
―― 強いリーダーシップを持っている政治家が求められている

"Politicians with strong leadership skills are in demand"


I don't know if this is true or false, but at least I'm not 'asking for it'.


Anyone who has studied modern history will immediately understand what kind of disasters such a man has brought about.


Rudolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Nicolae Ceauescu


Some people may say, "Dictatorship is not the same as strong leadership.


I also believe that it is desirable for leaders to be strong in neighborhood associations, student councils, and private businesses.


However, a "politician" is an entity that can exercise power by being entrusted by the people or by being supported by a violent apparatus.


The combination of "strong leadership" and "politicians" is not the same as normal leadership.



The "economic measures" for the new corona disaster are difficult, but the "infection control measures" have become much clearer.


I think this is being proven by the results of the second emergency declaration.

人と「出会うな」「しゃべるな」「飯食うな」 ―― これまで、ずっと言われてきたことが、やはり正しかった。

Don't talk to people, don't meet people, don't eat with people - all the things they've been told were right.


They were right, so we'll do the right thing.


Go to a restaurant and save Japan's restaurant industry. However, go alone. And eat in silence.


If you eat while looking at your phone, the meal is enjoyable in its own way.


My diary is the best place in the world to learn about "eating alone". Please refer to it.

さて ―― この程度のことに、「強いリーダーシップ」がいるのか? 私たちは、そこまで愚かか?

Now -- do we really need "strong leadership" for something like this? Are we really so stupid?


(There are politicians and bureaucrats who are that stupid. I'm forgetful, so I'll make a list and publish it later. I'll keep updating and publishing it as new fools appear)



What is required of the government is ultra-precise control of the two handles, "economic measures" and "infection control.


This kind of ultra-precise control is based on the principle of "on-the-spot" and "prediction".

制御とは、 ―― 古典制御であれ、現代制御であれ、PIDであれ、ファジィであれ、ニューロであれ、

Control is -- whether classical control, modern control, PID, fuzzy, neuro, etc.


- "On-the-spot" to information as it is obtained from the environment.



- 'Predictions' derived from current controls




Based on the premise that the new coronas will never be completely eradicated, we will have to live in a world of coexistence with the virus.


The means to do this are "on-the-spot" and "predicting.


Of course, it has to be highly mathematical and statistical, logical, and highly targeted.

はっきりと言えることは「これをやれば完璧」 ―― そんな魔法のパラメータは存在しない、ということです。

What is clear is that there is no magic parameter of 'Do this and make it perfec'


The government will continue to declare a state of emergency and the people will immediately respond to it.

結果が出たら、緊急事態宣言を解除する ―― これを、これから何度でも繰り返すのです。

Once the results are in, the state of emergency will be lifted -- and this will be repeated as many times as necessary.


That is the work of government, and the behavioral change that is required of us.



There is no need for "strong leadership.


What is needed is "a leader who can mobilize the full power of government to perform advanced calculations and forecasts and deliver the results.



(1)"gintoyo_postgres_1 docker-entrypoint.sh Up>5432/tcp" というDockerコンンポーネントが動作中であるとする。

(2)docker exec -it gintoyo_postgres_1 psql -U postgres -d ca_sim という方法で、"ca_sim"というDBに直接アクセスできるものとする。

(3)docker exec -it gintoyo_postgres_1 bash → psql -d ca_sim -p 8910 -U postgres という方法でも"ca_sim"というDBにアクセスできるものとする


ca_sim というDBと全く同じものを、ca_sim9という名前で作る

3. 手順

(Step.1) Dockerで直接DBには入らないで、シェルでログインする
C:\Users\ebata\20210203\gintoyo>docker exec -it gintoyo_postgres_1 bash

(Step.2) シェルからDBを作成する(ここでは"ca_sim9")
root@8240d01caea2:/# createdb -U postgres ca_sim9
(Step.3) シェルからDBをコピーする(ここでは"ca_sim"→"ca_sim9") 。"-U postgres"を入れないと、"rootじゃない"等の文句を言われる
root@8240d01caea2:/# pg_dump -U postgres -Ft ca_sim | pg_restore -U postgres -d ca_sim9
■ シェルからpsqlアクセスしようとすると失敗する
root@8240d01caea2:/# psql -d ca_sim -p 8910 -U postgres
psql: error: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
        Is the server running locally and accepting
        connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.8910"?
# psql -d ca_sim -U postgres
# psql -d ca_sim -p 5432 -U postgres
(Step.4) シェルから出る
root@8240d01caea2:/# exit
(Step.5) Docker exec でアクセスする
C:\Users\ebata\20210203\gintoyo>docker exec -it gintoyo_postgres_1 psql -U postgres
psql (13.1 (Debian 13.1-1.pgdg100+1))
Type "help" for help.
(Step.6) "ca_sim9"が存在するか調べる
postgres=# \l
                                  List of databases
   Name    |  Owner   | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    |   Access privileges
 ca_sim    | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |
 ca_sim9   | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |
 postgres  | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |
 template0 | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/postgres          +
           |          |          |             |             | postgres=CTc/postgres
 template1 | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/postgres          +
           |          |          |             |             | postgres=CTc/postgres
(5 rows)
(Step.7) "ca_sim9"の中身を調べる
postgres=# \c ca_sim9
You are now connected to database "ca_sim9" as user "postgres".
ca_sim9=# \dt
                 List of relations
 Schema |          Name          | Type  |  Owner
 public | aggregate_result       | table | postgres
 public | area_definition        | table | postgres
 public | ways                   | table | postgres
 public | ways_vertices_pgr      | table | postgres
(21 rows)
ca_sim9=# \dv
               List of relations
 Schema |        Name        | Type |  Owner
 public | bus_position_view  | view | postgres
 public | user_position_view | view | postgres
(5 rows)
=======  ここまで =========



I have the opportunity to talk with people who have so-called "doctor" or "professor" or "president" titles.


