
成田悠輔さんの「22世紀の民主主義 選挙はアルゴリズムになり、政治家はネコになる」を読みました。

I read "Democracy in the 22nd Century: Elections Become Algorithms and Politicians Become Cats" by Yusuke Narita.

この本の中で提案されている、「アルゴリズムによる民主主義の自動化」―― 私は『無意識的政策決定システム』と読みましたが ―― 興味深いと思いました。

I found the proposal in the book, "Algorithmic Automation of Democracy" -- which I read as "Unconscious Policy Making Systems" -- is interesting.


I previously wrote a column about the anime BEATLESS.


This "automation of democracy by algorithm" may be more easily understood if you read the function of the political hIE "Mikoto" that appears in BEATLESS.



I have recently been writing a column about the "new democracy" and I am frustrated because I don't 'feel like I get it' when I read the Cabinet Office material.


For an engineer like me, "automation of democracy by algorithm" and "Mikoto" are more compelling.


Because a systems engineer like me can visualize in my mind the "blueprint" of such a "democratic system".


However, I can't say with confidence that 'this system is good'.



We (the generation of engineers) take pride in the fact that we have embedded the "soul" of "protocols" in the communication medium called the Internet.


I think there was also a belief that the Internet would create a truly free, fair, and equal democracy

所得格差を広げ、ポピュリズムを押し広げ、過激なテロ集団のインキュベータとなり、政敵を批判し大衆を扇動する道具に成り下がる ―― そんな無惨な民主主義を作り出すなど、想像もできませんでした。

We could not have imagined that we would create such an atrocious democracy - one that would widen income inequality, push populism, become an incubator for radical terrorist groups, and become a tool for criticizing political opponents and inciting the masses.


The biggest shock is the reality that the Internet, which is supposed to guarantee free communication and speech, has easily come under state control (speech control is now possible).


This proves that 'even the Internet is no match for power'.



As far as I have been able to find, there is not a single reference (book, article, etc.) that mentions this atrocious democracy before the advent of the Internet.


"Algorithmic automation of democracy" is a wonderful system, but perhaps there is something more than that lurking in it, something horrifying.


However, this is only an emotional sentiment of a senior engineer who believed in "the coming of a great democracy through the Internet" in the past, only to be betrayed and frustrated by it.


So I think it is correct to go through my delusions above.


「22世紀の民主主義 選挙はアルゴリズムになり、政治家はネコになる」に酷似した本として、

As a book very similar to "Democracy in the 22nd Century: Elections Become Algorithms, Politicians Become Cats."


There is a "third wave" by Alvin Toffler.


He wrote "democracy in the 21st (x22nd) century" and contained a wonderful and highly accurate forecast of the future.


However, the book is devoid of stories of

- 絶望的な所得格差、

- abject income inequality,

- 大衆に媚びる政治家、

- politicians who flatter the masses,

- テロリスト勧誘サイト、

- terrorist recruitment sites,



- 都合の悪い選挙結果に対して直ぐに『不正選挙』と叫び出す下品な元大統領、

- a vulgar ex-president who immediately cries "rigged election" in response to unfavorable election results.




When I read the Three Kingdoms, I am stunned by the scale of the battles and the number of deaths.


In a word, 'wasteful.


I wondered how much more stable the people's lives would have been if these resources had been directed toward domestic affairs.


However, it seems that until 1840, when chemical fertilizers were invented, the world was in a constant state of food shortage.


It was said that fighting for territory was the only survival strategy.

―― で、今は、LNGや石油などのエネルギー、または安全保障

"and now energy, such as LNG and oil, or security"


I think that.


I have been thinking about the book's title recently and have been doing a lot of research.



I have been looking for a long time now for sample code that programs the logic of economic behavior and have not been able to find it on the net.


Well, the reason for that is that I want to "cut corners" with the coding I do at work.



By the way, the other day, I suddenly realized that "◯◯ engineering" sounds like an academic discipline


The start is Financial Engineering.


I have recently been conducting a literature survey on "dissatisfaction" and am still reading the paper, "Subjective Well-Being Related to Satisfaction with Daily Mobility," while utilizing a translation engine.


If happiness could be engineered, this would be what we could call "happiness engineering".


If love can be systematized to the point where it can be designed, implemented, and verified using an engineering approach, I believe it can be established as "love engineering".


For the same reason, there should be "marriage engineering".


At least I feel I can trust them more than self-proclaimed "relationship consultants" who give advice to others based solely on subjectivity and their own experiences.



"Divination engineering," for example, has already been established in engineering at this point in time.




