

Anytime I see a male urinal installed in a train station, I run a simulation in my head.


Women may not know this, but there are usually three male urinals installed in stations.


And every time I look at these three urinals, I think.



- Which urinal is the best strategy to use when all three of these are available?


- Which urinal is the best strategy to use, left or right, when the middle is in use?


- Should you avoid urinals while the water is flowing?


Then, taking into account the average time of use of urinals, the dispersion of urinals by age, and the congestion rate at the time of use


Which of these is the best reasoning engine to build into these, urinal-using male agent programs ?


- Rule-based reasoning to describe behavior verbally


- Alternatively, reinforcement learning to derive behavior from observations


- Or, virtual agents to model behavioral economics

とか、考えるのは ―― 楽しい。

It is fun for me to think about those things.



As you can imagine, we are not allowed to set up a camera in the toilet. However, if we had data on the time of the human sensors installed at the urinal, I think I could hypothesize and test it there.


So here's a request to all toilet bowl manufacturers.


Would you mind releasing that time-series human sensor response time data to me?

え? そんなデータ、計測していない?

Huh? You're not measuring that kind of data?


No, no, I'm sure you are measuring it.


The use rates of male urinals are important data for your company.


This is because you need to apply queuing theory to calculate the urinals needed at each station.


"There's no reason to disclose it to Ebata because it's important data"


Oh, that's certainly reasonable.



Then I guess I'll just have to keep observing, independently, in the restroom.


But for sure, I'm sure they'll call the police.


Even I think, "If I find a suspicious person like that, I'm definitely going to call the police".



The "wish" I mentioned the other day is apparently not going to come true.

「私の最悪の予想」の何パーセントくらいのとろで留まるか ―― ということになりそうです。

My interest is going to "What percentage of "my worst expectation" will stay?"



This is the presentation file I used when I was asked to give a lecture by an organization.


"Unpleasant" United States presidential election mechanism


If you are interested, please read it.



Ebata: "Why is this US presidential election on November 3rd?"


Daughter: "Hmm, maybe it's Japan's "Culture Day""


Ebata: "Once upon a time, I've heard that quite a few Americans answered, 'The capital of Japan is Beijing'"



江端:「今も、米国民の日本に対する興味って、その程度だと思う ―― ましてや、日本の祝日を知っているネイティブは、絶無だと思う」

Ebata: "I think that Americans are still interested in Japan at most-even more, and I also think that there are no natives who know Japanese holidays."



(Continuation from yesterday)

―― とは言え、AWSの自習の為に、月数千円を持っていかれるのは、なんとも悔しいな

"However, it is regrettable to bring thousands of yen a month for AWS self-study."

と思っていたところ、見つけたのが、Amazon Lightsailです。

When I was thinking, I found Amazon Lightsail.


It is a server of 3.5 dollars (500 yen) / month, which is a range that can withstand even if I run out of my own stomach.


Yeah, this is good.


In the first place, I have no intention of protecting the server from external cyber attacks.


Even if the system is broken, I can't enter any information that would be a problem from the beginning, and the source code is published on github.


One core (equivalent to EC2) of the virtual server is enough, and the DB can be built in the core.


Above all, I don't want to configure the load balancer used as a firewall or Route53.


という訳で、この11月始めの連休は、Amazon Lightsail上に、試作したサーバを搭載して、数千のオブジェクトのデータで攻撃し続けるという、「えげつない」テストを繰り返していました。

So, this weekend in early November, I was repeating a "bad" test of installing a prototype server on Amazon Lightsail and continuing to attack with data of thousands of objects.


Of course, a communication failure occurred (caused), but the server did not go down. To be honest, I'm impressed with how amazing it is.



So, let's get back to the beginning.


"Shifting the development direction to the home server using Raspberry Pi" is coming into scope of "using the cloud".


For 500 yen / month, I can play on a private internet server ... If I can operate it, it's enough for me.



In this column, I wrote that I "failed" to use the VPS on my website when creating a home watching system.

でもって、ラズパイを使った自宅サーバの方に、開発方向をシフトさせるに至りました ―― まあ、そのおかげで、この連載の記事が執筆できたのですが。

Therefore, we have shifted the development direction to the home server that uses Raspberry Pi. Well, thanks to that, I was able to write an article in this series.

