
―― システム障害というのは、台風や地震と同じような、天災である


Today, I could not write in my diary on kobore.net (I can write in WordPress).


I threw an email to customer support, though,

―― どっかのグループが、私に壮大な嫌がらせをしているんじゃないか

"I think some group is spectacularly harassing me."


I seriously doubt that this is the case.


As you can imagine, I no longer have the energy to write the wrong article.


I also have a mountain of tasks (in addition to dealing with the system failure, I have to revise a paper, draft a conference presentation manuscript, and two seminar presentation materials) this weekend, but my heart is already broken.

残り少ない人生も、こんな風に、訳の分からないままずっと走り続けるのかなぁ、と考えると ―― いや・・・、考えたら、負けだ。

I wonder if I will continue to run like this for the rest of my life without knowing why. No, if I think about it, I will lose.



A hardware failure is underway on a computer for coding and heavyweight calculations.


And the replacement computer also failed.


System failures often magnify the failure further in restoring such systems.


I am currently wholly disconnected from the surrounding system.


I am an adult, and I am almost really crying.



Who began to entrust the "operation of the world" to computers?


We should have just let the computers do calculations.


However, the world (including the Japanese government) is now where "IT services are the last resort.



Maybe how engineers feel when they fight on the front lines of transportation and financial system failures, under the ire of their customers, is

―― このまま、世界が滅んでしまえばいい

"Let the world die as it is."



And this is not out of line, I think.


―― システム障害というのは、台風や地震と同じような、天災である

"A system failure is a natural disaster, like a typhoon or earthquake."


I know that no matter how much I insist, nobody will accept it.


The critical difference between a system and a typhoon or an earthquake is the difference between 'having someone to complain to and not having someone to complain to.

あるいは、やれることはやって、それでも壊れる時には壊れるという『諦観』をするしかない、とも言えます ―― システム障害も自然災害も。


先日、嫁さんと、「英雄たちの選択 スペシャル 紫式部 千年の孤独 源氏物語の真実」を録画を見ていました。

The other day, my wife and I watched a recording of "Choic" of Heroes Special: Murasaki Shikibu: A Thousand Years of Solitude, The Truth of The Tale of Genji."


Waka poems appeared in the program, and a commentary on modern colloquialisms also came after the Waka poem.


Me: "This is our country's language, so Japanese people should be able to understand it without 'modern' colloquial' explanations.


Wife: "You could say that."


However, I don't understand any archaic language, so I cannot watch such a program.


Besides, I think the logic is a bit too painful.

なぜなら、私、学生の頃、国内旅行で、会話の9割が理解できない方言というものに出会ったこともあります ―― つまり、古語の履修以前の問題です。

As a student, I once traveled to Japan and encountered a dialect I could not understand in 90% of the conversations. In other words, this is a problem before learning ancient languages.



I previously discussed trigonometric functions' "need/no need" in my Math Unnecessity column.


At this point, I have concluded that at this time.


'The unverified past performance' is the only basis for the 'need' of trigonometric functions.'



In other words, 'I don't don't (why I should take trigonometric functions).


In contrast, the goals for ancient texts are more concrete.

■目標 : 源氏物語、百人一首、日本書紀の内容を、その現代口語による解説が不用となる日本人を作る

Goal: To create Japanese people who will not need to use modern colloquial explanations of the contents of The Tale of Genji, The Hyakunin Isshu, and The Chronicles of Japan.


Of course, this is a tremendously high hurdle, but it is a clear goal to aim for.


I think understanding what used to be one's language, even if it is archaic, can be accepted (without logic) as a feeling.


In the same way, we can concretize our goals for English.

■目標 : 映画館で日本語の字幕なしに洋画が楽しめるような日本人を作る

■Goal: To create Japanese people who can enjoy foreign films without Japanese subtitles in movie theaters.


The goal is worthy of reaching a "joyful" life and a "prosperous life."


However, this is the same: it is a tremendous hurdle.



I don't know how many years or even decades later, but all Japanese will say 


"Why should I read The Tale of Genji in a modern mistranslation?"

『サブタイトル(字幕)? それは何ですか?』

"Subtitles? What is it?


I think it would be a "good "future" if "Japanese people behaved like the above.

ここに、私は、『源氏物語 ≒ シュタインズゲート』という、新解釈を提唱したいと思います。



Every time I see a headline for a book or movie called "How You Live."

―― お前の知ったことか

"It's none of your business."


I mutter to myself.

―― お前の食う飯なんぞ、知ったことか



A holiday weekend of coding, debugging, and reading papers is ending.