If "divination" is purely "predicting the future," then this is essentially the work of mathematicians and engineers.



I don't know if "baseball engineering" or "soccer engineering" exists, but "sports engineering" does.

私が、小学校のころに「逆上がり工学」という理論があて、それを指導できる教師がいれば ―― 鉄棒にトラウマを感じるような、少年期を送らずにすんだかもしれません。

If only I had a teacher in elementary school who could have taught me the theory of "upside-down engineering" -- I might not have had a traumatic childhood on the bars.



The English speaking test for metropolitan high school entrance examinations seems to be causing controversy.


I do not know the content of this test, so I do not have the qualifications to speak about it.


However, one thing is for sure.

―― 英語から逃げまくる日本人によって、多くの海外の人(特に留学生)がとても困っている

"Many foreign people (especially foreign students) are in trouble because of Japanese people who run away from English all the time"


I say this as a matter of fact.



The other day at the university, when I heard an international student told me that when she asked about a building at the university's guard gate, he was marked with an X on his arm and told, "I am not a student at the university."

―― 私(江端)がキレました。

"I (Ebata) lost my temper"



You don't have to speak English.


Just in words, shouting

『ゴー ストレート ファイブミニッツ。アンド 、レフト、S4、メイビー、イッツザット』

'Go Straight Five Minutes. And, Left, S4, Maybe, that's it"


will be perfect.

"Go straight for five minutes walking, and turn left, you could find the board written "S4". that might be your target. I hope it is helpful for you"


There are very few Japanese who can speak like that.


Shout out every English word you can think of! That will help 80-90% of the foreign students," I have been saying for a long time, but this country shows no sign of changing.


I was outraged and said, "If the university guard runs away, who will be able to help the foreign student?" , and I apologized to the student on behalf of my country (Japan).

"I cannot help but just say 'I am sorry from the bottom of my heart' as a Japanese".



I bowed deeply to the foreign student.


After that, I spent the next 20 minutes or so taking on all of her complaints about Japan (more on this later).



Anyway, just my concern is that the English speaking test for the Tokyo Metropolitan High School Entrance Examination is,


"Is it possible to get the score just by shouting a list of words, or not?"



As long as that speaking test does not 'lead to the mass production of even more Japanese who run away from English,' I don't care about anything else.



In March 2000, on my way to Narita Airport for an assignment in the U.S., I turned pale when I realized that I had forgotten to bring the documents absolutely necessary to enter the country.


As it happened, I asked my wife, who was at home that day, to run with the documents to the station on the way, and I was able to get away with it.


In this way, I make a big blunder at an important time, and I don't trust myself.


However, this world does not seem to have the attitude of "watching over" Ebata, who is a "big blunder player".


For example, my junior, who was to take this assignment with me, seemed to be "very worried (or cherished) by the people around him.

―― この取り扱いの差な何なんだ?

"I cannot accept this difference in handling"


When I said that, everyone said to me


"I came to think that Ebata could get through U.S. immigration without any paperwork"


I was shocked to hear that.


Of course, there is no way I can do that (not that they have diplomatic immunity).


I think this is not "overrated" to Ebata, but rather evidence that they are handling Ebata in a careless manner.

―― 世界は、私に優しくない

"The world is not gentle to me"


I have often thought that, and I thought that at that time.



I was reading my journal in a daze just now.

―― 1943年の段階で、連合国の政府は、アウシュビッツの大量虐殺を知っていた


Right now, the world is very concerned about the people of Ukraine.


On the other hand, if Israel were to suffer a similar "invasion of powers," would the world be as concerned as Ukraine?


"Absolutely not", I thought.


That country has not stated explicitly about nuclear weapons, but it definitely has nuclear weapons.


It seems to me that if the powers invaded Israel, they would immediately counterattack and would not hesitate to launch tactical nuclear missiles if necessary.


In fact, they have won every war in the Middle East so far.


■後輩 = ウクライナ

- junior = Ukraine

■私(江端) = イスラエル

- I (Ebata) = Israel

と考えると、なんか、しっくり納得できてしまいました ―― 自分で考えておきながら、とても不快な気分になりましたが。

Thinking like the above, I made a lot of sense to me. Though I thought that, that made me very uncomfortable.



I was watching NHK's "Heroes' Choice: Pro's Choice for the "Strongest" Warlord of the Warring States.


Japan's three great warlords, Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu, rewarded generals for their military exploits with "tea utensils".

茶器の原材料は、ケイ素 ―― つまり泥、土くれですので、茶器の価値は、意匠(デザイン)にあったと言えます。

Since the raw material of teaware is silicon -- that is, mud or clay -- it can be said that the value of teaware was in its design.



