

Lately, there have been a lot of accidents involving credit card information leaks.


It is unlikely that the Ebata family was spared from these accidents.


However, the Ebata family has not received a single letter of apology, let alone a report of damage, from the source of the leak, but it is doubtful that there was no damage



The compensation the Ebata family received for the Benesse personal information leak was a single magnetic card worth 500 yen.


After this leak, my daughters received a mountain of DMs from prep schools, vocational schools, and kimono rentals for their coming-of-age ceremony.


There is no longer any way to stop the unrestricted spread of personal information, such as the name and address of our family.



Of course, even if the price is 500 yen, if 10,000 cases are leaked, it will result in 5 million yen in damages (the number of victims was 3.54 million).


But whether that amount is 50 million yen or 17.5 billion yen is none of our business.


The problem is the fact that we will continue to receive DMs from companies we do not know.


There is no way to prove causality, but the Ebata family is unified in their belief that 'Benesse is to blame.


(To be continued)


package main

// C:\Users\ebata\goga\3-12

import (

type BUS struct {
	number int

//var l sync.Mutex
//var c1 chan int

func (bus *BUS) bus_func_recv(lr *sync.Mutex, cr *sync.Cond) {
	// 受信(ブロードキャスト専用)
	fmt.Println("bus.number by recv:", bus.number)
	defer lr.Unlock()
	fmt.Println("before cr.Wait")
	for {
		cr.Wait()          // ロック
		fmt.Println("hi ") // ここで受信処理を行う


func (bus *BUS) bus_func_send(lb *sync.Mutex, ch1 chan int) {
	// 送信専用
	fmt.Println("bus.number by send:", bus.number)

	defer lb.Unlock()
	ch1 <- bus.number

func main() {
	//wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
	l := sync.Mutex{}
	c1 := make(chan int)

	l2 := sync.Mutex{}
	c2 := sync.NewCond(&l2)

	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		bus := BUS{i}
		go bus.bus_func_send(&l, c1)
		go bus.bus_func_recv(&l2, c2)



	for {
		select {
		case v := <-c1:
		//	fmt.Println("default")
		case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):




	//time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

package main

import (

type PERSON struct {
	lon_destination float64
	lat_destination float64
	lon_arrival     float64
	lat_arrival     float64
	bus             BUS

type BUS struct {
	lon_present float64
	lat_present float64
	//	person      []PERSON

func random(min, max float64) float64 {
	return rand.Float64()*(max-min) + min

func person(i int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
	defer wg.Done()
	person := PERSON{}
	// 出発座標、到着座標の入力
	person.lon_destination = random(139.480, 139.460)
	person.lat_destination = random(35.602, 35.586)
	person.lon_arrival = random(139.480, 139.460)
	person.lat_arrival = random(35.602, 35.586)

	fmt.Println(person, i)

func bus(i int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
	defer wg.Done()
	bus := BUS{}

	fmt.Println(bus, i)

func main() {
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	defer wg.Wait()

	// バスエージェントの生成 3台
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		go bus(i, &wg)

	i := 0

	for {

		time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

		go person(i, &wg)


package main

// C:\Users\ebata\goga\3-15

import (

// BroadCasterは管制システムのイメージに近い だから移動体のオブジェクトには含めない
type BroadCaster struct {
	cond *sync.Cond
	id   int64
	msg  string

func (bc *BroadCaster) Send(msg string) {
	defer bc.cond.L.Unlock()
	bc.msg = msg

func (bc *BroadCaster) Recv(last int64) (int64, string) {
	defer bc.cond.L.Unlock()
	for bc.id == last {
	return bc.id, bc.msg

// broadcaster_busをグローバルで実体化
var (
	broadcaster_bus = &BroadCaster{
		cond: sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{}),

// broadcaster_personをグローバルで実体化
var (
	broadcaster_person = &BroadCaster{
		cond: sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{}),

// 単一通信の構造体
type SingleCaster struct {
	ch   chan int   // 単一通信路
	lock sync.Mutex // 単一通信路のロック

// バス用単一通信の実体化
var (
	sc_bus = &SingleCaster{
		lock: sync.Mutex{},
		ch:   make(chan int),

// 人間用単一通信の実体化
var (
	sc_person = &SingleCaster{
		lock: sync.Mutex{},
		ch:   make(chan int),

// 人間用単一通信の実体化

type CONTROL struct {
	number int // 管制番号

func (control *CONTROL) control_start() {

	// バスへの一斉送信
	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
		broadcaster_bus.Send(fmt.Sprintf("hello, bus world %d", i))