No, to be precise, I have to take two more days of planned annual leave, so this is continuing.



NHKスペシャル 「山口一郎 “うつ”と生きる~サカナクション 復活への日々~」を見ています。

I am watching the NHK Special "Ichiro Yamaguchi Living with Depression: Sakanaction's Days to Revival."

―― 本当に苦しいですから

"Because it's excruciating."


I was so excited that I nodded my head in agreement.


Today, I watched only the first 10 minutes.


I will look at it a little bit over a week.


(By the way, this "Sakanaction" seems to be the name of a music band, but I learned about this band for the first time today.)



Depression" not only makes you feel depressed, but you really can't move your body, not even for a millimeter.


That was painful.

これを理解して貰う方法ってないかなぁ ―― 『インフルエンザ/コロナで高熱で苦しんでいる時の状態が、無限に続くような』という感じでしょうか。

I wonder if there is a way to get people to understand this -- "like when you are suffering from a high fever from the flu/coronavirus, and it seems to go on indefinitely."


Can you understand the state of being in which you think, "I'd rather die than turn over?"


It's synonymous with 'I want to die and get comfortable.


In addition, others have no idea/understand that the person has the disease, and therefore, the person's condition worsens, a snowball effect that causes the situation to get worse.


Depression is such a painful disease that one wonders how much malice the devil of what world created it.



I have previously discussed that depression is the leading cause of suicide, but this does not mean that depression causes suicide.


They choose suicide to escape the pain of "depression" (lethargy, emotionlessness, hopelessness, zero appetite, fatigue, severe pain, etc.).


In other words, suicide is the result of a "very normal decision" that "it is better to be in a state where I do not exist.


Foolishly, I was completely unaware of the above differences until I was affected.

『抑うつは、運動や、食事改善や、レジャーや、サウナで、改善する』と、本気で思っていて、それを公言していた過去の私を ―― タイムマシンに乗って、半殺しにしてやりたいくらいです。



I think many people are suffering from "depression" (the program said 1 in 15 people).


So I think many people can understand what I am saying.


However, I am afraid there are 14 times as many people who do not understand what I am discussing.


First of all, please remember that "depression" is "the pain of suffering from high fever with influenza/coronavirus, which seems to last indefinitely. It will probably be suitable for both parties.



Some seem to 'put our lives on the line to study and improve our English.


I wonder whether such people would find the recent translation-generating AI services via smartphone apps objectionable.


More than that, I am interested in what those in the field of English education and the services that provide services in English are feeling right now and what kind of logical armament they have to defend their jobs.



There is a hypothesis that 'if we have AI and smartphones, we don't need foreign languages.


I cannot adopt/reject this hypothesis with certainty at this time.


Click here for directions to "adopt."

私は生れて始めて『AI技術による廃業』の予感を感じました ―― 最初の犠牲者は、語学教師です。



So this is where the "reject" comes in.




Click here for more information about the person who is testing this hypothesis and has stopped experimenting.




Recently, I heard that my second daughter is working with a student from China on a research project.


But with communication, she seems to be having a lot of trouble.


'Why don't we just have a conversation on our phones?' I asked, but conversations do not flow well through a device (smartphone).


Well, I can sort of imagine.


Conversation is not only about meaningful content but also about "whatever you want to talk about.


We know it from experience and robustly prove it in academia (social capital, well-being, etc.).


If an application that supports real-time communication appears, in which the speaker "forgets that a device (smartphone) is involved," we solve the problem more quickly than one might think.

「そんなもんが簡単に登場してくるか!」 ―― と、以前のように断言できないんですよ。最近のAI技術を見ていると。

'Such things don't just appear as easily as they used to!' -- and I can't be as definitive as I used to be. I'm looking at recent AI technology.



I also saw the current situation in which restaurants are screaming in response to the over-tourism of foreign tourists.


A "small restaurant with no English" is not an object to blame.


I have discussed the massive investment in English by the Japanese and the meager return on that investment many times here.



The English language does not love We Japanese.


We cannot discuss this issue regarding effort, cost, or any other dimension.


If I use the metaphor of a mathematical equation, then "English proficiency" is a "constant A, B" and not a "variable x,y" (Could it be any more confusing?).



Therefore, the hypothesis that "with AI and smartphones, we don't need foreign languages" seems unadoptable now.



My eldest daughter has been back home(?) since yesterday. We were having this conversation while listening to the Constitution Day news.


Eldest daughter: "We can amend the Constitution to keep up with the times."


Me: "Oh, so you are a 'pro-amendment.' By the way, I'm an 'anti-amendment.'


The conversation led to, well, what we discussed the following.