These people are really 'know well' and 'study well'.


And they often present the grand design (the big picture) in their field.


However, I know that they know well analysis tools used in this field, ranging from setting methods to commands.

―― 本当に圧倒される

"really overwhelming"


I feel that whenever I meet them.



However, if you ask these people whether they can correctly predict the future, they may not be able to.


This is because they will have a strong bias due to their knowledge of their field and expectations.


This is evident just by looking at this picture from the "AI series".



Dr., professors, and presidents' opinions about past events are very valuable.


However, when it comes to future events, I would rather not refer to them.

―― 過去の材料(事実と数字)と、現時点で使える手法(ロジックとアルゴリズム)だけを使って、未来のことは、自分の頭で考えて、自分の言葉で書く

"Use materials from the past (facts and figures) and the methods (logic and algorithms) available at the moment, and think about the future in my own mind and write about it in my own words"


It's much better that way, I think.


It is for this reason that I do not cite any "references to the future by experts" in my columns.


という訳で、私は、著名な大学の教授やら、大きな組織の長の発言を引用して、内容に「箔」を付けようとする記事は ――

When I find articles that try to "foil" the content by quoting a prominent university professor or the head of a large organization,


I stop reading halfway through.


It's not helpful, and it's not fun to read.



"I (Ebata) want to know what you think!"


There are very few articles that respond to my request.



My senior daughter is now working part-time as a delivery driver on a motorcycle.


I, too, was a motorcycle rider, but I have never done anything to earn an income from it.


When I was a student, I had a lot of indoor part-time jobs, such as cram school teaching and computer instructing.


Compared to that, I am impressed that my daughter is doing quite an activity part-time.


As a father, I'm worried about my daughter's motorcycle accident.

―― 犯罪以外のアクティビティは、止めない/止められない

"Non-criminal activities are not/can't be stopped"


This is our family's (or rather my) policy.


I keep telling my daughter about my "lineup of motorcycle accidents in my past".


That aside.



My senior daughter said that the most difficult thing for her when she is making deliveries is that there is no nameplate or she cannot read the nameplate.

特に、―― 何がかっこいいのか分からないけど ―― 読めないくずし字や、見たこともない書体の横文字、小さい文字

Particularly -- and I don't know what's cooler -- unreadable crappy characters, horizontal letters in a typeface I've never seen before, and small letters.


Above all, she said, the most annoying thing is a nameplate without an address on it.



To begin with, the nameplate is an identification sign that shows the name and residence of the owner of the real estate.

本来の機能を果たさずに、意匠(デザイン)のみに固執する表札を掲げる奴は ―― 私の私感ではありますが

Anyone who trys to use nameplate that is only concerned with design without fulfilling its original function -- in my opinion

―― 自分の子どもに、称呼不能なキラキラ名を付けて、自分の子どもの人生に不利益を与える保護者

"Parents who disadvantage their own children's lives by giving them glittering names that nobody cannot call"


I feel the same level of ignorance of that.


As same as trademarks, the primary functions of both address and name are "identification of oneself and others (x products)" and "indication of origin" (x quality assurance function, x advertising function).


What are we going to do with nameplates and names that interfere with these functions?



I've been saying this for a long time.


"Cancel the zip code system and include location information"


I have been asking for this system to be introduced (or, if possible, legislated).

いわゆる、"35.646010403376586, 139.7767025657232" です。

So-called "35.646010403376586, 139.7767025657232".


If you put this number into a search engine, you can quickly identify the location and see how helpful it is to the delivery service people. The cost of delivery would go down dramatically.


With these coordinates, we can pinpoint not only the location of the warehouse, but also the location of the front door, and the possibility of wrong delivery can be reduced to near zero.


In Japan, the Quasi-Zenith Satellites can keep the error within one meter, and if RTK (Real Time Kinematic) can be used, the error will be a few centimeters.


(I haven't been following it lately, but I'm sure the method that uses the radio phase of GPS could be even more accurate.)





The picture of your front door is being shown to the world, and a drone is passing by, circumventing your own home's air rights. In this day and age, what's the privacy?



With a little effort, anyone can easily find out the location of their home.

ならば、積極的に、"35.646010403376586, 139.7767025657232" を公開して、「あつあつのピザ」を、早く食べられた方がいいに決まっています。

If so, it would be better to publish "35.646010403376586, 139.7767025657232" and eat the "hot pizza" as soon as possible.


