

It's not that difficult to create a callback. As long as it's in the same language.

でもね、GOとC++の間で共通するトリガーイベントを作る方法が ―― 今日、一日、世界中を探し回ったんですけど ―― 見つけられないんですよ。

But you know, I can't find a way to make trigger events common between GO and C++ -- I've been looking all over the world today -- and I can't find it.


So, why don't I just use UDP or TCP to listen in? Yeah, well, I understand that. I've actually made a library for it.


But I know, if I do a UDP connection with 10,000 active objects at the same time, I'll run out of socket resources in an instant. In fact, I had a program go down last month because of this.

で、一番いいのが、GOのチャネルを使う方法なんですけど、これを、C++に連携させる方法が ―― ない。

So, the best way to do this is to use the GO channel, but there is no way to link this to C++.


It would be nice to be able to run a GO program with a C++ library linked to the GO library, but yesterday's prototype failed at every step.


Of course, I will use "polling" methods. One second of sampling won't be much of a load.


But that's not 'cool', is it?

プログラムのコールをどう実装しようが、私以外の人は知り得ないことですよ ―― でも、『この私』が納得していないんです。

No one but me can know how to implement the calls in the program -- but 'I' am not convinced.


This is important.



So yesterday, from morning till late at night, I kept trying to figure out how to make this work, and I failed.


I have a draft paper I need to finish today, so I will stop thinking about this issue for now.


It's frustrating, so I'll just leave a note and prepare for the revenge battle later.



I watched the BS World Documentary "Hitler's Children".


In a word, it is a "plan to mass-produce children of a specific race (Aryan race).


This is one of the plans (implemented at the same time as the plan for the extermination of certain ethnic groups) based on the dictator's idea of the "Thousand Year Kingdom of the Third Reich.



A long time ago, I drew an illustration like this one, and in that program, I really saw an image that looked exactly like this illustration, which made me feel mildly nauseous.


Of course, back in 1940, there were no "test tube babies" or "cloning" technology.


Therefore, "Ravensborn" (fountain of life) were established in Germany and France to "produce" children, where reproduction took place between living men and women.



In Japan, the number of births before and during the war is also high.


This was due to the high risk of mortality in terms of sanitation, social infrastructure, and medical technology, as well as the fact that childbirth was encouraged by national policy to "give birth and reproduce" from the perspective of a "wealthy nation with a strong military.


"Have an average of five or more children" (the "average" part is amazing)


"Is this a pipe dream?" of today, was incorporated as a policy, and the Japanese people, who were disciplined, had accomplished this.


And the government at that time imposed preferential treatment for families with many children, and cold treatment for families with no children and single people.



To be honest, I like neither "Ravensborn" (the fountain of life) nor "Give birth, breed.

「国家権力の圧力で、子どもを量産する社会」なんぞを目にするくらいなら ――

I don't want to see a society that mass-produces children under the pressure of state power.


I would rather continue to watch the nation decay with declining birthrates and aging population at the free will of individuals.



Today is my senior daughter's graduation ceremony, but parents were not allowed in the hall, so we took pictures at a nearby park.


The junior daughter took 251 photos of the senior daughter dressed in hakama and her family dressed as of now.


私が、30年前に、20日間、中国大陸を放浪した時の写真は、フイルム6巻、合計 96枚

When I wandered around mainland China for 20 days 30 years ago, I took 6 rolls of film with a total of 96 photos.


The number of picture during the 15 days I was traveling between Nepal and India was almost the same.


In less than an hour, my junior daughter took more photos than I did in 35 days (about 200).



In order to prevent the film from being sensitized by x-ray rays at airport security checks, these films were packed in leaded bags and transported.


In China at that time, I was very careful about where I took photos (near military facilities, etc.) (although this may still be the case).



Nowadays, it seems to be a difficult task to choose the "best shot" to keep in hand from the huge number of photos (especially for my wife).



The TV anime "Horimiya" is an anime that my second daughter is raving about.

私は、アニメだけでなく、エンディングの3DCG(Three Dimensional Computer Graphics)も気に入っています(注 Youtubeにリンクします)。

I like not only the animation but also the 3DCG (Three Dimensional Computer Graphics) of the ending.



As for 3D technology, I know and use Unidy, WebGL, and other technologies.

―― "3DCG"を、サイドエフェクトではなくて、メインコンテンツとした作品

As "a work that uses 3DCG as the main content, not as a side effect"


I think it's good.



I'm waiting for the day when this kind of media mix of music and video will be displayed at high school festivals and university festivals.

