
Open Street Map(以下OSMといいます)とは、「自由に利用でき、なおかつ編集機能のある世界地図を作る共同作業プロジェクト」のことです。

Open Street Map (OSM) is a collaborative project to create a freely available, yet editable, map of the world.


In general, it is often used to mean a map information file named "xxxxxx.osm" file.


These oms files are very helpful for researchers who are working on map-based traffic simulations.


However, OSM's maps are made with the cooperation of people from all over the world, and in the first place, maps are always expanding and changing.


There is no such thing as a "perfect map.


Especially when using oms files in my own research, I may want to modify the map information correctly if necessary.



That's why I've been trying to edit the OSM map since this morning.


The following is a map of the grounds of Yokohama National University, which I have just added to the map because it did not include a "car road".

なぜ、私が大学キャンパスの道を知っているのか ―― そりゃもう、このキャンパスの中を、何百回、自動車と足で走り回り、GPSロガーでデータを取りまくったことか、分かりません ―― 仕事(屋外実証実験)で。

How do I know my way around a university campus? Well, I can't tell you how many times I've driven around this campus by car and foot, taking data with my GPS logger for my work (field demonstration).



By the way, I was stunned to see that this correction of mine this morning was registered in the OSM Map Information with the click of a button.


After the revision, the map I described will be reflected all over the world.

―― 私の過失、または、悪意で、地図を改竄(かいざん)してしてしまったらどうするんだ?

"What if the map is tampered with due to my negligence or malicious intent?"


I came to feel quite uneasy.


After all, this is my first trial with this modification.

そのような場合でも、多分、『だれかが私の改竄を修正する』、そして、『私が間違いを続ければ、私をOSMメンバから除名する』と期待しているのですが ――

Even in that case, I'm hoping that maybe "someone will correct my falsification" and "if I continue to be wrong, they will expel me from OSM membership" -- but I'm not sure.


Anyway, I really feel that "a collaborative project to create a freely available, yet editable world map" is a great idea.



Step.1 https://www.openstreetmap.org/ から、「ユーザ登録」

Step.2 ユーザ登録します。







国会議員関係政治団体を政治家名で紐付けして、オンライン提出を無視している比率(オンライン提出無視率)を算出しました ――


The percentage of online submissions that are ignored (online submission ignorance rate) was calculated by linking political organizations related to Diet members by politician name.


I have calculated it, but have not been able to review it, so I am looking at it now.



(1) Organizations that have implemented online submission

■菅義偉さん、二階俊博さん ―― の団体の皆さんは、さすがに、ちゃんとガバナンスが効いているみたいです。

As expected, the members of the organizations of Yoshihide Suga and Toshihiro Nikai seem to have good governance.

■大串正樹さん、大島理森さん、小林鷹之さん、小山徹さん、篠原孝さん、島村大さん、鈴木馨祐さん、武田良太さん、田城郁さん、那谷屋正義さん、野間健さん、原口一博さん、平井卓也さん、藤末健三さん、古川元久さん、牧原秀樹さん、丸山穂高さん、宮澤洋一さん、室井邦彦さん、森裕子さん ―― の団体の皆様、オンライン提出ご苦労さまでした

Masaki Ogushi, Rimori Oshima, Takayuki Kobayashi, Toru Koyama, Takashi Shinohara, Dai Shimamura, Keisuke Suzuki, Ryota Takeda, Iku Tashiro, Masayoshi Naya, Ken Noma, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Takuya Hirai, Kenzo Fujisue, Motohisa Furukawa, Hideki Makihara, Hotaka Maruyama, Yoichi Miyazawa, Kunihiko Muroi, Hiroko Mori -- thank you for your hard work in submitting online!


(2) Organizations that ignore online submissions.

■麻生太郎さん、小沢一郎さん、菅直人さん、杉田水脈さん、鈴木宗男さん ―― もう、この方たちの団体については、多分、今後もダメだろう、というあきらめの気持ちがあります。

Taro Aso, Ichiro Ozawa, Naoto Kan, Mizutake Sugita, and Muneo Suzuki -- I have a feeling of resignation that their organizations will probably not make it in the future.

■安倍晋三さん、甘利明さん、石破茂さん、石原伸晃さん、稲田朋美さん、小渕優子さん、萩生田光一さん、三原順子さん ―― あなたたちの団体は『ダメ』でしょう?

Shinzo Abe, Akira Amari, Shigeru Ishiba, Nobuteru Ishihara, Tomomi Inada, Yuko Obuchi, Koichi Hagiuda, Junko Mihara -- your organizations are 'no good', aren't they?

■枝野幸男さん、片山さつきさん、小泉進次郎さん、高市早苗さん、辻元清美さん ―― あなたたちの団体に関しては、『絶対ダメ』でしょう?