「さっさと『9条』を改正すればいいのよ」と、あの娘が言った日 (再掲)


私:「・・・という訳で、じいちゃん(私の父)と、ばあちゃん(私の母)が逝くまで、憲法改正を阻止できれば『勝ち』だと思っていたので ―― この勝負、すでに、『私の勝ち』で確定しているんだ」

Me: "... That's why I thought that I would win if I could prevent the amendment of the Constitution until Grandpa (my father) and Grandma (my mother) passed away. Therefore, I had already won the game.


Eldest Daughter: "So, you could admit the amendment, couldn't you?"


Me: "Lately, I've been thinking, 'It would be a 'perfect game' if I could prevent it until I die."

憲法改正を『勝ち負けで論じる』というのも、どうかしていると自分でも思うのですが ―― だからこそ、私は「条件付きの"護憲派"」なのです。

It is crazy of me to "discuss constitutional amendments based on winning or losing"—that is why I am a "conditional constitutionalist."



I repeat it.


(1) Amending the Constitution is both logically and practically correct.


(2) I also do not want to see a constitutional amendment in my lifetime.


I don't say, 'You have to understand,' and I'm aware that I'm saying, 'I'm messing up.

神も、仏も、聖書も、コーランも、仏典も、何も信じてはいませんが ――

I don't believe in God, Buddha, the Bible, the Koran, the Buddhist scriptures, or anything else, but--


Nevertheless, I am one of the (somewhat unusual) Japanese citizens moved by the "Preamble" of our Peace Constitution and have reread it many times since childhood.


日本国憲法 前文

The Constitution of Japan


We, the Japanese people, acting through our duly elected representatives in the National Diet, determined that we shall secure for ourselves and our posterity the fruits of peaceful cooperation with all nations and the blessings of liberty throughout this land and resolved that never again shall we be visited with the horrors of war through the action of government, do proclaim that sovereign power resides with the people and do firmly establish this Constitution.


Government is a sacred trust of the people, the authority for which is derived from the people, the powers of which are exercised by the representatives of the people, and the benefits of which are enjoyed by the people.This is a universal principle of mankind upon which this Constitution is founded.We reject and revoke all constitutions, laws, ordinances, and rescripts in conflict herewith.


We, the Japanese people, desire peace for all time and are deeply conscious of the high ideals controlling human relationship, and we have determined to preserve our security and existence, trusting in the justice and faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world.


We desire to occupy an honored place in an international society striving for the preservation of peace, and the banishment of tyranny and slavery, oppression and intolerance for all time from the earth.We recognize that all peoples of the world have the right to live in peace, free from fear and want.


We believe that no nation is responsible to itself alone, but that laws of political morality are universal; and that obedience to such laws is incumbent upon all nations who would sustain their own sovereignty and justify their sovereign relationship with other nations.


We, the Japanese people, pledge our national honor to accomplish these high ideals and purposes with all our resources.



If there is even the slightest possibility of damaging the principles of this beautiful Constitution (preamble), I would like to pass away without seeing "it."

甚だしく非論理的で、観念的で、感情的な物言いです ―― ですので、皆さんは、私を盛大に嗤ってやって下さい。

It is a highly illogical, conceptual, and emotional statement. So please laugh at me.



We all want to be "free" (don't we?).


Freedom, however, is often accompanied by many conditions.


These conditions include laws, regulations, ethics, morality, social responsibility, economic constraints, social position and role, technology, and environment.


Freedom is often a dance on the stage of these "bindings.


Expanding freedom means broadening this stage.


We conclude that this requires a law-abiding spirit, morals, responsibility, money, status, a better environment, academic ability, and good health, which we must strive for.


It was a boring conclusion (I'm sick of writing it myself).


Still, indeed, the world has not "become" what the following song describes.

『♪ 自由に生きていく方法なんて、1通りだってないさ~ 』



Being bound by organization, society, and common sense (i.e., by budgets, bosses' orders, and social mores) is the price of freedom.


However, I have recently wondered if we are not all "bound" by our desire to be bound.


I am not talking about SM.





I am writing this diary in both Japanese and English.


The purpose is for me to study English.


I can say that this notation in both Japanese and English has been 'the most valuable English study I have done so far.


It is not easy to 'try to use English every day' as long as you live in Japan.

私の場合、駄文を書くのは好きなので、ここに英語の駄文を付与するのは、『毎日、英語を使ってみる』の良い実施例となったようです ―― まあ、誰からも評価はされていませんが。

In my case, I like to write crap, so granting English crap here seems to have been a good implementation of "Try to use English every day" -- well, it is not appreciated by anyone.


