

The other day, as a project of the section, we were divided into several groups and tried to have a free discussion (no theme).


So, since there was a young guy (in his 20s) in the group, I asked him about "matching apps".


There are two main questions.


(1) Do you have any resistance to using a matching app?


(2) Is it possible to openly disclose the fact that you got married through the matching app?



At any rate, I am a person who has only heard about dating sites, which have caused many problems, and I have no plans to use matching apps in the future.


In other words, I am a person who is certain that I will not be able to experience matching apps in a real way.



Well, the answers were : (1) no, and (2) not publicly.


This answer, while seemingly contradictory, makes a lot of sense to me.


This is what the "e-mail" of a science student on a college campus in the late 1980s looked like.


From the view of the history of e-mail, it will probably be a few more years before the use of "matching apps" can be spoken of publicly.



The only thing I can say is that even if "matching apps" become a normal communication infrastructure, the situation will continue to be that 'people who can't fall in love or get married will always be unable to do so.


Matching is the provision of a "place" and the "exchange of value" there.


A match is made when there is a common understanding that "your value" and "the other person's value" are the same to be able to be exchanged.


In that sense, I guess.

―― 「愛」をマッチングすることは、絶望的に難しい

"Matching "love" is hopelessly difficult"



―― 「シグナル」を点灯させることは、絶望的に難しい

"Getting the "signal" to light up is hopelessly difficult"


I remembered that.



"I don't know what I'm studying English or math for!"


To the children who shouted,


"Needless to say, "To become an adult who can have the options of a fulfilling love life and a happy married life." absolutely"


I think it is admirable for an adult to be able to say something like this outright.


Simulation of corona-induced mortality variation and cost of care





I think I know a lot about communism, more than the average Japanese person.


In terms of standard deviation, I think I'm at about 2σ (deviation 70), not quite 3σ (deviation 80).


I was the son of a factory manager of a town factory.


From the communists' point of view, they must be "enemies of the people who must be overthrown," I thought. So I listened to the students in the dormitory (autonomous dormitory) talking about the so-called "revolution" with a sense of "Damn.

というか、大学に入学できている経済力がある時点で、『学寮にいる奴等、全員、人民の敵だろう』と思っていましたし、そもそも、全員、資本主義の歯車となるべく、就職活動していました ―― 活動家になった人はいませんでした。

Or rather, I thought, "Everyone in the dormitory is an enemy of the people," when they had the financial ability to enter university. In the first place, they were looking for a job to make us cogs in the capitalist society -- not activists.


マルクス主義、レーニン、スターリン、毛沢東、トロツキー、ポルポト、大粛清、文革、日本赤軍、全共闘、中核、革マル、内ゲバ、よど号ハイジャック、テルアビブ空港乱射、あさま山荘 ――

Marxism, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Trotsky, Pol Pot, the Great Purge, the Cultural Revolution, the Japanese Red Army, the All-Communist Party, the Core Faction, the Leather Marxists, the Civil War, the Yodo hijacking, the Tel Aviv airport shooting, Asama Sanso...


I know that it is too violent to mix these things up. Anyway, I don't have to say "What is that? Is it good?" because I have enough input in my brain about them.

そして、日本共産党が、暴力革命路線を放棄、中国や旧ソ連の共産党を批判し、さらには、学生たちを「左翼暴力集団」と決めつけた経緯も知っていますが ――

Of course, I know how the JCP abandoned the violent revolutionary line, criticized the communist parties of China and the former Soviet Union, and even branded the students as "leftist violent groups".


However, I don't know what will happen after that, if they can seize power.


The Communist Party, by its very nature, is not supposed to follow any other path than a one-party dictatorship. (As far as I have learned) democratic elections are a negation of communism.


This is not "wrong". It's just the way it is.


If I were to use an analogy, it would be like criticizing me (Ebata) by saying, "It's shameful that Ebata is Ebata.


Or, it is the same as the tautology that says, 'It is because it is against the teachings of Islam,' in response to the question, 'Why is it wrong to go against Islam?


That's why I prefer to think in terms of logic and numbers rather than ideology.


Because it's "easy" absolutely.



I think the name "Communist Party" has a great impact, or rather, a preconceived notion of it.

日本たばこ → JT, 日本電信電話株式会社 → NTT, 日本国有鉄道(国鉄) → JR のように、英語の略号で、「共産党」という言霊の持つネガティブイメージを払拭すべきだと思うんですよ。

I think they should use English abbreviations like Japan Tobacco → JT, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation → NTT, Japan National Railways (JNR) → JR to dispel the negative image of the word "Communist Party".