Anyway, for my daughter, I do say


"If your house can't even get a proper nameplate, don't use any delivery service.



ca_sim=# select user_id, position_before, position_after from request_log_view;
user_id | position_before | position_after
307 | 0101000020E61000003ACC9717607961407CB779E3A4D44140 | 0101000020E61000003EAE0D1563796140B56D1805C1D34140
491 | 0101000020E61000009E5DBEF56179614063EFC517EDD34140 | 0101000020E6100000F7AE415F7A7961406684B70721D44140
57 | 0101000020E61000001A8A3BDE6479614020D1048A58D44140 | 0101000020E610000079909E2287796140FD8348861CD34140
320 | 0101000020E6100000266F80996F79614041F50F2219D44140 | 0101000020E6100000740CC85E6F796140F58079C894D34140
208 | 0101000020E6100000D07B630880796140E84B6F7F2ED44140 | 0101000020E6100000199293895B7961405F5E807D74D44140
60 | 0101000020E6100000751E15FF7779614023A298BC01D44140 | 0101000020E6100000EF75525F96796140EFCA2E185CD34140


ca_sim=# select user_id, st_astext(position_before), st_astext(position_after) from request_log_view;
user_id | st_astext | st_astext
307 | POINT(139.79298 35.661282) | POINT(139.793345 35.654328)
491 | POINT(139.793208 35.655673) | POINT(139.796188 35.657258)
57 | POINT(139.793563 35.658952) | POINT(139.797746 35.649308)
320 | POINT(139.794873 35.657017) | POINT(139.794845 35.652978)
208 | POINT(139.796879 35.657669) | POINT(139.792424 35.659805)
60 | POINT(139.795898 35.656303) | POINT(139.799606 35.651248)

となる。さて、上記の点が、ある円に属するかどうかを、判定したいんだが ・・・ まだ見つかっていない。

# 絶対にあるはずだ ―― と信じて、今日は寝よう。





gisdb=# CREATE INDEX ON t1 USING gist (p1);

gisdb=# SELECT id, ST_AsText(p1) FROM t1 WHERE
  p1 &&
  Box2D(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(139.5 36.5, 139.6 36.6)', 4326));
(7 rows)





ca_sim=# select user_id, ST_AsText(position_before) from request_log_view WHERE position_before &&  Box2D(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(139.791326 36.663475, 139.795424 35.661496)', 4326));
 user_id |          st_astext
     149 | POINT(139.792855 35.662321)
     112 | POINT(139.79406 35.662354)
     159 | POINT(139.793198 35.662567)
      12 | POINT(139.792911 35.662442)
     355 | POINT(139.792903 35.662375)
     131 | POINT(139.793011 35.662165)
     490 | POINT(139.793132 35.662414)
     350 | POINT(139.792722 35.662398)
     301 | POINT(139.792798 35.662261)
(9 rows)



ca_sim=# select user_id, ST_AsText(position_before),ST_AsText(position_after) from request_log_view WHERE (position_before && Box2D(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(139.791326 36.663475, 139.795424 35.661496)', 4326))) && (position_after && Box2D(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(139.780310 35.643812,139.783851 35.641214)', 4326)));
ERROR: operator does not exist: boolean && boolean
LINE 1: ...791326 36.663475, 139.795424 35.661496)', 4326))) && (positi...
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

え、なんで、こうなるの? これで普通いけるよね ..... (ググりながら2~3時間経過)

まさか、&& AND が違うなんてことないよね ―― と思って、試しにやってみたら、

ca_sim=# select user_id, ST_AsText(position_before),ST_AsText(position_after) from request_log_view WHERE (position_before && Box2D(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(139.791326 36.663475, 139.795424 35.661496)', 4326))) AND (position_after && Box2D(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(139.780310 35.643812,139.783851 35.641214)', 4326)));
user_id | st_astext | st_astext
149 | POINT(139.792855 35.662321) | POINT(139.782598 35.642426)
(1 row)

