

(Continuation from yesterday)

私は、これらの写真を投稿する人は、「自分用の記念」して、自分のSNSに残しているというだけで、それ以外の他意はないのだ ―― と、善意解釈をしています。

I am interpreting good faith. I believe that the persons who post these pictures as "memorabilia" for themselves remain on their SNS, and there is no other intention except it.


"A picture of a meal" is the typical example.



"Why do I take care of your food ?"

『"SNS が 絆" ?寝惚けてるんじゃねーよ』

"SNS is bonds? You must not be sleepy."


People like me who think that are not suitable for SNS.


As I develop this theory,


"Why do I care about your clothes ?"


"Why do I care about your enjoy being in the costume of a mouse character ?"


"Why do I care about the scene of your conference presentation ?"


The target of "Why do I care about this?" is expanding, and the significance of the existence of SNS collapses.



"However, now, Ebata, you. Every day, you are updating my diary (blog)."


I heard the voice coming.


"Is that the same as SNS? "


I think that I can answer "different" if asked.


For me, I have no intentions of "I want to connect with someone", "I want to be committed", "I want to stay warm".


"I do not want to hear anyone's comments, and I do not expect any feedback from anyone. I do not need cheering or criticism". I am keeping this diary with the stances.


In short, it is a

―― 辻説法(つじせっぽう)

"street preaching"



(To be continued)



(2) Greetings from the mourning of the funeral


"Thank you very much for your time, even though you are busy today."


"I appreciate your close relationship with my father, Kazuo Ebata."


"Now, I am looking at your faces today, and I think you are almost my family. So from now on, I would like to feel free to remember Father with you."



"My father seems to have been quite active, even from his son's view."


"For example, when I was a primary school student, my father pulled me through deep snow, brought me to the point of fishing around a river, and let me fish in the extreme cold. Though I was a child, I thought, "What on earth is he thinking ?"


"However, I knew well that he was overflowing with his mind, "he would like others to enjoy what he felt was fun."

『父を語る言葉があるとすれば、自分の思いを、真っ直ぐに ―― 時々迷惑だったりしましたが ―― 相手に届けようとする"誠実"。それが、父の本質であったと思います』

"If there is a word to express the father, it must be "honesty," to try to deliver his thoughts straight to the others --- sometimes it was annoying. I think that was the essence of my father.


"To be honest" often means a lot of losses. Especially for my father, who had operated the company, I think that it was not all good for him.


"However, in my life, I have come to know that "honesty" is never inferior to "not honesty."


"And I think my father's honest life is the utmost proof of what he got from all of you.


"I will burn it strongly to my heart now; I think I will keep it in my future life."


『さて、皆様には、父とのお別れの際に、父の顔をご覧頂くことになると思うのですが、・・・ なんとなく、父の顔、生前よりも"かっこいい"感じがして、私なんかは違和感を感じるんです』

"Well, I want you to see the father's face after my greeting. I am afraid my father's face feels "cooler" than before, and I feel a sense of incompatibility."


"So, I would like to ask you that you will take my father's memory with this father's picture, not that of the coffin.

"My father has a full smile face I have rarely seen.


Please remember this father's smile."



"It is easy; however, I would like to express my gratitude and greetings to you."


"Thank you very much for today."



My father has drunk appetite since May, and In July, he had the utmost to drink a cup of nutritional supplement in a day.


After that, I was shocked, looking at my father forcing the helper to eat porridge.


When I told my sister about the situation, she said, "Most of the care of the world is like that."I remember being more shocked.



My father was unable to consume food in July and was hospitalized. However, in late July, the hospital called me,


"Your father has begun to suffer not only for meals and water but also for infusions."



I said persistently to my doctor when my father was hospitalized.


"I want you to stop all medical practices that are painful, even if my father has a pair of 1 mm or there is a risk of suffering."


Still, the hospital has asked me for the final judgment.


I answered on the spot.


"Please stop the drip, not only water and meals."



After that, my sister backed my decision, but my family seemed surprised.


"Does that mean "that" ?"


"That's right."



My father did not reveal his intention for his last term and said, "I will leave everything to my son(Tomoichi Ebata)."


In a sense, this may be called "cowardice" behavior that entrusts the decision of life to others.


However, my father thought that he had the trust that "if I (Tomoichi Ebata) do, I can execute the optimal strategy according to the situation."



And I think that this father's words mean that I will think


"When I (Tomoichi Ebata) comes to the same situation as my father, what will I (Tomoichi Ebata)want ?"


my father orders me that


"Do not be influenced by the opinions of the surroundings; do your wishes with your will (of Tomoichi Ebata)."




Neither "sick," "law," "institution," nor "doctor" can make my father "easy" in this social system. What I can do as his son are

―― 例え『父殺し』の罪の意識を、一生引き摺っていくことになろうとも、

"Even though I will keep my consciousness of "father killer" guilty for the rest of my life,"

―― 父を『殺す』決断を下すこと

"I have to decide to "kill" my father."