Japanese Communist Party → JC なんて良いと思うんですが、どうでしょうか。

How about "Japanese Communist Party → JC" ?


The event of electoral cooperation with the Constitutional Democratic Party made me say "Umm". So I think this is a good opportunity to change the name of the party.

どうせなら、Constitutional Democratic Party → CDPですので、『CDP + JC 連合』と言い切ってしまえば、もう、何が何だか分からなくなります。

In any case, if they use Constitutional Democratic Party → CDP and say "CDP + JC Coalition", we won't know what's what anymore.


I think this will finally make the opposing structure to the LDP look like what it is.


I think it's fine just during the campaign.


I know that the name of the party is an "important brand" to the party members, just like the "store name" of a liquor store or a candy store.



I've been messing around with the idea of writing a book (or report) using only Markdown, but I've managed to finish it.


I used SAI and PowerPoint for covers and drawings, so 'Markdown only' may be an exaggeration, but, it cannot be helped.

今回のMarkdownを使った執筆活動では、Visual Studio Codeというフリーのエディタ(?)と、プラグインの、Markdown-PDF, Markdown-TOCの威力が凄かったです。

In this writing activity using Markdown, I used Visual Studio Code, a free editor(?). and the plug-ins, Markdown-PDF and Markdown-TOC, were very powerful.


With a single command, the table of contents was updated, and the PDF file is created. Well, it was really easy for me.


When writing on the left side of the split screen, the view image is displayed on the left screen in real time, which is very helpful.



The appeal of Markdown is its 'lack of expressiveness'.


- Unchangeable text size


- A few types of emphasis


- Only one way to describe a program, etc


- No room for creativity in the chapter structure


If you read around here, you'll know that, well, anyway, there is hopelessly "no way" to decorate the paper.


That means that you have to focus on the content.


Microsoft Wordは、原因不明の場所に図表を登場させやがるし、インデントもこちらの期待した通りにならないし、目次の整形だけで半日を持っていかれまます。

Microsoft Word keeps putting figures and tables in places I can't figure out, indenting is not what I expect, and formatting the table of contents alone takes up half my day.


Even for Latex, if you create your own template, you will have to go through a lot of "trial and error hell".

比して、Markdownのこの気楽さ ―― 「テキストファイルを記載するだけのこの軽いノリ」を世界中のエンジニアが選んだのはもっともだと思います。

In comparison, how easy to use this Markdown. "It's no wonder that engineers all over the world have chosen Markdown for its ease of use -- "this light-heartedness of just describing a text file.


I understand why GitHub uses "README.md" by default.



So, I would like to propose that we call the way of life that is indifferent to fashion in general

―― Markdown Life (マークダウン ライフ)

"Markdown Life".


as I do.


By the way, if you look up "markdown" in the dictionary, you will find that it means "price reduction" or "discounted amount."


From this point of view, I think 'this term expresses me (Ebata) well'.



Skills, Servants, Masters, Jobs, Classes, Items, Guilds, Quests, Dungeons, Archers, Assassins, Bishops, Priests, Witches, Merchants, Alchemists, Barbarians...


As a junior and senior high school student, I did not understand 90% of the meaning of these English words.



―― 今のティーンエイジャ(の一部)は、この言葉(英語)の意味を日常的に理解しているんだなぁ

"I guess today's teenagers (some of them) understand the meaning of this word (English) on a daily basis"


I think that's pretty awesome.


I've been thinking about a new paradigm for English education called "Another world English with games"



In addition.


- Use "attribute"


- Think of "class" used in games and otherworldly content as a template, not just as a hierarchical relationship, but use "instance" as the corresponding concept.


These words will be helpful for the programming education.



The other day, an earthquake of lower-5 on the Japanese scale hit the Ebata family, causing 'the bookshelf I made to collapse.


"This was quite a shock to me", as I had always prided myself on my earthquake preparedness.



A few days later, I set up an accident investigation committee and was stunned to discover that one of the two brackets supporting the bookshelf had been installed in a place where the joists did not go.


In other words, it was "just a plasterboard with wood screws stuck in it.


It could have collapsed at any time, regardless of the earthquake.


I am not sure why I made such a rudimentary mistake.


Anyway, this time, I did a thorough preliminary investigation using these instruments.


I believe that the renovated bookshelves will be able to withstand a seismic intensity 7 earthquake with only a few books falling.



