

I don't think there is anyone who doesn't know the story of the wolf boy.


At the time of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, there was much talk in the Japanese news that the Russian economy would collapse and Russia would not be able to stand due to Western "financial sanctions" and "exclusion from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT).


At this point, however, the Russian economy does not appear to collapse, and Russia continues to fight on Ukrainian soil.


In our country, news of "Ukraine's superiority" appears with a bang, but information on "Ukraine's inferiority" is small and scarce.

我が国においては、政府、国会、民間人に至るまで『反ロシア』で統一されています ―― これ、結構珍しいケースです。

In our country, the government, parliament, and even the civilian population are unified in being 'anti-Russian' -- this is a relatively rare case.


As far as I know, no Japanese newspaper or TV station defends Russia, and politicians who speak out in defense of Russia receive flak from all sides.



Come to think of it, I don't believe the former U.S. president had a good reputation in our country.

―― 「我が国の国民の現職米国大統領に対する評価」は、「ゴルゴ13の中で描かれている内容と同じ」


Japanese media has been running a mountain of stories that the former U.S. president will be in jail tomorrow, but at this point, nothing like that has occurred.


And I have heard comments from people in the U.S. that 'Japanese news has too much of a 'Trump-hating' bias.


From the American public's point of view, former President Trump's policies 'are not all of them, but some of them make sense,' he said, but this has not been conveyed to the Japanese media.


Anyway, whether it is "Ukraine" or "Trump," I think it is true that the Japanese media only report news that the Japanese people seem to enjoy.


It is understandable. That kind of news will likely get PV (verge views).

―― それでも、当時の我が国の国民は、4年間の戦争を耐え凌いだ



By the way, my daughters criticized my column for 'describing painful realities with numbers and no solutions (solutions).

ですから、私も、『読者が喜びそうなコラムばかりを書くようにしなければ』と、心掛けています ―― PV稼ぐためにも。

Therefore, I also remember, 'I must try to write only columns that readers will enjoy' -- to earn PV.



Russia's invasion or invasion of Ukraine is not about food, not energy, but "a war to ensure its security."


In short, it is a war to maintain a "buffer zone.


This, historically speaking, is Russia's traditional forte war pattern.


As a simple comparison, Russia's territory is 45 times larger than Japan's, and its population is about the same as Japan's.

―― 我が家の家の45倍の土地を、私一人で管理する

"I alone manage a plot of land 45 times the size of my present house."


It is the same thing.


It's like protecting an entire neighborhood with just one person, and I shudder to think about it.



To prevent illegal or squatters from entering my town (Russia), I would like to tag team with the surrounding neighborhood associations (Ukraine).


However, my town (Russia) has always boasted about its prominent ancestors and history. It has been calculating abundant energy and interfering in the management of other neighborhood associations (Ukraine). As a result, My town (Russia) was hated by the surrounding neighborhood associations (Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, and Switzerland).


Such is the case, finally, that the neighborhood association next door (Ukraine) expressed its willingness to ally with another neighborhood association (NATO) and expressed its hostile position to me (Russia).


It would be an understatement to say that I (Russia) deserved it, but this was really scary.


After all, I (Russia) am the only one managing 45 houses, so I don't know what they will do to me.


The quickest way is to replace the president of the following neighborhood association (in Ukraine) with someone I know.

『知り合いの暴力団(ワグネル)に頼んで、おどしをかければ、3日もあれば十分』と思っていたんですけどね、隣町の町内会長は、結構、胆の座ったやつでして ―― これが、私(ロシア)の誤算だったのです。

I thought, 'If I ask a gangster (Wagnel) I know and scare him, three days will be enough,' but the neighborhood chairman of the neighboring town is a pretty bold guy -- this was my town (Russian) miscalculation.


小さい国で、こじんまりと生きていく ―― 私のような器の小さい人間の生き方は「ラク」です。

Living in a small country, living small -- the way of life for a small vessel like me is "easy."

ロシアも、チンギスハーンの時代のモンゴルや、太平洋戦争までのかつての日本帝国のような巨大な領土(占領地域)を手放せば楽にになりますよ ――

"Russia would have an easier time if it gave up huge territories (occupied territories) like Mongolia under Genghis Khan or the former Japanese empire until the Pacific War."


I want to advise the Russian president, but I do not doubt that I will be killed before I can do so.




The Haber-Bosch process, which originated in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century, was heralded as "bread from the air" and significantly improved agricultural production.


This is a technology for synthesizing ammonia, an invention that, roughly explained, "makes crops ten times better than conventional ones.

