy, and a bit of future technology is also good.



I think the "Information Illuminator" is feasible, but I don't think it's feasible to visualize the status of the enemy forces.


Simultaneous tracking of more than 1000 objects would be difficult with the current wireless system, and the time lag would be negligible.

―― などと、「子どもの見守りシステム」を色々考えてきた研究員としては、近未来デバイスを考えることができる点も「楽しい」です。

As a researcher who has been thinking about various "child watchdog systems" in this way, I also "enjoy" the fact that I can think about near-future devices.


Incidentally, there is a story here about a reseacher who slipped up and shocked his boss with a joke: "First of all, the priority is to make Japan a society where an average of 300 children a year are killed in crimes".


That aside.



As a column writer, the style of writing in this book is very informative.

―― とにかく、読み易い

"Anyway, it's easy to read."

私、ラノベ(ライトノベル)というのが、どのようなものか良く分かっていないのですが ―― 次女とかにも、その定義を聞いてみたのですが、ピンときていません。

I don't really know what a "light novel" is -- I've asked my junior daughter and others to define it, but they don't have a clue -- but


If a light novel can be defined as "an easy-to-read book," then I think it's no problem to say that it's "ultimate book".


In comparison, I feel that 70% of my column is filled with adjectives, industry terms (and graphs and tables).



I don't think the following comparison is valid, however


As a fan of Kaoru Takamura's work, "Marginal Operations" is reading more than 20 times faster than "Marks' Mountain".


Yeah, it's not really appropriate, I guess.


But, well, I enjoy reading Marginal Operations, so I've decided that I'll only read this book when I'm walking.


In this way, I can change the feeling of "walking is too much trouble" to "I want to go out for a walk as soon as possible" and incorporate it into my daily routine.



I have just opened my bookstore, "Ebata-san's Bookstore".


The writing request I received here took a very different direction and landed in an unexpected place.


Well, I think I got lucky with this one.


If I hadn't had this opportunity, I wouldn't have had the chance to research and try "how to e-publish".



To be honest, I can hardly say that I know how to "do e-publishing" yet.


The reason why I chose this e-book download site is because I have purchased many books (technical e-books) from that site in the past.


What's more, I liked the ease with which I could just upload the PDF without being bound by rules about page numbers and appendices, which I have no interest in.

そもそも、私、装丁とかにも、全く興味ありません ―― 本を買って読み込んでいる最中に、表紙を外して、無くしてしまうくらいですから。

To begin with, I am not interested in bookbinding at all. I even take off the cover and lose it while reading a book.


However, the e-book download site I chose this time instructed me to create a "cover". So, I appropriated an illustration I had made myself in the past and made it appropriately.


It would be nice to be able to publish electronically from my own website, but I was disappointed when I saw the "payment system fees" before, so I'm not going to bother with this.

また、私は、蔵書量を増やすことにも興味ありません ―― 家が狭くなるだけですから。

Also. I'm not interested in increasing the amount of books in my collection either -- it would only make my house smaller.


Nevertheless, paper books are still superior to e-books in the following two ways.


(1) You can find the book you want in an instant, just by looking at the bookshelf.


(2) You can resume reading the next day even if you submerge it in the bathtub.




What makes Ebata's Bookstore different from other bookstores is that

―― 取り扱っている本が、私の、私による、私のための本

"Books by me, for me, by me"



In other words, 'I can write what I want without concern for any organization (publishing company, etc.).



I believe that the idea of "perfection" is the biggest obstacle to getting the job done.


- I have always told my children, "Round up at 70-80%. Never aim for 100%.


I am a thoroughgoing "perfection denier," as described in.


- It's okay to "copy and paste" English documents.


I am a "short-cut supremacist" as described in


But of course, there are only a few people in our country who can proudly claim this "denial of perfection" and "cutting corners".


In addition, even if the ideology is the same, the level of standards varies from person to person, so naturally there will be differences of opinion.


In particular, this disagreement is manifested in the form of "reprimand" by the top in an organization.



I think "reprimand" is unpleasant for anyone.


There are only two ways to avoid this "reprimand" in an organization.


(1) Do nothing


(2) Do it in silence.


If it is (1) above, nothing can be done, and if it is (2) above, it will become a problem (accident) later on.


I'm not going to say something stupid like, "Look at 'reprimand' as a positive" (but there are so many people like that that it's disgusting).


I think it's better to think of "reprimand" as a component of work (or a part of a schedule).


When I think of "incomplete" + "reprimand" as a set menu, my work will move faster (or move at my pace).


Well, even though I know what I'm doing, I sometimes choose "(2) Do it in silence"


And sometimes, I have serious accidents.



Recently, I realized that there is a phrase in an ancient book (Sun Tzu) that truly makes this idea "right".

―― 兵は拙速を尊ぶ

"A soldier respects speed."


In other words, "faster is better, even if it is based on a poor vision"


The problem is the 'soldiers...' part, well, that too is true.


We are, after all, "soldiers" who are "cogs in the organization.



Nowadays, I call myself a "solitary engineer", but not so long ago, I was doing what is now called "sociable"

―― と、昔、書き貯めていた、日記を読み直して、そんなことを考えていました。

I've been thinking about this as I reread my diary, which I used to write in the past.