―― 通った。




ca_sim=# select * from user_position_view where id = 149;
date_index | tm | id | x | y | position
1 | 2021-01-01 07:57:45 | 149 | 139.79286 | 35.66232 | 0101000020E61000000BEF72115F7961401D3A3DEFC6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 07:58:00 | 149 | 139.79286 | 35.66232 | 0101000020E61000000BEF72115F7961401D3A3DEFC6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 07:58:15 | 149 | 139.79286 | 35.66232 | 0101000020E61000000BEF72115F7961401D3A3DEFC6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 07:58:30 | 149 | 139.79286 | 35.66232 | 0101000020E61000000BEF72115F7961401D3A3DEFC6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 07:58:45 | 149 | 139.79286 | 35.66232 | 0101000020E61000000BEF72115F7961401D3A3DEFC6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 07:59:00 | 149 | 139.79286 | 35.66232 | 0101000020E61000000BEF72115F7961401D3A3DEFC6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 07:59:15 | 149 | 139.79286 | 35.66232 | 0101000020E61000000BEF72115F7961401D3A3DEFC6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 07:59:30 | 149 | 139.79286 | 35.66232 | 0101000020E61000000BEF72115F7961401D3A3DEFC6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 07:59:45 | 149 | 139.79286 | 35.66232 | 0101000020E61000000BEF72115F7961401D3A3DEFC6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:00:00 | 149 | 139.79286 | 35.66232 | 0101000020E61000000BEF72115F7961401D3A3DEFC6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:00:15 | 149 | 139.79286 | 35.66232 | 0101000020E61000000BEF72115F7961401D3A3DEFC6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:00:30 | 149 | 139.79286 | 35.66232 | 0101000020E61000000BEF72115F7961401D3A3DEFC6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:00:45 | 149 | 139.79286 | 35.66232 | 0101000020E61000000BEF72115F7961401D3A3DEFC6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:01:00 | 149 | 139.79286 | 35.66232 | 0101000020E61000000BEF72115F7961401D3A3DEFC6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:01:15 | 149 | 139.79286 | 35.66232 | 0101000020E61000000BEF72115F7961401D3A3DEFC6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:01:30 | 149 | 139.79286 | 35.66232 | 0101000020E61000000BEF72115F7961401D3A3DEFC6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:01:45 | 149 | 139.79286 | 35.66232 | 0101000020E61000000BEF72115F7961401D3A3DEFC6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:02:00 | 149 | 139.79286 | 35.66232 | 0101000020E61000000BEF72115F7961401D3A3DEFC6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:02:15 | 149 | 139.79286 | 35.66232 | 0101000020E61000000BEF72115F7961401D3A3DEFC6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:02:30 | 149 | 139.79286 | 35.66232 | 0101000020E61000000BEF72115F7961401D3A3DEFC6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:02:45 | 149 | 139.79298 | 35.66228 | 0101000020E61000000A48FB1F607961408FE1B19FC5D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:03:00 | 149 | 139.7931 | 35.66223 | 0101000020E61000008D0C721761796140AE2EA704C4D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:03:15 | 149 | 139.79318 | 35.662155 | 0101000020E6100000BC7669C36179614032755776C1D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:03:30 | 149 | 139.79326 | 35.66208 | 0101000020E6100000EBE0606F6279614086376BF0BED44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:03:45 | 149 | 139.7932 | 35.661995 | 0101000020E6100000514D49D661796140F9122A38BCD44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:04:00 | 149 | 139.7931 | 35.66191 | 0101000020E6100000A54E4013617961409B728577B9D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:04:15 | 149 | 139.79301 | 35.661827 | 0101000020E6100000EC2E5052607961400E4E44BFB6D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:04:30 | 149 | 139.79291 | 35.66179 | 0101000020E6100000E7FEEA715F79614020ED7F80B5D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:04:45 | 149 | 139.79279 | 35.661766 | 0101000020E610000005323B8B5E79614098512CB7B4D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:05:00 | 149 | 139.79268 | 35.661743 | 0101000020E61000002F8672A25D796140DF313CF6B3D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:05:15 | 149 | 139.79257 | 35.661716 | 0101000020E61000004EB9C2BB5C7961405796E82CB3D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:05:30 | 149 | 139.79247 | 35.661694 | 0101000020E6100000780DFAD25B7961409F76F86BB2D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:05:45 | 149 | 139.79234 | 35.66167 | 0101000020E610000096404AEC5A796140E75608ABB1D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:08:15 | 149 | 139.79189 | 35.660706 | 0101000020E610000009C3802557796140809E060C92D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:08:30 | 149 | 139.79202 | 35.659588 | 0101000020E6100000CD76853E58796140217365506DD44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:08:45 | 149 | 139.79245 | 35.65855 | 0101000020E6100000B3B27DC85B796140F163CC5D4BD44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:09:00 | 149 | 139.79272 | 35.657696 | 0101000020E6100000DC114E0B5E79614011DF89592FD44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:09:15 | 149 | 139.79266 | 35.656853 | 0101000020E6100000417E36725D796140C6A354C213D44140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:09:30 | 149 | 139.79323 | 35.655987 | 0101000020E61000006902452C62796140C3482F6AF7D34140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:09:45 | 149 | 139.7939 | 35.65513 | 0101000020E610000060E811A36779614001DD9733DBD34140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:10:00 | 149 | 139.79408 | 35.65424 | 0101000020E6100000F48AA71E6979614075E61E12BED34140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:10:15 | 149 | 139.79427 | 35.65335 | 0101000020E6100000882D3D9A6A796140E9EFA5F0A0D34140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:10:30 | 149 | 139.79384 | 35.652473 | 0101000020E61000005A2BDA1C6779614022C7D63384D34140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:10:45 | 149 | 139.79301 | 35.651573 | 0101000020E61000008D261763607961404276DEC666D34140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:11:00 | 149 | 139.79219 | 35.650677 | 0101000020E6100000B4006DAB5979614093A9825149D34140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:11:15 | 149 | 139.79135 | 35.64979 | 0101000020E610000011363CBD52796140191EFB592CD34140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:11:30 | 149 | 139.7904 | 35.649372 | 0101000020E6100000DAAED0074B796140B56FEEAF1ED34140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:12:00 | 149 | 139.78836 | 35.648926 | 0101000020E61000003C50A73C3A796140454772F90FD34140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:12:15 | 149 | 139.78905 | 35.648067 | 0101000020E6100000E5982CEE3F796140F44E05DCF3D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:12:30 | 149 | 139.788 | 35.647343 | 0101000020E610000007EA944737796140E3A9471ADCD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:12:45 | 149 | 139.78703 | 35.64754 | 0101000020E6100000D63906642F796140096D3997E2D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:13:15 | 149 | 139.7873 | 35.646866 | 0101000020E6100000BDA9488531796140A9F6E978CCD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:13:30 | 149 | 139.78622 | 35.64615 | 0101000020E61000005645B8C928796140BB270F0BB5D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:13:45 | 149 | 139.78516 | 35.645443 | 0101000020E61000004FE960FD1F79614080BBECD79DD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:14:00 | 149 | 139.7842 | 35.645493 | 0101000020E6100000B20FB22C1879614031EA5A7B9FD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:14:15 | 149 | 