この発明によって、人類は「食料不足を補う為に、領土を奪い合う戦争」というパラダイムを終了させた ―― はずでした。

This invention was supposed to end the paradigm of "wars over territory to compensate for food shortages.



What would have happened if the Haber-Bosch ammonia production equipment could have been left behind in Japan's Warring States period?

少なくとも、食料による領土的野心はなくなるけど、それって、結局のところ「稲作にって身分制度が強固となった」というパラダイムからは、抜け出すことはできません ―― 結局、あんまり変わらないかな。

At least it eliminates territorial ambitions with food. Still, it doesn't get us out of the paradigm that "rice cultivation strengthened the status system" after all -- not much has changed.

食料の増産は、人口増加を招くから、今度は作物用の土地を求めて、国外への戦略戦争になるだけ ―― と、まあ、そんなことを考えていました。

Increased food production would only lead to an increase in population, which would lead to strategic wars outside the country in search of land for crops -- and, well, that's what I was thinking.



If Fritz Haber had stopped there, he could have left his name in history as a savior of humanity, but he later developed poison gas as a weapon. The anti-Jewish movement of Nazi Germany finally forced him out of his country, leading to his untimely death and leaving his name in disgrace.


What I'm trying to say is,


We should not do research for "honor" or "justice."



If you do it anyway, I think it is better to do it around "interest" and "entertainment."





I live in a detached house that I purchased with a loan.

おかげで、最近の人生の意義は、(1)ローンの返済、(2)子供の養育費の確保 ―― 多くの日本人と同じようなものです(ですよね)。

Thanks to this, the significance of my life these days is (1) paying off my mortgage and (2) securing child support for my children -- similar to many Japanese (right?).


I, initially was against the purchase of a detached house. In all likelihood, it would be inefficient.


The property value of a detached house's building (x land) portion is roughly halved in 10 years.


If the property is 40 years old, it will be 6.25% of the initial amount; if it is over 50, the property value will be almost zero.


It is similar to land.


Any land also has a life cycle, and land with few new tenants is valuable, but its value declines.


In this case, it would be something called 'psychological value,' which differs from market price.

―― 誰が好き好んで、古参の人間が仕切り、保守的で、排他的な土地に移りすんでくるものか

"Who would want to move to a conservative, exclusive land run by old-timers?"


It's worse if you have a community association president (often an old geezer) in your area who is not very smart.


Preparing for summer festivals, cleaning up local temples and shrines, and cleaning up the neighborhood (well, I guess this is necessary), it's nothing short of a hassle.


The neighborhood association board will be tasked with electing the following board members.


People in the town can play the final card: 'If I have to serve on the board, I will leave the community association. And they have done so.


(To do this year, I prepared a report on how to "plan for the next 20 years so that everyone can make a "fair" sacrifice" and went around to persuade the residents.)

それでも、私は、町内会を脱退しない理由は―― 実は、自分の研究の為だったりします。

Still, I haven't withdrawn from the neighborhood association for my research.


If you are interested, please see my recent column.


But that's beside the point.


最近、無理して戸建を作っておいて良かったなぁ、と思うのは ―― 高齢者になると、賃貸契約の更新を断わられる、という社会問題を目するようになってきたからです。

Recently, I am glad that I forced myself to build a house -- because I am beginning to see the social problem of older adults being denied renewal of their lease contracts.


It is risky for a lender to rent a residence to an older adult who lives alone.


This is because older adults who die alone may become decomposing, sludgy bodies and have their real estate turned into accidental property.


Thus, a "reluctance to lend" to older people will occur.


I am also older, so I understand the borrowers' screams and the lenders' worries tremendously.



Another reason I'm glad we built a single-family home,

―― 自宅をオモチャにして遊べる

"I can play with my home as a toy."



Well, a lot is going on, but specifically, here is what I mean.





One thing about movies and plays is that leaving the theater in the middle of a performance is difficult, even if you don't like the content.

以前、小劇場の演劇に言ったのですが 『テーマは稚拙、演技は怒鳴っているだけ、社会的問題に対するヒネリのない安直な批判』 という芝居を、延々と2時間半見せつけられて、疲れ果てたことがあります。

I once attended a small theater and was exhausted after being subjected to two and a half hours of a play with "poor themes, yelling acting, and cheap criticisms of social issues without twists or turns.

―― つまらない演劇は、結構な地獄

"Boring theater is pretty hellish."


I would not hesitate to leave my seat during a play like this.


It may hurt the pride of the actors and the director, but I think it is generally equal to the fact that the shoddy play took up my precious money and time.