	// 人間への一斉送信
	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
		broadcaster_person.Send(fmt.Sprintf("hello, person world %d", i))

	for {
		select {
		//		case v := <-c1:
		case v_b := <-sc_bus.ch:
			fmt.Println("catched from bus send", v_b)
		case v_p := <-sc_person.ch:
			fmt.Println("catched from person send", v_p)

		//	fmt.Println("default")
		case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):


type BUS struct {
	number int // バス車両番号

func (bus *BUS) bus_func_recv() {
	last := int64(0)
	for {
		id, msg := broadcaster_bus.Recv(last)
		last = id
		fmt.Println("broadcaset recv:", bus.number, msg)

func (bus *BUS) bus_func_send() {
	// 送信専用
	fmt.Println("bus.number by send:", bus.number)

	defer sc_bus.lock.Unlock()
	sc_bus.ch <- bus.number

type PERSON struct {
	number int  // 人間番号
	live   bool // 存在フラグ 存在:true 消滅:false

func (person *PERSON) person_func_recv() {
	last := int64(0)
	for {
		if person.live {

		id, msg := broadcaster_person.Recv(last)
		last = id
		fmt.Println("broadcaset recv:", person.number, msg)

func (person *PERSON) person_func_send() {
	// 送信専用
	fmt.Println("person.number by send:", person.number)

	for {
		sc_person.ch <- person.number



func main() {

	// バス3台
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		bus := BUS{i}
		go bus.bus_func_send()
		go bus.bus_func_recv()

	// 人間10人
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		person := PERSON{i, true}
		go person.person_func_send()
		go person.person_func_recv()


	control := CONTROL{}
	go control.control_start()



	time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)

package main

// C:\Users\ebata\goga\3-17

import (

// BroadCasterは管制システムのイメージに近い だから移動体のオブジェクトには含めない
type BroadCaster struct {
	cond *sync.Cond
	id   int64
	msg  string

func (bc *BroadCaster) Send(msg string) {
	defer bc.cond.L.Unlock()
	bc.msg = msg

func (bc *BroadCaster) Recv(last int64) (int64, string) {
	defer bc.cond.L.Unlock()
	for bc.id == last {
	return bc.id, bc.msg

// broadcaster_busをグローバルで実体化
var (
	broadcaster_bus = &BroadCaster{
		cond: sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{}),

// broadcaster_personをグローバルで実体化
var (
	broadcaster_person = &BroadCaster{
		cond: sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{}),

// 単一通信の構造体
type SingleCaster struct {
	ch   chan int   // 単一通信路
	lock sync.Mutex // 単一通信路のロック

// バス用単一通信の実体化
var (
	sc_bus = &SingleCaster{
		lock: sync.Mutex{},
		ch:   make(chan int),

// 人間用単一通信の実体化
var (
	sc_person = &SingleCaster{
		lock: sync.Mutex{},
		ch:   make(chan int),

// 人間用単一通信の実体化

type CONTROL struct {
	number int // 管制番号

func control_init(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
	defer wg.Done()

	// バスへの一斉送信
	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
		broadcaster_bus.Send(fmt.Sprintf("hello, bus world %d", i))

	// 人間への一斉送信
	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
		broadcaster_person.Send(fmt.Sprintf("hello, person world %d", i))

	for {
		select {
		//		case v := <-c1:
		case v_b := <-sc_bus.ch:
			fmt.Println("catched from bus send", v_b)
		case v_p := <-sc_person.ch:
			fmt.Println("catched from person send", v_p)

		//	fmt.Println("default")
		case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):


type BUS struct {
	number      int       // バス車両番号
	person_list []*PERSON // バスに乗っている人

func (bus *BUS) bus_func_recv() {
	last := int64(0)
	for {
		id, msg := broadcaster_bus.Recv(last)
		last = id
		fmt.Println("broadcaset recv:", bus.number, msg)

func (bus *BUS) bus_func_send() {
	// 送信専用
	fmt.Println("bus.number by send:", bus.number)

	defer sc_bus.lock.Unlock()
	sc_bus.ch <- bus.number

func (bus *BUS) add_person_list(person *PERSON) {
	bus.person_list = append(bus.person_list, person)

func (bus *BUS) del_person_list(number int) {
	for cnt := range bus.person_list {
		if number == bus.person_list[cnt].number {
			bus.person_list = append(bus.person_list[:number], bus.person_list[number+1:]...)