139.78342 | 35.64642 | 0101000020E610000050A73CBA11796140DAC534D3BDD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:14:30 | 149 | 139.78328 | 35.64658 | 0101000020E6100000C898BB9610796140849B8C2AC3D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:14:45 | 149 | 139.78336 | 35.64649 | 0101000020E610000027874F3A11796140A41CCC26C0D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:15:00 | 149 | 139.78343 | 35.646397 | 0101000020E61000007A54FCDF11796140F321A81ABDD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:15:15 | 149 | 139.78351 | 35.646305 | 0101000020E6100000CD21A9851279614012A3E716BAD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:15:30 | 149 | 139.78358 | 35.64621 | 0101000020E610000020EF552B1379614061A8C30AB7D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:15:45 | 149 | 139.78366 | 35.64612 | 0101000020E61000007FDDE9CE1379614080290307B4D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:16:00 | 149 | 139.78375 | 35.646027 | 0101000020E6100000D2AA967414796140CF2EDFFAB0D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:16:15 | 149 | 139.78383 | 35.64593 | 0101000020E61000002578431A157961401E34BBEEADD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:16:30 | 149 | 139.7839 | 35.64584 | 0101000020E61000008466D7BD157961403DB5FAEAAAD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:16:45 | 149 | 139.78398 | 35.64575 | 0101000020E6100000D7338463167961408CBAD6DEA7D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:17:00 | 149 | 139.78406 | 35.645657 | 0101000020E61000002A01310917796140AC3B16DBA4D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:17:15 | 149 | 139.78413 | 35.64556 | 0101000020E610000089EFC4AC17796140FB40F2CEA1D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:17:30 | 149 | 139.78423 | 35.64547 | 0101000020E6100000DCBC7152187961401AC231CB9ED24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:17:45 | 149 | 139.7843 | 35.64538 | 0101000020E61000002F8A1EF81879614069C70DBF9BD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:18:00 | 149 | 139.78438 | 35.645287 | 0101000020E61000008257CB9D1979614088484DBB98D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:18:15 | 149 | 139.78445 | 35.64519 | 0101000020E6100000E1455F411A796140D74D29AF95D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:18:30 | 149 | 139.78453 | 35.6451 | 0101000020E610000034130CE71A796140F6CE68AB92D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:18:45 | 149 | 139.78462 | 35.64501 | 0101000020E610000033F9669B1B796140573F36C98FD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:19:00 | 149 | 139.78471 | 35.644928 | 0101000020E6100000035B25581C79614059A7CAF78CD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:19:15 | 149 | 139.78479 | 35.644833 | 0101000020E61000006249B9FB1C796140A8ACA6EB89D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:19:30 | 149 | 139.78487 | 35.64474 | 0101000020E6100000C1374D9F1D796140F7B182DF86D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:19:45 | 149 | 139.78494 | 35.64465 | 0101000020E61000002026E1421E79614045B75ED383D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:20:00 | 149 | 139.78502 | 35.644554 | 0101000020E61000007F1475E61E79614094BC3AC780D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:20:15 | 149 | 139.7851 | 35.644463 | 0101000020E6100000EA23F0871F796140E3C116BB7DD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:20:30 | 149 | 139.78517 | 35.644367 | 0101000020E61000004912842B2079614032C7F2AE7AD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:20:45 | 149 | 139.78525 | 35.644276 | 0101000020E6100000A80018CF2079614081CCCEA277D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:21:00 | 149 | 139.78534 | 35.644184 | 0101000020E610000007EFAB7221796140D0D1AA9674D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:21:15 | 149 | 139.78542 | 35.64409 | 0101000020E610000066DD3F16227961401FD7868A71D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:21:30 | 149 | 139.78549 | 35.643997 | 0101000020E6100000C5CBD3B9227961406EDC627E6ED24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:21:45 | 149 | 139.78557 | 35.643906 | 0101000020E610000023BA675D23796140BDE13E726BD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:22:00 | 149 | 139.78564 | 35.64381 | 0101000020E61000009AEAC9FC23796140DC627E6E68D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:22:15 | 149 | 139.78552 | 35.64375 | 0101000020E610000000E484092379614037E2C96E66D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:22:30 | 149 | 139.78542 | 35.643684 | 0101000020E61000003659A31E227961405072874D64D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:22:45 | 149 | 139.78531 | 35.64362 | 0101000020E61000006CCEC133217961409886E12362D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:23:00 | 149 | 139.78519 | 35.643555 | 0101000020E6100000A243E04820796140B1169F0260D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:23:15 | 149 | 139.78508 | 35.64349 | 0101000020E6100000D8B8FE5D1F796140CAA65CE15DD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:23:30 | 149 | 139.78497 | 35.643425 | 0101000020E61000000E2E1D731E796140E3361AC05BD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:23:45 | 149 | 139.78485 | 35.64336 | 0101000020E610000044A33B881D7961402B4B749659D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:24:00 | 149 | 139.78474 | 35.643295 | 0101000020E61000007A185A9D1C79614044DB317557D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:24:15 | 149 | 139.78464 | 35.64323 | 0101000020E6100000B08D78B21B7961405D6BEF5355D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:24:30 | 149 | 139.78453 | 35.643158 | 0101000020E61000009F3C2CD41A796140C498F4F752D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:24:45 | 149 | 139.78442 | 35.64308 | 0101000020E61000005E6743FE19796140E9D66B7A50D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:25:00 | 149 | 139.78432 | 35.643013 | 0101000020E61000007079AC1919796140616F62484ED24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:25:15 | 149 | 139.78418 | 35.64297 | 0101000020E610000059DE550F1879614062A3ACDF4CD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:25:30 | 149 | 139.78406 | 35.642925 | 0101000020E61000004E64E60217796140925B936E4BD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:25:45 | 149 | 139.78394 | 35.642883 | 0101000020E610000036C98FF815796140C2137AFD49D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:26:00 | 149 | 139.7838 | 35.64284 | 0101000020E61000001F2E39EE14796140C347C49448D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:26:15 | 149 | 139.78368 | 35.642796 | 0101000020E61000000893E2E313796140F3FFAA2347D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:26:30 | 149 | 139.78355 | 35.642754 | 0101000020E6100000FC1873D712796140F433F5BA45D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:26:45 | 149 | 139.78342 | 35.642708 | 0101000020E6100000E57D1CCD1179614025ECDB4944D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:27:00 | 149 | 139.7833 | 35.642666 | 0101000020E6100000CEE2C5C21079614055A4C2D842D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:27:15 | 149 | 139.78317 | 35.642624 | 0101000020E6100000B6476FB80F79614056D80C7041D24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:27:30 | 149 | 139.78304 | 35.64258 | 0101000020E6100000ABCDFFAB0E7961408690F3FE3FD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:27:45 | 149 | 139.78291 | 35.642532 | 0101000020E61000009432A9A10D796140B648DA8D3ED24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:28:00 | 149 | 139.78279 | 35.64249 | 0101000020E61000007D9752970C796140B77C24253DD24140
1 | 2021-01-01 08:28:15 | 149 | 139.78265 | 35.64245 | 0101000020E610000065FCFB8C0B796140E7340BB43BD24140
(112 rows)