However, if I alone leave the stage in the middle of a play in a small theater, it would offend those concentrating on it.


It is not my intention to inconvenience other spectators.


そこにいくと、Amazon Prime とか、NetFlixは、いい。実にいい。

Amazon Prime and NetFlix are good. They are perfect.


The freedom to give up in the middle of a project is lovely.


In that sense, scheduled recording with HDD video recorders is also good.


These days, I skip through NHK's epic dramas in minutes.


The reason is that this season's big drama is a bit too original in its creative storyline, and it is painful to watch for me.


(For example, I skipped all the full marathon scenes of the maid in the "azukubukuro" at the Kanegasaki retreat.)


However, I don't want to fall into that ugly 'if you don't like it, don't watch it' paradigm.



Recently, I came up with a new method to solve this.


It's 'skip all the parts I don't like.


This is quite good. You can fast-forward and skip all the overly innovative creative parts.


This "skip all the parts I don't like" method is a last-minute compromise with my belief that "I will not stand on the side of condemnation of creators and their creations."

―― 油断していると、簡単に「原理主義者」になってしまうぞ



This is why I have recently become hesitant to go to the theater, even for movies and plays.


It would be nice if theater plays could be "fast-forwarded" as well.



I liked craft beer.


During my two years in the U.S., I drank local craft beer almost daily and went to breweries.

先日、「マツコの知らない世界 クラフトビールの世界」という番組を見ていたのですが、日本でもマイクロブリュワリーが増えて、現在国内のブルワリーは現在約700か所あるようです。

The other day I watched a program called "Matsuko no Shiranai Sekai: The World of Craft Beer," it seems microbreweries are increasing in Japan, and there are now about 700 breweries in Japan.


Under the previous liquor tax law, microbreweries would not have been allowed. The reason is that the volume of production required for approval was too large.


I just checked quickly and found that the liquor tax law has been revised. It seems that now, in one year, about 300 baths of beer are approved.


I even used to make my own (which is still illegal (in violation of the liquor tax law)).


Well, let's put that aside.



Suddenly, I thought about it.

―― なぜ、クラフトノンアルコールビールが製造販売されないのか

"Why craft non-alcoholic beers are not produced and sold."



You may be thinking, "What kind of market is that?" but there is a huge market.

16億人のマーケット ―― イスラム教徒向けです。

1.6 billion markets -- for Muslims.


The market for Muslim non-alcoholic craft beer is fertile ground.


I think there is no way not to enter the market here.


In Japan alone, many users cannot enjoy beer for reasons such as pregnant women, lifestyle-related diseases, insomnia, etc.


Above all, you can do business without having to pay liquor tax.


『ノンアルコール飲料はハラルか?』という問題もあるようですし、ちょっと調べたら、もう、そういう市場もできつつあるようです ―― "ポルトガル"がぶっちりぎでシェアを占めているようです。

I've been doing a little research, and it seems that such a market is already in the making -- "Portugal" seems to have a huge share of the market.


However, I think we can still roll it back, and there is a market for it even in Japan.


Above all, please, for me, non-alcoholic craft beer.





When I visited a sake brewery during a tour event sponsored by the Society, small plastic cups were provided with sake and whiskey for tasting.

―― せっかく準備していただいたものを、スルーするのも悪いな

"I feel bad for disrespecting what you've prepared for us."


I thought that.


However, I used to be a "reserve (or regular) alcoholic."



I was also worried that this would lead me back to a body that needed to consume alcohol.



―― それならそれで、コラムのネタになるな

"Then that would be a good column topic."


I became defiant and sipped a few milliliters of sake and whiskey.



In no time, the alcohol was all over me, and I was dizzy.


Instead of feeling good, I began to feel rather heavy and far from a 'return to alcohol' mood.


To enjoy alcohol, the body must be acclimated to it to some degree.


In my case, I think I have been sober too long and have lost my tolerance for alcohol.



『酒を楽しめない人生は、人生の半分を損している』のは事実だと思いますが ―― 大丈夫です。

I think it's true that "if you don't enjoy drinking, you're missing out on half your life" -- that's okay.


Daily chores can easily compensate for losing about half of your life.


『私の息子が異世界転生したっぽい』を読んで、衝撃を受けました ―― 嗚咽を堪えなければならないほどに。

When I read "My Son Seems to Have Been Reincarnated in Another World," I was so shocked that I had to hold back my sobs.