I actually like pottery quite a bit, and when I go back to my parents' house, I go to a Tokoname-yaki store and buy a tea bowl that I like.

―― 私のお気に入りの茶碗を、娘たちが使って定期的に割るので、補充しているのです

"I am refilling my favorite teacups because my daughters use them and break them regularly"


And I also like "owl" pottery, which I have displayed at the entrance of my parents' house.


ちなみに、私は、陶器を見る目は、ないです ―― 全くないです。私は自分が日常的に使用する陶器以外には、1mmも興味が湧いてきません。

By the way, I don't have an appraising eye for pottery -- not at all. I am not interested in a single millimeter of pottery other than what I use on a daily basis.


I don't know what is so good about "flat spider(*)" that Hisahide Matsunaga owned, and if I had "tsukumo-gami eggplant", I can be sure that I would definitely put a "cucumber cue-chan" in it.


(For those interested in the dramatic anecdotes about this tea kettle, please Google it.)



I've been watching the show for a while now, and I've been thinking about,

―― 信長は、あの時代に、「茶器」という「ビットコイン(*)」を作ったのだな

"Nobunaga created the "bitcoin(*)" called "tea utensils" in that era, didn't he?"



We can see Nobunaga's sense of economic policy in that he created a new currency (creditor credit) at a time of war when land and coin were in short supply.


昨日のニュースで、旧称 統一教会が、『養子の計画生産』を行っていると知り、愕然としました。

I was astonished to learn in yesterday's news that the former Unification Church, formerly known as the Unification Church, is conducting 'planned production of adopted children'.


It is 'horrifying' (or 'abhorrent') to even talk about this, so please see this article.


Well, the following phrases should suffice.



The handbook that provided guidelines for the life of faith also recommended a pregnancy with the intention of giving the child up for adoption, stating, "It is most desirable to make the promise of adoption before the dedicatee's pregnancy".


このニュースに対して、旧称 統一教会は、

In response to this news, the former Unification Church said,


"No money was given or received in connection with the adoption"


When I heard the comment,

―― 当たり前だバカ。この異常な養子縁組の上、金銭の授受までやっていたら、お前らは『本物の悪魔』だ

"Of course, you idiot. If you are giving and receiving money with this crazy adoption, you are the "real devil"!"


I shouted in front of the TV.



I am overwhelmingly in favor of the use of the adoption system.


If a parent does not have the financial resources to raise a child, or if a child is at risk of being abused by an adult who is not qualified to raise the child, being cared for by an adult who meets those conditions is significant in and of itself.


More important, however, is,


"In the best interest of the child, it must be absolutely necessary"



The former Unification Church interprets this as meaning that "making a child 'for adoption purposes' for the sake of doctrine" is "especially necessary for the benefit of the child.

そこには、「子ども(というか人(ヒト))の自由意思」とか「子どもへの尊厳」という視点が1mmもない ―― ただ単に『思考停止の教義への盲従』があるだけです。

There is not one millimeter of "the free will of the child (or human being)" or "dignity for the child" -- there is simply "blind obedience to a doctrine that stops thinking".


Can someone please tell me what other word I can use to describe this other than 'self-righteousness'?


Above all, the sensibility to think this is "normal" is frightening from the bottom of my heart.



I believe that adoption is about enduring and overcoming one's own pain and sorrow for the "sake of the child's happiness.


Therefore, it is so obvious that it is ridiculous to talk about the need to promote this system while at the same time being mindful of its operation to maximize the "happiness of the child".

『子どもが存在しない時点で、養子縁組を計画する』という、その教義の異様さに気がつくことができない ―― そういう人間を作ってしまうこの教団は、『やっぱり恐しい』と思います。

They can't help but notice the bizarreness of the doctrine of 'planning for adoption when the child does not exist' -- I think this cult that creates such people is 'still scary'.



Furthermore, I am not willing to forgive this organization and all of the people who support/ have supported this organization even one millimeter in the future.


And I have my own reasons for not allowing this group (I will tell you about them eventually).


Therefore, I will continue to abuse them with "the greatest 'vulgar' expression imaginable.



Finally, I would like to tell 'you' to have criticized the contents of my diary with my name 'explicitly' as "vulgar".


I continue to write with a certain amount of determination (and risk) (in fact, that organization is really "dangerous").

私の記載に不愉快を感じるのは自然なことですので、それに文句を言うつもりはありません(不快ではありますが) ―― しかし、この件(旧称統一教会)についてだけは、私は、今後も差し控える気はありません。

It is natural for you to complain with my description, and I am not going to complain to you (although I am uncomfortable) -- but I am not going to stop talking about this matter (formerly known as the Unification Church).