QGIS3 →  postGISから「新しいpostGIS接続を作成する」

(その前に、docker psで、DBのポート番号を抑えておくこと 0ba7ddf90bf2 pamtrak06/postgis-pgrouting-osm:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" 4 hours ago Up 4 hours>5432/tcp toyosu_postgres_1)






select moving_route_log from request_log_view where user_id = 149;

到着時刻 request_log_view.time_after
出発時刻 request_log_view.time_before
所要時間 request_log_view.distance_on_foot [meter] と、 request_log_view.distance_by_bus [meter]、バスの速さ 30 km/h、人の速さ 3 km/h から計算する。

まず軽く実験 (time_after - time_before < '10 mins'を取り出す)

ca_sim=# select time_after, time_before from request_log_view where time_after - time_before < '10 mins';
time_after | time_before
10:37:15 | 10:28:00
11:49:30 | 11:41:15
20:36:30 | 20:26:45
22:19:15 | 22:09:45
00:00:00 | 23:48:45
00:00:00 | 23:47:30
00:00:00 | 11:25:45
00:00:00 | 23:48:00
00:00:00 | 23:24:15
00:00:00 | 23:59:15
00:00:00 | 23:39:15
00:00:00 | 23:10:30

時刻と時間を表示させてみる 後半の2つは秒数になっている

ca_sim=# select time_after, time_before, distance_on_foot/0.8333, distance_by_bus/8.333 from request_log_view ;
time_after | time_before | ?column? | ?column?
03:37:45 | 03:26:15 | 511.5950243478489 | 84.87666166802921
03:43:30 | 03:22:00 | 494.1959763351471 | 252.84164686899976
03:46:45 | 03:32:00 | 593.0148094595659 | 0
03:52:15 | 03:42:00 | 614.8145339876095 | 0
03:58:45 | 00:27:15 | 1931.1687506562762 | 402.76739975849034


ca_sim=# select time_after, time_before, time_after - time_before, (extract(epoch from (time_after - time_before)::time))::numeric from request_log_view;
time_after | time_before | ?column? | date_part
00:28:00 | 00:16:15 | 00:11:45 | 705
00:32:00 | 00:12:15 | 00:19:45 | 1185
00:40:15 | 00:18:45 | 00:21:30 | 1290
00:41:45 | 00:11:45 | 00:30:00 | 1800
00:43:30 | 00:20:45 | 00:22:45 | 1365

