

Recently, I read an information magazine for group companies at the corner for coffee-breaks.


In that magazine, the dialogue between a marriage consultant(woman) and a consultant (man) was described.



Woman: "Well, let's first go on a diet"



Yes, she is right.

If you lose weight, you can become beautiful.


If you are careful about anorexia, diet is the best cosmetic method for both men and women.


For appearance, there are (violent) effects that can not compare any expensive cosmetics.


「知性を高める」「教養を身につける」「自分に自信を持つ」「他人から頼られる行動を行う」 ―― は、もちろん大切なことです。

I can agree that that it is important, of course, to "increase intelligence," "acquire cultural knowledge," "have confidence in yourself," "active something others depend on you".

しかし、こと「恋愛」「結婚」戦略については ―― 残念ですが ―― アクションリストのトップは「ダイエット」です。

But for "romance" "marriage" strategy, -- Unfortunately -- the top of the action list is "diet".



Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

世界を「数字」で回してみよう(46) 働き方改革(5):


Let's turn the world by "Number" : Work style reform(5) "

If you are a boss, you can be a "power harness manufacturing equipment" simply"



"As long as we are alive, we should have a consciousness that we become a perpetrator of power harassment"


I said to my family.

「パラハラのほとんどは、悪意のない無意識から発生しているんだ ―― 例えば」

"Most of the parahara are caused by Unconscious without malice, for example "


"There is no woman who has never been confessed from heterosexuality, is not there?",




my wife and senior daughter interrupted quickly,


""No, no, no such woman! No way!"




"Here, the "establishment of power hara" has alreay set. Now,hundreds of thousands of women in Japan have thought that they want to kill you "(*)"



My junior daughter seemed to agree with me.


In addition, I said to them


"In my case, I thought that I wanted to kill a guy who had said to me "Getting married is easy."




I think we should not forget


(1)we live our life with thinking "what is easy for us" is equal to "what is easy for others"


(2)As long as we life, we have to continue to hurt someone absolutely"


(3)There is no way to avoid it



What we can do is

―― それを自覚し続けること

to be aware of it


This is our limit.



(Continuation from yesterday)


So, why such adults and educators do not exist, is

多くの大人や、教育者になるような人は、そもそも、「狂気と孤独の世界で、かつ、たった一人で楽しんで生きる」という人生を生きなかった(or 生きれなかった)人だからです。

Many adults and educators, initially, have not lived their lives (or have not been able to live their lives) "In a world of madness and loneliness, and enjoy living alone."



In addition, I refer to the following facts,


(3)A dream that needs aiming high is generally broken down.


目標のある夢の中でも、特に定量化(合格する or NOT、800点以上 or NOT)する夢は、そこに達成できない間、ずっと自分を痛め苦しめ続けます。

You will continue to suffer from aiming high, which is significantly quantifiable, such as passing or not passing and scoring over 800 points or less.


It is impossible to continue, and finally, it will break you down.


Just "breaking down" is lucky for you. If not, the dream breaks your body and mind, and, in the worst case, you will kill yourself.


These were based on my research activities and my experiments.


The following, which I have been telling you for a long time, is

―― 「夢を諦める」ことは、「夢を叶える」ことと同程度に有意義である

"Abandon of your dream is valuable for you, equal to "make your dream".


That is my policy.



By the way,


my second daughter is really into a comic named "Bakuman."


I admit these comics are masterpieces, but I don't like them.



(Continuation from yesterday)


I hate "pain" and "suffering."


My tolerance to "pain" and "suffering" is very low.


Whatever the family left behind, whatever a person dealing with my corpse feels, I can sacrifice anything if I avoid "pain."

―― 「苦痛」は「家族愛」を超える

"Pain" is beyond "Family Love"


This was also evident in Nazi Germany's "Dirty Experiment."(Please search by yourself for this "Dirty Experiment").


で、現在、私は、介護が必要な両親 ―― 自力で体を動かせない、自分や外部世界を正しく認識できない両親 ―― がいるのですが、

I have parents who need care, for example, parents who can not move their bodies by themselves or can not recognize themselves.


- they can not move their body by themselves,


- even if the pain they want to die is going to be continuous without interruption

●それが外部の人間から認定できない状況になった場合 、

- when it comes to a situation where they are not recognized from the outside.

彼らは、『永遠に続く激痛の猛威』を受け続けなければならないのか ―― と思うと、

If they must continue to receive "the everlasting pain of intense pain."


I have never thought of so much "scary" before.


I am convinced that all people have the right to escape from unbearable pain; indeed, I am one of the humans with the plan.