I used to be the head of the tennis club at the laboratory, or rather, I was "made" to be the head of the tennis club.


So, the head of the tennis club was embarrassed that his 'service didn't go into the opponent's court,' so he went to tennis school.


There was a disgraceful rumor going around that "Ebata was groping girls at the tennis school".


Ebata: "No way. I don't see anything but tennis balls in the school."


I denied the rumors.


In fact, I was the one who took my lessons seriously, and since I belonged to an advanced class, there were very few "so-called 'girls'".


There were "women who were serious about tennis", but they were a different kind of people from the "so-called 'girls'".


And It turned into a disgraceful rumor:


"Ebata is groping middle-aged people with daughters or granddaughters of the right age at the tennis school.


Well, that's beside the point.



As a matter of fact, I think that the effectiveness of "marriage apps" are less than

- テニススクール、英会話教室のような習い事

- Lessons such as tennis school and English conversation classes

- 町内会のイベントやボランティアへの参加

- Participation in neighborhood association events and volunteer activities

- 老健介護施設などへの祖母祖父への見舞

- Visiting grandmothers and grandfathers in aged care facilities, etc.


These indirect approaches seem to have a higher success rate.


This is because it is not the "system" that evaluates you, but "human being".


Therefore, what is important here is to do these things with "no ulterior motive" and with "genuine interest".



Approaches designed to "meet" girls fail at a much higher rate.

そういう人物を見抜く目だけは、鍛えられているんですよ ―― 私たち高齢者は。

We elderly people are trained to recognize such people.



When I have extra foods, I would like to donate them to a food bank or a food drive.


However, in our family, most of the ingredients are frozen and eaten all.


Or, since any ingredients (usually by me) can be used as ingredients for curry roux, I don't think there will be any surplus of ingredients.


In the first place, I don't "check" expiration dates when it comes to instant foods and canned foods.


However, when I tried to research, I knew that food banks and food drives that are operating publicly seem to be reasonably strict about the expiration dates of their food.


It is only natural.


This is because it can be a matter of "health" or, in the worst case scenario, "human life".


私、大学生の頃、塾の教え子の保護者から、賞味期限切れの食材を、沢山貰っていましたが ―― 問題がおこったことはありませんでした。

When I was a college student, I used to receive a lot of expired food from the parents of my students at cram school, but I never had any problems.


I was a struggling student (although I didn't really feel like it), so I didn't refuse anything that came my way, as long as it was edible.


I think this was possible because of the special connections I had with the parents as an individual.

『プライド? 何それ、美味しいの?』で、いいんですよ ―― 特に学生は。

"Pride? What is that and is it good?" This is fine -- especially for students.


ですから、私としては、『自己責任 & 免責型フードバンク』というのを、非営利かつ非公式に運用したいなぁ、と思っています。

Therefore, I would like to operate a "self-responsibility & no-indemnity food bank" on a non-profit and non-official basis.


Organizing it would be troublesome, so I want to create it as a "food relief system that works on a completely decentralized human network".


Yes, it is the operational form of terrorists and guerrillas.

ただ「反社」とかが入ってくる可能性は絶無でしょう ―― ビジネスとしての旨み、絶無ですからね。

However, there is no possibility of "anti-social forces" coming in. Because it's not a good business at all.


By the way, I don't have the slightest sense of "giving" or "volunteering".


This is because the network will be based on my perfect self-interest, for "I'm going to create a system to help me (Ebata) , who will need help in the future.


In short, it's "insurance".


最近、NHK BSのNスペでは、地震関係の過去の番組が再放送されています。

Recently, NHK BS's N-Spe has been rebroadcasting past programs related to earthquakes.


As usual, I'm watching the recordings "alone" for about 15 minutes each day.


My family is not interested in this kind of content, and even my second daughter is scared to leave the living room.



I knew very well that the land of Japan is like a sheet of styrofoam floating on the water, having read Sakyo Komatsu's "Sinking of Japan.


However, I was surprised to learn from recent research that this "Styrofoam board" is broken into several more pieces (about seven).


In other words, the land of Japan seems to be moving in pieces (not just moving, but rotating and so on).


To begin with, Japan continues to move in centimeters per year, no matter where it is.


We know this from the data from the large number of electronic reference points (GPS observation points) that have been set up around Japan.



Now, ladies and gentlemen of the National Geographic Institute.


We, the Ebata family is ready to offer our yard as a free place to set up an electronic reference point (I think there may have been some troublesome issues with land acquisition and so on).


If the power is less than 100W, the Ebata family will also pay for the electricity (please do not prepare a back-up power supply).


If you want to use a wired connection, you can use the Ebata family's Internet connection free of charge (but please make sure that the amount of communication does not interfere with the daughters' YouTube viewing).


The condition is that you provide me with one interface to connect the location information of the electronic reference point set up in Ebata's yard to my PC.


Of course, if possible, I would like to have real-time information on all the electronic reference points in Japan, but I think this information is probably "information equivalent to a national secret," so I don't ask you to go that far.


I will be satisfied first of all if I can get real-time movement data of our house.


With that data, I would like to make a "hyperlocal (the Ebata house only) earthquake prediction.



I think there are probably quite a few engineers in Japan who would be willing to do this (at least two more I know of).


If you have plans to increase the number of electronic reference points, etc., please let me know.