(Continuation from yesterday)
Yesterday, I wrote about the fact that the elderly cannot change.
私の中にある、もっとも古い記憶は ―― 小さいブラウン管の白黒テレビです。
The earliest memory I have is of a small cathode-ray tube black and white TV.
記憶にはないのですが、私の時代と重なっているはずのことでは ―― 冷蔵庫とは、近所までやってくる「氷屋」から氷の塊を購入して、それを庫内に入れる、というものでした。
I don't remember that, however, as far as my time is concerned, a refrigerator was one where they would buy a block of ice from an "ice man" who would come to your neighborhood and put it in the refrigerator.
The washing machine was a two-tank type, and dehydration was done with manual rollers.
I think the microwave oven initially cost about 400,000 yen.
A word processor was about 2 million yen.
A PC-9800 without an OS was about 500,000 yen for a full set.
Anyone who could use a computer (before they were called "Otaku") was the "perfect technical elite".
しかし ―― 今や、スマホは国民全員が所有するものと『決めつけられました』。
However -- we have now been 'decided' that every citizen should own a smartphone.
Self-employed people are forced to use their PCs to file their tax returns, and citizens are encouraged to use their My Number cards to obtain documents for government services at convenience stores.
何がいいたいかというと ―― デジタル化について行けない、私たち高齢者はそんなに『悪い』か?
What I'm trying to say is -- are we older people so 'bad' that we can't keep up with the digitalization?
No, no, no, I understand.
I know that I am the one who is blaming the elderly for not being able to use digital technology.
To be frank,
―― もし、あなたが、同じような時系列、立場で、技術の進化やイノベーションに追い立てられたとして、『普通に今のデジタル技術を使いこなすことができた』と断言できますか?
"If you were driven by technological evolution and innovation in a similar timeline and position, can you say with certainty that you could normally use today's digital technology?
Well, all you elderly people, including me.
Not all of them, of course, but the majority of the people were able to go about their lives in a peaceful country without being directly involved in the ravages of war.
Hopefully, we will not be directly involved in the ravages of war and will be able to die.
We've been caught up in a "digital" disaster, but let's just say it's tolerable.
私たちが邪険にされ続けることで、私たちの世界はより良くなって行くのです ―― 多分。
The more we continue to be wicked, the better our world will become -- maybe.