

The "Google Method of Working" advocates the following to increase productivity (I haven't read it)


(1) Don't do it alone.


(2) Don't do it for a long time.


(3) Don't attend meetings.


Okay, maybe this is the right thing to do "to increase productivity".


But simply replacing it with "I don't care of productivity", the method falls apart in tatters.



Me, I've studied productivity pretty thoroughly.


As a result, I found that "there is no agreed-upon definition of productivity.


I also learned that there is no strong correlation between "productivity" and "happiness".


「生産性を上げる = 幸福」と「幸福 = 善」から、「生産性を上げる = 善」という三段論法は成立します。

The triadic argument, "Increase productivity = happiness" and "Happiness = goodness," is established from "Increase productivity = goodness.


However, it can also be interpreted as,

―― その"生産性"を上げるのは、"私以外の誰か"で良くね?

"Why can't someone other than me make it more productive?"


さらに、「Google式仕事術」が、"この私"に「楽しさや喜びを与えているのか?」 という点について、私には分からないのです。

Furthermore, I can't know that "Google Method of Working" gives me joy and pleasure of mine.


- Even if I don't write your own column, someone else writes an interesting column, so I can read it.


- There are many people who can draw beautiful illustrations in the world, so I can outsource to them.


- I can ask a professional to do the coding for me.


I think these are absolutely right.


(To be continued)


コンテナに、"ebata_db_1" とか、 "ebata_db_data_1"とかの名前ができているんだけど、一体、誰が命名しているのか全然分からなかったけど、たまたま見つけたので記載しておく。

ディレクトリ名 "casim2020"のところに、以下のdocker-compose.yml を作り、

version: '3.7'

    image:  postgis-pgrouting:latest
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: 'postgres'
      - 5432
    - 15432:5432
      - db_data
      - ./shared:/shared
    image: busybox
      - /data/db

ebata@DESKTOP-P6KREM0 MINGW64 ~/casim2020
$ docker-compose up -d
Creating network "casim2020_default" with the default driver
Creating casim2020_db_1 … done
Creating casim2020_db_data_1 … done




It's natural that the probability of encountering an accident, whether in a car or on a motorcycle, increases in proportion to the amount of time you drive and the distance you drive.


Of course, your driving skills may improve in proportion to the amount of time you drive and the distance you drive, but there is an upper limit to that value.


There is no such thing as "improving driving technology endlessly".


Therefore, the correct answer is "to keep driving time and distance as small as possible in order to prevent traffic accidents."


It's just a matter of probability.


The same is true for the risk of infection in corona disasters.


The correct answer is "a mask and hand washing are important to prevent infection, but more than that, do not contact people as much as possible."


It's just a matter of probability too.



It's a stressful day for many people just because they can't go out as much as they'd like.

人間は社会的存在 ―― つまり、集団として存在することを前提 ―― とされているからです。

This is because humans are supposed to be social beings -- that is, they are supposed to exist as a group.


However, we are now encouraged to act as "individual" rather than as a "group".



By the way, I don't think I've always been resistant to "individual" or "loneliness".


Ever since I was in elementary school, I liked to walk home alone when I left school, with all sorts of (pretentious behavior) thoughts in my head.


When I had to leave with a friend, I was disappointed that I couldn't make up a story (in my head) today.


I don't think I was very good at "playing with more than one friend" in the first place.


Even when I was in a position where I had to organize a group of people (e.g., student council president), the sense of "I am alone" never left me.


I was thinking about a post-dating plan (eg going back to my lab at midnight to do data analysis) during the dating.


And before the Coronal began, I wrote in my diary about "eating alone", "reading alone", and "thinking alone".


After all, I am more likely to be more tolerant of being "lonely" than others.



However, until now, I have chosen that "loneliness" at my own will.


I'm not really confident that I will be able to think in the same way when I have no choice but to be "alone".



In any case, society is now demanding "to be a lone" as a desirable thing.

―― 私の半生は、このコロナ禍の時代に向けた準備期間であったのかもしれない

"My half-life may have been the preparation period for this coronal era"


When I think about it, I feel an indescribable irony.



こちらこちら でも述べましたが、7月から始まった「やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。完」は、予想に違わぬ、大変素晴しい作品になっています。

As I've already mentioned (1) here and (2) here, "My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong、As I Expected -- Final" which started in July, and it's turning out to be a great work, as I expected.


I am very happy.


And while I give the biggest compliment to the original author, I'm still jealous.


I don't have anything to say again, especially since many of you have already commented on this week's fourth episode with rave reviews.



I was reading the last three minutes of the heroine's final three minute monologue at the end of the show on Youtube with "English subtitles" and I was quite shocked.