I'm wondering idly if some publisher will plan a remake of Jun Mihara's "Hamidashidakko" to suit the current environment and historical background.

―― 江端家のトイレライブラリの書架にある「はみだしっ子」が、娘たちに貸出された形跡がない

"There is no evidence my daughters have read "Hamidashikko" on the shelf in the Ebata family's restroom library"


I was very disappointed with that.


The pictures and dialogue may be a bit harsh for my daughter's generation today.



I believe Graham was partly responsible for my interest for the legal field (although it is special civil law (IP law)).


Without Graham, I would not have purchased the book on the Nuremberg Trials or the DVD on the Tokyo Trials.




Currently, there is a trend toward easing up on the wearing of masks.


The recent weakening of the coronavirus is the reason for this, but it was mass vaccination that led to the weakening.


(1) Vaccination.


(2) Virus escapes by mutant strains


(3) Drive in the next vaccination.


(4) The virus escapes as changing another variant.


This is the reason why the virus has reached a level where it can coexist with humans (to the extent that humans are willing to take off their masks) by repeating the same process over and over again.


The reason why we have had and must continue to have a series of vaccinations is to continue to weaken the virus and coexist with it.

―― という説明は、あまりされていないような気がします。

I don't think this has been explained very well.

だから、『一体、何回接種すればいいんだ!』とキレている人が散見されますが、その答えは、最初から明快です ―― 「エンドレス」です。

So, I see a lot of people snapping, "How many inoculations do I have to get?!" ' but the answer is clear from the start -- 'endless.


This endless vaccination may further weaken the virus and eventually drive them (the virus) to the point where they only need to be given once a year, similar to the flu vaccine.


After all, we humans cannot "win" the virus (*). The limit is "not completely defeated.


(*) Smallpox is the only infectious disease that humans have been able to eradicate.



By the way, I hear that "not taking off the mask" is now a problem.


Today, I would like to discuss this a bit.


It is already clear at this point that masks are effective in preventing infection, isn't it?


The reason for this is very clear.


The virus is small and passes through the mask lightly.


However, the majority of viruses are carried by droplets (spit).


And masks can prevent "droplets".


And the virus must be carried in a "certain amount" to be successfully transmitted.


In other words, when you are wearing a mask, you are safer and more secure in conversation than when you are not wearing a mask.


So it is only natural that 'wearing a mask during face-to-face conversations' is recommended.



It is reasonable that there was 'mandatory/enforced mask wearing' when the coronavirus was at its initial scary level of mortality.


However, even with the current virus, which has decreased the mortality rate, wearing a mask is not "meaningless.


Therefore, I do not understand the logic of condemning, if not thanking, "people wearing masks".



First, I will write down the usefulness of wearing a mask as it pertains to me personally.


(1) Although weakened, it is still preventing corona infection.


(2) It is also true that seasonal influenza infection is prevented


(3) I don't have to directly inhale the recently cooled air.


(4) I don't have to worry (to some extent) about bad breath on the train after eating Ramen with garlic.


For me, they are all good.


To begin with, I am a hay fever sufferer and cannot do without a mask from January to April.


Regardless of Corona virus, I have always lived with the mask for 1/3 of the year.


I naturally remove them when I feel a lack of oxygen, such as when I am walking up a long hill, and I also remove them when I am immersed in computer work. When I am alone in my room, I naturally remove them.


My putting on/taking off the mask is in consideration of my benefits, and also should be a benefit to society (or at least not a disadvantage).



On the other hand, it also seems certain that there are disadvantages to continuous mask wearing.


In that sense, "unthinking 'mask faith'" is not good.


My recommendation is to "operate mask use according to your situation".


Its operation, though, requires a somewhat cumbersome process of "judging it in your own mind from a scientific point of view," after listening to government recommendations and the opinions of various people.



I am sorry if you were offended by Ebata's "uncomfortable and righteous argument" again.


However, I also have been sufficiently offended by the "need for masks" and "no masks" arguments without logic, so I think it is almost "even".


The target audiences of this primer are researchers and practitioners in the interdisciplinary fields of
transportation, who are specialized or interested in social science models, behavioral models, activitybased
travel demand models, lane use models, route choice models, human factors, and artificial
intelligence with applications in transportation.


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The target audiences of this primer are researchers and practitioners in the interdisciplinary fields of transportation, who are specialized or interested in social science models, behavioral models, activitybased travel demand models, lane use models, route choice models, human factors, and artificial intelligence with applications in transportation.

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改行 C-q C-j