We all are,

- 自分の愛する人が、現世以外のどこかに転生すると思わなければ、耐えられないほどに弱く、

- weak enough to have to believe that their loved ones will be reincarnated somewhere other than this life,

- 『苦しんでいる人に手を差し延べる』という自己満足で、自分自身を救済しようとする卑怯者である

- cowards who try to save ourselves with the self-satisfaction of "extending a helping hand to the afflicted."


These are brutally depicted.


And above all,

- 子供を失った親の『慟哭』

- "Lamentations" of a parent who has lost a child


That makes me break my heart.

私は、このコンテンツを、エンタメとしての異世界ファンタジーに対するアンチテーゼ ――

I grasped this content as the antithesis of otherworldly fantasy as entertainment. That means,


"A condemnation of the continued leaving behind and neglect of those left behind in this world."



Even if we join a cult, they cannot save us.


Only I can save myself, after all.


And to those suffering, all we can do is 'continue to hate and gnash our teeth at our inability to help anyone.



So, in my case,

『自分がラクになりたくて、私を助けようとする人』 ―― まあ、そんな奇特な人はいないと思いますが ――

People who try to help me because they want to make themselves feel better" -- well, I don't think there's anyone that special,


I respectfully ask that such persons refrain from coming to me.

―― なんだ、これなら、「幸せな来世の為に、現世で功徳を尽くせ」と主張している宗教(カルトを含む)の方が、まだマシじゃねーか



一般的に、学会発表の会場では、"Coffee Break at Foyer"の時間に、ロビーで飲み物やスナックが提供されます。

The conference venue will typically offer beverages and snacks in the lobby during the "Coffee Break at Foyer."


Whether or not these drinks and foods are allowed to be brought into the lecture hall is on a case-by-case basis, but if they are not explicitly marked as "prohibited," they are permitted within the bounds of common sense.


Nevertheless, it is good manners to keep them to a thirst-quenching or bite-snack tossed between other people's lectures.



There was a revolutionary incident at this year's conference site.


The drinking water offered included "beer."


Of course, the usual beer is supposed to be consumed after all the sessions are over and during the friendliness of the speakers and audience members, so it should not be available until all the lectures for the day have been completed.


The problem is that "non-alcoholic beer" was added to this list at the conference.


This annoyed me greatly.

―― なぜ、ノンアルコールビールを駅の自販機で取り扱ってくれないの?


The appearance of non-alcoholic beer is the same as that of regular beer (although I keep saying 'change it').


Therefore, bringing it into the presentation venue seemed undesirable, even if it was a non-alcoholic beer.


But at the same time, I might argue that

―― ノンアルコールビールとは"炭酸飲料の麦茶"に過ぎない

"non-alcoholic beer is nothing more than 'carbonated barley tea'"

と、強弁することもできます ―― できるんです。

Well, we can do it.


(Definitely not a "carbonated barley tea," but as close to beer as possible.)



The measures I took this time were


"Pour the non-alcoholic beer into a plastic container and toss the can into your carry-on."


これなら、取り扱いとしては「コーラ」や「スプライト」などの炭酸飲料と同じ扱いになるはずです ―― なるんです。

This should be handled the same as carbonated beverages such as "Coke" and "Sprite" -- This will be.



I am not a fan of sweetened carbonated beverages, and that being said, I do not enjoy just plain sparkling water.


In comparison, non-alcoholic beer is a truly delicious drink.

今回の学会の主催者の方には、"Coffee Break at Foyer"にノンアルコールビールを加えたという英断に対して、心から賞賛申し上げます。

I commend the organizers of this conference for their wisdom in adding non-alcoholic beer to the "Coffee Break at Foyer."




『Banquet(晩餐会)に、ノンアルコールビールが一本も見あたらなかったことは、少々悲しかったです』 ――

"I was a little sad that there was not a single non-alcoholic beer at the banquet."


I forgot to write it on the survey sheet I submitted on the last day, so I am adding it here.



I saw on the news that a prominent celebrity had committed suicide.


One of the causes was slander via social networking sites (but no news source seems to be certain at this time).


Social networking may be indispensable for those considered "expressionists," including entertainers.


Some expressionists may have no choice but to use social networking sites (or perhaps they would not be able to disobey if their office gave them a work order).


―― 「SNSでの誹謗中傷はやめよう」とは言う人はいても、「SNSを使うのをやめよう」と言う人はいない


I guess I am what you call a "little guy" who can write a column with this kind of content.



―― しょぼい表現者であったおかげで、私は、SNSなんぞに命をかける必要がない

"Thanks to being a small-time expressionist, I don't have to put my life on the line for social networking sites."


So, I feel fortunate.