In the Ebata house, there are nearly 20 shelves that I installed as a DIY project.


My room is full of shelves.

地震が発生したら ―― それが夜であるなら ―― 寝ている私の体の上に、数十冊の本が一気に落下してくることは明らかです。

If there is an earthquake -- and it is nighttime -- it is obvious that dozens of books will fall on my sleeping body at once.


So now I sleep with my head tucked under my desk to avoid a direct hit to my head.


I've already given up on protecting anything other than my head.



「最短経路アルゴリズムを使って、近道を⾒つける」というのは、カーナビだけでなく、地理情報システム(GIS︓Geographic Information System)の定番ですが ―― 恐しく⾯倒くさいです。




―― 地理情報システム(GIS︓Geographic Information System)の⼿作りは⾯倒くさい


本書は、「最短距離計算を⾏うダイクストラ法の使い⽅」をユースケースとして、『⼿作りGISの作り⽅と使い⽅』 を⼀通り説明するものです。



When I was a college student, I went to India by myself and had a bad experience and returned home.


Today, as I was reading an article, I remembered that in a park in India, I was approached by a suspicious-looking massage guy who gave me a shoulder massage.


Well, it was "good", but not "very good", and I thought, "I can't say the service is worth the price".


After the service, I was told to write down my impressions in his notebook, so I wrote exactly that in 'Japanese'.


After that, he reminded me to 'say what you wrote verbally (in English),' so I did.


I said phrases such as, "Great service," "Excellent value for money," and "Everyone should try this massage. Afterwards, we shook hands with smiles and parted ways.

―― 日本人がチョロイと思っていたら、甘いぞ

"If you think the Japanese are easy, you're naive."


"Suck it up" I thought, and I left.



I do not interfere in other people's love affairs.


On the contrary, if I sensed such an atmosphere, I would walk away from the scene.

―― 巻き込まれると、絶対に面倒くさいことになるから

"If you get involved, you're gonna get in a lot of trouble for sure"




This is also true for my daughters.


In manga and novel, there are often characters whose fathers delve into their daughters' love lives, but I believe that they are exaggerating the story.


Of course, if they ask me for advice, I will answer within the scope of my own experience.


However, compared to the number of steps in the program I've developed, my own experience of love is like red ginger in Chinese cold noodles.


I don't think it would be useful as a use case.



A colleague of mine (a junior colleague) once reported to me that she was getting married.


I just said, "Hmm, I see," and turned back to the display. But she said,


"Ebata-san. Redo it"


I sighed, took a deep breath, and said it all at once.

「なんだって? 結婚!! なんてこった! いつから付き合ってきたの? 全然気がつかなったよ。もう結婚式は終った? いやー、実にめでたい! おめでとう!・・・って、これでいい?」

"What? Marriage! Oh, my God! How long have you guys been dating? I didn't notice at all. Have you finished the wedding yet? Well, congratulations, indeed! ... Is that okay?"


"Well, okay."



Sometimes I am asked, "Mr. Ebata, when you create a simulator, what kind of modeling do you do to define the interface (I/F)?"


My answer is always the same.


"I don't think about it."



In my programming, I just describe things in the real world in a structure (class) and I/F later when things need to communicate with each other.

私は、こういう設計思想を「オブジェクト設計」といい、この思想に基づくプログラミングを「オブジェクト指向プログラミング」というだけのこと ―― と思っています。

I believe that this kind of design concept is called "object design" and programming based on this concept is just called "object-oriented programming".

このプログラミングのメリットはただ一つです ――

There is only one advantage to this programming --


"Easy". This is the only word that comes to mind.


However, in order to make this "easy", you need to be willing to not use any of the features of "object-oriented programming".


I don't use "inheritance" or "generalization" because they are too much trouble when debugging.


"Multiple inheritance" is sure to be confusing.


I believe that if you need "polymorphism," you're not very good at making it.


I find "private" and "public" annoying to death, so I just use "public" for everything.


If you use this kind of thing, the readability of your program will get really bad. It's not very readable.



Well, maybe it's because this is a "personal level" programming of a researcher that we can think this way, but


For me, modeling is simply describing the "things" that I want to appear in a class (structure) as I can see them. That is my method.

それ以外のことは、「必要になった時に覚えればいいんじゃないかなー」と思うんですよ ―― 『必要になる時なんて、あるのかなあ?』とも思っていますが。

Other than that, I think it's fine to learn when you need it -- although I wonder if the time is coming.