

(Continuation from yesterday)

私、『昔、俺はワルかったんだ』と言うことを飲み会で公言する低能 ―― を、絶対に許さないことにしています。

I will never forgive a low-brain who says "I used to be a badass" at a drinking party.


I'm thinking, "Why do they want to pretend it didn't happen"


Do they think there is a statute of limitations?


As I have said in the past, "If you are being bullied and are going through a difficult time, be sure to keep detailed records (date, time, content).


I understand that you are having a hard time even keeping records like that, but please keep records with all your strength.

支離滅裂で、めちゃちゃで、読みとるのも困難な内容でいいのです ―― むしろ「そっちのほうが良い」まであります。

It's okay if the content is incoherent, messy, and difficult to read -- in fact, it's even "better.



Why does the low-brain who says "I used to be a badass", allow to live a normal life ? We must not tolerate such unreasonableness.


We will destroy their completed peaceful life with our own hands.


We should also be aware that we are also perpetrators (whether consciously or unconsciously), and be prepared to be "retaliated against" by someone someday.


やられたら、やりかえす ―― これは、人として当然の権利であり、

If someone does something to you, you have the right to do something back.

やったら、やりかえされる ―― これは、人としての当然の義務です。

If you do something, it will be done back to you -- this is your natural duty as a human being.



In the past few days, I have been dismissed from the Tokyo Olympics project just a few days before the event, citing past perpetrators of bullying and gaffes.


By the way, I don't want to defend the "perpetrators" in the slightest, but I do feel that this is a terrible inconvenience for the project team and for the Japanese nation.



I once wrote about how almost 100% of perpetrators are completely unaware that they are perpetrators.


I also wrote that the easiest way to avoid becoming a perpetrator of power harassment is to avoid being in a position of power.

これは、悪意の有無に係わらず、普通に生きて行動していること自体が、加害者としての行動になってしまう、ということです ―― 問題の深刻さの度合もありますが

This means that living and acting normally, with or without malice, might be itself a perpetrator's behavior -- depending, of course, on the severity of the problem.



As I watched the above news, I wondered idly, 'There will come a day when I will be criticized as a perpetrator and dragged down from whatever I am.


Whenever I write a column or other piece, I try to be very careful, but I'm sure I'm not perfect.


Above all, we cannot compete with the "attack from the future, when values will change.


In such a case, I would "apologize" and "step down" at the level of lightning speed after being convinced.


However, I also believe that I will never make a fake apology or retire just to escape the flames.



The second conference paper of the year, which I wrote while holed up at home during the Golden Week vacations, and posted after GW


The other day, I was informed by the secretariat of the society that it had been adopted.

しかし、査読者の評価に『英文が拙い』との記載を見つけた瞬間 ―― 私はキレました。

However, the moment I found "poor English" in the reviewer's evaluation -- I lost my temper.

『うっせいわ!それならそれで結構だ! 嗤って"Reject"しやがれ!!』って叫んでいました。

"Shut up! That's fine. Reject my paper with scornful laugh" I shouted.



And now, I've made up this parody.



Huh? Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!!


I'm more "corporate animal" than you expect.


You can not understand it, if you are just a simple mediocre "native"


Ah, it suits you well


That unremarkable "academism"


Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!!


"Posting" is just a "work", so there's no problem.



And then the holidays begin again, which will be spent revising papers (and writing columns).



Yesterday, I took a break from work and vaccinated against the new coronavirus (second time).


I heard that the vaccine will not be effective for a long time (2 weeks?). In addition, although the vaccination reduces the probability of illness and seriousness, it is not perfect.

なにより ―― 私が、ウイルスの運び屋(キャリア)にならないという保証はありません。

Above all -- there is no guarantee that I will not become a carrier of the virus.


One research report even states that 'carriers of the mutant strain (delta strain) are completers of the vaccination'.



Of course, everyone has the right to refuse vaccination.


In fact, "side effects" do occur after vaccination.

私も、紹介されていた副反応(の中でも、もっとも軽いもの)が発現しています ―― が、まあ、そりゃそうだろうな、と思っています。

I'm also experiencing the mildest of the side effects that were mentioned -- but I guess that's to be expected.


I think it's a bit too much to ask for 'no damage, just do something' when the body is in the process of producing antibodies to fight the worst virus in human history.



