


The diary I presented yesterday may be a bit exaggerated, however,


"To get a desktop computer for free-address use, just enough to fit in a mountaineering backpack"


is now under serious consideration.


Displays are prepared for free address, so I can use them all the time.


Laptop PCs are more expensive than desktop PCs, moreover laptop PCs have a crappy CPU and memory, and it is difficult to add more devices (memory, etc.).



By the way, I have used a PC installed with a free address and was really surprised.


This is because all the information about the previous user is still there.

―― 『なりすまし』して『不正アクセス』しちゃいなよ

"Impersonate and gain unauthorized access"


I felt sick under pressure, as if the devil was whispering to me.


I turned off that PC and worked on my iPad that day.



However, I think this is more the fault of the free address administrator than the user.


To set up a shared computer to record passwords and store their own files.

―― どこの世界の、どんな性善説だよ

"What kind of 'Theory of Innate Goodness' in what world ?"


I thought it.



'Is the world's handling of PCs so easy?' I feel a little relieved when I think about it.


I think that hijack online bank of others will be easy.


I thought to myself, "there is such a "survival strategy for old age".


ノートPCを使ったフリーアドレス ―― いわゆる「ワイガヤ」の職場というのが流行っているようです。

Recently, "Free address(*)" with NotePC, so called "WaiGaya" seems to be popular.

(*)office system where employees are free to change desk


However, according to my IT works, I just say, that is

―― 失笑

"I cannot help laughing"




On my simulator I have made and tried some experiments, more than several million object are moving in realtime environment.


The other day, the PC that executed my simulator strucked by shortage of PC resources, so I had to move the database system to another PC.


Why don't I use Cloud?


Of course, in addition to the problems of realtime movie and commnucation speed, the VC that Cloud provides has poor calculation power. So heavy simulations I have tried is out of question.



In short, my IT works are, like

―― 野外で、掘削機をつかって轟音(ごうおん)たてながら、道路に巨大な穴をあけて、そこに、クレーンで引き上げた配管を地中に1mmの誤差もなく埋め込む

Making a big hole on the outside road using excavator with a roading in open air, pulling a pipes up by crane and, embeding in in the ground without a margin of error of 1mm.


super-scale and super-precision IT.


Of course, I need several high-spec PCs, and each computer's capabilities must be used to the limit.


Therefore, I have a cult of tuning on my computer to the point, like "I can't do any better".


■ ITの仕事の種類も知らずに『フリーアドレス』を主張している奴って、

- Whoever claims "Free Address" without knowing the type of work IT does...

■ ITの作業現場を知らず、

- Without knowing the working field of the IT

■ 社外に『かっこよくて、クール』なオフィス環境を提供しているという実績を残したい、と考えている

- wants to leave a track record of 'providing a cool, cool office environment' outside of the company.

■ 幹部か管理部門の奴らが、安直に思いつきそうなことだよね

- It's the kind of thing that executives or administrative guys would come up with on the cheap.

―― という同僚の言葉は、本当に胸に染みました。

The words of this colleague really touched my heart.



However, "Free Address is the trend of the time", then I have to accept it.


Then I will now drag my outdoor wagon to work, with

■ 2台のデスクトップと、

- two desktop PCs

■ 3台の大型ディスプレイと、

- three large display

■ 各種周辺装置

- several various devices



Of course, if you have an accident or injury, you would have to apply for workers' compensation.



Today I have published an example briefing document.




I have sent the URL and password to those who have e-mailed us their subscription request.


If you have not received it, please contact me again.


(First, please check your email for spam or in the trash. I have not received any error mail back.)



This document also reveals (to some extent) the plans that Ebata has been secretly working on for the past year or so...


This is something I will probably publish in a column later, so for now, please leave it alone.



I wrote about it here.



Even if the dissolution order is confirmed by the court, it just "loses its status as a religious corporation" and can continue its religious activities.