However, once I cannot move even my body in the situation, I also cannot prepare for any suicide, for example, "jumping in" or "hanging."


I could not shout the "voice of help" during this intense pain.



Humans should have embedded a mechanism to avoid pain easily by nature.

なにか、簡単に死に至れるような仕組み、そうですねえ ―― 生まれながらにして、本人だけが認識できない情報であって、例えば

Something like a mechanism that easily leads to death... let me see, it might be information that can be recognized by themself, and for example, a simple method of


"Turn your little finger 90 degrees counterclockwise; get killed."


I think that such a mechanism might be embedded at the DNA level.

しかし、『苦痛を回避する自殺』が、種の保存存続に資するか? ―― と問われれば、それは、無理だったんだなろうな、とも思います。

However, does "suicide to avoid pain" contribute to species' survival? - If asked, I think that it was impossible.


Selfish genes have two roles.


"Stay!" but "die after a certain period." They are not interested in such as "consideration for pain avoidance."



(Continuation from yesterday)


"All adults are enemies against all children who tell their dream."


This is a correct social figure.


As an adult, I knew the importance of "No listening to others talk."


After keeping my eye open for "No listening to other's talk," I believe I could start translating my dream into action, even if the goal is small.


In addition, I knew that the worst enemy was Internet communication to interfere in "No listening to other's talk."


For persons who cannot have their dream in the closed universe, a "creator" in dreamers is an outlet for hostility.

Twitterであれ、Lineであれ、Facebookであれ、掲示板であれ、ネットの向こう側にいる人間の全ては、「何かを創り出そう」とする、あなたの行動を妨害しようとします ―― 批判とか批評とかという形を装いながら。

On the Internet, they are trying to interfere with you, if you are a creator, with Twitter, Line, Facebook, and other bulletin boards, giving the appearance of reviewers or critics.



From the opposite direction,


if you want to create something new,

何も創り出さない/出せない奴は ―― 誰であれ ―― あなたの敵になります。

any person who doesn't / cannot make things will be your enemy.



My second daughter (the 9th grade) uses a train every day for about 3 hours to go to school.


And about "stand-up-eating soba noodle shop" on the way to school, she became an "expert", I think that she will not lose to the gourmet critic around here.


When I travel on business, I am going to a "stand-up-eating soba noodle shop" recommended by my second daughter (really).

―― "そば"を語れる女子中学生 (但し「立食いそば」限定)

"Junior high school girls who can talk about "soba" (However, "stand-up-eating soba" only)"


My daughter is proud of me.


I think that junior high school girls are now a dime a dozen to talk about fast food such as McDonald's



I also like soba too, however, I think that one of "what I cannot break out of my shell" is


"Croquette Soba"



I am still unable to accept the paradigm "to sink croquette in soba soup".


Regarding the taste of "Croquette Soba", I don't suspect the good taste, since many people are talking on many media.


Definitely "Croquette Soba" should be delicious, I believe.


In fact, I do not hesitate to "sink Tempura in soba soup".


(By the way, I learned that my wife has a policy "Eating Tempura without sinking" this time)



For me with a closed-mind against "Croquette Soba",


My second daughter


"Huh, my father has also such a small-heart, after all"


told me to spit up with a cold smile.


And, she spoke hotly about the issue of how to eat "Croquette Soba".


She said,


"First of all, a croquette should be divided into two parts. One half is for enjoying the taste of croquette, another half should be submerged in soba soup and we will enjoy the taste of soba which also changes with the time"

―― というのが、彼女の「コロッケ入りそば」の哲学のようです。

This is her philosophy of "Croquette Soba".



Recently "stand-up-eating soba noodle shops" are trying to attract customers. with put big photos of a beautiful soba over the huge wall.


In the morning when I got out of the breakfast or, in the midnight when I go back home while dieting,

"これらのディスプレイが、私にとって、どれほど非人道的な殺人兵器として機能しているか ―― "

"How these displays function work well as murder weapons for me"


I believe you can understand that.



(Continuation from yesterday)


Again, I can not understand the thought of terrorists and I do not intend to understand from now on.


However, I think there is something to learn from these things.


(Part 1)


There are terrorists and heads of state who take thoughts and actions unknown to their translation. Attempts to understand such ideas and behaviors are largely in vain.


(Part 2)


There was a period when all the Japanese citizens had been seen as terrorists from all over the world by the Japanese terrorists less than 10 people.




The object to be hatred, retaliated is a terrorist.

罪を憎んで人を憎まず ―― などという諺(ことわざ)は、私には分かりません。

"hate the sin, but don't hate the person" .... I do not know the proverb.