Yukio Edano, Satsuki Katayama, Shinjiro Koizumi, Sanae Takaichi, Kiyomi Tsujimoto -- as far as your organizations are concerned, "absolutely not," right?


In addition, all the people who were not mentioned above are "ignored groups".



I would like to follow up with you every year from now on.


ドラマ「おいしい給食」が面白い ―― もう、めちゃくちゃに面白い。大爆笑です。

The drama "Delicious School Lunch" is so funny -- it's already crazy funny. I'm laughing so hard.

映画「サムライせんせい」つながりで、俳優 市原隼人さん主演作品を探したら、すぐに出てきたのが、この「おいしい給食」。

In connection with the movie "Samurai Sensei," I looked for a movie starring actor Hayato Ichihara, and this "Delicious School Lunch" came up immediately.


In any case, the concept is amazing.


A teacher who says, "I love school lunches. It's no exaggeration to say that I come to school for the lunches.


It is no longer an exaggeration to say that this is a new standard for gourmet dramas and a paradigm shift in the image of teachers.

この週末で、Season1 → 映画 → Season2を一気に見てしまうという、異例のハマり方をしてしまいました。

This weekend, I watched Season 1, the movie, and Season 2 all at once, which is an unusual way to get hooked.



When we talk about "school lunches" in the Ebata household, it is interesting to see that there is a generation gap, and of course, regional differences even within the same generation.


I didn't have a chance to eat the "rice", but my wife seemed to eat it as usual.


I was also surprised that I did not share the concept of "soft noodles" with my daughters.


Looking back, I used to get excited on days when "Curry Noodles" and "Oboro Miso Noodles" were delivered


On the other hand, I was less excited about the raisin bread (my wife said she was more excited).


On the other hand, thanks to school lunches, I learned (1) "Happousai" are delicious at "Gyoza no Ohsho" that , and (2) there are truly delicious breads in the world at "HOKUO"


Looking back, I think school lunches were the "key sentences" in English education, the "solutions to two-dimensional equations" in mathematics education, and played the role of "national standards" for the food culture of the Japanese people.


Aside from that.



I've had enough of tedious human relationship dramas such as internal factional struggles, romantic relationships, and emotional reunions.


"I live my life as a teacher only for my own desire (to eat school lunch)"


"Students, schools, and colleagues are only means to that end."


What a refreshing way to live.


What we lack today is the spirit of selfishness that says, "As long as I am good, I don't care about anything else".


In this drama, morals, relationships, common sense, and other such things are all just noise.


In addition, the setting is wonderful, as the purpose behind the noise is "school lunch," something that can be scoped out on a daily basis.


We don't need to go out of our way to set goals that are hard to obtain.


This drama also gives us the courage to say, 'We can find things that make us happy in our daily lives".



So I recommend you to watch "Delicious School Lunch".


If you think you haven't laughed in a while, this is a good place to start.



Currently, the drama "February Winner" is on air (I am reading the free part in the comic).

キャッチーなキーワード「父親の経済力と母親の狂気」で、コミック、ドラマともに好調だと聞いております ―― というのは、私は、見ていないからです。

With the catchy keywords "father's economic power and mother's madness," I hear that both the comic and the drama are doing well -- because I haven't seen them.


Oh, by the way, "Dragon Cherry Blossom" was also popular.


However, I don't know of any case where a student with hopeless grades was able to pass the entrance exam to Tokyo University after reading the Dragon Cherry Blossom drama or comics.


If you know of such a person, please let us know. I would love to interview them.


But that's beside the point.



Our senior and junior daughters were both "February Winners".


This was the result of their own efforts and talent.


Of course, I think there was "father's economic power and mother's madness" in the back end, but there was other 'madness' as well.

思い返すと ―― あの当時の嫁さんは、娘と共に、日本の全て都道府県の特産物、河川や山河の名称を、暗記できるレベルになっていました。

Looking back, my daughters and wife were able to memorize the names of all the prefectural specialties, rivers, mountains and streams in Japan.


I had created my own content for text-to-speech software, and completed read-aloud audio content on politics, history, and science to get it into my daughters' heads.


We also introduced a profit-driven education system, in which my daughter was asked to memorize more than 500 historical timelines without looking at anything, and were given 50 yen for each day that she read out the entire timeline (the Ebata family called it "air").


We also had a plan to transport her to the entrance exam venue on the day of the exam.

「父親の経済力と母親の狂気」+ 「母親の併走」 + 「父親のIT x OT技術のフル稼動」――

"Father's financial strength and mother's madness" + "mother's running together" + "father's full operation of IT x OT technology"


And, well, I think that I could say that the Ebata family put in "all the madness" that they had at that time.



However, thinking back, (I don't know about my wife) I don't think I was that enthusiastic about the exam.