In fact, in the Sarin gas attack on the subway, an indiscriminate terrorist attack using chemical weapons in a metropolitan area, a rare occurrence in the world,

(1) 死者14名

(1) 14 people killed

(2) 被害者6300名

(2) 6300 victims

(3) 犯人 オウム真理教教祖 麻原 彰晃、本名、松本智津夫、他、オウム真理教幹部

(3) Culprit: Aum Shinrikyo founder Shoko Asahara, real name Chizuo Matsumoto, and other Aum Shinrikyo leaders

(4) 松本他、オウム真理教幹部9名が死刑(執行済み)

(4) Matsumoto and 9 other Aum Shinrikyo leaders executed.


and (naturally) Aum Shinrikyo is ordered to disband.



The Aum Shinrikyo side filed a lawsuit against this administrative action, citing "freedom of religion (Article 20 of the Constitution)" as the reason for revoking the dissolution order.


And, of course, the Supreme Court confirmed the dismissal of Aum Shinrikyo's claims.


What struck me was,

―― 判決文が、PDFでたったの4枚

"Only 4 PDFs of the text of the decision"



Usually when I read a Supreme Court decision, I start out prepared to read 40-100 pages.


But as I read this mere four-page ruling


"Don't be stupid!"


"I can't keep up with them!"


I think I can hear the voice of the judges of the Supreme Court saying between the lines.



The amazing thing is more to come.


The "Aum Shinrikyo" that caused this incident continues to operate as its successor religious organization, the Aleph(*).


(*) Well, they said "changing their principles (e.g., not having Chizuo Matsumoto as a guru)".

当然ですが、文部科学省(文化庁)は、アレフに、宗教法人格を認めていません ―― まあ、そりゃそうでしょうが。

Of course, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Agency for Cultural Affairs) does not recognize Aleph as a religious corporation -- well, of course not.


The fact that a terrorist organization that mass murdered civilians is still continuing its religious activities, even though it has lost its juridical personality, is frightening, but we will come back to that later.


ともあれ、私は、「旧称 統一教会」も、これまでやってきたことを鑑みれば、「アレフ」と同じように法人格なしで活動する、というのが筋だと思うんですよ ―― いや、アレフには、宗教活動して欲しくないけど。

Anyway, I think it makes sense for the "old name" Unification Church, in light of what it has done, to operate without a legal entity, just like Aleph -- no, I don't want Aleph to engage in religious activities, but....

「旧称 統一教会」も、上記のような見苦しい訴訟をすることになるくらいなら、ここで法人格を返上をすべきです。


The "Unification Church" should give up its corporate status here rather than face the above unseemly lawsuits.


And if they still want "money", they can do normal religious activities and continue to receive donations from their followers.



Donations to the Unification Church, which has lost its juridical personality, are

―― 例えば、1億円の献金があれば、ざっくりその半分は、日本国の国庫に納められる

"For example, if there is a donation of 100 million yen, roughly half of it goes to the Japanese treasury"



If managed well, it may become a "high tax paying religious organization (without legal personality)" that will be appreciated and respected by the Japanese people.


Still, I can assure you that they will never get "any respect from me (Ebata)".



I recently wrote a column about the Religious Corporation Law.

最近、旧称 統一教会への『質問権』について、話題になっておりますが、

There has been a lot of talk lately about the "right to question" the former Unification Church.


To be honest, I "missed" this story.


It's a shame.


I also took the position of the Prime Minister's first opinion, 'If a person involved in a religious corporation does not have a criminal case, it is impossible to order the dissolution of the corporation,' because I had taken the position of the precedents.


However, if we strictly apply this decision (of the Supreme Court)

―― 教団(の幹部)が、テロ事件でもおこさない限り、法人格の取消ができない

"Unless a terrorist attack is committed by a senior member of the church, the corporate status of the church cannot be revoked"


This is unreasonable in light of current social conventions and common sense.


The only people who really did such a thing (terrorism) are "unspeakable idiots" like the Aum.

旧称 統一教会が、宗教の究極的な目的 ―― 『人々の心の安寧』と真逆なことをやってきて、何度、改善を主張しようとも、全く改善がなかったことは、明らかなのです。

It is clear that this religion group, formerly known as the Unification Church, has done the exact opposite of the ultimate purpose of religion -- "the peace of mind of the people" -- and no matter how many times it claims to have improved, it has not improved at all.