「人」を憎んで「人」を憎み倒す ―― これが私の基本ポリシーです。

I hate 'people' and hate and hate 'people' - this is my basic policy.



Expanding the object of hatred and retaliation to organizations, ethnic groups, religion and thought,

弱くて、勉強不足で、きちんと調べる手間暇すらも行わない怠け者で、卑怯者であるとすら ―― 私には思えます。

I think that such a person is weak, lazy, lack of study, and coward.


The most hateful thing is the "person" "person" and "person", and, we should fulfill retaliation exactly for that "person" by spending your own life.


ちなみに、私闘は、法律違反(明治22年制定 (決闘罪ニ関スル件))です。

By the way, private fight is against the law (established Meiji 22 (battle crimes)).



(Continuation from yesterday)


Among them, especially what I was shocked is


- Tel Aviv Airport Shooting case


In 1972, three Japanese terrorists shot automatic rifles at the terminal at Tel Aviv 's Lot Airport in Israel.


they killed 24 civilians who were at the terminal, give injuries to over 100 people.


- Dhaka JAL Hijack case


A hijack case that the criminal requested the release of nine terrorists who were serving and detained in Japan and 1.6 billion yen.


The Government of Japan issued "super legal measures" and responded to the release of terrorists.



I do not know what kinds of brain circuit can create a foolish idea of "killing irrelevant civilians and fulfilling the revolution", and there is no plan to make an effort to understand in the future.


私、この週末に、「超法的措置」の法的根拠を、かなり真剣に探しました ―― 当然、そんなものはないのですが(あったら、法治主義国家の自己否定になる)、

I searched quite seriously the legal basis of "super legal measures" this weekend, of course, there is not such a thing (if it is, it becomes self-denial of a legalist state),

「行政の権利の濫用」を根拠として、誰かが訴えを行って(テロの被害者の遺族なら、訴権はあるでしょう)、最高裁が「違憲ではない」という判断をしている―― とかいうような、判決文を探していましたが、残念ながら、見つけられていません。

Based on the "abuse of administrative rights", if someone gets a lawsuit (if they were bereaved of the victims of terrorism, there would have a right of it), the Supreme Court is making a judgment that it is not "unconstitutional". I was looking for a sentence like that, but unfortunately I have not found it.


(If you know, please let me know)


(To be continued)



Today, in the world terrorism by "Crazy Muslim fundamentalists" (Neither Islamic fundamentalists nor Muslims) is making noise around the world,

かつて、それに匹敵するような ―― 場合によっては、それすらも超えるような

Once that was equal to them, In some cases, it seems to exceed


The international terrorist organizations of Japan (Japan) have been feared by people all over the world.


It was a terrorist group "Japan Red Army".


- Dubai Nikko Machine Hijacking case


- Singapore case


- Embassy occupied case in Kuwait in Japan


- Hague case


- Kuala Lumpur case


- Jakarta case


-Mitsui & Co. Manila Branch Chief Kidnapping case


They had been raising cases involving indiscriminate murders in rapid succession all over the world.


Well, if it was just one or two times, as long as they were carrying out terrorism all the year round,


From the people of the world, it could not be helped that


"Are Japanese people like that terrorists?"


It was inevitable.


In this way, there was a time when Japanese people were regarded as subjects of terror from the world (true).


(To be continued)


現代の私たちは、望む望まずに関わらず、マイクロソフト社の「Windows OS」と「Office」の奴隷・・・もとい、ユーザとなっています。

Now, regardless of our hope, we are Microsoft's "Windows OS" and "Office" slaves...I mean "users".


In the proverb dictionary, in the explanation of "the army if you win", they have to use an example, "Wining story of Microsoft Corporation", instead of the shogunate at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate and the new government army.

By the way, in this column, I wrote a little about "Nash equilibrium" and "Pareto optimal".


Many of us have been forced to upgrade our version by Microsoft Corporation, with the threatening phrase "We do not support anymore" OS and Office", though even we have finally got used to OS and Office over the years.

私たちは、古いWindows OSを使うことで、いわゆる「ナッシュ均衡」に至っている訳であって、その世界は、ぬくぬくして、居心地のいい場所なのです。

We use the present Windows OS to reach the so-called "Nash equilibrium", and the world is warm, cozy.

しかし、マイクロソフト社は、「バージョンアップ + サポート停止」という手段をもって、このナッシュ均衡を破って、パレート最適に至らしめているのである ―― という、ウルトラスーパー善意解釈もできなくはないと思っています。

However, Microsoft breaks this Nash equilibrium, and try to be reaching Pareto optimal, as a means of "upgrading + halting support", however I am afraid that this is a Ultra Super good faith for the company.


(To be continued)