This is the answer I derived.



It is continuation of the story of "International Society" of yesterday.



I am very particular about a presentation.


- my presentation materials of the conference will be revised at least five times even after entering the site.


- If I judge that it is impossible to explain with characters, even if it is the day before the presentation, I will rebuild from the figure.


- Even if there is an event such as reception, I quit the venue silently and return to the hotel.


- And I will continue practicing at least twenty times, from several hours to ten hours, at the hotel until we can completely memorize it.


Especially for English presentation, I will make me a automatical voice machine, even if my mind become a complete blank.

Because, I think that "any presentation is a love letter".



So, now I am burning with anger.


- Presenters who only project only texts to the screen, and just read it up

―― 未曾有の大豪雨の中にあって、この会場に辿りついた参加者に対して、「失礼」とは思わんのか?

"Do you think "impoliteness" to participants who came to this venue in the unprecedented heavy downpour ?"


- Presenters who just reads the paper on which the dialogue was written

―― お前は、この場で、一体、誰に対して、何を分かって貰おうとしているんだ?

"To whom would you like to tell what, on earth here ?"


- Presenters who keep on silencing my question

―― プレゼンテーションにおいて「沈黙」は「暴力」だぞ。分っているのか?

""Silence" is "violence" in any presentation . Do you understand?"



Unreasonable and nonsense English is good. Just putting words together is enough.


Talk something.


Do not keep silent.


Show the feeling of "wanting to talk" as an attitude to the questioner as a minimum courtesy.



To tell you the truth, I think that some of the presentations of Japanese students were terrible. (Of course, there were some good presentation).


(To be continued)



(Continuation from yesterday)

―― という話を、娘たちに語っていた時、長女は、ソファーに転がりながら、明らかに不愉快な表情をし、次女は、私に語り始めました。

When telling the story to the girls, the senior daughter(SD) rolled on the sofa with unpleasant expression apparently, and the junior daughter(JD) began to speak to me.


JD:"Daddy, is not that a bit too hight for a student?"


Ebata:"I do not think so, because the purpose of presenting is to" tell others about my thoughts as accurately as possible"


JD:"Well, that's right, but ..."


Ebata: "If they just read what you have written in the presentation materials, we don't have to gather at the conference venue. If we read the material, that is enough"


JD:"Well ..."


Ebata: "I think that presentation is like a "one-theatrical performance". It's a place and time to explain my idea to others with laughter and emotions in a few hours."


JD: "Well, I understand it. The other day, when I have to hear the presentation of university professor with reading paper and small voice, he really annoyed me.


Ebata: "Well, I guess so."


JD:"I decided not to go the college faculty at least"

江端:「だから、演出以前に、セリフもろくに言えない『一人芝居』なんて ―― はっきりいって『聴講者に苦痛だけを与える暴力』だと思っている」

Ebata: "Therefore, I think that "one-theatrical performance" is "violence that gives audience a pain only", if the performer can not be briefly spoken before the performance"



JD: "I see, I understood the claim of you ... By the way, did you have a presentation in English at the International Conference" when you were a student? "




JD:"What did you say? Did you make a splendid "one-theatrical performance" when you were a college student because you are criticizing them ?


Ebata: "No, I had just attended a domestic conference with Japanese only. As a student, I launched a research team,and there was no connection to the international conference at all.


JD:"Let me change the question. "Dad, if you had even the conditions, could you have achieved the ideal presentation at the international conference?"


Ebata: "Well, it was impossible for me, my English proficiency at the college, was more devastating than now ..."


JD: And another question. "Dad, if you had even the conditions, could you have entered an international conference?"


Ebata: "No way. Well it was impossible. I think that there was absolutely no idea of presentation in English at that time. "


JD:"Well, Do the students, you criticize, have "more high intelligence with spirits that you at the time ?"


Ebata: "Well... I admit. they are more competent and spiritual than me at the time, ."



At that time, the SD suddenly raised a shout!

長女:「よっしゃー!! 良く言った、<次女>!! ああ、すっきりしたぁーーーー!」

SD:"Good job! !!. Oh, I feel better!!"


Ebata:"What's happened?

長女:「さっきから、パパの偉そうな物言いに、本気でムカムカしていたからさぁ。いやーすっきりした! ありがとう、<次女>! これで、気分よく眠れるわぁ」

SD:"From a little while ago, I was seriously screaming about what you looked like to be great. Well I was cleared! Thank you, !! I will feel comfortable sleeping. "


While saying that, the SD passed by in front of me and disappeared in her room on the second floor.



- Going to attend the club of Ginza will be the status of that person


- Owning Benz will be the status of that person


- getting a greeting from the president of the ruling party will be the status of that person

―― 「という感じが、よく分からん」と嫁さんに話していたところ、

When I talked to my wife "I cannot understand their feeling", she said to me,


Wife:" "Showing their status" might not be their purposes"



Ebata:"What is it?"