To begin with, I knew about this story in the early 1980's.


I feel incredibly "vicious" about the fact that this has now become an issue in the Diet.


I must also criticize myself. Apparently, I have fallen prey to the supremacy of the decision (Supreme Court decision).



So, I am wondering about this Supreme Court ruling, maybe "this is it".


The dissolution order issued against the religious corporation that systematically and systematically produced sarin for the purpose of mass murder for the reasons stipulated in Article 81, paragraph (1), item (i) and the first sentence of item (ii) of the Religious Juridical Persons Act was issued with the intention of targeting only the secular aspects of religious corporations, and not with the intention of tolerating the spiritual and religious aspects of religious organizations and their followers. On the other hand, even if the dissolution order inevitably causes some hindrance to the religious activities of the religious organizations and their followers, such hindrance is only indirect and de facto, and under the circumstances described in the decision, it is necessary and unavoidable. Under the circumstances described above, the order is a necessary and unavoidable legal restriction, and does not violate Article 20, paragraph 1 of the Constitution.


Self-interpretation by Ebata as follows


(1) (Ostensibly), the purpose of Article 81 (dissolution order), Paragraph 1, Item 1 is designed to be applied to religious organizations that cause secular problems such as "mass murder. Therefore, there is no problem.


(2) (implied content) Don't let a mass-murdering terrorist group talk about "freedom of religion (Article 20 of the Constitution).



Now, let's apply this to the group known as the Unification Church.


(1) (Ostensibly) The purpose of Article 81 (dissolution order), Paragraph 1, Item 1 was originally intended to be applied to religious organizations that cause secular problems, such as "insisting on 'donations' to induce believers to give up all their assets and bankrupt their families. So there is no problem.


(2) (Implicit content) Don't talk about "freedom of religion (Article 20 of the Constitution)" when religious organizations take advantage of people's weakness of mind, and make believers' lives and livelihoods in danger.



I am expecting that some of the interpretations of the Supreme Court's decisions will be changed in the direction of "applying precedents".


日曜日に、第4回目のコロナワクチン接種にいってきたのですが ―― 第4回目にして、初めて副反応を体験しました。

On Sunday, I went for my fourth Corona vaccination -- and for the fourth time, I experienced an adverse reaction for the first time.


It was not so much a high fever, but I was so intensely thirsty that I could not sleep.

風邪薬飲んで、水をがぶ飲みして、いましたが ―― 結構つらかったです。

I took cold medicine, gulped down water, and stayed -- it was pretty painful.


I was quite surprised because my previous adverse reactions had been "arm hurts" -> "done".


If this is an adverse reaction, it is frightening to think of a real corona infection or illness.


I will continue to bash out both the corona vaccine and the flu vaccine.


After all, I am so gutless that a high fever from the flu makes me want to die.


Aside from that.



My wife and I often synchronize our physical condition.


In particular, the synchronization rate of daily weight gain and loss is almost 100%.


When synchronization fails, the person on the side that lost weight is allowed to be called a 'traitor'.


Although we boast such a high synchronization rate, I was the only one who suffered from the "adverse reaction damage" this time.

ただ、今回は明確な理由がありまして ―― 私、今月に入ってから、本当に心底、どうしようもないほど頭を酷使して、疲労困憊しているからです(今も)。

But this time, I have a clear reason -- because I have been (and still am) really, truly, inexplicably overworked and exhausted in my head since the beginning of this month.


In other words, we have put the corona vaccine in a place where the patient could have collapsed from overwork.

そりゃ、副反応も出るだろう ―― と思いました。

I thought, it is natrual that adverse reactions will come



This time, I didn't call my wife a 'traitor'.



"Is there anything you fear, Mr. Ebata?"



I said that before.


The other day, I was asked


"Is there anything you can't do?"



リップサービスであるのを理解した上で、それをスムーズに流すのが、大人の振舞いです ―― とは言え、それにしても、盛大なサービスを頂きました。

It is adult behavior to understand that it is lip service and let it flow smoothly -- however even so, we received a grand service.