ここ一年の間、Amazon Web Service(AWS)の、Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2)とLBS(ロードバランサ)を使ったシステムを使って、色々やってきたのですが、先日、1年間の無料使用期間が終了して、有料モードに突入してしまいました。

For the past year, I've been using Amazon Web Services (AWS), a system that uses Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and LBS (load balancer). The other day, the one-year free usage period has expired and I have entered the billing phase.


Actually, I didn't notice it and learned that I was charged 5,000 yen / month for about 3-4 months, so I hurriedly deleted my account the other day.


Though I only used it for practice, it was a considerable loss.



In the first place, I'm not good at "AWS".

"AWS"というのは、「ビルデイングブロック」で作るサーバです ―― イメージ的に言えば、「電子ブロック」のような感じです。

"AWS" is a server created by "building blocks". In other words, it feels like an "electronic block".


An "electronic block" is a metaphor that is often (conveniently) used, but when it comes to operation in the real world, it becomes a nightmare.

―― ブロックがたった一つでも動かないと、サーバシステム全体が動かない

"The entire server system will not work unless even one block works"


I've often talked about how scared I was of "non-working servers" with "TLS authentication", "road bangsar", and "domain registration".


『てやんでい! サーバ構築なんてもんはなぁ、コンソールのシェルが2つ、3つ立ち上がっていればいいんでい!』

"Shut up! I only need two or three console shells up to build a server"


In this way, for the elderly who survived only with the command interface type UNIX server construction technique of the 1980s, the methods like "AWS" are really "hard".

まあ、とは言え、こういうセリフを語り出した時から、人間はジジイ化する訳で ――

However, if I start talking about these lines, I become "old farts"


"the engineer who allowed himself to become old farts" is going 'game over'.


If I don't like the 'game over', then engineers have to keep fighting, even when it's a weekend, a major holiday, or late at night after work.


(To be continued)



This is a conversation I had with my senior daughter on my birthday.


"Daddy. Happy birthday. Now, on the occasion of your birthday, what are your future aspirations?"

江端:「ふむ、抱負か・・・『自分が自分の意識と体をコントロールできる時間内での、苦痛ゼロの死』―― この一択だな」

"Hmm, an aspiration... 'Death with zero pain, in a time when I can control my own consciousness and body' - Just this one option"



My wife also says the same thing.


Well, you all will understand when you eventually get on the care front.

ええ、介護者になろうが、被介護者になろうが ―― 全員、例外なく。

Yes, whether you become a caregivera or a care recipient, without exception.


「沈黙する人工知能 ~なぜAIは米大統領選の予測に使われなかったのか」

"Silent Artificial Intelligence - Why was not AI used to predict US presidential election ?"


I'm rereading it.

―― あれから4年かぁ・・・

"It's been four years since then"


I am impressed by the speed of time, "fast".



By the way, I don't think anyone has pointed this out yet. However, I'm worried about

―― アメリカ合衆国の内戦

"Civil War in the United States"




Here's an example of a scenario.

(Step 1) 直接投票ではトランプ候補が勝利するものの、その後の郵便投票の結果でバイデン候補が逆転する。

(Step 1) Candidate Trump wins the direct ballot, but the results of the subsequent mail-in ballot upset candidate Biden.

(Step 2) トランプ候補が、大統領令で郵便投票の無効を宣言し、一方的に勝利宣言を発表。

(Step 2) Candidate Trump declares the mail-in ballot invalid by presidential decree and unilaterally issues a victory declaration.

(Step 3)最初にカリフォルニア州(民主党勢力)が独立を宣言、それを受けてテキサス州(共和党勢力)も独立を宣言。

(Step 3) California (the Democratic state) is the first to declare its independence, and Texas (the Republican state) follows suit.

(Step 4)各州が、州兵を州境に配置。各州知事が、カリフォルニア国、テキサス国への参入を表明

(Step 4) Each state places the National Guard on the border. Each state governor announces entry into the State of California or the State of Texas.