―― というか、そのくらい、やってくれよ、若人。

"Why not do that, younth!"


I am shocked to find that student theater today is performed with a work frame that is exactly the same as it was 30 years ago.


I was surprised at how conservative (backward) the student theater scene is, although I thought media mixes were commonplace nowadays.



(Continuation from yesterday)


In fact, the investigate cost of computer education is cheaper than the estimated benefit.


About the only cost of infrastructure (Hardware), PC is about \30k and Raspberry pi and Modeled robot is about \10k.


There are a lot of free and high-quality software(e.g. developing tools) on the net.


In addition, we don't need a box, called "company". 100% remote work is possible.

問題があるとすれば 「人材」と「人件費」ですね。

The remaining problems are "human-resources" and "personal-costs".

そもそも、我が国には、「コンピュータ教育を施す教育者」という発想がありません ―― もっとも、これは仕方がないとも言えます。

To begin with, we Japanese has no idea for develop teachers for computer education. I am afraid that it cannot be helped.


At the front of this thread I wrote


- In stories about "another world", one of the most prominent occupation before being reincarnated into another world a programmer"


- Most of the time, the noun is proceeded by "black company's".


From the view point of the gradians, they don't used to send their children to the nightmare field.


However, this speed is very timid an slow, the paradigm shift of computer education comes to change.



And this "private STEM education" will make us


(1)expand the disparity between the wealthy and others


or conversely,


(2)resolve the problem of disparity by low-cost investments


Now nobody would know which way we are going.



(Continuation from yesterday)


Actually, apart from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's programming education, tThis is the fact of

―― 富裕層の中でも、特に先見の明のある保護者によって、密かに(という訳でもないだろうが)、プライベートなプログラミング教育が始められている

"Private programming education has been secretly (or not so secretly) initiated by some particularly farsighted parents among the wealthy.


まず、現在は、地域の小学校などを起点とした小さなコミュニティとして、プラットフォームは ―― ここ大変重要ですが、

First of all, as a small community, starting with local elementary schools, they are currently using

"Windowsとか、Scratchという話ではなく、「Raspberry Pi(ラズパイ)とロボット」を教材として使っている"

"Raspberry Pi and robots" as teaching materials, rather than Windows or Scratch as platforms.



What shocked me was this "robot" (a very simple so-called "model kit robot").


Traditional computer education has been "closed" to the PC.


However, the point is that private programming education teaches the link between the PC and the real world by using "robots".



The robot will not start moving even a millimeter unless they give it the right instructions using a program.


It is useless to yell at a robot to think and move on its own.

そして、ロボットが動かない場合、その原因は、100%そのプログラムの製作者が悪い ――

And "if the robot doesn't work, the cause is 100% the fault of the creator of the program"


I believe that the essence of this "STEM education" is not only programming, but also clearing up the idea of the "junction point of responsibility".


And I'm thinking that this idea of "responsibility juncture" is (probably) one of the essential elements of management.

実際、現在の巨大ITプラットフォーであるGAFA(Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon)の創立者は、全員、プログラマー出身者です。

In fact, the founders of GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon), the current giant IT platform, all came from a programmer background.

そして、「富裕層の中でも、特に先見の明のある保護者」は、気がついてきているのです ――

And the "wealthy, especially the farsighted parents" are starting to take notice.


Computer education is "a worthwhile investment.


(To be continued)



In stories about "another world", one of the most prominent occupations before being reincarnated into another world a "programmer".


Most of the time, this noun is preceded by "black company's".


There's a reason why "programmers" are linked to "black companies.


(1) The population of programmers is overwhelmingly small.


(2) Many people who are not programmers are the clients who order the programs.


(3) That the client essentially (hopelessly) doesn't understand what a program is.


This is because these three requirements are aligned.



In addition, recently, programming languages are becoming more and more "complex" while claiming to be "simple".


There is no doubt about this.


It seems to me that program designers are relieving their frustration with existing programming languages by creating new ones.


That's fine, but it's annoying as hell for the users (developers) of the program.



Of course, there are some that really aim to be "simple programming languages".


However, instead of being "simple", the functions that can be achieved are also "simple", and in addition, the performance (processing speed and resource utilization) often deteriorates.


However, I don't want to complain about a new programming language.



I have been quite critical of the MEXT's programming education, but recently I have come to understand that there is another way to think about it.


I told you a little bit about it before.


"STEM Education"


seems to be able to either "critically widen the gap" in our country or, conversely, "fundamentally solve the problem of inequality.