To be honest, I even thought, 'Their (my daughters') school fees are an exploitation of my retirement funds.

それでも、私たち夫婦が、娘たちのバックエンドに徹した理由を問われれば ―― これを言語化するのは難しいのですが

Still, if you ask me why my husband and I are committed to the back end of our daughters' lives -- it's hard to put this into words.

―― そこに受験があったから

"Because the exam is here"


I think this is the most accurate phrase.



I sometimes conduct interviews with experts for my column.


From the offer to the interview, it took a total of about three hours.


The same thing can take more than six months if it involves an organization (such as a company).


The reason for this is that there are a lot of departments that want to check for "anti-corporate," "bankruptcy risk," and "profit sharing.


It is inevitable that an organization will work with a 'worst case scenario' in mind.


However, I am afraid that

―― これでは、勝てない

"We can't win"



Especially in the digital service business, I think this "slowness" is fatal.

で、このような社内手続きに対して愚痴を言う人は多いですが、これを解決した、という話は聞きたことがありません ―― 私も随分「闘ってきた」という記憶はありますが、これに「勝った」という記憶はありません。

So many people complain about these internal procedures, but I've never heard of anyone solving them. I remember that I have "fought" against it for a long time, but I don't remember that I have "won" against it.


The only person who can change the company is the president, and unless you become the president, the company organization will not change, and even if you become the president, you may not be able to change it (because there is a huge resistance within the company).

で、まあ、結論として ―― 私は『会社を変えようという努力』は諦めました。

So, well, in conclusion -- I gave up on the 'effort to change the company'.



You can do it privately.


If you don't bring up the company's name and act as a completely private person, you won't be bothering anyone.


In the first place, a company would fire a person who caused a problem at the company and then claim that he or she is not an employee of the company.



The reason I am able to release a column every month is because of my light-footedness, with saying "In the end, I am the only one who can take responsibility"


No one should have any say in the program code or columns I write over the weekend, and it's up to me to offer interviews to whomever I want.


Nowadays, you can get pretty much everything you need in terms of IT environment within your own pocket.


The cloud, edge computers, and, these days, 3D printers are inexpensive and readily available.


It is so easy to get map information from all over the world on the Internet that you can create your own GIS.


In general, my own room at home is better equipped with excellent research facilities.



It's hard to do what you want to do within the organization of a company, but once you leave the organization of a company, you can do what you want to do quickly and easily.


I think we are all too tied (or brainwashed) by our organizations.


There are many exit strategies that show your results outside of the organization.


Volunteers, NPOs, technical comikets, and even academic societies can participate individually (you can even create a group with one member).


I think it is mentally easier to do things outside the company that are unrelated to the company's business rather than getting frustrated with company procedures that are not being processed.



These days, it seems that even the equipment for genetic research can be provided by individuals.


It might be possible to create a vaccine for individuals and use themselves to test the effectiveness of the vaccine.


By the way, I did some research (Law Concerning the Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Drugs, Medical Devices, etc.) and found that the target parties are "those who manufacture, sell, lend or repair drugs, etc. as a business, and others".


I don't think this law applies to drug production and human experimentation by individual researchers without profit motive, as mentioned above.



Today, the police came and gave me a reward for the Ebata's "cooperation".



I thought, "If I don't get this, the police will be in trouble," so I took it, but now I'm in trouble.


I thought about donating the money to an organization that is fighting the new corona, but I'm wondering. Because I don't know the activities deeply.

それならば ―― 私の日記を読んで頂いている方のお役に立ちたい、と思いました。

Then -- I thought I would like to be of service to those who read my diary.





"Due to (1) the (economic) impact of the Corona disaster, (2) you and the children in your family are unable to go to (3) Sushiro (conveyor-belt sushi)"


I would like to give one opportunity to one person who satisfies the above three conditions (if there is any change, please keep it).


(a) Please contact us by e-mail (see my home page).


(b) Please include only your name and address in the body of the email, with "Sushiro" in the title.


(c) Please do not write anything else (no greetings, thank me, requests, etc.).


(d) After receiving the money, please do not contact me, thank me, or copy the receipt at all (or rather, I do not want to hear from you).


You can think of it as a trade-off for the risk that Ebata will know your name and address.



I will send it by regular mail (84 yen stamp, at Ebata's expense).


And then (and I hate this phrase), "Let me replace the announcement with the shipment."


Please wait for about a week, and if there is no offer, I will donate it here.




There are many people who say, "We don't need 5G," but you should be careful.



"An 8-bit computer is good enough, what kind of game needs a 16-bit computer?"


"What the hell do you expect to see with more than 640x320 pixels?"


"What would you store on a 40MB (note the units) hard drive?"


"What are you going to do with over a hundred pages of text on a 500KB (note the units) memory board?"


"Where would I need anything more than a 300pbs ultrafast modem?"