(Step 5)トランプ候補が合衆国内で国内で限定核(威力を限定的(?)にした核兵器)の使用を言及し、最悪、使用してしまう

(Step 5) Candidate Trump mentions the use of limited nuclear weapons (nuclear weapons with limited power (?)) in the United States, and in the worst case, he uses it.


So, if China and Russia back up the above two major states, it will absolutely be the last world war for humankind.



Four years ago, I couldn't even think like this.



My wish now is that I don't care who wins the presidential election, however,

―― 有無を言わせないほどの圧倒的多数で、勝敗が決して欲しい

"I'd like to see an overwhelming majority to win or lose."


That's just it.


子どもの自殺が倍増 ―― という話を聞いて、青冷めています。

I've heard that child suicides have doubled -- and I'm pale.


I did a little research and it looks a little different.


- The number of suicides among elementary through high school students doubled to 59 in August from 28 in the previous year.


- In April-June, when the refrain from going out was widespread, it was down about 13% nationally (but not just the data for children).


My prediction that the school ban would reduce the number of child suicides, was almost correct.


However, the "doubling of suicides in August" was unexpected.


However, the proportion of child suicides is very small compared to adult suicides and tends to fluctuate widely, so we should be cautious about making poor decisions.

しかし、「今回のコロナ禍」と無関係でない ―― とは、思っています。

But I think that it's not unrelated to the "corona disaster"



Even before the declaration of the state of emergency, it was predicted that the number of suicides would increase.


But I thought it would be solely an "unemployment problem" and I hadn't really thought about the relevance to "children".


I feel like I've been "totally outsmarted.


I've looked at various media outlets about the suicide of children with corona disasters, but I don't seem to have a very clear reason for it.


In addition to the traditional reasons, they cite "domestic discord due to the Corona scourge," "a chain of celebrity suicides," or "a shift in the 'September 1 issue'" among others.


However, those roots are, I think,

―― 生活様式の急激な変動

"Rapid lifestyle changes"



Prohibition of going to school, living with parents for long periods of time, and restrictions on friendships (conversations, etc.), are typical "rapid lifestyle changes" and quite shocks, like

―― いきなり「ブチッ」と切れるような音とともに切断されて、別の回線に、突然に、繋き換えられるような

"being cut off with a sudden "snapping" sound, and then being abruptly reconnected to another line"



That's a tough one, even for adults who have been forced to make lifestyle changes many times over.


And more importantly, they are children.


だからといって、私に、具体的な解決策がある訳ではありませんが ―― なんとなく、イヤな予感がしています。

That's not to say that I have a concrete solution, but I have somehow bad feeling about it.


I feel bad to think 'something huge' that I will regret in the future, with saying 'I should have done that at that time', is going now.


I hope I'm wrong.



Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

踊るバズワード ~Behind the Buzzword(7)ブロックチェーン(1):

ビットコインの正体 ~電力と計算資源を消費するだけの“旗取りゲーム”

Dancing Buzzword - Behind the Buzzword (7) Blockchain(1)

The true nature of Bitcoin - a "beach flag" that only consumes power and computing resources



I am launching a new series, "Blockchain"


This time in particular, I was researching "Bitcoin" and the one thing that kept popping up in my head was

「ルパン三世」でした ―― いや、マジです。

It was "Lupin III" -- well, I was serious.



It's a classic scene that the Lupins escape with a car (Fiat 500) full of stolen cash from local police.

でも、ルパンたちが奪った札束は、つまるところ「印刷物」 ―― つまり「紙」です。

However, the bills taken by the Lupin gang was just "print" -- that is "paper".


What would happen if the Finance Minister, angered by the bank robbery by the Lupin gang, carried out a denomination (*) that would reduce the unit of currency to 1/1000th of its original size?


(*) In this context, it means "devaluing a currency unit".


The Lupin gang can't even come up with the necessary expenses for the robbery, which puts them in a tight spot.

『債権者に追い立てられるルパン三世』 ―― あまり見たくないシーンです。

'Lupin III being driven out by his creditors' -- a scene I don't really want to see.


Well, I don't think the government is going to denominate at least a robbery, however,

―― ルパンより、国家権力の方が強いよなぁ

"The power of the state is more powerful than Lupin"


I was thinking about such an obvious fact.



