









I once told this story to a friend (a woman) when I was in college.


"I've never been kind to others, and I don't intend to be, so I don't think I'm in a position where I can expect to be treated kindly"

『いつも思い浮べるのは、冬の深夜の街で、電柱の側でうずくまって、誰にも声をかけられることなく、死んでいく自分の姿なんだよね ―― 生ゴミの袋のように放置されて』

"I always think of myself cowering by a telephone pole in a city late at night in winter, dying with no one to talk to -- like a bag of garbage"


The only thing I vow is that I will never begrudge anyone for not helping me when the time comes.


"I think that's a balanced way for me to die."


"However, I'm thinking that 'cold' is fine, but I'd be happy if my sense of pain, such as 'intense pain' or 'suffering,' is numbed.



後日、彼女は、彼女の親に、その話をしたと聞きました ―― はずかしいから、あんまり人には言って欲しくなかったんですが。

Later, I heard that she had told her parents about it -- I wanted her not to tell about the story to others.


However, her parents said,


"A fine young man"


They had come to appreciate me a lot.


Normally, I would think that I would be evaluated as a 'creepy guy' and told to stop associating with me.


Maybe there are a lot of people who think like me.



So, in my opinion, those who say "I want to die, but I can't" or "I want to be executed" are "not prepared enough".


In addition, it is 'not enough study'.



I once calculated the "price of a child".


Also, I've made an estimate that the more children there are, the more money the government will make.


The calculation is quite simple: the ratio of average lifetime tax revenue to the amount invested per child by the state (13.68 million yen).


With a return of 1.56 times the investment in child care (if that is true), a child is a good investment property.


At least it's much better than keeping your money in the bank.


However, it is the state that can recoup this investment, not our families.


We can also look at it in a malicious way that we are taxed out of our meager household budgets by the state through our children.


とまあ ―― 私は、こういう計算ばかりしてきたので、

And well -- I've been doing a lot of these calculations.


I don't have to feel 'unfair' about the proposal by the Komeito Party to uniformly provide 100,000 yen in cash to people under the age of 18, which was a pledge made in the lower house election regarding support measures in response to the spread of the new corona infection.


To be honest, I'm thinking, 'Even one million yen per person won't pay off.


Parents are mysterious creatures that want to live life with their children, even though they will lose money if they have children.



However, my second daughter turned 19 years old this year.

―― 残念!



I have the feeling.



In the neighboring country, Korea, there is a culture called "dog-eating".


I heard that the controversy has been rekindled by the South Korean president's order to consider banning this "dog-eating" practice.


I remembered that my mentor once sent me this e-mail.



I, as a rule, have no comment on this issue.


However, I definitely do not agree with the logic that says, "Whales and dolphins are cute, so we shouldn't eat them".


It is a fact that human beings sacrifice other lives in order to survive. And this is something that cannot be helped.


I don't agree that "which lives are allowed and which are not" should be judged on the basis of "cute" or "not cute."


Well, if you go back about 2000 years in the world, cannibalism was a normal thing (even now, it seems that calibarism still exists).


It's extreme, but after my death, there are times when I wish someone would eat the rest of the meat that I used for the body donation and ask me what I thought of it -- even it is impossible in two ways.


Because "I'll be charged with destruction of a corpse, etc." and because "I'm dead and can't ask for feedback.



I love both cats and dogs.


My family had both when I was a child.


When my dog died, my father said, "I'm sadder than when my own parents died.


I remember crying so hard at that time that I thought I had shed a lifetime's worth of tears.

ですが、私が「愛猫家であり、愛犬家である」という事実と、「"犬肉食"を法律で規定すること」は、問題は別である ―― と言い切れるほどの程度の分別はあります。

However, the fact that I am a cat lover and a dog lover is not the same as the fact that I am a dog eater. I have the good sense to say as much.



Today, my wife and I went to our daughter's school festival and saw the outdoor stage where she appeared.