type PERSON struct {
	number int  // 人間番号
	live   bool // 存在フラグ 存在:true 消滅:false

func (person *PERSON) person_func_recv() {
	last := int64(0)
	for {
		if person.live {

		id, msg := broadcaster_person.Recv(last)
		last = id
		fmt.Println("broadcaset recv:", person.number, msg)

func (person *PERSON) person_func_send() {
	// 送信専用
	fmt.Println("person.number by send:", person.number)

	for {
		sc_person.ch <- person.number



func bus_init(wg *sync.WaitGroup, i int) {
	defer wg.Done()

	bus := BUS{number: i}
	go bus.bus_func_send()
	go bus.bus_func_recv()


func person_init(wg *sync.WaitGroup, i int) {
	defer wg.Done()

	person := PERSON{number: i}
	go person.person_func_send()
	go person.person_func_recv()

func main() {

	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}

	// バス3台
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		go bus_init(&wg, i)

	// 人間10人
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		go person_init(&wg, i)


	// 管制センタ 1つ
	go control_init(&wg)


	//wg.Wait() //本来はこれだが、強制終了の為に
	time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)




package main

import (

func main() {
	// boolの型でchannelを作成する
	ch1 := make(chan bool)
	ch2 := make(chan bool)
	ch3 := make(chan bool)

	// goroutineを生成して、サブスレッドで処理する

	go func() {
		time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
		// chに対してtrueを投げる(送信)
		ch1 <- true
		ch2 <- true
		ch3 <- true

	go func() {
		fmt.Println("func2 start")
		fmt.Println("func2 end")

	go func() {
		fmt.Println("func3 start")
		fmt.Println("func3 end")

	//isFin := <-ch // <-chだけでもブロック出来る
	fmt.Println("before	time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)")
	time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
	fmt.Println("after time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)")


	// chをクローズする

	// 受信した値をprintする


以前、非代替性トークン(Non-Fungible Token、NFT)についてのコラムを書きました。

I wrote a previous column about Non-Fungible Token (NFT).


In that column, I outlined the results of a "technical review of the content of the NFT as explained on YouTube.


By the way, I also added a message saying, 'If I misunderstand them, please let me know'.



After the column was released, I checked YouTube again and found that all the content I referred to had been removed.



『所感 : "バカ言ってんじゃねーよ"』

"Comment: "Don't be stupid."


They may be scared when they read the lines.


Rather, they might resent me for 'humiliating' them.


However, I just said that the technical explanation of NFT is wrong, not that I am denying NFT itself.


I don't think that "the world where NFTs are used as currency will never come".


If I had to describe this feeling in one word, it would be,


"I don't care what the future holds for NFT"



If someone can make money with NFT and be happy, I will honestly say "Congratulations".


In addition, if no one loses money and becomes unhappy with NFT, I will honestly say "it is great".



―― 通貨の概念のない未開の地において、コインや紙幣を見せられた原住民程度にしか、"NFT"を理解できないのです

My understanding of NFT is that of a native who was shown coins and paper money in an uncivilized land without concept of currency.



News sites have been reporting since yesterday that "70% of coronary deaths in the past month were unvaccinated, and 2% of deaths occurred after two doses of vaccine.


And, I'm sure there are people who believe that this news story itself is a conspiracy of the media and the government.


"I believe that government conspiracies are common, but for the conspiracies about coronavirus vaccines, it is impossible because there are no stakeholders"


I've written about it here, along with the results of a simple simulation.


If you are interested, please read on.



On the contrary, I feel that the backwards conspiracy theory that I forced myself to come up with this time, the "plan to kill non-vaccinated people," is becoming more realistic.


However, this one is also 'weak' as a conspiracy theory.


For example, the day before yesterday, this conspiracy theory was squashed by the government itself, as the government clarified its policy on the 6th wave.



In general, the "PDCA of conspiracy" is difficult, just for P (Plan), and D (Do) is hopelessly difficult.

陰謀を実施するだけの価値のある潤沢な資金のあるステークホルダーといえば ―― そうですね、やっぱり「軍需産業のコングロマリット」クラスでないと厳しいのではないかなぁ、と思っています。

Speaking of stakeholders with ample funds worthy of carrying out a conspiracy -- well, I guess it would have to be a "military conglomerate" class.



I am a person who want to overcomes my own sense of discrimination by studying and studying.


However, I am afraid that this heady logic often fails to overcome the disconnect with real-world discriminatory attitudes.


