

(Continuation from yesterday)


The risk of new coronary infections can be calculated using probability theory, which you learned in middle school (or should have), without having to bring up quantum theory.


How to calculate the variation in the probability of infection depending on the number of people at a dinner can be found here.


To begin with.


- Lunch is safe, dinner is dangerous.




- Safe before a state of emergency is declared, dangerous after.


―― なんの冗談だ、それ?

"What a joke, that? "


I was really surprised to find out that there were people who believed in such things (*).


(*)The Minister in charge of countermeasures against the new coronavirus infection has issued an urgent message saying, "The risk of infection remains the same even during the daytime. Please refrain from going out not only at night but also during the day.



My message has been consistently the same.

『外食しても良い。深夜まで酒を飲んでもいい。一晩中語っていても、騒いでいても一向に構わん ――

"It's okay to eat out. You can drink until midnight. You can stay up all night talking, making noise, it doesn't matter.


However, do it alone."


That's all.


Even God can't infect you with a virus when you are alone.


時代は、「Boys, Be ぼっち」

The time has come to "Boys, Be Alone"!




Boys be alone!


Be alone not for your egoism


not for your self-satisfaction


not for that evanescent thing which men call criticism for others.


Be alone for the attainment of all that a man ought to be.



If you don't know what the above is a parody of, please go through it.



I am proud to say that I have spent a considerable amount of time studying Schrodinger's cat.


I also found out that many people either don't "know" or misunderstand the interpretation of "Schrodinger's Cat" as I did before my study.


When I explained this story ("Schrodinger's Cat") to my family...


Junior daughter: "I see. "So you're saying that if we 'assume' the existence of such a cat, we can understand quantum theory.


See, I knew she misunderstood it.



Ebata: "No, it's not. Such cats do exist, and all matter in the quantum state (e.g., near absolute zero) is such a cat."


My family's reaction to my words was exactly what I expected.


Maybe it's impossible for us to understand that "half-dead, half-alive cats" do exist.


In fact, both my wife and second daughter ended up saying, 'I don't know.


I didn't offer any further explanation either.


This is because I believe that it is impossible to explain quantum states to humans, who only have at least five types of perception sensors, using the current language on earth.


Quantum theory is just barely understandable with formulas and numbers using probability. However, the human race is a creature that "hates numbers and formulas" to begin with.



This morning, I noticed that

―― 今回の新型コロナの感染拡大(爆発)の理由は、「シュレーディンガーの猫」で説明できる

"The reason for the spread (explosion) of this new corona infection can be explained by "Schrodinger's cat""



It is "Schrodinger's Corona.



The reason why the results of the PRC test are referred to in such an unclear manner as "positive/negative for infection" rather than "presence of infection" is as follows.


The "half-infected, half-uninfected me" is real.



In other words, the presence or absence of infection is not determined until the onset of the disease, and until the onset of the disease, infection is probabilistic and constantly changing depending on age, environment, physical condition, and behavior.


And here I remembered...


"Dr. Shibata of the Run Over" has already discussed "Corona infection from the viewpoint of quantum theory".


(To be continued)



(Continuation from yesterday)


Aside from that.


I (we?) thanks to "The U.S. President Portrayed as a stupid", I was able to learn more about the U.S. political system.


In particular, I was able to see not only the differences between the two major political parties in the U.S., the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, but also the "real faces" of the supporters of those parties.


At the same time, I thought to myself, "There are things I need to tell myself.


For examples,


- Do not confuse Islamic extremism with Islam.




- Do not confuse His Majesty the Emperor with the emperor system.



- Do not confuse the personality of the current president with the U.S. presidential system.


and above all,


- Do not confuse members of the U.S. Republican Party with the protesters who attacked the U.S. Capitol.



I know that this confusion makes it easy for many people, including myself, to be "taken advantage of" by political and media sentiments.


I'm experienced.


not only as a "confuser" but also as a "confused".


ところで ―― 我が国でも「国会襲撃事件」があったのをご存知ですか?

By the way -- did you know that there was an attack on the Diet building in Japan?


It was the struggle to prevent the signing of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, the so-called Security Treaty Struggle.


On November 27, 1959, two million people participated in demonstrations and rallies across the country, and the attacj on the Diet took place, led by the mainstream faction of the All-Japan Federation of Student Self-Government Associations.


The problem I have here is that my feeling of

―― 「国会襲撃」ではなく、「国会突入」という言葉を使いたい

"I want not to use the term "attack on the Diet" but "rush on the Diet."



Of course, at that time, not only the ruling party but even the Japanese Communist Party condemned (scorned) them, labeling them as a "leftist violent group.


That is to say, I know relatively well (though I was not born yet) about the Zenkyoto (student-centered anti-Apartheid movement) of that time, and I can sympathize with the students of that time who rushed into the Diet.



In other words, I sympathize with the "students who rushed into the parliament" and condemn the "protesters who attacked the U.S. Capitol".


Is there a difference between the two?


Of course there is.

それでも、私の「エンジニアリングアプローチ」の視点から見れば ―― 私は、自分がとても「不公平な人間である」と感じてしまうのです。

Still, from the perspective of my "engineering approach" -- I feel that I am being very "unfair".