It is hard to write English every day, so I use a translation tool and a grammar checker (since I started using these, I feel like my English is getting worse, but I prioritized 'continuity').


So, recently, I seem to be doing

―― Grammarly(文法チェッカー)に気に入られるような英文を書く努力をしている

"I try to write English sentences that Grammarly (grammar checker) will like."



The checker tells me every day that I should use "the" rather than "a" or "past tense" rather than "perfect tense," and that I should change "passive" to "active" every day, so I take care to use "active" as much as possible.



When I first joined the company, my boss told me to write my papers in the "passive voice," but looking at recent books on how to write papers, it seems that this is changing to "We" and "I," which are also acceptable.


It does not matter who did the work but what the result is, so the passive voice seems more appropriate.


However, the "passive" sentences are "hard to read" for me.


We cannot see the "person" who conducted the research. Even a paper became a "drama" when I joined. When it becomes a drama, it becomes easier to read.


Therefore, I have often tried to write English sentences with "We (I and my co-authors)" as the subject in the last few years.


Aside from that.



I have been urging them to 'write, speak, and use English freely, ignoring vocabulary and grammar.

『一生使わないままの英語』より、100万倍もマシです ―― 実際に、業務で使っています。その"エバンゲリッシュ"を。


I am such a person who wants to be praised by every AI tool (as I improve my writing, Grammarly will praise me at the end), and the way I am polishing my English sentences, so I am a

―― 餌を貰うために、尻尾を振りまくる犬

"Dog wagging its tail to get food."



What a pathetic figure, I am ashamed to say.


AI field (x AT field) has already invaded me, no exaggeration.


I sometimes come to think 

―― 権力(国家から上司に至るまで)に対して反抗的な私が、これほどまでに、AIツールに従順なのは何故だろうか?

"How is it that I, who am so rebellious against authority (from the state to my superiors), am so obedient to AI tools?"



I believe one of the reasons for this is that "AI tools don't 'tell you what you don't want to hear.



No reprimands, no accusations, no criticism.


I think this is it.


It also helps that if I make a wrong choice, 'the AI tool doesn't complain about it and offers me the next follow-up.


If it were my boss, he would add an unnecessary comment such as, 'See, I told you so,' which would offend and demoralize me, but AI Tool does not do that.

最近の円高で、AIツールの使用料は、しゃれにならない金額になっていますが ―― それでも、ストレスのない仕事ができると言う点において、AIツールを手放すことはできません。

With the recent appreciation of the yen, my fees for AI tools have been exorbitant, but I still can't let go of them because I can work stress-free.



When you think about it this way, the essence of management is,

―― AIツールのように振る舞うこと

"Acting like an AI tool."


We may conclude that this is not the case.


At least now, I like to follow what the generative AI says rather than humans.


「イスラエルのガザ攻撃に抗議デモ 米で学生ら逮捕」のニュースが、ヘッドラインのトップに出ています。

The news, "Students Arrested in U.S. to Protest Israeli Attack on Gaza," is at the top of the headlines.

『50年前、この事件とほぼ同じ背景(パレスチナ vs イスラエル)を理由に、日本中の大学の学生が闘っていた』ということを、知っている人/覚えている人は、どれくらいるのかなぁ、と考えていました。

I wondered how many people know or remember that "50 years ago, students at universities all over Japan were fighting for almost the same background (Palestine vs. Israel) as this case.

今回のコロンビア大学のデモなんぞ「お遊戯」思えるほど ―― 50年前、『反イスラエル、パレスチナ連帯』を掲げて、大規模かつ過激かつ長期間に渡って、日本中で『学生運動』という名の、学生による大学占拠が続けられていました。

The Columbia University protests seem like a "play" - 50 years ago, there was a massive, militant, and prolonged student occupation of universities in Japan under the banner of "anti-Israel, solidarity with Palestine."


At the time, many universities had ceased functioning, all lectures had disappeared, and even entrance examinations had stopped.


I have not seen it happen (I was 20 years too late), but I happened to be in an environment where it was easy to know about such things.



As far as I know, there is no news of Japanese universities or college students rioting because of "this Israeli military invasion of the Gaza Strip."


The protesters probably have experienced the "student activities" (?). (significantly older adults), and I have only heard glimpses of them.


Upon hearing this news, I have no comment on the lack of concrete protests by the Japanese youth and the Japanese people.


We are full of ourselves.


Other countries that, too, are out of our scope, such as wars and massacres caused by geopolitics and religion, which are difficult to even understand for us.