Example 1:

おばさんの服を着た、外見が酷い(不潔感MAX)、肥満で、髭の生えた、清潔感がマイナスに振りきれているおっさん(おばさん)が、ソバを食べている私の横に座った時 ―― 加えて、すさまじい凄い体臭で、私の食欲がゼロになってしまった時、

When the old person in aunt's clothes, who looked terrible, obese, bearded, and had a negative sense of cleanliness, sat down next to me eating buckwheat, in addition to that, when my appetite was reduced to zero due to her tremendous, terrible body odor.


Just the feeling of "disgusting" and "uncomfortable" was enough to push my brain performance to 100%, and the concept of "LGBT" was blown away in front of that person.


The "beautiful" world of comics, novels, and movies is very different from the real world, and right now I don't have a medium to complement the distance between the two.


Example 2:


For a long time, I thought that "gay" was the more discriminatory term between "homo" and "gay," but it wasn't until two years ago that I learned that it was quite the opposite.


So, even when the difference was explained to me in terms of logic, I couldn't keep understanding it.


One day, I heard that the word "homo" has the same meaning as the discriminatory term "negro," and I was finally convinced from the bottom of my heart.


Now I don't use the word "homo", but rather "gay" as a unifying term.


However, you can't understand this story unless you understand the connotation of the word "negro".


In fact, when I mentioned the above to my wife, she looked like "what's what?"



However, I think there are many "heady logicians" like me.


I guess you could call people like me the "LGBT pretenders".


At any rate, the "LGBT pretenders" are only a little bit better than the "people who proudly say they don't understand LGBT".


Unfortunately, I don't think we can expect to find "a way to solve this problem all at once".


I believe that the gap between the "beautiful" world of comics, novels and movies and the real world will be bridged little by little as LGBT people become more and more commonplace.



when I watch my family, or even when I watch foreign dramas on NetFlix, I think

―― こいつら、本当に、他人のUSBメモリを、簡単にパソコンに接続するなぁ

"These guys really do make it easy to connect other people's USB flash drives to their computers"


私たち企業のエンジニアは、出所不明のUSBメモリを、簡単にはパソコンに接続しません ―― そのように訓練されているからです。

Our corporate engineers do not easily connect USB flash drives of unknown origin to their computers -- we are trained to do so.


In my case, the first thing I did was to get that USB flash drive, is


(1) To connect it to an old computer that is not connected to the network.


(2) To visually check all the files.


in addition,


(3) To run a virus scan


Finally, I connect it to the main computer.

冗談ではなく『USBメモリ = 爆弾』という認識です。

It's not joking that I'm aware that "USB memory stick = bomb".


以前、屋外実証実験の最中に、緊急にファイルを移動させる必要があり、コンビニでUSBメモリを購入したのですが ―― そのことで、結構な大騒ぎとなりました。

Once, in the middle of an outdoor demonstration, I needed to move a file urgently and bought a USB flash drive at a convenience store -- which caused quite a commotion.


I needed "20 seconds" to purchase this USB flash drive at the convenience store.


However, there is no doubt that it took at least 20 hours, involving at least three people, to get a "Certificate of Physical Destruction" for this USB memory stick and complete its destruction.


To put it bluntly, in our field, "possession of a USB flash drive" is synonymous with "possession of a handgun.



However, if there is a scene in a foreign drama in which a detective brings back to the station a USB memory stick that he/she has just taken from a criminal and checks to see if the USB memory stick contains a virus.

―― 間違いなく、犯罪者はその場で逃走して、事件は迷宮入り

"No doubt, the perpetrator fled the scene and the case went cold"


I think that.


If a message such as "The staff has confirmed that this USB memory stick is safe" is inserted in a scene of a drama, the drama will be ruined...


I'm thinking about the trivial things.


ハードウェアとソフトウェア(アルゴリズム)の進歩によって、チェス → 将棋 → 囲碁 のチャンピオンは、全てコンピュータに奪われてきました。

With the advancement of hardware and software (algorithms), the champions of Chess, Shogi, and Go have all been taken by computers.


However, it seems that the number of chess, shogi and go fans is not declining.


I don't know much about these gaming trends, but I do know a lot about the subculture (comics, anime, and light-novel).


As I look at these fields, I feel that the content based on these games is rather increasing.



Needless to say, it may be obvious.


No one can beat a bulldozer when it comes to lifting weights, and no one can run faster than a bullet train.


But that doesn't mean that the Olympics will disappear in the future.


The object of human beings, consisting of the constraints of human ability, effort, beliefs, and other troublesome analog attributes, is an interesting content in itself.


Therefore, the game confrontation between the object and the object would be a "work of art" by itself.