(To be continued)


本日、地上波で放送されている、映画「Fukushima 50」の冒頭15分だけ見て、仕事(コーディング)に戻りました。

Today, I watched the first 15 minutes of the movie "Fukushima 50" on terrestrial TV, and went back to work (coding).


I've recorded a video and will watch it later.

ちなみに、私は「NHKスペシャル 原発メルトダウン 危機の88時間」の方を、お勧めしたいです。

By the way, I would like to recommend "NHK Special: 88 Hours of Nuclear Meltdown Crisis.


I think it wins about "accuracy of content".



As it happened, I was vaguely reading my own blog from back then (10 years ago).


Ultraman is not coming.


Is it really "unexpected"?


Suspicious of SPEEDI


Level 7


Different layer


I reread them and concluded that 'no corrections are needed'.



By the way, I also wrote this.

■映画「Fukushima 50」を見た結果が、「13デイズ」と同じようなことになったら、どうしよう?

What if the result of watching the movie "Fukushima 50" is the same as "13 Days"?


By the way, in the above blog, I'm referring to


"Countdown Meltdown"

本当にお勧めです。ぜひ御一読を ―― 多分、映画より「怖い」です。

is really good. Please read it -- it's probably more "scary" than the movie.




事故の全体像を把握されたい方には、こちらもお勧めです ―― 思った以上に「読めます」

If you'd like to get a complete picture of the accident, this is also a good report to start -- it's more "readable" than you might think.



Today, the tenth anniversary of 3.11, I was one minute late for the silent prayer.


I relied on the town announcement (because I thought an alarm would be tasteless), but I only heard the announcement at the end of the prayer


Ten years ago, when the earthquake hit at 14:46, I was really scared.


Even I, who was in Yokohama, felt like I was going to die in my office.

そして、私たちが屋外に避難した頃 ―― 、地震発生から31分後。

And when we evacuated outdoors - 31 minutes after the earthquake,

私たちがワイワイガヤガヤと会話していた、まさにその時に、2万人近い人々を殺害する津波が到達していたことに ―― 今でも、「後ろめたい気持ち」が拭えません。

At the very moment when we were having a lively conversation, the tsunami had reached the area killing nearly 20,000 people. Even now, I can't shake the feeling of guilt.

あの日の夜、私は会社の倉庫でラジオを聞きながら、夜が明けるのを待っていたのですが ―― その時でさえ、ラジオから流れてくるニュースは、『行方不明者、数十人』でした。

That night, I was in the warehouse of my office, listening to the radio and waiting for the night to end. Even then, the news coming over the radio was 'dozens of people missing'.

ニュースは憶測のデータを流してはなりませんので、仕方がないことだとは思いますし ―― 誤った情報で、無関係の人々を集団殺害したという、関東大震災の教訓を思い出さえば、これが正しいことは分かっているのですが。

The news should not be filled with speculative data, so I think it is inevitable and we have to remember the lessons of the Great Kanto Earthquake, where misinformation led to the mass murder of innocent people. So we know this is correct, however,

―― 全体像が把握できない災害というのは、本当に怖い

"It's really scary to have a disaster where we can't grasp the whole picture"


I realized that.


But of course, the biggest fear in my life is the "reactor containment explosion".


I remember that I, my own family alone (abandoning others), was the first to try to escape.


However, I still don't have a shred of "guilt" about this.


I will continue to start rescue operations for others, "after" I have escaped to complete safety.



By the way, today's NHK special broadcast on the earthquake was amazing all day long.


It's been a while since I've seen "NHK's Seriousness".



I have been talking a lot about the "pain" of the new corona infection in my column, but it is just "hearsay".


That's why I'd like you to check out this YouTube video about the "pain".


"This is what happened when I got infected! ~From the experience of the new corona infection to the aftereffects, I will "explain" it - (March 2, 2021)"



I am a person who is so vulnerable to pain that even when I'm in bed with a (normal) cold, I easily feel like I want to die.


Watching this made me think, "I'm probably going to try to kill myself at least 10 times during my COVID-19 struggle.



By the way, I really understand what this news station staff is saying, "I don't want people to call, email, or call me on line when I'm in the hospital with an infected patient.


In this sense, I would like to crush the ridiculous practice of "sympathy calls" immediately after the disaster in the affected areas.

江端家では、家族の誰かが、地震や災害の直後に電話しようとすると ―― 私が止めます。

In the Ebata family, if a family member tries to call a relative or friend right after an earthquake or disaster -- I stop them.


"Don't consume precious communication resources in the disaster area just for "sympathy". Their first priority is rescue communications"


"Don't bother the people in the disaster area just to make yourself feel safe.


That's what I tell my family.