After disposing of all the quantum computer papers, I've been thinking


What is currency?


What does value look like?


How can trust be generated?

ということを考え続けていて ――


I was in a "currency gestalt collapse".




(Continuation from yesterday)


On the other hand, the paper says that "crime rates are low compared to the crime rates of the general public".


But crime in spaces that confine children who cannot escape. It makes no sense to discuss this in comparison to the crime rate in the general public.


When it comes to 'teachers', there is no reason why it should be treated in the same way as society's general stance on crime.


The absolute figure alone, listed in Table 1 of this paper, of 2,685 offenders by teachers in the four-year period 2008-12, is astounding (although the more recent data should be even more impressive).


The fact that "sexual crimes committed by teachers are about half as high as those committed by the general public" is not "low", but shockingly "large".


To begin with, teachers are essentially a group of highly educated people made up of college graduates.


If you want to make a comparison, it's reasonable to compare it to "employees of a publicly traded company with tens of thousands of employees".

調査していませんが、断言します ―― この上記2つの集団を比較すれば、教師の性犯罪率の方が圧倒的に高いはずです。

I haven't studied it, but I assure you -- if you compare these two populations above, the sex offense rate for teachers should be significantly higher.


According to the pair of "Stupid adults who can't evaluate themselves and children who can't accuse them of sexual assault", I am convinced that a significant number of sex crimes consisting of this pair have not come to light.


If you request, I will cover the subject in this series of articles and examine it with various analysis methods.


―― 「教育現場というシステム」は「性犯罪発生装置」として機能する

"The "educational system" functions as a "sex crime generator"


This is a painful reality for all of us adults, but we must begin with an acknowledgement of this fact.


And we must do everything in our power to destroy the functioning of such a device.


Anyway, for today, I propose the perspective of

―― 「将来、教師になりたい」という夢を語る若者を「気持ち悪い奴」という目で見る

"Young people who talk about their dreams of being a teacher in the future to be "creepy""



Of course, this is an outrageous argument, a horrible prejudice, and the ultimate in professional discrimination.



However, based on the facts of


"There's at least one person here who's looking at you like that. That is "Ebata""


All young people who want to teach ask themselves,

―― 『自分は、人を教え導く人間である』という「肥大した自我」を持っているのではないか?

"Do I have a 'bloated ego' that says 'I can be a person who teaches and leads others'?"


If this is a "trigger" for them to ask themselves, it might be good.



At least, I made a self-assessment that "I'm not the kind of person who can treat all students equally." and has excluded "teaching profession" from by candidates.


And now, from the bottom of my heart, I realize that my evaluation at that time was "terrifyingly accurate".



(Continuation from yesterday)


However, in this closed-off environment, there are idiots who think that they are popular with the opposite sex.


And this idiot takes advantage of the child's ignorance in such a closed environment to commit crimes (sex crimes) in society without much awareness.


Perhaps many of those incidents will never come to light.


This is because the child, the victim, has not learned and does not know that the means of "accusation" exists.

自己評価のできない馬鹿な大人と、性犯罪被害を告発できない子ども ―― 背筋が凍るような恐しい組み合わせです。

"Stupid adults who can't evaluate themselves and children who can't accuse them of sexual assault". This is a frightening combination that sends chills down my spine.



That may be a bit of an exaggeration, but I have to be honest with you.

―― 「将来は教師になりたい」という夢を語る若者の全てを、私は「気持ち悪い」と思う

I find young people who talk about their dreams of being a teacher in the future to be "creepy".


Just the fact that I have a 'bloated ego' that says 'I can be a person who teaches and leads others' gives me chills.


In the first place, I think it's crazy that there is a 'direct route to employment, from student to teacher, with zero time lag', without ever having to deal with the contradictions, irrationality and unreasonableness of society in general.


A teacher's employment qualifications should be included


A person who has at least three years of work experience in a position equivalent to or higher than section head in a company certified by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.



I believe that only those who have had their "bloated ego" "thoroughly beaten down" can enter the special environment of school.


(The reason for including the phrase "accredited by the Ministry of Education, is that 'anyone could build a company for a penny and become president on the same day")


(To be continued)