Wife: "These behaviors may be just "tools" of as a platform of personal network to extend their work."



I see.


Personal activities must be limited, however, even if they can establish a cooperative relationship with other people, they might have valuable "tools".


But thinking about it, I don't have to care of it at all.

私にとって、その人を評価する『通貨』は何かと問われれば、―― 少くとも「人柄」「人徳」「優しさ」ではない。

What is my "currency" to evaluate that person is not at least "personality" "humanity" "kindness".


It is not a "hobby", and I will not evaluate anyone who shows off "knowledge" that I am not interested in.


"Belief" "Thought" etc. are out of the question.


私にとっての通貨は、―― 「技術力」ですね。

My currency is "technology power".


I feel overwhelming charm about "overwhelming technical power" that I do not have.


So, for me, "the telegram of the wedding ceremony from the ruling party leader" is just a piece of paper that does not become a calculation paper.


I would rather to give me "the telegram of the wedding ceremony written "solution search program code that realizes 1000 times faster speed than in the past".



(Continuation from yesterday)


Most of this problem comes to the teacher side, however I do not allow the excuse that "there is no such IT literacy for the teacher", "the teacher is busy and there is no such study time".


Because a teacher exists as "a existence that does not allow that excuse for students".



However, no matter how much I rebuked and inspired the teacher, actually I am afraid that improvement of IT literacy is difficult.

「読み、書き、ソロバン」を、「ワープロ、スプレッドシート、メール、スマホ」にするというのは、明治政府が、国民皆学を目指した時のような難しさがあるのは ――

Replacing "Reading, writing, Soroban" with "Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Mail, Smartphone" is the same as difficulties, such as the Meiji government aimed at studying for entire people in Japan.


No, is not it so difficult?


"The level of "IT literacy of our country" is worse than I have expected"


I wrote the phrase in the latest released column, however I think this problem is not only for elder persons" but for entire people in Japan,


I look like that the front of current compulsory and high education field, makes a studious effort to keep the IT literacy low.

「漢字のかきとり」という苦痛しかない訓練、「手書き」でないと受理されない宿題、単純な四則演算しか使わない退屈な「計算ドリル」 ――

For example, painful KANJI read/write training, homework that can not be accepted unless it is "handwritten", a boring "computational drill" using only simple arithmetic operations


First of all, I think that it is difficult to change IT literacy unless it changes from here to the root.



Well, as I write such a thing, objections comes out right away, so I will write a countermeasure now.


- Do not write "kanji" but study "reading" and "meaning" of KANJI character.(in the first place, KANJI is needed for handwriting now are their name and address)


- Copy and paste problem of electronicized report can be found with application using PC (teachers do not know this application)


- Question on "Fermi estimation" problem, not "calculation drill" (Teacher needs intelligence based on "Fermi estimation")


(To be continued)



Ebata: "I hear that one of the reasons for attending the drinking party is that "we fear being a bad mouth of others." Is it true?"


Senior Daughter(SD): "Yeah, there is something. If I miss my absence, someone must say evil of me."


Ebata: "But, I wonder it."


SD: "What?"


Ebata: "Before I asked my juniors, "If I am absent, you will be excited by my abuse?"


SD; "Well."


Ebata: "Then, He said to me, "Mr. Ebata, Give me a break. Do not be conceited."


SD: "Yes?"


Ebata: "He also asked me, "Why do we have to crush the time of an enjoyable liquor seat with Mr.Ebata's topic?"


SD: "How do you say... People at your company are truly "amazing"? Aren't they? "



Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

Let's turn the world by "Number"(49) : Work style reform(8) "

Who made me a patient? The inseparable relationship between work and disease


自分でも、本当に不思議なのですが ――

Even though I myself really wonder, I can understand


(A) "Pay 100% effort on the goals I decided"




(B) "Pay 100% effort on the goals that others (company) decided (without my permission)"


is really incomprehensible.


No, I don't criticize anyone. this is for "myself".


Moreover, in my case, the achievement rate of (B) is overwhelmingly higher for me.


Now I am thinking,

―― 本来、私達は、「自分自身でやりたいこと」など持っていない

"Originally, we do not have "I want to do it myself"

―― 私達を動かすものは、全て他人または外部からの依頼(or命令)または環境である

"What makes us move is a request (or command) or environment from others or from outside"



For example, most Japanese are interested in dieting, spending 3 trillion yen each year, and most of them have failed.


This is a typical example of "failing goals decided by myself".


However, if "going on diet and keeping it" becomes a business order, and the failure connects to your demotion, reduction of salary, dismissal", I think that we can expect a considerable effect (aside from privacy and legitimacy).



So, I said well,


- The guys who say "Do what you want to do, basically do not know anything.


- Many of us do not have a "want list". It is "Only do what we can do" under the given conditions.


- We replace "what we can do" with "what we want to do", we are alive in a virtual world, like "I choose my life by myself"

―― と。


In this way, the content of this column makes even me satisfy.


(I could not rest at all)