では、本命 (到着時間 ー 出発時間 ー 歩行時間 ー 乗車時間 < 60(秒)以内)の乗客をピックアップしろ。

ca_sim=# select user_id,time_after, time_before, time_after - time_before, distance_on_foot, distance_by_bus from request_log_view where extract(epoch from (time_after - time_before)::time)::numeric - distance_on_foot/0.8333 - distance_by_bus/8.333 < 60;
user_id | time_after | time_before | ?column? | distance_on_foot | distance_by_bus
234 | 00:28:00 | 00:16:15 | 00:11:45 | 563.23376 | 0
275 | 01:23:30 | 01:12:00 | 00:11:30 | 536.52704 | 0
324 | 03:23:15 | 03:07:45 | 00:15:30 | 731.304 | 0
118 | 03:52:15 | 03:42:00 | 00:10:15 | 512.32495 | 0
57 | 04:16:00 | 03:48:00 | 00:28:00 | 1388.9436 | 0
157 | 07:59:45 | 07:47:15 | 00:12:30 | 618.9883 | 0
458 | 07:59:45 | 07:41:45 | 00:18:00 | 898.75244 | 0
397 | 08:37:00 | 08:09:15 | 00:27:45 | 1363.375 | 0
410 | 08:52:00 | 08:27:30 | 00:24:30 | 1221.9526 | 0
395 | 09:52:15 | 09:41:45 | 00:10:30 | 516.0718 | 0
92 | 09:57:00 | 09:36:30 | 00:20:30 | 1023.69165 | 0
310 | 10:02:15 | 09:50:15 | 00:12:00 | 564.49817 | 0
90 | 10:02:45 | 09:50:45 | 00:12:00 | 596.32117 | 0
155 | 10:28:00 | 10:14:15 | 00:13:45 | 671.9812 | 0
178 | 11:49:30 | 11:41:15 | 00:08:15 | 372.38193 | 0
315 | 12:09:15 | 11:56:15 | 00:13:00 | 643.7695 | 0
481 | 12:11:00 | 11:55:45 | 00:15:15 | 685.71277 | 348.4668
399 | 12:11:45 | 11:49:00 | 00:22:45 | 1123.1423 | 0
127 | 15:00:15 | 14:41:30 | 00:18:45 | 913.04913 | 0
404 | 12:13:30 | 11:41:15 | 00:32:15 | 1562.6414 | 0
198 | 12:15:30 | 11:55:30 | 00:20:00 | 959.8891 | 0
32 | 12:48:15 | 12:27:30 | 00:20:45 | 1014.6684 | 0
116 | 13:06:15 | 12:48:00 | 00:18:15 | 911.0616 | 0
130 | 13:25:00 | 13:05:30 | 00:19:30 | 971.8267 | 0
411 | 15:42:00 | 15:26:00 | 00:16:00 | 788.83246 | 0
229 | 14:07:15 | 13:50:30 | 00:16:45 | 835.96875 | 0
61 | 14:15:45 | 14:01:15 | 00:14:30 | 684.7999 | 0
79 | 14:32:15 | 14:21:45 | 00:10:30 | 494.44864 | 0
317 | 22:20:00 | 22:05:00 | 00:15:00 | 730.14026 | 0
133 | 17:00:30 | 16:31:15 | 00:29:15 | 1454.8848 | 0
97 | 17:18:00 | 17:03:30 | 00:14:30 | 682.81305 | 0
193 | 18:29:30 | 18:05:30 | 00:24:00 | 1199.9945 | 0
80 | 18:55:00 | 18:44:15 | 00:10:45 | 497.08746 | 0
271 | 19:48:45 | 19:36:00 | 00:12:45 | 622.33954 | 0
298 | 19:50:15 | 19:36:00 | 00:14:15 | 694.23785 | 0
13 | 19:55:30 | 19:36:00 | 00:19:30 | 961.26294 | 0
496 | 22:19:15 | 22:09:45 | 00:09:30 | 447.28525 | 0
305 | 21:10:30 | 20:44:45 | 00:25:45 | 1262.3821 | 0
283 | 21:14:00 | 21:00:00 | 00:14:00 | 652.0706 | 0
67 | 21:29:00 | 21:05:45 | 00:23:15 | 1158.776 | 0
124 | 22:43:15 | 22:17:00 | 00:26:15 | 1281.6383 | 0
309 | 23:05:00 | 22:46:15 | 00:18:45 | 921.8486 | 0
338 | 00:00:00 | 23:59:15 | -23:59:15 | 0 | 0
(43 rows)


①出発座標と到着座標の距離が近い、かつ、バスに乗っている ユーザIDを取得する。
出発、到着: request_log_view.position_before、request_log_view.position_after
バスに乗っている: request_log_view.distance_by_bus > 0


ca_sim=# select user_id,time_after, time_before, time_after - time_before, distance_on_foot, distance_by_bus from request_log_view where (extract(epoch from (time_after - time_before)::time)::numeric < 600) AND distance_
by_bus/8.333 > 0;
user_id | time_after | time_before | ?column? | distance_on_foot | distance_by_bus
14 | 10:37:15 | 10:28:00 | 00:09:15 | 92.753555 | 982.5703
(1 row)


結局、知り合いの方から教えて貰ったの方法で実現できたみたい (35.65457592, 139.79652749 を中心に300メートル)

ca_sim=# select user_id, ST_AsText(position_before) from request_log_view where st_dwithin(position_before, st_geomfromtext('POINT(139.79652749 35.65457592)', 4326), 0.03233394 / 3600 * 300);
user_id | st_astext
368 | POINT(139.797258 35.65431)
298 | POINT(139.795197 35.656211)
396 | POINT(139.795056 35.656002)
212 | POINT(139.794265 35.655042)