I was given a ticket for the venue, but it was very far away, so I stood near the stage. However, a student wearing a windbreaker from the organizing committee warned me.


I think that for them, 'warning someone personally' was a rather daunting task.


It doesn't mean that there aren't idiots who get upset by being warned.


It was a risky job in its own right.


As far as I could watch, they hadn't allowed a single standing dense condition.

―― とても立派なことだ、と感心しました。

"It is very admirable, I thought."

そういえば、『コロナなんて存在しない』と主張しているデモの代表は、「ちゃんと調べて、勉強して」と言っていましたが ――

Oh, by the way, the representative of the demonstration who claimed that "Corona doesn't exist" said, "Do your research and study it...


I have already written seven corona-related columns, which were based on the advice of active doctors, research papers and estimates.


Using the genome (Wuhan version) sequence of the corona spike protein, we also attempted to simulate RNA strand breaks in the virus.


From here on, I would like them to tell me exactly what I need to "look into" and "study".


But that's beside the point.


で、今日、私がどうしていたかというと、嫁さんと別行動をとって、会場の周辺を一人でずっと歩き続けていました ―― ちょっと疲れましたが。

So, what I did today was to separate from my wife and walk around the venue by myself for a long time -- I was a bit tired.


By continuing to walk, you can avoid the stagnation of infected air and prevent the development of dense conditions.


I couldn't concentrate on the content of the stage, but I thought it was enough, given the circumstances.


Depending on the host's best efforts to prevent infection, there are many ways for the participants to cooperate.



I read "Mind Control" by Takashi Okada.


I learned a lot from the systematic way in which past mind control research has been summarized.


I have been doing research and development on control of machines and systems for almost 20 years.


And it's true that I'm getting more and more interested in "human control".




―― 江端が、再び『ダークサイド』に舵を切り始めた

"Ebata started to steer to the "dark side" again."


is not true.


In the first place, the "behavioral change" called for in the Corona disaster is "human control" in a broad sense.


However, "behavior change" is fundamentally different from "mind control", which is the practice of fundamentally changing one's beliefs.


Mind control is the process of forcibly implanting a particular thought or idea into a person's mind, after knocking down the environment and way of thinking that the person has had in his or her life.



Nevertheless, mind control techniques can be used for techniques to induce behavioral change.


(1) Thoroughly limit (reduce to zero) the input of information, and conversely, continue to provide a vast amount of information.


(2) Putting the brain into a state of fatigue by keeping it constantly thinking under high tension.


(3) Keeping them from making their own decisions and keeping them dependent on a specific person.

あれ、これの話どっかで見たな ―― と、デジャブを感じたので、少し考えたら『なんだ、ここ2年のコロナ禍におけるSNSやマスコミととそっくりじゃないか』と気がつきました。

I felt a sense of deja vu and thought, "Oh, I've seen this story somewhere before", and then I realized, "This is just like the social networking sites and the media in the last two years regarding the Corona disaster.


I think this is true not only for those who continue to reject vaccines, but also for those who are pro-vaccine.

自分の調査と勉強と信念だけで、ワクチンの接種を決断した人、または、その拒否を決断した人 ―― そんな人は、ほとんどいないと思います。

I believe that there are very few people who have made the decision to vaccinate or refuse to vaccinate based solely on their own research, study and beliefs.


今のところ、私は、他人の脳を制御する(マインドコントロール)のような高度な技は使えませんが、自分で、自分の脳を破壊しかけたことがありました ―― ダイエットで。

At the moment, I can't use advanced techniques like controlling other people's brains (mind control), but I almost destroyed my own brain once -- with a diet.


Yes, at that time, I was blue in the face when I realized how easy it was to destroy my own brain.



I once bought a book exposing how the author used fake news on social networking sites to lead Trump to victory in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, but the author's writing style ("I'm awesome") made me uncomfortable, so I stopped reading it.


I'm going to read it again.




"Mr. Ebata. What are you working on now?"


"Yeah, I've been doing a little 'mind control' lately..."