I believe that this virus will continue to mutate to "attack unvaccinated humans directly" in the future.


Any virus is struggling to survive.


Therefore, it is natural for them to target the generation of people who do not have antibodies to the virus.


For example, if the vaccination rate for teens and 20-somethings is low, it should mutate to make teens and 20-somethings more susceptible to infection.


In addition, the higher the vaccination rate in the country, the more poisonous (highly infectious and deadly) it will become in order to overcome the difficulties.


例えば ――

For example --


The Spanish flu killed the most people in the healthy young age group of 15-35 years old, while most of the elderly over 65 years old survive.


Also, in the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003, the incidence rate was highest among 20-29 year olds.


Thus, the "virus that is sure to kill the younger generation" has definitely existed in the past.



It is the new coronavirus of "today" that "infects young people but does not cause serious illness or death."


As for the new coronavirus of "tomorrow", no one knows.

もし、新型コロナウイルスが、スペイン風邪や、SARSのように変異したら ――

If the new coronavirus mutates into something like the Spanish flu or SARS,


"Elderly people (who have completed vaccination) rush to the hospital with young people (not vaccinated) who are sick."


The spectacle like a tale may appear.



(Continuation from yesterday)


On the other hand, I believe that the role of politicians and government officials is like the following,



"The bureaucratic mindset is always to avoid adventure in choice, to balance choice, and to develop while keeping the current balance sheet at zero. They are, in other words, the most adaptable race in the organization"


"I know that much......." Dr. Tadokoro nodded, surprisingly easily. "I know that some aspects of this world, where conflicts of interest are so fiercely intertwined, would be a mess if all government officials were to exercise their creativity"



I also know that it is the one described here.


To put it bluntly, it is also the job of politicians to assume the expected number of deaths and still make a decision on 'how many deaths can be tolerated' by forcing the Tokyo Olympics to go ahead'.


In other words,

―― 『安全・安心な五輪』とは、『何人までなら殺してもいいか』

"Safe and Secure Olympics" means "How many deaths will we tolerate?"



I do not support the decisions of the government or the administration.


I know well that" "Safety and Security" is "Safety based on killing people"


I've written about it here, so if you are interested, please read it.



The following is a phrase that appears in the novel "The Sinking of Japan".



"Most of the members of the committee only wanted to know the conclusions and were almost bothered to listen to the process of the phenomenon, and were not interested in understanding it. It's a habit of politicians to want to divide things into right and left, black and white"


"Some of the committee members are academics"


"Scholars who are very good at making 'political decisions'"

「君は……」委員の顔がこわばり、額に青筋があらわれてぴくぴく動いた。「君はなんだ? いったい……」

"You are ......." The Commissioner's face scrunched up, and a blue streak appeared on his forehead, twitching. "What are you ?"



I, for a long time, thought that this is what academics standing next to politicians look like.

最近の例では、あの状況下で『メルトダウン』の一言が言えなかった学者たち ―― です。

A recent example is the academics who could not say the word "meltdown" under the circumstances.


(In fact, the government (the Prime Minister and the Chief Cabinet Secretary at the time) removed the official who mentioned the possibility of a "meltdown.)





When I saw the chairman of the government's subcommittee on countermeasures against the new coronavirus (hereinafter referred to as the chairman) directly criticizing the government and the IOC for holding the Tokyo Olympics as a spectator event, I sincerely thought that he was amazing.

会長の判断が正しいか、政府の判断が正しいかは、東京五輪の後でないと判断できませんが ―― 少なくとも、これまで4回(5回?)の感染拡大の予想を、全部当ててきた ―― と私は思っています。

Whether the Chairman's decision is correct or not, or whether the government's decision is correct or not, will not be known until after the Tokyo Olympics, but I believe that at least four (or five?) of the predictions of the spread of the disease have been correct perfectly by the government's subcommittee.


I happened to watch the recording of NHK's special on the prediction of the number of coronary infections two weeks later, and I was not only impressed but also horrified by the high accuracy of the simulation prediction.


In any case, the experts' simulations are supposed to be done by adding various situations (vaccination status, etc.).

―― この東京五輪のイベントに関して『だけ』は、予測が外れる

"Only when it comes to this Tokyo Olympics event, their predictions will be wrong"


I find it very difficult to imagine such a thing.