先日、NHKスペシャル「2030 未来への分岐点 (5)「AI戦争 果てなき恐怖」」を見ました。

The other day, I watched the NHK special "2030: A Crossroads for the Future (5) 'AI War: Endless Fear'.


This was to prove that, contrary to the above, "weapons reach their full potential when humans are not included.


When conducted aerial battles (in a simulator) between computer-controlled fighters and pilot-operated fighters, the pilots were defeated in every battle.

色々な要因がありますが、基本的に、「人間がいない戦闘機は、無茶苦茶な操縦 『人間が失神/死亡してしまうような加速度での旋回ができる』という点が大きいです。

There are many factors, but basically, "a fighter without a human being is capable of reckless maneuvering "and turning at accelerations that would cause a human being to faint or die.


In other words, "unmanned weapons can ignore the limits of human survival.


Compared to that, "AI" is a small factor.



Well, the anime I would like to introduce to you today is "Heavy Object".


This anime, in my opinion, is one of the best in all of me, comparable to Steins;Gate/Zero, but it's not well known.


For engineers of so-called mathematical computation, prediction, and other "so-called" AI, the contents are irresistible.


It also gets high marks for being a fairly accurate portrayal of the 'so-called' AI wars.

特に、ヘヴィー・オブジェクトの第23話に出てくるセリフ ――

In particular, the line from episode 23 of Heavy Object


- War is a primitive human instinct.


- That is why it must be controlled by reason.


- With the symbol of power of The OBJECT, a digitally managed war is not really a war.


- It's a safety device.


made me think deeply about the AI-War.


In view of Clausewitz's "War is a means of diplomacy."

- いわゆるAIが、仮想空間で戦闘を行い、数秒で勝敗を決することができて、

- A so-called AI can fight a battle in virtual space and decide the winner in seconds.

- それでもケリがつかない場合は、無人兵器が現実世界で戦闘をすることで、

- And if that doesn't settle the score, unmanned weapons will do the fighting in the real world.


If we can achieve such a war with zero human casualties, then we can achieve something like "AI diplomacy based on AI weapons.


―― それは・・・悪くないな

"That's... not bad."


I thought that.


In other words, it is a world where the heroes in that war will be IT engineers like me.

それは、数学、科学、ITができない奴が虐げられる世界 ―― 『理系にあらざれば、人にあらず』

It's a world where those who can't do math, science, or IT are oppressed -- "If you're not a person of science, you're not a person"


It's a paradise.


江端家は、どの駅からも均等に遠く、一番近くのコンビニまで10分の歩行が必要で、一番近くのスーパーマーケットは、徒歩での移動の気力が分かない ―― という立地の悪さです。

The Ebata house is equally far from all the stations, the nearest convenience store is a 10-minute walk away, and the closest supermarket is in a location that I can't muster the energy to walk to -- it's a bad location.


The other day, I checked with my GPS logger and found that there is no possibility of flooding damage because the house is located at an elevation of 76 meters above sea level. However, there is a bank nearby, so the possibility of landslide damage cannot be completely ruled out.


In case you're wondering, I looked at the hazard map and it was not in the danger zone, but 100 meters away is listed as a Red Alert.


However, our house is close to a movie theater.


If I take the back roads, it's about a 15 minute drive to get there.



In the past, "going to the movies" was a big event, and a celebration.


It was like a card that could be used once or twice a year.


However, my family, with the exception of myself, go to see the late show easily after having dinner .



The reason for this is the "cinema complex" system of movie theaters.


In a cinema complex, the number of seats in each screen is differentiated, so that films that are expected to attract a large number of viewers can be shown on the screen with the largest number of seats, and films that have been released for a long time or have lost their ability to attract viewers can be shown on the screen with the smallest number of seats.


It is attached to a shopping center and a supermarket, and is located in a relatively large station.



In the past, in order to see a movie, you had to go to the city center and go to Cinerama, a large venue with a big screen, and of course, there were no Internet reservations, so it was not uncommon to wait three to four hours to get into a movie theater.


And, believe it or not, smoking was allowed in the theater. It wasn't even a separate smoking area.


The sight of cigarette smoke reflected in the light of a movie was the "normal" way to watch a movie.


Some of them were taking pictures of the movie screen with their cameras.


Some of them were taking pictures with flashes, and as a child, I thought to myself, "There are some irredeemable idiots in this world.



With Amazon and NetFlix, new movies are now easily available on your computer or smartphone.


I think this is a big blow to the movie theaters, but for the producers, it means that they can secure enough income to pay for it.


In any case, for me, I would like to keep the event of "going to the cinema to see a movie" as "extraordinary" in my mind.