I couldn't answer the question at the time when it was posed to me.


I couldn't even imagine a future where audio and video would be carried by computers.


The word "smartphone" made no sense at all.


Of course, I can answer all of the above now.



This is the same from "Why do we cook rice with electricity? to "What is the point of traveling from Tokyo to Osaka in three hours?


It goes back to this story that is "Letters are engraved on wood pipes, how can they be recorded on paper, which is squishy and unsustainable?"



In other words, "applications and services drive the infrastructure" is mistaken.


From the perspective of my life as an IT engineer, this is "absolutely wrong".


The correct answer is, "Once the infrastructure is built, there will always be applications and services that use it up.


Carelessly. you don't have to say


"We don't need 5G."



At the moment, I can't imagine any services or applications using 5G either, but I can assure you that


"if you say something nobody knows in the future, you'll be embarrassed later"




The other day, we calculated the percentage of online submissions ignored (online submission ignorance rate) by linking Diet member-related political organizations with the names of politicians.


The next day, I received a phone call from the police, and to be honest, I was blue in the face.

―― え? 政治家本人じゃなくて、警察? 抗議も、警告も、訴状もなしで、いきなり警察? いきなり刑法案件か?

-- What? Not the politicians themselves, but the police? No protest, no warning, no complaint, and now the police? Is this suddenly a criminal law case?


While I was in a panic,

こちらの「"権力の犬" called by 長女」の件での連絡でした。

The police contacted me about this "'power dog' called by my senior daughter".


He told me that he had completed his work and called me to ask about the procedures to be followed.


I sighed in relief.



By the way, needless to say, I can't tell you the details of my cooperation with the police.


Please accept our apologies.



I am traumatized by asking questions on a forum.


This is because, as I have written here, I have had a lot of bad experiences with the "fj" newsgroup.


I still remembered that I had written about this story a long time ago, so I searched my website.


I did a search for "rounding error" and it came up.


Then, the discomfort of that moment came back to me.

『稚拙な質問があった時には、何も言わないで、無視する』 ―― なぜ、その程度の優しさが発動できないのか。

If you take a poor question, don't say anything and ignore it" -- why can't you invoke that level of kindness?



I am not interested in "teaching and leading others," so I basically do not preach to others.


I also know that preaching to others is the "best entertainment" for the elderly.


I have no intention of participating in such a vulgar event.


In addition, I continue to ignore juniors who have bad attitudes or colleagues who say or do insane things, as long as they do not harm me.



By the way, this morning,




"The idea that vaccination has reduced the number of infected people is just a cognitive bias.

I'll post the Twitter accounts of those who know more."



That's all he or she wrote in his or her email and sent it to me.


"Quoting someone's account is fine, but forcing a two-line email on someone without taking the time to create an "argument" in your own words is just plain rude"


I'm not going to preach to you with the above lines, so please don't worry.


However, I am not tolerant enough to respond to such insincere and rude e-mails, so I will naturally 'ignore' you.



In response to the question, "So what kind of email would you like to see?" Here is a sample to answer the question.


The point is, "Are you speaking in your own words?



In 2013, I had calculated the expected rate of unmarried people.

まあ、当時は、あまり深刻に考えずに、「こういう可能性もあるよ」という警鐘のつもりで、このような机上シミュレーションを出していましたが ――

Well, at the time, I didn't take it too seriously and put out these desk simulations as a warning bell that this was a possibility.


To be honest, I was surprised to learn recently that 47% of the population will be unmarried by 2040.

ちなみに私の算出した未婚率の予測式(男性 0.6417x - 1270.7, 女性 0.6417x -1280.0 x:西暦)に当てはめると、ざっくり"34%"でした。

By the way, if you apply my formula for predicting the unmarried rate (0.6417x - 1270.7 for males, 0.6417x -1280.0 for females x: Western calendar), the rate is roughly "34%".


However, in the view of the following table, it seems to be generally consistent.



Back in 2013, as I stared at the data, I had an ominous feeling that "this might not be linear (equation).


This is because there are signs of an exponential increase, especially in the lifelong singleness rate for women.


However, if this is taken into account, the lifetime unmarried rate for men would jump to a ridiculous value, as the female unmarried rate would be greatly affected. At the time of writing that column, I decided I waited and saw.


As it turned out, there was no need to be cautious.



I've been saying for quite some time that we need to think about a social system where non-marriage is the default, but no one (not even the company) has taken me seriously.


In any case, a society with a declining birthrate in Japan is certain.


There is an urgent need to build a social system that does not assume human resources.


そして、今だに『結婚というシステムを前提とした出産』などという、タルいことを言い続けていれば ――

And if we continue to talk about "childbirth based on the system of marriage" and other nonsense others,


"Zero emissions" will easily be achieved by the population before oxygen dioxide.