(To be continued)



It's been a while since I've seen a "great" movie.

"The father"


In a movie with only six characters,

アンソニー・ホプキンスさん ―― 凄い

Mr. Anthony Hopkins -- awesome.


You won't be able to help but shudder at his last line.



I tried my best, too, but...


Needless to say, it is not even close to the foot of this movie.



My heart breaks when I think of my father, who is now deceased, and how scared he must have been.


And I am astonished to know that I am destined to live in this fear.



I started smoking when I was twenty and quitted after seven months.


I was no longer a heavy smoker, but I remember that for about a month after I quitted, I was in a lot of pain.


And it's been three years since I stopped drinking.


Finally, recently, I no longer feel 'pain' when I pass by the liquor shelves at the convenience store.



And yet, even now,

学生寮の自室で、煙草を燻らせながら、ロックのバーボンを煽っていた ――

"In my room in the dormitory, I was smoking a cigarette and stoking a bourbon on the rocks"


I'll never forget that mellow time.


I know that both cigarettes and alcohol are worth enough to make many people say to me, 'You're missing out on half of your life.


So, I have never denied smoking and drinking, both of which give me a mellow moment in my life.



So, I'm really sorry to be so persistent, but I'll say it again.

―― 喫煙も飲酒も思う存分楽しめ、『ひとりで』

"Enjoy smoking and drinking to your heart's content. Alone."

路上でペニスを振る舞わしながら小便を撒き散らす様な『歩き煙草』をするな! 小便と同じように、200~300メートル離れても、煙草の煙の匂いはクセーんだよ!!

Don't 'walk around smoking' like you're spraying piss all over the street while waving your penis around! The smell of cigarette smoke is just as bad as piss, even from 200 to 300 meters away!

ウイルスが仕込まれた唾を吐き散らすような『大声飲酒』をするな! アルコールや食事を口に含みながらしゃべるな! 動物以下か、テメーらは!!

Don't engage in 'loud drinking' that spits virus-infected spit! Don't talk while holding alcohol or food in your mouth! You're no better than animals, you know that?


That's what I would like to say.



"Cigarettes" and "alcohol" are enough to make your life enjoyable.

今だけは、そこに「人間」を加えるのを自粛しろ、と、言っているのです ―― というか、別にいいじゃないですか? 仮に一生「自粛」であったとしても。何か困る?

I'm telling you to refrain from adding "human" to it, just for now. I mean, it doesn't matter, does it? Even if it's "self-restraint" for the rest of your life. What's the problem?


As a person who has already lost half of my life, I would like to say that just being able to enjoy cigarettes and alcohol is enough to make you happy.


江端:「煙草を燻らせながら、ロックのバーボンを煽って、一人本を読む ―― それ以上の、一体何を望む? どこがダメだというだ? 」

Ebata: "What more do you need than to smoke a cigarette, drink a bourbon on the rocks, and read a book by yourself? What's wrong with that?"


Wife: "Well.... I think the worst part is when you unilaterally impose your own definition of happiness on others like that"



I had a meeting (remote conference) with the patent office(not the JPO).


Opening his mouth,


"Mr. Ebata, you has written quite a few patent specifications. It's been almost the final version, as it is."


I felt "good", after being flattered

うん、もっと、世界は私を褒めていいです ―― 「低コスト(ゼロコスト)、ハイリターン」なのですから。

Yes, the world can praise me more -- it's "low cost (zero cost), high return.


Aside from that.



(If you do a little research, you'll see what I mean.) Many of my inventions are "egregious" in nature.


- Scheduling using human frustration


- Methods to change behavior by increasing the comparison of superiority and inferiority with others.


- Algorithm to automatically extract preferences that cannot be told to others (e.g., "I love cabaret")


These are the bases, but this alone is hardly enough for a patentable invention (Article 29, Paragraph 2 of the Patent Law).


Furthermore, I will put 'even pure malice' into this to complete the invention.


特許事務所の方も、「御社の研究員の方の発明は、『お行儀がいい発明』が多いですが・・・」とおっしゃっていましたが ――

The person of the patent office also said, "Many of your researchers' inventions are 'well-behaved inventions'..."


I thought that he was wondering "How can you (Ebata) write such a specification for your invention? "

―― なぜか?

The reason is ....


I think it was because people in the company were "tired" of stopping Ebata.