I gratefully accepted it as a form of respectful aging spirit.


江端さんにできないこと ―― それは、いろいろありますが、その中でも

What Mr. Ebata can't do -- and that's a lot of things, among them


"The inability to take into account the feelings of others."


is the top of lists.



In November, we will hold a memorial service for my father and mother at a tree funeral.


The temple asked me what denomination to have the sutra recited, and I responded it by email.


I thought that "sects" such as Soto-shu are like "JIS standards" that have been developed nationwide.

どうせなら、仏教統一規格みたいなものを作ってくれれば、ラクなんだけどなぁ、とも思いましたが ―― 歴史的な血みどろの闘争をしてきた宗派を、統合するというのは、あまり意味なさそうです。

―― ゴーダマシッダールタさん没後、2500年オーダの時間をかけて創作され続けた膨大な物量の「同人誌」

I thought it would be easier if they could make some kind of unified Buddhist standard anyway -- it doesn't seem to make much sense to unify sects that have been engaged in a bloody historical struggle.


In the first place, there is a "non-religious funeral" as a drop-off point for such cases, so we can just use that.


Initially, I had planned to deliver the bones "without sutra reading," but I changed my mind when my wife told me I was 'restless'.


In this sense, "sutra reading" is a kind of stylized beauty.



In that sense, I understand that each sect's sutra reading is like a programming language.


As long as the final process is achieved (e.g., "attainment of Buddhahood"), it does not matter what programming language is used.



Religious freedom is a very important right.


Therefore, no matter what the state or the masses may say, there is no need to stop religious activities.


If the dissolution order is confirmed by the court, it will just "lose its status as a religious corporation".


The privileges specifically granted to religious organizations will cease, but basic human rights will not be lost.


They will just be treated like us normal people.


―― これは、チャンスじゃないか?

"Isn't this a great opportunity?"


The former Unification Church has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to show the government that it is 'cool' by giving back (beating back) its corporate status to the public.


You can say "we can unite as a religious organization without the protection of the state," and you can show us "we can continue our faith"


To begin with, any religious group should be anti-authority and anti-corporation?


It is a bizarre sight to see a religious group that presents new values to the world, yet exists under the aegis of the state.


There is no way that a religious group that is not suppressed by the powers that be can become a major player.


At least three of the world's major religions in existence have survived through tremendous state oppression to maintain their faith.


現在、旧統一教会の教団幹部の、まぬけな失言や対応の連続で、毎日世間の風当たりが酷くなっているようですが、まあ、それはさておき ――

Currently, it seems that the public's windfall is getting worse every day due to a series of lame-ass gaffes and responses by former Unification Church cult leaders, but, well, let's put that aside

今回の弾圧を最大限利用して、不死鳥のごとく生まれ変わるのです! 旧統一教会!!

You, the Unification Church, will make the most of this oppression and be reborn like a phoenix!


Come on, now, let's go and slap the religious juridical status back on the Agency for Cultural Affairs.



I do not have the ability to 'understand formulas as they are'.


Basically, I can finally 'feel like I understand' by applying numerical values to those formulas and turning them into numbers and figures.

いや・・・正確に言うと、「図形」でもダメですね ―― 自分の身の回りに関する数値に落し込んで、ようやく分かったような気になります。

No... to be precise, not even "figures" -- I feel like I finally understand it when I drop it into figures related to my immediate surroundings.


In search of a concrete example of the above model, I listened to a lecture at an Indian university on YouTube last night, took down the specific numbers, and dropped them into Excel.


I was finally relieved when I saw the graphs.



Or, about the following formula,


I wanted to get an idea of what it would be like to incorporate mathematical formulas into a program without understanding them, because it would be terrible later on.


However, since this formula has two input variables, it must be displayed in three dimensions, but Excel does not have enough variety in the three-dimensional display.


I was wondering what to do and then I remembered "Gnuplot".


I ran it for the first time in several years and got this figure with one equation line (zero preconfiguration).


I was moved again with saying "Gunplot is great"