ca_sim=# select user_id, ST_AsText(position_before), ST_AsText(position_after) from request_log_view where st_dwithin(position_before, st_geomfromtext('POINT(1
39.79652749 35.65457592)', 4326), 0.03233394 / 3600 * 300) AND st_dwithin(position_after, st_geomfromtext('POINT(139.78482207 35.64501561)', 4326), 0.03233394 / 3600 * 300);
user_id | st_astext | st_astext
388 | POINT(139.796825 35.653691) | POINT(139.783568 35.645798)
159 | POINT(139.794932 35.65632) | POINT(139.783022 35.645729)
316 | POINT(139.796816 35.656201) | POINT(139.787289 35.644699)
454 | POINT(139.795517 35.655392) | POINT(139.784164 35.646674)
428 | POINT(139.795264 35.655453) | POINT(139.785816 35.64436)
318 | POINT(139.79846 35.653964) | POINT(139.782998 35.643485)
349 | POINT(139.798028 35.654032) | POINT(139.785334 35.643373)
115 | POINT(139.795711 35.6562) | POINT(139.786663 35.645087)
72 | POINT(139.797807 35.656475) | POINT(139.785665 35.643757)
(9 rows)


ca_sim=# SELECT home FROM user_param where st_dwithin("home", st_geomfromtext('POINT(139.79652749 35.65457592)', 4326), 0.03233394 / 3600 * 300);






若者に「世界は広い」といっても無駄 ―― ということを分っていない大人が、多すぎるように思えます。

It seems that there are too many adults who do not understand that it is useless to tell young people that "It is the wide world".

この言葉は、『自殺したい』と思っている若者に、「もっとも心に響かない言葉 No.1」です。

These words are the "No. 1 most nihilistic words" for young people who want to commit suicide.



In the first place, the world is a small place.


The world is the limit of what we can perceive.

他人の世界がどーであるか ―― そんなこと分かりっこない。

There is no way to know what other people's worlds are like.

自己認知できない他人の世界感について、「狭い」だの「浅い」だの語る奴って ―― 真正の馬鹿、だと思う。

People who talk about other people's sense of the world as "small" or "shallow" when they can't even recognize it for themselves, is I think they are true idiots.


Adults abuse the phrase "the world is big" in a condescending way to children's worldview. However, from a child's point of view, they do not understand the worldview of "adults who commit suicide because of unemployment or job loss.


That's what children may think, "If you're worried about death, you can do anything."


I know that the use of the word "the world is wide" to others to be extremely rude in itself.


It is incomprehension, irreverence and disrespect for the worldview of others.



If you really want to help a young guys who wants to commit suicide, what you have to do is

―― その若者の『自殺したい』原因を、物理的に除去する

"Physically eliminate the cause of the young man's "want to commit suicide""


There is only this choice.


It's horribly annoying, and probably expensive and time consuming, but there's no other way.

比して、若者に「世界は広い」と語る奴は ――

In comparison, the one who tells young people that the world is wide,


is a cowardly hypocrite who is simply trying to change his "qualities" with just his mouth, without spending money or time easily.




I don't have the energy to break into and understand the world of others.


Because it is troublesome.

その代わり、誰かに、他人の世界観に分け入って貰って、理解して貰おうとかいう ―― 図々しいことも考えません。

Instead, I don't even think that I'd like someone to share in and understand the world of others


Well, for me


"The world isn't big, but over time, the world can change on its own, so you can wait it out"


"I've been able to surpass that a few times just by using the 'don't think about it, just live it' strategy.


I will only say that.



Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.


踊るバズワード ~Behind the Buzzword(10)ブロックチェーン(4):


Dancing Buzzword - Behind the Buzzword (10) Blockchain(4)

Trying to use the rebel currency, Bitcoin.



I think I've written about this somewhere before, but once when I was asked, "How do you write a patent specification? I answered

―― 絵本のように書く

"Write like a picture book"




"Once upon a time, there were,


the first means of transferring the location information of the object in real time,


the second means of receiving said location information,


the third means of displaying said location information on a map.


という3つの手段の図が記載された上に、その図を簡潔に説明する一枚の絵本のページ ――

A picture book page with a diagram of the three measures and a brief description of the diagram, inside the facing page.


This is the essence of a patent specification, I said.



My columns are often said to be "long," but the actual text is not that voluminous.


It just looks long because I throw in about 20 charts and tables every time.


Therefore, I think of myself as "drawing picture books" rather than "writing columns"



Well, even if it were a "picture book", it would certainly be "long", and basically "long" things are "hard to read".


But that's okay.


Because I am writing for the "future me".


I don't want the future me to read my column and "lose track of what I wrote in the past.


例えば ――

For example --


When I receive a notice of reasons for rejection from the examiner of the Patent Office, which comes about two years after the filing of the application, I re-read my patent specification and I come to think every time,

―― 私は、一体、何を言いたかったんだ?

"What the hell was I trying to say?"

と、思ってしまうのです ―― 毎回。



In order to deliver my column to the future me, I have to write a complete account of what I was thinking, without any omissions.


The diagrams, tables, and illustrations are all for the "future me".


Well, if the theme is disjointed, as it was in this case, the top management (the editorial department) may order, or even "request," a division.



で、昔なんかやったことがあるな、と思い出しながら、「WP Add Mime Types」というプラグインをインストールしたのを思い出しました。






官能の人工知能 ~深層学習を最も分かりやすく説明するパラダイムOver the AI ―― AIの向こう側に(22)

"Artificial Intelligence in Sensuality -- The paradigm that most clearly explains deep learning
Over the AI -- Beyond AI (22)

I could not find the source code (cpp) used in the following, so I am attaching it.


simple-cnn 8x8


Code for destructive experiments

口に出せない介護問題の真実 ~「働き方改革」の問題点とは何なのか
The Truth About Unspoken Nursing Care Issues - What is the Problem with "Workplace Reform"?