(Continuation from yesterday)


As far as I know, this kind of depiction is very rare in "Golgo 13".


The U.S. presidents in "Golgo 13" have been supposed to have a justifiable reason in their story, even if they have to do something that is against socially accepted justice.


The current president of the United States, however, is the only one who has not been portrayed as having this kind of "intelligence.

粗野で、頭が悪く、自我をコントロールできない ―― はっきり言って「三下のギャング」と同程度の取り扱いをされているように感じました。

He is crude, dim-witted, and unable to control his ego -- to put it bluntly, I felt like he has been treated on par with a "low-life gangster".


Maybe I just happened to read such a story this time.


Still, as far as I know, I can't recall a story about a 'US President portrayed as a stupid'.



Golgo 13" is one of the most famous contents in Japan with 50 years of serialization and 280 million copies sold.


I believe that the reason why "Golgo 13" has received so much support is because it has carefully followed the thoughts and feelings of readers in our country.


My hypothesis, derived from the above, is that

―― 「我が国の国民の現職米国大統領に対する評価」は、「ゴルゴ13の中で描かれている内容と同じ」

"Our people's assessment of the current U.S. president is about the same as that portrayed in Golgo 13.



(To be continued)



I have acquired most of my knowledge about ongoing international conflicts from "Golgo 13".


Of course, "Golgo 13" is a fictional story, so I cannot believe them all in their entirety.


From the point of view of an expert on international affairs, some of the ins and outs of the international arena as depicted in "Golgo 13" are frothing at the mouth.


In addition, I personally do not have the information, connections, or intelligence to correctly judge the international situation.



However, when it comes to technical fields, especially computers, networks, and other IT fields, as an engineer who has actually been involved in these fields, I can make judgments.


There are a number of inaccurate descriptions of the interpretation of science and technology in the "Golgo 13" story.


But I am not going to be blindsided by them.


We, the inhabitants of the world of science and technology, are used to this kind of thing.


Rather, on the contrary, I can say that I am getting an opportunity to know, 'Oh, this is how the world sees this technology.



Golgo 13 is basically a story that divides the good guys, the bad guys, and the stupid guys, and portrays the three of them in an opposing structure.


Here, "good", "bad", and "stupid" are different from the socially accepted "righteous", "evil", and "ignorant".


In the story, it is depicted in the style of "the benevolent", "the malevolent", and "the foolish".


The "good guys" are depicted with a "good face," the "bad guys" with a "bad face," and the "stupid guys" with a "stupid face," so I can easily judge them.



So, the other day, I was skimming through the new issue of "Golgo 13" at a convenience store, and I felt something strange.

―― 現時点の現職の米国大統領が「愚かな奴」として描かれている

"The current sitting President of the United States is portrayed as a 'stupid guy'"


(To be continued)



I am currently working on a series of articles on the topic of Bitcoin (Blockchain, to be precise).


In the first article of this series, I declared that I would 'experience the purchase and use of Bitcoin'.


In order to fulfill this commitment, I went through the process of creating an account with bitFlyer, a virtual currency exchange, late last Friday.


(This process will be described in a later series of articles).


On Sunday night, I received an email pointing out a mistake in my address, and I was in the process of resubmitting it, but I haven't heard from them at all since then.

―― アンチビットコイン派として、パージされたのかな?

"As an anti-Bitcoin group, have I been purged?"


I'm guessing evil.


Well, I don't think so.



That's why I, this weekend, kept monitoring the exchange rate of Bitcoin to legal tender.


It seems to be a big deal right now.


If you want to put this into words...


"Watching the approach of one of the largest typhoons in recorded history from the window of my living room"

ような、感じです ―― 他人事のように。

As if it were someone else's problem.



The "herd immunity" strategy for the new coronavirus does not hold.


This has already been explained by Dr. Shibata of the "Run Over"


Even elementary school students can understand it (if you can calculate the area of the trapezoid).



As mentioned in the column above, in order to establish a "herd immunity acquisition" strategy,

―― 毎年196万人以上の感染が必要

"More than 1.96 million people need to be infected every year"



This is a number that cannot be achieved unless the government actively and systematically spreads the infection.



As of today, the number of people infected with the new coronavirus in Japan is 289,000, and the death toll is 3,850.


If this number is simply applied as it is, in order to establish a "herd immunity acquisition" strategy,

―― 年間、2万6110人の死亡者

"26,110 deaths annually"


will be needed.


Moreover, this "herd immunity" strategy is uninterrupted.


From now on, we must ensure that 1.96 million people are infected every year and 26,110 people die every year.



Regarding the number of deaths other than lifespan deaths, the numbers written in my head are 4,000 traffic fatalities / year and 20,000 suicides / year.


Those who think that "the number is about the same as this total" may insist on a "herd immunity acquisition" strategy.


However, they must remember


(1) The fight against the new corona is extremely painful (even after the fight), and


(2) If a virus is developed, the only person who died in the "herd immunity acquisition" strategy is "just dead in vain".