―― こういう風に訳すのか

"That's how they translate it"



This work is unique in that it makes the characters speak with abstracted messages about their emotions.


Naturally, there will be lines of dialogue that do not have a clear subject or object.


So, this time, the use of tenses (present perfect, past perfect), subjunctive past, and auxiliary verbs in the English subtitles of the heroine's message in Episode 4 "really makes sense".


For example,

■"I'm glad my tears have stopped"


The phrase is a good description of the immediate and current situation.

■"I can't be a girl that people feel sorry for"


This is the heroine's use of "can't" as a will to show her "determination".

■"I couldn't ask him he's helping her"


The present progressive tense used here indicates consistent behavior in the present, past and future of "him".

■"But I could never give up, let go, and refuse the way that she did"


This also shows that the objects of the first two verbs are engaged by the last relational pronoun.

■"Now and forever, my teas won't stop"


This includes "meaning," but it's "good! I shouted.

■I wish my teas hadn't stopped then


I think this phrase, "a wish for the (unrecoverable) past," is a great sentence.


In general, grammar/tense is good if you can express a situation, not if you have to use it as instructed in the textbook.


問題は ―― この英文で(もちろんストーリーの背景等は理解しているという前提で)、

The problem is -- with this English sentence (assuming, of course, that you understand the background of the story, etc.)

―― 何人の日本人が"涙することができるか"

"How many Japanese can "weep"?



At least I don't think I'm going to be impressed at all with the above English phrases because I'm "pulled into the key set of English textbooks".


At the same time, I thought that studying English by using this kind of content (anime and novels) would be very effective.


(I just haven't come up with an approach to it.)


私たち日本人が、"心"のレベルで英文を読み聞きできるようになるには、あと何年必要となるんだろうなぁ ―― などと考えていました。

I wondered how many more years it would take for us Japanese to be able to read and listen to English at a "mental" level.



Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

踊るバズワード ~Behind the Buzzword(4)量子コンピュータ(4):


Dancing Buzzword-Behind the Buzzword (3) Quantum Computer (3)

Let's control one qubit.



In this column, my editor, Ms. M., contacted me because she was concerned about my health condition.


Today, I am disclosing my email response to it.

====== ここから =======

====== From here =======

2020年7月30日(木) 4:00 江端智一

Thursday 30 July 2020 4:00 Tomoichi Ebata




Learning about quantum computers is hard, but it's not a situation you need to worry about yet.


Considering the days of debugging in a car on a college campus late at night in the middle of winter, this level of hardship is not a big deal.

何をしても動かないシステムを目の前に、迫りくる実験開始の日に怯える日々に比べれば、 時間をかけて勉強すれば、いずれは理解できますし、執筆しつづければ原稿は完成します。

Compared to the days of dreading the impending day of experimentation in front of a system that doesn't work, taking the time to study and understand it, and keeping to write, I will finish the manuscript.


At least I'm not afraid of column writing at all.



However, the more specialized the story becomes, the more I feel like the readers are not following me.


I've been talking it to the junior, and we come to wonder


"People in the world of quantum computers may not be able to grasp the quantum computer as a whole (the trinity of mathematics, devices and control).



Anyway, I'm still okay with it (although this time it was a bit tougher because Corona #3 came in). When I get to the end of the line, I'll ask for a proper break, so please don't worry.



"Quantum" is practically the big trick next time.


I am going to deconstruct the cool buzzword "quantum teleportation"



====== ここまで=======

====== To here =======



The pyramid scheme focuses on having those who make that retail sale spelled out (written out).


What they spell out is not only the goal (quota), but also the policy of the group

―― 私には価値はありません。私の価値を与えてくれるのは会社です

"I have no value. It's the company that gives me value"


The pyramid scheme gimmickers make them chant it over and over again, have them write it out on a piece of paper, and then stick it on the wall.


This is really a reasonable "brainwashing".


The effectiveness of brainwashing will not increase if giving them information from the outside.


Brainwashing works by getting people to transmit information in their own words and letters.


Aside from that.



Conference presentations are often done as company business (quota).


Since this is a quota, we may present research results even if we think we weren't good at them or weren't satisfied with the results.


But, of course, we can't just say, "we didn't do well" on a paper or in a presentation.


The competence of the researcher will be tested by "how to express this (without lying)".



Now, in the run-up to the conference, I have to revise and rewrite my paper and presentation materials many times, and then practice my presentation.


If I am going to present in English, I have to come up with the shortest, most complete and understandable expressions possible.


Moreover, I have to be make a reasonable story, that is not broken down logically.


This is repeated over and over again.


This is actually a great "brainwashing" process.



I rewrite papers more than 10 times, presentation materials more than 20 times, and practice presentations (especially if they are in English) more than 30 times.


So much for repetition.