If I say something like that, I think I will be met with disapproval. So, I'd like to think about how to say it.


―― 悪気がないのは、分かっているんだけど

"I know you don't mean any harm."


We often find ourselves in these situations.


For example,


- When I clicked on an article featured on a social networking site and it was not available on a paid site.


- When a few graduates of Japan's highest university are having a good time at a drinking party, talking about how they disrespected their home university.


私は、紹介した人や、盛り上がっている人たちを良く知っていて、彼らに『誰かを貶めよう』という気持ちが1mmもないことを知っていますが ―― やはり気分の良いものではありません。

I know the people I've introduced and the people I've had the pleasure of drinking with, and I know that they don't have the slightest desire to 'put anyone down' -- but it's still not a good feeling.



I am a resident of the Odakyu line, and I often use the Keio line as well.


When it comes to Odakyu and Keio, there is the "attempted indiscriminate murder case".


There are some really irredeemable idiots who are saying stupid things about this incident, such as "passengers should fight back.


We know "now" that "The killer only had a knife.


The passengers could have had gasoline sprayed on their bodies and set on fire by the perpetrators, and maybe the perpetrators had 'explosives' in their possession.


Considering this situation, there is no doubt that "escape" is the best solution (even if it is localized) in that incident.



The problem is the motive of the perpetrator in this case.


"I did this because I want the death penalty"


This motive makes no sense at all, and there is no way to counter a murderer with such a motive.


I had discussed this area 10 years ago.


This time, however, I thought about it from a different perspective.


That is,

―― 悪意のない他人の振舞いを、悪意として把握してしまう能力の自己開発

"Self-development of the ability to grasp the behavior of others without malice as malice"



冒頭の話は「え? 他人の、有料ニュースサイトの登録まで、考えなければならないの?」とか、「母校の話で盛り上がることが、いけないの?」と言われれば、まったく反論できません。

The first part of my story was "What? Do I have to think about subscribing to someone else's paid news site?" or "Is it wrong to get excited about my alma mater? I can't argue with that at all.


No amount of logic can derive "ask them to stop".

しかし、ムカつきます ―― これは事実で、そして、理屈ではありません。

But it pisses me off -- this is a fact, and not a logic.


And these feelings are unpredictable.


例えば ―― 私のコラムを読むのが不快な人はいると思います。

For example -- I know there are people who are uncomfortable reading my columns.


If it is not good enough, I think some people are pissed off not only that my column exists, but that I exist at all.


Of course, I can shout 'unreasonable,' but emotions are always unreasonable.


That's why I often remind my daughters of this.


"There are people who find it uninteresting even to talk about your stories at your campus"


"The more educated they are, the more naive they tend to be about this issue.

『だから、普段から会話の話題には十分に気をつけるようにしなさい』―― と。

"So, be very careful about the topics of your conversations"



Again, the victims in these cases are 100% victims, and there is no need to give any consideration to the perpetrators.


However, this type of incident will continue to happen.


There will be no fundamental solution.


"To stay away from another person based solely on foresight or prediction based on his or her appearance or behavior"

―― これを『差別』と呼ぶ人もいるでしょう(例えば、私(江端))

"Some people may call this 'discrimination' (for example, it is me (Ebata)).


However, we may be living in an age where this kind of ability to foresee and predict will be necessary.



In our house, we currently have "five" wireless LAN access points activated.


Our house is not a huge mansion, but an ordinary single-family house.


The reason why this is happening is because my family complains to me that 'the wireless LAN is not connected.



As I've explained before, I don't believe in wireless LAN communication, especially for remote work, so I use LAN cables to connect all my devices.


Wireless causes "null points," which are points where wireless radio waves interfere and disappear regardless of distance, so there are cases of transmission failure quite often.


In such a case, it would be enough to shift the location a bit or disconnect and reconnect the device, but my family, except for me, does the simplest thing without such technical devices.

