

Needless to say, 'criticizing cults' is really a matter of life and death.


Recently, a university professor who had been making radical statements was attacked by thugs on campus (the connection to the cult is unknown at this time).


I also personally know someone who was shot at with an air rifle (I think the assailant was either from the Unification Church or the Tannisho Study Group).


カルトはロジックで対抗できません ―― というか、ちゃんとしたロジックを持たないから、カルトなのです。

Cults cannot be countered with logic -- or rather, they are cults because they do not have proper logic.


It just can't be helped that 'cults can't explain their actions with logic.


It is only natural that something metaphysical, such as "love" or "God," should be incompatible with something physical science.


Religion is significant in that it continues to live on after being continually criticized by physical science.


It is not possible to "defend against criticism."


Hence, religions should behave like the followings.


"We have survived for more than 1,000 years with the support of the people, no matter what you say"


"You will be dead in less than 100 years and forgotten in a few days, so I don't give a damn about your opinion."

と、デンと構えていることに意義があります ―― まあ、1000年以上、生き延びることができたら、ですが。

Like the above, religions are important not to move against any criticism. Well, if they can survive for more than 1,000 years.


個人的な意見ですが ――

In my personal opinion--


If "cults continue to exist loosely in social life," then it seems disingenuous to attack them with logic.


Therefore, I basically do nothing about cults that do not come into my territory.


I will not start an argument (fight) with them.


However, I will buy "arguments (fights) that have been sold" and I do not intend to lose.


カルトの活動が問題となるのは、カルトが社会生活の中で、反社会的な活動 ―― 法外な献金の勧誘 ―― などを行うことです。

What makes cult activities problematic is that cults engage in antisocial activities -- soliciting exorbitant donations, etc. -- in social life.


And if they involve my relatives or friends in such a situation, I will be sure that 'they sell me(Ebata) a fight here'.

そうなったら ―― 形而上、形而下関係なく、全面戦争です。

If that happens -- regardless of whether it is metaphysical or physcal science , it will be all-out war.



At one point in my student life, when I was out, I carried a tool that could be used as a weapon.


After knowing about the recent attack on a university professor, I am thinking about rearming...or rather, reattaching.


I am thinking of a "crowbar," which is inexpensive, readily available, and highly effective.


Even if I were attacked, I would want to strike back at least one blow, at the same level.


という訳で ―― この平和な時代にあっても、「武装」という概念を持ち続けているシニアが存在していることを、覚えておいて下さいね。

So -- please remember that even in these peaceful times, there is a senior who continues to hold on to the concept of "armed".


Especially those cult members who are considering "planning an attack on Ebata".



I, finally, could not get into "Mobile Suit Gundam".

人型駆動体のコンテンツが苦手なのだろうな、と思っていたのですが ――

I guess I'm not a fan of humanoid robot content


I was "hooked" on "Aldnoah Zero," which is (probably) a work in the same vein.



By the way, I think Kazuma Kamaike's masterpiece is "Heavy Object" by far, rather than "A Certain Series".

―― この人(鎌池さん)、コンピュータやシステムの弱点を、本当によく分かっている

-- He really understands the weaknesses of computers and systems.


Kazuma Kamaike's deep thoughts and insights into programmatic AI technology made me, an IT engineer & researcher, groan.


Now let's return to the main subject



I'm watching the current season of "Mobile Suit Gundam, Witches of Mercury," because I really liked the opening song of the anime.

そこから"YOASOBI"というシンガー(グループ?)を知りました ―― 名前くらいは、知っていたのですが。

From there I learned about a singer (group?) called "YOASOBI" -- I knew at least the name.


I was surprised to find the song "Halcyon" in the "YOASOBI" lineup.

酷い不眠に陥いる時期に、私が使用していた『睡眠薬』について歌い上げるとは ――

"Singing about my use of "sleeping pills" during a time of severe insomnia"


I was impressed by this group of singers, who are well versed in pharmacology and understand insomnia, which is now a national disease.



It was another "Halcyon".



I just finished reading "Golden Kamuy." It was interesting.


If you find this interesting, I would like to share this book with you.

―― 船戸与一さんの『蝦夷地別件』

Yoichi Funado's "Ezochi Bekken" (A Case of Ezo)


It is very difficult to describe the "awesomeness" of this book.


I can at least guarantee that the line 'Japan is a mono-ethnic nation' will not come up in your subsequent life.



I think there are fewer books by Yoichi Funado-san that I have not read.


And one such book I would personally recommend is


"A Chronicle on Sand"


And I personally want to have all the volumes of "Manshuukoku Engi" (seriously).


However, we don't have the space for them in our house anymore, so we have them preserved at the library (selfishly).



I realize that the reason I can get excited and enjoy Yoichi Funado's books so much is because I was taught the basics of world history and Japanese history (especially modern history) during my compulsory and higher education studies.

何度も何度も繰り返して、本当に恐縮ですが ―― 勉強の目的は、入学でも就職でもなく、『人生をディズニーランドにする』ことだと、私は思うんですよ。

I'm really sorry to repeat myself over and over again -- but I think the purpose of studying is not to get in school or get a job, but to 'go your life a Disneyland'.




Well, I am well aware that these words do not resonate with the ongoing teenagers.


Even when I was a teenager, I would have thought this.

―― 『ジジイが、余裕かました目線で、エラそうに、好きなこと語っているんじゃねーよ』

-- "Don't talk about what you like with a smug look on your face, you old man!"




(1) The enactment of the Victims Countermeasures Bill means that the existence of the perpetrator (formerly known as the Unification Church) has been concretely recognized, right?


(2) As to whether or not that perpetrator can continue to qualify as a religious corporation, we Japanse can confirmed that the Family Association for World Peace and Unification (formerly known as the Unification Church) has confirmed that our country (Japan) is ineligible as a religious corporation based on the "religious law personality theory," which is the basic concept of the status of religious corporations, right?