Feel free to insist on a "herd immunity" strategy, even if if you know the above facts.



In the Ebata family, we try to be careful about household infection with the new coronavirus, but I still feel that there is a limit to what we can do.


We can't avoid talking to each other as a family, and it's difficult to wear a mask all the time in the house.


So, just like the government's current policy to focus intensively on conversations during eating and drinking, the Ebata family has also concentrate the time of "eating and drinking".



It's been called "the time just before the collapse of healthcare", but not "the time after the collapse of healthcare".


After all, I guess anyone would not want to be the first to declare the 'collapse of healthcare'.

それは、ギリシャの経済危機に乱発された言葉『デフォルト』と同じ意味だから ―― と思っています。

I think that it is the same meaning as the word "default," which was wildly used during the Greek economic crisis.


"Default" means "a nation throws away its debt payments". In other words, "a nation declares that it will not make payments on its bonds".

これに準ずるとすれば、『医療崩壊』とは、「医療による人命救助ができない」ということで ―― なるほど、こんな事実は誰も受け入れたくなく、そして宣言したくないでしょう。

If we were to conform to this (default), 'medical collapse' would mean 'medical inability to save lives'. Well, no one would want to accept and declare such a fact.


I think that is why the phrase "just before the collapse of healthcare" is still being used.


江端:「とにかく、今はしのげ! 家庭内感染は避けられないかもしれないが、『今』はなんとか逃れろ! 来月か再来月なら、余裕をもって治療して貰える可能性がある!!」

Ebata: "Anyway, just keep enduring for now! Household infections may be inevitable, but for now, we've got to get away! If it's next month or the month after that, there's a chance we'll have enough time to get medic!"


When I said that, my junior daughter told me something I didn't expect.


Junior: "You know, we (teenagers) are hardly afraid of our own infection.


Ebata: "...What?"


Junior: "We already know that even if we are infected, we will either have no symptoms or we will be symptoms of a common cold"


Ebata: "..."

次女:「私たちが、普段の日常で話題としていることは、『親に感染させない』『親を殺さない』―― これだけだよ」

Junior: "What we usually talk about is 'not infecting our parents' and 'not killing our parents' - that's all"



In short,

―― お前たち(親、高齢者)は、人(子どもたち)の感染を心配している場合か?

"Do you (parents, elderly) have time to worry about infecting others (children)?"

―― 私たち(子ども)から感染を受けないように、お前たち(親、高齢者)が自力で防衛対策を執れ

"You (parents, elderly) should come up with your own defense measures so that you don't get infected from us (children)."




There is a strange (and rare in the history of mankind) social phenomenon going on right now, where the "protected" are worried about the "guardians".


It is us (the middle-aged and elderly) who are worried about children, now.



The current state of the U.S. looks like the movie "Hitler's Last 12 Days" going on right now.


(I did a little research and found many people who felt the same way.)


もちろん、本音を言えば、私はニクソンに次ぎ、現職米国大統領が任期途中で職を解かれる(弾劾)という、歴史的な場面を見たい(*) ―― と思っていました。

Of course, to tell you the truth, I was hoping to see a historic moment when the next incumbent U.S. president, after Nixon, would be removed from office (impeached) in the middle of his term.


In the case of Nixon, it was not "dismissal" but "resignation".

しかし、次期大統領の確定手続中の連邦議会に大統領の支持者が乱入、支持者と警官隊の両方に死傷者を出すという、―― 米国憲政史上、最悪最低の事件を知るに至り、もう、私は、心の底からウンザリしています。

But, President-elect supporters rush into the federal parliament during the next president-elect finalization proces, and casualties to both his supporters and the police ――I've come to know the worst and worst case in the history of US constitutionalism, and I'm really tired of it.


Now, I think it's better not to give him unnecessary stimulus and wait until the transition to power.


(I'm currently investigating whether "fixed retroactive effect" is possible, that suspending the president's term the day after the incident, for example , after the transition to power, the impeachment dismissal of the former president was confirmed, and the vice president lets the president)


Anyway, the difference between the dictator at that time and the current president of the United States is


Having a "self-determination pistol" and having a "nuclear missile button".



Up until now, I was surprised every day by being shown in real time that "it would impossible".


It has been shown that some human beings have ridiculous abilities, good or bad, bad or bad.


Then, I realized from the bottom of my heart that what is called "power domineering" shouted by the media and opposition parties in Japan is "how cute it is".


To be honest, I didn't want to know that.





The best way is that "my expectation is off the mark".



By the way, the current US President has now frozen his SNS (Twitter and Facebook) accounts.


To put it bluntly, "the SNS operator has identified the current president of the United States as an instigator of riots," and "they decided that this decision was not illegal throughout society."


They probably decided, "Even if there is a court battle at a later date, we can win with a margin."



However, I'm wondering. "he could hold a press conference without using SNS. He is the current president now"


If the media reporters' questions are annoying, he would not let them enter the venue.


This has a precedent case in Japan.


In 1972, Prime Minister Sato said, "Where is the TV camera, I want to talk to the people directly, don't talk to newspaper reporters, go home," and there was an unprecedented interview that all reporters would leave.