―― この研究には価値があります。その機会を与えてくれたのは会社です

"There is value in this research. The company has given me that opportunity."


I will come to trust that feeling.


Thus, the researcher completes his or her own brainwashing.



In summary, conference and research presentations are, in essence, "self-washing machines".



The conference secretariat has adopted my conference paper and I am now preparing materials for the conference presentation.


If you are presenting at a conventional conference, you usually go to the venue where the conference is held, take the stage, and present your work.

しかし、コロナ禍の為、今や、ほとんどの学会発表は、全て「ビデオ映像 + Web展示」の発表となっています。

However, due to the corona disaster, most of the presentations at the conference are now all "video images + web exhibition".


In other words,


The concept of a conference hall is eliminated, and there is no need to speak at the conference. Naturally, you won't have to worry about making a mistake in your presentation.


No more real time spoken English question and answer sessions. The alternative is to write on a bulletin board (text).


―― これって、凄くね?

"How marvelous this is!"


I think that.


That's what I'm advocating in this column.


First principle: don't "have" a topic that would require discussion in English.


Second principle: don't "create" a topic that would require discussion in English.


Third principle: "Don't let them bring in" topics that would require discussion in English.


It is the realization of a world where none of this is necessary.


もし、コロナ禍が今後も永久に続くとすれば ―― 「英語に愛されないエンジニア」を大量に保有している我が国にとって、

If the corona disaster continues indefinitely -- for our country, which has a large population of "Engineer not loved by English", this might be,


"A Little Bit of Gospel"




Ebata: "In the old days, there was an event where two lovers would say, 'Ahhhh' and carry the food to each other's mouths with their own chopsticks...


Granddad: "Mamma, Grandpa is talking a lot of horseshit with no cancens literacy!

ラブコメの創作物は、その内容で、「プレ2020」と「ポスト2020」という名前で区別される ―― という未来が来るかもしれません。

There may be a future where romantic comedy creations will be distinguished by their content -- with the names "pre-2020" and "post-2020" -- in the future.


というか、それ以前に、「孫」というか、それ以前に、娘たちの「結婚」ですら、量子状態 ―― "0猫"、"1猫"だと思う。

Or rather, I think even the "grandchildren" or even the "marriage" of the daughters before that is a quantum state -- "0 cat", "1 cat".


Still, I think I'm in a much more respectable position being in a "Quantum superposition" state at the moment, than I was at the time,


それよりも「コヒーレンス時間」の方が問題かもしれない ―― 私も、娘も、嫁さんも。

Maybe the problems will be "coherence time" of my daughter, my wife and me.



I have been called for a long time that Ebata-san is a person of "love" or a "perpetual organ of love" (it's true).


I've been called that when I was on the company's tennis team.


In fact, at my wedding, a friend (junior) gave me this speech as well.

―― という話を、今日の夕食の時にしたのですが、

I were talking about it at dinner today, however,


Wife: "At the wedding ceremony, I almost said "Excuse me?" in my mind.


Second Daughter: "I think the people around my dad (researcher) have the wrong idea of "love".


I've been told a lot.



So, my fellow members of our research and development group.


It is a serious situation.


Right now, your "love" is being tested.


If we don't speak up here, we're going to be permanently labeled as "twisted love researchers".



As a time travel freak, Ebata-san, Steins Gate/Zero and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time are sure things.


(If you haven't watched these two pieces of content yet, come back to my chat room backyard later.)


In the last scene of The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, I've enjoyed watching many people argue over the interpretation of Chiaki's words to Makoto: "I'm waiting in the future.


So, I thought we could do another story like this.



Makoto goes into science to build a time machine, and she study abroad and get a job with a SERN.


Makoto, who has become the project leader, monitors the world's networks and hacks into Okabe's emails at the Gadget Research Institute in Akihabara.


From the beginning, Makoto, who has no interest in SERN's global domination, reaches out to Chris, who is studying abroad in the United States, and leads Okabe to develop a time machine.


She becomes a member of the Rabomen and assists Okabe in developing a time machine while fending off an attack from SERN.


Makoto wishes to ride in a prototype time machine, however she secretly changes the future date and time of the target's arriva


The altered setting twists time and space in the future, resulting in an explosion that decimates the city. The world, which had been stable in the Steinsgate worldline, is plunged into World War III, and that war burns down the "painting" that Chiaki wanted to see


Makoto attempts another timeline to fix this altered future.


"Makoto who wants to fulfill Chiaki's wishes", and "Makoto who wants to see Chiaki again" with dividing the lab-menmer into each two for supporting two Makotos.

2人の真琴の「最後のタイムリープ戦」が始まる ――

Two Makoto's "Last Time Leap battle" begins



...Why is it that when I write a story, I end up with this kind of bat-ending?