(3) However, in our country, "freedom of religion" is an absolute right of our people.


From the above, it follows that


(Step.1) The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) will quickly issue an order to dissolve the former Unification Church (revocation of its status as a religious corporation).


(Step.2) The former name of the Unification Church can continue its activities (fraud, solicitation) on a personal basis even after losing its corporate status.
Translation results


(Step.3) From now on, we will personally identify the perpetrators of the old name Unification Church and destroy them one by one with criminal and civil penalties, either through the new Victims' Protection Bill or the old law (fraud).


I think that the above flows will be enough.



I'm reading this proposed law right now.


I think that the idiots (formerly known as the Unification Church) have led to "government intervention" being explicitly stated in our nation's "freedom of religion" doctrine (Article 7).


This is a threat to most religious organizations in Japan, which operate based on the "good faith theory of religious institutions".


The reason is that it would allow the government arbitrary control over religion.

あのマヌケたち(旧称統一教会)のやったことの最大級の罪は、日本という宗教に対して寛容で穏健な ―― "無関心"とも言うけど―― 国家の立法府に、このような法案を作らせてしまったことです。

One of the biggest sins of what those idiots (formerly known as the Unification Church) did was to let the legislature of Japan, a nation that is tolerant and moderate -- some would say "indifferent" -- toward religion, create such a bill. to create such a bill.


If they want to force people to make fraudulent donations (a crime), then

―― 社会問題にならない程度の金額や規模に抑える

"Limit the amount and scale to a level that will not cause social problems"


They(formerly known as the Unification Church) are so hopelessly stupid that they cannot even "operate and manage crime"


To be clear, the designated gangsters are far more intelligent.



Last night, I was reading material for a classmate's (international student) presentation of the research paper.

"How Much Transport Can the Climate Stand?. Sweden on a Sustainable Path in 2050"


The paper is described the conclusion that 'no matter what technological innovations may come in the future, zero emissions will not be possible'.


Especially the "transportation field" is said to be in desperate need of help.


I can summarize the argument of this paper in my own way.

―― むやみに移動するな

"Don't move unnecessarily"



Today's lecture, when I gave him a question of


"The conclustion of the paper's author is "Don't move, Stay home, Do your remote system", Is that Right?"

と疑問を投げつけたら、彼は困った顔をしていました ―― ちょっと、悪いことをしました。

He had a annoyed look on his face -- I felt sorry for him.



That said, I very much agree with 'don't move unnecessarily'.


Traveling should be as much as a walk in the park, and all work that can be done remotely should be done remotely.


The remote may be half as efficient as F2F (I agree), then just double the F2F time.


Considering the time it takes to travel, it should pay off perfectly.



Having said that, I am also well aware that 'it is work that does not go according to logic.


First, let's start by stopping "moving around unnecessarily" with other "remote" people who can "hold" each other's hands.



My wife is now back at her parents' house in support of my mother-in-law's surgery.


So, I just received a call saying that the TV was not displaying images.


After hearing her talk, the suspicious thing seems to be the age-related deterioration of the antenna or its cable.


She called the electrician, however, he told her that it would be 5 days after.


'What am I supposed to do about the World Cup tonight?' she lamented.



Ebata: "Why don't you watch it on "NHK Plus" from your phone?"


Wife: "Today's game is not on NHK"

江端:「じゃあ ―― ダメかな」

Ebata: "So -- no?"


私なら、アルミ箔で、即席の室内アンテナを作り始める、と思いますが(YouTubeに飛びます) ――

For me, I'd start making improvised indoor antennas out of aluminum foil, but--


Well, the wife was out of luck this time.




I have just completed the presentation materials, and I have complicated feelings.


- My life is close to my ideals


- Conditions of my life are excellent


- I am satisfied with my life


- So far I have achieved the important things I want in life


- if I could live my life again I would change almost nothing


These are the measurement parameters for cognitive SWB


確かに、質問の中に、比較すべき「他人」や「社会」は入っていないのですが、この質問に対して完全に"Yes"と答える奴は ――

Certainly, there is no "other" or "society" to be compared to in the question, but anyone who would answer "Yes" to this question completely would be --


suspected being "mania" at the hospitalization level.



Recently, actor Mr.Toru Watanabe passed away.


Also, columnist Mr.Takashi Odajima passed away.


Mr. Toru Watanabe had been obese and lost weight repeatedly, and was not obese at the time of his death.


Mr. Takashi Odajima also overcame his alcoholism on his own.

何が言いたいかというと ――

What I want to say is--

―― 過去の不摂生な生活は、そこから脱した後でも、私たちを許してくれない

"Past neglects of health do not forgive us, even after we get out of them"



だから、まあ、多分私も『許して貰えない』 ―― たとえ、今、一滴たりともアルコールを摂取していなくても。

So, well, maybe I won't be 'forgiven' either -- even if I don't consume a drop of alcohol now.



I was in the cafeteria just now, and I opened my iPad to Google News.

―― ワールドカップの日本の1次リーグ突破のニュースが一つも表示されない

"No news on Japan's progress through the first round of the World Cup is shown"


I am a little surprised by the fact.


I realized today the power of the filtering function for online news.


今朝4時に起きてテレビを見ていた嫁さんから、この事実を教えてもらわなければ ――

If I didn't have to learn this fact from my wife, who was up at 4:00 this morning watching TV-- 


Until I see today's News 7 on NHK, I will have not known this fact.




In this issue, I took another step forward in our analysis of the "2022 Income Doubling Plan.


As a result, I came to see this plan as a "strategy for earning unearned income with the participation of all Japanese citizens".


Well "not bad".It also makes me feel like I will also join the plan .