―― 私に文句を言う

"Complaining to me"



I'm not in charge of managing the wireless infrastructure, and I'm not paid to do so.

むしろ、日本人の普通の家では考えられないくらい贅沢なIT環境を安定供給しているつもりなんですけど ―― ちょっとした不具合がでれば、すぐにクレームをつけてきます。

Rather, I think I am providing a stable supply of a luxurious IT environment that is unthinkable in a normal Japanese home. Even so, if there is a slight problem, they will immediately complain.


This is the same way the general public deals with the businesses that maintain the infrastructure (water, gas, electricity) in Japan and around the world.


Water, gas, and electricity are, well, life-threatening infrastructures, but that's not the case with home LAN.


If they don't have a home LAN, for example, they can do by without it.



So, what I did was to pull the LAN cable right up to the table and put a small wireless LAN access point right next to the kitchen table, a thorough "short distance strategy".


The distance is a little more than a meter, I think.


I already thought that this was almost like connecting a LAN cable to my phone.


If it is this close, there is no way for a null point to occur.

しかしまあ、2.4GHz, 5GHzの電波を体にダイレクトの照射されているようなものです。

But well, it's like having 2.4GHz and 5GHz radio waves irradiated directly into your body.


Even if we find out years later that direct exposure to radio waves in the GHz band dramatically increases cancer rates, by then it will be too late.

が ―― まあ、その場合、100万人オーダの同胞(世界中なら何億人の同胞)が道連れなので、多分、あんまり悔しくはならないと思います。

But -- well, in that case, I probably won't be too disappointed, since I'll have a million or so compatriots (or hundreds of millions of compatriots around the world) with me.


I have written a similar story here.


『選挙の投票が締め切られた後の、選挙速報番組って、自己採点みたいなものだよな ―― 他人の』

"After the polls close, a quick election report is like a self-grading program -- someone else's"


I've been lazily watching the election specials that I had recorded.


Reviewing election results that we already know is in very bad taste, but also a pleasure.



It is also fun to review the predictions of the newspapers before the election and the exit poll results of the TV stations, which we will see after the results are known.


As I wrote over here, I wonder if predicting elections is still "difficult".


Or should I say that it is "great" that the order of seats won by each party has been guessed correctly?


For this election, I was going to check the prediction accuracy of each station and compare them, but it was too much trouble and I decided not to do it.


The "virtual winner" is determined by each station on its own (arbitrary) basis, so sometimes "corrections" are made.

しかし、これに対して、怒り心頭という人もいないようです ―― 立候補者とその支援者を除けば、開票後の結果が分かれば、それで十分ですので。

However, no one seems to be very angry about this. Except for the candidates and their supporters, it is enough for them to know the results after the polls open.



It's a strange thing, but lately "election bulletin programs" have been interesting.


It is especially amusing to see a strong candidate fail to get elected.


However, I get angry when they come back in proportional district elections.


This time, there were two such people (if you are interested, please refer to my past blogs).


"I think, "Why don't we make the proportional voter list by voter's ballot instead of making it by each party?


However, I think that the public would be more satisfied if there was no need to create a proportional list (make everyone on the list number one), and the winners would be chosen in order of the percentage of close defeats.


Well, in terms of running the party,

―― 国民から毛虫のように嫌われていても、党としては絶対に必要な人物

"A person who may be hated like a caterpillar by the people, but is absolutely necessary for the party"


is existed.


I guess it's kind of like "the company where all the employees were elected and only the president was not.

『でも、あいつと、あいつだけは、我が国の国政には不要な人物だと思うんだよなぁ』 ―― と、私のように同じように考えている人は、世の中に沢山いるでしょう。

But I don't think both he and she are the only ones we need in our national government. I'm sure there are many people in the world who think the same way I do.


Maybe that's why this voting system is "the way to go," though.



Anyway, this election event, in which "party leaders and secretary generals sometimes fail to win"

―― 実に楽しい

is really fun.



I hope that you will join us and have fun with us at this event.