学校で、「パレスチナ vs イスラエル」ついて、出エジプト記から現代に至るまでの経緯を教えてもらった訳でもありませんし。

We were not taught in school about "Palestine vs. Israel" from the Exodus to the present day.



I do not condemn anyone for their lack of interest in this issue, nor do I wish to be self-critical.

―― だって、パレスチナもイスラエルも、他国の話じゃないですか

"Because Palestine and Israel are both other countries."

―― 政治に全く関係のない子どもが、1万3千人以上殺害され、もっと多くの子どもが飢餓と爆撃で死と直面していたとしても、しょせん、その子どもたちは"他人"ですよね?

"Even if more than 13,000 children who had nothing to do with politics were murdered, and many more faced death by starvation and bombing, they would still be "strangers," wouldn't they?"



However,  I think

―― 50年前の日本中の学生たちは、"それ"を黙って見ていられなかったんだろうなぁ

"I guess students all over Japan 50 years ago couldn't just sit back and watch "it."





I think that former presidents of the United States (including the current president) "do not apologize" as a rule.


It's like, 'If I apologize, I lose.


They are such a stand-up guy that 'if I apologize, I lose' and 'if I admit it, I lose.


This situation is a national trait that has taken root in the United States.


However, my feeling is different.



I was in the U.S. for only two years, 20 years ago, but I have never felt a culture that says 'apology is a loss.


They would usually say "I'm sorry" to me when they delayed their work or if there was a problem (bug) with what they were making (programs, etc.).


I may not have encountered such a situation.


The only difference is that our Japanese team did not take a "blame the other party" attitude when there were delays or bugs in the work.


I think it was different in that I treated them as if they were 'Ebata (or the team) is in trouble' (they were actually in trouble), and I treated them in a way that said, "I want you to help me (us)."

つまり、謝罪をする/しないの違いは、"文化"というより、"立ち位置"または"コミュニケーション"の違いで発生するものではないかなぁ、と思っています ―― 仮説の域を出ませんが。

In other words, I think that the difference between apologizing and not apologizing is not a matter of "culture" but rather a matter of "position" or "communication" - though this is only a hypothesis.


I would be happy if someone could verify this or refer me to a previous study.



In contrast, in Japan, the leader of the ruling party constantly apologizes in the media for money and politics.


This situation is the opposite of those above: 'If I apologize, I win.


In fact, in our country, the culture seems to be that 'if I apologize, I win' and 'if I walk away, I am forgiven. '


I wonder whether this is correct.


I feel that "apology" is often used as a superficial response.


例えば ――

For example--


The man who is now a pundit in the media and who had served prison sentences in the past seemed "humble as if a person had changed" after release from prison, but now, there is no shadow of that person, and they are entirely "back to when they were before" they were in jail.


Another man who was ordered to pay a large amount of compensation by a domestic court and moved his residence to France (fled?) seems to have escaped the compensation by taking advantage of the legal territoriality principle and is still active as a public speaker and making money.


(By the way, a former U.S. president has bankrupted his business "five times" to escape massive debt.)


Incidentally, I have low sensitivity to "justice" and "morals", but I overreact when it comes to "money".

新党の名称は、やはりこれで決まりでしょう ―― 「新党"脱税"」または「新党"裏金"」


In general, I can say that "apology" is an effective "on-the-spot" response, but its duration is terribly "short.



When I make an argument for something on my own, I take "justice" or "morality" as my starting point, but the argument for that argument is "logic" and "calculation."


Of course, "anger" and "displeasure" are in the background, but I don't put them at the forefront. I argue under the skin (or interface) of "logic" and "calculation.


The reason for this detour is that, as noted above, "justice," "morality," "anger," and "displeasure," though intense, are the duration time is short.


In comparison, "logic" and "calculation" have a longer duration (smaller decay constant), even if their impact is weaker.


So, in my columns and blogs, I build up the "Fukushima nuclear accident," the "Unification Association," and the "unreasonable words my boss said to me" with such precision and detail that I will never, ever forget them.

―― 少なくとも、この私(江端)だけは、その時の「怒り」を忘れることがないように、と。

"At least, just me (Ebata), so I would not forget the "anger" at that time."


It differs slightly from "lying in bed(*)," but the approach is the same.


(*) To endure hardship in anticipation of future success. From the meaning of lying on firewood and licking the bitter taste. Lying on the firewood and licking the bitter taste. The original meaning was to suffer hardship and toil to avenge the shame of defeat.



I also naturally apologize in situations where I should.


However, the meaning and significance of my apology are pretty different from those of the above apology.


I have discussed this often, so I will not discuss it today.
